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pytimetk's Introduction


Time series easier, faster, more fun. Pytimetk.

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Introducing pytimetk: Simplifying Time Series Analysis for Everyone

Time series analysis is fundamental in many fields, from business forecasting to scientific research. While the Python ecosystem offers tools like pandas, they sometimes can be verbose and not optimized for all operations, especially for complex time-based aggregations and visualizations.

Enter pytimetk. Crafted with a blend of ease-of-use and computational efficiency, pytimetk significantly simplifies the process of time series manipulation and visualization. By leveraging the polars backend, you can experience speed improvements ranging from 3X to a whopping 3500X. Let's dive into a comparative analysis.

Features/Properties pytimetk pandas (+matplotlib)
Speed πŸš€ 3X to 3500X Faster 🐒 Standard
Code Simplicity πŸŽ‰ Concise, readable syntax πŸ“œ Often verbose
plot_timeseries() 🎨 2 lines, no customization 🎨 16 lines, customization needed
summarize_by_time() πŸ• 2 lines, 13.4X faster πŸ• 6 lines, 2 for-loops
pad_by_time() β›³ 2 lines, fills gaps in timeseries ❌ No equivalent
anomalize() πŸ“ˆ 2 lines, detects and corrects anomalies ❌ No equivalent
augment_timeseries_signature() πŸ“… 1 line, all calendar features πŸ• 29 lines of dt extractors
augment_rolling() 🏎️ 10X to 3500X faster 🐒 Slow Rolling Operations

As evident from the table, pytimetk is not just about speed; it also simplifies your codebase. For example, summarize_by_time(), converts a 6-line, double for-loop routine in pandas into a concise 2-line operation. And with the polars engine, get results 13.4X faster than pandas!

Similarly, plot_timeseries() dramatically streamlines the plotting process, encapsulating what would typically require 16 lines of matplotlib code into a mere 2-line command in pytimetk, without sacrificing customization or quality. And with plotly and plotnine engines, you can create interactive plots and beautiful static visualizations with just a few lines of code.

For calendar features, pytimetk offers augment_timeseries_signature() which cuts down on over 30 lines of pandas dt extractions. For rolling features, pytimetk offers augment_rolling(), which is 10X to 3500X faster than pandas. It also offers pad_by_time() to fill gaps in your time series data, and anomalize() to detect and correct anomalies in your time series data.

Join the revolution in time series analysis. Reduce your code complexity, increase your productivity, and harness the speed that pytimetk brings to your workflows.

Explore more at our pytimetk homepage.


Install the latest stable version of pytimetk using pip:

pip install pytimetk

Alternatively you can install the development version:

pip install git+


This is a simple code to test the function summarize_by_time:

import pytimetk as tk
import pandas as pd

df = tk.datasets.load_dataset('bike_sales_sample')
df['order_date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['order_date'])

df \
    .groupby("category_2") \
        value_column= 'total_price',
        freq = "MS",
        agg_func = ['mean', 'sum'],
        engine = "polars"


Get started with the pytimetk documentation

Developers (Contributors): Installation

To install pytimetk using Poetry, follow these steps:

1. Prerequisites

Make sure you have Python 3.9 or later installed on your system.

2. Install Poetry

To install Poetry, you can use the official installer provided by Poetry. Do not use pip.

3. Clone the Repository

Clone the pytimetk repository from GitHub:

git clone

4. Install Dependencies

Use Poetry to install the package and its dependencies:

poetry install

or you can create a virtualenv with poetry and install the dependencies

poetry shell
poetry install

πŸ† More Coming Soon...

We are in the early stages of development. But it's obvious the potential for pytimetk now in Python. 🐍

pytimetk's People


gtimothee avatar iskode avatar justinkurland avatar lucaso21 avatar mdancho84 avatar samuelmacedo83 avatar tackes avatar


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pytimetk's Issues

More Augment Functions: logarithmic, polynomial, hilbert, wavelet, short fourier

Per @JustinKurland:

There are a lot of opportunities for more augmentation functions:

  • tk.augment_logrithmic()
  • tk.augment_polynomial()
  • tk.augment_hilbert()
  • tk.augment_wavelet()
  • tk.augment_short_fourier() <- This is different than the normal fourier transform in that it breaks a signal into smaller segments to provide a time-varying analysis with adjustable time and frequency resolutions.

These are just a few, but all represent further oppotunities to try and add valuable information that has historically been leveraged in the extant time series and signal processing literature.

