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mjs's Introduction

mJS: Restricted JavaScript engine



mJS is designed for microcontrollers with limited resources. Main design goals are: small footprint and simple C/C++ interoperability. mJS implements a strict subset of ES6 (JavaScript version 6):

  • Any valid mJS code is a valid ES6 code.
  • Any valid ES6 code is not necessarily a valid mJS code.

On 32-bit ARM mJS engine takes about 50k of flash memory, and less than 1k of RAM (see intro article). mJS is part of MongooseOS, where it enables scripting for IoT devices.


  • No standard library. No String, Number, RegExp, Date, Function, etc.
  • JSON.parse() and JSON.stringify() are available.
  • No closures, only lexical scoping (i.e. nested functions are allowed).
  • No exceptions.
  • No new. In order to create an object with a custom prototype, use Object.create(), which is available.
  • Strict mode only.
  • No var, only let.
  • No for..of, =>, destructors, generators, proxies, promises.
  • No getters, setters, valueOf, prototypes, classes, template strings.
  • No == or !=, only === and !==.
  • mJS strings are byte strings, not Unicode strings: 'ы'.length === 2, 'ы'[0] === '\xd1', 'ы'[1] === '\x8b'. mJS string can represent any binary data chunk.

Built-in API

print(arg1, arg2, ...);
Print arguments to stdout, separated by space.
load('file.js', obj);
Execute file file.js. obj paramenter is optional. obj is a global namespace object. If not specified, a current global namespace is passed to the script, which allows file.js to modify the current namespace.
Exit interpreter with the given error message
let value = JSON.parse(str);
Parse JSON string and return parsed value.
let str = JSON.stringify(value);
Get string representation of the mJS value.
let proto = {foo: 1}; let o = Object.create(proto);
Create an object with the provided prototype.
'some_string'.slice(start, end);
Return a substring between two indices. Example: 'abcdef'.slice(1,3) === 'bc';
Return numeric byte value at given string index. Example: 'abc'.at(0) === 0x61;
'abc'.indexOf(substr[, fromIndex]);
Return index of first occurence of substr within the string or `-1` if not found. 'abc'.indexOf('bc') === 1;
Return 1-byte string whose ASCII code is the integer `n`. If `n` is not numeric or outside of `0-255` range, `null` is returned. Example: chr(0x61) === 'a';
let a = [1,2,3,4,5]; a.splice(start, deleteCount, ...);
Change the contents of an array by removing existing elements and/or adding new elements. Example: let a = [1,2,3,4,5]; a.splice(1, 2, 100, 101, 102); a === [1,100,101,102,4,5];
let s = mkstr(ptrVar, length);
Create a string backed by a C memory chunk. A string s starts at memory location ptrVar, and is length bytes long.
let s = mkstr(ptrVar, offset, length, copy = false);
Like `mkstr(ptrVar, length)`, but string s starts at memory location ptrVar + offset, and the caller can specify whether the string needs to be copied to the internal mjs buffer. By default it's not copied.
let f = ffi('int foo(int)');
Import C function into mJS. See next section.
Perform garbage collection. If `full` is `true`, reclaim RAM to OS.

C/C++ interoperability

mJS requires no glue code. The mJS's Foreign Function Interface (FFI) allows the user to call an existing C function with an arbitrary signature. Currently mJS provides a simple implementation of the FFI trampoline that supports up to 6 32-bit arguments, or up to 2 64-bit arguments:

let floor = ffi('double floor(double)');

Function arguments should be simple: only int, double, char *, void * are supported. Use char * for NUL-terminated C strings, void * for any other pointers. In order to import more complex functions (e.g. the ones that use structures as arguments), write wrappers.


Callbacks are implemented similarly. Consider that you have a C function that takes a callback and user data void * pointer, which should be marked as userdata in the signature:

void timer(int seconds, void (*callback)(int, void *), void *user_data);

This is how to make an mJS callback - note the usage of userdata:

let Timer = {
  set: ffi('void timer(int, void (*)(int, userdata), userdata)')

Timer.set(200, function(t) {
  print('Time now: ', t);
}, null);

Symbol resolver

In order to make FFI work, mJS must be able to get the address of a C function by its name. On POSIX systems, dlsym() API can do that. On Windows, GetProcAddress(). On embedded systems, a system resolver should be either manually written, or be implemented with some aid from a firmware linker script. mJS resolver uses dlsym-compatible signature.

