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ceph-salt's Issues

Admin role

ATM, ceph-common and /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring are installed on all "mons".

Instead, we should have a dedicated "Admin" role, and only install ceph tools on minions that have that role.


OSD deployment fails due to invalid drive groups syntax


Due to a recently introduced regression, ceph-salt stopped deploying OSDs.


The "Deploying OSD groups 1/1" step finishes immediately, and then sesdev create octopus ... --qa-test ... fails because the cluster has zero OSDs.


ceph-salt uses a command like the following to deploy OSDs:

echo '{\"testing_dg_admin\": {\"host_pattern\": \"admin*\", \"data_devices\": {\"all\": true}}}' | ceph orch osd create -i -

When I try this command manually, it fails:

admin:~ # echo '{\"testing_dg_admin\": {\"host_pattern\": \"admin*\", \"data_devices\": {\"all\": true}}}' | ceph orch osd create -i -
Error EINVAL: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/ceph/mgr/", line 1070, in _handle_command
    return self.handle_command(inbuf, cmd)
  File "/usr/share/ceph/mgr/orchestrator/", line 191, in handle_command
    return dispatch[cmd['prefix']].call(self, cmd, inbuf)
  File "/usr/share/ceph/mgr/", line 309, in call
    return self.func(mgr, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/share/ceph/mgr/orchestrator/", line 153, in <lambda>
    wrapper_copy = lambda *l_args, **l_kwargs: wrapper(*l_args, **l_kwargs)
  File "/usr/share/ceph/mgr/orchestrator/", line 144, in wrapper
    return func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/share/ceph/mgr/orchestrator/", line 437, in _create_osd
    dgs = DriveGroupSpecs(yaml.load(inbuf))
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ceph/deployment/", line 117, in __init__
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ceph/deployment/", line 122, in build_drive_groups
    (drive_group_spec, name=drive_group_name))
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ceph/deployment/", line 228, in from_json
    "Feature <{}> is not supported".format(applied_filter))
ceph.deployment.drive_group.DriveGroupValidationError: Failed to validate Drive Group: Feature <\"host_pattern\"> is not supported

admin:~ # echo $?

When I change the single quotes that are around the JSON in the echo statement to double quotes, it succeeds. It also succeeds with the single-quotes, provided I remove the backslashes from the JSON.

Remove minions only if no error is thrown

When I try to remove one minion that has roles I receive an error message, but the internal state was partially changed.

/Cluster/Minions> ls /Cluster
o- Cluster ..................................................................................................... [...]
  o- Minions ............................................................................................ [Minions: 2]
  | o- ..................................................................................... [no roles]
  | o- .......................................................................................... [mgr]
  o- Roles ..................................................................................... [Minions w/ roles: 1]
    o- Mgr .............................................................................................. [Minions: 1]
    | o- ............................................................................. [no other roles]
    o- Mon .............................................................................................. [no minions]

/Cluster/Minions> rm node2*
Cannot remove host '' because it has roles defined: {'mgr'}

/Cluster/Minions> rm node2*
No minions matched "node2*".

Implement `status` command

The ceph-bootstrap status command should preform some validations to guarantee that ceph-bootstrap can work correctly in the installed system, and show the status of those checks, and if something fails, suggest possible actions to users.

List of validations:

  • Salt
    • check if salt-master package is installed, or just that salt-master is available (it might be installed from source)
    • check if we can communicate with the salt-master, execute operations, etc...
  • ceph-salt-formula
    • check if package is installed (it should be if ceph-bootstrap was installed through the RPM)
    • check if state files are present
    • check if salt pillar is correctly configured by looking at top.sls file
      • if not, it should suggest to run ceph-bootstrap init (Issue #8) that should take care of making sure
        the pillar gets correctly configured.
  • Config
    • check that at least one minion is both 'mgr' and 'mon'

Error applying "ceph-salt" state without roles

I have the following configuration, without roles:

admin:~ # ceph-bootstrap config ls
o- / ........................................................................................................... [...]
  o- Cluster ................................................................................................... [...]
  | o- Minions .......................................................................................... [Minions: 1]
  | | o- ............................................................................ [no roles]
  | o- Roles ................................................................................... [Minions w/ roles: 0]
  |   o- Mgr ............................................................................................ [no minions]
  |   o- Mon ............................................................................................ [no minions]
  o- Containers ................................................................................................ [...]
  | o- Images .................................................................................................. [...]
  |   o- ceph .................................................................... []
  o- Deployment ................................................................................................ [...]
  | o- Bootstrap .......................................................................................... [disabled]
  | o- Dashboard ............................................................................................... [...]
  | | o- password ............................................................................... [randomly generated]
  | | o- username ............................................................................................ [admin]
  | o- Mgr ................................................................................................ [disabled]
  | o- Mon ................................................................................................ [disabled]
  | o- OSD ................................................................................................ [disabled]
  o- Network ................................................................................................... [...]
  | o- Address_Family .......................................................................................... [ip4]
  o- SSH ........................................................................................... [no key pair set]
  | o- Private_Key .............................................................................. [no private key set]
  | o- Public_Key ................................................................................ [no public key set]
  o- Storage ................................................................................................... [...]
  | o- Drive_Groups .......................................................................................... [empty]
  o- Time_Server ........................................................................................... [enabled]
    o- External_Servers ...................................................................................... [empty]
    o- Server_Hostname ....................................................................... []

