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mbedtls-sgx's Issues

Security issue: missing return value check when invoking `ocall_mbedtls_net_accept`

I found a implementation issue in ocall_mbedtls_net_accept that will casue a vulnerability.

This is the definition in EDL.

int ocall_mbedtls_net_accept( [in] mbedtls_net_context *bind_ctx, [out] mbedtls_net_context *client_ctx, [out, size=buf_size] void *client_ip, size_t buf_size, [out] size_t *ip_len );

As we known, all the value OCALL returns is untrusted. mbedtls_net_accept_ocall is a wrapper function of OCALL function ocall_mbedtls_net_accept. mbedtls_net_accept_ocall should have checked whether the value returned from ocall_mbedtls_net_accept is valid, E.g., the ip_len should always less than or equal to buf_size.

Missing the check means the callee takes the responsibility to check returned value. Unfortunately, in example/enclave/s_server.c, the sample code doesn't check the value returned from mbedtls_net_accept_ocall, which will cause a stack memory leak.

int ssl_server()
    unsigned char client_ip[16] = { 0 };
    if( ( ret = mbedtls_net_accept_ocall( &listen_fd, &client_fd,
                    client_ip, sizeof( client_ip ), &cliip_len ) ) != 0 )
    if( opt.transport == MBEDTLS_SSL_TRANSPORT_DATAGRAM )
        if( ( ret = mbedtls_ssl_set_client_transport_id( &ssl,
                        client_ip, cliip_len ) ) != 0 )

The code above invokes mbedtls_net_accept_ocall to get client_ip and cliip_len at first, then it invokes mbedtls_ssl_set_client_transport_id to store client_ip with length of cliip_len. The cliip_len is returned from OCALL and there is no check on it. If the attacker returns cliip_len that is larger than sizeof(client_ip), mbedtls_ssl_set_client_transport_id will store larger size of contents than client_ip should be. That's a stack memory leak.

To fix this issue, we can implement a wrapper function in enclave. It invokes mbedtls_net_accept_ocall and check returned ip_len.

unable to verify the first certificate

Is the ca_bundle.h is correct because when I do the first CA certificate verification itself fails? How could I fix this? Also which TLS version it supports?

roshan@bolt:~$ openssl s_client -connect localhost:4433 -tls1_2
depth=0 C = NL, O = PolarSSL, CN = localhost
verify error:num=20:unable to get local issuer certificate
verify return:1
depth=0 C = NL, O = PolarSSL, CN = localhost
verify error:num=21:unable to verify the first certificate
verify return:1
Certificate chain
 0 s:/C=NL/O=PolarSSL/CN=localhost
   i:/C=NL/O=PolarSSL/CN=PolarSSL Test CA
Server certificate
issuer=/C=NL/O=PolarSSL/CN=PolarSSL Test CA
No client certificate CA names sent
Peer signing digest: SHA512
Server Temp Key: ECDH, P-521, 521 bits
SSL handshake has read 1400 bytes and written 499 bytes
New, TLSv1/SSLv3, Cipher is ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
Server public key is 2048 bit
Secure Renegotiation IS supported
Compression: NONE
Expansion: NONE
No ALPN negotiated
    Protocol  : TLSv1.2
    Cipher    : ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
    Session-ID: 1354B3F49E125CBCB3F1AD12F2C85974461E938DFF0BCBFDE026DEEACCA0381F
    Master-Key: D5A92FFB853FD3CDC71D25863F408C058B4393676B8C2BD8C3F33020E83C9E4BA96436E2D89815EA77DB77A6F33EF028
    Key-Arg   : None
    PSK identity: None
    PSK identity hint: None
    SRP username: None
    Start Time: 1527897347
    Timeout   : 7200 (sec)
    Verify return code: 21 (unable to verify the first certificate)

Undefined reference to dummy

I've linked libmbedtls_sgx_u.a and libmbedtls_sgx_u.t to the untrusted part and enclave in my project, but including trusted/mbedtls_sgx.edl in my .edl file leads to the following error during build:

Enclave/Enclave_t.o: In function `sgx_dummy':
/home/vagrant/shared/xchange/Enclave/Enclave_t.c:107: undefined reference to `dummy'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Makefile:249: recipe for target '' failed
make: *** [] Error 1

Commenting out the dummy declaration in mbedtls_SGX.edl avoids this issue however.