Converting structs to objects

mJS provides a helper to facilitate coversion of C structs to JS objects. The functions is called s2o and takes two parameters: foreign pointer to the struct and foreign pointer to the struct's descriptor which specifies names and offsets of the struct's members. Here's an simple example:

C/C++ side code:

#include "mjs.h"

struct my_struct {
  int a;
  const char *b;
  double c;
  struct mg_str d;
  struct mg_str *e;
  float f;
  bool g;

static const struct mjs_c_struct_member my_struct_descr[] = {
  {"a", offsetof(struct my_struct, a), MJS_STRUCT_FIELD_TYPE_INT, NULL},
  {"b", offsetof(struct my_struct, b), MJS_STRUCT_FIELD_TYPE_CHAR_PTR, NULL},
  {"c", offsetof(struct my_struct, c), MJS_STRUCT_FIELD_TYPE_DOUBLE, NULL},
  {"d", offsetof(struct my_struct, d), MJS_STRUCT_FIELD_TYPE_MG_STR, NULL},
  {"e", offsetof(struct my_struct, e), MJS_STRUCT_FIELD_TYPE_MG_STR_PTR, NULL},
  {"f", offsetof(struct my_struct, f), MJS_STRUCT_FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT, NULL},
  {"g", offsetof(struct my_struct, g), MJS_STRUCT_FIELD_TYPE_BOOL, NULL},

const struct mjs_c_struct_member *get_my_struct_descr(void) {
  return my_struct_descr;

JS side code:

// Assuming `s` is a foreign pointer to an instance of `my_struct`, obtained elsewhere.
let sd = ffi('void *get_my_struct_descr(void)')();
let o = s2o(s, sd);
print(o.a, o.b);

Nested structs are also supported - use MJS_STRUCT_FIELD_TYPE_STRUCT field type and provide pointer to the definition:

struct my_struct2 {
  int8_t i8;
  int16_t i16;
  uint8_t u8;
  uint16_t u16;

static const struct mjs_c_struct_member my_struct2_descr[] = {
  {"i8", offsetof(struct my_struct2, i8), MJS_STRUCT_FIELD_TYPE_INT8, NULL},
  {"i16", offsetof(struct my_struct2, i16), MJS_STRUCT_FIELD_TYPE_INT16, NULL},
  {"u8", offsetof(struct my_struct2, u8), MJS_STRUCT_FIELD_TYPE_UINT8, NULL},
  {"u16", offsetof(struct my_struct2, u16), MJS_STRUCT_FIELD_TYPE_UINT16, NULL},

struct my_struct {
  struct my_struct2 s;
  struct my_struct2 *sp;

static const struct mjs_c_struct_member my_struct_descr[] = {
  {"s", offsetof(struct my_struct, s), MJS_STRUCT_FIELD_TYPE_STRUCT, my_struct2_descr},
  {"sp", offsetof(struct my_struct, sp), MJS_STRUCT_FIELD_TYPE_STRUCT_PTR, my_struct2_descr},

For complicated cases, a custom conversion function can be invoked that returns value:

mjs_val_t custom_value_func(struct mjs *mjs, void *ap) {
  /* Do something with ap, construct and return mjs_val_t */

static const struct mjs_c_struct_member my_struct_descr[] = {
  {"x", offsetof(struct my_struct, x), MJS_STRUCT_FIELD_TYPE_CUSTOM, custom_value_func},

Complete embedding example

We export C function foo to the JS environment and call it from the JS.

#include "strings.h"
#include "mjs.h"

void foo(int x) {
  printf("Hello %d!\n", x);

void *my_dlsym(void *handle, const char *name) {
  if (strcmp(name, "foo") == 0) return foo;
  return NULL;

int main(void) {
  struct mjs *mjs = mjs_create();
  mjs_set_ffi_resolver(mjs, my_dlsym);
  mjs_exec(mjs, "let f = ffi('void foo(int)'); f(1234)", NULL);
  return 0;

Compile & run:

$ cc main.c mjs.c -o /tmp/x && /tmp/x
Hello 1234!

Build stand-alone mJS binary


$ make

Use as a simple calculator:

$ ./build/mjs -e '1 + 2 * 3'

FFI standard C functions:

$ ./build/mjs -e 'ffi("double sin(double)")(1.23)'

View generated bytecode:

$ ./build/mjs -l 3 -e '2 + 2'
    DATA_STACK (0 elems):
    CALL_STACK (0 elems):
        SCOPES (1 elems):  [<object>]
  LOOP_OFFSETS (0 elems):
  0   BCODE_HDR [<stdin>] size:28
  21  PUSH_INT  2
  23  PUSH_INT  2
  25  EXPR      +
  27  EXIT
  28  NOP

The stand-alone binary uses dlsym() symbol resolver, that's why ffi("double sin(double)")(1.23) works.


mJS is released under commercial and GNU GPL v.2 open source licenses.

Commercial Projects: once your project becomes commercialised, GPLv2 licensing dictates that you need to either open your source fully or purchase a commercial license. Cesanta offer full, royalty-free commercial licenses without any GPL restrictions. If your needs require a custom license, we’d be happy to work on a solution with you. Contact us for pricing

Prototyping: While your project is still in prototyping stage and not for sale, you can use MJS’s open source code without license restrictions.

mjs's People


alashkin avatar cpq avatar dimonomid avatar eliot-akira avatar novlean avatar paulrouget avatar rojer avatar ruslanvaliullin avatar timgates42 avatar zserge avatar


