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ember-mobiledoc-editor's Issues

Extensible markup attributes

I use a custom widget for adding links that accepts both a URL and a checkbox for "Open in New Window". Then I do postEditor.builder.createMarkup('a', { href, target }). And this is all working great, except I needed to do this:

import { VALID_ATTRIBUTES } from 'mobiledoc-kit/models/markup';

Mutating a list in another module seems bad. Should we offer a different way to extend this?

Whitelisting additional attributes seems like a progressive-enhancement-friendly way of extending mobiledoc. Implementations that don't trust the same set of attributes as you do can ignore them.

Cannot render component cards in FastBoot

This is kinda related to issue #50, but a very specific scenario. For FastBoot we use the mobiledoc DOM renderer with SimpleDOM. This means that we are not using this particular component to render our mobiledoc component cards (we do use this component to render component when running from the browser though). As such, when constructing the renderer, we need to provide cardOptions.addComponent to instruct the renderer on how to assemble the DOM for the component card, as cards are rendered thusly:

Sadly, it's not possible to generate the DOM for an Ember component in this manner using public API's.

For reference, our renderer for fastboot looks something like this:

import Ember from 'ember';
import Renderer from 'ember-mobiledoc-dom-renderer';
import Component from 'ember-component';
import computed from 'ember-computed';
import inject from 'ember-service/inject';
import createComponentCard from 'ember-mobiledoc-editor/utils/create-component-card';
import { optimizedUrl } from '../services/cloudinary';

export const cards = ['image-card', 'images-card', 'video-card'];

const { uuid } = Ember;
const { camelize } = Ember.String;

const CARD_ELEMENT_CLASS = '__rendered-mobiledoc-card';
const CARD_TAG_NAME = 'div';
const UUID_PREFIX = '__rendered-mobiledoc-entity-';

export default Component.extend({
  tagName: '',
  cardNames: cards,
  fastboot: inject(),
  isFastBoot: computed.readOnly('fastboot.isFastBoot'),

  // When in FastBoot mode, where rendering the Mobiledoc is a one-shot
  // operation, we can build the DOM directly and return the serialized value
  // as this computed property. This lets us insert the raw HTML into the
  // rendered output.
  renderedMobiledoc: computed(function() {
    let _this = this;
    let SimpleDOM = FastBoot.require('simple-dom');
    let doc = new SimpleDOM.Document();

    let cards = this.get('cardNames').map(cardName => createComponentCard(cardName, doc));
    let mobiledoc = this.get('mobiledoc');

    let renderer = new Renderer({
      dom: doc,
      cardOptions: {
        addComponent({env, options, payload}) {
          let { name: cardName, dom } = env;
          let domForCard = camelize('domFor-' + cardName);
          // it is not possible to generate DOM for an Ember component without using
          // a template so we need to hand-craft the mobiledoc card components
          // when in the fastboot runtime
          let element = _this[domForCard](dom, payload);
          let card = {
            destinationElementId: element.getAttribute('id'),

          return { card, element };

        removeComponent: Ember.K
    let { result, teardown } = renderer.render(mobiledoc);

    let HTMLSerializer = new SimpleDOM.HTMLSerializer(SimpleDOM.voidMap);
    let serialized = HTMLSerializer.serialize(result);

    // Immediately teardown once we've serialized

    return serialized;

  domForImagesCard(doc, payload) {
    let classNames = [CARD_ELEMENT_CLASS, `${CARD_ELEMENT_CLASS}-images-card`];
    let parent = createElement(doc, CARD_TAG_NAME, classNames);

    let el1 = createElement(doc, 'div', ['images-card']);
    let el2 = createElement(doc, 'div');

    payload.images.forEach(image => {
      let div = createElement(doc, 'div');
      let img = createElement(doc, 'img');
      img.setAttribute('src', optimizedUrl(image.url));

    if (payload.caption) {
      let p = createElement(doc, 'p', ['caption']);
      let caption = doc.createTextNode(payload.caption);

    return parent;

