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barbarian's Introduction



Open source RTS game built on top of the Recoil RTS Engine

Where to download

How to play

Development Quick Start

Beyond All Reason (BAR), consists of 2 primary components, the lobby (Chobby - and the game code itself (this repository).

The game runs on top of the Recoil engine

In order to develop the game (this repository) you first need a working install of the lobby/launcher. There are 2 ways to do this:

  1. Download the full BAR application from the website and run it. This is probably what you will have done if you have previously installed and played the game.

  2. OR if you want to develop the lobby client, follow the guide in the Chobby README. First download a release of Chobby and then launch Chobby, this will automatically download and install the engine and other dependencies.

Once you have a working install of BAR you need a local development copy of the game code to work with. This code will live in the BAR install directory.

  1. To find the BAR install directory simply open the launcher (not full game) and click the "Open install directory" button. This is one of the 3 buttons (Toggle log and Upload log are the other 2). For Windows installs this might be your user's AppData/Local/Programs/Beyond-All-Reason/data directory.

  2. In the BAR install directory create the empty file devmode.txt. E.g: AppData/Local/Programs/Beyond-All-Reason/data/devmode.txt

  3. In the BAR install directory in the data folder in the games sub-directory (create games if it doesn't exist) clone the code for this repository into a directory with a name ending in .sdd. For example:

git clone BAR.sdd

Ensure that you have the correct path by looking for the file Beyond-All-Reason/data/games/BAR.sdd/modinfo.lua

  1. Now you have the game code launch the full game from the launcher as normal. Then go to Settings > Developer > Singleplayer and select Beyond All Reason Dev.

  2. Now you can launch a match normally through the game UI. This match will use the dev copy of the LUA code which is in BAR-install-directory/data/games/BAR.sdd.

  3. If developing Chobby also clone the code into the games directory. Follow the guide in the Chobby README.

More on the .sdd directory to run raw LUA and the structure expected by Spring Engine is documented here.

barbarian's People


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tomjn fruehling76

barbarian's Issues

airlab on front

air-ai started in fron spot (DSDR) while all the other ais staretd in the back of him. later on, the t2 airlab was build on the frontline. multiplayer games airplayer should be always in the back and airlabs in general should be build far away from frontline in a secure place.

Wish List

  • "hover & water" higher probability of hover factory , if map is considered as water. actually it seem that build probabilty stay always the same.

  • "task priority support builder" possibility to add via config different task priorities for ressurect kbots, engineers and so on like: [0.7["repair", "build", "reclaim"]], [0.3["reclaim", "repair", "build"]] or similar system.

  • "guarded expansion" constructors assigned to build mexes should be (always? => maybe configurable via [0.8]) guarded. the guarding unit (manouver) should be the next unit build after constructer and with one of following roles (skirmish, riot, raider). if there are idling groups of units somewhere they should also stay close to one of the contructors as long as they get assigned to sth else.

  • "group arrangement" actually the forces are split into different groups that move seperately. raider, artillery, anti_heavy and skirmisher toghter with assaault and riot i think. actual problem is, that for example artillery and anti_heavy role units are very vulnerable for counter attacks. so these groups must be protected somehow.
    possibilities without order or exclusion of one for each other: 1. those vulnerable groups follow other skirmisher groups. 2. some units with other roles can be assigned to guard, 3. those special units stay close to own defence.

  • add "random" to faction selection: not sure if this must be integrated exclusively in the lobby.

  • commander task range: make it editable like [[time, range]] => [[0, 500], [120, 200], [600, 1000]... after some consideration i think time might be better than metalincome cause events on the beginning maybe easier to control with time like first incoming scouts or raiders. a event for seeing enemy should stay though

feedback 0.59

(+) overall eco seems better than 0.58.
(+) mex expansion improved to 0.58
(+) i had the impression to see sometimes ai spready units a bit with arm kbots. tanks i didnt see it right now. improved to 0.58 but would like to see still a bit more especailly tanks were i whitnessed still some unit clusters

open issues

1. porc is still lagging behind much.
not mentionable defense in clusters at minute 30 where ai is already on 4-5k energy per second and +150m/s
=> i would wish some control over that via config somehow.

2. builders chasing units for repair
i saw arm vehicle builders (but probably happeing with core too) chasing damaged units from frontline to base to repair them. that can also cause issue nr. 1 - expansion and especially porcing lags behind.

