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Indicate encounter as required for Condition when category is diagnosis in the encounter section

Currently, the documentation for encounter field shows that it's optional. No where in that section that it states that it's required when the category is a diagnosis. It's got that information in the Notes section under Body. However, I think it makes more sense to list that information in the encounter section as well.

encounter is required for Conditions with a category of diagnosis.


Has anyone considered publishing a swagger spec for this api? That would reduce the manual documentation work to conceptual topics only.

We generate the swagger spec on our api's from code comments. It's really pretty easy to set up and very helpful.

3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th level headers?

Current examples of markdown pages generally start with the third header (###). Once the markdown is generated into HTML via nanoc, there's no discernible difference between h3 and h4, and h5 and h6, respectively. This makes the nesting of documentation difficult to read. It could be possible to reduce this confusion through the additional of numbers in the headers, but that interferes with the table of contents.

Any recommendations on how to make this more clear?

DSTU2 DocumentReference invalid search parameter example

In the DSTU2 documentation for DocumentReference, there are examples for search parameters. The description/example for the created parameter is:

A date/time the referenced document was created. Must use the ge and le prefixes. Example: created=le2017-01-5&created=ge2017-02-7

If this example is provided as is, it will throw a 400 with an error message of created: invalid date format. If the date is updated to a valid format (yyyy-mm-dd), it then throws a 400 with an error message of created: the beginning date must be before the end date.

While the examples given won't necessarily return expected data due to it being a sandbox environment, they should be valid values to test with.


GET – the sandbox endpoint returns a 504 after 90 seconds.

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\" \[\](>
<HTML><HEAD><META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-Type\" CONTENT=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\">
<TITLE>ERROR: The request could not be satisfied</TITLE>
<H1>504 ERROR</H1>
<H2>The request could not be satisfied.</H2>
<HR noshade size=\"1px\">
CloudFront attempted to establish a connection with the origin, but either the attempt failed or the origin closed the connection.
We can't connect to the server for this app or website at this time. There might be too much traffic or a configuration error. Try again later, or contact the app or website owner.
<BR clear=\"all\">
If you provide content to customers through CloudFront, you can find steps to troubleshoot and help prevent this error by reviewing the CloudFront documentation.
<BR clear=\"all\">
<HR noshade size=\"1px\">
Generated by cloudfront (CloudFront)
Request ID: uIeOqaJoRnV9Z_UoJtglrNj1B7BR2EXcYHDVD6g_4cCkMD5gu2wOCA==

Document browser recommendations

We should consider documenting the browsers (w/ versions) that Cerner supports/certifies/recommends for FHIR application developers (and users).

Of particular note: Launching into a native application from a web browser is not fully supported on Internet Explorer 10 and earlier, and we're already aware of FHIR applications that rely on that capability. If that weren't reason enough, Microsoft has announced the end of support for Internet Explorer 10 and earlier, and those browsers will become ever more insecure over time. Everyone in the FHIR ecosystem bears a responsibility to lead users to the most safe, secure, reliable computing environments possible.


kramdown warning when compiling site

kramdown warning(s) for <Nanoc::CompilationItemRepView item.identifier=/millennium/r4/devices/ name=default>
  Found invalidly used HTML closing tag for 'div' on line 381 - ignoring it

Incorrect sample JSON for R4 Allergy Intolerance

Hi team,
Allergy Intolerance has the resource duplicated. Here is the corrected JSON:

    "resourceType": "Bundle",
    "id": "160ad230-6a5c-4813-96e2-2b36be102145",
    "type": "searchset",
    "total": 1,
    "link": [
        "relation": "self",
        "url": ""
    "entry": [
          "fullUrl": "",
          "resource": {
            "resourceType": "AllergyIntolerance",
            "id": "983733",
            "meta": {
              "versionId": "983733",
              "lastUpdated": "2012-07-11T08:57:32.000Z"
            "text": {
              "status": "generated",
              "div": "<div><p><b>Allergy Intolerance</b></p><p><b>Patient</b>: Picka, Guru 1013</p><p><b>Allergy</b>: Environment</p><p><b>Verification Status</b>: Confirmed</p><p><b>Clinical Status</b>: Resolved</p><p><b>Criticality</b>: High Risk</p><p><b>Category</b>: Environment</p><p><b>Onset</b>: 1990</p></div>"
            "contained": [
                "resourceType": "RelatedPerson",
                "id": "19775876",
                "patient": {
                  "reference": "Patient/1420008",
                  "display": "Picka, Guru 1013"
                "relationship": {
                  "coding": [
                      "system": "",
                      "code": "40683002",
                      "display": "Parent (person)",
                      "userSelected": false
                      "system": "",
                      "code": "PRN",
                      "display": "parent",
                      "userSelected": false
                  "text": "parent"
            "clinicalStatus": {
              "coding": [
                  "system": "",
                  "code": "resolved",
                  "display": "Resolved",
                  "userSelected": false
              "text": "Resolved"
            "verificationStatus": {
              "coding": [
                  "system": "",
                  "code": "confirmed",
                  "display": "Confirmed",
                  "userSelected": false
              "text": "Resolved"
            "type": "allergy",
            "category": [
            "criticality": "high",
            "code": {
              "coding": [
                  "system": "",
                  "code": "33008008",
                  "display": "Dust (substance)",
                  "userSelected": false
              "text": "Dust"
            "patient": {
              "reference": "Patient/1420008",
              "display": "Picka, Guru 1013"
            "encounter": {
              "reference": "Encounter/657884"
            "onsetDateTime": "1990",
            "recordedDate": "2012-07-11T03:57:32.000-05:00",
            "recorder": {
              "reference": "Practitioner/1",
              "display": "SYSTEM, SYSTEM"
            "asserter": {
              "reference": "#19775876"
            "reaction": [
                "id": "58297369",
                "manifestation": [
                    "coding": [
                        "system": "",
                        "code": "247472004",
                        "display": "Weal (disorder)"
                    "text": "Blastobacter"
                "severity": "severe"

Example Slots do not have results


Does not result in any slots for start dates in 2019 or 2020. Initial Issue at #377

Make logos required and document recommendations

Update [1] to make the Logo URL a required field, and somewhere link to suitable guidelines for designing such logos. We could perhaps reuse [2], [3], or [4] from the Android, iOS, and web-based application platforms, respectively.


'Other' category in R4 sidebar leads to a redirect

When user clicks on the category "Other" it leads to a redirect to the url used for the subcategory of Foundation, which is also other. Direct links on the page should not direct to a redirect page. I am planning on creating a separate URL for the Other that HealthCards is categorized under.

Screenshots show the Other on the sidebar and the redirect that pops up.
Screen Shot 2021-07-14 at 9 20 41 AM
Screen Shot 2021-07-14 at 9 20 28 AM

kramdown warnings when compiling the site

the following warnings are present

kramdown warning(s) for <Nanoc::Core::CompilationItemRepView item.identifier=/millennium/r4/medications/ name=default>
  Duplicate link ID '`token`' on line 2637 - overwriting
  Duplicate link ID '`reference`' on line 2638 - overwriting
  Duplicate link ID '`date`' on line 2639 - overwriting
  Duplicate link ID '`number`' on line 2640 - overwriting
  Duplicate link ID 'status' on line 2641 - overwriting
  Duplicate link ID 'errors' on line 2642 - overwriting
  Duplicate link ID 'operationoutcomes' on line 2643 - overwriting

kramdown warning(s) for <Nanoc::Core::CompilationItemRepView item.identifier=/millennium/r4/individuals/ name=default>
  No link definition for link ID '`token`' found on line 1
  No link definition for link ID '`token`' found on line 1

kramdown warning(s) for <Nanoc::Core::CompilationItemRepView item.identifier=/millennium/r4/ name=default>
  No link definition for link ID 'x' found on line 737

kramdown warning(s) for <Nanoc::Core::CompilationItemRepView item.identifier=/millennium/r4/documents/ name=default>
  No link definition for link ID 'fhir<sup>®</sup> update' found on line 1313

R4 Observation mentions duplicate terminology bindings

In R4 Observation, some of the terminology bindings are mentioned twice.

Looks just to be because of separate examples of labs and vitals.

description: Codes for high level observation categories.
- display: Observation Category Codes

description: Codes for high level observation categories.
- display: Observation Category Codes


Clarify host name for system apps

While SMART launch apps should be using the information in context to determine the FHIR server location, system apps typically are given the tenant ID to associate per domain in their system. This typically means the app has the host name "hard-coded" (actually or a "Cerner" default).

C1941/Ember (ec2458f2-1e24-41c8-b71b-0e701af7583d):


All other production domains:


Fix R4 Encounter reference/Reference links

Before merging #415, the R4 Encounter doc only used lowercase reference links in the search parameters table as such


After merging, the link got updated to the following for use in the extensions table


We'll need to figure out a way to have both reference and Reference links that take readers to different locations

Upgrade nanoc version to fix error running nanoc view

According to nanoc/nanoc#1441 we need nanoc 4.11.6+ to get a fix for this error:

$ nanoc view

Captain! We’ve been hit!