  domForVideoCard(doc, payload) {
    let classNames = [CARD_ELEMENT_CLASS, `${CARD_ELEMENT_CLASS}-video-car`];
    let parent = createElement(doc, CARD_TAG_NAME, classNames);

    let posterUrl = payload.posterUrl;
    let el1 = createElement(doc, 'div', ['video-card']);
    let el2 = createElement(doc, 'div', ['lazyLoad-container']);

    if (posterUrl) {
      el2.setAttribute('style', `background-image:url("${optimizedUrl(posterUrl)}")`);

    return parent;


function generateUuid() {
  return `${UUID_PREFIX}${uuid()}`;

function createElement(dom, tagName, classNames=[]) {
  let el = dom.createElement(tagName);
  el.setAttribute('id', generateUuid());
  el.setAttribute('class', classNames.join(' '));
  return el;

export function buildMobiledoc(initialString="") {
  return {
    "version": "0.3.0",
    "atoms": [],
    "cards": [],
    "markups": [],
    "sections": [

Adding a card to an empty mobiledoc fails

Adding a new card to an empty mobiledoc fails in 0.4.2; works fine in 0.4.1. (Adding a single character to the document, then adding the card is sufficient to workaround the issue.)

fix failing tests on ember-beta

There are a number of failing tests when using ember's beta release:

  • env property is nullified in cards (see emberjs/ember.js#13907)
  • Use willDestroy instead of willDestroyElement in mobiledoc-editor component
  • this.$('input').change() does not result in ember updating the href property of the link-prompt component, causing some tests to fail

only pass appropriate actions to cards, depending on mode

component cards currently get the full set of component actions (editCard, saveCard, etc), but some of the actions are meaningless depending on the card's current mode. If the card is in edit mode, the editCard action is meaningless, for example.

An improvement would be to only pass the appropriate actions and/or give a meaningful error message if the action does not make sense (calling editCard when card is in edit mode, e.g.).

Infinite loop

this.get("editor") is called inside of the editor CP, causing an infinite loop here

It appears cursorDidChange is being triggered immediately after creating the editor.

Can't Clear Content of the editor

Hi there -

I think the error here is mostly between the chair and the keyboard, but I can't figure out what (i think should be an easy task: clear all the contents out of the editor.

I noticed that setting up the editor happens in the init method:

So if I want to clear the editor instance, I'm not really sure how supposed to accomplish that:

Passing a null value into the mobiledoc param of {{mobiledoc-editor}} doesn't seem to work, and I've tried hiding it with something like this:

{{#if showEditor}}

But that doesn't seem to unset the data either.

Any thoughts?

Could I submit a PR that moves some of that logic to didRecieveAttrs?

placeholder does not show

When I inspect the page, the placeholder is appearing as a tag for the element. But it is not appearing on the page when the mobiledoc is empty.

Based on the documentation, so far I have this:

// template.hbs
    as |editor|}}
    <div class="toolbar">
        {{mobiledoc-markup-button editor=editor for="strong"}}
        {{mobiledoc-section-button editor=editor for="h2"}}
// component.js
export default Ember.Component.extend({
  mobiledoc: {
    version: '0.3.0',
    atoms: [],
    markups: [],
    cards: [],
    sections: []

  placeholder: 'Write here'


Is there something else I need to do to get the placeholder to work?

Fastboot compatibility

It looks like some work is needed to make this addon fastboot-compatible. It currently fails at boot time when it hits require("mobiledoc-kit")["registerGlobal"](window, document); in mobiledoc-kit's globals build.

Creating a sticky toolbar

From looking at the source it doesn't appear that creating a sticky toolbar is currently possible within the confines of what ember-content-kit provides. There are two issues that I identified:

Selection state
Ember-content-kit doesn't expose if there is currently a selection inside an editable card. This prevents us from showing/hiding the toolbar based on the selection state. I looked at content-kit and it doesn't appear to expose such data either.

Selection change
Content-kit does have a cursorDidChange hook, but ember-content-kit doesn't expose it so we don't know when to update the positioning of the toolbar. There is a component tether-to-selection, but it only does an initial positioning, not a true tether.

