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smartthings_myq's Issues

Could Not Find Any Supported Device(s)

I saw that this was a previous issue that was closed, but no solution listed has solved my issue. I've deleted all device handlers and the smartapp and readded them all to no avail. I would greatly appreciate some insight as to where I can look to next for some troubleshooting.

I'm not quite sure if I'm using the most current smartapp code but I am using the links provided in the readme on the main code page. I'm new to GitHub but have enough technical experience to figure this out if someone can lead me in the right direction! Thanks in advance!

No sure what happened

All was well, then at some point while the craftsman garage opener was still visible. Click open, no action, click close, no action at the door.
I then removed the device thinking i would rebuild / install everything, This may have made things worse, but now I get an error when i attempt to login via the MyQ Lite / SmartApps within ST - indicating "Could not find any supported device(s). Please report to author about these devices - any thoughts?

Garage door does not show up in the app

I just went through the setup process with no issues (except for the complains about app version 2.05 not 2.06). However, I cannot find the garage door anywhere in the app after setup. Did I miss anything?

Working with MyQ's own sensor

Thanks for writing this integration. It is very useful. This is more a question, rather than an issue. Is it possible to use MyQ's own sensor to work?

If so, can you please help?


Out of date URL in manual instructions

I recently had some issues trying this out, because I was going to the wrong place using the URL provided in these instructions. I posted a comment about this in the community:

And immediately got a response explaining what I was seeing:

Please update the URL in step one of the manual install instructions (Log in to the SmartThings IDE. If you don't have a login yet, create one.) from:

App shows two actions instead of the expected one.

I'm seeing the option Door control and a second one Garage Door Control which also has an open/closed status.

Door control seems to open the door without any "warnings" but can never close it (see previous error about inability to connect)

Garage Door Control seems to open without warning, but close with a lot of flashing light and alarms (which is probably good).

The key problem, is that Door control* appears to be invoked from the tile which does not work properly - shouldn't there be only one option here?

Myq with myq sensors

hello, when I am setting it up it doesn't see my sensors say there are no devices of this capability. Please help

MyQ Lite issue

i am using this, with a door sensor. Sensor is reporting accurately, but can’t get the door to open or close. Here is the log:

4eb108a7-6e82-456b-924e-e435a84bc1eb 8:45:35 PM: debug Door: Main Garage Door Opener: Updating timestamp to: Tue Aug 14 00:54:17 UTC 2018 - from sensor Main Door Tilt Sensor
4eb108a7-6e82-456b-924e-e435a84bc1eb 8:45:35 PM: debug Door: Main Garage Door Opener: Updating with status - closed - from sensor Main Door Tilt Sensor
4eb108a7-6e82-456b-924e-e435a84bc1eb 8:45:35 PM: debug refresh called from Main Garage Door Opener (1485502d-e5d8-410d-88fe-bd7cc44fed2c|GarageDoorOpener|1703322266)
4eb108a7-6e82-456b-924e-e435a84bc1eb 8:45:35 PM: error java.lang.NullPointerException @line 202 (updateDeviceLastActivity)
4eb108a7-6e82-456b-924e-e435a84bc1eb 8:45:35 PM: debug Door is now closed
4eb108a7-6e82-456b-924e-e435a84bc1eb 8:45:35 PM: debug Request received to update door status to : closed
4eb108a7-6e82-456b-924e-e435a84bc1eb 8:45:15 PM: debug Request received to update door status to : opening
4eb108a7-6e82-456b-924e-e435a84bc1eb 8:45:15 PM: debug Garage door open command called.
4eb108a7-6e82-456b-924e-e435a84bc1eb 8:45:05 PM: debug Door is already closed. Leaving status alone.
4eb108a7-6e82-456b-924e-e435a84bc1eb 8:45:05 PM: debug Request received to update door status to : closing
4eb108a7-6e82-456b-924e-e435a84bc1eb 8:45:05 PM: debug Garage door close command called.
4eb108a7-6e82-456b-924e-e435a84bc1eb 8:45:05 PM: debug Garage door close command called

MYQ Lite garage door opener just stopped working this week.... dont know why

Loaded the device driver and smart app months ago and ll was working fine..