3. Defense behaviour in own territorry
a.)slow skirmisher hunts retreat from front and try to hunt fast raiders.
sometimes big and slow skirmish groups try to hunt fast single raider units in own territory. they go back from frontline und chasing single small units that they will never get. defending single raiders sohuld be done by own fast units. ideal would be a response that produce immediately units that get especially assigned to hunt those intruders. as well as own single units (not complete skirmish groups) in vicinity should be reassigned to hunt down intruders.

b.) ai doesnt understand when base is in danger

c.) enemy raiders dont get attacked on own territory
units produced in lab head directly to front and dont care about intruders. as well as there is no adequate response to enemy raiders on own territory. ideal response against fast units raiding in own territory would be to produce own fast raiders but with a "defend own territory task"

4. eco expansion stop at a certain point
as a fact of BAR mechanics the moment were eco expansion stop is usually the moment u lose the game until the game isnt already decided or something unusual happened. ai is no exception from that rule. unfortunately with current barb eco mechanic happens exactly this in lategame: it comes to an hold

once ai cannot occupie more metal stop sooner or later it stops developing of eco because everything is in balance: buildpower - energy - metal. right now , eco wont be increased further if all mex are build and e is sufficient for buildopwer. converters are not considered atm when ai tries to build the right amout of e, it considers just buildpower via storage % .

If converters will be considered in the future it should not trigger high priority only because converter are not supplied 100% cause otherwise everything else come to on hold (base, porcupine etc.) but only low prio, medium prio if buildpower is bigger than e income and high prio if e storage is below limit. also on nanos there should no limits, they need to increase continously, but i actually dont know if that is the case. furhtermor, nanos should forced only on highest factory of each branch not on t1 anymore if there is already a t2 available. same counts for bots and t2 if there is already the t3.

Here an (maybe simplier to implement) alternative for the eco mechanics to the one above: this one is all based on storage. to make that work, its important to alter the value were converters are switched "off".
actually e stall is triggered with storage <=0.5, but converters go off with e storage around 0.7 or 0.8. that means they dont get into account cause they are switched off before.
SOLUTION: increase priority by 1 level when storage go below a value where converters are still on like 0.75 (so we have to make sure converters get switched off later around 0.65) and increse priority by another level (to high) when storage going under 0.5.

Now we have only to figure out what conditions trigger low priority for e and which condition dont call a e task at all.

too much constructors getting lost too easy

actually too much constructors getting lost too easy. the actual unit guard is set on "hold position" and doing nothing until constructor is destroyed. also builders are in the front without any cover and not reacting to close enemys.


  • configurable guarding in economy.json or inside behaviour.json for each constructortype.

  • constructors should react to enemy presence close to it and retreat before it gets attacked.

  • contructors should prefer building in areas covered by radar.

  • idle units and defending units should wait close to builders and defend it in case it gets attacked.

Preview 0.66 Water Rework

  • lab selection before position detection when building/planning factory (1st factory UnitDef selection, then position logic)
  • augmenting terrain types from 2 => 3 (or more). Water, Ambhibic, Land
  • switch event per factory - different factories different time/ressources for switch event.
  • better factory building logic - how to start on different mapsTerrains with different start positions and how to progress to 2nd 3rd factory and so on. what factories are necessary in certain situation which are not worth to build in other situations?
  • integrating uw moho
  • integrating water-nanotc in caretaker logic

Proposal: Make Barbarian choosing allways right starting factory

i thought around how to make Barbarian choosing the right starting factory depending on the Map. Result is a concept where different step are taken to find the right solution for each possible map. some of the steps (or layers) are optional. the concept is also kind of modular which allow to include other layers/modules later on. for now the steps could be following:

  1. check for air start override (optional)

  2. map terrain check
    for the right strategy it is important to know which type of map the ai is dealing with. for that reason there has to be a check to categorize 4 map types that influence in the next step the build probability of certain start factories. for this its necessaryto know:

  • % of land mass
  • how hilly is the map. maybe checking % of terrain that cannot be reached by vehicles but only by bots. according to the values map gets categorized as hill, land, mix & water (the values that defines the categorization must be editable in a config file). so example u have:

Hill >80% landmass >20% reachability
Land >80% <20% reachability
Mix >30% <80%
Water <30%

  1. metal distribution land / water
    get the metal distribution to know how much metal is under water and reachable only by ships or hovers and how much is on land. that influense the build probability in the next step of the different factories. for example if 70% of the metal is on land the build probability for land factories is multiplied by *(7/10) and water based factories by *(3/10)

  2. terrain start probability
    based on step 2 the factories become here a build probability for each terrain or vice versa:
    veh bots air hover ship
    hill 0.5 1 0.5 0 0
    land 1 1 0.5 0 0
    mix 1 1 0.5 1 0
    water 0 0 0 1 1

this should be all defined in a config like "hill": [0.5, 1, 0.5 0, 0]; etc
this value gets multiplied by the value of step 3 to get the final probability for each factory