Source: mbedtls-SGX/example/enclave/s_client.c

The opt.psk in ssl_client() must check the string length before copy psk data to local psk buffer. The following code could vulnerable to stack overflow and overwrite sensitive buf.

int ssl_client(client_opt_t opt, char* headers[],
               int n_header, unsigned char* output,
                                       int length){
  unsigned char buf[16385];
  unsigned char psk[32];
    psk_len = strlen( opt.psk ) / 2;
    for(j = 0;j < strlen( opt.psk );j += 2){
      c = opt.psk[j];
      psk[j/2] = c << 4;
      c = opt.psk[j + 1];
      psk[j/2] |= c;

Missing dependency when building examples

When running make -j after cmake .. -DCOMPILE_EXAMPLES=YES, I get the following error:

c++: error: /home/vagrant/mbedtls-SGX/example/mbedtls_SGX-2.6.0/libs/libmbedtls_SGX_t.a: No such file or directory
example/enclave/CMakeFiles/enclave.dir/build.make:254: recipe for target '' failed
make[2]: *** [] Error 1
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:369: recipe for target 'example/enclave/CMakeFiles/enclave.dir/all' failed
make[1]: *** [example/enclave/CMakeFiles/enclave.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
[ 76%] Built target mbedtls_SGX_t
Makefile:127: recipe for target 'all' failed
make: *** [all] Error 2


I am facing the error:
0x1007 which means SGX_ERROR_ECALL_NOT_ALLOWED
and the reason given here:

ECALL is not allowed at this time. For examples:ECALL is not public.ECALL is blocked by the dynamic entry table. A nested ECALL is not allowed during global initialization.

I have checked my ecall is public. Could someone can explain the reason:

ECALL is blocked by the dynamic entry table.
A nested ECALL is not allowed during global initialization.
In my case: The server is running inside SGX( After step 6 and in between step 7. I am calling an ocall, do something with the request payload and then call another different ecall which finally returns to the actual ecall(start of step 7 of ssl_conn_hdlr).

Am I doing nested ecall ? Can't I call an ocall after step 6 and from that ocall I call another ecall which sets up the response?

I am running multi_threaded server example.

Several Bugs


If ssl_conn_handle called after ssl_conn_teardown by untrusted host

void ssl_conn_handle(long int thread_id, thread_info_t* thread_info) {
connectionHandler->handle(thread_id, thread_info);
void ssl_conn_teardown(void) {
delete connectionHandler;

this is dangling, and this->conf at line 159 will cause UAF
void TLSConnectionHandler::handle(long int thread_id, thread_info_t *thread_info) {
int ret, len;
mbedtls_net_context *client_fd = &thread_info->client_fd;
unsigned char buf[1024];
mbedtls_ssl_context ssl;
// thread local data
mbedtls_ssl_config conf;
memcpy(&conf, &this->conf, sizeof(mbedtls_ssl_config));


If ssl_conn_teardown called after ssl_conn_teardown by untrusted host, second will call delete connectionHandler;, srvcert is freed member varibale
In TLSConnectionHandler::~TLSConnectionHandler,

TLSConnectionHandler::~TLSConnectionHandler() {

In mbedtls_x509_crt_free.

void mbedtls_x509_crt_free( mbedtls_x509_crt *crt )
mbedtls_x509_crt *cert_cur = crt;
mbedtls_x509_crt *cert_prv;
mbedtls_x509_name *name_cur;
mbedtls_x509_name *name_prv;
mbedtls_x509_sequence *seq_cur;
mbedtls_x509_sequence *seq_prv;
if( crt == NULL )
mbedtls_pk_free( &cert_cur->pk );

In mbedtls_pk_free, and finally ctx->pk_info will access already free-ed ctx, cause UAF.

void mbedtls_pk_free( mbedtls_pk_context *ctx )
if( ctx == NULL || ctx->pk_info == NULL )
ctx->pk_info->ctx_free_func( ctx->pk_ctx );
mbedtls_zeroize( ctx, sizeof( mbedtls_pk_context ) );