Just realized that things stopped working this week.. Also noticed that Chamberline released a new app - saying that their old app is obsolete.... Is this simply a coincidence ?

any ideas .. ive looked at github and im all upto date


I have 2 questions:

Question 1:
I followed the directions and was able to get everything set up in the smartthings app. When I push the button on the app the garage doors open and close. However, I have set up a routine to open and close the door based on my location (coming or going) and neither will operate the door. Do I need a smartthings hub to make the routine operate? I assumed since this runs in the cloud and not local that I would not need a hub.

Question 2:
I also, have a Google home which does not recognize any commands to open or close the doors. How can I set up my Google home?

Please help.

Door status sometimes not syncing with contact sensor

Have been seeing some instances where the door device is not being updated with the status of its corresponding contact sensor. Cycling the door seems to trigger a status update, which typically fixes it, but something weird is definitely happening here.

Unable to create SmartApp from code

I have tried both versions and was unable to create a SmartApp. I received the following message:
"No signature of method: script14980567587321300469619.metadata() is applicable for argument types: (script14980567587321300469619$_run_closure1) values: [script14980567587321300469619$_run_closure1@5657c4e6] Possible solutions: getMetadata(), getState(), setState(java.lang.Object), metaClass(groovy.lang.Closure)"
Please help.

Adding support to new SmartThings app

Couple things that can be added that isn't perfect but makes it at least work until official documentation comes down:

  • Add some meta data to the DTH:
    vid: "generic-contact-4", ocfdevicetype: "oic.d.garagedoor", mnmn: "SmartThings"
  • Add capability "Health Check"
  • Add a checkInterval statement to the functions installed() and updated() (This is a guess based on other DTHs but it seems to work):
    sendEvent(name: "checkInterval", value: 4 * 60 * 60 + 2 * 60, displayed: false, data: [protocol: "cloud", scheme:"untracked"])
  • Add a ping command required by health check tha doesn't actually do anything other then make ST happy:
def ping() {
    logDebug "ping()"	
    return []

Stopped working and now can't add it back.

MyQ for my liftmaster was working for months then stopped. I removed this app from my smartthings. Now I can't add it again. I published the app for me. I enter in my email, password, and select liftmaster. I hit next and nothing shows up. I am not sure why that is. I remember this being very easy to setup the first time I did it.

Get unexpected error occurred

After I install the smart app and device handlers, I login the gateway and states automating then I get unexpected error occurred and it doesn't complete. I can use the Liftmaster app just fine any ideas on what I can look at? BTY I have 3 garages and it see all three during the config.

Smartthings MyQ Lite no supported devices

I had all this working until a few weeks ago. I went into my SmartThings IDE today to take a look at it and I was missing the device handlers and smart apps. I added those back in and then went to my SmartThings SmartAppsAs I go though the steps I get the error "Could not find any supported device(s). ..."
Any idea what I need to do to resolve?

Use api to get door status

I found it rather trivial to modify the code to get the door status from the api. Why is this not the default??

ST reports no devices found

Could not find any compatible devices when trying to add the smart app. Below are my logged errors.

4cf6373e-d6cf-42a7-b634-3e7bcb756eb6 7:23:49 PM: debug API Error: Connection reset
4cf6373e-d6cf-42a7-b634-3e7bcb756eb6 7:23:48 PM: debug API Error: Connection reset
4cf6373e-d6cf-42a7-b634-3e7bcb756eb6 7:23:48 PM: debug got login response:

Love this work.... No Issue but quickest place I could say Thanks

I donated $25 since I love this entire Automation. I even added the IFTTT for door sensors and that saved me much more than $25 and I never have to replace a battery.

Well Done.

If you have a way to Integrate Insteon Hub and Switches into SmartThings, would love to hear about it.

Error saving unnamed page. Please contact SmartApp developer.

I am attempting to add the MyQ Lite app using SmartThings Classic 2.16 on iOS. It allows me to authenticate with my Craftsman branded GDO, select the GDO, then configure sensors and seperate buttons but after clicking next I am presented a page that is blank with a "Done" button. When clicking "Done" I get an error in a red banner stating "Error saving unnamed page. Please contact SmartApp developer.". I have installed and published all device handlers and the SmartApp from this GitHub. Does this SmartApp require a SmartThings hub unlike NST Manager (Nest Manager) because that is one item I do not have.

