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bob's Introduction

Write Once, Build Once, Anywhere

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Bob is a high-level build tool for multi-language projects.

Use it to build codebases organized in multiple repositories or in a monorepo.

When to consider using Bob?

  • You want a pipeline which runs locally and on CI.
  • You want remote caching and never having to do the same build twice.
  • You want to get rid of "Works on My Machine".
  • You like Bazel and its features but think it's too complex.
  • You want a build system which keeps frontend tooling functional.

Getting Started

Docs | Install

Installing From Source

If you want to go wild, and have Go 1.17 or later installed, the short version is:

git clone
cd bob
go install

For shell autocompletion (bash and zsh supported) add source <(bob completion) to your .bashrc/.zshrc.

How it works

Bob generates its internal build graph from tasks described in a bob.yaml file (usually referred to as "Bobfile"). Each build step is executed in a sandboxed shell only using the given dependencies required from the nix package manager.

The basic components of a build task are:

  • input: Whenever an input changes, the task's commands need to be re-executed.
  • cmd: Commands to be executed
  • target: Files, directories or docker images created during execution of cmd
  • dependencies Dependencies managed by the Nix package manager

Example of a bob.yaml file:

    input: "*"
    cmd: go build -o ./app
    target: ./app
    dependencies: [go]

Multiline sh and bash commands are entirely possible, powered by mvdan/sh.


bob's People


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bob's Issues

nix-channel --update when building nix dependencies

Maybe we should run nix-channel --update before building dependencies with nix to make sure everyone has the latest local nixpkgs:

$ nix-channel --update

maybe a bob nix update cmd which does that?

This will not really solve the reproducibility issue. Maybe find a way to lock nixpkgs version. We have a way to use a certain version for nixpkgs but maybe is not that user friendly?

`bob git push` issues while handling multiple repositories

Following issues might occur while running git push for multiple repositories in one command by bob.

  • How to handle if one of the repositories doesn't have a configured remote?
  • What happens when one of the repositories needs to run git pull before pushing the changes to the remote?
  • A push command in one of the repositories might also trigger "large file" warnings or, more seriously, errors of this form
  • Failed to Push Some Refs for one of the repositories


  • run push on all repos in a workspace or just on repos with the same branch name? (=> for now push on all repos)

Project Name

Allow to define a project name for a Bobfile.

  • Improves artifact inspection
  • prerequisit to remote artifact upload to projects

Currently the local path is taken as unique identifier / project name

Bug: Bob should not panic if workspace already initialized


Bob version: 1510cd623943d95b2d83652715cf39ac08fa7eb7

mkdir new-proj
cd new-proj
bob workspace
bob workspace new


daniel@beutelsend new-proj ➜ bob workspace new   
panic: bob Workspace Already Initialized

goroutine 1 [running]:{0x17dd040, 0xc0004df4d0})
	/home/daniel/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/error.go:19 +0x65
	/home/daniel/workspace/benchkram/bob-server/bob/cli/cmd_workspace_new.go:24 +0x4a, {0x15a1268?, 0x0?, 0x0?})
	/home/daniel/workspace/benchkram/bob-server/bob/cli/cmd_workspace_new.go:15 +0x17*Command).execute(0x21c3700, {0x22114a0, 0x0, 0x0})
	/home/daniel/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/command.go:860 +0x663*Command).ExecuteC(0x21c3980)
	/home/daniel/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/command.go:974 +0x3b4*Command).Execute(...)
	/home/daniel/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/command.go:902
	/home/daniel/workspace/benchkram/bob-server/bob/cli/cli.go:27 +0x4c
	/home/daniel/workspace/benchkram/bob-server/bob/main.go:14 +0x4c

Related: Workspace creation when calling bob workspace is silent.

`bob run` restart behaviour

The tui spawned by bob run allows to restart the whole environment (hard-restart) using ctrl+r. This will trigger a rebuild and a shutdown of the whole environment + rampup. In case of a compose task it could be handy to only restart changed containers aka soft-restart (docker-compose up can do this out of the box).

  • Always run the complete build (already implemented)
  • Do not run pre&post scripts on a soft-restart
  • Tab aware ctrl-r OR More Generic: track the binary checksum on start and restart only on change (docker-compose already does this). How to do this for cmd:? Probably ignore on restart?
  • Don't run docker-compose down by default #98

`bob run` add option to use ui development servers

When running a local environment with multiple frontends it is tedious to start them by hand in multiple shells. This issue is about adding support for development with hot reload capacities.


