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docker-drupal's Introduction


Completely automated Drupal install, with lots of flexibility!

Creates a Docker container for Drupal 7 or 8, using Linux (Ubuntu 14.04), Apache and MySQL:

  • Install Ubuntu 14.04/Apache/Php/Mysql with supervisord startup scripts
  • Install postfix to allow drupal to deliver emails
  • Install composer and drush
  • Use included Drupal7, or download Drupal, pull from git or via drush makefile
  • Install drupal+DB via a standard or custom profile
  • Optionally run cron, rsyslog and postfix, or add HTTPS, or externalise the DB, or..
  • Most drupal install settings are environment settings when creating a container from the image. See below.


Well, install docker if you dont have it yet (see the bottom), then just use it.


Create a running container

Simplest form, start a D7 container:

docker run -td boran/drupal

Start a D8 container:

docker run -td -e "DRUPAL_VERSION=drupal-8" boran/drupal

Start a D7 container, interactive shell (run / when you have the shell to start lamp):

docker run -ti boran/drupal /bin/bash

Name the container (--name drupal8003) and give it a public port (8003). Then visit

docker run -td -p 8003:80 --name drupal8003 boran/drupal


  • Examine log of the container started above (named drupal8003) docker logs -f drupal8003

  • connect a shell to the running container

sudo docker exec -it drupal8003 bash

  • create a nice shell function in /etc/profile.d/, which allows one to do "nsenter CONTAINER-NAME"

function nsenter (){ sudo docker exec -it $* bash; }

  • Create a new container and only run a shell docker run -ti boran/drupal /bin/bash

Creating more complex containers

To run the container with "foo" as the admin password:

docker run -td -p 8003:80 -e "DRUPAL_ADMIN_PW=foo" -e "DRUPAL_SITE_NAME=My Super site" --name drupal8003 boran/drupal

Drupal 8, set a password and title, mysql DB in on and mount /var/www/html from /opt/foo

docker run -td -p 8004:80 --name bc -e "DRUPAL_VERSION=drupal-8" -e "DRUPAL_ADMIN_PW=foo" -e "DRUPAL_SITE_NAME=My Super site" -e "MYSQL_HOST=" -e "MYSQL_DATABASE=drupal_site1" -e "MYSQL_USER=drupal_site1" -e "MYSQL_PASSWORD=pass4drupal_site1" -v /opt/foo:/var/www/html boran/drupal

Download drupal+website on the develop branch from a https git repo:

docker run -td -p 8003:80 -e "DRUPAL_GIT_REPO=https://USER:[email protected]/path/something" -e "DRUPAL_GIT_BRANCH=devop" --name drupal8003 boran/drupal

To run a custom install profile, set DRUPAL_INSTALL_REPO and DRUPAL_INSTALL_PROFILE accordingly.

Download drupal+modules according to a make file:

docker run -td -p 8003:80 -e "DRUPAL_MAKE_DIR=drupal-make1" -e "DRUPAL_MAKE_REPO=" -e "DRUPAL_MAKE_CMD=${DRUPAL_MAKE_DIR}/${DRUPAL_MAKE_DIR}.make ${DRUPAL_DOCROOT}" --name drupal8003 boran/drupal`

Parameter reference

Environment parameters, defaults are as follows, commented values are not set by default:

    DRUPAL_SITE_NAME My Drupal Site
    DRUPAL_SITE_EMAIL [email protected]
    DRUPAL_ADMIN admin
    DRUPAL_ADMIN_EMAIL [email protected]

    #DRUPAL_VERSION drupal-7 
      By default a bundled drupal 7 is installed
      drush dl syntax, e.g.  drupal-7, drupal-7.x =dev, drupal-8.0.0-alpha15

    #DRUPAL_GIT_REPO https://USER:[email protected]/path/something

    #DRUPAL_MAKE_DIR  drupal-make1
    # Which will run:  drush make ${DRUPAL_MAKE_DIR}/${DRUPAL_MAKE_DIR}.make ${DRUPAL_DOCROOT}
    Specify the repo and the branch of the install profile:

    # Run a feature revert revert after installing, can be useful for default content

    #If a second user is needed:
    # DRUPAL_USER1 bob
    # DRUPAL_USER1_PW bobspasswd
    # DRUPAL_USER1_EMAIL [email protected]
    # DRUPAL_USER1_ROLE manager     (if not specified, default is administrator)

    Optional mysql:
    # MYSQL_HOST is set, mysql will not be installed in the container

    Optional mysql+drupal
    # DRUPAL_NONE     (if set, mysql/drupal will not be installed)
    # Enable verbose debugging of


After drupal has been installed one may need to run some commands, e.g. set values via drush. There are two ways do do this.