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mjs's Issues

mjs/mjs make generates errors about missing common/mg_str.h

mkdir -p build
clang -lm -W -Wall -g -I. -I.. -Isrc -DMJS_MAIN -DMJS_EXPOSE_PRIVATE -DCS_ENABLE_STDIO -DMJS_ENABLE_DEBUG -DCS_MMAP -Wl,--no-as-needed -ldl src/../../common/cs_dbg.c src/../../common/cs_file.c src/../../common/cs_varint.c src/../../common/mbuf.c src/../../common/str_util.c src/../../frozen/frozen.c src/ffi/ffi.c src/mjs_array.c src/mjs_bcode.c src/mjs_builtin.c src/mjs_conversion.c src/mjs_core.c src/mjs_dataview.c src/mjs_exec.c src/mjs_ffi.c src/mjs_gc.c src/mjs_json.c src/mjs_main.c src/mjs_object.c src/mjs_parser.c src/mjs_primitive.c src/mjs_string.c src/mjs_tok.c src/mjs_util.c -o build/mjs
In file included from src/../../common/cs_dbg.c:13:
../common/str_util.h:13:10: fatal error: 'common/mg_str.h' file not found
#include "common/mg_str.h"
1 error generated.

i compile mjs by arm-none-eabi-gcc,the code is very large

i put mjs.h and mjs.c into a empty project ,define MARCO #define CS_PLATFORM CS_P_STM32 in mjs.h.
then compile the project by arm-none-eabi-gcc,the code is very large.

'Invoking: Cross ARM GNU Print Size'
arm-none-eabi-size --format=berkeley "test.elf"
   text	   data	    bss	    dec	    hex	filename
 110796	   2772	    356	 113924	  1bd04	test.elf
Finished building: test.siz

the compile command is
arm-none-eabi-gcc -mcpu=cortex-m3 -mthumb -O0 -fmessage-length=0 -fsigned-char -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections --specs=nosys.specs -g3 -T "D:\workspace\test\START\stm32_flash.ld" -Xlinker --gc-sections -Wl,-Map,"" -o "test.elf" ./mjs/mjs.o ./USER/io.o ./USER/main.o ./USER/uart.o ./START/startup/startup_stm32f10x_md.o ./START/system_stm32f10x.o ./LIB/stm32f10x_gpio.o ./LIB/stm32f10x_rcc.o ./LIB/stm32f10x_tim.o ./LIB/stm32f10x_usart.o ./CMSIS/core_cm3.o

SequenceExpressions are not parsed correctly

SequenceExpressions (i.e. comma-separated expressions) are used as a minification strategy in most minifiers (i.e. babili, uglifyjs) but they cause mjs to error out:

// this is valid javascript
// should result in:
// 1
// 2

^ this causes mjs to error out at runtime: MJS error: parse error at line 1: [,print('2']

This specific case can be solved by using a semicolon instead of a comma, but this doesn't work for when a minifier uses a sequence expression in a return statement.

I understand the goal of being a restricted JS engine, but parser support for sequence expressions would be very useful for reserving space in mos firmwares that use mjs. By running my firmware through a minifier first, I can improve performance and squeeze more code into the microcontroller.

floor example do not work on esp8266


let floor = ffi('double floor(double)');

mgos_app_init MJS exec error: failed to call FFI signature "double floor(double)": cannot resolve function �

Non-amalgated source

Hi. mjs.c seems to be generated/combined from many individual .c files.

Is the non-amalgated source available anywhere, or do you have plans to provide this?

array push

any plan to implement array.push() as built in function?

slice() throws MJS exec error: type error

let s = "hello";
print(s); // => hello
print(s.length); // =>5
let b = s.slice(1,3); // => mgos_app_init MJS exec error: type error
print(b); // => nothing output

wrong bcode offset on function parameter TYPE_ERROR

Here is the test case:

./build/mjs -e "let y = {foo: function(s){return s}, foo2: function(){'xxx' + 10)}}; y.foo2();"
  at <stdin>:1
  at <stdin>:1
ERROR: wrong bcode offset -2147483648
  at <unknown-filename>:1

This is the js file in pretty format:

let y = {
    foo: function(s) {
        return s;
    foo2: function() {
        return'xxx' + 10);


Minor bug in parser

I am writing up the grammar for mjs. While doing so I discovered that a parenthesized expression as a literal does not correctly check for a closing parenthesis. Any character seems to work fine:
$ mjs -e '(123+5]+6'
yields 134 without a syntax error.

Add API for SPI

Now that SPI support has been added to Mongoose OS. Would it be possible to add the API to mjs. Thanks!

mJs UART API performance problems

I try the mJs UART APIs to receive datas on ESP32 uart port.

Data rate: 46 bytes per 20ms, total 23000 bytes in 10s.

There are some performance problems.

let rxAcc = ""; // to store all the bytes received
let rx_total = 0; // total number of received bytes
// Configure UART at 115200 baud
  baudRate: 115200,

UART.setDispatcher(1, function(uartNo, ud) {
  let ra = UART.readAvail(uartNo);
  if (ra > 0) {
    let data =;
    rxAcc += data;
    rx_total += data.length;  
}, null);

// Enable Rx
UART.setRxEnabled(1, true);

UART.write(1,"go");  // signal, a nodejs serialport connected to EPS32 will start 
                        sending data

Timer.set(15000 /* milliseconds */, false /* repeat */, function() {
  print("rxAcc lent: "); // =>13150, some datas are lost by rxAcc += data; !!!
  print("rx_total: ");  // =>23000, all the datas are transfered from C to mJs.
}, null);

Here, rx_total = 23000 means that all the datas are received and transfered to mJs by mongoose os kernel.
And, rxAcc.length = 13510 means some datas are lost when "rxAcc += data" is executed !!!

