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edgeflow's Introduction


This addon adds operators to blender which help when dealing with curved shaped meshes.

Feel free to create issues, file requests etc. but be aware of that I might not find time to work on this as much as I'd probably need to.


Master is stable - adventures are in the Dev branch.

The addon should work from blender 3.5+ and also work in the current blender release.

  • Get the latest release in:
  • start Blender and open the user preferences
  • switch to the Add-ons tab and click the 'Install...' button
  • locate the downloaded file and double-click it to install
  • search for the addon "EdgeFlow"
  • activate the addon by ticking the checkbox (hit the Save User Settings button at the bottom if your blender is setup that way)

Where are these located in blender?

The operators can be accessed via the 3D View in the Mesh>Edge and Mesh>Vertex menu, the corresponding
rightclick viewport context menus or the default shortcut Ctrl-E / Ctrl-V.



Set Flow:


My stab at implementing a set flow operator for blender, which is a popular tool in many 3d applications. This adjusts the edgeloop via a spline interpolation such that it respects the flow of the surrounding geometry. The tool operates orthogonal to the direction of the flow of the edgeloop, indicated by the orange in the image.

Mix: Blend between intial vertex positions and the interpolated result.
Tension: Controls the strengh of offset.
Iterations: How often the operation will be repeated.
Min Angle: Cut off angle of the smoothing. Falls back to a linearely extrapolated position if the angle is beyond threshold.

In this example the control points for the spline smoothing are around the corner - which creates a nasty bulge. With the min angle one can force the alghorithm to find a better solution.


Blend Mode:

  • Absolute: Use a number of vertices along the edgeloop to control the blend length.
  • Factor: Blend length defined by a factor of the length from the edgeloop.

Blend Start: Number of vertices from the start of the edgeloop | The partial length from the start of the edgeloop.
Blend End: Number of vertices from the end of the edgeloop | The partial length from the end of the edgeloop.
Blend Curve: Linear or Smoothstep blend of the values along the edgeloop.

Notice how the shape changes from straight to curved at the right image. This obviously only works for edgeloops which are not cyclic.


Set Linear:

This makes each selected edge loop a straight line between start and end point. The spacing of all the other points can either be spaced evenly, or projected from the original distances. The tool operates in the direction of the flow of the edgeloop, indicated by the green in the image.


Space evenly: Place the vertices on the loop in regular distances.

Set Curve:

This tool curves each selected edge loop onto a spline which is controled by the first and the last edge of the edgeloop. The tool operates in the direction of the flow of the edgeloop, indicated by the green in the image.


Mix: Blend between intial vertex positions and the interpolated result
Tension: Controls the strengh of offset
Use Rail: The first and last edge of the edgeloop stay in place

Set Vertex Curve:

This tool moves vertices to a curve based on vertex selections. The picking order of the selected vertices defines the outcome of the tool. So it's very important to select in the correct order.

  • 2 vertices are selected: a half circle is constructed between the points.
  • 3 vertices are selected: all inbetween points are placed onto a circle which goes through the selected points. You can think of it as start - middle - end points in the selection.
  • 4 or more vertices are selected: the tool constructs a spline and projects all points onto it.


Tension: Controls the strengh of offset
Use Topology Distance: Force the path search to ignore edge lenghts, so only topological distance is used to find the inbetween vertices.
Flip Half Circle: (only for 2 vertices) Flip the direction of the half circle.
Space evenly: (only for 3 or more vertices) Place the vertices in even distances.

How Set Flow works

Back when I first got to see this in action I did quite not understand how it all worked - so I thought it might be well worth adding a quick description to better understand how the underlaying mechanics work.


The tool goes over each edge from an edgeloop, and then goes over each vert for this edge. For every vert it searches the points C1-C4 which are used as 'control points' for the spline interpolation - quite similar to how every vector drawing programm works. So its all depending on the surrounding geometry - which also means if we have multiple neighbouring edgeloops they all influence each other once we start applying this smoothing. Doing the same operation a few times helps to balance it all out and converges quickly into something stable after a few iterations - so hence the need for such an option.

Developer Notes

I had to reimplement the edge loop selection from blender because I needed to go from a spaghetti edge selection to sorted edgeloops. While I like that I was able to reproduce blenders selection behaviour I still think I might have overlooked something on how to do it with the regular api - any hints?

I tried different spline interpolation implementations but settled with a hermite interpolation from as it has this nice tension variable.

edgeflow's People


benjaminsauder avatar


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edgeflow's Issues

Feature Request: Get rid of Iteration Max limit

If you open up the file, and go to line 84, you'll see:
iterations : IntProperty(name="Iterations", default=1, min=1, max=32)

Can you change max to be soft_max like this:
iterations : IntProperty(name="Iterations", default=1, min=1, soft_max=32)

This will get rid of the hard maximum on the number of iterations. It will allow users to type a number higher than 32, but the slider will still be confined to 32.