Can't finish app setup

When I first setup the device handlers and smart app on my first hub, everything worked great. I recently had to replace that hub with another v3 replacement and when I try to add the smart app to the new hub, the app gets stuck at the light controller. I'm able to choose both garage doors then just a completely blank page. Please let me know what info you'll need. Thank you.

Open and Close rather than On and Off

I understand why we have say "On and Off" to activate the switch functionality but for a brief period I was able to say "Open and Close" to operate the door. I think maybe a week or two. Did you change something with the code that enable this functionality or am I losing my mind?

Error on application with door sensors

No signature of method: script1504285702633908203956.metadata() is applicable for argument types: (script1504285702633908203956$_run_closure1) values: [script1504285702633908203956$_run_closure1@58d5f581] Possible solutions: getMetadata(), getState(), setState(java.lang.Object), metaClass(groovy.lang.Closure)

Add Door Status - API call in request.

From looking around the API.

Add headers:

Door Status can be had from >

Sample Response where AttributeValue is the state

doorStates: {
1: 'open',
2: 'closed',
3: 'stopped in the middle',
4: 'going up',
5: 'going down',
9: 'not closed',

LightState can be had from >

Sample Response where AttributeValue is the state

lightStates: {
0: 'off',
1: 'on',

Constants from here >

Expose as a lock

It would be nice if this was exposed as a lock. Locks integrating with Alexa through SmartThings require a pin to unlock by voice which is ideal for security.

I attempted to include this myself but I'm not too familiar with Device Handlers, however after:

  1. removing the device from Alexa
  2. updating the MyQ Garage Door Opener to include capability "Lock"
  3. and rediscovering devices on Alexa
  4. open device in Alexa
  5. should see a loading animation and error message
  6. however, clicking on the vertical dots in the top right corner show the settings to enable unlock by voice with pin code

Unfortunately I'm not entirely sure what else needs changed in the code to finish exposing this as a lock, but my assumption is that just the right reporting of lock/unlock states/actions is all that's necessary.

Any interest / plans to support this?

Can't find "My Apps" or "SmartThings Labs"

The instructions state to find a My Apps section and the code says the category is SmartThings Labs. I can't find either in the mobile app and I wonder if this is due to the recent update that was released earlier this month.

Unable to add to "things"

I have followed all the instructions on the read me and was not able to get this working properly.
I see it under "My Apps", went through the set up in there and still not able to get it working in anyway.

I was trying to get it set up with "No Sensor" as i just moved and most of my sensors are MIA

Is it working now with new app?

I used this app with a couple of years and it is great (thanks a ton brbeaird!!). Then I updated to the new app, and bam, all gone. I saw an issue stream about getting it to work with the new app, and went and updated my Device Handlers ... does this now work with the new app? If yes, how do I get to it? In automations like before?


no sensor version

I am getting an error adding the no-sensor version here.

java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method eventsSince() on null object @line 680 (updateDoorStatus)
debug Door: Garage Door: Updating with status - unknown - from sensor null
debug getChildDevices(false), children=1

New Install, No Devices Found

I have two commercial openers that the SmartApp cannot find. Is there a difference between the commercial and residential? Thanks!

Can't Add Device Hanlder

I'm trying to add the no sensor device app. I've tried to do it manually and from GitHub directly and I'm getting errors with both approaches. When I do it manually I get this error:

Org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException: could not load an entity: [physicalgraph.device.Capability#172]; SQL [select as id78_0_, capability0_.version as version78_0_, capability0_.canonical_id as canonical3_78_0_, capability0_.canonical_version as canonical4_78_0_, capability0_.date_created as date5_78_0_, capability0_.display_name as display6_78_0_, capability0_.in_store as in7_78_0_, capability0_.last_updated as last8_78_0_, as name78_0_ from capability capability0_ where]; nested exception is org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException: could not load an entity: [physicalgraph.device.Capability#172]

When I attempt to add it via GitHub I get this error:

Error 500: Internal Server Error
URI /ide/device/doRepoUpdates
Reference Id a046373b-b31a-4994-9a08-98e485c0e67e
Date Wed May 16 17:33:36 UTC 2018

I dont believe I'm doing anything wrong. Do these scripts still work 'as is', or is an update required? If they are still working for other people then any idea what I need to do differently?