If I change the data rate to 46 bytes per 40ms , rxAcc.length = 23000 all the time, no bytes are lost.

If I delete the "rxAcc += data" line, no data will be lost at the MAX data rate: 46 bytes per 7ms, about 52500bps. Code is here:

UART.setDispatcher(1, function(uartNo, ud) { let ra = UART.readAvail(uartNo); if (ra > 0) { let data =; // rxAcc += data; rx_total += data.length; } }, null);

I have tried to tune the rx buffer size to 1024/2048, the same result.

My questions are:

  1. How can I store datas without losing at data rate: 46 bytes per 20ms?

  2. Is 52500bps the TOP speed of mJs UART APIs?

  3. Is there some way to improve the performance of mJs UART APIs?

Issue in ffi parser?

I've made a small toy environment for controlling strips of neopixels.

I think I hit a bug in the FFI parser.

With the following JS:

let fade = ffi("void fade(int keep)");
let update = ffi("void update()");
let rgb = ffi("void rgb(int p, int r, int g, int b)");
let rgbl = ffi("void rgbl(int p, int r, int g, int b, int keep)");
let hue = ffi("void hue(int p, int h)");
let msleep = ffi("void msleep(int ms)");

let i = 0;
let j = 0;
while (true) {
  hue(i, j);
  i = (i + 1) % 10;
  j = (j + 13) & 768;

It crashes with the error:

failed to call FFI signature "void hue(int p, int h)": wrong arg type: failed to parse val type "int p"

I don't see any error with this line. I'm using the same syntax and conventions of the other ffi lines that appear to work.

High cpu load on memory increase

CPU load almost 100% on mjs manage about 3M memory.

Here is my test code and data, tested on osx x86_64.


#include "mjs.h"
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/time.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     * prepare big object
    char strbuf[10000];
    int len = 0;
    FILE *fp = fopen("./x.json", "r");
    if (fp) {
        memset(strbuf, 0x0, sizeof(strbuf));
        len = fread(strbuf, 1, 10000, fp);
        printf("read %d bytes from x.json\n", len);
    } else {
        printf("can't open x.json\n");
        return 1;

    struct mjs *jsm = mjs_create();

    mjs_set_ffi_resolver(jsm, dlsym);

    mjs_err_t jerr;
    mjs_val_t res;
    jerr = mjs_exec_file(jsm, "./x.js", &res);
    if (jerr != MJS_OK) {
        printf("%s\n", mjs_strerror(jsm, jerr));

    mjs_val_t global = mjs_get_global(jsm);
    mjs_val_t object = mjs_get(jsm, global, "myObject", ~0);
    mjs_val_t function = mjs_get(jsm, object, "test_func", ~0);

    struct timeval total_tvs, total_tve;
    gettimeofday(&total_tvs, NULL);

    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
        struct timeval tvs, tve;
        gettimeofday(&tvs, NULL);

        mjs_val_t a1 = mjs_mk_string(jsm, strbuf, len, 0);

        jerr = mjs_call(jsm, &res, function, object, 1, a1);
        if (jerr != MJS_OK) {
            printf("%s", mjs_strerror(jsm, jerr));

        gettimeofday(&tve, NULL);

        //unsigned long ela = (tve.tv_sec - tvs.tv_sec) * 1000000ul + (tve.tv_usec - tvs.tv_usec);
        printf("call %d elapsed %d seconds\n", i, tve.tv_sec - tvs.tv_sec);

    gettimeofday(&total_tve, NULL);

    printf("totoal elapsed %d seconds\n", total_tve.tv_sec - total_tvs.tv_sec);


    return 0;


let myObject = {
    arrs: [],
    test_func: function(orders) {
        this.arrs[this.arrs.length] = JSON.parse(orders);



Here is the output:

read 9705 bytes from x.json
call 0 elapsed 0 seconds
call 1 elapsed 0 seconds
call 2 elapsed 0 seconds
call 3 elapsed 0 seconds
call 4 elapsed 0 seconds
call 5 elapsed 0 seconds
call 6 elapsed 0 seconds
call 7 elapsed 0 seconds
call 8 elapsed 0 seconds
call 9 elapsed 0 seconds
call 10 elapsed 0 seconds
call 11 elapsed 0 seconds
call 12 elapsed 0 seconds
call 13 elapsed 0 seconds
call 14 elapsed 0 seconds
call 15 elapsed 1 seconds
call 16 elapsed 0 seconds
call 17 elapsed 0 seconds
call 18 elapsed 0 seconds
call 19 elapsed 1 seconds
call 20 elapsed 0 seconds
call 21 elapsed 0 seconds
call 22 elapsed 1 seconds
call 23 elapsed 0 seconds
call 24 elapsed 0 seconds
call 25 elapsed 0 seconds
call 26 elapsed 1 seconds
call 27 elapsed 1 seconds
call 28 elapsed 1 seconds
call 29 elapsed 1 seconds
call 30 elapsed 1 seconds
call 31 elapsed 1 seconds
call 32 elapsed 1 seconds
call 33 elapsed 1 seconds
call 34 elapsed 0 seconds
call 35 elapsed 1 seconds
call 36 elapsed 1 seconds
call 37 elapsed 1 seconds
call 38 elapsed 1 seconds
call 39 elapsed 1 seconds
call 40 elapsed 1 seconds
call 41 elapsed 4 seconds
call 42 elapsed 5 seconds
call 43 elapsed 3 seconds
call 44 elapsed 4 seconds
call 45 elapsed 3 seconds
call 46 elapsed 2 seconds
call 47 elapsed 3 seconds
call 48 elapsed 1 seconds
call 49 elapsed 1 seconds
call 50 elapsed 1 seconds
call 51 elapsed 2 seconds
call 52 elapsed 4 seconds
call 53 elapsed 2 seconds
call 54 elapsed 1 seconds
call 55 elapsed 1 seconds
call 56 elapsed 3 seconds
call 57 elapsed 3 seconds
call 58 elapsed 3 seconds
call 59 elapsed 1 seconds
call 60 elapsed 2 seconds
call 61 elapsed 4 seconds
call 62 elapsed 10 seconds
call 63 elapsed 7 seconds
call 64 elapsed 8 seconds
call 65 elapsed 8 seconds
call 66 elapsed 9 seconds
call 67 elapsed 13 seconds
call 68 elapsed 7 seconds
call 69 elapsed 2 seconds
call 70 elapsed 2 seconds
call 71 elapsed 4 seconds
call 72 elapsed 6 seconds
call 73 elapsed 4 seconds
call 74 elapsed 2 seconds
call 75 elapsed 3 seconds
call 76 elapsed 4 seconds
call 77 elapsed 7 seconds
call 78 elapsed 5 seconds
call 79 elapsed 2 seconds
call 80 elapsed 3 seconds
call 81 elapsed 5 seconds
call 82 elapsed 8 seconds
call 83 elapsed 6 seconds
call 84 elapsed 2 seconds
call 85 elapsed 3 seconds
call 86 elapsed 6 seconds
call 87 elapsed 9 seconds
call 88 elapsed 6 seconds
call 89 elapsed 3 seconds
call 90 elapsed 4 seconds
call 91 elapsed 6 seconds
call 92 elapsed 14 seconds
call 93 elapsed 17 seconds
call 94 elapsed 19 seconds
call 95 elapsed 18 seconds
call 96 elapsed 20 seconds
call 97 elapsed 25 seconds
call 98 elapsed 20 seconds
call 99 elapsed 20 seconds
totoal elapsed 387 seconds

My load:

4750  load         98.8 01:27.67 1/1  0    10   2240K  0B   0B   4750 978  running *0[1]      0.00000 0.00000    501  1310  126  36   15   110  63   72816+ 0    0    98.8

include in esp32 firmware

hello, i would like to integrate mjs into my firmware but i can not understand how to do it. I tried to include the sources but I can not compile. thank you

ffi exports are not parsed correctly

It seems that at build time, when uses of ffi() are searched for in the JS code, the search also checks comments.

For instance, the following code can cause the build to error out:

// just to kill things: ffi('void non-existent-function(double)')

Which means that when debugging, if I want to comment out the ffi() use, I have to change the name of the function to ffi_ or anything else - I can't just comment it out.

Perhaps the defining of ffi_exports can be moved into a header file (i.e. main.h) or through main.c since they are converted to C anyways during the build process. Having the build process pull it out of the JS can lead to other issues as well and gives the illusion of dynamic interoperability - which isn't really the case anyways.

"no userdata arg" problem

Hello! I'm trying to bind this c function:

void sc_register_callback(void (*_callback)(char *)){

with mjs like so:

ffi('void sc_register_callback(void (*)(char *))')

but mjs keeps asking about userdata arg:

MJS error: failed to exec file "api_websocket.js": bad ffi signature: "void sc_register_callback(void (*)(char ))": bad ffi signature: "void ()(char *)": no userdata arg

Implement into a custom os

I'm trying to implement mjs into my own os called RossOS, and I'm just getting reboots and page faults.

Functions aren't considered objects

Functions are not considered objects, though in JS everything is an object.

Sample code:

let a = function () {
  // stuff

 // errors out
a.test = {}

Sample stack trace:

MJS error: parse error at line 6: [.test = {}]

Another test:

$ mjs -e '(function(){let a=function(){};a.test={}}())'
  at <stdin>:1
  at <stdin>:1
MJS error: unsupported object type

migration from v7 to mjs: v7_interrupt

In old v7 versions there was v7_interrupt in order to
"It sets a flag that will cause the interpreter to throw an InterruptedError"
is this available in mjs or the only way is to invoke internal die()?

ffi_exports.c errors

Today, when I build my mos project, I get much more ffi_exports.c erros, like this:

/app/build/gen/ffi_exports.c:146:6: error: conflicting types for 'mgos_conf_value_type'
int mgos_conf_value_type(void *);
/app/build/gen/ffi_exports.c:145:6: note: previous declaration of 'mgos_conf_value_type' was here
void mgos_conf_value_type(void);

The mos project can be built some days ago.
I have updated the mos tool.

array.splice() bug on deleteCount = 0

./build/mjs -e "let x = [{'f': 1}, {'f':2}, {'f':3}]; x.splice(1,0, {'f': 100}); print(JSON.stringify(x));"

{'f': 2} not moved to new position.