Any guidance on how to approach these issues? Not sure if I missed something.

It seems like it would make sense to have ember-content-kit yield a selection property that can be bound to for showing/hiding content and calculating positioning. Updating the tether-to-selection component to use this selection to actually tether and only show itself if there is a selection.

How to prevent form submit with link prompt

I realize this project is WIP, so feel free to close this if the question will be resolved as the project progresses

I'm using ember-content-kit 0.1.0 as follows:

    {{#content-kit-editor mobiledoc=mobileDoc on-change=(action 'onChange') as |contentKit|}}
        <button {{action contentKit.toggleMarkup 'strong'}}>B</button>
        <button {{action contentKit.toggleMarkup 'em'}}>I</button>
        <button {{action contentKit.toggleLink}}>Link</button>

One issue I'm running into is the content-kit-link-prompt does a full form submit which causes the page to refresh. How do I prevent that?

env not passed to atom component

env and are not passed to atom components as they are for card components.
Is it by design ?
Or can I add it ?

{{component card.cardName
    editCard=(action card.env.edit)
    cancelCard=(action card.env.cancel)
    removeCard=(action card.env.remove)}}

{{component atom.atomName

Could you supply an example?

Sorry for my ignorance but I do not understand how to use the most basic function of the {{content-kit-editor}}. How do I get and save the text I input in the editor? Could someone provide a quick example?

buggy behavior with events

Right now I have my mobiledoc saving changes when the user focuses out of the element.

I'm trying to add a separate input field for the title. But it seems that having another text area along with the editor causes buggy behavior. When I try to click on the title area, the mouse moves to the mobiledoc.

I've tried placing the input field outside the element but that didn't change anything. And neither do the preventDefault=false or bubbles=false options for events.


  • Is there a way to add separate action handlers (besides on-change) to the mobiledoc using this addon?
  • Is there a better way to save the mobiledoc? (Using the on-change handler caused the mouse to move to the beginning on every change, which is why I resorted to 'focusOut'. But now it seems that I can't add another input field.)

Use a stable key to guard against data loop

The data-loop defenses in the mobiledoc-editor component (_localMobiledoc and _upstreamMobileDoc) aren't sufficient to guard against many possible data loops, so it's easy to lose cursor position.

We could use an explicit document key/id instead. In practice, there is usually a good key laying around, like:

{{mobiledoc-editor mobiledoc=post.body on-change=(action (mut post.body))}}

The above example would only rebuild the editor if key changes. It would safely ignore any of its own changes that come back down.

I implemented this pattern in a component that wraps mobiledoc-editor and it seems to work well.

Mobiledoc renderer included in vendor.js twice

After building, try:

grep "define('mobiledoc-dom-renderer\/utils\/tag-names'" dist/assets/vendor.js

You will see 2 matching lines.

If you include ember-mobiledoc-dom-renderer in your app as well, try:

grep "define('ember-mobiledoc-dom-renderer/mobiledoc-dom-renderer\/utils\/tag-names'" dist/assets/vendor.js

You will see 1 matching line.

That means that if you want to edit & render mobiledoc with an ember app, you will include mobiledoc-dom-renderer in vendor.js 3 times. Aside from being just plain crazy, it's a problem for those of us concerned about page weight.

IMO this addon should not require the dom renderer at all (let alone twice). It's fine to have it in dev dependencies (for tests), but afaict, the addon code itself does not use the dom renderer anywhere. So it shouldn't be in dependencies and it shouldn't be imported in index.js either.

Also mobiledoc-kit adds mobiledoc-dom-renderer to dependencies as well, but afaict it's just to support editor.serialize('html'), even though it has a fallback way to generate that html. IMO, none of the editor packages ought to require the renderer packages (since the renderers are not used to generate the html for the editors).

