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babaseproject's Introduction


BAHome Team Name


  • BAKit 系列封装已经全新改版,目前逐渐开放,此项目中已添加部分封装,如有使用老版本,请逐渐升级到最新版本,以免出现不同问题,多谢合作,详见:BAHome


  • 1、iOS 开发常用的控件封装,如:BAButtonBAPickViewBATextViewBATouchIDBANetManagerBAAlert
  • 2、常用功能封装,如:倒计时、跑马灯等
  • 3、常用第三方SDK demo,如:友盟分享登录封装、百度地图详细 demo
  • 4、web OC 交互,详见demo
  • 5、常用 动画 封装
  • 6、常用 网络库 封装,如:BANetManager
  • 7、AOP 切面编程
  • 8、runtime 封装使用,详见demo
  • 9、渐变navi 封装,详见demo
  • 10、NSMutableAttributedString 的完美封装
  • 11、3D Touch使用demo
  • 12、正则表达式封装
  • 13、BAKit 系列封装逐渐开放,目前项目中已添加部分封装,详见:BAHome
  • 等等,内容太多,详见demo


3、项目目录 和 使用指南


主要使用 MVVM 和 MVC 设计模式,共分为三大类:


  • 主要功能:三种tabbarVC,可以自由选择,一种是完全自定义tabbarVC,一种是DVTabBarController,一种是storeboard搭建的tabBarController


  • 2.1、BACode 【主要代码】 如:Home(首页)、Message(消息)、Discover(发现)、Profile(我)
  • 2.2、BABaseData【基类】 如:BABaseVC、BABaseView、BABaseModel
  • 2.3、BALib 【三方库】 如:不能用pod更新的三方库可以放在这里
  • 2.4、BATools 【工具类】 如:BACategory(分类)、BADataBase(数据库)、BAMacros(宏)、BANetManager(网络类)、BAKit(工具类)
  • 2.5、Resources 【资源】 如:字体、Plist、图片
  • 2.6、Other 【其他代码】 如:
  • 2.7、BACustom 【其他自定义】 如:暂时不知道放在哪里的自定义文件可放在这里

3、Supporting Files

  • 这里暂时放置系统的文件,如:AppDelegate、Main.storyboard、Assets.xcassets、Assets.xcassets、main.m



OC 版 :

4、BABaseProject 的类结构及 demo 示例



欢迎使用 【BAHome】 系列开源代码 ! 如有更多需求,请前往:【】

最新更新时间:2017-07-29 【倒叙】
更新内容:、优化部分代码,优化渐变 navi 封装,适配最新版本

最新更新时间:2017-06-13 【倒叙】
更新内容:、新增 BAKit 系列部分源码,如:BAKit_Define.h 、BAKit_NSString.h、BAKit_UserDefaults、NSDate+BAKit.h、NSDateFormatter+BAKit.h 里面有大部分改动,代码更规范,质量更高

最新更新时间:2017-06-03 【倒叙】
更新内容:、新增 BAHome系列精品源码封装及使用demo、使用pod 方法导入 BANetManager、新增 BAButton demo BAButton、重构 正则表达封装 demo、修复系统提醒和日历提醒封装崩溃的bug,添加iOS 10对应的所有权限、新增 BAAlert demo BAAlert、重构百度地图demo、修复跑马灯文字过段时间重复的bug、新增倒计时 button 功能封装,两行代码搞定倒计时 button