  1. teamsize clamp
    teamsize clamp for air. as a fact that in most cases air is not considered to be a good starting option there should be a clamp for the amount of ais starting air in games that depends on the teamsize. also this value/lline should be in the config
    it could look like this: "teamsizeclamp_air": [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2,] which is the max amount of airplayers from teamsize 1-8 and last value for everything above 8.

however, it should be possible to override/write those clamp value in certain situation (like step 1) of commander cannot expand from start position cause he is placed on a hill. or also maybe if the map is very large but amount of metal is low etc. but all this is optional and not necessary for basic functionality

A crash log

D:\Games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-653-g954b191 bar\AI\Skirmish\BARb\stable\SkirmishAI.dll 0x000628FD /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/9.3-posix/include/c++/bits/stl_vector.h:95
D:\Games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-653-g954b191 bar\AI\Skirmish\BARb\stable\SkirmishAI.dll 0x00003AC4 /home/runner/work/spring/spring/spring/AI/Skirmish/BARb/src/circuit/CircuitAI.cpp:772
D:\Games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-653-g954b191 bar\AI\Skirmish\BARb\stable\SkirmishAI.dll 0x0000B8E0 /home/runner/work/spring/spring/spring/AI/Skirmish/BARb/src/circuit/map/InfluenceMap.cpp:350
D:\Games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-653-g954b191 bar\AI\Skirmish\BARb\stable\SkirmishAI.dll 0x000014EA /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/9.3-posix/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h:237
D:\Games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-653-g954b191 bar\spring.exe 0x0091132B rts/ExternalAI/SkirmishAIHandler.h:172
D:\Games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-653-g954b191 bar\spring.exe 0x00914D9C rts/ExternalAI/SkirmishAIWrapper.cpp:468
D:\Games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-653-g954b191 bar\spring.exe 0x008EF346 rts/ExternalAI/EngineOutHandler.cpp:578
D:\Games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-653-g954b191 bar\spring.exe 0x005350D5 /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/9.3-posix/include/c++/bits/shared_ptr_base.h:729
D:\Games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-653-g954b191 bar\spring.exe 0x00433965 /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/9.3-posix/include/c++/bits/atomic_base.h:419
D:\Games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-653-g954b191 bar\spring.exe 0x00862FAC rts/System/SpringApp.cpp:767
D:\Games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-653-g954b191 bar\spring.exe 0x008660E0 rts/System/SpringApp.cpp:806
D:\Games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-653-g954b191 bar\spring.exe 0x0084FBEC rts/System/Main.cpp:48
D:\Games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-653-g954b191 bar\spring.exe 0x00F89F29 rts/System/Main.cpp:100
D:\Games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-653-g954b191 bar\spring.exe 0x004013B4 x86_64-w64-mingw32-x86_64-w64-mingw32-crt/./mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:341
D:\Games\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-653-g954b191 bar\spring.exe 0x004014DB x86_64-w64-mingw32-x86_64-w64-mingw32-crt/./mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:197
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll 0x00052651 ??:0

feedback of issues in game from barb 0.55

issues without specific order:

  1. much more & earlier nanos on t2 and t3 needed. maybe its also possible to build a block of nanos before placing t2/t3 close to it.

  2. mobils antinukes walking around the frontline and gets killed instantly. => we need kind of attribute that forces units to stay more in the back. furthemore antinukes should move into the config cause they get build without getting mentiones anywhere as far as i can see.

  3. more focus on higher tier production. is there a way to do that via config (like distribution of ressources or weights)?

  4. last games no air got build in 2v2. air should a more viable option as 2nd factory.

  5. com should support always highest tier production instead support t1 til end of game

