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security(minor): chmod 0700 ~/.config/

When we create the directories we should change the permissions to be more strict.

chmod 0700 ~/.config/
chmod 0600 ~/.config/*.env

In most cases people will use this on single-user systems, so it's not that big of a deal, but it's a nice thing to do for when someone serves up their home directory, y'know.

v1.0 RoadMap

  • Update with token via DuckDNS API (via dfea775)
  • Check current IP address (via ipify in 0cf350d)
  • Store last known IP (via dig in 0cf350d)
  • Do some math to calc 5 min, wait, loop (via dfea775)
  • enable subcommand to setup and install as a service (via 652e188)
  • init auth subcommand to setup new subdomain (via 652e188 and 05b4bb0)

Nits to take care of someday


  • docs & help: the update actually happens every 1 minute
  • should create a github release
    (the click-button output message is good enough)
  • Possibly store last known local IP address (lastip)
  • Force update every 24 hours?
  • something better than ipify for IPv6? (i.e. only IPv6, less logic)
  • webi: PR request.js to fix method HEAD changing to GET

Fix the PowerShell script (via Prompt Engineering)


We only have this for POSIX systems. It would be great to have for Windows

Who can solve it?

Anyone with a Windows computer and scripting or programming experience.


Get GPT to translate and check the results function-by-function as duckdns.ps1

Here's what GPT came up with so far. It's not correct, but it gets a lot of the boilerplate out of the way. Or at least it feels like it does.

$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

# DuckDNS API docs:

    $DUCKDNS_SH_COMMAND = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path

$DUCKDNS_SH_ARG_1 = $args[2]
$DUCKDNS_SH_ARG_2 = $args[3]

function cmd_auth {
    if (-not $DUCKDNS_SH_SUBDOMAIN) {
        Write-Output "You must provide a subdomain to authorize."
        Write-Output "For reference, you already have tokens for:"

    if (Test-Path -Path "~/.config/$DUCKDNS_SH_SUBDOMAIN.env") {
        Write-Output "'$' is already ready to update"
        Write-Output "(to delete: 'rm ~/.config/${DUCKDNS_SH_SUBDOMAIN}.env')"
    } else {
        Write-Output "Created '~/.config/$DUCKDNS_SH_SUBDOMAIN.env'"

function cmd_clear {

function cmd_ip {

    Write-Output "dig +short A $"
    $my_domain_ipv4 = (dig +short A "$")
    Write-Output "$ A $($my_domain_ipv4 -join ', ')"
    Write-Output ""

    Write-Output "dig +short AAAA $"
    $my_domain_ipv6 = (dig +short AAAA "$")
    Write-Output "$ AAAA $($my_domain_ipv6 -join ', ')"
    Write-Output ""

function cmd_launcher_install {

    if (-not (Test-Path -Path "$Env:UserProfile\.config\envman\PATH.env")) {
        Invoke-Expression ((Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '').Content)
        . "$Env:UserProfile\.config\envman\PATH.env"

    if (Test-Path -Path "C:\Windows\System32\launchctl.exe") {
        serviceman add --user --name "sh.duckdns.$DUCKDNS_SH_SUBDOMAIN" -- "$DUCKDNS_SH_COMMAND" run $DUCKDNS_SH_SUBDOMAIN

    if (Test-Path -Path "C:\Windows\System32\systemctl.exe") {
        Write-Output ""
        Write-Output "Running command: & 'C:\Windows\System32\serviceman.exe' add --system --path=\"$Env:Path\" --username $Env:UserName --name ""${DUCKDNS_SH_SUBDOMAIN}.duckdns-sh"" -- ""$DUCKDNS_SH_COMMAND"" run $DUCKDNS_SH_SUBDOMAIN"
        Write-Output ""
        & 'C:\Windows\System32\serviceman.exe' add --system --path=$Env:Path --username $Env:UserName --name "${DUCKDNS_SH_SUBDOMAIN}.duckdns-sh" -- "$DUCKDNS_SH_COMMAND" run $DUCKDNS_SH_SUBDOMAIN
        Write-Output ""
        Write-Output "Running command: & 'C:\Windows\System32\systemctl.exe' restart systemd-journald"
        Write-Output ""
        & 'C:\Windows\System32\systemctl.exe' restart systemd-journald