2016-10-12 版本:2.1
  • 5.2.30、新增 NSMutableAttributedString 的完美封装,详见:【消息】栏目DemoVC02-6!
2016-10-11 版本:2.1
  • 5.2.29、新增 runtime 的常用方法,优化部分代码结构,新增部分宏定义!详见:【消息】栏目DemoVC02-5!
2016-10-08 版本:2.1
  • 5.2.28、新增百度地图正反向地理编码的使用!详见:【消息】栏目DemoVC02-4!
2016-09-20 版本:2.1
  • 5.2.27、新增百度地图定位、大头针等功能的简单封装!详见:【消息】栏目DemoVC02-4!
2016-08-25 版本:2.1
  • 5.2.26、友盟分享和登陆 2.0 版本,欢迎之前使用的同学们赶紧更新!详见:demoVC4
2016-07-25 版本:2.1
  • 5.2.25、新增3D Touch!详见:appdelegate
2016-07-24 版本:2.1
  • 5.2.24、新增CAReplicatorLayer动画!详见:homeVC种demoVC1!
2016-07-23 版本:2.1
  • 5.2.23、新增渐变navi!详见:【消息】第二个tabbar【消息】使用!
2016-07-20 版本:2.1
  • 5.2.22、新增cell的展开与收回!详见:【消息】栏目DemoVC02-2!
2016-07-08 版本:2.1
  • 5.2.21、新增上下拉刷新的最简单写法,你肯定没用过的写法!详见:【首页】栏目DemoVC11中的网络请求写法!
2016-07-05 版本:2.1
  • 5.2.20、新增BAKitManager,用链式写法封装常用UIkit控件!详见:【消息】栏目DemoVC2-1中的cell的label写法!
2016-07-04 版本:2.1
  • 5.2.19、【消息】栏目,新增DemoVC2-1,封装baseCell,tableView的高级用法1,!详见:【消息】栏目DemoVC2-1!
2016-07-03 版本:2.1
  • 5.2.18、新增tabbar第二个按钮【消息】栏目,里面都是常用控件的高级用法,!详见:BAMessageViewController!
2016-06-23 版本:2.0
  • 5.2.17、新增跑马灯广告处理,横向、垂直滚动广告,新增点击事件处理!详见:DemoVC3!
2016-06-21 版本:2.0
  • 5.2.16、新增DemoVC12:五种自定义警告框的方法,系统alert、actionSheet的封装,详见:DemoVC12!
2016-06-19 版本:2.0
  • 5.2.16、优化网络类的封装:
    • 1、集成get / post / put / delete等常用请求方式的封装
    • 2、集成单图/多图上传,让图片上传更简单,自带压缩处理
    • 3、集成视频上传/下载,和文件下载,让视频的上传下载更方便,支持异步下载【待测试】
    • 5、集成网络监测,让你实时监测你的宝贝APP的网络状态
2016-06-14 版本:2.0
  • 5.2.15、正则表达式更新:验证身份证号(15位或18位数字)【最全的身份证校验,带校验省份、生日】,详见:DemoVC5!
  • 5.2.14、新增webView的高度获取,详见:DemoVC7!
  • 5.2.13、新增cell 的五种动画显示方式!详见:HomeVC!
2016-06-13 版本:2.0
  • 5.2.12、新增了一种跑马灯广告效果,希望能帮助部分用户!详见:DemoVC3!
2016-06-04 版本:2.0
  • 5.2.11、新增StoreBoard版的tabbar,具体使用详情请看appdelegate,已修复使用StoreBoard不能更改tabbar选中颜色的问题!
  • 5.2.10、APP中的文字和APP名字的国际化多语言处理,详情请看:『APP中的文字和APP名字的国际化多语言处理』
  • 5.2.09、重新封装全新AFN的网络类,基于『AFNetworking 3.1』!最新版本的封装,集成了get/post 方法请求数据,单图/多图上传,视频上传/下载,网络监测 等多种网络请求方式,详情请看:『BANetManager』
2016-06-03 版本:2.0
  • 5.2.08、新增DemoVC11,collectionView的浮动布局,自适应宽高的item,
2016-05-31 版本:2.0
2016-05-30 版本:2.0
  • 5.2.06、新增DemoVC10,collectionView的简单使用,用View写的写了一个简单的collectionView,可随意添加到任何地方,新增编辑功能,能够实现collectionView 的删除!如果喜欢,请在git上点个星吧!
  • 5.2.05、新增DemoVC9,流式布局和线性布局库的使用,用流式布局和线性布局库MyLayout,写了一个collectionView,如果喜欢,请在git上点个星吧!
2016-05-25 版本:2.0
  • 5.2.04、新增DemoVC8,系统提醒和日历提醒,最近做了一个预约功能,有用到系统提醒和日历提醒,就写了这个demo!详情请看:『BAReminderDemo』
  • 5.2.03、新增DemoVC7,webView和WKWebView完美封装,简单的内置浏览器,有简单的功能,后期有新功能会加上!如果喜欢,请在git上点个星吧!
2016-05-10 版本:2.0
  • 5.2.02、新增DemoVC6,本地通知最新完美封装,最近整理了下本地通知和极光推送,有很多坑都踩过了,刚刚整理出来的完美封装,肯定适合大部分场合,也可以用此封装写闹钟,也提醒事件,都可以!如果喜欢,请在git上点个星吧!详情请看:『BALocalNotification』
  • 5.2.01、新增网易新闻的滑动SegmentControl,基于『HMSegmentedControl』的完美二次封装『BASegmentControl』,可随时取用!
2016-05-10 版本:1.0
  • 5.1.17、新增最贴心的正则表达式封装:车型和车牌号验证、昵称、姓名验证、使用常用的两种正则判断方法!
  • 5.1.16、优化DemoVC5,新增一段文字关键字筛选高亮显示!
2016-05-09 版本:1.0
  • 5.1.15、新增DemoVC5:最贴心的正则表达式封装!
  • 5.1.14、优化部分代码和代码结构!
2016-05-07 版本:1.0
  • 5.1.13、解决tableview的分割线短一截【详见HomeVC】
  • 5.1.12、新增全局键盘弹起收回处理
  • 5.1.11、新增DemoVC4:友盟分享和登陆的完美封装!
  • 5.1.10、新增BABaseProjectNoti.h文件,本文档的各种规范都在此说明!
2016-05-06 版本:1.0
  • 5.1.09、新增DemoVC3:点击button倒计时,两种比较常用的获取倒计时验证码的样式!
  • 5.1.08、新增封装:BAAutoSizeWithWH,功能:实现文字的宽高自适应!
  • 5.1.07、添加网络判断
  • 5.1.06、优化所有注释:格式统一为 /*! 计算frame */
2016-05-05 版本:1.0
  • 5.1.05、完善AFN网络框架封装,实现清理缓存,自定义请求头功能!
  • 5.1.04、添加两种tabbarVC,可以自由选择,一种是完全自定义tabbarVC,一种是DVTabBarController
2016-05-04 版本:1.0
  • 5.1.03、添加雪花加载动画
  • 5.1.02、整理优化各级目录
  • 5.1.01、创建框架