When applying the ceph-salt state, I'm expecting ceph-bootstrap to configure timeserver:

salt -G 'ceph-salt:member' state.apply ceph-salt

But I get the following error:

admin:~ # salt -G 'ceph-salt:member' state.apply ceph-salt
    Data failed to compile:
    Rendering SLS 'base:ceph-salt' failed: Jinja variable 'dict object' has no attribute 'bootstrap_mon'
ERROR: Minions returned with non-zero exit code

Support IPv6

It should be possible to set if we want to use IPv4 or IPv6.

A new config entry should be created:


whith the following commands available:

  • set ip4
  • set ip6

Improve states and steps descriptions

For instance, some stages start with Install ... others with Setting up ....

Screenshot from 2020-02-07 17-54-09

We should find a more consistent description for "states" and "steps".

Use salt-event bus to notify about execution progress

Salt is very silent when running a salt formula or any salt state. The objective of this feature is to use the salt-event bus to notify about the execution progress of the several steps preformed by ceph-salt formula.

The event tags should have the following structure ceph-salt/<step_name>/[started, running, finished]

The payload of each event should depend on the <step_name> and the type of event [started, running, finished]. Each step should always trigger a started event when it starts, and a finished event when it finishes. The running event is for communicating with progress information, for instance, when the step takes a long time to execute and is possible to send some kind of progress percentage.

The finished event should include the information of whether the operation was successful or not, and if not, it should describe the failure.

Add "Apparmor" option group to config shell


Add a Apparmor option group to the config shell. This group should be able to configure all options required by ceph-salt-formula:apparmor state.


Currently the apparmor state is not doing much. We should check what was being done in DeepSea ( and add those things to ceph-salt formula.

Also, we need to check what cephadm is doing in this regard, and make sure that what ceph-salt formula preforms is compatible with cephadm.

Removing the last MON does not remove the "bootstrap_mon" from Pillar

Removing the last MON should remove the "bootstrap_mon" from Pillar.

How to reproduce:

admin:~ # ceph-bootstrap config /Cluster ls
o- Cluster ............................................................................. [...]
  o- Minions .................................................................... [no minions]
  o- Roles ............................................................. [Minions w/ roles: 0]
    o- Mgr ...................................................................... [no minions]
    o- Mon ...................................................................... [no minions]

admin:~ # salt '' pillar.get ceph-salt

admin:~ # ceph-bootstrap config /Cluster/Minions add
1 minion added.

admin:~ # ceph-bootstrap config /Cluster/Roles/Mon add
1 minion added.

admin:~ # salt '' pillar.get ceph-salt
            - node1

admin:~ # ceph-bootstrap config /Cluster/Roles/Mon rm
1 minion removed.

admin:~ # salt '' pillar.get ceph-salt

config shell: `ValueError: No such path unknown-key` not catched

admin:~ # ceph-bootstrap config
/> /Cluster/Roles/Mmg add node1*
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/configshell_fb/", line 811, in _execute_command
    target = self._current_node.get_node(path)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/configshell_fb/", line 1854, in get_node
    return next_node.get_node(next_path)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/configshell_fb/", line 1862, in get_node
    return next_node.get_node(next_path)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/configshell_fb/", line 1862, in get_node
    return next_node.get_node(next_path)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/configshell_fb/", line 1865, in get_node
    return adjacent_node(path)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/configshell_fb/", line 1827, in adjacent_node
    return self.get_child(name)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/configshell_fb/", line 1796, in get_child
    % (self.path.rstrip('/'), name))
ValueError: No such path /Cluster/Roles/Mmg

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/ceph-bootstrap", line 11, in <module>
    load_entry_point('ceph-bootstrap==15.0.2+1580743520.g1c1e49b', 'console_scripts', 'ceph-bootstrap')()
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ceph_bootstrap/", line 55, in ceph_bootstrap_main
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/click/", line 722, in __call__
    return self.main(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/click/", line 697, in main
    rv = self.invoke(ctx)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/click/", line 1066, in invoke
    return _process_result(sub_ctx.command.invoke(sub_ctx))
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/click/", line 895, in invoke
    return ctx.invoke(self.callback, **ctx.params)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/click/", line 535, in invoke
    return callback(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ceph_bootstrap/", line 85, in config_shell
    if not run_config_shell():
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ceph_bootstrap/", line 803, in run_config_shell
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/configshell_fb/", line 905, in run_interactive
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/configshell_fb/", line 734, in _cli_loop
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/configshell_fb/", line 848, in run_cmdline
    self._execute_command(path, command, pparams, kparams)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/configshell_fb/", line 813, in _execute_command
    raise ExecutionError(str(msg))
configshell_fb.node.ExecutionError: No such path /Cluster/Roles/Mmg
admin:~ # 

Looks like we should catch this exception and just print out the error.