  • Stream cmd output correctly to the tui started by bob run. Consider how terminal reset can be handled correctly (e.g. vue's dev server cleans the output after a successful build)
  • The cmd run task could probably implement the noop issue #36

Example bob.yaml

    type: binary
    path: ./build/server
      - build
    cmd: npm run serve
    dir: ./ui
      - server

Nix related text when us-nix is false


Having a bobfile like:

    input: ./hugo
    cmd: cd hugo && go build -o ../build/hugo  main.go

we get the following output:

➜  hugo-contrib bob build
Building nix dependencies...
Succeeded building nix dependencies
Running task build with 0 dependencies

build      	running task...
build      	...done

● ● ● ●
Ran 1 tasks in 6.95s
build              	✔       	(6.95s)

We should not have nix related text if nix is not enabled

Remove artifact store interface

We can remove Store interface

Following reasons:

  1. Clean() is implemented only on the local, Done only on the remote
  2. ctx was added to the interface only for the remote store purpose
  3. In the code they are always used separately so no polymorphism is happening.
  4. existence of "not implemented" methods on both implementations

1 & 2 show they really are different behaviours so no benefit of having this interface. Adding new functionalities to one implementation forces us to add params to the second one.

docker compose: restart bevaviour

Do not call compose down when restarting on a run command. Its enough to just call compose up again.. will figure out by itself which containers changed and restarts them accordingly.

`bob clone` protocol selection

  • Allow to force protocol selection e.g. https, git.
  • Prompt for passwords for private repos using https.

E.g. git lfs works with https only.

Full hermetic mode for build tasks when use-nix is true

Remove the implicit forwarding of environment vars to the internal shell when use-nix is enabled as it has lead to multiple problems on CI & in combination with the build in shell of various IDE's.

Make the forwarding of env vars explicit.

bob build --env VAR_ONE
bob build --env VAR_ONE --env VAR_TWO
bob build --env VAR_ONE=value --env VAR_TWO

Limit scope of `clean` command

By default bob clean should only clean artifacts & build info related to the current bobfile's scope. (Now it clears from all projects).


  • Add project name to build info
  • Change the bob clean behaviour so that it will clean only the artifacts&build info belonging to the current bob file.
  • Add flag -g, --global to bob clean to allow cleaning the entirety of the cache.

Add a cmd option to `bob run`

For permanent run tasks e.g. in vue serve ui it would be nice to have this as a bob run task.


        cmd: |
            npm run serve

Find bobfile in parent directory

bob should additionally search for a bobfile in parent directories. This would allow bob commands to be run without going back to the project root.

`bob run` noop run tasks

A user should be able to define a run task that does not run a command/binary or set up a compose environment. This can be useful when grouping tasks together to e.g. bring a dev environment up.

Considering the inference of task type (binary / compose) based on the path provided, as well as the ability to run shell scripts from inside run tasks, an example usecase could be the following:

    path: docker-compose.yaml
    path: ./build/server
      - build
      - compose
    cmd: npm --prefix ui run serve
  dev:                                    # <--- noop task
      - server
      - ui

A noop task should not show a status tab on the TUI.

segmentation violation if config.yml file exists in current directory


I happened to have an existing config.yml file in my home directory totally unrelated to bob. Putting

source <(bob completion)

in my .bashrc resulted in a segfault. However, it is more easily recreated by:

mkdir test-dir
cd test-dir
touch config.yml

Expected: usage is printed

❯ bob_0.4.0_linux_amd64
config file invalid: %!w(<nil>)
panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
[signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x0 pc=0x115e5f1]

goroutine 1 [running]:, {0x14660db?, 0x0?, 0x0?})
        /home/runner/work/bob/bob/cli/cmd_root.go:88 +0x1f1*Command).execute(0x1fad820, {0xc00003a220, 0x0, 0x0})
        /home/runner/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/command.go:840 +0x563*Command).ExecuteC(0x1fad820)
        /home/runner/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/command.go:974 +0x3b4*Command).Execute(...)
        /home/runner/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/command.go:902
        /home/runner/work/bob/bob/cli/cli.go:27 +0x4c
        /home/runner/work/bob/bob/main.go:14 +0x4c


There are two aspects to this issue.

  • First, an error reading a config file fails to set the GlobalConfig causing the segmentation fault
  • Second, a nil error is treated as an error, so if a config.yml file exists at all in the current direcotry it will result in the segmentation fault

Feature: Sync test data between local dev envs and CI via bob-server

Introduce a new feature that handles test data in bob.

Test data is a team-shared storage which provides files needed to run tests. It is not git-lfs, files are versioned but it is easier to handle with less overhead. Eg. you can easily jump between test data versions without affecting the rest of your code base.

How to add files: bob.yaml: specifies directories which are testdata, each with a version tag. Eg:

version: 0.0.2
project: localhost:8100/benchkram/bob-server
use-nix: true

  - docgen
  - ui


    path: ./videos
    version: big-feature
    path: ./tests/invoice_samples
    version: 0.0.1


Test data must not collide with git, all files have to be mutually exclusive.