  6. com didnt seem to cloak when under attack

Crash in: /spring/AI/Skirmish/BARb/src/circuit/module/BuilderManager.cpp:357

D:\Users\azard\AppData\Local\Programs\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\AI\Skirmish\BARb\stable\SkirmishAI.dll 0x000000000001c2fc /mxe/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32.static/11.2.0/include/c++/ext/new_allocator.h:127
D:\Users\azard\AppData\Local\Programs\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\AI\Skirmish\BARb\stable\SkirmishAI.dll 0x000000000001cb20 /spring/AI/Skirmish/BARb/src/circuit/module/BuilderManager.cpp:357
D:\Users\azard\AppData\Local\Programs\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\AI\Skirmish\BARb\stable\SkirmishAI.dll 0x00000000001ab262 /spring/AI/Skirmish/BARb/src/lib/angelscript/source/as_compiler.cpp:444
D:\Users\azard\AppData\Local\Programs\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\AI\Skirmish\BARb\stable\SkirmishAI.dll 0x00000000001ab497 /spring/AI/Skirmish/BARb/src/lib/angelscript/source/as_compiler.cpp:427
D:\Users\azard\AppData\Local\Programs\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\AI\Skirmish\BARb\stable\SkirmishAI.dll 0x00000000001aa709 /spring/AI/Skirmish/BARb/src/lib/angelscript/source/as_compiler.cpp:5480
D:\Users\azard\AppData\Local\Programs\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\AI\Skirmish\BARb\stable\SkirmishAI.dll 0x00000000001f9ea5 /spring/AI/Skirmish/BARb/src/lib/angelscript/source/as_context.cpp:1215
D:\Users\azard\AppData\Local\Programs\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\AI\Skirmish\BARb\stable\SkirmishAI.dll 0x00000000001fa9cd /spring/AI/Skirmish/BARb/src/lib/angelscript/source/as_datatype.cpp:308
D:\Users\azard\AppData\Local\Programs\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\AI\Skirmish\BARb\stable\SkirmishAI.dll 0x0000000000075c8f /mxe/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32.static/11.2.0/include/c++/ext/new_allocator.h:145
D:\Users\azard\AppData\Local\Programs\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\AI\Skirmish\BARb\stable\SkirmishAI.dll 0x0000000000077874 /mxe/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32.static/11.2.0/include/c++/bits/stl_heap.h:138
D:\Users\azard\AppData\Local\Programs\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\AI\Skirmish\BARb\stable\SkirmishAI.dll 0x0000000000091abf /mxe/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32.static/11.2.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h:356
D:\Users\azard\AppData\Local\Programs\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\AI\Skirmish\BARb\stable\SkirmishAI.dll 0x000000000008f365 /mxe/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32.static/11.2.0/include/c++/bits/stl_tree.h:2201
D:\Users\azard\AppData\Local\Programs\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\AI\Skirmish\BARb\stable\SkirmishAI.dll 0x000000000006d47a /mxe/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32.static/11.2.0/include/c++/bits/stl_vector.h:353
D:\Users\azard\AppData\Local\Programs\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\AI\Skirmish\BARb\stable\SkirmishAI.dll 0x0000000000005ed8 /mxe/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32.static/11.2.0/include/c++/bits/stl_vector.h:919
D:\Users\azard\AppData\Local\Programs\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\AI\Skirmish\BARb\stable\SkirmishAI.dll 0x000000000000d323 /mxe/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32.static/11.2.0/include/c++/bits/stl_algobase.h:924
D:\Users\azard\AppData\Local\Programs\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\AI\Skirmish\BARb\stable\SkirmishAI.dll 0x00000000000023f7 /mxe/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32.static/11.2.0/include/c++/ext/new_allocator.h:145
D:\Users\azard\AppData\Local\Programs\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\spring.exe 0x00007ff79d81e64b rts/ExternalAI/SkirmishAIHandler.h:172
D:\Users\azard\AppData\Local\Programs\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\spring.exe 0x00007ff79d823e05 rts/ExternalAI/SkirmishAIWrapper.cpp:471
D:\Users\azard\AppData\Local\Programs\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\spring.exe 0x00007ff79d7f9ac1 rts/ExternalAI/EngineOutHandler.cpp:130
D:\Users\azard\AppData\Local\Programs\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\spring.exe 0x00007ff79d27ec98 /mxe/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32.static/11.2.0/include/c++/bits/stl_iterator.h:1011
D:\Users\azard\AppData\Local\Programs\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\spring.exe 0x00007ff79d3aed66 rts/Net/NetCommands.cpp:568
D:\Users\azard\AppData\Local\Programs\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\spring.exe 0x00007ff79d287b25 /mxe/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32.static/11.2.0/include/c++/bits/atomic_base.h:481
D:\Users\azard\AppData\Local\Programs\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\spring.exe 0x00007ff79d74760c rts/System/SpringApp.cpp:806
D:\Users\azard\AppData\Local\Programs\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\spring.exe 0x00007ff79d74b178 rts/System/SpringApp.cpp:845
D:\Users\azard\AppData\Local\Programs\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\spring.exe 0x00007ff79d73234c rts/System/Main.cpp:48
D:\Users\azard\AppData\Local\Programs\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\spring.exe 0x00007ff79d2513c1 /mxe/tmp-gcc-x86_64-w64-mingw32.static/gcc-11.2.0.build_/mingw-w64-v9.0.0/mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:323
D:\Users\azard\AppData\Local\Programs\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\spring.exe 0x00007ff79d2514d6 /mxe/tmp-gcc-x86_64-w64-mingw32.static/gcc-11.2.0.build_/mingw-w64-v9.0.0/mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:178

Barb Crash on Pentos, with newest engine.

