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trashed's Introduction


Keep an eye on resource usage.

  • Sends per-request object counts, heap growth, GC time, and more to StatsD.
  • Sends snapshots of resource usage, e.g. live String objects, to StatsD.
  • Supports new stuff: Rails 5.1 and latest Ruby 2.x features.
  • Supports old stuff: Rails 2/3/4, Ruby 1.9+, REE, Ruby 1.8 with RubyBench patches.


Rails 5

On Rails 5 (and Rails 3 and 4), add this to the top of config/application.rb:

require 'trashed/railtie'

And in the body of your app config:

module YourApp
  class Application < Rails::Application
    config.trashed.statsd = YourApp.statsd

Rails 2

On Rails 2, add the middleware to config/environment.rb: do |config|
  reporter =
  reporter.logger = Rails.logger
  reporter.statsd = YourApp.statsd

  config.middleware.use Trashed::Rack, reporter

Custom dimensions

You probably want stats per controller, action, right?

Set a #timing_dimensions lambda to return a list of dimensions to qualify per-request measurements like time elapsed, GC time, objects allocated, etc.

For example:

config.trashed.timing_dimensions = ->(env) do
  # Rails 3, 4, and 5, set this. Other Rack endpoints won't have it.
  if controller = env['action_controller.instance']
    name    = controller.controller_name
    action  = controller.action_name
    format  = controller.rendered_format || :none
    variant = controller.request.variant || :none  # Rails 4.1+ only!

    [ :All,
      :"Actions.#{name}.#{action}.#{format}+#{variant}" ]

Results in metrics like:


Similarly, set a #gauge_dimensions lambda to return a list of dimensions to qualify measurements which gauge current state, like heap slots used or total number of live String objects.

For example:

config.trashed.gauge_dimensions = ->(env) {
  [ :All,
    :"Hosts.#{`hostname -s`.chomp}" ]

Results in metrics like:


Version history

3.2.8 (January 31, 2022)

  • REE: Fix that GC.time is reported in microseconds instead of milliseconds

3.2.7 (November 8, 2017)

  • Ruby 1.8.7 compatibility

3.2.6 (June 21, 2017)

  • Mention Rails 5 support

3.2.5 (Feb 26, 2015)

  • Support Ruby 2.2 GC.stat naming, avoiding 2.1 warnings

3.2.4 (July 25, 2014)

  • Fix compatibility with Rails 3.x tagged logging - @calavera

3.2.3 (June 23, 2014)

  • Report CPU/Idle time in tenths of a percent

3.2.2 (March 31, 2014)

  • Reduce default sampling rates.
  • Stop gauging all GC::Profiler data. Too noisy.
  • Report gauge readings as StatsD timings.
  • Support providing a Statsd::Batch since using Statsd#batch results in underfilled packets at low sample rates.
  • Fix bug with sending arrays of timings to StatsD.
  • Record GC timings in milliseconds.

3.1.0 (March 30, 2014)

  • Report percent CPU/idle time: Time.pct.cpu and Time.pct.idle.
  • Measure out-of-band GC count, time, and stats. Only meaningful for single-threaded servers like Unicorn. But then again so is per-request GC monitoring.
  • Support @tmm1's GC::OOB (
  • Measure time between GCs.
  • Spiff up logger reports with more timings.
  • Support Rails log tags on logged reports.
  • Allow instruments' #start to set timings/gauges.

3.0.1 (March 30, 2014)

  • Sample requests to instrument based on StatsD sample rate.

3.0.0 (March 29, 2014)

  • Support new Ruby 2.0 and 2.1 GC stats.
  • Gauge GC details with GC::Profiler.
  • Performance rework. Faster, fewer allocations.
  • Rework counters and gauges as instruments.
  • Batch StatsD messages to decrease overhead on the server.
  • Drop NewRelic samplers.

2.0.5 (December 15, 2012)

  • Relax outdated statsd-ruby dependency.

2.0.0 (December 1, 2011)

  • Rails 3 support.
  • NewRelic samplers.

1.0.0 (August 24, 2009)

  • Initial release.

trashed's People


calavera avatar dependabot[bot] avatar dhh avatar eileencodes avatar jeremy avatar jphenow avatar noahhl avatar tsevan avatar


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trashed's Issues

Dependency on statsd-ruby breaks installation

Thank you for open sourcing trashed. Although I'm not using it anymore I thought I would point out the following in case I'm not the only to experience this issue.

It looks like the new dependency on a 37signals specific version of statsd-ruby has broken installation of trashed as version 0.3.1.signals.1 of statsd-ruby has not been pushed to rubygems.

The dependency was added in bb28604.

Ruby 1.9 support

I happened to try to use trashed with Ruby 1.9.3.