    Write-Output "'launchctl' (macOS) and 'systemd' (Linux) are the only currently supported launchers"

function cmd_launcher_uninstall {

    if (Test-Path -Path "$Env:UserProfile\Library\LaunchAgents\sh.duckdns.$DUCKDNS_SH_SUBDOMAIN.plist") {
        Write-Output "launchctl unload -w $Env:UserProfile\Library\LaunchAgents\sh.duckdns.$DUCKDNS_SH_SUBDOMAIN.plist"
        & "launchctl unload -w $Env:UserProfile\Library\LaunchAgents\sh.duckdns.$DUCKDNS_SH_SUBDOMAIN.plist"
        Write-Output "Disabled login launcher."
    } elseif (Test-Path -Path "C:\Windows\System32\systemctl.exe") {
        Write-Output "Running command: & 'C:\Windows\System32\systemctl.exe' stop ""${DUCKDNS_SH_SUBDOMAIN}.duckdns-sh"""
        & 'C:\Windows\System32\systemctl.exe' stop "${DUCKDNS_SH_SUBDOMAIN}.duckdns-sh"
        Write-Output "Running command: & 'C:\Windows\System32\systemctl.exe' disable ""${DUCKDNS_SH_SUBDOMAIN}.duckdns-sh"""
        & 'C:\Windows\System32\systemctl.exe' disable "${DUCKDNS_SH_SUBDOMAIN}.duckdns-sh"
        Write-Output "Disabled system launcher."
    } else {
        Write-Output "'launchctl' (macOS) and 'systemd' (Linux) are the only currently supported launchers"

function cmd_list {
    Write-Output ""

function cmd_myip {

    Write-Output "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ''"
    $my_current_ipv4 = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '').Content
    Write-Output "IPv4 $($my_current_ipv4)"
    Write-Output ""

    Write-Output "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ''"
    $my_current_ipv6 = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '').Content
    if ($my_current_ipv4 -eq $my_current_ipv6) {
        $my_current_ipv6 = $null
    Write-Output "IPv6 $($my_current_ipv6)"

function cmd_run {

    $my_minutes = 1
    $my_wait = ($my_minutes * 60)
    while ($true) {
        Write-Output ""
        Write-Output ""
        Write-Output "Waiting $my_minutes minute(s) to check '$DUCKDNS_SH_SUBDOMAIN' again..."
        Start-Sleep -Seconds $my_wait
        Write-Output ""

function cmd_set {

    if ($DUCKDNS_SH_ARG_2) {
        fn_duckdns_update $DUCKDNS_SH_ARG_1 $DUCKDNS_SH_ARG_2
    } else {
        switch -wildcard ($DUCKDNS_SH_ARG_1) {
            *:[a-fA-F0-9]* {
                fn_duckdns_update '' $DUCKDNS_SH_ARG_1
            *[0-9].[0-9]* {
                fn_duckdns_update $DUCKDNS_SH_ARG_1 ''
            default {
                Write-Output "'$DUCKDNS_SH_ARG_1' is not a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address"

function cmd_update {

function cmd_version {
    $my_year = '2023'
    $my_version = 'v1.0.3'
    $my_date = '2023-01-15 00:49:52 +0000'

    Write-Output " $my_version ($my_date)"
    Write-Output "Copyright $my_year AJ ONeal"

function fn_check_env {
    if (-not (Test-Path -Path "~/.config/$DUCKDNS_SH_SUBDOMAIN.env")) {
        return $false

    . "~/.config/$DUCKDNS_SH_SUBDOMAIN.env"
    if (-not $Env:DUCKDNS_TOKEN) {
        return $false

    return $true

function fn_duckdns_clear {
    . "~/.config/$DUCKDNS_SH_SUBDOMAIN.env"

    Write-Output "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '$DUCKDNS_SH_SUBDOMAIN&token=****&clear=true'"

    Write-Output "Clearing IP address(es)..."

