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simplism's Introduction

Simplism: a tiny HTTP server for Extism Plug-ins


What is Simplism?

Simplism is a tiny HTTP server to serve Extism WebAssembly plug-ins and execute/call a single WebAssembly function.

It's like the official Extism CLI, but Simplism is "serving" the Extism WebAssembly plug-in instead of running it, and call a function at every HTTP request.

πŸš€ Getting started

Install Simplism

SIMPLISM_DISTRO="Linux_arm64" # πŸ‘€
wget${VERSION}/simplism_${SIMPLISM_DISTRO}.tar.gz -O simplism.tar.gz 
tar -xf simplism.tar.gz -C /usr/bin
rm simplism.tar.gz
simplism version

Generate a (GoLang) wasm plug-in

simplism generate golang hello ./

# hello
# β”œβ”€β”€ go.mod
# β”œβ”€β”€ main.go
# └──

Build the wasm plug-in

you can follow the instructions into the hello/ file

cd hello
tinygo build -scheduler=none --no-debug \
-o hello.wasm \
-target wasi main.go

Serve the wasm plug-in

simplism listen \
hello.wasm handle --http-port 8080 --log-level info

Query the wasm plug-in:

curl http://localhost:8080/hello/world \
-H 'content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
-d '{"firstName":"Bob","lastName":"Morane"}'

Run Simplism

  simplism [command] [arguments]

Available Commands:
  listen      Serve an Extism plug-in function
              Arguments: [wasm file path] [function name]
  version     Display the Minism version
              Arguments: nothing
  generate    Generate a source code project of an Extism plug-in
              Arguments: [plug-in language] [project name] [project path]
              Languages: golang (or go), rustlang (or rust), javascript (or js)
              Ex: simplism generate js hello samples/javascript (it will create samples/javascript/hello/)
  config      Serve an Extism plug-in function using a yaml configuration file
              Arguments: [yaml file path] [config key]
  flock       Serve several Extism plug-in functions using a yaml configuration file
              Arguments: [yaml file path] [config key]

Flags for listen command:
  --http-port              int      HTTP port of the Simplism server (default: 8080)
  --log-level              string   Log level to print message
                                    Possible values: error, warn, info, debug, trace
  --allow-hosts            string   Hosts for HTTP request (json array) 
                                    Default: ["*"]
  --allow-paths            string   Allowed paths to write and read files (json string) 
                                    Default: {}
  --config                 string   Configuration data (json string)
                                    Default: {}
  --env                    string   Environment variables to forward to the wasm plug-in
                                    Default: []
  --wasi                   bool     Default: true
  --wasm-url               string   Url to download the wasm file
  --wasm-url-auth-header   string   Authentication header to download the wasm file, ex: "PRIVATE-TOKEN=IlovePandas"
                                    Or use this environment variable: WASM_URL_AUTH_HEADER='PRIVATE-TOKEN=IlovePandas'
  --cert-file              string   Path to certificate file (https)
  --key-file               string   Path to key file (https)
  --admin-reload-token     string   Admin token to be authorized to reload the wasm-plugin
                                    Or use this environment variable: ADMIN_RELOAD_TOKEN
                                    Use the /reload endpoint to reload the wasm-plugin
  --service-discovery      bool     The current Simplism server is a service discovery server
                                    Default: false
  --discovery-endpoint     string   The endpoint of the service discovery server
                                    It always ends with /discovery
                                    Example: http://localhost:9000/discovery
  --admin-discovery-token  string   Admin token to be authorized to post information to the service discovery server
                                    Or use this environment variable: ADMIN_DISCOVERY_TOKEN
                                    Use the /discovery endpoint to post information to the service discovery server
  --service-name           string   Name of the service (it can be useful with the service discovery mode)
  --information            string   Information about the service (it can be useful with the service discovery mode)
  --spawn-mode             bool     The current Simplism server is in spawn mode (it can create new simplism servers with the /spawn endpoint)
                                    Default: false
  --admin-spawn-token      string   Admin token to be authorized to spawn a new Simplism server
                                    Or use this environment variable: ADMIN_SPAWN_TOKEN
                                    Use the /spawn endpoint to spawn a new Simplism server
  --http-port-auto         bool     Automatically find an available port (only works in spawn mode)
                                    Default: false
  --recovery-path          string   Path of the recovery file (only works in spawn mode)
                                    Default: "recovery.yaml"
  --recovery-mode          bool     The current Simplism server is in recovery mode
                                    Default: true
  --store-mode             bool     The current Simplism server exposes a store api to save data in a bbolt database
                                    Use the /store endpoint (see documentation)
                                    Default: false
  --store-path             string   File path of the store db file  
                                    Default: file path of the wasm file + file name + ".store.db"
  --admin-store-token      string   Admin token to be authorized to use the store API of a Simplism server
                                    Or use this environment variable: ADMIN_STORE_TOKEN
  --registry-mode          bool     The current Simplism server exposes a registry api to upload wasm files
                                    Use the /registry endpoint (see documentation)
                                    Default: false
  --registry-path          string   File path of the uploaded wasm files  
  --admin-registry-token   string   Admin token to be authorized to use the registry API: POST(`/push`) and DELETE(`/remove`)
                                    Or use this environment variable: ADMIN_REGISTRY_TOKEN
  --private-registry-token string   Private registry token to be authorized to use the registry API: GET(`/pull`) and GET(`/discover`)
                                    Or use this environment variable: PRIVATE_REGISTRY_TOKEN