However when I try to start console with my Rails application I see the following error:

gems/trashed-3.2.7/lib/trashed/instruments/ruby_gc.rb:15:in `stat': non-hash given (TypeError)
gems/trashed-3.2.7/lib/trashed/instruments/ruby_gc.rb:15:in `<class:RubyGC>'
gems/trashed-3.2.7/lib/trashed/instruments/ruby_gc.rb:3:in `<module:Instruments>'
gems/trashed-3.2.7/lib/trashed/instruments/ruby_gc.rb:2:in `<module:Trashed>'
gems/trashed-3.2.7/lib/trashed/instruments/ruby_gc.rb:1:in `<top (required)>'

The reason is that GC.stat output was very basic in Ruby 1.9:


irb(main):001:0> GC.stat
=> {:count=>19, :heap_used=>138, :heap_length=>138, :heap_increment=>0, :heap_live_num=>25491, :heap_free_num=>30907, :heap_final_num=>18}
irb(main):002:0> GC.stat :total_allocated_objects
TypeError: non-hash given
	from (irb):2:in `stat'
	from (irb):2

However it was extended to the modern state in Ruby 2.x:

Could it be fixed?

ConcurrencyError: Detected invalid array contents due to unsynchronized modifications with concurrent users

Stacktrace (most recent call first):

  org/jruby/ `each'
  org/jruby/ `each_with_index'
  trashed/instruments/ruby_gc_profiler.rb:12:in `measure'
    timings[:"#{captured}.time"] ||= 1000 * GC::Profiler.total_time
  trashed/instruments/ruby_gc_profiler.rb:7:in `start'
    measure state, timings, gauges, :OOBGC
  trashed/meter.rb:31:in `instrument!'
    @timers.each { |i| i.start state, timings, gauges }

Rounding errors or smth

Is that okay or not?

9 Jun 19:38:53 - DEBUG: Bad line: -0.046373953111469746,ms,@0.1 in msg "Rack.Request.Controllers.countries.Time.idle:-0.046373953111469746|ms|@0.1"
9 Jun 19:38:56 - DEBUG: Bad line: -0.09394823436741717,ms,@0.1 in msg "Rack.Request.Actions.countries.index.text/html+[].Time.idle:-0.09394823436741717|ms|@0.1"
9 Jun 19:40:35 - DEBUG: Bad line: -0.0016081093635875732,ms,@0.1 in msg "Rack.Request.Actions.random.index.none+[].Time.idle:-0.0016081093635875732|ms|@0.1"
9 Jun 19:40:35 - DEBUG: Bad line: -0.051120046875439584,ms,@0.1 in msg "Rack.Request.All.Time.idle:-0.051120046875439584|ms|@0.1"
9 Jun 19:41:17 - DEBUG: Bad line: -0.055048562498996034,ms,@0.1 in msg "Rack.Request.Controllers.frags.Time.idle:-0.055048562498996034|ms|@0.1"
9 Jun 19:41:17 - DEBUG: Bad line: -0.055048562498996034,ms,@0.1 in msg "Rack.Request.Actions.frags.index.text/html+[].Time.idle:-0.055048562498996034|ms|@0.1"
9 Jun 19:41:23 - DEBUG: Bad line: -0.8728879189081986,ms,@0.1 in msg "Rack.Request.Actions.countries.index.text/html+[].Time.pct.idle:-0.8728879189081986|ms|@0.1"
9 Jun 19:41:24 - DEBUG: Bad line: -0.06603962500000193,ms,@0.1 in msg "Rack.Request.Controllers.frags.Time.idle:-0.06603962500000193|ms|@0.1"
9 Jun 19:42:34 - DEBUG: Bad line: -0.39619290358255427,ms,@0.1 in msg "Rack.Request.All.Time.pct.idle:-0.39619290358255427|ms|@0.1"
9 Jun 19:43:00 - DEBUG: Bad line: -0.014542890625307336,ms,@0.1 in msg "Rack.Request.Controllers.random.Time.idle:-0.014542890625307336|ms|@0.1"
9 Jun 19:43:00 - DEBUG: Bad line: -0.7258155233490782,ms,@0.1 in msg "Rack.Request.All.Time.pct.idle:-0.7258155233490782|ms|@0.1"
9 Jun 19:43:39 - DEBUG: Bad line: -2.0303885993533575,ms,@0.1 in msg "Rack.Request.All.Time.pct.idle:-2.0303885993533575|ms|@0.1"
9 Jun 19:44:14 - DEBUG: Bad line: -0.014303578122053295,ms,@0.1 in msg "Rack.Request.Controllers.random.Time.idle:-0.014303578122053295|ms|@0.1"
9 Jun 19:45:51 - DEBUG: Bad line: -0.9865908093262699,ms,@0.1 in msg "Rack.Request.All.Time.pct.idle:-0.9865908093262699|ms|@0.1"
9 Jun 19:45:51 - DEBUG: Bad line: -0.0034391406225040555,ms,@0.1 in msg "Rack.Request.Controllers.random.Time.idle:-0.0034391406225040555|ms|@0.1"
9 Jun 19:45:51 - DEBUG: Bad line: -0.0034391406225040555,ms,@0.1 in msg "Rack.Request.Actions.random.index.none+[].Time.idle:-0.0034391406225040555|ms|@0.1"