I was testing 5 barbs in FFA on Pentos map as a spectator, and I selected a constructor to try and place a building (testing latest buildability updates, where you can now build into a structure if the yardmaps dont collide)

`translated for copy and paste

C:\Users\Peti\Documents\my games\Spring\engine\spring_bar_.BAR105.105.1.1-472-g5f11001_windows-64-minimal-portable\spring.exe 0x0043D785 rts/Game/GameHelper.cpp:1265
C:\Users\Peti\Documents\my games\Spring\engine\spring_bar_.BAR105.105.1.1-472-g5f11001_windows-64-minimal-portable\spring.exe 0x0043F5A6 /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/9.3-posix/include/c++/bits/stl_algobase.h:204
C:\Users\Peti\Documents\my games\Spring\engine\spring_bar_.BAR105.105.1.1-472-g5f11001_windows-64-minimal-portable\spring.exe 0x008B5562 rts/ExternalAI/AICallback.cpp:1104
C:\Users\Peti\Documents\my games\Spring\engine\spring_bar_.BAR105.105.1.1-472-g5f11001_windows-64-minimal-portable\spring.exe 0x008D5256 rts/ExternalAI/SSkirmishAICallbackImpl.cpp:2208
C:\Users\Peti\Documents\my games\Spring\engine\spring_bar_.BAR105.105.1.1-472-g5f11001_windows-64-minimal-portable\AI\Skirmish\BARb\stable\SkirmishAI.dll 0x0023E4A3 /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/9.3-posix/include/c++/bits/stl_vector.h:1186
C:\Users\Peti\Documents\my games\Spring\engine\spring_bar_.BAR105.105.1.1-472-g5f11001_windows-64-minimal-portable\AI\Skirmish\BARb\stable\SkirmishAI.dll 0x000B30E7 /home/runner/work/spring/spring/spring/AI/Skirmish/BARb/src/circuit/terrain/TerrainManager.cpp:237
C:\Users\Peti\Documents\my games\Spring\engine\spring_bar_.BAR105.105.1.1-472-g5f11001_windows-64-minimal-portable\AI\Skirmish\BARb\stable\SkirmishAI.dll 0x000B327C /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/9.3-posix/include/c++/bits/hashtable_policy.h:729
C:\Users\Peti\Documents\my games\Spring\engine\spring_bar_.BAR105.105.1.1-472-g5f11001_windows-64-minimal-portable\AI\Skirmish\BARb\stable\SkirmishAI.dll 0x00093D6D /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/9.3-posix/include/c++/bits/std_function.h:260
C:\Users\Peti\Documents\my games\Spring\engine\spring_bar_.BAR105.105.1.1-472-g5f11001_windows-64-minimal-portable\AI\Skirmish\BARb\stable\SkirmishAI.dll 0x0007B630 /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/9.3-posix/include/c++/ext/atomicity.h:53
C:\Users\Peti\Documents\my games\Spring\engine\spring_bar_.BAR105.105.1.1-472-g5f11001_windows-64-minimal-portable\AI\Skirmish\BARb\stable\SkirmishAI.dll 0x000612EA /home/runner/work/spring/spring/spring/AI/Skirmish/BARb/src/circuit/script/BuilderScript.cpp:35
C:\Users\Peti\Documents\my games\Spring\engine\spring_bar_.BAR105.105.1.1-472-g5f11001_windows-64-minimal-portable\AI\Skirmish\BARb\stable\SkirmishAI.dll 0x00004A6F /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/9.3-posix/include/c++/bits/basic_string.tcc:219