The reason I would like this to be changed is because in my addon, I can insert multiple loop cuts, and then apply edge flow to the newly added loops, and the hard limit of 32 iterations prevents the edges from being smoothed correctly. I really need at least 128 iterations.

After with 32 iterations: <-- Bad result
After with 128 iterations: <-- Good result

As you can see, when inserting 8 edge loops with 128 iterations, it turns out much better! :)

Edit: I just found a case where I needed 512 iterations to create a perfect result.

After with 512 iterations:

Hopefully you consider!

Blender 3.0 issues(NEVERMIND)


in 3.0 Blender, edge flow is having an issue. When I select the edge I want edgeflow to mimic, it takes the edge I had selected and moves the edge about a third the distance into the meshes center as well scales it down. I am doing this on a perfect cylinder. I created a new cube and select an edge and applied edgeflow, and still does the same thing.

New feature: Blend from start and/or end point

I have added a new feature to blend from either the start or end point (or both) which is very convenient when working with edge loops which span across a surface with different features. Currently the adjusted edge loop will be placed at the center between it's surrounding loops. But sometimes the start or end point of the loop needs to stay put to preserve the surface feature in this area. And adjusting loop positions can be quite tedious when done manually.

I already tried to contact you via Twitter because posting this new feature seems to draw much attention.

For now I forked your project to provide a custom version to the public because this new feature is extremely helpful.
I just didn't want to skip over your head and let you know. The project has been quiet for some time and I don't know if you plan to develop this tool further. It's a real time saver. Thank you very much for it.

Running operators when no objects are selected

Both "set flow" and "set linear" operators won't work if there were no selected object prior to entering edit mode. To reproduce it

  1. select editable mesh object in object mode
  2. deselect all objects
  3. press tab to enter edit mode
  4. run "set linear" operator on edges

blender will throw error, because of this line
self.objects = set(context.selected_editable_objects)
in this scenario context.selected_editable_objects list is empty, so self.objects would be empty too
I fixed it by changing 40 line in to
self.objects = set(context.selected_editable_objects) if context.selected_editable_objects else set([context.object])

SyntaxError: invalid syntax in 2.79

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.79\scripts\modules\", line 331, in enable
mod = import(module_name)
File "C:\Users\alekv\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.79\scripts\addons\", line 25, in
from . import (
File "C:\Users\alekv\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.79\scripts\addons\EdgeFlow-master\", line 83
tension : IntProperty(name="Tension", default=180, min=-500, max=500)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Feature Req: Linear Interpolate Vertex Positions Between 0-1

Hi, just a simple feature request. Sometimes even just 1 iteration can produce a very drastic result depending on the usage scenario.

The ability to drag a slider from 0-1 (or 0% to 100%) to interpolate the original vertex positions with the final positions would be very useful! :)

If implemented, I recommend 100% as the default value, so that the addon does not cause any compatibility issues with my Edge Curve Plus addon.

Thanks for your consideration! :)

set linear bug on blender 2.82a

hi. first of all i love this tool, thanks a lot for sharing this (better than the maya versione imho)
it worked just fine on 2.8, but there is an issue on the set linear tool in 2.82a that crunch all vertices
thanks again

Blender 2.9

Will this need anything more than a bl_info update for 2.9? Happy to help test. :)

Respect Hard Edge Mode.

Hi There!

Thx for this great update.
I have small feature request which could improve the Addon so much.
It would be great to add a feature where the operation respects the Hard Edges. So we could get nice Edge-flow in areas like the attached image. (red marking = hard edge)
Now I ahve to add a temporary extra loop to the tip of the edges so I can Edge-flow the loops before the tip. and after the Operation, I have to Delete it.

All the Best, and thx for this great plugin.


Error message when trying to use.


For a while the add on was working fine, then all of a sudden I am getting this error message:

edge_loops: 27
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\lasse\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.80\scripts\addons\EdgeFlow\", line 114, in invoke
result = super(SetEdgeFlowOP, self).invoke(context)
File "C:\Users\lasse\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.80\scripts\addons\EdgeFlow\", line 68, in invoke
self.edgeloops[obj] = util.get_edgeloops([obj], edges)
File "C:\Users\lasse\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.80\scripts\addons\EdgeFlow\", line 194, in get_edgeloops
edge_loops = compute_edgeloop_data(edge_loops)
File "C:\Users\lasse\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.80\scripts\addons\EdgeFlow\", line 308, in compute_edgeloop_data
find_control_edgeloop(edgeloops, edge_to_Edgeloop)
File "C:\Users\lasse\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.80\scripts\addons\EdgeFlow\", line 227, in find_control_edgeloop
IndexError: BMElemSeq[index]: index 0 out of range

location: :-1

location: :-1

Any ideas?


Installation issue

Following the installation directions in the readme does not appear to work. The add-on reports no errors, however it does not show up in the add-ons list, and therefore can not be enabled. I am using Blender 2.8, the latest official release as of 08/08/2019. Please advise.