Allow explicit set Mon IP

ATM, ceph-bootstrap always uses the IP address from the fqdn_ip4 grain to configure Monitors.

This address can be used by default, but it should be possible to explicitly change it to a different value.

This can be done in the /Deployment group, e.g.:

 o- Deployment ............................................................... [...]
  | ...
  | o- Mon ............................................................... [enabled]
  | | o- .......................................... []

When implementing this we should remove the CephNodeFqdnResolvesToLoopback validation when adding a minion, and only validate IPs before the deployment.

cephadm's default image

In case someone manually starts cephadm on a minion for debugging purposes, there is a chance that a user will not specify an image.

If we could specify the default image for cephadm in a config file, we no longer need to worry about users accidentally pulling the default image.

Changing the default image doesn't have an impact on the image used by calls from the ceph-mgr, as the mgr always specifies the image when calling cephadm.


See also #53 and #52

click: `de_DE.UTF-8`

scalability-master:~ # ceph-bootstrap deploy
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/ceph-bootstrap", line 11, in <module>
    load_entry_point('ceph-bootstrap==15.1.0+1581935293.g7a3134c', 'console_scripts', 'ceph-bootstrap')()
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ceph_bootstrap/", line 55, in ceph_bootstrap_main
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/click/", line 722, in __call__
    return self.main(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/click/", line 676, in main
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/click/", line 118, in _verify_python3_env
    'for mitigation steps.' + extra)
RuntimeError: Click will abort further execution because Python 3 was configured to use ASCII as encoding for the environment.  Consult mitigation steps.

This system supports the C.UTF-8 locale which is recommended.
You might be able to resolve your issue by exporting the
following environment variables:

    export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
    export LANG=C.UTF-8

Click discovered that you exported a UTF-8 locale
but the locale system could not pick up from it because
it does not exist.  The exported locale is "de_DE.UTF-8" but it
is not supported

deploy: Cluster is already deployed

scalability-master:~ # ceph-bootstrap deploy --non-interactive
Checking if ceph-salt formula is available...
Syncing minions with the master...
Checking existing deployment...
Cluster is already deployed, please apply the deployment to a single minion at a time: "ceph-bootstrap deploy <minion_id>"

But the cluster actually doesn't exist:

scalability-master:~ # salt '*' 'cephadm'
    /bin/sh: cephadm: command not found
    /bin/sh: cephadm: command not found
    /bin/sh: cephadm: command not found
    /bin/sh: cephadm: command not found
    /bin/sh: cephadm: command not found
    /bin/sh: cephadm: command not found
    /bin/sh: cephadm: command not found
    /bin/sh: cephadm: command not found
    /bin/sh: cephadm: command not found
ERROR: Minions returned with non-zero exit code
scalability-master:~ # salt '*' 'ceph'
    /bin/sh: ceph: command not found
    /bin/sh: ceph: command not found
    /bin/sh: ceph: command not found
    /bin/sh: ceph: command not found
    /bin/sh: ceph: command not found
    /bin/sh: ceph: command not found
    /bin/sh: ceph: command not found
    /bin/sh: ceph: command not found
    /bin/sh: ceph: command not found
ERROR: Minions returned with non-zero exit code


scalability-master:~ # ceph-bootstrap config
/> ls
o- / ......................................................................................................................... [...]
  o- Cluster ................................................................................................................. [...]
  | o- Minions ........................................................................................................ [Minions: 9]
  | | o- scalability-master.openstack.local ............................................................................. [no roles]
  | | o- scalability-monitor-1.openstack.local .......................................................................... [mgr, mon]
  | | o- scalability-monitor-2.openstack.local .......................................................................... [no roles]
  | | o- scalability-monitor-3.openstack.local .......................................................................... [no roles]
  | | o- scalability-osd-1.openstack.local .............................................................................. [no roles]
  | | o- scalability-osd-2.openstack.local .............................................................................. [no roles]
  | | o- scalability-osd-3.openstack.local .............................................................................. [no roles]
  | | o- scalability-osd-4.openstack.local .............................................................................. [no roles]
  | | o- scalability-osd-5.openstack.local .............................................................................. [no roles]
  | o- Roles ........................................ [Bootstrap minion: scalability-monitor-1.openstack.local, Minions w/ roles: 1]
  |   o- Mgr .......................................................................................................... [Minions: 1]
  |   | o- scalability-monitor-1.openstack.local ................................................................ [other roles: mon]
  |   o- Mon .......................................................................................................... [Minions: 1]
  |     o- scalability-monitor-1.openstack.local ................................................................ [other roles: mgr]
  o- Containers .............................................................................................................. [...]
  | o- Images ................................................................................................................ [...]
  |   o- ceph ........................ []
  o- Deployment .............................................................................................................. [...]
  | o- Bootstrap ......................................................................................................... [enabled]
  | o- Dashboard ............................................................................................................. [...]
  | | o- password ............................................................................................. [randomly generated]
  | | o- username .......................................................................................................... [admin]
  | o- Mgr .............................................................................................................. [disabled]
  | o- Mon .............................................................................................................. [disabled]
  | o- OSD .............................................................................................................. [disabled]
  o- SSH ............................................................................................................ [Key Pair set]
  | o- Private_Key ............................................................... [00:34:a1:d6:44:a6:4a:35:f1:38:88:47:cc:bc:04:42]
  | o- Public_Key ................................................................ [00:34:a1:d6:44:a6:4a:35:f1:38:88:47:cc:bc:04:42]
  o- Storage ................................................................................................................. [...]
  | o- Drive_Groups ........................................................................................................ [empty]
  o- System_Update ........................................................................................................... [...]
  | o- Packages .......................................................................................................... [enabled]
  | o- Reboot ............................................................................................................ [enabled]
  o- Time_Server ......................................................................................................... [enabled]
    o- External_Servers ........................................................................................................ [1]
    | o- ......................................................................................................... [...]
    o- Server_Hostname ........................................................................ [scalability-master.openstack.local]
/> exit