I should also note that I was able to add the new SmartApp with no issues. The error is just for the device handler(s). The error above is for the Door No Sensor one, but I have tried all of them and get the same error.


Not Opening on arrival


Thanks so much for the Code as I got it up and running in smart things. I can manually open and close my door, but I have it to open the garage door as I arrive home (using my phone as a sensor), but, the door is not opening?

Is there something I may be doing wrong? Or, do I need the actual sensor?


Issue with installing SmartApp

I have a MyQ garage opener with a sensor stuck to my garage door. Initially, I installed the "no-sensor" device handler, not realizing I have a sensor. I was able to install the SmartApp on ST app. Then, I went back and deleted the SmartApp and device handler to install the one for "with sensor". When I tried to install the SmartApp on my ST app, it gave me this error message: Home: problem creating door device (no-sensor type). Check your IDE to make sure...

I am confused why it's saying "door device (no-sensor type)", when there is a MyQ sensor attached to the garage door. Any ideas?

Google Home

How do you make this work with Google Home?

MyQ Lite setup. Issue in setup


Upon adding MyQ app on Smarthings classic app.. Enter creds, it accepts, next page it lets me select my garage door (next). The next page comes up blank for me. Although if i simulate the app through the smarthings IDE i can see the page is supposed to ask me my sensor/contact preferences.

Pulled most recent MyQ app and only using "MyQ Garage Door Opener" device handler.

Help needed

Relatively new to Github. I've created the necessary smartapp and device handlers. I can see them in "My Device Handlers" and "My Smartapps" and they are both published. I enabled Github integration. When I click on update from repo I dont have anything in any of the columns.

Then in the smartthings app I do not see this app: In your SmartThings mobile app, tap Automation -> SmartApps -> Add a SmartApp. Scroll down and tap My Apps. Tap MyQ Lite.

Any help is appreciated.

Support for MyQ Home Bridge

I've been previously using the Craftsman MyQ gateway without issue with this smartapp. I recently acquired a Chamberlain MyQ Home Bridge that has been successfully installed and setup in the MyQ Chamberlain app and operate properly. However, upon trying to add this in the smartthings app I get an error "Error! Could not find any supported device(s). Please report to the author about these devices.

Let me know how I can help get this new MyQ Home Bridge supported.

Error Saving Unnamed Page

Had been using the app for a while, but one of the doors was stuck in “opening” mode. I figured I’d just delete it and re-add it, but when I get to the final stage to add the door I recieve an error that says “Error saving unnamed page. Please contact the SmartApp developer.”

Any ideas?

Issue with tap action

This has been working fine for a while. I tried updating to 2.1.2 things went bad. The tilt sensor started not to work right. Tried to remove it from the classic application and from the portal but it would not completely be removed. I attempted to install it again and the automation works right but it I tap on the button from the list of devices for the garage door it will not work. I have as a favorite and it give me "unathorized to do this". This did work before going through all this work. Sorry for all the details.

Google Home voice command not working ?

First off, thanks to the author of this app and the users who have helped test and make it better.

I installed today after testing my internet gateway. it was a breeze, so easy/quick. But what I was really hoping for was Google Home voice control to work so I can use hands free as I approach the house with the car.

I'm getting this error from GH: "Sorry, I don't know what garage door you wanted to turn on."

I'm saying "hey Google turn on the garage door /garage door opener / open the garage door in the garage etc, basically every variation I can think of.

Any suggestions?


MyQ Lite is not working


I ran all the procedures and I I don't get any errors, but if I execute the command, it doesn't open or closes the door.



Allow Alexa to only close the door

As a security measure, is it possible to only allow Alexa to close the garage door and disable her ability to open it?

I’d hate to have a robber yell really loud through a window to open my garage or something.

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