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react-native-google-nearby-connection's Introduction

react-native-google-nearby-connection npm version

React Native wrapper for Googles Nearby Connection API

Download the React Native Nearby Connection demo app from the Google Play Store (Android)


Install package

npm i react-native-google-nearby-connection --save


  • Make sure you are using Gradle 2.2.x (project build.gradle)
  • Add google-services
buildscript {
    dependencies {
        classpath ''
        classpath ''
  • Add the following to your build.gradle's repositories section. (project build.gradle)
allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url "" }


Add project under dependencies

android {
    compileSdkVersion 26
    buildToolsVersion "26.0.1"
    defaultConfig {
        minSdkVersion 16
        targetSdkVersion 26
        multiDexEnabled true
dependencies {
    compile ''
    compile project(':react-native-google-nearby-connection')
    compile ''
    compile ''


Include project, so gradle knows where to find the project

include ':react-native-google-nearby-connection'
project(':react-native-google-nearby-connection').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-google-nearby-connection/android')

We need to register our package

Add import; as an import statement and new NearbyConnectionPackage() in getPackages()


Import library

import NearbyConnection, {CommonStatusCodes, ConnectionsStatusCodes, Strategy, Payload, PayloadTransferUpdate} from 'react-native-google-nearby-connection';

Starting the discovery service

    serviceId                // A unique identifier for the service

Stopping the discovery service


Whether a service is currently discovering


Connect to a discovered endpoint

    serviceId,              // A unique identifier for the service
    endpointId              // ID of the endpoint to connect to

Disconnect from an endpoint

    serviceId,              // A unique identifier for the service
    endpointId              // ID of the endpoint we wish to disconnect from

Starting the advertising service

    endpointName,           // This nodes endpoint name
    serviceId,              // A unique identifier for the service
    strategy                // The Strategy to be used when discovering or advertising to Nearby devices [See Strategy](

Stopping the advertising service

    serviceId                // A unique identifier for the service

Whether a service is currently advertising


Accepting a connection from an endpoint

    serviceId,               // A unique identifier for the service
    endpointId               // ID of the endpoint wishing to accept the connection from

Rejecting a connection from an endpoint

    serviceId,               // A unique identifier for the service
    endpointId               // ID of the endpoint wishing to reject the connection from

Removes a payload (free memory)

    serviceId,               // A unique identifier for the service
    endpointId,              // ID of the endpoint wishing to stop playing audio from
    payloadId                // Unique identifier of the payload

Open the microphone and broadcast audio to an endpoint

    serviceId,               // A unique identifier for the service
    endpointId,              // ID of the endpoint wishing to send the audio to
    metadata                 // String of metadata you wish to pass along with the stream

Stop broadcasting audio to an endpoint

    serviceId,               // A unique identifier for the service
    endpointId               // ID of the endpoint wishing to stop sending audio to

Start playing an audio stream from a received payload (Payload.STREAM)

    serviceId,               // A unique identifier for the service
    endpointId,              // ID of the endpoint wishing to start playing audio from
    payloadId                // Unique identifier of the payload

Stop playing an audio stream from a received payload (Payload.STREAM)

    serviceId,               // A unique identifier for the service
    endpointId,              // ID of the endpoint wishing to stop playing audio from
    payloadId                // Unique identifier of the payload

Send a file to a service endpoint (Payload.FILE)

    serviceId,               // A unique identifier for the service
    endpointId,              // ID of the endpoint wishing to stop playing audio from
    uri,                     // Location of the file to send
    metadata                 // String of metadata you wish to pass along with the file

Save a file from a payload (Payload.FILE) to storage

    serviceId,               // A unique identifier for the service
    endpointId,              // ID of the endpoint wishing to stop playing audio from
    payloadId,               // Unique identifier of the payload
    path,                    // Path where the file was saved on local filesystem
    originalFilename,        // The original name of the sent file
    metadata,                // Any metadata that was sent along with sendFile
}) => {

Send a bytes payload (Payload.BYTES)

    serviceId,               // A unique identifier for the service
    endpointId,              // ID of the endpoint wishing to stop playing audio from
    bytes                    // A string of bytes to send