cephadm bootstrap prints valuable information

After cephadm boostrap succeeds, it prints some valuable infos:

INFO:cephadm:Ceph Dashboard is now available at:

             URL: https://ubuntu1804:8443/
            User: admin
        Password: wgcrj2t3ka

INFO:cephadm:You can access the Ceph CLI with:

        sudo ./cephadm shell --fsid 146d0150-4e66-11ea-a110-5254005c2d4e -c ceph.conf -k ceph.client.admin.keyring

INFO:cephadm:Bootstrap complete.

We should forward users the information about the dashboard password and provide a convenience wrapper for cephadm shell

ceph-salt-formula succeeds even when "ceph orch osd create" command fails


Due to a recently introduced regression, ceph-salt stopped deploying OSDs, but ceph-salt-formula ignores this and reports that OSD groups were created successfully.


The "Deploying OSD groups 1/1" step finishes immediately (with success), yet sesdev create octopus ... --qa-test ... fails because the cluster has zero OSDs.


ceph-salt uses a command like the following to deploy OSDs:

echo '{\"testing_dg_admin\": {\"host_pattern\": \"admin*\", \"data_devices\": {\"all\": true}}}' | ceph orch osd create -i -

When I try this command manually, it fails:

admin:~ # echo '{\"testing_dg_admin\": {\"host_pattern\": \"admin*\", \"data_devices\": {\"all\": true}}}' | ceph orch osd create -i -
Error EINVAL: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/ceph/mgr/", line 1070, in _handle_command
    return self.handle_command(inbuf, cmd)
  File "/usr/share/ceph/mgr/orchestrator/", line 191, in handle_command
    return dispatch[cmd['prefix']].call(self, cmd, inbuf)
  File "/usr/share/ceph/mgr/", line 309, in call
    return self.func(mgr, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/share/ceph/mgr/orchestrator/", line 153, in <lambda>
    wrapper_copy = lambda *l_args, **l_kwargs: wrapper(*l_args, **l_kwargs)
  File "/usr/share/ceph/mgr/orchestrator/", line 144, in wrapper
    return func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/share/ceph/mgr/orchestrator/", line 437, in _create_osd
    dgs = DriveGroupSpecs(yaml.load(inbuf))
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ceph/deployment/", line 117, in __init__
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ceph/deployment/", line 122, in build_drive_groups
    (drive_group_spec, name=drive_group_name))
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ceph/deployment/", line 228, in from_json
    "Feature <{}> is not supported".format(applied_filter))
ceph.deployment.drive_group.DriveGroupValidationError: Failed to validate Drive Group: Feature <\"host_pattern\"> is not supported

admin:~ # echo $?

However, ceph-salt-formula ignores this error.

Implement `init` command

Before running ceph-bootstrap we need to make sure that the salt pillar is correctly configured to find the ceph-salt.sls file created by ceph-bootstrap. This should be done automatically by the ceph-bootstrap init command.

Currently these are the steps we run manually before running ceph-bootstrap config:

cat <<EOF > /srv/pillar/top.sls
    - ceph-salt
touch /srv/pillar/ceph-salt.sls
chown -R salt:salt /srv/pillar
salt \* saltutil.pillar_refresh

Provide a mechanism for setting "ceph.conf" configuration values so they will be in effect during "cephadm bootstrap" phase

Nowadays, Ceph has a MON store for cluster configuration, but certain options still have to be set in ceph.conf before the cluster is bootstrapped.

One example is osd crush chooseleaf type = 0. If this is not provided on the cephadm bootstrap command line via the -c option, the initial CRUSH map created by cephadm bootstrap will have the failure domain set to "host" and there is no easy way to change that.