Data races

Data races among the following shared variables and functions.

shared variable function1 function2
add_count ecp_add_mixed ecp_add_mixed
add_count ecp_add_mixed mbedtls_ecp_self_test
add_count mbedtls_ecp_self_test mbedtls_ecp_self_test
aes_init_done mbedtls_aes_setkey_enc mbedtls_aes_setkey_enc
connectionHandler ssl_conn_init ssl_conn_handle
connectionHandler ssl_conn_init ssl_conn_init
connectionHandler ssl_conn_init ssl_conn_teardown
dbl_count ecp_double_jac ecp_double_jac
dbl_count ecp_double_jac mbedtls_ecp_self_test
dbl_count mbedtls_ecp_self_test mbedtls_ecp_self_test
debug_threshold mbedtls_debug_set_threshold mbedtls_debug_print_buf
debug_threshold mbedtls_debug_set_threshold mbedtls_debug_print_crt
debug_threshold mbedtls_debug_set_threshold mbedtls_debug_print_ecp
debug_threshold mbedtls_debug_set_threshold mbedtls_debug_print_mpi
debug_threshold mbedtls_debug_set_threshold mbedtls_debug_print_msg
debug_threshold mbedtls_debug_set_threshold mbedtls_debug_print_ret
debug_threshold mbedtls_debug_set_threshold mbedtls_debug_set_threshold
init_done.2589 mbedtls_ecp_grp_id_list mbedtls_ecp_grp_id_list
mul_count ecp_add_mixed ecp_add_mixed
mul_count ecp_add_mixed ecp_check_pubkey_sw
mul_count ecp_add_mixed ecp_double_add_mxz
mul_count ecp_add_mixed ecp_normalize_mxz
mul_count ecp_add_mixed ecp_randomize_jac
mul_count ecp_add_mixed ecp_randomize_mxz
mul_count ecp_add_mixed mbedtls_ecp_self_test
mul_count ecp_check_pubkey_sw ecp_check_pubkey_sw
mul_count ecp_check_pubkey_sw mbedtls_ecp_self_test
mul_count ecp_double_add_mxz ecp_check_pubkey_sw
mul_count ecp_double_add_mxz ecp_double_add_mxz
mul_count ecp_double_add_mxz mbedtls_ecp_self_test
mul_count ecp_double_jac ecp_add_mixed
mul_count ecp_double_jac ecp_check_pubkey_sw
mul_count ecp_double_jac ecp_double_add_mxz
mul_count ecp_double_jac ecp_double_jac
mul_count ecp_double_jac ecp_normalize_mxz
mul_count ecp_double_jac ecp_randomize_jac
mul_count ecp_double_jac ecp_randomize_mxz
mul_count ecp_double_jac mbedtls_ecp_self_test
mul_count ecp_normalize_jac ecp_add_mixed
mul_count ecp_normalize_jac ecp_check_pubkey_sw
mul_count ecp_normalize_jac ecp_double_add_mxz
mul_count ecp_normalize_jac ecp_double_jac
mul_count ecp_normalize_jac ecp_normalize_jac
mul_count ecp_normalize_jac ecp_normalize_jac_many
mul_count ecp_normalize_jac ecp_normalize_mxz
mul_count ecp_normalize_jac ecp_randomize_jac
mul_count ecp_normalize_jac ecp_randomize_mxz
mul_count ecp_normalize_jac mbedtls_ecp_self_test
mul_count ecp_normalize_jac_many ecp_add_mixed
mul_count ecp_normalize_jac_many ecp_check_pubkey_sw
mul_count ecp_normalize_jac_many ecp_double_add_mxz
mul_count ecp_normalize_jac_many ecp_double_jac
mul_count ecp_normalize_jac_many ecp_normalize_jac_many
mul_count ecp_normalize_jac_many ecp_normalize_mxz
mul_count ecp_normalize_jac_many ecp_randomize_jac
mul_count ecp_normalize_jac_many ecp_randomize_mxz
mul_count ecp_normalize_jac_many mbedtls_ecp_self_test
mul_count ecp_normalize_mxz ecp_check_pubkey_sw
mul_count ecp_normalize_mxz ecp_double_add_mxz
mul_count ecp_normalize_mxz ecp_normalize_mxz
mul_count ecp_normalize_mxz ecp_randomize_mxz
mul_count ecp_normalize_mxz mbedtls_ecp_self_test
mul_count ecp_randomize_jac ecp_check_pubkey_sw
mul_count ecp_randomize_jac ecp_double_add_mxz
mul_count ecp_randomize_jac ecp_normalize_mxz
mul_count ecp_randomize_jac ecp_randomize_jac
mul_count ecp_randomize_jac ecp_randomize_mxz
mul_count ecp_randomize_jac mbedtls_ecp_self_test
mul_count ecp_randomize_mxz ecp_check_pubkey_sw
mul_count ecp_randomize_mxz ecp_double_add_mxz
mul_count ecp_randomize_mxz ecp_randomize_mxz
mul_count ecp_randomize_mxz mbedtls_ecp_self_test
mul_count mbedtls_ecp_self_test mbedtls_ecp_self_test
opt ssl_server ssl_server
opt+0x10 ssl_server ssl_server
opt+0x20 ssl_server ssl_server
opt+0x28 ssl_server ssl_server
opt+0x30 ssl_server ssl_server
opt+0x38 ssl_server ssl_server
opt+0x40 ssl_server ssl_server
opt+0x48 ssl_server ssl_server
opt+0x50 ssl_server ssl_server
opt+0x58 ssl_server ssl_server
opt+0x8 ssl_server ssl_server
opt+0x84 ssl_server ssl_server
opt+0x8c ssl_server ssl_server
opt+0x90 ssl_server ssl_server
opt+0x94 ssl_server ssl_server
opt+0x98 ssl_server ssl_server
opt+0x9c ssl_server ssl_server
opt+0xa0 ssl_server ssl_server
opt+0xa4 ssl_server ssl_server
opt+0xac ssl_server ssl_server
opt+0xb0 ssl_server ssl_server
opt+0xb4 ssl_server ssl_server
opt+0xd8 ssl_server ssl_server
opt+0xdc ssl_server ssl_server
opt+0xe4 ssl_server ssl_server
opt+0xe8 ssl_server ssl_server
opt+0xf4 ssl_server ssl_server
received_sigterm term_handler ssl_server
supported_init mbedtls_cipher_list mbedtls_cipher_list
supported_init mbedtls_ssl_list_ciphersuites mbedtls_ssl_list_ciphersuites
test_offset ctr_drbg_self_test_entropy ctr_drbg_self_test_entropy
test_offset ctr_drbg_self_test_entropy mbedtls_ctr_drbg_self_test