C:\Users\Peti\Documents\my games\Spring\engine\spring_bar_.BAR105.105.1.1-472-g5f11001_windows-64-minimal-portable\AI\Skirmish\BARb\stable\SkirmishAI.dll 0x0000B600 /home/runner/work/spring/spring/spring/AI/Skirmish/BARb/src/circuit/map/InfluenceMap.cpp:350
C:\Users\Peti\Documents\my games\Spring\engine\spring_bar_.BAR105.105.1.1-472-g5f11001_windows-64-minimal-portable\AI\Skirmish\BARb\stable\SkirmishAI.dll 0x000014EA /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/9.3-posix/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h:237
C:\Users\Peti\Documents\my games\Spring\engine\spring_bar_.BAR105.105.1.1-472-g5f11001_windows-64-minimal-portable\spring.exe 0x008EBC0B rts/ExternalAI/SkirmishAIHandler.h:172
C:\Users\Peti\Documents\my games\Spring\engine\spring_bar_.BAR105.105.1.1-472-g5f11001_windows-64-minimal-portable\spring.exe 0x008F04A5 rts/ExternalAI/SkirmishAIWrapper.cpp:471
C:\Users\Peti\Documents\my games\Spring\engine\spring_bar_.BAR105.105.1.1-472-g5f11001_windows-64-minimal-portable\spring.exe 0x008C7781 rts/ExternalAI/EngineOutHandler.cpp:130
C:\Users\Peti\Documents\my games\Spring\engine\spring_bar_.BAR105.105.1.1-472-g5f11001_windows-64-minimal-portable\spring.exe 0x0042D248 /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/9.3-posix/include/c++/bits/stl_vector.h:809
C:\Users\Peti\Documents\my games\Spring\engine\spring_bar_.BAR105.105.1.1-472-g5f11001_windows-64-minimal-portable\spring.exe 0x00532C33 rts/Net/NetCommands.cpp:568
C:\Users\Peti\Documents\my games\Spring\engine\spring_bar_.BAR105.105.1.1-472-g5f11001_windows-64-minimal-portable\spring.exe 0x00433C75 /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/9.3-posix/include/c++/bits/atomic_base.h:419
C:\Users\Peti\Documents\my games\Spring\engine\spring_bar_.BAR105.105.1.1-472-g5f11001_windows-64-minimal-portable\spring.exe 0x0084010C rts/System/SpringApp.cpp:765
C:\Users\Peti\Documents\my games\Spring\engine\spring_bar_.BAR105.105.1.1-472-g5f11001_windows-64-minimal-portable\spring.exe 0x00843230 rts/System/SpringApp.cpp:804
C:\Users\Peti\Documents\my games\Spring\engine\spring_bar_.BAR105.105.1.1-472-g5f11001_windows-64-minimal-portable\spring.exe 0x0082CD5C rts/System/Main.cpp:48
C:\Users\Peti\Documents\my games\Spring\engine\spring_bar_.BAR105.105.1.1-472-g5f11001_windows-64-minimal-portable\spring.exe 0x00F256B9 rts/System/Main.cpp:100
C:\Users\Peti\Documents\my games\Spring\engine\spring_bar_.BAR105.105.1.1-472-g5f11001_windows-64-minimal-portable\spring.exe 0x004013B4 x86_64-w64-mingw32-x86_64-w64-mingw32-crt/./mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:341
C:\Users\Peti\Documents\my games\Spring\engine\spring_bar_.BAR105.105.1.1-472-g5f11001_windows-64-minimal-portable\spring.exe 0x004014DB x86_64-w64-mingw32-x86_64-w64-mingw32-crt/./mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:197
C:\Windows\system32\kernel32.dll 0x0001556D ??:0
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll 0x0005385D ??:0