{{mobiledoc-editor}} includes non-functioning pull-quote toggle

Was playing with the addon today and had what I thought was a pretty vanilla template:

  {{#mobiledoc-editor mobiledoc=properties.mobiledoc on-change=(action 'updateDoc') as |editor|}}
    {{mobiledoc-toolbar editor=editor}}

Everything worked great except the pull-quote button, which throws a MobileDocError with a message "Cannot set section tagName to pull-quote". Seems to be something about isValidTagName not being defined?

Not a big deal but should probably make vanilla use-case 100% functional. If you point me in the right direction I can take a crack at it

Warning: ignoring input sourcemap...

I get the following warning when using the addon:

Warning: ignoring input sourcemap for vendor/content-kit-editor/global/content-kit-editor.js because ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '[path-to-app]/tmp/concat_with_maps-input_base_path-Cd3L4EPZ.tmp/0/vendor/content-kit-editor/global/'

Could this be to do with the way the files are copied over from content-kit-editor?
Does content-kit-editor build a source map for this to use?

Best way to setup mobiledoc structure

Mobiledoc format seems awesome, but I'm not sure how to bind it to model attributes in ember.

Is the recommended approach to:

  1. Bootstrap mobiledoc attributes on the server with the base mobiledoc structure
  2. Somehow bind and update the content within that attribute as it's updated in the UI
  3. Persist the entire blob of mobiledoc with the update content and tags

If so, will you post an example of binding an ember model attribute's content within a mobiledoc blob?

Again, I realize this library is WIP, so I'd understand if your answer is to just say 'hold off until a future version'

Add button component

For changing markup or section, we should provide a general button component (or perhaps two).

Inserting text into the editor

First of all, thanks for the great work on this plugin! ๐Ÿ˜€

I was wondering if there's a way to insert text into the editor from the outside. I'm working on a feature that allows users to insert some arbitrary text by clicking on something that's outside the editor.

I tried working with the innerHTML property (i.e. appending to the editor by modifying its innerHTML) but that doesn't quite get it right. It will insert it goes out of sync; deleting that text is impossible.

Any ideas?

Passing context or metadata into component cards/atoms

I'd like to be able to pass some arbitrary metadata about a mobiledoc down into the Ember components that render cards and/or atoms. Is there any good way to do this at the moment?

Here's a use case: I have some metadata about a mobiledoc's author. I'd like to refer to this in building the payload for certain atoms.

At the moment, it seems to me that the only way to do this is to subclass the mobiledoc-editor component and write a custom template that passes in the additional properties here. That doesn't seem optimal to me, because there's no way to inherit a parent template and override only a subsection thereof. Among other things, it's hard for maintainability; every time the component template changed upstream, consumers would have to manually review changes to the code upstream and update...

I understand if you don't want unnecessary clutter in the code, but I think it would be quite helpful to provide some way for consumers to pass context into their atom/card components. Any suggestions? (I'd be happy to provide a PR if appropriate.)

Best strategy for migrating existing content?

Mobiledoc Editor looks awesome (especially cards), and I want to use it on my Ember app. Even though it's a green field app, there is existing content in my database in the field (project.description) in which I want to use the Mobiledoc editor.

So right now when I edit a Project, the Mobiledoc editor crashes because the "existing" value is not valid Mobiledoc.

I'm thinking my best option is to convert the existing text/html to Mobiledoc format. Is there already a converter or do I have to roll my own?

Or is there another option I can use that will transparently do this the first time the doc is edited?

Multiple mobiledoc components won't render.

I have a comment box composer component which appears underneath multiple posts. Unfortunately, it only renders the first mobiledoc editor and won't render any subsequent posts. I'm not sure if this is intended.

I have a mobile doc for a main post composer on the top of the page which renders fine even with the multiple posts underneath with the top one having the mobiledoc editor.

Is there a solution to this or is it just out of scope and not intended. (I'm using the markup etc. for @ style mentions.