How can I extend mjs


There is no problem when use mjs. But How can I modify it? e.g. include var keyword, or String functions.

And I find It's hard to debug mjs(the source code is mixed by multi file).

Any information or suggest about this? Thanks.

support for mJS with stm32f100R8

Hi, I'll like help about this;
I like the idea of a interpreter for stm32f100 with 128k of memory ROM.
I tried compiled for this, and I have this problems:

../mJS/mjs.c:1526:20: fatal error: memory.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
Makefile:123: recipe for target 'build/mjs.o' failed
make: *** [build/mjs.o] Error 1

and this is similary for
#include <stm32_sdk_hal.h>

fine, I searched about this (stm32_sdk_hal.h) and I did not get results.
Can you help me, some configuration that i can follow ?
Thank you,



lemonhall@HalldeMacBook-Pro:~/Downloads/mjs/mjs$ make
Makefile:87: ../ No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target `../'.  Stop.

invalid JSON string on JSON.parse() when object has more than 20 nodes

As mentioned on title, tested under osx and x86_64 linux.

Here is my exe.c

#include <dlfcn.h>

#include "mjs.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    if (argc < 2) {
        printf("useage: %s js file\n", argv[0]);
        return 1;

    struct mjs *jsm = mjs_create();
    mjs_set_ffi_resolver(jsm, dlsym);

    mjs_err_t jserr;
    mjs_val_t res;

    jserr = mjs_exec_file(jsm, argv[1], &res);
    if (jserr != MJS_OK) {
        printf("%s\n", mjs_strerror(jsm, jserr));

    mjs_println(jsm, res);

    return 0;

And there are two js file: 1.js, 2.js

let x = '{"a":1,"b":1,"c":1,"d":1,"e":1,"f":1,"g":1,"h":1,"i":1,"j":1,"k":1,"l":1,"m":1,"n":1,"o":1,"p":1,"q":1,"r":1,"s":1,"t":1}';

let xo = JSON.parse(x);
let x = '{"a":1,"b":1,"c":1,"d":1,"e":1,"f":1,"g":1,"h":1,"i":1,"j":1,"k":1,"l":1,"m":1,"n":1,"o":1,"p":1,"q":1,"r":1,"s":1,"t":1, "u": 1}';

let xo = JSON.parse(x);

Here is the output:
maliang@bogon ~/tmp/x/mjs$ ./exec 1.js
[object Object]
maliang@bogon ~/tmp/x/mjs$ ./exec 2.js
invalid JSON string

When I use cc mjs.c -DMJS_MAIN -D_DARWIN_C_SOURCE -o mjsexec, and the later js work ok when it is the command parameter
maliang@bogon ~/tmp/x/mjs$ ./mjsexec -e "let x = '{"a":1,"b":1,"c":1,"d":1,"e":1,"f":1,"g":1,"h":1,"i":1,"j":1,"k":1,"l":1,"m":1,"n":1,"o":1,"p":1,"q":1,"r":1,"s":1,"t":1, "u":1,"v":1}'; let xo = JSON.parse(x)"
[object Object]

mjs not compiling

mjs will not compile any more as a library with mongoose-os mos tool on esp8266

the compillation-error output boils down to these lines around the new changes:
In function 'mjs_fprintf':
/tmp/fwbuild-volumes/users/test/esp8266mos_rebuild/build_requests/build_req_065270790/modules/mjs/mjs.c:12534:7: error: array subscript has type 'char' [-Werror=char-subscripts]
if (isprint(s[i])) {

am i doing something wrong?

~/.mos/bin/mos update
Up to date.
author: Daniel Jürgen
description: Just a mos-project
version: 0.5.7
arch: esp8266
mongoose_os_version: master

.length throws MJS exec error: type error

let s = "hello";
print(s); // => hello
print(s.length); // => mgos_app_init MJS exec error: type error

s.length throws MJS exec error: type error.

=> means outputs

condition express parse bug

On conditional express, such as if (expa && expb), if expa is false, expb should not be excuted.

for example:

maliang@bogon ~/code/mjs/mjs$ ./build/mjs -e "let a = 1, b = 2; if (a > 1 && (b = b+1) > 2) print(a); print(b)"

b should not add 1

More readable error trace

Is there any function to trace the js execution error, like v7_printf_error() in v7?

I use mjs_str_error() currently, and it's output isn't readable as much as v7_printf_error(), especially error occured with in multipile js files.