  • DRUPAL_FINAL_CMD: Run a custom command after the site is installed. Example: get, enable and run the production check module "ENV DRUPAL_FINAL_CMD drush -y dl prod_check && drush -y en prod_check && drush -y cache-clear drush && drush -y prod-check-prodmode"
  • DRUPAL_FINAL_SCRIPT: Run a script after the site is installed. This script must already be available (i.e. pulled from a repo or make file during installation, or downloaded via a DRUPAL_FINAL_CMD. Example:
 * DRUPAL_FINAL_CMD=curl --silent -o /tmp/ && chmod 700 /tmp/

Install Drupal from a git repo with ssh keys

Download drupal+website on the master branch from a git repo via ssh with keys.

  • In this case an included script DRUPAL_GIT_SSH=/ is referenced which passes keys to ssh for use in git clone
  • Create ssh keys ( id_rsa) with ssh-keygen, stored in /root/boran-drupal/ssh
  • Then build the container mounting the SSH keys files under /root/gitwrap/id_rsa /root/gitwrap/
  • The example repo is [email protected]:/MYUSER/MYREPO.git

docker run -td -p 8003:80 -e "DRUPAL_GIT_SSH=/" -e "[email protected]:/MYUSER/MYREPO.git" -v /root/boran-drupal/ssh/id_rsa:/root/gitwrap/id_rsa -v /root/boran-drupal/ssh/ -v /root/boran-drupal/ssh/known_hosts/root/gitwrap/known_hosts --name drupal8003 boran/drupal

Special cases

External database: MYSQL_HOST

If MYSQL_HOST is set, mysql will not be installed in the container. In this case, create the DB first on your server and set the environment variables MYSQL_DATABASE MYSQL_USER DRUPAL_PASSWORD in addition to MYSQL_HOST.

No website: DRUPAL_NONE

By setting DRUPAL_NONE Its possible to setup a container with all tools and dependancies, but without a Drupal website. The first usee of this was creating a build container for continuous integration (see boran/docker-cibuild on github)

Postfix: email delivery

Postfix is installed since drupal needs to send emails during certain installation scenarios. If it cannot email, builds will break. The default installation will allow emails to be queued in postfix locally within the container. To enabled full delivery ouside of the container, add appropriate lines to / inside the container e.g. change the relay to a SMTP mailgateway reachable from your network:

  echo " setup postfix, puppet. VIRTUAL_HOST=$VIRTUAL_HOST";
  postconf -e "myhostname = `hostname`"
  postconf -e 'mydestination = $VIRTUAL_HOST localhost.localdomain, localhost'
  postconf -e 'relayhost ='


By setting DRUPAL_SSL you enable ssl support in Apache. The preinstalled self signed certificate is used /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem To connect to port 443 via https map your port to port 443 (eg docker run -p 8443:443...)


By setting SUPERVISOR_CRON_ENABLE=true the cron daemon is started via supervisor.


By setting SUPERVISOR_RSYSLOG_ENABLE=true the syslog daemon is started via supervisor i.e. to catch and log events sent to syslog within the container.

Docker notes

Installing docker

If you have not yet got docker running, the following is one way to install on Ubuntu 14.04, pulling the latest version and ensuring aufs filesystem:

sudo apt-get install linux-image-extra-`uname -r`

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 36A1D7869245C8950F966E92D8576A8BA88D21E9

sudo sh -c "echo deb docker main\ > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list"

sudo apt-get update -qq && sudo apt-get -yq install lxc-docker

See also [using docker] (


Building an image (e.g. inheriting from this one)

Some changes can be made by creating a new image based on boran/drupal

  • download a copy of drupal to a subfolder called drupal
  • Set new defaults for the "DRUPAL*" enviroment variables
  • Include a, which (if it exists) is run just before the end of this could be used to run for example puppet, or other provisioning tool.

e.g. create a site specific inherited image with additional stuff such as cron, postfix, syslog and puppet.