    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$DUCKDNS_SH_SUBDOMAIN&token=$Env:DUCKDNS_TOKEN&clear=true" -UseBasicParsing

function fn_duckdns_update {

    $my_ipv4_param = ""
    if ($my_ipv4) {
        $my_ipv4_param = "&ip=$my_ipv4"

    $my_ipv6_param = ""
    if ($my_ipv6) {
        $my_ipv6_param = "&ipv6=$my_ipv6"

    Write-Output "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '$DUCKDNS_SH_SUBDOMAIN&token=****$my_ipv4_param$my_ipv6_param'"

    if ($my_ipv6_param) {
        if ($my_ipv4_param) {
            Write-Output "Updating IPv4 ($my_ipv4) and IPv6 ($my_ipv6)..."
        } else {
            Write-Output "Updating IPv6 ($my_ipv6)..."
    } else {
        if ($my_ipv4_param) {
            Write-Output "Updating IPv4 ($my_ipv4)..."
        } else {
            Write-Output "at least one of ipv4 or ipv6 is required to update"

    . "~/.config/$DUCKDNS_SH_SUBDOMAIN.env"
    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$DUCKDNS_SH_SUBDOMAIN&token=$Env:DUCKDNS_TOKEN$my_ipv4_param$my_ipv6_param" -UseBasicParsing

    Write-Output ""

function fn_list {
    Write-Output "~/.config/"

    if (-not (Test-Path -Path "~/.config/")) {
        Write-Output "(directory does not exist)"

    Get-ChildItem "~/.config/" | ForEach-Object {
        $my_domainenv = $_.Name -replace '.env$'

        if ($my_domainenv -eq '*') {
            Write-Output "    (no subdomains have been configured)"
        } else {
            Write-Output "    $my_domainenv"

    Write-Output ""

function fn_read_secret {

    $password = Read-Host -Prompt $my_prompt -AsSecureString
    $password = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($password))
    return $password

function fn_read_token {
    $tokenPath = "~/.config/$DUCKDNS_SH_SUBDOMAIN.env"

    if (-not (Test-Path -Path $tokenPath)) {
        New-Item -Path $tokenPath -ItemType File

    Write-Output "(the token will NOT BE SHOWN - just HIT ENTER after you paste it)"
    $my_token = fn_read_secret "Duck DNS Token>"

    Add-Content -Path $tokenPath -Value "DUCKDNS_TOKEN=$my_token"

function fn_require_curl {
    if (-not (Test-Path -Path "C:\Windows\System32\curl.exe")) {
        Write-Output "command 'curl' not found: please install 'curl'"
        throw "Curl not found."

function fn_require_dig {
    if (-not (Test-Path -Path "C:\Windows\System32\dig.exe")) {
        Write-Output "command 'dig' not found: please install 'dig' (part of 'dnsutils')"
        throw "Dig not found."

function fn_require_env {
    if (-not (Test-Path -Path "~/.config/$DUCKDNS_SH_SUBDOMAIN.env")) {
        Write-Output "Missing '~/.config/$DUCKDNS_SH_SUBDOMAIN.env'"
        throw "Environment file missing."

    . "~/.config/$DUCKDNS_SH_SUBDOMAIN.env"
    if (-not $Env:DUCKDNS_TOKEN) {
        Write-Output "Missing 'DUCKDNS_TOKEN=<uuid>' from '~/.config/$DUCKDNS_SH_SUBDOMAIN.env'"
        throw "DUCKDNS_TOKEN not found in environment."

function fn_require_subdomain {
    if (-not $DUCKDNS_SH_SUBDOMAIN) {
        Write-Output "Missing <subdomain> argument. Try one of these in:"
        throw "Missing subdomain argument."

function fn_update_ips {
    Write-Output "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ''"
    $my_domain_ipv4 = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '').Content
    Write-Output "IPv4 $($my_domain_ipv4)"
    Write-Output ""

    Write-Output "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ''"
    $my_domain_ipv6 = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '').Content
    if ($my_domain_ipv4 -eq $my_domain_ipv6) {
        $my_domain_ipv6 = $null
    Write-Output "IPv6 $($my_domain_ipv6)"
    Write-Output ""

    # if either ip changed to be empty

And then it stopped generating.