Read payload [Payload.Type.BYTES] or out of band file [Payload.Type.FILE] or stream [Payload.Type.STREAM] information

    serviceId,               // A unique identifier for the service
    endpointId,              // ID of the endpoint wishing to stop playing audio from
    payloadId                // Unique identifier of the payload
    type,                    // The Payload.Type represented by this payload
    bytes,                   // [Payload.Type.BYTES] The bytes string that was sent
    payloadId,               // [Payload.Type.FILE or Payload.Type.STREAM] The payloadId of the payload this payload is describing
    filename,                // [Payload.Type.FILE] The name of the file being sent
    metadata,                // [Payload.Type.FILE] The metadata sent along with the file
    streamType,              // [Payload.Type.STREAM] The type of stream this is [audio or video]
}) => {


Endpoint Discovery

    serviceId               // A unique identifier for the service
}) => {
    // Discovery services is starting

    serviceId               // A unique identifier for the service
}) => {
    // Discovery services has started

    serviceId               // A unique identifier for the service
    statusCode              // The status of the response [See CommonStatusCodes](
}) => {
    // Failed to start discovery service

// Note - Can take up to 3 min to time out
    endpointId,             // ID of the endpoint we lost
    endpointName,           // The name of the remote device we lost
    serviceId               // A unique identifier for the service
}) => {
    // Endpoint moved out of range or disconnected

    endpointId,             // ID of the endpoint wishing to connect
    endpointName,           // The name of the remote device we're connecting to.
    serviceId               // A unique identifier for the service
}) => {
    // An endpoint has been discovered we can connect to

Endpoint Advertisement

    endpointName,            // The name of the service thats starting to advertise
    serviceId,               // A unique identifier for the service
}) => {
    // Advertising service is starting

    endpointName,            // The name of the service thats started to advertise
    serviceId,               // A unique identifier for the service
}) => {
    // Advertising service has started

    endpointName,            // The name of the service thats failed to start to advertising
    serviceId,               // A unique identifier for the service
    statusCode,              // The status of the response [See CommonStatusCodes](
}) => {
    // Failed to start advertising service

Connection negotiation

    endpointId,             // ID of the endpoint wishing to connect
    endpointName,           // The name of the remote device we're connecting to.
    authenticationToken,    // A small symmetrical token that has been given to both devices.
    serviceId,              // A unique identifier for the service
    incomingConnection      // True if the connection request was initated from a remote device.
}) => {
    // Connection has been initated

    endpointId,             // ID of the endpoint we connected to
    endpointName,           // The name of the service
    serviceId,              // A unique identifier for the service
}) => {
    // Succesful connection to an endpoint established

    endpointId,             // ID of the endpoint we failed to connect to
    endpointName,           // The name of the service
    serviceId,              // A unique identifier for the service
    statusCode              // The status of the response [See CommonStatusCodes](
}) => {
    // Failed to connect to an endpoint

    endpointId,             // ID of the endpoint we disconnected from
    endpointName,           // The name of the service
    serviceId,              // A unique identifier for the service
}) => {
    // Disconnected from an endpoint

Payload Status

    serviceId,              // A unique identifier for the service
    endpointId,             // ID of the endpoint we got the payload from
    payloadType,            // The type of this payload (File or a Stream) [See Payload](
    payloadId               // Unique identifier of the payload
}) => {
    // Payload has been received

    serviceId,              // A unique identifier for the service
    endpointId,             // ID of the endpoint we got the payload from
    bytesTransferred,       // Bytes transfered so far
    totalBytes,             // Total bytes to transfer
    payloadId,              // Unique identifier of the payload
    payloadStatus,          // [See PayloadTransferUpdate.Status](
    payloadHashCode,        // ???
}) => {
    // Update on a previously received payload

    serviceId,              // A unique identifier for the service
    endpointId,             // ID of the endpoint wishing to connect
    statusCode              // The status of the response [See CommonStatusCodes](
}) => {
    // Failed to send a payload

react-native-google-nearby-connection's People


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react-native-google-nearby-connection's Issues

Project support

Wanted to check if the package is still being supported and worked on?

TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating '..NearbyConnection.endpoints')

Hi, butchmarshall

I tried to run your example into more recent google nearby. I spent a couple of days to tackle this and updated most of the Gradle and SDK versions to the most recent versions and it is building the app successfully except for this runtime error. I am using "react-native": "0.61.5".


renderApplication.js (this file is part of React-Native and hasn't been modified in any way)

Screenshot 2020-02-02 20 58 45


class NearbyConnection {
	// Get all the endpoints
	static endpoints() {
		return NativeModules.NearbyConnection.endpoints();  // <- issue is here


componentWillMount() {
   Nearby.endpoints().then(endpoints => {
     console.log('endpoints', endpoints);

Could you please take a quick look and point me in the right direction? Thanks!

my fork is in

Unable to Retry Nearby.saveFile() after initial permission failure (granting after initial failure)

Hey Butch, first need to say amazing library!