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'commit' of null
    at Environment.commit (291a4de8b38b36f4040b.js?r=vendor-frontend-js:22571)
    at Environment.commit (291a4de8b38b36f4040b.js?r=vendor-frontend-js:32633)
    at InteractiveRenderer._renderRootsTransaction (291a4de8b38b36f4040b.js?r=vendor-frontend-js:34758)
    at InteractiveRenderer._renderRoot (291a4de8b38b36f4040b.js?r=vendor-frontend-js:34688)
    at InteractiveRenderer._appendDefinition (291a4de8b38b36f4040b.js?r=vendor-frontend-js:34613)
    at InteractiveRenderer.appendOutletView (291a4de8b38b36f4040b.js?r=vendor-frontend-js:34601)
    at invoke (291a4de8b38b36f4040b.js?r=vendor-frontend-js:24506)
    at Queue.flush (291a4de8b38b36f4040b.js?r=vendor-frontend-js:24424)
    at DeferredActionQueues.flush (291a4de8b38b36f4040b.js?r=vendor-frontend-js:24577)
    at Backburner.end (291a4de8b38b36f4040b.js?r=vendor-frontend-js:24709)

Here's the mention code in the post component.

{{#mobiledoc-editor placeholder=(t 'editable.placeholder')
                    on-change=(action 'onEdit')
                    did-create-editor=(action 'didCreateEditor')

When I navigate to another page with the same style of post/comments I get an infinite rendering error.

Uncaught Error: infinite rendering invalidation detected
    at Array.loopEnd (291a4de8b38b36f4040b.js?r=vendor-frontend-js:34566)
    at Backburner._trigger (291a4de8b38b36f4040b.js?r=vendor-frontend-js:25118)
    at Backburner.end (291a4de8b38b36f4040b.js?r=vendor-frontend-js:24722)
    at Backburner._run (291a4de8b38b36f4040b.js?r=vendor-frontend-js:25059)
    at Backburner._join (291a4de8b38b36f4040b.js?r=vendor-frontend-js:25035)
    at Backburner.join (291a4de8b38b36f4040b.js?r=vendor-frontend-js:24776)
    at Array.loopEnd (291a4de8b38b36f4040b.js?r=vendor-frontend-js:34569)
    at Backburner._trigger (291a4de8b38b36f4040b.js?r=vendor-frontend-js:25118)
    at Backburner.end (291a4de8b38b36f4040b.js?r=vendor-frontend-js:24722)
    at Backburner._run (291a4de8b38b36f4040b.js?r=vendor-frontend-js:25059)

on-change event not fired after running

Im attempting to do a search and replace. Replacing the text in a range with a link.

I have it creating the link properly and that all seems to be working. However the on-change callback is not being fired. I added postEditor.scheduleDidUpdate(); but that didn't change it.

I attempted to walk through the code and it seemed to be calling the isDirty call backs, but my ember call back (passed as on-change) was not called.

    if (range) { => {
        let position = postEditor.deleteRange(range);
        let link = postEditor.builder.createMarkup('a', {href: linkURL});
        postEditor.insertTextWithMarkup(position, linkName, [link]);

Scroll does not follow cursor when typing

This is essentially a duplicate of this issue bustle/mobiledoc-kit#558.

In that issue the recommendation is for the editor to handle the scrolling. Are there plans to do this for the ember mobliedoc editor? Or is it already implemented but interactions with my code is breaking it?

Auto-expanding the editing area to a max height

Thanks for this great add-on. This approach seems more robust than using TinyMCE, etc.

Is there a plan to add autosizing functionality to the component so it expands to a max of X lines/pixels, and becomes scrollable after that? I'm happy to work on this and submit a PR but didn't want to create duplicate work if it's already part of your near-term roadmap.

Currently when I add more text, it just flows off the component surface (example attached).
screen shot 2016-05-04 at 3 39 20 pm

Problems with text disappearing or failing to link, when linking

Several bug reports reference jumping cursors or deleting text when using the ember-mobiledoc-editor UI, especially surrounding the link button. I have not been able to duplicate nor identify, but have collected some mentions of it here:

[Images removed]

Improve API for current state

Currently, buttons for components toggle active/inactive state based on matching the contents of an array. For example this code manages if text is strong and this code if you are in an active section.