Function fn_update_ips {
    Write-Output "dig +short A '${DUCKDNS_SH_SUBDOMAIN}'"
    $my_domain_ipv4 = (dig +short A "${DUCKDNS_SH_SUBDOMAIN}")
    Write-Output "${DUCKDNS_SH_SUBDOMAIN} A ${my_domain_ipv4:-(NONE)}"
    Write-Output ""

    Write-Output "dig +short AAAA '${DUCKDNS_SH_SUBDOMAIN}'"
    $my_domain_ipv6 = (dig +short AAAA "${DUCKDNS_SH_SUBDOMAIN}")
    Write-Output "${DUCKDNS_SH_SUBDOMAIN} AAAA ${my_domain_ipv6:-(NONE)}"
    Write-Output ""

    Write-Output "curl -fsSL ''"
    $my_current_ipv4 = (curl --max-time 5.5 -Uri '')
    Write-Output "IPv4 ${my_current_ipv4:-(NONE)}"
    Write-Output ""

    Write-Output "curl -fsSL ''"
    $my_current_ipv6 = (curl --max-time 5.5 -Uri '')
    if ($my_current_ipv4 -eq $my_current_ipv6) {
        $my_current_ipv6 = ""
    Write-Output "IPv6 ${my_current_ipv6:-(NONE)}"
    Write-Output ""

    # if either IP changed to be empty, clear both
    if ($my_current_ipv4 -ne $my_domain_ipv4) {
        if (-not $my_current_ipv4) {
            $my_domain_ipv4 = ""
            $my_domain_ipv6 = ""
    if ($my_current_ipv6 -ne $my_domain_ipv6) {
        if (-not $my_current_ipv6) {
            $my_domain_ipv4 = ""
            $my_domain_ipv6 = ""

    # Note: at least one of the IPv4 or IPv6 *must* exist
    # (otherwise we wouldn't even be able to get an empty response)
    if ($my_current_ipv4 -ne $my_domain_ipv4) {
        if ($my_current_ipv6 -ne $my_domain_ipv6) {
            fn_duckdns_update $my_current_ipv4 $my_current_ipv6
        else {
            fn_duckdns_update $my_current_ipv4 ""
    else {
        if ($my_current_ipv6 -ne $my_domain_ipv6) {
            fn_duckdns_update "" $my_current_ipv6
        else {
            Write-Output "No change detected."

Function fn_help {
    Write-Output ""
    Write-Output "USAGE"
    Write-Output " <subcommand> [arguments...]"
    Write-Output ""
    Write-Output "SUBCOMMANDS"
    Write-Output "    myip                         - show this device's ip(s)"
    Write-Output "    ip <subdomain>               - show subdomain's ip(s)"
    Write-Output ""
    Write-Output "    list                         - show subdomains"
    Write-Output "    auth <subdomain>             - add Duck DNS token"
    Write-Output "    update <subdomain>           - update subdomain to device ip"
    Write-Output "    set <subdomain> <ip> [ipv6]  - set ipv4 and/or ipv6 explicitly"
    Write-Output "    clear <subdomain>            - unset ip(s)"
    Write-Output "    run <subdomain>              - check ip and update every 5m"
    Write-Output "    enable <subdomain>           - enable on boot (Linux) or login (macOS)"
    Write-Output "    disable <subdomain>          - disable on boot or login"
    Write-Output ""
    Write-Output "    help                         - show this menu"
    Write-Output "    version                      - show version and exit"
    Write-Output ""

Function main {
        "myip" { cmd_myip }
        "ip" { cmd_ip }
        "list" { cmd_list }
        "auth" { cmd_auth }
        "update" { cmd_update }
        "set" { cmd_set }
        "clear" { cmd_clear }
        "run" { cmd_run }
        "enable" { cmd_launcher_install }
        "disable" { cmd_launcher_uninstall }
        "help" { fn_help }
        "version" { cmd_version }
        default {
            exit 1


v1.1 Roadmap

  • consistently quiet curl with -fsSL, and use --max-time 5.5 (via a2f4bde)
  • add version command and info (via eef5ded)
  • set execute bit
  • some sort of shell header info (name, desc, author and such) version
  • Publish to Webi

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