Building an image (e.g. changing this one)

Grab sources from Github

  • download a copy of drupal to a subfolder called files/drupal-7
  cd files
  rm -rf drupal-7  # incase an old version is there

  drush dl drupal 
  mv drupal-7.* drupal-7 
  # or
  tar xf drupal-7.53.tar.gz 
  mv drupal-7.53 drupal-7
  cd ..
  • then rebuild:
# Interative: stop/delete/rebuild:
docker stop drupal8003; docker rm drupal8003; 
docker build -t="boran/drupal" .

# Run and look at logs:
docker run -td -p 8003:80 --name drupal8003 boran/drupal
docker logs -f drupal8003


The very first iteration was based on a pattern from

Sean Boran

docker-drupal's People


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docker-drupal's Issues

Drupal does not install - incorrect drush bootstrap level

After the a vanilla installation using:
docker run -td -p 8003:80 -e "DRUPAL_ADMIN_PW=foo" -e "DRUPAL_SITE_NAME=My Super site" --name drupal8003 boran/drupal

The site comes up nicely (on my mac at: but starts an installation process.

Closer inspection shows:
bash-3.2$ docker logs -f drupal8003
140905 02:45:21 mysqld_safe Can't log to error log and syslog at the same time. Remove all --log-error configuration options for --syslog to take effect.
140905 02:45:21 mysqld_safe Logging to '/var/log/mysql/error.log'.
140905 02:45:21 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql
mysql root and drupal password, see /mysql-root-pw.txt /drupal-db-pw.txt
Enabling module rewrite.
Enabling module vhost_alias.
Enabling module headers.
To activate the new configuration, you need to run:
service apache2 restart
Installing Drupal with profile site-name=My Super site
Command site-install needs a higher bootstrap level to run - you will[error]
need to invoke drush from a more functional Drupal environment to run
this command.
The drush command 'site-install' could not be executed. [error]
A Drupal installation directory could not be found [error]
Drupal add second user
Command user-create needs a higher bootstrap level to run - you will [error]
need to invoke drush from a more functional Drupal environment to run
this command.
The drush command 'user-create' could not be executed. [error]
A Drupal installation directory could not be found [error]
Command user-add-role needs a higher bootstrap level to run - you [error]
will need to invoke drush from a more functional Drupal environment
to run this command.
The drush command 'user-add-role administrator' could not be [error]
A Drupal installation directory could not be found [error]
140905 02:45:27 mysqld_safe mysqld from pid file /var/run/mysqld/ ended
Drupal site installed
2014-09-05 02:45:28,684 CRIT Supervisor running as root (no user in config file)
2014-09-05 02:45:28,693 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized
2014-09-05 02:45:28,693 CRIT Server 'unix_http_server' running without any HTTP authentication checking
2014-09-05 02:45:28,694 INFO supervisord started with pid 428
2014-09-05 02:45:29,700 INFO spawned: 'httpd' with pid 431
2014-09-05 02:45:29,703 INFO spawned: 'memcached' with pid 432
2014-09-05 02:45:29,704 INFO spawned: 'mysqld' with pid 433
2014-09-05 02:45:30,911 INFO success: httpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2014-09-05 02:45:30,911 INFO success: memcached entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2014-09-05 02:45:30,912 INFO success: mysqld entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)

Issue with git downloading the DRUPAL_MAKE_REPO

When I run the command

sudo docker run -td -p 8003:80 -e "DRUPAL_MAKE_DIR=drupal-make1" -e "DRUPAL_MAKE_REPO=" -e "DRUPAL_MAKE_CMD=${DRUPAL_MAKE_DIR}/${DRUPAL_MAKE_DIR}.make ${DRUPAL_DOCROOT}" --name drupal8003 boran/drupal

it yields

fatal: unable to access '': Could not resolve host:

Where is located the external mysql config ?