The current implementation has two failures:

  • The in-array helper is poorly namespaced, and additionally is not actually bound to the contents of the array. In our use case this is fine, however it is also a footgun as a generic helper.
  • The API seems less than ideal for someone who wants to consume this state directly in their own app.

Error when binding ember-mobiledoc-editor to a model

I have an example app hosted on S3 that demonstrates the error that I've been experiencing:

And here is the accompanying Git repo:

I was following @mixonic's advice on how to bind the {{mobiledoc-editor}} mobiledoc attribute to an Ember model attribute. We were discussing it in this gist.

He had suggested that I do something like this:

{{mobiledoc-editor mobiledoc=(readonly article.body) on-change=(action (mut article.body))}}

With the component call setup like this, I get the following error on the 2nd keystroke within the editor:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'isCardSection' of null
    handleKeydown   @ editor.js:719
    handleEvent @ editor.js:616
    (anonymous function)    @ editor.js:582

If you run the S3-hosted app above, you'll see the state of the article record in Ember Inspector. It looks like it does get changed in some way but perhaps not how mobiledoc-editor expects:

{ version: 0.2.0, sections: [Array : 2] }

Is there a different type that I should be setting the model attribute to? Right now, it's setup as a string:

body: DS.attr('string')

Bonus issue: When I upgrade Ember and Ember Data to v2.2, I get the following console error on the very first keystroke:

Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute 'setStart' on 'Range': parameter 1 is not of type 'Node'.
    _moveToNode @ cursor.js:142
    selectRange @ cursor.js:110
    renderRange @ editor.js:295
    PostEditor._renderRange @ post.js:34
    (anonymous function)    @ lifecycle-callbacks.js:21
    runCallbacks    @ lifecycle-callbacks.js:20
    complete    @ post.js:1459
    run @ editor.js:520
    _insertEmptyMarkupSectionAtCursor   @ editor.js:653
    handleKeydown   @ editor.js:667
    handleEvent @ editor.js:616
    (anonymous function)    @ editor.js:582

Then I also get the error that the Ember 1.13 is tripping.

Combining Component Cards with the default cardsList

I've been getting to know the mobiledoc-kit for the past couple days and am really loving it! Thanks for building this, it's so much better than attempting to roll my own contenteditable text areas.

I've been able to create my own Component Cards, but I'm now trying to add the component card to the default cardsList:

    import Ember from 'ember';
    import createComponentCard from 'ember-mobiledoc-editor/utils/create-component-card';
    import { cardsList } from '../mobiledoc-cards/index';

    // Combining Component Card with the default cardsList
    export default Ember.Component.extend({
        cards: Ember.computed(function() {
            return [

Here I get an error Uncaught Error: Unknown card encountered: image-card when trying to add an image card.

What would be the correct way of doing this?

addAtom only works when editor is focused

I have some buttons in my editor toolbar that add an atom to the editor. Here's the code:

<button class="btn tag tag-info" {{action editor.addAtom 'message-tag' 'example'}}>example</button>

However, the button only works when the editor is actively focused. If the user presses a button while the editor is not focused, nothing happens. The ideal behaviour would be appending the atom to the end of the document.

Nesting within a card returns an error due to undefined section

screen shot 2017-09-26 at 12 12 11 am

TypeError: Cannot read property 'isNested' of null
    at editor.js:1188
    at (editor.js:755)
    at Editor.insertCard (editor.js:1176)
    at Class._addCard (component.js:351)
    at Class.addCard (component.js:113)
    at Backburner.join (backburner.js:567)
    at$1.join (ember-metal.js:4370)
    at action.js:388
    at exports.flaggedInstrument (ember-metal.js:3797)
    at EmptyObject.addCard (action.js:387)

My code looks something like this:

  <button onclick={{action editCard}} type='button'>Edit</button>

Full code is here

This is within a display card. The card is added to the editor, when I click inside the card and try to addCard inside this nested editor, it errors in this way.

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    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google โค๏ธ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.