It's possible that there are other options like this one, which must be set via cephadm bootstrap -c in order to properly take effect.

Therefore, I am proposing that ceph-salt provide a mechanism for setting these options.

UPDATE: I found another situation where this is needed (and I think it's quite likely that there are more):

If someone needs to run cephadm bootstrap with MGR debugging turned up, the only way to do this is via cephadm bootstrap -c.

Error deploying config without external time server

When deploying the following configuration, without external time server:

  o- Time_Server ................................................................. [enabled]
    o- External_Servers ............................................................ [empty]
    o- Server_Hostname ................................................. []

I'm getting the following error:

          ID: /etc/chrony.conf
    Function: file.managed
      Result: False
     Comment: Unable to manage file: Jinja variable 'dict object' has no attribute 'external_time_servers'
     Started: 10:37:14.223639
    Duration: 47.736 ms

To fix this, we should check if any external time server was configured before setting it up.

Ensure ceph-salt-formula is loaded by the salt-master before deploy

When running ceph-bootstrap deploy we need to make sure that the ceph-salt-formula state files are already loaded by the salt-master, otherwise the deployment will fail.

We can check if ceph-salt formula is loaded by running the following command: salt \* state.sls_exists ceph-salt.
We should also always sync any state, modules or pillar changes before starting the deployment using the following command: salt \* saltutil.sync_all

Minions without role are not added to the orchestrator

imaster:~ # ceph-bootstrap config "/Cluster/Minions ls"
o- Minions ............................................................... [Minions: 9]
  o- imaster.ceph ....................................................... [no roles]
  o- imonitor1.ceph ..................................................... [mon, mgr]
  o- imonitor2.ceph ..................................................... [mon, mgr]
  o- imonitor3.ceph ..................................................... [mon, mgr]
  o- iosd-node1.ceph .................................................... [no roles]
  o- iosd-node2.ceph .................................................... [no roles]
  o- iosd-node3.ceph .................................................... [no roles]
  o- iosd-node4.ceph .................................................... [no roles]
  o- iosd-node5.ceph .................................................... [no roles]

imonitor1:~ # ceph orchestrator host ls

Roles only available in advanced mode

Simple Mode

By default, roles should be disabled, so the following entries should not be visible:

  • /Cluster/Roles
  • /Deployment
  • /Storage

The following new entry should be available:

  • /Cluster/Bootstrap_Minion

Setting the /Cluster/Bootstrap_Minion will:

  • set the bootstrap_mon value
  • clear all the existing roles of bootstrap_mon
  • add both mon and mgr roles to the bootstrap_mon

Advanced Mode

When running in "advanced mode", all entries should be visible except /Cluster/Bootstrap_Minion.

Adding a role to a minion should set the bootstrap_mon value with a minion that has both mgr and mon roles.

After "ceph-bootstrap deploy", cluster is in HEALTH_WARN ("CEPHADM_STRAY_HOST: 3 stray host(s) with 10 service(s) not managed by cephadm")

$ sesdev ssh octopus_test1
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Have a lot of fun...
admin:~ # ceph -s
    id:     be09d766-42d5-11ea-bbb8-52540088717e
    health: HEALTH_WARN
            3 stray host(s) with 10 service(s) not managed by cephadm
    mon: 3 daemons, quorum,node2,node3 (age 23m)
    mgr: hwboak(active, since 23m), standbys: icdsnv, ytvgxh
    osd: 6 osds: 6 up (since 22m), 6 in (since 22m)
    pools:   0 pools, 0 pgs
    objects: 0 objects, 0 B
    usage:   6.0 GiB used, 42 GiB / 48 GiB avail
admin:~ # ceph health detail
HEALTH_WARN 3 stray host(s) with 10 service(s) not managed by cephadm
[WRN] CEPHADM_STRAY_HOST: 3 stray host(s) with 10 service(s) not managed by cephadm
    stray host has 4 stray daemons: ['mgr.hwboak', '', 'osd.0', 'osd.1']
    stray host has 3 stray daemons: ['mgr.icdsnv', 'osd.2', 'osd.3']
    stray host has 3 stray daemons: ['mgr.ytvgxh', 'osd.4', 'osd.5']
admin:~ # ceph versions
    "mon": {
        "ceph version 15.0.0-9865-gd2c6620fea (d2c6620fea8e44e5b0bc24a0effaa6347315be7e) octopus (dev)": 3
    "mgr": {
        "ceph version 15.0.0-9865-gd2c6620fea (d2c6620fea8e44e5b0bc24a0effaa6347315be7e) octopus (dev)": 3
    "osd": {
        "ceph version 15.0.0-9865-gd2c6620fea (d2c6620fea8e44e5b0bc24a0effaa6347315be7e) octopus (dev)": 6
    "mds": {},
    "overall": {
        "ceph version 15.0.0-9865-gd2c6620fea (d2c6620fea8e44e5b0bc24a0effaa6347315be7e) octopus (dev)": 12
admin:~ # ceph --version
ceph version 15.0.0-9865-gd2c6620fea (d2c6620fea8e44e5b0bc24a0effaa6347315be7e) octopus (dev)