KeyError: key not found: :host

  0. /Users/mp028833/.rvm/gems/[email protected]/gems/nanoc-4.9.6/lib/nanoc/cli/commands/view.rb:34:in `fetch'
  1. /Users/mp028833/.rvm/gems/[email protected]/gems/nanoc-4.9.6/lib/nanoc/cli/commands/view.rb:34:in `run'
  2. /Users/mp028833/.rvm/gems/[email protected]/gems/nanoc-4.9.6/lib/nanoc/cli/command_runner.rb:14:in `block in call'
  3. /Users/mp028833/.rvm/gems/[email protected]/gems/nanoc-4.9.6/lib/nanoc/cli/error_handler.rb:15:in `block in handle_while'
  4. /Users/mp028833/.rvm/gems/[email protected]/gems/nanoc-4.9.6/lib/nanoc/cli/error_handler.rb:57:in `handle_while'
  5. /Users/mp028833/.rvm/gems/[email protected]/gems/nanoc-4.9.6/lib/nanoc/cli/error_handler.rb:15:in `handle_while'
  6. /Users/mp028833/.rvm/gems/[email protected]/gems/nanoc-4.9.6/lib/nanoc/cli/command_runner.rb:13:in `call'
  7. /Users/mp028833/.rvm/gems/[email protected]/gems/cri-2.15.9/lib/cri/command_dsl.rb:303:in `block in runner'
  8. /Users/mp028833/.rvm/gems/[email protected]/gems/cri-2.15.9/lib/cri/command.rb:360:in `run_this'
  9. /Users/mp028833/.rvm/gems/[email protected]/gems/cri-2.15.9/lib/cri/command.rb:296:in `run'
  ... 11 lines omitted (see crash.log for details)

A detailed crash log has been written to ./crash.log.

That version or higher of nanoc will require a ruby upgrade from 2.3.1 to at least 2.4

Encoded HTML entities are visible (i.e. not rendered) on R4 Account

Request - -guarantor and type


Status: 200 OK
  "resourceType": "Bundle",
  "id": "0b8ec3aa-805f-486c-8fb6-61a252d0a8cb",

  "entry": [
      "fullUrl": "",

          "div": "&lt;div xmlns=\\&quot;

Update Common Issues with R4 references

Currently, the Common Issues page only has references to the DSTU2 resources. Some of the information provided is also no longer applicable when apps consume the R4 resources (i.e. Condition search by encounter).
Since these capabilities exist now and with the eminent deprecation of DSTU2, these links/references should be updated.

PowerChart Breakpoints

The breakpoints that are supported by PowerChart are as follows.

Tablet: 768 x 1024

Laptop: 1366 x 768

High-res laptop or desktop: 1920 x 1080

Apps embedded within Powerchart should also support those breakpoints.

"Date" Parameters Not Working for Encounter and MedicationRequest

The date and -timing-boundsPeriod parameters for the Encounter and MedicationRequest resources respectively, do not appear to be functioning as expected. The parameters appear to be valid (no errors are reported), however the request is not being filtered. I can confirm the date parameters are working as expected for other resources (e.g. Procedures). See below for example requests:



Where to put docs that are not FHIR release / EHR platform dependent?

I've been having to do dual-maintenance of the authorization doc in the two release folders - is there a way that we can link to the authorization guides and put in somewhere else in the site hierarchy? I'm not familiar enough with nanoc - when I try and move one of the documents up a level, it gives unknownlayout errors. Additionally, is there a location I should choose such that the documentation is shared between both Millennium and Soarian?

Get Slot Information & Scheudle

Are there examples in the existing FHIR environment to be able to search for appointments by practitioner ( and specific slot-type?

I tried looking for slots with this example:

And after finding the slot Id and receiving the schedule information, I want to know the but it doesn't show any, except for a name.

Can we get better examples on leveraging:, slot-type, and locations? Previously there were sample data and now it no longer exists. For example this slot-type:{{tenant}}/codeSet/14249|4062744

used to work.

Builds are failing on Setup Ruby phase

Builds for the repository are failing with the following errors:

Error: Unable to process command '::set-env name=PATH::/home/runner/.rubies/ruby-2.6.2/bin:/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin:/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/sbin:/opt/pipx_bin:/usr/share/rust/.cargo/bin:/home/runner/.config/composer/vendor/bin:/home/runner/.dotnet/tools:/snap/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin' successfully.

Error: The `set-env` command is disabled. Please upgrade to using Environment Files or opt into unsecure command execution by setting the `ACTIONS_ALLOW_UNSECURE_COMMANDS` environment variable to `true`. For more information see:

Possible solution: upgrade ruby/[email protected] to a new version

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