[enhancement] Preferences to disable right click additions

I installed the add on and since it now appears in my right click menu it messes with my shortcuts that I have muscle memory for.
When the right click menu it edit mode is open now "S" is for "Set Flow" and not "Subdivide" and because of that all following functions after Subdivide get assigned a different key.

Would it be possible to add a checkbox to the preferences to disable the additions to the right click menu?

Utilize built-in BMLoop data structure

Instead of manually getting the edge loop by repurposing the selection code, wouldn't it be simpler to use the built-in BMLoop object?

e = bm.edges[0] # edge at the start of the edge loop

# get BMLoop that points to the right direction
for loop in e.link_loops:
    if len(loop.vert.link_edges) == 4:

# stop when reach the end of the edge loop
while len(loop.vert.link_edges) == 4:

    # jump between BMLoops to the next BMLoop we need
    loop = loop.link_loop_prev.link_loop_radial_prev.link_loop_prev

    # following edge in the edge loop
    e_next = loop.edge

Source: Mikhail Rachinskiy on Stack Exchange

He does say:

This example code works only with manifold geometry where all face normals facing one direction.

I'm not sure whether his comment means that it only works with manifold geometry or if that's simply a requirement when working with manifold geometry.

please rename the menu to something else


love your addon. The only issue I have with it is that it adds "Set Flow" to the context menu, which highlights the first letter (S). This takes away the shortcut from "Subdivide" in Edge mode (making "i" the highlighted letter in "Subdivide").

This is an issue because I like to just right-click and press "S" to subdivide. With EdgeFlow addon installed, subdividing is done with "S" in face mode, but with "i" in edge mode, breaking consistency.

I always rename "Set Flow" to just "Flow" after installing the addon to keep my "S" key for subdividing, but it would be nice to just have that working consistently just after installing/updating the addon.

Mix "wobbles"

I think this is easier to just show than explain.


Affects both Set Flow and Set Curve.
Also small suggestion while we're here, since mix already exists for these two tools, it would be nice to have it on the rest.

Unable to call Edge Flow from another add-on

Hi, I'm trying to write my own add-on that utilizes your "Edge Flow" addon for blender, and I'm running into issues.

Whenever I try to run:
bpy.ops.mesh.set_edge_flow(tension=180, iterations=1) from my own blender Addon script,

I get this error:

Error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\Neil Moore\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.80\scripts\addons\EdgeFlow\", line 93, in execute self.revert() File "C:\Users\Neil Moore\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.80\scripts\addons\EdgeFlow\", line 19, in revert for obj in self.objects: File "c:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.80\scripts\modules\", line 674, in __getattribute__ return super().__getattribute__(attr) AttributeError: 'SetEdgeFlowOP' object has no attribute 'objects'

So, I tried this instead:

bpy.ops.mesh.set_edge_flow("INVOKE_DEFAULT") <-- This works

However, I lose the ability to set any of the parameters. So, I tried this:

bpy.ops.mesh.set_edge_flow("INVOKE_DEFAULT", tension=-500, iterations=1)

Unfortunately, setting the parameter of "tension" to "-500" simply changes nothing. The parameters appears to be ignored, and default values are chosen.

It would be nice if I could use the edge flow script in my own addon. I'm trying to automate the creation of "loop cuts" and then simultaneously apply edge flow. The addon will be free, and would simply be a companion addon. In other words, I do not want to redistribute your addon with my addon, I simply wish to be able to call the command, and if the addon exists in the user's addons folder, the edge flow will be applied to the selected edges. I will of course, provide credit! :)

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Functions not present in Edit mode Edge menu

Not sure if there's a simple fix for this but in the latest build of 2.8 the linear and flow functions don't show up in the Edge menu and don't seem to show up when searching either. Probably something in the file that needs updating.

Unexpected result

Hi, I have tested the addon and in a specific situation it doesnt work. Please see the picture to see the problem.

It looks like that calculation is not ok when there is an extreme angle.



Sometime it stops working.

Something down the line brakes the tool.

To make it work again:

  1. Deselect edges
  2. I have to leave edit mode
  3. select an other object.
  4. jump in edit mode.
  5. select something
  6. leve edit mode
  7. Select the first object
  8. go in edit mode
  9. select again the edges

I wonder if anybody facing the same issue.

Hope my issue submission makes the tool even more ososm.

All the best.

functions not showing up in Edge menu

Tried latest "release" zip, as well as manually pulled latest code from repo, and am not seeing either option in my Edge menu.


Looking forward to trying this out.

Right-click context keyboard shortcut


I use the right-click context menu's shortcut S for subdivide all the time in vert, edge, and face mode. With the edgeflow add-on enabled, the S shortcut key while in context menu is now taken and subdivide is now different keys for vert, edge, face. Is this something that is being specified in the edge flow addon or an automated assignment from a blender setting that I may change? I'm seeing this change in 4.1 with version 0.8 - in blender 3.6.2 with version 0.5 I have no problem. thank you.

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