6、bug 反馈

1、开发中遇到 bug,希望小伙伴儿们能够及时反馈与我们 BAHome 团队,我们必定会认真对待每一个问题!

2、以后提需求和 bug 的同学,记得把 git 或者博客链接给我们,我直接超链到你们那里!希望大家积极参与测试!

7、BAHome 团队成员

1、QQ 群 479663605
【注意:此群为 2 元 付费群,介意的小伙伴儿勿扰!】








8、开发环境 和 支持版本

开发使用 最新版本 Xcode,理论上支持 iOS 8 及以上版本,如有版本适配问题,请及时反馈!多谢合作!


感谢 BAHome 团队成员倾力合作,后期会推出一系列 常用 UI 控件的封装,大家有需求得也可以在 issue 提出,如果合理,我们会尽快推出新版本!

BAHome 的发展离不开小伙伴儿的信任与推广,再次感谢各位小伙伴儿的支持!

babaseproject's People


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babaseproject's Issues




Privacy - Reminders Usage Description


报错Multiple commands produce '/Users/ruse/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/BABaseProject-ctjteysydzzauwgcnnptjhfiertj/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/'



Found 51 issues

BABaseProject/BAMainCode/BATools(工具类)/BAKit(工具类)/UIApplication/BAAPP.m:81: warning: PARAMETER_NOT_NULL_CHECKED
  Parameter block is not checked for null, there could be a null pointer dereference: pointer block could be null and is dereferenced at line 81, column 5

BABaseProject/BAMainCode/BATools(工具类)/BAKit(工具类)/UIApplication/BAAPP.m:93: warning: PARAMETER_NOT_NULL_CHECKED
  Parameter block is not checked for null, there could be a null pointer dereference: pointer block could be null and is dereferenced at line 93, column 5

BABaseProject/BAMainCode/BATools(工具类)/BAKit(工具类)/UIApplication/BAAPP.m:105: warning: PARAMETER_NOT_NULL_CHECKED
  Parameter block is not checked for null, there could be a null pointer dereference: pointer block could be null and is dereferenced at line 105, column 5

BABaseProject/BAMainCode/BATools(工具类)/BAKit(工具类)/BACustom/BARegularExpression/BARegularExpression.m:459: warning: PARAMETER_NOT_NULL_CHECKED
  Parameter bankCardlNum is not checked for null, there could be a null pointer dereference: pointer subStr last assigned on line 458 could be null and is dereferenced by call to addObject: at line 459, column 9