Bob remembers a mapping: local test data path -> file hash to speed up synchronization.

Access-control: not all users (api-tokens) in a project are allowed to push. 'read' and 'read/write' will be the two authorization levels to prevent some users from changing the test data on the server.

Future development:

  • Test data can be locally encrypted before uploaded. However, the key can be shared via bob.
  • Sync before task: Sync is automatically called everytime "bob build" is called and inputs are within the testdata folder (one has to make sure all test data accessed from code is referenced correctly)

Potential CLI:

daniel@beutelsend my_project ➜ bob testdata --help
Sync (binary) test data via a bob-server.

  bob testdata [flags]
  bob testdata [command]

Available Commands:
  ls          list files synced by testdata
  ls-remote   list files on server
  push        make server exactly like local
  pull        make local folder exactly like server

  -h, --help       help for build

Global Flags:
  -v, --verbosity int   set verbosity level (default 1)

Use "bob testdata [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Possible work activity:

  • have some folder with data

  • introduce bob

  • add the folder as collection to the bob file, do not define a version tag

  • push to remote

  • pull on some other machine

  • change the data in the folder

  • accidentally hit push

  • get asked if you want to apply changes to the server

  • press no

  • go to bob file and add a new version tag

  • run bob push

  • bob creates a new collection, nothing is lost, bob does not have to prompt

  • you are looking for a specific version of a file

  • you head to bob-server

  • select the path

  • you see all the version tags which include this file

Create GitHub Action

A GitHub Action that installs bob would be helpful for users that run bob on CI.
Additionally, the action could run bob install after installing bob to install nix deps.

nix: Decrease build time

If we notice that nix building time is too long, we should find a way to reduce it.


Possible approach: After successfull build, cache the paths in a file and fetch them from there when changing the PATH.

Improve both bob build and bob install commands.

Run init task with keyboard shortcut

Instead of always running an init task (or always running init-once on startup) run init task only when explicitly required by user.


  • bob run [task]
  • build tasks will be build
  • run tasks will be started
  • switch to task in TUI and hit ctrl+i
  • Init task for this task will be executed

This will also bring the benefit that such an init task can be run multiple times. E.g. one could reset his test data with this init task.

Add terminal bell when build finishes

This could be useful for long-running builds, where the user has went on to do something else while waiting for a build and doesn't have context of the current terminal output.
It could also be very annoying, we should consider when to trigger this sound and possibly allow disabling it.

nix: integrate into bob's shell

Custom bob file name

Currently, is not possible to provide a bobfile with a different name than bob.yaml. This is problematic especially in tests where if we have multiple mock files we always need to rename them to bob.yaml making tests a bit unreadeble. Example


Add an option to initialize bob with a bobfile with name different than bob.yaml.

Make zsh completion usage easier

For zsh completion you currently have to source the generated completion and then associate it with bob using compdef (see):

source <(bob completion -z)
compdef _bob bob

Better include compdef _bob bob in the end of bob completion -z output.

Bob run: Correct error message if blocking docker-containers are running

Have a docker container running which is using e.g. port 8080.
Have a run task which starts a container which also would use port 8080.

###Current behavior
Bob will just exit with either no message or a bad stack trace.

###Expected behavior
Proper user error parsed info from docker-compose message.

Incorrect value for project when inspecting an artifact

Steps to reproduce

On a fresh playground with a bobfile containing:

project: customName
  1. Run bob clean to make sure all artifacts are cleared. You can validate that artifacts are cleared by running ls ~/.bobcache/artifacts and checking that the directory is empty.
  2. Run bob build to create an artifact. Get the artifact id from ls ~/.bobcache/artifacts.
  3. Inspect the artifact. Ex. bob inspect artifact --id 83b9c10614d67dbf


Artifact Info
    taskname: build
    inputHash: 83b9c10614d67dbf
    project: /home/andrei/testare
    createdAt: 06 Jun 22 14:01 +0300
    targetType: path

Desired Output:

Artifact Info
    taskname: build
    inputHash: 83b9c10614d67dbf
    project: customName
    createdAt: 06 Jun 22 14:01 +0300
    targetType: path

The project should equal customName not /home/andrei/testare. /home/andrei/testare should be set only if project is missing from bobfile.

nix: install through bob

How to Install nix

Install nix through bob in a distinct location on Linux (macOS is different as there is only multi user install available).
Something like p=$HOME/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/ needs to be loaded for each shell from each task.

nix: consider nix dependecies in run-tasks

Run commands affected by Init & InitOnce should also get their dependencies from nix.


  • Nix dependecies in Init
  • Nix dependencies in InitOnce
  • Nix dependencies in a run task

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