Hi Boran, i'm trying to use your docker-drupal and i would like to know how drupal finds the exeternal mysql config passed by env with docker ?

I mean, as far as i know we need to update settings.php and set the database values on the drupal project we're working on.

docker run -td -p 8004:80 --name bc -e "DRUPAL_VERSION=drupal-8" -e "DRUPAL_ADMIN_PW=foo" -e "DRUPAL_SITE_NAME=My Super site" -e "MYSQL_HOST=" -e "MYSQL_DATABASE=drupal_site1" -e "MYSQL_USER=drupal_site1" -e "MYSQL_PASSWORD=pass4drupal_site1" -v /opt/foo:/var/www/html boran/drupal

How does it work with docker ? Which moment the value is set, how those variables are set on the settings.php ?


run composer after cloning a drupal 8 repo

Hi there and thanks for this cool work.

I'm trying to get my code from my github repo. there i don't place vendor files, but when running a container like this i get an error saying i have no vendor/autoload.php

So, do i need to run composer install after cloning?


External Database


This is working great for me, thank you! One question, I want to provide a database for the container to use so that it's starting similar to live. Where do you put that / how can I get it to build with that database.

Thanks for the great script!

Using FROM boran/drupal in Dockerfile, subsequent RUN drush en -y [module] gets pm-enable needs higher bootstrap level error

I've been using your image to try to show an integration between angular and drupal.

It works well if I just start the image and then drush en -y ngapp, but when I try to use a Dockerfile that does the same thing, it fails with

Sending build context to Docker daemon 2.048 kB
Step 0 : FROM boran/drupal
 ---> cfd7bc61f89c
Step 1 : RUN drush en -y ngapp
 ---> Running in c1ece4f85de6
Command pm-enable needs a higher bootstrap level to run - you will   [error]
need to invoke drush from a more functional Drupal environment to run
this command.
The drush command 'en ngapp' could not be executed.                  [error]
The command '/bin/sh -c drush en -y ngapp' returned a non-zero code: 1
BAM-034083-JB:drupal brereton$ Command pm-enable needs a higher bootstrap level to run - you will   [error]

Some more issues while building.

Hello again, here's my issue now.
Cloned your repo, entered in the cloned folder and tried

 docker build -t boran-docker-drupal .

Two things here.
Drush can't be installed. it looks dev-master has some unmet dependencies. here's the output

Removing intermediate container 4856a4a0fb30
Step 6 : RUN curl -sS | php &&     mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer &&     COMPOSER_HOME=/opt/composer composer --quiet global require drush/drush:dev-master &&     ln -s /opt/composer/vendor/drush/drush/drush /bin/drush
 ---> Running in 552868417dfb
All settings correct for using Composer
Downloading 1.1.1...

Composer successfully installed to: //composer.phar
Use it: php composer.phar
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
The command '/bin/sh -c curl -sS | php &&     mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer &&     COMPOSER_HOME=/opt/composer composer --quiet global require drush/drush:dev-master &&     ln -s /opt/composer/vendor/drush/drush/drush /bin/drush' returned a non-zero code: 2

I managed to fix this changing
COMPOSER_HOME=/opt/composer composer --quiet global require drush/drush:dev-master
COMPOSER_HOME=/opt/composer composer --quiet global require drush/drush:8.*`

but probably could be better the idea try to satisfy that unmet dep.

Once changed that and restarted the build, it stops add this
Where do that /files/drupal-7 folder is meant to be?


Build Image Fails

When i try to fork and build the image i am getting an error that it's returning a non-zero code. Any ideas?

Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
The command '/bin/sh -c curl -sS | php && mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer && COMPOSER_HOME=/opt/composer composer --quiet global require drush/drush:dev-master && ln -s /opt/composer/vendor/drush/drush/drush /bin/drush' returned a non-zero code: 2

add some way to run a final script at the end of the build

boran/drupal docker image and webfact: add some way to run a final script at the end of the build.

DRUPAL_FINALCOMMAND is getting too short in the drupal UI, and it is not subject to any versioning

e.g. call it DRUPAL_FINAL_SCRIPT adapt in boran/drupal. The referenced script would be available somewhere under /var/www/html e.g. from a repo or module..

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