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gocheer_server's Introduction

GoCheer: selected word translator with achievement system

1452764 何冬怡 15502131257 [email protected]
1452685 陈冉冉
1452769 张鸿羽

System Functionalities

  • Download GoCheer
    After entering (the official website of GoCheer) in Chrome, users can click the "download GoCheer" button to download GoCheer.crx.

  • Register a new user
    Users can register a new user in Users are required to enter a user name, password, gender, nickname and email. All of these information has formatting requirements. What's more, we will determine whether this user name already exists.

  • Log in & Log out
    Users can log in or log out both in web page and in GoCheer Chrome extension.

  • Display user information in GoCheer Chrome extension
    If a user logs in successfully in GoCheer Chrome extension, he can see their nick name, the number of words he has searched, the number of his achievements and his score.

  • Jump to User Home and Leaderboard
    Users can jump to User Home and Leaderboard directly.

  • User Home Page

    • User Achievements
      Users can see their achievements in their own Home Page.

    • User history
      Users can see their searching records in their own Home Page.

    • Personal information
      Users can see their detailed information in their own Home Page.

    • Modify personal information
      Users can modify their personal information (except user name) in their own Home Page.

  • View real-time leaderboard
    Users can view the real-time score leaderboard Users can directly go to thier position.

  • View other users' Home Page
    Users can view other users' Home Page through the Leaderboard. In order to protect users' privicy, if a user(A) enter another user(B)'s Home Page, A can not see B's email address or searching history. Of course, A can not modify B's personal settings either.

  • Select words and get meaning
    As long as the user is logged in, he can select words at any web page in Chrome, then results will appear next to the selected word. The source of the results is YouDao.

  • Notification popups for achievements
    Users can see a notification popup in the current web page when they get a new achievement.

  • Notification email for new achievements
    If a user get a new achivement, he will also receive an notification email.

User Manual

  • Google Chrome browser needs to be installed in your machine.

  • Please go to and download GoCheer.crx.

  • Open chrome://extensions/ and drag the GoCheer.crx into it.

    P.S. If you find the GoCheer Chrome extension can not be enabled properly, you can try to clear your browsing data, reboot your brower and install again.

  • If you have installed the plugin correctly, you will see this icon at the upper right corner of Chrome.

  • Click the GoCheer icon and you will see the Login Page.

  • Click the "Sign up" button and go to the Sign up Page.

  • Fill in your information and submit.

  • After registering successfully, you will jump to your Home Page automatically.

  • Then you can select a word.

  • If you get a new achievement, you will receive an email from GoCheer.

  • You can go to your Home Page and see your history and achievements.

  • You can also change your information in your Home Page.

  • Click the "Leaderboard" and you can see the score ranking of all GoCheer users.

  • Click "my position" and you can go to your position directly.

System Deployment and Configurations

In back-end we have our Java EE artifact in tomcat server which connects to MySQL database in the same Linux server.
In fore-end, Google Chrome browser needs to be installed in client machine, and add our extension in it.
User can view the system via web pages and the extension window. Web pages are provided by JSP pages which deployed in tomcat server, while the extension communicates with back-end via ajax HTTP request, and the server responses data in JSON format (See also API list in appendix). The extension is built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

System Architecture

Package Diagram

The architecture of GoCheer server is clear and not sophisticated.
We use JDBC to connect to our MySQL server, and use Hibernate ORM to map our database schema to classes in Entity.
We encapsulated all CRUD and other operation which conserns Hibernate or database in our DAO package, so other layers can consider about the logic only.
In webAPP we have all our servlets and filter to process requests, and we have JSP pages as well as our extension as our View layer.


We have these classes mapping to the schema in Database. And this two classes provided a interface JASONable, to generate a JSON object as a response to request from extension. We also have our business logic here.


BaseDAO is a generic class. It can manage databse connect session and transaction, and it realized CRUD methods.
Other 4 DAO classes inherit from the corresponding class instance of BaseDAO (e.g. UserDAO extends BaseDAO<User>). They are all singleton and we ensured they are thread-safe. Some other methods that involved with database query are added into these classes. When using HQL to make query, named parameter is used to prevent databse from SQL injection.


In webAPP package there are servlets and filters. A CharcterEncodingFilter is deployed to ensure the character encodings of all requests and responses are UTF-8. Servlets process requests and return responses.

Component design

Detect achievement

Once selecting a area of word, the method of /newRecord is called. The method of GET is called, and the parameter word is the content of the selected word. Text-transform and space are both available.

This interface changes all words to lowercase, and processes match and analysis by using regular expression. If the selected word is available, this word is added into the record of searching. If it is a long sentence, it would not add in the history. In a word, the user could get scores if the word exists, and new achievements are checked whether the user can get. If users can get new achievements, the format of returned value is json.

