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compilelab's Introduction









  1. 给定一些正规表达式

  2. 将这些正规表达式转化成NFA

  3. 将这些NFA合并成一个NFA

  4. 将这个NFA化简为DFA

  5. 基于DFA完成词法分析任务


index symbol token
0 epsilon EPSILON
1 dollarr DOLLARR
2 { lB
3 } rB
4 [ lb
5 ] rb
6 ( lc
7 ) rc
8 > gr
9 < ls
10 >= ge
11 <= le
12 != ne
13 == eq
14 + ad
15 - sb
16 * mt
17 / dv
18 % md
19 ++ ic
20 -- dc
21 += cad
22 -= csb
23 *= cmt
24 /= cdv
25 %= cmd
26 && and
27 || or
28 ! not
29 = as
30 ^ bxor
31 & band
32 | bor
33 << blm
34 >> brm
35 [+-]?[0-9]+ INTEGER
36 ".*" STRING
37 [a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]* ID
38 break BREAK
39 case CASE
40 char CHAR
41 continue CONTINUE
42 default DEFAULT
43 do DO
44 else ELSE
45 for FOR
46 if IF
47 int INT
48 long LONG
49 main MAIN
50 return RETURN
51 short SHORT
52 switch SWITCH
53 unsigned UNSIGNED
54 while WHILE
56 ".*" CHARS
57 , COMMA

Tips: 状态36是一个错误状态,在代码运行的过程中不会出现,因为处理代码的时候没有考虑到引号的问题,后来发现问题后用状态56来代替了


  • 假设对于函数或者变量的命名法遵循驼峰命名法

  • 假设常数变量中只包含整数型变量

  • 假设不包含注释





// token: use index to tag each token, which will also be used in syntax analyze
public class token {
    public int index;
    public String symbol;

    public token(int index, String symbol) {
        this.index = index;
        this.symbol = symbol;
// scanner: use left pointer and right pointer to choose lexical unit
public class scanner {
    public int lPoint;
    public int rPoint;
    public String text;

    public scanner(String text) {
        this.lPoint = 0;
        this.rPoint = 0;
        this.text = text;


public List<token> scan() {
    List<token> myTokens = new ArrayList<token>();
    int lenth = this.text.length();
    int state = 0;
    while (this.rPoint < lenth) {
        char c = this.text.charAt(this.rPoint);
        switch (state) {
            // TODO: here is the DFA, implement with switch case
    return myTokens;


// Input string, note that comments are excluded
int main() {
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<100; i=i+1) {
        int k = 123;
        if (k > 150) {
            k -= i;
        else {
            k += i;
    return 0;
# output log
< 47,INT>
< 49,MAIN>
<  6,(>
<  7,)>
<  2,{>
< 47,INT>
< 37,ID>
< 55,;>
< 45,FOR>
<  6,(>
< 37,ID>
< 29,=>
< 55,;>
< 37,ID>
<  9,<>
< 55,;>
< 37,ID>
< 29,=>
< 37,ID>
< 14,+>
<  7,)>
<  2,{>
< 47,INT>
< 37,ID>
< 29,=>
< 55,;>
< 46,IF>
<  6,(>
< 37,ID>
<  8,>>
<  7,)>
<  2,{>
< 37,ID>
< 22,-=>
< 37,ID>
< 55,;>
<  3,}>
< 44,ELSE>
<  2,{>
< 37,ID>
< 21,+=>
< 37,ID>
< 55,;>
<  3,}>
<  3,}>
< 50,RETURN>
< 55,;>
<  3,}>







  1. 给出一个语法集合,计算每个终结符与非终结符的First与Follow(如果有)