I have a question regarding the ability to call Nearby.saveFile(serviceId,endpointId,payloadId) after an initial permission failure. Currently, as long as a user has granted permissions to READ/WRITE external storage, calling Nearby.saveFile() has the promise resolve successfully. If permissions are not granted or are revoked before calling saveFile, one encounters a promise rejection. Until here things are still behaving as expected.

However, in my case I am trying to offer the user the ability to retry executing saveFile() at a later point by storing the serviceId, endpointId, and payloadId before initially calling saveFile. This way, once saveFile() is called and it fails, the user can be prompted to grant permissions within their settings or elsewhere and try calling it again. The problem is that when I allow the user to retry using the same serviceId, endpointId, and payloadId which previously failed due to permissions not being granted, the promise still rejects.

When I adb logcat I see it is failing with the message 03-24 14:31:03.806 24644 26856 V NearbyConnection: Cannot convert to file., which is line #1501 here

public void saveFile(final String serviceId, final String endpointId, final String payloadId, final Promise promise) {
logV("saveFile from service "+serviceId+" and endpoint " + endpointId + " and payload "+payloadId);
final Payload payload = mReceivedPayloads.get(serviceId+"_"+endpointId+"_"+payloadId);
if (payload == null) {
logV("Cannot find payload.");
if (payload.getType() != Payload.Type.FILE) {
logV("Cannot save, not a file.");
final String payloadFileData = mPayloadFileData.get(payloadId);
int colonIndex = payloadFileData.indexOf(':');
final String payloadFilename = payloadFileData.substring(0, colonIndex);
final String payloadMetadata = payloadFileData.substring(colonIndex+1);
if (payloadFilename == null) {
logV("Cannot find filename for "+payloadId);
final Activity activity = getCurrentActivity();
permissionsCheck(activity, Arrays.asList(getRequiredStoragePermissions()), new Callable<Void>() {
public Void call() throws Exception {
File payloadFile = payload.asFile().asJavaFile();
if (payloadFile == null) {
logV("Cannot convert to file.");
else {
File destPath = payloadFile.getParentFile();
String extension = NearbyConnectionModule.getFileExtension(payloadFilename);
File destFile = NearbyConnectionModule.getUniqueFile(destPath, extension);
String destFilePath = destFile.getPath();
logV("file saved to "+destFilePath);
WritableMap out = Arguments.createMap();
out.putString("path", destFilePath);
out.putString("originalFilename", payloadFilename);
out.putString("metadata", payloadMetadata);
return null;

In other words it seems that
File payloadFile = payload.asFile().asJavaFile(); is null. I decided to log every payload variable until permissionsCheck fires and this is the below output:

03-24 14:31:03.805 24644 26856 V NearbyConnection: saveFile from service and endpoint hT4- and payload -6821529802993021226
03-24 14:31:03.805 24644 26856 V NearbyConnection: Payload
03-24 14:31:03.805 24644 26856 V NearbyConnection: payload.getType() 2
03-24 14:31:03.805 24644 26856 V NearbyConnection: payloadFileData  awesomePhoto.WEBP:{"description":"a flower"}
03-24 14:31:03.805 24644 26856 V NearbyConnection: payloadFilename awesomePhoto.WEBP
03-24 14:31:03.805 24644 26856 V NearbyConnection: payloadMetadata {"description":"a flower"}
03-24 14:31:03.806 24644 26856 V NearbyConnection: Cannot convert to file.

Question/s: Any idea why payload.asFile().asJavaFile() returns null when retrying saveFile? Is it that the initial permissions failure causes the payload content to somehow be destroyed within the NearbyConnection cache so there is nothing to call payload.asFile().asJavaFile() on? Although I find it strange that calling payload.getType() works and other metadata still exists on the payload but asFile() fails. Any thoughts here would be amazing.

Assumption/Hypothesis: After the final payload is delivered, Nearby Connections attempts to write the file which, if the permissions are not given, fails. Therefore, regardless if permissions are then granted after, that final payload will still not have a file associated and, as such, will forever fail. If this is correct then there is no other option than to resend the file I'm guessing.

Stackoverflow link:

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