Remarks: look at the ./samples directory


simplism listen ./samples/golang/simple-plugin/simple.wasm say_hello
simplism listen ./samples/golang/hello-plugin/simple.wasm say_hello \
--http-port 9090 \
--log-level info \
--allow-hosts '["*","*"]' \
--config '{"message":"πŸ‘‹ hello world 🌍"}' \
--allow-paths '{"data":"/mnt"}'

Configuration example:

# config.yml
  wasm-file: ./hello.wasm
  wasm-function: say_hello
  http-port: 8080
  log-level: info

Run the server like this: simplism config ./config.yml hello-plugin

Run Simplism in "flock" mode:

# config.yml
  wasm-file: ./hello.wasm
  wasm-function: say_hello
  http-port: 8081
  log-level: info
  wasm-file: ./hello.wasm
  wasm-function: say_hello
  http-port: 8082
  log-level: info
  wasm-file: ./hello.wasm
  wasm-function: say_hello
  http-port: 8083
  log-level: info

Run the servers like this: simplism flock ./config.yml. It will start 3 instances of Simplism.

See samples/flock repository for a more complex example.

Reload remotely a wasm plug-in without stopping the Simplism server

Start the Simplism server

simplism listen ./hey-one.wasm handle --http-port 8080  --admin-reload-token "1234567890"


export ADMIN_RELOAD_TOKEN="1234567890"
simplism listen ./hey-one.wasm handle --http-port 8080

Reload the wasm plug-in with the /reload api

curl -v -X POST \
http://localhost:8080/reload \
-H 'content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
-H 'admin-reload-token:1234567890' \
-d '{"wasm-url":"", "wasm-file": "./hey-two.wasm", "wasm-function": "handle"}'

Service discovery

🚧 this is a work in progress

Simplism comes with a service discovery feature. It can be used to discover the running Simplism servers.

  • One of the servers (simplism service) can be a service discovery server. The service discovery server can be configured with the --service-discovery flag:
simplism listen discovery-service/discovery-service.wasm handle \
--http-port 9000 \
--log-level info \
--service-discovery true \
--admin-discovery-token people-are-strange

--admin-discovery-token is not mandatory, but it's probably a good idea to set it.

  • Then, the other services can be configured with the --discovery-endpoint flag:
simplism listen service-one/service-one.wasm handle \
--http-port 8001 \
--log-level info \
--discovery-endpoint http://localhost:9000/discovery \
--admin-discovery-token people-are-strange &

simplism listen service-two/service-two.wasm handle \
--http-port 8002 \
--log-level info \
--discovery-endpoint http://localhost:9000/discovery \
--admin-discovery-token people-are-strange &

simplism listen service-three/service-three.wasm handle \
--http-port 8003 \
--log-level info \
--discovery-endpoint http://localhost:9000/discovery \
--admin-discovery-token people-are-strange &

the 3 services will be discovered by the service discovery server. Every services will regularly post information to the service discovery server.

  • You can query the service discovery server with the /discovery endpoint to get the list of the running services:
curl http://localhost:9000/discovery \
-H 'admin-discovery-token:people-are-strange'
  • You can use the flock mode jointly with the service discovery:
  wasm-file: ./discovery/discovery.wasm
  wasm-function: handle
  http-port: 9000
  log-level: info
  service-discovery: true
  admin-discovery-token: this-is-the-way

  wasm-file: ./basestar/basestar.wasm
  wasm-function: handle
  http-port: 8010
  log-level: info
  discovery-endpoint: http://localhost:9000/discovery
  admin-discovery-token: this-is-the-way

  wasm-file: ./raider/raider.wasm
  wasm-function: handle
  http-port: 8001
  log-level: info
  discovery-endpoint: http://localhost:9000/discovery
  admin-discovery-token: this-is-the-way

