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sharpconfig's Issues

Problem with same name sections

If we try to save this file with SharpConfig:





We will get mostly empty file as result:
LoggerEnabled = True
LoggerVerbosity = 5
MasterServerIP =

Can you please fix this issue?

; separated values are read as 1 value + comment containing the rest


I'm reading an ini file which contains both comments with a ';' and ';' separated list values like this:

; Pre-section comment

I end up with a Section with the correct PreComment, but my setting StringValue is "value1", and the setting Comment is "value2;value3".

Is there a way where I can get the setting value to actually be "value1;value2;value3"? I can workaround to concatenate my stringvalue and comment separated by a ';' but that doesnt feel right at all. So maybe i'm doing something silly, maybe you can add this as a feature? (e.g. RawValue without any comment logic?)


StringValueArray does not parse arrays with apostrophes

Here is a sample bit of code that was a bit puzzling - I have an .ini section [TestRun] with a string array with one of the array values having an apostrophe - when I step through the code (see below .ini entries) the StringValueArray returns a null.

Removing the apostrophe (see 2nd [TestRun] section) then StringValueArray parses properly.

I did not see any exceptions to using StringValueArray and wondered why an apostrophe would create a problem - is this fixable?
; fails to parse - StringValueArray returns null but there is an error that is not thrown
Test = {010|Store A, 020|Store's We Like, 30|Stores We Do Not Like}

; parses fine - Only difference from previous is apostrophe for 020|...
Test = {010|Store A, 020|Stores We Like, 30|Stores We Do Not Like}

Section test = config["Test"];
string[] _test = test["Test"].StringValueArray;

Section.Remove related...


v2.1.0 contains following code in Section.cs...

        public bool Remove(Setting setting)
            if (setting == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("setting");

            if (mSettings.Contains(setting))
                return true;
                return false;

Is it correct to modify as...

        public bool Remove(Setting setting)
            if (setting == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("setting");

                return mSettings.Remove(setting);


and also, if it is true, then similar changes can be applicable else-where in the code base?

Configuration.Save() adds space before and after the key value delimiter (=)

My understanding is that is better to keep the ini file to its original design:

Key=value is almost always with no space in my experience and some tools or programs will choke on those spaces.

Also it will be better for existing files to be kept in their original condition as much as possible.

[section 1]

after Configuration loads it and save's it back it will be:

[section 1]
app = bbb

BTW - I'm enjoying SharpConfig :) good job!

Unity problem

I'm trying to install SharpConfig via NuGet using: Install-Package sharpconfig

and it throws this error:

Could not install package 'sharpconfig 1.4.4'. You are trying to install this package into a project that targets '.NETFramework,Version=v3.5,Profile=Unity Subset v3.5', but the package does not contain any assembly references or content files that are compatible with that framework. For more information, contact the package author.

I'm not sure how to fix this.

EDIT: 1.4.3 installed fine so I guess something changed in the latest version?

Blank configuration save/load related...


Blank configuration saved to file creates file with size 0 but loading same throws exception.

Technically, any configuration successfully saved must be loadable?

            var cfg = new Configuration();

            cfg = Configuration.LoadFromFile(@"d:\sample.ini");

Request: parse multiple sections with the same name

It would be awesome if SharpConfig could actually cope with multiple sections with the same name, instead of ignoring them. Even if config["sectionName"] just returned the first one, it would be very useful if foreach (Section section in config) would properly enumerate all of them.
Example configuration:

ip =

ip =
os = Windows

ip =
os = Linux

Configuration.ParseSetting(string line) trims text after ' " '


I have an ini file with ' " ' a value of a setting.
But Configuration.ParseSetting(string line) trims every text which is coming afterwards.



The value of config["General"]["MySetting"] is "DataSource=" and the rest is removed.

Is there any solution for this problem?

Section string indexer related...


v2.1.0 contains following code in Section.cs

public Setting this[string name]
                var setting = FindSetting(name);

                if (setting == null)
                    setting = new Setting(name);

                return setting;

Is it correct to optimize like, because calling Add is not required...

public Setting this[string name]
                var setting = FindSetting(name);

                if (setting == null)
                    setting = new Setting(name);

                return setting;


T Setting.GetValueTyped<T>(); exception


Please refer following code snippet, the exception is in LoadConfig().
It used to work in prior versions.