BABaseProject/BAMainCode/BATools(工具类)/BAKit(工具类)/UIApplication/BATouchID.m:115: warning: PARAMETER_NOT_NULL_CHECKED
  Parameter completion is not checked for null, there could be a null pointer dereference: pointer completion could be null and is dereferenced at line 115, column 17

BABaseProject/BAMainCode/BATools(工具类)/BAKit(工具类)/UIApplication/BATouchID.m:112: warning: PARAMETER_NOT_NULL_CHECKED
  Parameter completion is not checked for null, there could be a null pointer dereference: pointer completion could be null and is dereferenced at line 112, column 17

BABaseProject/BAMainCode/BATools(工具类)/BAKit(工具类)/UIApplication/BATouchID.m:118: warning: PARAMETER_NOT_NULL_CHECKED
  Parameter completion is not checked for null, there could be a null pointer dereference: pointer completion could be null and is dereferenced at line 118, column 17

BABaseProject/BAMainCode/BATools(工具类)/BAKit(工具类)/UIApplication/BATouchID.m:121: warning: PARAMETER_NOT_NULL_CHECKED
  Parameter completion is not checked for null, there could be a null pointer dereference: pointer completion could be null and is dereferenced at line 121, column 17

BABaseProject/BAMainCode/BABaseData(基类)/BABaseVC/BAWebViewController.m:408: warning: PARAMETER_NOT_NULL_CHECKED
  Parameter completionHandler is not checked for null, there could be a null pointer dereference: pointer completionHandler could be null and is dereferenced at line 408, column 5

BABaseProject/BAMainCode/BATools(工具类)/BAKit(工具类)/UIApplication/BALog.m:78: error: NULL_DEREFERENCE
  pointer format last assigned on line 75 could be null and is dereferenced by call to initWithFormat:arguments: at line 78, column 22

BABaseProject/BAMainCode/BATools(工具类)/BAKit(工具类)/Foundation/NSData+BAKit.m:114: warning: PARAMETER_NOT_NULL_CHECKED
  Parameter key is not checked for null, there could be a null pointer dereference: pointer cKey last assigned on line 113 could be null and is dereferenced by call to strlen() at line 114, column 23

BABaseProject/BAMainCode/BATools(工具类)/BAKit(工具类)/Foundation/NSMutableArray+BAKit.m:85: error: NULL_DEREFERENCE
  pointer obj last assigned on line 76 could be null and is dereferenced by call to insertObject:atIndex: at line 85, column 13

BABaseProject/BAMainCode/BATools(工具类)/BAKit(工具类)/Foundation/NSMutableArray+BAKit.m:82: error: NULL_DEREFERENCE
  pointer obj last assigned on line 76 could be null and is dereferenced by call to addObject: at line 82, column 13

BABaseProject/BAMainCode/BALib(三方库)/Reachability/Reachability.m:132: error: MEMORY_LEAK
   memory dynamically allocated to reachability by call to SCNetworkReachabilityCreateWithAddress() at line 125, column 42 is not reachable after line 132, column 7

BABaseProject/BAMainCode/BALib(三方库)/Reachability/Reachability.m:113: error: MEMORY_LEAK
   memory dynamically allocated to reachability by call to SCNetworkReachabilityCreateWithName() at line 109, column 42 is not reachable after line 113, column 7

BABaseProject/BAMainCode/BATools(工具类)/BAKit(工具类)/UIKit/UIDevice+BAKit.m:307: error: MEMORY_LEAK
   memory dynamically allocated by call to malloc() at line 299, column 15 is not reachable after line 307, column 9

BABaseProject/BAMainCode/BATools(工具类)/BAKit(工具类)/UIKit/UILabel+BAAttributeTextTapAction.m:167: error: MEMORY_LEAK
   memory dynamically allocated to Path by call to CGPathCreateMutable() at line 165, column 29 is not reachable after line 167, column 5

BABaseProject/BAMainCode/BATools(工具类)/BAKit(工具类)/UIKit/UILabel+BAAttributeTextTapAction.m:190: error: MEMORY_LEAK
   memory dynamically allocated to Path by call to CGPathCreateMutable() at line 188, column 16 is not reachable after line 190, column 9