Here is my test js files:


let x = {
    floor: ffi('double floor(double)'),
    floor2: ffi('double floor_unexist(double)')



let y = {
    foo: function(n) {
        return x.floor(n);
    foo2: function(n) {
        return x.floor2(n);

Here is the error output:
maliang@bogon ~/code/mjs/mjs$ ./build/mjs tests/2.js
at tests/2.js:8
at tests/2.js:14

There are 3 main problem:

  1. tests/1.js not appeared in error string.
  2. js function names not appeared in error string.
  3. no ffi failed (change mjs_strerror(mjs, mjs->error) to mjs_strerror(mjs, res) will have failed to call FFI...)

BTW, If I have some spell mistake in 1.js. e.g.:

let x = {
    floor: ffi('double floor(double)');
    floor2: ffi('double floor_unexist(double)')

Error trace message can't totoaly understood.
maliang@bogon ~/code/mjs/mjs$ ./build/mjs tests/2.js
at tests/2.js:1
If i use mjs_strerror(mjs, res) instead of mjs_strerror(mjs, mjs->error):
at tests/2.js:1

Segmentation Faults 2017-05-10

I was using American Fuzzy Lop (afl-fuzz) to fuzz input the mjs program on Linux. Is fixing the crashes from these input files something you're interested in? The input files can be found here: I used mjs compiled from git commit 8fe46f1, as mentioned in issue #32. If there is a better way to compile this for Linux on x86_64 please let me know so I can use the latest version.

The files can be executed as ./mjs id_filename to cause seg faults.

Let me know if I can provide any more information to help narrow down this issue.

mg_base64_decode error in ffi

I use mg_base64_decode to do base64 decode work on ESP32.

let n = ffi('int mg_base64_decode(void *, int, void *)')(src, len, dst);

when n < 1580, It can work.
when n >1580, It will crash:
ERROR: wrong bcode offset 18443
at :1
MJS callback error: implicit type conversion is prohibited

can i build it vs 2017?

i am getting errors building it on visual studio 2017?

has anyone compiled it on windows?

Wrong return value in callback function

I'm working on STM32F103C8 (Blue-Pill) and am unable to understand the basics of callbacks, at least so it seems since I don't get the expected results.

Here is my C code, just a simple callback test:

void (*my_callback)(int, void *);
void *my_user_data;

void timer(int seconds, void (*callback)(int, void *), void *user_data) {
	my_callback = callback;
	my_user_data = user_data;

void *my_dlsym(void *handle, const char *name) {
	if (strcmp(name, "timer") == 0)
		return (void *) timer;
	return NULL;

int main() {
	struct mjs *mjs = mjs_create();
	mjs_set_ffi_resolver(mjs, my_dlsym);
	mjs_exec(mjs, APP_JS, NULL);

	int j = 0;
	while (1) {
		for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 0xFFFFFF; i++) {
		my_callback(++j, my_user_data);

And a little JS:

let Timer = {
  set: ffi('void timer(int, void (*)(int, userdata), userdata)')

Timer.set(200, function(t) {
  print('Time now: ', t);
}, null);

print('JS is initialized');

Console output:

JS is initialized 
Time now:  ld  <-- this repeats, but actually should be counting up from 0

Also maybe the relevant build options:

Building file: ../3rdparty/mjs.c
Invoking: GNU ARM Cross C Compiler
arm-none-eabi-gcc -mcpu=cortex-m3 -mthumb -O0 -fmessage-length=0 -fsigned-char -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -flto  -g -DSTM32F103xB -DMG_ENABLE_FILESYSTEM=0 -DCS_PLATFORM=CS_P_STM32 -DHSE_VALUE=8000000U -I"/home/ivan/eclipse-workspace/blue-squirrel/3rdparty/CMSIS/Include" -I"/home/ivan/eclipse-workspace/blue-squirrel/include" -I"/home/ivan/eclipse-workspace/blue-squirrel/3rdparty/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32F1xx/Include" -std=gnu11 -MMD -MP -MF"3rdparty/mjs.d" -MT"3rdparty/mjs.o" -c -o "3rdparty/mjs.o" "../3rdparty/mjs.c"
Finished building: ../3rdparty/mjs.c

Also I had to remove two lines in the condensed mjs.c file, since it didn't work with them:

Line 2200: #include <dirent.h> --> #error "<dirent.h> not supported"
Line 1528: #include <stm32_sdk_hal.h> --> Not using it, not required, I do the low level stuff myself

Any help is apprechiated, thx for this great project btw.

Running unit tests on Centos 6 32-bit

I had some trouble running the unit tests to all PASS.
This is on a Centos 6 32-bit machine. I discovered that it is best to use -rdynamic as extra
CFLAGS in the Makefile. Also, I extended the typedefs in ffi.c to include the 2 and 3 argument cases
and added explicit code to detect and handle them. The problem I was seeing that f(int, double)
was not handled correctly and gave me wrong argument values.
Surprisingly, on a Centos x86_64 none of these problems occurred.

Cool feature Proxy supports

Hey guys!

I was working on an opensource project running on iOS. I found mjs is my best choice as an embedded js engine although if there is a Proxy class like this or method_missing in ruby like this.