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)

    static void SaveConfig()
        var cfg = new Configuration();


    static void LoadConfig()
        var cfg = Configuration.LoadFromFile("Sample.ini");

        // Exception!
        Gender gender = cfg["Setting"]["Gender"].GetValueTyped<Gender>();

public enum Gender

CreateObject / FromObject issue.


The issue is related to DateTime field.

While using CreateObject and FromObject methods, if the system date and time settings are different then DateTime field parsing might fail and throw exception.

Is it possible to provide format string or something via field/property attributes?


SetValueTo & ToObject<T> difference?

// Sample ini file

Name = Ketan

    class Sample
        public string Name;
        public string Address;
            var sample1 = new Sample();

            var cfg = Configuration.LoadFromFile(@"sample.ini");


            Sample sample2 = cfg["Sample"].ToObject<Sample>();

This both yeilds the same result, then what is the difference between these functions?


Feature Request


The android API have concept of SharedPreferences, where you can put application settings. (just like ini), and it have methods like: boolean getBoolean (String key, boolean defValue);

The "defValue" is really useful in case the key/setting does not exist.

I suggest if it can be implemented in SharpConfig...

Like following code will throw exception.

        var cfg = new Configuration();

        bool isWar = cfg["Rocket"]["Fire"].BoolValue;

Instead it'll be better if we can pass default value, so that it will not be necessary to check if section/setting already exist?


API Suggestion

If possible, please add following functions...

Section Configuration.Add(string name);

Setting Section.Add(string name);
Setting Section.Add(string name, object value);



Hello Cemalettin;

First of all: thank's for your pretty nice helper.
it' working very well.

I tested it a bit a found one problem:
I have an ini with a leading Comment.
It is read from Disk ok, but when i write it to Disk then there is a problem with the Line-ending.
You can only see it in a hex-editor, texteditors correct it automatically.
In the leading Comment is only a linfeed (\n) appended and not a CR\LF (\r\n)
I think the problem is in file "setting.cs" line 528 + 540
return string.Format("{0}\n{1}={2}" should be return string.Format("{0}\r\n{1}={2}",
But i haven't tested it.

May be you can look for?

thanks a lot
best regards

Section.Remove suggestion...


In .NET API, like File.Delete, If the file to be deleted does not exist, no exception is thrown.
Similarly, Section.Remove() should not throw exception if not exist?

Since, many times it is required to remove sections that might not exist.
But Section.Contains() call is always required for checking.


= bug

mysql=Data Source=;Port=3306;userid=root;password=123456;database=test;charset=utf8

when I want to config connectionstring。how can I do?

add Configuration.Contains overload

Please, add new Contains overload:

public bool Contains(string sectionName, string settingName)
    Section section = FindSection(sectionName);
    return section != null && section.Contains(settingName);

Question about .ToObject<T>() method.


I have this config file:

Name = Foo
Age = 234
Gender = Male

In the code there are entities:

public class Person
	public string Name { get; set; }
	public int Age { get; set; }
	public Gender Gender { get; set; }

public enum Gender

Main method:

var config = Configuration.LoadFromFile(@"....config.cfg");
var obj = config["Person"].ToObject<Person>();

When i invoke .ToObject<Person>(); this method throw exception:

Failed to convert value 'Male' to type cfg.Gender; no converter for this type is registered. ---> 
System.NotImplementedException: no converter for this type is registered.
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at SharpConfig.Setting.CreateObjectFromString(String value, Type dstType)
   at SharpConfig.Setting.GetValue(Type type)
   at SharpConfig.Section.SetValuesTo(Object obj)
   at SharpConfig.Section.ToObject[T]()
   at cfg.Program.Main(String[] args) in C:\....\Program.cs:line 19

If i remove 'Gender' field, all works perfect. Looks like a bug :)

Section indexer related


            var cfg = new Configuration();

            var sectionA = cfg["A"];
            var section1 = cfg[1];

The 2nd indexer throws exception, why not create section by calling ToString() on numeric value?


Quoted arrays elements not working


If I want to store in an array an element with spaces, my first guess was to put it within double quotes like this:

Pets = { hamster, cat, mango, "some bird" }

But I found that SharpConfig interprets those quotes as being part of the 4th element. So:

array[3] == "\"some bird\""

Instead of what I expected:

array[3] == "some bird"

This also means I cannot put special characters inside the quoted elements, like for example a comma:

Pets = { hamster, cat, mango, "some,,,bird" }

My use case is: the users of my app will put in that array some filenames they choose to. So they an have weird characters like , or }, so having a way of escaping them seemed reasonably to me.