Error in plot_timeseries with engine = Matplotlib

When plotting data with grouped data, matplotlib returns an image size error.

ValueError: Image size of 140000x100000 pixels is too large. It must be less than 2^16 in each direction.

However, if we explicitly define the width and height, matplotlib works as expected.
Need default plot size to be defined.

Reproducible example:

import timetk as tk


df = tk.load_dataset('m4_monthly', parse_dates = ['date'])

fig = (
            'date', 'value', 
            color_column = 'id',
            facet_ncol = 2,
            x_axis_date_labels = "%Y",
            engine = 'matplotlib'


fig = (
            'date', 'value', 
            color_column = 'id',
            facet_ncol = 2,
            x_axis_date_labels = "%Y",
            width = 1200,
            height = 800,
            engine = 'matplotlib'

summarize_by_time - corr

corr does not appear to be a valid agg_function

For example:

df \
    .groupby("category_2") \
        value_column= ['total_price'],
        freq = "MS",
        agg_func = ['corr']

Will generate the error:
AttributeError: 'corr' is not a valid function for 'DatetimeIndexResamplerGroupby' object

I think simply modifying the docstring here:

        - "sum": Sum of values
        - "mean": Mean of values
        - "median": Median of values
        - "min": Minimum of values
        - "max": Maximum of values
        - "std": Standard deviation of values
        - "var": Variance of values
        - "first": First value in group
        - "last": Last value in group
        - "count": Count of values
        - "nunique": Number of unique values
        - "corr": Correlation between values <- Just remove

is the simplest solution. I am not entirely sure what the intended use for corr here was anyway, was it for comparing to features/covariates or was it meant to compare from t1 to t2 to t3 ...

Regardless should just tweak the docstring for now.

In addition, the function as currently written includes a 'kind' parameter, this defaults to 'timestamp', but that it will work for 'period' is also not specified. This should be included in the docstring.


Implement tk.plot_timeseries() similar to R timetk plot_time_series().

  • Plotnine Implementation
  • Plotly Implementation


Lead: Matt Dancho & Samuel Macedo

`ts_summary()`: Work on auto frequency

Need to work on how ts_summary() calculates a frequency when pandas inferred frequency failed.

Goal: Make auto frequency detection possible (and less brittle).

Quick roadmap corrections

Priority 3 - Augment Operations -> change to Priority 4 - Augment Operations
Note - These functions should overwrite columns that are named the same in the input data frame.

tk_augment_timeseries_signature() - tk_get_timeseries_signature()
tk_augment_lags() / tk_agument_leads() - Will need lag_vec() , lead_vec()
tk_augment_slidify() - May need slidify_vec()
add tk_augment_holiday_signature() and check it once merge request is completed


Plot_timeseries - bug

Creating ticket for a known bugs in plot_timeseries.

Removed tests on these until bugs are fixed.

  • BUG in plotly with "v" direction

Documentation Instructions - Quarto and Quartodoc

Documentation Instructions

  • Create package documentation (docstrings)
  • Use Quarto and Quartodoc to build the Python package documentation

1. Create Package Documentation

The easiest way to create documentation fast is to use Mintlify Doc Writer for Python


IMPORTANT: Quartodoc uses Numpy Docstring Formatting


You can then highlight a function and select "Generate Docstring".


2. Use Quartodoc & Quarto to generate Package Documentation

Make sure Quarto and Quartodoc are installed.

The main commands are:

# Change directory to /docs folder
cd docs 

# Build the documentation
quartodoc build

# Preview the website
quarto preview

You should now see a website on your localhost:


Making Tutorials

We will eventually need to make some tutorials and documentation. Will cover this later after we create the core timetk functions.

Publishing Changes

  • You can just make a pull request with any changes. Once I merge I'll publish.
  • The command is quarto publish gh-pages, which publishes to the gh-pages branch.

New function: `apply_by_time`

  • summarize_by_time = agg + resample: Simple aggregations to only single columns as a series, highly optimized
  • apply_by_time = apply + resample: More complex aggregations allowing users to access all columns in the data, less optimized

Pad By Time Grouped - End Behavior

Update pad_by_time behavior for grouped data to extend to the end of the max time of all groups.

Example: groups A and B, where A have values (with gaps) between 1/1/22 and 1/6/22, and B has values between 1/2/22 and 1/5/22.
We expect group B to have values filled in to the end of the latest date for all group

In terms of data prep for a global model.. if 1/6 is the end of my training data, we would need group B to be extended to 1/6 as well

Tests: Data Wrangling Functions

Create pytest tests for Data Wrangling Functions. Use chatgpt to help.