BABaseProject/BAMainCode/BATools(工具类)/BAKit(工具类)/UIKit/UILabel+BAAttributeTextTapAction.m:163: error: MEMORY_LEAK
   memory dynamically allocated to framesetter by call to CTFramesetterCreateWithAttributedString() at line 163, column 36 is not reachable after line 163, column 5

BABaseProject/BAMainCode/BATools(工具类)/BAKit(工具类)/UIKit/UILabel+BAAttributeTextTapAction.m:205: error: MEMORY_LEAK
   memory dynamically allocated to frame by call to CTFramesetterCreateFrame() at line 192, column 17 is not reachable after line 205, column 5

BABaseProject/BAMainCode/BATools(工具类)/BAKit(工具类)/UIKit/UILabel+BAAttributeTextTapAction.m:175: error: MEMORY_LEAK
   memory dynamically allocated by call to CTFramesetterCreateFrame() at line 169, column 24 is not reachable after line 175, column 9

BABaseProject/BAMainCode/BATools(工具类)/BAKit(工具类)/UIKit/UITableView+BAKit.m:108: warning: PARAMETER_NOT_NULL_CHECKED
  Parameter block is not checked for null, there could be a null pointer dereference: pointer block could be null and is dereferenced at line 108, column 5

Pods/Headers/Public/SDAutoLayout/UIView+SDAutoLayout.h:221: warning: ASSIGN_POINTER_WARNING
  Property `didFinishAutoLayoutBlock` is a pointer type marked with the `assign` attribute at line 221, column 1. Use a different attribute like `strong` or `weak`.

Pods/UmengSocialCOM/Umeng_SDK_Social_iOS_ARM64_5.2.1/UMSocial_Sdk_Extra_Frameworks/TencentOpenAPI/TencentOpenAPI.framework/Headers/TencentOAuthObject.h:236: warning: ASSIGN_POINTER_WARNING
  Property `paramNeedfeed` is a pointer type marked with the `assign` attribute at line 236, column 1. Use a different attribute like `strong` or `weak`.

Pods/UmengSocialCOM/Umeng_SDK_Social_iOS_ARM64_5.2.1/UMSocial_Sdk_Extra_Frameworks/TencentOpenAPI/TencentOpenAPI.framework/Headers/TencentOAuthObject.h:242: warning: ASSIGN_POINTER_WARNING
  Property `paramSuccessnum` is a pointer type marked with the `assign` attribute at line 242, column 1. Use a different attribute like `strong` or `weak`.

BABaseProject/BAMainCode/BABaseData(基类)/BABaseVC/BANavigationController2.m:14: warning: STRONG_DELEGATE_WARNING
  Property or ivar popDelegate declared strong at line 14, column 1. In general delegates should be declared weak or assign

Pods/Headers/Public/UMengSocialCOM/UMSocialControllerService.h:101: warning: ASSIGN_POINTER_WARNING
  Property `currentNavigationController` is a pointer type marked with the `assign` attribute at line 101, column 1. Use a different attribute like `strong` or `weak`.

Pods/Headers/Public/MJExtension/MJProperty.h:26: warning: ASSIGN_POINTER_WARNING
  Property `srcClass` is a pointer type marked with the `assign` attribute at line 26, column 1. Use a different attribute like `strong` or `weak`.

Pods/Headers/Public/UMengSocialCOM/UMSocialBar.h:50: warning: ASSIGN_POINTER_WARNING
  Property `socialUIDelegate` is a pointer type marked with the `assign` attribute at line 50, column 1. Use a different attribute like `strong` or `weak`.

Pods/Headers/Public/UMengSocialCOM/UMSocialBar.h:134: warning: ASSIGN_POINTER_WARNING
  Property `socialUIDelegate` is a pointer type marked with the `assign` attribute at line 134, column 1. Use a different attribute like `strong` or `weak`.

Pods/Headers/Public/UMengSocialCOM/UMSocialControllerService.h:96: warning: ASSIGN_POINTER_WARNING
  Property `currentViewController` is a pointer type marked with the `assign` attribute at line 96, column 1. Use a different attribute like `strong` or `weak`.

Pods/Headers/Public/SDAutoLayout/UITableView+SDAutoTableViewCellHeight.h:134: warning: ASSIGN_POINTER_WARNING
  Property `cellClass` is a pointer type marked with the `assign` attribute at line 134, column 1. Use a different attribute like `strong` or `weak`.