Method for mapping objects to configurations

Hey there!

I recently started to use your library and I'm satifsfied with it so far. There is one question I want to ask.

There is the very useful method for creating objects from configurations. Is there also a method which does the exact opposite?


Some suggestions...


I would like to suggest following improvements...

  1. Remove unnecessary using statements

  2. In Setting.cs

        public object GetValue(Type type)
            if (type == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("type");

            if (type.IsArray)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("To obtain an array value, use GetValueArray() instead of GetValue().");

            if (this.IsArray)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The setting represents an array. Use GetValueArray() to obtain its value.");

            return **type.IsArray** ?
                GetValueArray(type.GetElementType()) :
                CreateObjectFromString(mRawValue, type);

It is not required to check this condition.

  1. In Setting.cs, following method looks similar to above method. So can it be refactored?
        public T GetValue<T>()
            var type = typeof(T);

            if (type.IsArray)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("To obtain an array value, use GetValueArray() instead of GetValue().");

            if (this.IsArray)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The setting represents an array. Use GetValueArray() to obtain its value.");

            return (T)CreateObjectFromString(mRawValue, type);
  1. In Setting.cs, private int CalculateArraySize() method, following are the issues...

add check; arrayEndIdx >= arrayStartIdx (true)

            // Naive algorithm; assume the number of array element delimiters
            // equals the number of elements + 1.
            for (int i = 0; i < mRawValue.Length; ++i)
                if (mRawValue[i] == Configuration.ArrayElementSeparator)

i = arrayStartIdx; i < arrayEndIdx; ++i

  • Configuration.ArrayElementSeparator should not be space char
            if (arraySize == 0)
                // There were no element separators in the array expression.
                // That does not mean that there are no elements.
                // Check if there is at least something.
                // If so, that is the single element of the array.
                for (int i = arrayStartIdx + 1; i < arrayEndIdx; ++i)
                    if (mRawValue[i] != ' ')
            else **if (arraySize > 0)**
                // If there were any element separators in the array expression,
                // we have to increment the array size, as we assumed
                // that the number of element separators equaled the number of elements + 1.

this check is not required.

  1. In ConfigurationReader.cs...

In private static Setting ParseSetting(string line, int lineNumber) method...

string settingValue = line.Substring(indexOfAssignOp + 1, line.Length - indexOfAssignOp - 1);
line.Substring(indexOfAssignOp + 1) will do

and similar corrections required in some other place too...


Unicode and non-printable codes in array


I want char[] as follows, how do I put ini file?

char[] trimChars = { ' ', (char)160, '-', '_', '\'', '\"', '<', '>', '\n', '\r', '\t', ':', '?', (char)30, '\0', '=' };


API feature request...


For now, we are following this pattern to add/access sections...

Section section = new Section("Sample");

It might be helpful to add following support...

Section section = Configuration.Add("Sample");

i.e. Add following API...
Section Configuration.Add(string name);

and similar for Setting class too.


change Comment.ToString

Please, change Comment.ToString() to something like below. It's needed to allow using multiline precomments.

public override string ToString()
    char symbol = Symbol;
    return string.Join(
            (Value ?? string.Empty).Split(new string[] { "\r\n", "\n" }, System.StringSplitOptions.None),
            s => string.Format("{0} {1}", symbol, s)

Can't read the file on another app - Unity

Hi, I will try to explain what is my plan, and what is happening

I'm developing two app's that will work together, one simple app, and another with videos and gear vr
on the first app it creates a file, with names, the second app would read this file, and execute the videos and informations

I can see the file, but when I tried to read it, it gives null values, but i can change the values!
on the first app I say: cfg["Person]["Name].SetValue("John");
when I go to the second app, i can't read the name "John", but I can change it to anything else
BUT can't read it either
when I ask to debug the value, it gives me a null value, and when I open the file, shows me the modification

any solution?

GetType<T> Exception

    public enum GroupItemType

    static readonly string GROUP_TYPE = "Type";

    var groupType = (GroupItemType)Enum.Parse(typeof(GroupItemType), section[GROUP_TYPE].StringValue);
    var groupType = section[GROUP_TYPE].GetValue<GroupItemType>();

The last line is causing exception.

would it be possible to add support for subsections..