UPDATE: The workaround is to explicitly add the hosts - e.g.:

# ceph orchestrator host add
Added host ''

ceph-bootstrap config displaying Dashboard password

ceph-bootstrap config displaying Dashboard password:

# ceph-bootstrap config /Deployment/Dashboard/password set admin
# ceph-bootstrap config /Deployment/Dashboard ls
o- Dashboard ........................................ [...]
  o- password ..................................... [admin]
  o- username ..................................... [admin]

Add "System_Update" option group to config shell


Add a System_Update option group to the config shell. This group should be able to configure all options required by ceph-salt-formula:software state.


Currently the only thing the software state file does is to run pkg.upgrade module function, which will upgrade all packages of the system to the latest available version.

We should allow a more finer grain configuration, to allow kernel upgrades to be disabled/enabled, or any other packages.

Also, we should find a solution to the problem of package upgrades that require a reboot afterwards.

Solution proposal:
Have a flag that enables/disables the reboot of the machine in case of any package requires a reboot. If the flag is enabled, it should send a message in the salt-event bus stating that the minion will reboot, and then finish the state execution, and issue a reboot.

Since ceph-salt formula should be idempotent, the user of the formula after being notified that the node is rebooting, it can run again the formula in all minions.

Prevent some actions after the initial deployment

Solution 1

After the initial deployment, we should:

  1. Mark minions as "Managed by orchestrator" (based on ceph orchestrator inventory?), e.g.:
o- / ....................................................................................... [...]
  o- Cluster ............................................................................... [...]
  | o- Minions ...................................................................... [Minions: 4]
  | | o- ............................................. [Managed by orchestrator]
  | | ...
  1. Minions that are managed by orchestrator should not appear on /Cluster/Roles, and "Bootstrap minion" should not be displayed:
o- / ....................................................................................... [...]
  o- Cluster ............................................................................... [...]
  | o- Minions ...................................................................... [Minions: 5]
  | | o- ............................................. [Managed by orchestrator]
  | | ...
  | | o- ............................................................ [mgr, mon]
  | o- Roles ............................................................... [Minions w/ roles: 1]
  |   o- Mgr ........................................................................ [Minions: 1]
  |   | o- .................................................. [other roles: mon]
  |   o- Mon ........................................................................ [Minions: 2]
  |     o- .................................................. [other roles: mgr]
  1. And the following options should be disabled:
  • /Cluster/Deployment/Bootstrap
  • /Cluster/Deployment/Dashboard
  • /SSH

Solution 2

After the initial deployment, the following operations should be "disabled":

  • /Cluster/Roles
  • /Deployment
  • /Storage
  • /SSH

ceph-salt issues wrong "ceph orch" command and gets "Error: 2 hosts provided, expected 3"

Very odd. . .

sesdev command line:

sesdev create octopus --ceph-salt-repo --ceph-salt-branch wip-fix-broken-osd-deploy --ceph-container-image="" --no-deploy-mons --no-deploy-mgrs --no-deploy-osds octopus_test1

Results in:

    admin:   |   o- Mgr .......................................................................................................... [Minions: 3]
    admin:   |   | o- .............................................................................. [other roles: mon]
    admin:   |   | o- .............................................................................. [other roles: mon]
    admin:   |   | o- .............................................................................. [other roles: mon]
    admin:   o- Deployment .............................................................................................................. [...]
    admin:   | o- Bootstrap ......................................................................................................... [enabled]
    admin:   | o- Dashboard ............................................................................................................. [...]
    admin:   | | o- password ............................................................................................................ [***]
    admin:   | | o- username .......................................................................................................... [admin]
    admin:   | o- Mgr ............................................................................................................... [enabled]
    admin:   | o- Mon .............................................................................................................. [disabled]
    admin:   | o- OSD .............................................................................................................. [disabled]