Spawn mode

🚧 this is a work in progress

If you activate the --spawn-mode flag, the Simplism server will be able tospawn a new Simplism server with the /spawn endpoint:

simplism listen ./process-spawner.wasm handle \
--http-port 8000 \
--log-level info \
--spawn-mode true \
--admin-spawn-token michael-burnham-rocks

Then, to "spawn" a new Simplism server process, you can use the /spawn endpoint with a simple curl request:

curl -X POST \
http://localhost:8080/spawn \
-H 'admin-spawn-token:michael-burnham-rocks' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
--data-binary @- << EOF
echo ""

Expose and use the "store API"

start a Simplism server with the --store-mode flag:

simplism listen \
store.wasm handle \
--http-port 8080 \
--log-level info \
--store-mode true \
--admin-store-token morrison-hotel \
--information "πŸ‘‹ I'm the store service"

Query the "store API"

add records to the store:

curl http://localhost:8080/store \
-H 'content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
-H 'admin-store-token: morrison-hotel' \
-d '{"key":"hello","value":"hello world"}'

curl http://localhost:8080/store \
-H 'content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
-H 'admin-store-token: morrison-hotel' \
-d '{"key":"hey","value":"hey people"}'

curl http://localhost:8080/store \
-H 'content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
-H 'admin-store-token: morrison-hotel' \
-d '{"key":"001","value":"first"}'

curl http://localhost:8080/store \
-H 'content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
-H 'admin-store-token: morrison-hotel' \
-d '{"key":"002","value":"second"}'

curl http://localhost:8080/store \
-H 'content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
-H 'admin-store-token: morrison-hotel' \
-d '{"key":"003","value":"third"}'

get all records from the store:

curl http://localhost:8080/store \
-H 'admin-store-token: morrison-hotel'

get a specific record from the store:

curl http://localhost:8080/store?key=hey \
-H 'admin-store-token: morrison-hotel'

get all records from the store with a key prefix:

curl http://localhost:8080/store?prefix=00 \
-H 'admin-store-token: morrison-hotel'

delete a specific record from the store:

curl -X "DELETE" http://localhost:8080/store?key=002 \
-H 'admin-store-token: morrison-hotel'

Generate Extism plug-in projects for Simplism

You can use Simplism to generate a project skeleton of an Extism plug-in with the following languages:

  • Golang
  • Rustlang
  • JavaScript

Generate a Golang project

simplism generate golang hello my-projects

This command will create this tree structure:

└── hello
   β”œβ”€β”€ Dockerfile
   β”œβ”€β”€ go.mod
   β”œβ”€β”€ main.go

Generate a Rustlang project

simplism generate rustlang hello my-projects

This command will create this tree structure:

└── hello
   β”œβ”€β”€ Cargo.toml
   β”œβ”€β”€ Dockerfile
   └── src

Generate a JavaScript project

simplism generate js hello my-projects

This command will create this tree structure:

└── hello
   β”œβ”€β”€ Dockerfile
   β”œβ”€β”€ index.d.ts
   β”œβ”€β”€ index.js

βœ‹ more languages to come

How is Simplism developed?

Simplism is developed in Go with Wazero1 as the Wasm runtime and Extism2, which offers a Wazero-based Go SDK and a Wasm plugin system.


🚧 work in progress

To develop on the Simplism project and/or create Extism plug-ins, look at .docker/compose/Dockerfile, you will find the list of the necessary softwares, libraries, tools...

πŸ‘‹ Or you can use ready to use environments

🍊 Open it with Gitpod

Build Simplism

go build
./simplism version

Write an Extism plug-in

  • Let's have a look at the official Extism documentation
  • Look into the samples directory of this repository:
    β”œβ”€β”€ golang
    β”‚  β”œβ”€β”€ hello-plugin
    β”‚  └── simple-plugin
    └── rustlang
      β”œβ”€β”€ hello-plugin
      └── simple-plugin

βœ‹ important: you can write Extism plug-ins with Go, Rust, AssemblyScript, Zig, C, Haskell and JavaScript


  1. Wazero is a project from Tetrate ↩

  2. Extism is a project from Dylibso ↩

simplism's People


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simplism's Issues

πŸ“¦ prepare release

  • update the simplism version into the template generators
  • update the simplism version into the
  • update the simplism version into the .release.env file
  • update the simplism version into the k8s manifests
  • update the simplism version into the Dockerfile
  • make a script for this...

πŸ€— simplify the usage of authentication header for downloading a wasm file

Right now:

  --auth-header-name  string   Authentication header name, ex: PRIVATE-TOKEN
  --auth-header-value string   Value of the authentication header, ex: IlovePandas  

It should be

  --wasm-url-auth-header string   "PRIVATE-TOKEN=IlovePandas"

And we can use an environment variable: WASM_URL_AUTH_HEADER='PRIVATE-TOKEN=IlovePandas'

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