Sign in/Log in/Log out

  • sign in
    Once a user fills out the enrollment form, and clicks the button of sign in, the method of /Signin is called, and if the user registers successfully, the related information is saved in the session, passed while dispatching a request and calling the method of Login. Thereinto, in order to make sure the username is unique to maintain the consistence of the database, the method of /checkUsername is called to check whether the username is available to register.

  • log in
    while logging in, the method of /Login is called. If the request is from plugin, the parameter extension is true, else this key isn't needed. Besides, the returned value is true while logging in successfully, otherwise it is false, if the request is from plugin.

  • log out
    If the user tempts to log out, the method of /Logout is called. If the request is from plugin, the parameter extension is true, else this key isn't needed.

  • Send E-mail
    While calling the method of /newRecord, if a new achievement is checked to be obtained, the function of sendCongratulation(user, achievement) is applied to send an e-mail via SMTP server. We send the emails to the users with the SMTP service provided by Mailgun.

Database design

  • Three extra attribute wordSum, scoreSum and score are added to User, to reduce cost of getting the score, the times of user making a search, and the total amount of achievements the user has got.
  • In table Achievement there is a attrubute "type" to decide what kind of achievement it is, how the system read value of condition and condition2, and to decide how the system judges whether a user has got this achievement. In this way, system administrator can add achievements to the database more flexibly.


Appendix 1: Achievement logic

Achievement items are saved in the database in order to add new achievement or update existed ones. The logic of achievement judging is listed as followed:

  • wordsum
    The achievement is related to the sum of words, which are searched via GoCheer achievement system. In other word, users can get the specific achievement by having looked up a set amount of words.

  • specific word
    The achievement is related to some specific words, such as 'Naive', 'Excited' and 'Java'. Users can get the achievement when they exactly select the specific word set in the system.

  • day
    The achievement can be get when users look up some word on a specific day, which is set according to what day it is. For example, the users can get the "Friday" achievement, when they look up a word on Friday.

  • date
    The achievement can be get when users look up some word on a specific day, which is set according to what the date it is. For example, the users can get the "Valentine" achievement when they look up a word on Feb 14th.

  • time
    The achievement can be get when users look up some word at a specific time. For example, the users can get the "Zero" achievement when they look up a word at 0 o'clock.

  • duration & repeat count
    The users can get this kind of achievement only when they repeat searching the same word during a certain period of time. For example, the user can get the "Amnesia" achievement when they repeat searching a word in one hour for ten times.

  • duration & wordsum
    The users can get this kind of achievement only when they have looked up a set amount of words during a certain period of time. For example, the user can get the "Loyal customer" achievement when they have looked up one hundred words in one hour.

  • repeat count
    The achievement can be get when users repeat searching a same word for a set amount of times. For example. users can obtain the "Amentia" achievement when they have looked up a same word for one hundred times.

  • day & time
    The achievement is related to the concept of day and time. Users only can get the definite achievements when they select a word at a specific time and on a specific day. For example, the user can get the "Lonely" achievement when they look up a word at 22 o'clock on Friday.

  • date & wordsum
    The achievement is related to the date and the sum of words. Users can get the accord achievement when they have looked up a set amount of words on a specific day. For example, Users can get the "Dreary" achievement when they have searched 100 words on Feb 14th, the Valentine Day.

  • date & time
    The achievement is related to date and time. Users can get the accord achievement when they search a word at a specific time and on a set day. For example, users can get the "Eve" achievement when users select a word at 0 o'clock on Jan 1.

  • date & specific word
    The achievement can be get when users look up the specific word on a set day. For example, users can get "Dreary" achievement when they have looked up one hundred words on Feb 14th, the Valentine Day.