[Security] Information leak mbedtls_ssl_flush_output()

There is a massive information leak case in mbedtls_ssl_flush_output() using the ocall_mbedtls_net_send(). The vulnerable code is here:

while( ssl->out_left > 0 )
        MBEDTLS_SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 2, ( "message length: %d, out_left: %d",
                       mbedtls_ssl_hdr_len( ssl ) + ssl->out_msglen, ssl->out_left ) );

        buf = ssl->out_hdr + mbedtls_ssl_hdr_len( ssl ) +
              ssl->out_msglen - ssl->out_left;
        ret = ssl->f_send( ssl->p_bio, buf, ssl->out_left );

        MBEDTLS_SSL_DEBUG_RET( 2, "ssl->f_send", ret );

        if( ret <= 0 )
            return( ret );

        ssl->out_left -= ret;

Here, ssl->out_left is size_t (unsigned) and the ret is ocall return (hence untrusted). The ssl->out_left -=ret; line can cause ssl->out_left to a large positive integer (hence infinite loop). Moreover, the buf is pointed to memory using the untrusted ssl->out_left can let it pointing to any memory location and using the next ocall, dump the entire enclave memory.
Note, ret is only check for negative value filter. A value greater than ssl->out_left can cause this issue.

Multiple definition of `g_ecall_table', `g_dyn_entry_table' ..