  2. 通过1中的计算,推出该语法的LR(1)项集族,以及GOTO关系

  3. 根据项集族、GOTO关系计算出预测分析表中的ACTION与GOTO

  4. 根据预测分析表来完成语法分析任务


index left right
0 s pro
1 pro decls funcs main
2 decls declf decls
3 decls declv decls
4 decls EPSILON
5 declf type ID ( argv ) ;
6 argv args
7 argv EPSILON
8 args arg , args
9 args arg
10 arg type ID
11 declv type ID ;
12 declv type ID = expr ;
13 funcs func funcs
14 funcs EPSILON
15 func type ID ( argv ) { stmts }
16 stmts stmt stmts
17 stmts EPSILON
18 stmt declv
19 stmt asgn ;
20 stmt loopf
21 stmt loopw
22 stmt seli
23 stmt ret
24 asgn ID = expr
25 loopf FOR ( asgn ; judge ; asgn ) { stmts }
26 loopw WHILE ( judge ) { stmts }
27 seli IF ( judge ) { stmts } ELSE sele
28 sele seli
29 sele { stmts }
30 ret RETURN expr ;
31 expr term
32 expr term + expr
33 expr term - expr
34 term fact
35 term fact * term
36 term fact / term
37 term fact % term
38 fact ( expr )
39 fact value
40 value INTEGER
41 value call
42 value ID
43 call ID ( parav )
44 parav paras
45 parav EPSILON
46 paras para , paras
47 paras para
48 para ID
49 para INTEGER
50 para STRING
51 judge bexpr
52 bexpr bterm
53 bexpr bterm
54 bterm bfact
55 bterm bfact && bterm
56 bfact ! bfact
57 bfact ( bexpr )
58 bfact expr cmpop expr
59 main type MAIN ( ) { stmts }
60 type CHAR
61 type SHORT
62 type INT
63 type LONG
64 cmpop >=
65 cmpop >
66 cmpop <=
67 cmpop <
68 cmpop ==
69 cmpop !=


  • 在表述语法的过程中,使用小写字母闭包中的元素来表示非终结符,其它(更具体地,是大写字母闭包中的元素以及符号)来表示终结符

  • 在表述语法的过程中,使用A->B的形式表示一条语法,表达式右部的终结符与非终结符用空格间隔开

  • 在表述语法的过程中,将或符号左右的产生式分开表述

  • 实验仅使用部分语法




// expression
public class expression {
    public token lPart;
    public List<token> rPart;
// item
public class item {
    public expression expr;
    public token prefix;
    int pointer;

    public item(expression expr, token prefix, int pointer) {
        this.expr = expr;
        this.prefix = prefix;
        this.pointer = pointer;
// group
public class group {
    public List<item> items;
// edge
public class edge {
    int begIndex;
    int endIndex;
    token switcher;
 * opt: type of operation, including  
 *      ShiftIn = 0
 *      Reduction = 1
 *      Accept = 2
 *      GOTO = 3
 * optObjIndex: the index of the operating object, correspondingly that
 *      Next state -> Shift in
 *      Index of expression -> Reduction
 *      None -> Accept
 *      Next state -> GOTO
public class operate {
    public int begState;
    public int opt;
    public int optObjIndex;
    public token switcher;

    public operate(int begState, int opt, int optObjIndex, token switcher) {
        this.begState = begState;
        this.opt = opt;
        this.optObjIndex = optObjIndex;
        this.switcher = switcher;

    public String toString() {
        String answer = String.format("%d|%d|%d|%s\n", begState, opt, optObjIndex, switcher.toString());
        return answer;