p.s. Where frags and random are controller names

Error using with dogstatsd-ruby

I had this naive idea that DataDog dogstatsd-ruby will be compatible with this gem, but I'm suppose not. Looking into this myself, but in case somebody else will find answer before me

app error: undefined method `[]' for 0.1:float (nomethoderror)
/dogstatsd-ruby-3.0.0/lib/datadog/statsd.rb:390:in `send_stats'
/dogstatsd-ruby-3.0.0/lib/datadog/statsd.rb:198:in `timing'
/trashed-3.2.6/lib/trashed/reporter.rb:91:in `block (2 levels) in send_to_statsd'
/trashed-3.2.6/lib/trashed/reporter.rb:90:in `each'
/trashed-3.2.6/lib/trashed/reporter.rb:90:in `block in send_to_statsd'
/trashed-3.2.6/lib/trashed/reporter.rb:83:in `each'
/trashed-3.2.6/lib/trashed/reporter.rb:83:in `send_to_statsd'
/trashed-3.2.6/lib/trashed/reporter.rb:77:in `block in report_statsd'
/dogstatsd-ruby-3.0.0/lib/datadog/statsd.rb:307:in `batch'
/trashed-3.2.6/lib/trashed/reporter.rb:76:in `report_statsd'
/trashed-3.2.6/lib/trashed/reporter.rb:22:in `report'
/trashed-3.2.6/lib/trashed/rack.rb:18:in `block in call'
/trashed-3.2.6/lib/trashed/rack.rb:18:in `tap'
/trashed-3.2.6/lib/trashed/rack.rb:18:in `call'
/rack-contrib-1.5.0/lib/rack/contrib/runtime.rb:18:in `call'
/rack-contrib-1.5.0/lib/rack/contrib/sendfile.rb:99:in `call'
/railties-4.2.8/lib/rails/engine.rb:518:in `call'
/railties-4.2.8/lib/rails/application.rb:165:in `call'
/railties-4.2.8/lib/rails/railtie.rb:194:in `public_send'
/railties-4.2.8/lib/rails/railtie.rb:194:in `method_missing'
/unicorn-5.2.0/lib/unicorn/http_server.rb:562:in `process_client'
/unicorn-5.2.0/lib/unicorn/http_server.rb:658:in `worker_loop'
/unicorn-5.2.0/lib/unicorn/http_server.rb:508:in `spawn_missing_workers'
/unicorn-5.2.0/lib/unicorn/http_server.rb:132:in `start'
/unicorn-5.2.0/bin/unicorn:126:in `<top (required)>'
/bin/unicorn:22:in `load'
/bin/unicorn:22:in `<main>'

Why is everything submitted as a timing?


I'm interested in collecting the following stats, but why they are submitted as timings... with a sample rate of 0.05(?) bewilder me greatly:


Most of these things look like counters, with things like heap_marked_slots being a gauge. Is reporting at timings an oversight? bug? just the way you do things at basecamp? Any guidance here would be welcome.

Please check configuration and setup for Rails 2

Used the following setup in my environment.rb per instructions: do |config|
  require 'trashed/reporter'
  require 'statsd'

  statsd_reporter =
  statsd_reporter.logger = Rails.logger
  statsd_reporter.statsd ='')

  config.middleware.use Trashed::Rack, statsd_reporter

I can see the rack middleware is loaded using bundle exec rake middleware:

use Trashed::Rack, #<Trashed::Reporter:0x1102cc660 @timing_dimensions=#<Proc:0x0000000110511268@/Users/marcusyoung/Develop/registria/vendor/cache/trashed-3133b6603148/lib/trashed/reporter.rb:16>, @gauge_sample_rate=0.05, @timing_sample_rate=0.1, @gauge_dimensions=#<Proc:0x00000001105110b0@/Users/marcusyoung/Develop/registria/vendor/cache/trashed-3133b6603148/lib/trashed/reporter.rb:17>, @statsd=#<Statsd:0x1102baf00 @batch_size=10, @prefix=nil, @postfix=nil, @port=8125, @host="">, @logger=nil>

But I'm not getting any stats generated and verified statsd_reporter.statsd above can send information to my local Statsd setup using Pry. Is there something missing in my environment?

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