BABaseProject/BAMainCode/BACode/Home(首页)/DemoVC/DemoVC11/DemoVC11_AutoLayout.h:40: warning: ASSIGN_POINTER_WARNING
  Property `delegate` is a pointer type marked with the `assign` attribute at line 40, column 1. Use a different attribute like `strong` or `weak`.

Pods/Headers/Public/SDAutoLayout/UIView+SDAutoLayout.h:318: warning: ASSIGN_POINTER_WARNING
  Property `sd_indexPath` is a pointer type marked with the `assign` attribute at line 318, column 1. Use a different attribute like `strong` or `weak`.

Pods/UmengSocialCOM/Umeng_SDK_Social_iOS_ARM64_5.2.1/UMSocial_Sdk_Extra_Frameworks/TencentOpenAPI/TencentOpenAPI.framework/Headers/QQApiInterfaceObject.h:518: warning: ASSIGN_POINTER_WARNING
  Property `extendInfo` is a pointer type marked with the `assign` attribute at line 518, column 1. Use a different attribute like `strong` or `weak`.

Pods/UmengSocialCOM/Umeng_SDK_Social_iOS_ARM64_5.2.1/UMSocial_Sdk_Extra_Frameworks/TencentOpenAPI/TencentOpenAPI.framework/Headers/QQApiInterfaceObject.h:388: warning: ASSIGN_POINTER_WARNING
  Property `previewImageData` is a pointer type marked with the `assign` attribute at line 388, column 1. Use a different attribute like `strong` or `weak`.

Pods/UmengSocialCOM/Umeng_SDK_Social_iOS_ARM64_5.2.1/UMSocial_Sdk_Extra_Frameworks/TencentOpenAPI/TencentOpenAPI.framework/Headers/TencentOAuth.h:60: warning: ASSIGN_POINTER_WARNING
  Property `sessionDelegate` is a pointer type marked with the `assign` attribute at line 60, column 1. Use a different attribute like `strong` or `weak`.

Pods/Headers/Public/SDAutoLayout/UIView+SDAutoLayout.h:315: warning: ASSIGN_POINTER_WARNING
  Property `sd_tableView` is a pointer type marked with the `assign` attribute at line 315, column 1. Use a different attribute like `strong` or `weak`.

Pods/UmengSocialCOM/Umeng_SDK_Social_iOS_ARM64_5.2.1/UMSocial_Sdk_Extra_Frameworks/TencentOpenAPI/TencentOpenAPI.framework/Headers/TencentOAuthObject.h:253: warning: ASSIGN_POINTER_WARNING
  Property `paramPicnum` is a pointer type marked with the `assign` attribute at line 253, column 1. Use a different attribute like `strong` or `weak`.

BABaseProject/BAMainCode/BABaseData(基类)/BABaseVC/BANavigationController.m:73: warning: STRONG_DELEGATE_WARNING
  Property or ivar popDelegate declared strong at line 73, column 1. In general delegates should be declared weak or assign

BABaseProject/BAMainCode/BATools(工具类)/BAKit(工具类)/UIKit/UIView+BAKit.h:167: warning: ASSIGN_POINTER_WARNING
  Property `borderColor` is a pointer type marked with the `assign` attribute at line 167, column 1. Use a different attribute like `strong` or `weak`.

BABaseProject/BAMainCode/BATools(工具类)/BAKit(工具类)/UIKit/UIView+BAKit.h:162: warning: ASSIGN_POINTER_WARNING
  Property `bakit_manager` is a pointer type marked with the `assign` attribute at line 162, column 1. Use a different attribute like `strong` or `weak`.

Pods/UmengSocialCOM/Umeng_SDK_Social_iOS_ARM64_5.2.1/UMSocial_Sdk_Extra_Frameworks/TencentOpenAPI/TencentOpenAPI.framework/Headers/TencentOAuthObject.h:215: warning: ASSIGN_POINTER_WARNING
  Property `paramMobile` is a pointer type marked with the `assign` attribute at line 215, column 1. Use a different attribute like `strong` or `weak`.

Pods/Headers/Public/UMengSocialCOM/UMSocialControllerService.h:107: warning: ASSIGN_POINTER_WARNING
  Property `socialUIDelegate` is a pointer type marked with the `assign` attribute at line 107, column 1. Use a different attribute like `strong` or `weak`.