It will make mjs more flexible. What are you thinking?

Data lost on call an unexist method

say this code:

#include "mjs.h"
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <limits.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    struct mjs *jsm = mjs_create();

    mjs_set_ffi_resolver(jsm, dlsym);

    mjs_err_t jerr;
    mjs_val_t res;

    jerr = mjs_exec_file(jsm, argv[1], &res);
    if (jerr != MJS_OK) {
        printf("js file error %s\n", mjs_strerror(jsm, jerr));
        return 1;

    for (int i = 0 ; i < 3; i++) {
        mjs_val_t obj = mjs_get(jsm, mjs_get_global(jsm), "obj", ~0);
        mjs_val_t f1 = mjs_get(jsm, obj, "f1", ~0);

        jerr = mjs_call(jsm, &res, f1, obj, 1, mjs_mk_number(jsm, 212));
        if (jerr != MJS_OK) {
            printf("%s\n", mjs_strerror(jsm, jerr));

        if (i == 1) {
            obj = mjs_get(jsm, mjs_get_global(jsm), "obj", ~0);
            f1 = mjs_get(jsm, obj, "funexist", ~0);
            jerr = mjs_call(jsm, &res, f1, obj, 1, mjs_mk_number(jsm, 212));
            if (jerr != MJS_OK) {
                printf("%s\n", mjs_strerror(jsm, jerr));

    return 0;

With the follow x.js

let obj = {
    arr: []

    f1: function(a) {
        this.arr[this.arr.length] = a;

        //print('first ' + a);


maliang@bogon ~/code/mjs/mjs/tests$ gcc -std=c99 -o x x.c -I ../../ -L ../build/ -lmjs
maliang@bogon ~/code/mjs/mjs/tests$ ./x x.js

There are 3 problems:

  1. parse x.js arr: [] whithout , terminate don't return error.

  2. call an unexist method funexist don't return error.

  3. After funexist called, obj.arr[] reseted to empty.

how to spilt file

this is a great project , i want deep learn this code ,but Very few lines of code,How to split header file and source file into some single file.
I hope to have nothing to do with the platform, like Lua, do not rely too much on the library.

Questions about bindings.

Just for fun, I decided to see if I can bind to various libuv functions to make a really light-weight node.js.

As a test, I tried one of the simpler functions:

int uv_exepath(char* buffer, size_t* size)

At a high level, this takes no arguments and returns a string, but this is C and memory management is hard in C.

In JavaScript I'd ideally have a function like this:

let path = exepath();

I wrote something that works, but it leaks memory and is ugly.

// Wrapper function in C
char* exepath() {
  size_t size = 2*PATH_MAX;
  char exe_path[2*PATH_MAX];
  int ret = uv_exepath(exe_path, &size);
  if (ret < 0) return "[error]";
  exe_path[size] = 0;
  char* path = malloc(size + 1);
  for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    path[i] = exe_path[i];
  path[size] = 0;
  return path;
let exepath = ffi("char *exepath()");

What are the rules about returning strings from C and how does ownership work? In all the scripting languages I've ever worked with before, the C code lends a buffer which the VM copies into itself and manages using the GC. The C code then has ownership of the original again.

I don't see any way to do this here? Does this language engine simply not care about strings in this manner?

Can I extend mjs through mjs_op_getprop() ?

Say I need to pop out an item from an array, Since there is no prototypes for Array, I couldn't use array.prototype.pop() to do this.

I notice that there is a function mjs_op_getprop() nearly to it. So, Can I write my own pop properity for array val? This function is used to get valriable(push an val to &vm->dstack), not for just modify Array. I couldn't make sure is it properly?

BTW, I use array[array.length] = newitem to performe array.push(newitem), It should be more user friendly if i extended the later way.

Arrays: type issue

Hi, mJS looks very promising, running it on quite restricted micro (STM32L0)!
But I have some problems with using arrays.

let a=[2,3,4];

The elements seem to have a strange type... is it float? It can't access them properly (sometimes stalls my micro, need to investigate)...

Are there any examples for the use of arrays with mJS already?

Support require


My experience with Mongoose OS has been great! I'm currently writing an article and I had a thought.

For onboarding of other JS users, it may be helpful to support require as well as load. Both could just reference the same function like so:

mjs_set(mjs, obj, "load", ~0, mjs_mk_foreign(mjs, mjs_load));

mJS FFI not working (ESP8266)

Example from the documentation:

let printf = ffi('int printf(char *, int, char *)');
printf('Hi %d %s\n', 123, 'foo');

Result: MJS callback error: failed to call FFI signature "int printf(char *, int, char *)": cannot resolve function � : failed to call FFI signature "int printf(char *, int, char *)": cannot resolve function m : failed to call FFI signature "int printf(char *, int, char *)": cannot resolve function } : failed to call FFI signature "int printf(char *, int, char *)": cannot resolve function �


Just a remind, mjs ffi dlsym can't resolve funciton on mac osx.
After modify these lines in mjs/ffi.c , turns ok.

#if defined(__APPLE__)
#define RTLD_DEFAULT ((void *) -2)

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