Hi there

you have an amazing tool here it has helped me a great deal in other projects, but now i have a new project that has subsections indicated by double square brackets, how could i improve your code to read a sample like below:

[General] # section1
param = 'config' #section1 parameters and values

[[version]] #section 1 subsection
version_name = 'test_config'
version_string = '1.0p'

[Initialization] #section2
main = 'project'

Serialization of arrays to objects (mapping)

Hey there!

another problem I've noticed today:

  • The method Section.FromObject() does not consider arrays, so that it just stores the name of the type and not the array values.
  • In addition, it should be considered to ignore custom types (classes) at all during automatic serialization. Currently, it creates settings which also store just the name of the type.

Check if section / key exist


Is there any ways to check easily if a section, or a key exist?
Included into this awesome libs, or on my side?

EDIT: Found my issue.
I got an error on:
bool move = conf["Settings"]["move"].BoolValue
saying the instance isn't define to an object.

I fixed it on my side by making a weird workaround, such as:
bool move = Convert.ToBoolean(conf["Settings"]["move"].StringValue);

Configuration.ArrayElementSeparator related.


Configuration.ArrayElementSeparator field is not used at some places.

Ref. following code...

mRawValue = string.Format("{{{0}}}", string.Join(",", strings));

Hardcoded ',' is used?

Attribute to ignore field and property

It would be great if we can ignore certain fields or properties by adding an attribute on top of it.

class Person
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public int Age { get; set; }
    public int SomeField;

Currently I'm ussing the attribute [IgnoreDataMemberAttribute] available since .NET 3.0. It could be by creating a special attribute for SharpConfig to still support .NET 2.0.

Here the change I made in FromObject function

foreach (var prop in type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public))
    if (!prop.CanRead)

    if (prop.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(IgnoreDataMemberAttribute), true).Length > 0)

    object propValue = prop.GetValue(obj, null);
    Setting setting = new Setting(prop.Name, propValue != null ? propValue.ToString() : "");


// Repeat for each public field.
foreach (var field in type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public))
    if (field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(IgnoreDataMemberAttribute), true).Length > 0)

    object fieldValue = field.GetValue(obj);
    Setting setting = new Setting(field.Name, fieldValue != null ? fieldValue.ToString() : "");


Arbitrary type converter

It would be great to add possibility to convert from/to string an arbitrary object type.
As an example it could be done by changing FallbackStringConverter as following.

internal sealed class FallbackStringConverter : ITypeStringConverter
    public string ConvertToString(object value)
        try {
            return TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(value).ConvertTo(value, typeof(string)) as string;
        return value.ToString();

    public object ConvertFromString(string value, Type hint)
            return TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(hint).ConvertFrom(value);
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public Type ConvertibleType
        get { return null; }

Also method CreateObjectFromString should be changed in following part not to throw an exception.

private static object CreateObjectFromString(string value, Type dstType)
    var converter = Configuration.FindTypeStringConverter(dstType);
    if (converter == Configuration.FallbackConverter)
        // The fallback converter is not able to create arbitrary objects
        // from strings, so this means that there is no type converter
        // registered for dstType.
        throw SettingValueCastException.CreateBecauseConverterMissing(value, dstType);

Configuration string indexer related...


Following code maybe invalid/improper, but it adds 'null' in section collection.

var cfg = new Configuration();
cfg["A"] = new Section("B");

Issue related to set indexer, if "A" section not found.
Some validations will be required for such cases?

Configuration.cs -> public Section this[string name]

            var section = GetSection(name);
            int settingIndex = section != null ? mSections.IndexOf(section) : -1;

            if (settingIndex < 0)
                // A section with that name does not exist yet; add it.
                mSections.Add(section); // Must add 'value' ???
                // A section with that name exists; overwrite.
                mSections[settingIndex] = section;


Some comment corrections and suggestions...


In Configuration.DateTimeFormat comment, it should be CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.DateTimeFormat rather then CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat?

Is it possible to specify separator in xxxArray(), it looks default is comma.
Something like Configuration.ValidCommentChars?

Incase of string array, if string contains ',' then it might cause issue?

about array size is 0

in setting.cs
// Read the last element.
values[i] = ConvertValue(
mRawValue.Substring(elemIndex, mRawValue.Length - elemIndex - 1),
while throw exception
change to
// Read the last element.
if (this.ArraySize > 0)
values[i] = ConvertValue(
mRawValue.Substring(elemIndex, mRawValue.Length - elemIndex - 1),

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