    admin: [2020-02-25 16:49:11.286782] [node1.octopus_te] Finished with failures
    admin: Failure in minion:
    admin: __id__: deploy remaining mgrs
    admin: __run_num__: 55
    admin: __sls__: ceph-salt.ceph-mgr
    admin: changes:
    admin:   pid: 14979
    admin:   retcode: 22
    admin:   stderr: "Error EINVAL: Traceback (most recent call last):\n  File \"/usr/share/ceph/mgr/\"\
    admin:     , line 1070, in _handle_command\n    return self.handle_command(inbuf, cmd)\n\
    admin:     \  File \"/usr/share/ceph/mgr/orchestrator/\", line 191, in handle_command\n\
    admin:     \    return dispatch[cmd['prefix']].call(self, cmd, inbuf)\n  File \"/usr/share/ceph/mgr/\"\
    admin:     , line 309, in call\n    return self.func(mgr, **kwargs)\n  File \"/usr/share/ceph/mgr/orchestrator/_interf\"\
    admin:     , line 153, in <lambda>\n    wrapper_copy = lambda *l_args, **l_kwargs: wrapper(*l_args,\
    admin:     \ **l_kwargs)\n  File \"/usr/share/ceph/mgr/orchestrator/\", line\
    admin:     \ 144, in wrapper\n    return func(*args, **kwargs)\n  File \"/usr/share/ceph/mgr/orchestrator/\"\
    admin:     , line 668, in _apply_mgr\n    completion = self.apply_mgr(spec)\n  File \"/usr/share/ceph/mgr/orchestrator
    admin:     , line 1694, in inner\n    completion = self._oremote(method_name, args, kwargs)\n\
    admin:     \  File \"/usr/share/ceph/mgr/orchestrator/\", line 1764, in _oremote\n\
    admin:     \    return mgr.remote(o, meth, *args, **kwargs)\n  File \"/usr/share/ceph/mgr/\"\
    admin:     , line 1432, in remote\n    args, kwargs)\nRuntimeError: Remote method threw exception:\
    admin:     \ Traceback (most recent call last):\n  File \"/usr/share/ceph/mgr/cephadm/\"\
    admin:     , line 2155, in apply_mgr\n    len(spec.placement.hosts), num_new_mgrs))\nRuntimeError:\
    admin:     \ Error: 2 hosts provided, expected 3"
    admin:   stdout: ''
    admin: comment: 'Command "ceph orch apply mgr 3 node2 node3
    admin:   " run'
    admin: duration: 403.004
    admin: name: 'ceph orch apply mgr 3 node2 node3
    admin:   '
    admin: result: false
    admin: start_time: '17:49:10.863246'
    admin: state: 'cmd_|-deploy remaining mgrs_|-ceph orch apply mgr 3 node2 node3
    admin:   _|-run'
    admin: Finished execution of ceph-salt formula
    admin: Summary: Total=4 Succeeded=3 Failed=1
Command '['vagrant', 'up']' failed: ret=1 stderr:

Remove salt python API terminal output from ceph-boostrap commands

Currently whenever ceph-bootrap runs a salt command through the salt python API, the salt python API prints to the terminal some messages in some situations. Example:

No minions matched the target. No command was sent, no jid was assigned.
No minions matched the target. No command was sent, no jid was assigned.
No minions matched the target. No command was sent, no jid was assigned.

This is a problem in the salt python API, that should output those messages to the logger instead of directly to stdout, but since we can't change that part here, ceph-bootstrap should wrap the salt python API calls in way that captures the stdout outputs avoid them to be propagated to the user stdout.

We have an example of how that can be achieved here:

No bootstrap minion configured if there is no node has both MON and MGR

In issue #42 a minion is tagged as bootstrapping role only when it has both MON and MGR roles, if this is a requirement, should we document it (maybe in sesdev or downstream doc) or add a check before deploying?

I tested sesdev with the following command:

sesdev create octopus --roles="[admin], [mon], [mgr], [storage]" dev

The deployment failed with:

    admin: ++ ceph-bootstrap config ls
    admin: o- / ......................................................................................................................... [...]
    admin:   o- Cluster ................................................................................................................. [...]
    admin:   | o- Minions ........................................................................................................ [Minions: 4]
    admin:   | | o- .................................................................................................. [no roles]
    admin:   | | o- ....................................................................................................... [mon]
    admin:   | | o- ....................................................................................................... [mgr]
    admin:   | | o- .................................................................................................. [no roles]
    admin:   | o- Roles ......................................................................... [Bootstrap minion: None, Minions w/ roles: 2]
    admin:   |   o- Mgr .......................................................................................................... [Minions: 1]
    admin:   |   | o- .......................................................................................... [no other roles]
    admin:   |   o- Mon .......................................................................................................... [Minions: 1]
    admin:   |     o- .......................................................................................... [no other roles]
    admin:   o- Containers .............................................................................................................. [...]
    admin:   | o- Images ................................................................................................................ [...]
    admin:   |   o- ceph ..................................................................... []
    admin:   o- Deployment .............................................................................................................. [...]
    admin:   | o- Bootstrap ......................................................................................................... [enabled]
    admin:   | o- Dashboard ............................................................................................................. [...]
    admin:   | | o- password ............................................................................................................ [***]
    admin:   | | o- username .......................................................................................................... [admin]
    admin:   | o- Mgr ............................................................................................................... [enabled]
    admin:   | o- Mon ............................................................................................................... [enabled]
    admin:   | o- OSD ............................................................................................................... [enabled]
    admin:   o- SSH ............................................................................................................ [Key Pair set]
    admin:   | o- Private_Key ............................................................... [a4:b9:b1:3e:e7:a2:ba:fe:c6:d6:e5:82:e6:99:d3:24]
    admin:   | o- Public_Key ................................................................ [a4:b9:b1:3e:e7:a2:ba:fe:c6:d6:e5:82:e6:99:d3:24]
    admin:   o- Storage ................................................................................................................. [...]
    admin:   | o- Drive_Groups ............................................................................................................ [1]
    admin:   |   o- {"testing_dg_node3": {"host_pattern": "node3*", "data_devices": {"all": true}}} ..................................... [...]
    admin:   o- System_Update ........................................................................................................... [...]
    admin:   | o- Packages .......................................................................................................... [enabled]
    admin:   | o- Reboot ............................................................................................................ [enabled]
    admin:   o- Time_Server ......................................................................................................... [enabled]
    admin:     o- External_Servers ........................................................................................................ [1]
    admin:     | o- ................................................................................................... [...]
    admin:     o- Server_Hostname ............................................................................................. []
    admin: ++ zypper lr -upEP
    admin: #  | Alias               | Name                        | Enabled | GPG Check | Refresh | Priority | URI                                                                                              
    admin: ---+---------------------+-----------------------------+---------+-----------+---------+----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    admin:  1 | octopus-repo1       | octopus-repo1               | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | No      |   98     |
    admin:  6 | repo-non-oss        | Non-OSS Repository          | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | No      |   99     |                                
    admin:  7 | repo-oss            | Main Repository             | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | No      |   99     |                                    
    admin: 10 | repo-update         | Main Update Repository      | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | No      |   99     |                                               
    admin: 11 | repo-update-non-oss | Update Repository (Non-Oss) | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | No      |   99     |                                           
    admin: ++ zypper info cephadm
    admin: ++ grep -E '(^Repo|^Version)'
    admin: Repository     : octopus-repo1                       
    admin: Version        : 15.1.0-lp152.833.1                  
    admin: ++ ceph-bootstrap --version
    admin: ceph-bootstrap 15.1.0+1581935293.g7a3134c
    admin: ++ stdbuf -o0 ceph-bootstrap -ldebug deploy --non-interactive
    admin: Checking if ceph-salt formula is available...
    admin: salt-master will be restarted to load ceph-salt formula
    admin: Could not find ceph-salt formula. Please check if ceph-salt-formula package is installed
Command '['vagrant', 'up']' failed: ret=1 stderr:
==> admin: An error occurred. The error will be shown after all tasks complete.
An error occurred while executing multiple actions in parallel.
Any errors that occurred are shown below.

The error message doesn't make sense because the formula was installed correctly. After digging for a while, the minion log file provides some insight to the cause:

2020-02-19 08:41:27,500 [salt.minion      :1491][INFO    ][7109] User sudo_vagrant Executing command state.sls_exists with jid 20200219084127497627
2020-02-19 08:41:27,551 [salt.minion      :1618][INFO    ][11686] Starting a new job 20200219084127497627 with PID 11686
2020-02-19 08:41:27,701 [salt.state       :967 ][INFO    ][11686] Loading fresh modules for state activity
2020-02-19 08:41:27,764 [salt.utils.templates:180 ][ERROR   ][11686] Rendering exception occurred
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/salt/utils/", line 394, in render_jinja_tmpl
    output = template.render(**decoded_context)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/jinja2/", line 76, in render
    return original_render(self, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/jinja2/", line 1008, in render
    return self.environment.handle_exception(exc_info, True)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/jinja2/", line 780, in handle_exception
    reraise(exc_type, exc_value, tb)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/jinja2/", line 37, in reraise
    raise value.with_traceback(tb)
  File "<template>", line 13, in top-level template code
jinja2.exceptions.UndefinedError: 'dict object' has no attribute 'bootstrap_minion'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/salt/utils/", line 169, in render_tmpl
    output = render_str(tmplstr, context, tmplpath)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/salt/utils/", line 404, in render_jinja_tmpl
salt.exceptions.SaltRenderError: Jinja variable 'dict object' has no attribute 'bootstrap_minion'
2020-02-19 08:41:27,764 [salt.state       :3516][CRITICAL][11686] Rendering SLS 'base:ceph-salt' failed: Jinja variable 'dict object' has no attribute 'bootstrap_minion'
2020-02-19 08:41:27,764 [salt.minion      :1946][INFO    ][11686] Returning information for job: 20200219084127497627

Implement `deploy` command

Currently after using ceph-bootstrap to configure all the options required by ceph-salt-formula we run ceph-salt-formula by issue the following salt command:

salt -G 'ceph-salt:member' state.apply ceph-salt

The above command is completely silent until the minions start responding after running the whole formula. The objective of the ceph-bootstrap deploy command is to run the ceph-salt formula but give real-time execution progress feedback to the user.

The idea for the implementation is to listen the salt-event bus for events generated by ceph-salt formula, and show the current status on the terminal.
Related issue in ceph-salt-formula: SUSE/ceph-salt-formula#2

We can re-use the code in DeepSea CLI ( to listen for the salt-event bus using Listener pattern.

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