  1. 计算First与Follow

  2. 计算LRPT

  3. 通过LRPT分析token序列


// Input string
int main() {
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<100; i=i+1) {
        int k = 123;
        if (k > 150) {
            k = k-i;
        else {
            k = k+i;
    return 0;
# output log
Reduction with expression: < -3,decls> -> <  0,EPSILON> 
Goto state:2
Reduction with expression: < -4,funcs> -> <  0,EPSILON>
Goto state:10
Shift in token: < 47,INT>, switch to state: 20
Reduction with expression: < -8,type> -> < 47,INT>
Goto state:17
Shift in token: < 49,MAIN>, switch to state: 27
Shift in token: <  6,(>, switch to state: 41
Shift in token: <  7,)>, switch to state: 61
Shift in token: <  2,{>, switch to state: 84
Shift in token: < 47,INT>, switch to state: 8
Reduction with expression: < -8,type> -> < 47,INT>
Goto state:103
Shift in token: < 37,ID>, switch to state: 115
Shift in token: < 55,;>, switch to state: 122
Reduction with expression: < -7,declv> -> < -8,type> < 37,ID> < 55,;> 
Goto state:97
Reduction with expression: <-15,stmt> -> < -7,declv>
Goto state:96
Shift in token: < 45,FOR>, switch to state: 105
Shift in token: <  6,(>, switch to state: 117
Shift in token: < 37,ID>, switch to state: 104
Shift in token: < 29,=>, switch to state: 116
Shift in token: < 35,INTEGER>, switch to state: 38
Reduction with expression: <-25,value> -> < 35,INTEGER>
Goto state:37
Reduction with expression: <-24,fact> -> <-25,value>
Goto state:35
Reduction with expression: <-23,term> -> <-24,fact>
Goto state:34
Reduction with expression: <-12,expr> -> <-23,term>
Goto state:124
Reduction with expression: <-16,asgn> -> < 37,ID> < 29,=> <-12,expr>
Goto state:125
Shift in token: < 55,;>, switch to state: 142
Shift in token: < 37,ID>, switch to state: 138
Reduction with expression: <-25,value> -> < 37,ID>
Goto state:135
Reduction with expression: <-24,fact> -> <-25,value>
Goto state:134
Reduction with expression: <-23,term> -> <-24,fact>
Goto state:133
Reduction with expression: <-12,expr> -> <-23,term> 
Goto state:177
Shift in token: <  9,<>, switch to state: 160
Reduction with expression: <-33,cmpop> -> <  9,<>
Goto state:210
Shift in token: < 35,INTEGER>, switch to state: 238
Reduction with expression: <-25,value> -> < 35,INTEGER>
Goto state:237
Reduction with expression: <-24,fact> -> <-25,value>
Goto state:235
Reduction with expression: <-23,term> -> <-24,fact>
Goto state:234
Reduction with expression: <-12,expr> -> <-23,term>
Goto state:233
Reduction with expression: <-32,bfact> -> <-12,expr> <-33,cmpop> <-12,expr>
Goto state:174
Reduction with expression: <-31,bterm> -> <-32,bfact>
Goto state:173
Reduction with expression: <-30,bexpr> -> <-31,bterm> 
Goto state:172
Reduction with expression: <-21,judge> -> <-30,bexpr>
Goto state:171
Shift in token: < 55,;>, switch to state: 205
Shift in token: < 37,ID>, switch to state: 229
Shift in token: < 29,=>, switch to state: 252
Shift in token: < 37,ID>, switch to state: 59
Reduction with expression: <-25,value> -> < 37,ID>
Goto state:56
Reduction with expression: <-24,fact> -> <-25,value> 
Goto state:54
Reduction with expression: <-23,term> -> <-24,fact>
Goto state:53
Shift in token: < 14,+>, switch to state: 71
Shift in token: < 35,INTEGER>, switch to state: 57
Reduction with expression: <-25,value> -> < 35,INTEGER>
Goto state:56
Reduction with expression: <-24,fact> -> <-25,value>
Goto state:54
Reduction with expression: <-23,term> -> <-24,fact>
Goto state:53
Reduction with expression: <-12,expr> -> <-23,term>