barbarian goes too late to t2

some feedback based on yesterdays games:

AI too late on t2
ai does very good on t1 but suck from the moment it has to go t2. there it gets surpassed by human. only 2 of 5 ai werer going to t2 in a 40min match on delta siege dry. first one around min 23 when human tries to go around min 10-12 there. they already had all over 20 metal income and lots of metal in storage.


  • lower the trigger for t2 or spread it wider (on the lower end)
  • the absolut top would be when it starts a lets say teching phase were it reclaim old lab for getting additioal metal in case it is missing some.

i wonder also if it is possible in multiplayer games to let ai play sometimes with kind of teching ai-player, which maybe reclaim com to level up very early and then force economy and build t2 cons for other players which they use them too build some t2 mexes before they level up. comleting that task it should force economy again before going early to t3

AI vs Scavengers

The AI doesn't know how to handle Scavengers.
In the behavior fiel, I only see the Armada and Cortex units definitions so the AI doesn't plan a strategy against the Scavengers (response file) and lose everytime as they doesn't attack the Scavengers bases and specific buildings.

Also Scavengers are using the whole air land sea units while BARbarIAn build only one factory type per AI.

Could you check if you can boost the behavior of the AI against specials ennemies ?

Crash in: /spring/AI/Skirmish/BARb/src/circuit/unit/FactoryData.cpp 243


module | address | file | line
-- | -- | -- | --
D:\Users\RTS\AppData\Local\Programs\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9  bar\AI\Skirmish\BARb\stable\SkirmishAI.dll | 0x00000000000ea300 | /spring/AI/Skirmish/BARb/src/circuit/unit/FactoryData.cpp | 243
D:\Users\RTS\AppData\Local\Programs\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9  bar\AI\Skirmish\BARb\stable\SkirmishAI.dll | 0x0000000000099d29 | /spring/AI/Skirmish/BARb/src/circuit/task/builder/MexTask.cpp | 174
D:\Users\RTS\AppData\Local\Programs\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9  bar\AI\Skirmish\BARb\stable\SkirmishAI.dll | 0x0000000000018a55 | /mxe/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32.static/11.2.0/include/c++/bits/stl_tree.h | 1903
D:\Users\RTS\AppData\Local\Programs\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9  bar\AI\Skirmish\BARb\stable\SkirmishAI.dll | 0x000000000000797c | /mxe/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32.static/11.2.0/include/c++/streambuf | 470
D:\Users\RTS\AppData\Local\Programs\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9  bar\AI\Skirmish\BARb\stable\SkirmishAI.dll | 0x000000000000d743 | /spring/AI/Skirmish/BARb/src/circuit/map/InfluenceMap.cpp | 431
D:\Users\RTS\AppData\Local\Programs\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9  bar\AI\Skirmish\BARb\stable\SkirmishAI.dll | 0x00000000000023f7 | /mxe/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32.static/11.2.0/include/c++/ext/new_allocator.h | 145
D:\Users\RTS\AppData\Local\Programs\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\spring.exe | 0x00007ff739d3e64b | rts/ExternalAI/SkirmishAIHandler.h | 172
D:\Users\RTS\AppData\Local\Programs\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\spring.exe | 0x00007ff739d4457d | rts/ExternalAI/SkirmishAIWrapper.cpp | 471
D:\Users\RTS\AppData\Local\Programs\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\spring.exe | 0x00007ff739d1987f | rts/ExternalAI/EngineOutHandler.cpp | 113
D:\Users\RTS\AppData\Local\Programs\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\spring.exe | 0x00007ff739c44af5 | /mxe/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32.static/11.2.0/include/c++/sstream | 1054
D:\Users\RTS\AppData\Local\Programs\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\spring.exe | 0x00007ff7397a8e02 | rts/Game/Game.cpp | 468
D:\Users\RTS\AppData\Local\Programs\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\spring.exe | 0x00007ff7397c6a72 | rts/Game/LoadScreen.cpp | 138
D:\Users\RTS\AppData\Local\Programs\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\spring.exe | 0x00007ff7397c7005 | rts/Game/LoadScreen.cpp | 183
D:\Users\RTS\AppData\Local\Programs\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\spring.exe | 0x00007ff7397d1869 | /mxe/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32.static/11.2.0/include/c++/bits/basic_string.h | 195
D:\Users\RTS\AppData\Local\Programs\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\spring.exe | 0x00007ff7397d2bbd | rts/Game/PreGame.cpp | 200
D:\Users\RTS\AppData\Local\Programs\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\spring.exe | 0x00007ff739c6760c | rts/System/SpringApp.cpp | 806
D:\Users\RTS\AppData\Local\Programs\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\spring.exe | 0x00007ff739c6b178 | rts/System/SpringApp.cpp | 845
D:\Users\RTS\AppData\Local\Programs\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\spring.exe | 0x00007ff739c5234c | rts/System/Main.cpp | 48
D:\Users\RTS\AppData\Local\Programs\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\spring.exe | 0x00007ff7397713c1 | /mxe/tmp-gcc-x86_64-w64-mingw32.static/gcc-11.2.0.build_/mingw-w64-v9.0.0/mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c | 323
D:\Users\RTS\AppData\Local\Programs\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\spring.exe | 0x00007ff7397714d6 | /mxe/tmp-gcc-x86_64-w64-mingw32.static/gcc-11.2.0.build_/mingw-w64-v9.0.0/mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c | 178
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll | 0x000000000005a2f1 | ?? | 0

Full Infolog:

Crash in /spring/AI/Skirmish/BARb/src/circuit/CircuitAI.cpp:1430

C:\Program Files\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\AI\Skirmish\BARb\0.63rc9\SkirmishAI.dll 0x00000000000a0724 /mxe/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32.static/11.2.0/include/c++/ext/new_allocator.h:145
C:\Program Files\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\AI\Skirmish\BARb\0.63rc9\SkirmishAI.dll 0x0000000000004a6b /mxe/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32.static/11.2.0/include/c++/bits/stl_tree.h:211
C:\Program Files\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\AI\Skirmish\BARb\0.63rc9\SkirmishAI.dll 0x0000000000008a6a /spring/AI/Skirmish/BARb/src/circuit/CircuitAI.cpp:1430
C:\Program Files\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\AI\Skirmish\BARb\0.63rc9\SkirmishAI.dll 0x0000000000001452 /spring/AI/Skirmish/BARb/src/AIExport.cpp:76
C:\Program Files\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\spring.exe 0x00007ff603dfe64b rts/ExternalAI/SkirmishAIHandler.h:172
C:\Program Files\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\spring.exe 0x00007ff603e03585 rts/ExternalAI/SkirmishAIWrapper.cpp:471
C:\Program Files\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\spring.exe 0x00007ff603dda868 rts/ExternalAI/EngineOutHandler.cpp:239
C:\Program Files\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\spring.exe 0x00007ff6040d3c6f rts/Sim/Units/Unit.cpp:383
C:\Program Files\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\spring.exe 0x00007ff6040f2bc0 rts/Sim/Units/UnitLoader.cpp:104
C:\Program Files\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\spring.exe 0x00007ff603a39ab8 rts/Lua/LuaSyncedCtrl.cpp:1312
C:\Program Files\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\spring.exe 0x00007ff603e59ba8 rts/lib/lua/src/ldo.cpp:321
C:\Program Files\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\spring.exe 0x00007ff603e6bb89 rts/lib/lua/src/lvm.cpp:620
C:\Program Files\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\spring.exe 0x00007ff603e5a00d rts/lib/lua/src/ldo.cpp:378
C:\Program Files\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\spring.exe 0x00007ff603e5a407 rts/lib/lua/src/ldo.cpp:119
C:\Program Files\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\spring.exe 0x00007ff603e528c0 rts/lib/lua/src/lapi.cpp:833
C:\Program Files\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\spring.exe 0x00007ff6039bb981 rts/Lua/LuaHandle.cpp:328
C:\Program Files\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\spring.exe 0x00007ff6039bfad6 rts/Lua/LuaHandle.cpp:422
C:\Program Files\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\spring.exe 0x00007ff6039c072f rts/Lua/LuaHandle.cpp:590
C:\Program Files\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\spring.exe 0x00007ff60418f126 /mxe/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32.static/11.2.0/include/c++/bits/stl_vector.h:919
C:\Program Files\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\spring.exe 0x00007ff603cef704 rts/System/EventHandler.cpp:489
C:\Program Files\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\spring.exe 0x00007ff6039923b4 rts/Net/NetCommands.cpp:328
C:\Program Files\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\spring.exe 0x00007ff603867b25 /mxe/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32.static/11.2.0/include/c++/bits/atomic_base.h:481
C:\Program Files\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\spring.exe 0x00007ff603d2760c rts/System/SpringApp.cpp:806
C:\Program Files\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\spring.exe 0x00007ff603d2b178 rts/System/SpringApp.cpp:845
C:\Program Files\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\spring.exe 0x00007ff603d1234c rts/System/Main.cpp:48
C:\Program Files\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\spring.exe 0x00007ff6038313c1 /mxe/tmp-gcc-x86_64-w64-mingw32.static/gcc-11.2.0.build_/mingw-w64-v9.0.0/mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:323
C:\Program Files\Beyond-All-Reason\data\engine\105.1.1-861-ge8bf8a9 bar\spring.exe 0x00007ff6038314d6 /mxe/tmp-gcc-x86_64-w64-mingw32.static/gcc-11.2.0.build_/mingw-w64-v9.0.0/mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:178

BARbarIAn Eco Rework

As talked about for quite some time i made this card so we/Lamer can post updates or things regadering BARbarIAn improvements for eco. (or status updates)

feedback 0.62

some extended test on different maps - dsdr bigger map with some hilly terrain and 3v3 instead 2v2 revealed some interesting things.

  • ai doesnt build antinuke also after it was nuked

  • after nuke and with only 120e left one ai didnt build any e for 15 min but instead one adv storage after another cause it was metal overflowing. but in that case and stalling so hard e it must start building e as fast as possible from bottom to top. what it did in the end was trying to build a fusion after 15 min which obviously didnt go well after it has increased metal storage to max (around 40k). thats why i prefer a flexible priority systems that increase priority based on urgency where different triggers alter priority and.

  • ai was harrased by bombers but battlefield was to large and mobile aa were everywhere but nothing to protect base structures or clusters. => response for structures and base/cluster buildings not only mobile units => force airlab for airshield with fighters. => awarness off map and fill the gaps on front? => again and again _suffix for units would help. in this case maybe a mobile unit with an _defendbase suffix and attributes that let it defend base making an even distribution on own territory.

  • i whitnessed some com stutter like an inability to move on both games i played with 0.62. it last sometimes minutes

  • expansion slow on dsd cause less mex densitiy and diversified terrain. partly open partly hilly. not enough drive forward in the expansion. might be good sometimes to let walk ai con in groups of 2 maybe to finish defense earlier after building mex.

  • ai nor aware of terrain or poistion of enemy base etc. lots of open gaps, defenses build in the wrong direction (behind wind eg). how can we solve that? is it worth to integrate a 3rd solution for placement of structure among fix x,y or back/front etc.?
    i am thinking about a measurenet from distance to base or median of enemy territor as fix point for positioning.

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