Hi Mbedtls.
I got issues when I add libmbedtls_SGX_t.a and libmbedtls_SGX_u.a to my project

[100%] Linking CXX shared library ../../enclave/libs/mbedtls_sgx/libmbedtls_SGX_t.a(mbedtls_SGX_t.c.o):( multiple definition of g_ecall_table'
CMakeFiles/Enclave_t.dir/Enclave_t.c.o:( first defined here
/usr/bin/ld: Warning: size of symbol g_ecall_table' changed from 648 in CMakeFiles/Enclave_t.dir/Enclave_t.c.o to 24 in ../../enclave/libs/mbedtls_sgx/libmbedtls_SGX_t.a(mbedtls_SGX_t.c.o) ../../enclave/libs/mbedtls_sgx/libmbedtls_SGX_t.a(mbedtls_SGX_t.c.o): In function sgx_dummy':
/eu4dev/mbedtls-SGX/trusted/mbedtls_SGX_t.c:92: multiple definition of g_dyn_entry_table' CMakeFiles/Enclave_t.dir/Enclave_t.c.o:(.rodata+0x0): first defined here /usr/bin/ld: Warning: size of symbol g_dyn_entry_table' changed from 488 in CMakeFiles/Enclave_t.dir/Enclave_t.c.o to 24 in ../../enclave/libs/mbedtls_sgx/libmbedtls_SGX_t.a(mbedtls_SGX_t.c.o)
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
enclave/CMakeFiles/eu4_crypto_enclave.dir/build.make:123: recipe for target 'enclave/' failed
make[2]: *** [enclave/] Error 1
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:250: recipe for target 'enclave/CMakeFiles/eu4_crypto_enclave.dir/all' failed



"-Wl,-Bstatic -Wl,-Bsymbolic -Wl,--no-undefined -Wl,-pie,-eenclave_entry -Wl,--export-dynamic -Wl,--defsym,__ImageBase=0 -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,--version-script=${version_script_file}"
Please help me to fix this issue.

SSL - Hardware acceleration function returned with error : UNKNOWN ERROR CODE (0015)


I'm using mbedtls-SGX for a project and this piece of code keeps failing with various errors:

[&](uint64_t index) {
        client_opt_t opt;
        unsigned char buf[512];
        char port[10];
        opt.debug_level = 1;
        opt.server_name = thread_info->platform_address;
        opt.request_page = "/incoming_trigger";
        opt.server_port = "8000";
        // disable certificate verification
        opt.auth_mode = MBEDTLS_SSL_VERIFY_NONE;
        // post request
        opt.request_type = DFL_POST;
        std::string payload = std::to_string(index);

        return ssl_client(
            opt,                    // Client options structure
            nullptr,                // Headers
            0,                      // Number of headers
            buf,                    // Output buffer
            sizeof buf,             // Output buffer size
            payload.c_str()         // Payload

As I said the errors I get vary, here is the last I got were:

[ LOG] ssl_client:488: Seeding the random number generator...
[ LOG] ssl_client:503: Loading the CA root certificate
[ LOG] ssl_client:540: connecting to TCP:XX.XX.XX.XX:8000...
[CRIT] ssl_client:548:  mbedtls_net_connect returned -0xffff80d2
[CRIT] ssl_client:1162: Last error was: -0xFFFF80D2 - SSL - Memory allocation failed : OID - OID is not found
[ LOG] ssl_client:488: Seeding the random number generator...
[ LOG] ssl_client:503: Loading the CA root certificate
[ LOG] ssl_client:540: connecting to TCP:XX.XX.XX.XX:8000...
[CRIT] ssl_client:548:  mbedtls_net_connect returned -0xffff806b
[CRIT] ssl_client:1162: Last error was: -0xFFFF806B - SSL - Hardware acceleration function returned with error : UNKNOWN ERROR CODE (0015)
[ LOG] ssl_client:488: Seeding the random number generator...
[ LOG] ssl_client:503: Loading the CA root certificate
[ LOG] ssl_client:540: connecting to TCP:
[CRIT] ssl_client:548:  mbedtls_net_connect returned -0xffff805b
[CRIT] ssl_client:1162: Last error was: -0xFFFF805B - SSL - Hardware acceleration function returned with error : UNKNOWN ERROR CODE (0025)

Can someone help?

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