  • tk.summarize_by_time()
  • tk.future_frame()
  • tk.pad_by_time()


Bug: `plot_timeseries` plotly engine - Bollinger Band Example

Getting a weird bug. It's only when the color palette has duplicated colors.

When colors are duplicated

import timetk as tk
import pandas as pd

stocks_df = tk.load_dataset("stocks_daily", parse_dates = True)

# Bollinger Bands
bollinger_df = stocks_df[['symbol', 'date', 'adjusted']] \
    .groupby('symbol') \
        date_column = 'date',
        value_column = 'adjusted',
        window = 20,
        window_func = ['mean', 'std'],
        center = False
    ) \
        upper_band = lambda x: x['adjusted_rolling_mean_win_20'] + 2*x['adjusted_rolling_std_win_20'],
        lower_band = lambda x: x['adjusted_rolling_mean_win_20'] - 2*x['adjusted_rolling_std_win_20']

# Visualize
fig = (bollinger_df

    # zoom in on dates
    .query('date >= "2023-01-01"') 

    # Convert to long format
        id_vars = ['symbol', 'date'],
        value_vars = ["adjusted", "adjusted_rolling_mean_win_20", "upper_band", "lower_band"]

    # Group on symbol and visualize
        date_column = 'date',
        value_column = 'value',
        color_column = 'variable',
        # Adjust colors for Bollinger Bands
        color_palette =["#2C3E50", "#E31A1C", '#18BC9C', '#18BC9C'],
        smooth = False, 
        facet_ncol = 2,
        width = 900,
        height = 700,
        engine = "plotly" 


When colors are not duplicated.


    # zoom in on dates
    .query('date >= "2023-01-01"') 

    # Convert to long format
        id_vars = ['symbol', 'date'],
        value_vars = ["adjusted", "adjusted_rolling_mean_win_20", "upper_band", "lower_band"]

    # Group on symbol and visualize
        date_column = 'date',
        value_column = 'value',
        color_column = 'variable',
        # Adjust colors for Bollinger Bands
        color_palette =["#2C3E50", "#E31A1C", '#18BC9C', '#000000'],
        smooth = False, 
        facet_ncol = 2,
        width = 900,
        height = 700,
        engine = "plotly" 


Tests: Augment Functions

Need pytest tests for augment functions. (Use chatgpt to help)

  • augment_timeseries_signature
  • augment_holiday_signature
  • augment_lags
  • augment_leads
  • augment_rolling


PyTimeTK Roadmap

Phase 1: MVP Package

Develop a minimal package with the most important functions.

Use this guide:

Priority 1 - Core Data and Data Frame Operations

  • summarise_by_time() / summarize_by_time()
  • Data Sets

Priority 2 - Plot Time Series

  • plot_time_series() - Not sure if we should go with plotly or altair for interactive mode. I feel we should go with plotnine for non-interactive. Will need smooth_vec().

Priority 3 - Data Wrangling

  • future_frame() - We will also need tk_make_future_timeseries() and tk_make_timeseries()
  • pad_by_time()

Priority 4 - Augment Operations

Note - These functions should overwrite columns that are named the same in the input data frame.

  • tk.augment_timeseries_signature() - tk.get_timeseries_signature()
  • tk.augment_holiday_signature() - Uses holidays package
  • tk.augment_lags() / tk.agument_leads()
  • tk.augment_rolling()
  • tk.augment_fourier()

Priority 5 - TS Features

  • tk.ts_features()

Phase 2: Expand Functionality

Anomalize in Python

  • Convert Anomalize R package to tk.anomalize()

Time Series Plotting Utilities

  • Plot ACF
  • Plot Anomalies
  • Plot Seasonality
  • Plot STL Decomposition
  • Plot Time Series Regression

Time Series Inspection, Frequency, and Trend

  • TS Summary: tk.ts_summary()
  • Time Scale Template
  • Automatic Frequency Detection
  • Automatic Trend Detection

Applied Tutorials

  • Sales CRM Database Analysis
  • Finance Investment Analysis
  • Demand Forecasting
  • Anomaly Detection
  • Clustering

Phase 3: Extend Sklearn

  • Time Series Splitting / Cross Validation Functionality
  • Preprocessors & Feature Engineering
  • Vectorized Functions - Box Cox,
  • Plot Time Series CV

Phase 4: Fill in Function Gaps Where Needed

Add additional functionality that was not identified in Phases 1-3.

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