Appendix 2: Achievement list

id name description type condition condition2 hidden score
1 Begin:) Enjoy with GoCheer! wordsum 1 0 5
2 Naive! Too young, sometimes naive. specific word naive 1 20
3 JAVA EE I love JAVA EE!JAVA EE makes me HAPPY! date & specific word java 1 100
4 Excited! Are you excited? specific word exited 1 20
5 Skilled! You're catching on! wordsum 15 0 10
6 Hundred! What a milestone event! wordsum 100 0 10
7 Lonely;( Lonely man on Friday night! day & time FRIDAY 22 0 5
8 New Year! GoCheer with you on the first day of this year! date 0101 0 !5
9 Chrismas! Jingle bell, Jingle bell, Jingle Goes to Cheer! date 1225 0 15
10 Women's Day! Don't you celebrate? date 0308 0 15
11 Teachers' Day Your English teacher wept for joy! date 0910 0 15
12 Valentine Don't cry, GoCheer loves bachelors! date 0214 0 !5
13 Zero! One day one word, keep sleep away! time 0 0 5
14 Energetic! Get up early? OR Still stay up?! time 3 0 5
15 Monday Blue! Go to work, Go to die! day MONDAY 0 5
16 Nerd! Come on, it is Saturday! day SATURDAY 0 5
17 Cheerful! Glad to meet you on Sunday! day SUNDAY 0 5
18 Dreary! You know, 100 words cannot changed for a girlfriend,,, ,,, date & wordsum 0214 100 0 50
19 Eve! The bell sounding the New Year is ringing! date & time 0101 0 0 100
20 Hard Work! Unexpectedly, you are still studying! time & wordsum 0 100 0 40
21 Honey! Who is your honey? date & specific word 0214 honey 0 30
22 Amnesia? You repeat a word for 10 times in one hour... ... duration & repeat count 1 10 0 0
23 Amentia You have looked up for a same word for 50 times... ... repeat count 50 0 0
id name description type condition condition2 hidden score
24 Loyal customer! You have selected 100 words in one hour! duration & wordsum 1 100 0 10
25 Motherland Are you kidding me? specific word china 1 20
26 Bonus! Congratulations on selecting a score word! specific word bonus 1 20
27 404 /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~ So..., you are a Baidu-er? specific word google 1 20
28 Achievement Obtained! Ugh,GoCheer is a cheerful ACHIEVEMENT system。 specific word achievement 1 20
29 Tuesday(;′⌒`) Countdown to weekend, there are three days... ... day TUESDAY 0 5
30 Honourable Honourable Administrator is watching you. :) specific word 1 donggu 20
31 IDEMOOO! Novake Djokovic, a musical talent, is watching you. specific word serbia 1 20
32 ( ゜- ゜)つロ Cheer! specific word gocheer 1 20
33 Being ready for exam? How is your CET4 going? specific word abandon 1 0
34 Thousand :D You have looked up for a thousand words via GoCheer! wordwum 1000 0 40
35 Fatal error...... Maybe you should turn to Stack Overflow...... specific word exception 1 10

Appendix 3: API list

Log in /Login
    username: <username>
    password: <password>
    extension: <extension>

The method of POST is called, and if the request is from plugin, the parameter extension is true, else this key isn't needed. Besides, the returned value is true while logging in successfully, otherwise it is false, if the request is from plugin.

Log out /logout
    extension: <extension>

The method of POST is called, and if the request is from plugin, the parameter extension is true, else this key isn't needed.

Alter the user's information /update
    alias: <new alias>
    password: <new password>
    email: <new email>
    gender: <new gender>

The method of POST is called, and it is available when some items in the form aren't filled in. The type of parameter gender is bool, and male represents true and female stands for false.

Check whether the username is occupied /checkUsername<待检测用户名>

The method of GET is called, and the returned value is false or true in the form of json. Thereinto, false means this username has been occupied, and true means this username is available to register.

Obtain user's basic information /userInfo

The method of GET is called, and the type of returned value is json. The subsequent parameter is option, and the default user is the currently logged-in user.


1. Obtain user's basic information(currently-logged-in user)

  "user": {
    "score": 9,
    "gender": false,
    "wordsum": 9,
    "registerTime": "2016-12-11 14:15:01",
    "alias": "j2ee",
    "scoresum": 0,
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "username": "JavaEE"
2. Obtain user's basic information(currently non-logged-in user)

  "user": null
3. Obtain user's basic information(specified user)

The function is to show a user other users' information, and the returned json doesn't include e-mails unless in the flesh.

  "user": {
    "score": 0,
    "gender": false,
    "wordsum": 0,
    "registerTime": "2016-12-11 14:01:21",
    "alias": "枸杞儿",
    "scoresum": 0,
    "username": "gocheer"

Add the record of query /newRecord

The method of GET is called, and the parameter word is the content of the selected word. Text-transform and space are both available.


This interface changes all words to lowercase, and processes match and analysis by using regular expression. If the selected word is available, this word is added into the record of searching. If it is a long sentence, it would not add in the history. In a word, the user could get scores if the word exists, and new achievements are checked whether the user can get. If users can get new achievements, the type of returned value is json.


1. Obtain a new achievement

Given that user may obtain more than one achievement, the achievements is in a list.

  "achievement": [
      "image": "default.png",
      "hidden": false,
      "name": "Begin",
      "bonus": 5,
      "description": "Enjoy with GoCheer!",
      "id": 1
2. Obtain no achievement
  "achievement": null
3. Haven't logged in
  "error": 1,
  "message": "Haven't log in"
4. No available word from the parameter
  "error": 2,
  "message": "No available words."

Appendix 4: Team collaboration

Division of work

  • 1452764 何冬怡 Leader

    • System architecture design
    • Schedule management and process control
    • Back-end development
    • Part of fore-end pages
  • 1452685 陈冉冉

    • Back-end development
    • Database maintenance
    • Mailing service
    • Part of fore-end pages
  • 1452769 张鸿羽

    • Chrome extension development
    • Part of fore-end pages

Source code management

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