Pods/Headers/Public/SDAutoLayout/UIView+SDAutoLayout.h:209: warning: ASSIGN_POINTER_WARNING
  Property `sd_rightViewsArray` is a pointer type marked with the `assign` attribute at line 209, column 1. Use a different attribute like `strong` or `weak`.

Pods/Headers/Public/SDAutoLayout/UIView+SDAutoLayout.h:322: warning: ASSIGN_POINTER_WARNING
  Property `ownLayoutModel` is a pointer type marked with the `assign` attribute at line 322, column 1. Use a different attribute like `strong` or `weak`.

BABaseProject/Main/View/RDVTabBarItem.m:86: warning: DIRECT_ATOMIC_PROPERTY_ACCESS
  Direct access to ivar _badgeTextColor of an atomic property at line 86, column 5. Accessing an ivar of an atomic property makes the property nonatomic

BABaseProject/Main/View/RDVTabBarItem.m:84: warning: DIRECT_ATOMIC_PROPERTY_ACCESS
  Direct access to ivar _selectedTitleAttributes of an atomic property at line 84, column 5. Accessing an ivar of an atomic property makes the property nonatomic

BABaseProject/Main/View/RDVTabBarItem.m:71: warning: DIRECT_ATOMIC_PROPERTY_ACCESS
  Direct access to ivar _unselectedTitleAttributes of an atomic property at line 71, column 9. Accessing an ivar of an atomic property makes the property nonatomic

BABaseProject/Main/View/RDVTabBarItem.m:85: warning: DIRECT_ATOMIC_PROPERTY_ACCESS
  Direct access to ivar _badgeBackgroundColor of an atomic property at line 85, column 5. Accessing an ivar of an atomic property makes the property nonatomic

BABaseProject/Main/View/RDVTabBarItem.m:84: warning: DIRECT_ATOMIC_PROPERTY_ACCESS
  Direct access to ivar _unselectedTitleAttributes of an atomic property at line 84, column 33. Accessing an ivar of an atomic property makes the property nonatomic

Summary of the reports

                    MEMORY_LEAK: 8
               NULL_DEREFERENCE: 3


Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:
"OBJC_CLASS$_MJRefreshHeader", referenced from:
objc-class-ref in BABaseTableViewController.o
"OBJC_CLASS$_AFNetworkActivityIndicatorManager", referenced from:
objc-class-ref in AppDelegate+BACategory.o
objc-class-ref in BANetManager.o
"OBJC_CLASS$_MBProgressHUD", referenced from:
objc-class-ref in NSObject+BAProgressHUD.o
"OBJC_CLASS$_AFJSONResponseSerializer", referenced from:
objc-class-ref in BANetManager.o
"OBJC_CLASS$_AFHTTPSessionManager", referenced from:
objc-class-ref in BANetManager.o
"OBJC_METACLASS$_MJRefreshGifHeader", referenced from:
OBJC_METACLASS$_BACustomMJHeader in BACustomMJHeader.o
"OBJC_CLASS$_MJRefreshFooter", referenced from:
objc-class-ref in BABaseTableViewController.o
"OBJC_CLASS$_AFSecurityPolicy", referenced from:
objc-class-ref in BANetManager.o
"OBJC_CLASS$_IQKeyboardManager", referenced from:
objc-class-ref in AppDelegate+BACategory.o
"OBJC_CLASS$_AFNetworkReachabilityManager", referenced from:
objc-class-ref in AppDelegate+BACategory.o
objc-class-ref in BANetManager.o
objc-class-ref in BABaseViewController.o
"OBJC_CLASS$_MJRefreshGifHeader", referenced from:
OBJC_CLASS$_BACustomMJHeader in BACustomMJHeader.o
"OBJC_CLASS$_MJRefreshAutoGifFooter", referenced from:
OBJC_CLASS$_BACustomMJFooter in BACustomMJFooter.o
"OBJC_METACLASS$_MJRefreshAutoGifFooter", referenced from:
OBJC_METACLASS$_BACustomMJFooter in BACustomMJFooter.o
"OBJC_CLASS$_BACustomButton", referenced from:
objc-class-ref in DemoVC12View.o
objc-class-ref in DemoVC4.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

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