Goto state:86
Reduction with expression: <-12,expr> -> <-23,term> < 14,+> <-12,expr>
Goto state:263
Reduction with expression: <-16,asgn> -> < 37,ID> < 29,=> <-12,expr>
Goto state:228
Shift in token: <  7,)>, switch to state: 251
Shift in token: <  2,{>, switch to state: 262
Shift in token: < 47,INT>, switch to state: 8
Reduction with expression: < -8,type> -> < 47,INT>
Goto state:103
Shift in token: < 37,ID>, switch to state: 115
Shift in token: < 29,=>, switch to state: 123
Shift in token: < 35,INTEGER>, switch to state: 38
Reduction with expression: <-25,value> -> < 35,INTEGER>
Goto state:37
Reduction with expression: <-24,fact> -> <-25,value>
Goto state:35
Reduction with expression: <-23,term> -> <-24,fact>
Goto state:34
Reduction with expression: <-12,expr> -> <-23,term> 
Goto state:141
Shift in token: < 55,;>, switch to state: 170
Reduction with expression: < -7,declv> -> < -8,type> < 37,ID> < 29,=> <-12,expr> < 55,;>
Goto state:97
Reduction with expression: <-15,stmt> -> < -7,declv>
Goto state:96
Shift in token: < 46,IF>, switch to state: 107
Shift in token: <  6,(>, switch to state: 119
Shift in token: < 37,ID>, switch to state: 138
Reduction with expression: <-25,value> -> < 37,ID>
Goto state:135
Reduction with expression: <-24,fact> -> <-25,value>
Goto state:134
Reduction with expression: <-23,term> -> <-24,fact>
Goto state:133
Reduction with expression: <-12,expr> -> <-23,term>
Goto state:132
Shift in token: <  8,>>, switch to state: 158
Reduction with expression: <-33,cmpop> -> <  8,>>
Goto state:156
Shift in token: < 35,INTEGER>, switch to state: 195
Reduction with expression: <-25,value> -> < 35,INTEGER>
Goto state:194
Reduction with expression: <-24,fact> -> <-25,value>
Goto state:192
Reduction with expression: <-23,term> -> <-24,fact>
Goto state:191
Reduction with expression: <-12,expr> -> <-23,term>
Goto state:190
Reduction with expression: <-32,bfact> -> <-12,expr> <-33,cmpop> <-12,expr>
Goto state:129
Reduction with expression: <-31,bterm> -> <-32,bfact>
Goto state:128
Reduction with expression: <-30,bexpr> -> <-31,bterm> 
Goto state:127
Reduction with expression: <-21,judge> -> <-30,bexpr>
Goto state:139
Shift in token: <  7,)>, switch to state: 169
Shift in token: <  2,{>, switch to state: 204
Shift in token: < 37,ID>, switch to state: 104
Shift in token: < 29,=>, switch to state: 116
Shift in token: < 37,ID>, switch to state: 40
Reduction with expression: <-25,value> -> < 37,ID>
Goto state:37
Reduction with expression: <-24,fact> -> <-25,value>
Goto state:35
Reduction with expression: <-23,term> -> <-24,fact>
Goto state:34
Shift in token: < 15,->, switch to state: 48
Shift in token: < 37,ID>, switch to state: 40
Reduction with expression: <-25,value> -> < 37,ID> 
Goto state:37
Reduction with expression: <-24,fact> -> <-25,value>
Goto state:35
Reduction with expression: <-23,term> -> <-24,fact>
Goto state:34
Reduction with expression: <-12,expr> -> <-23,term>
Goto state:66
Reduction with expression: <-12,expr> -> <-23,term> < 15,-> <-12,expr>
Goto state:124
Reduction with expression: <-16,asgn> -> < 37,ID> < 29,=> <-12,expr>
Goto state:98
Shift in token: < 55,;>, switch to state: 114
Reduction with expression: <-15,stmt> -> <-16,asgn> < 55,;>
Goto state:96
Reduction with expression: <-14,stmts> -> <  0,EPSILON>
Goto state:113
Reduction with expression: <-14,stmts> -> <-15,stmt> <-14,stmts>
Goto state:227
Shift in token: <  3,}>, switch to state: 250
Shift in token: < 44,ELSE>, switch to state: 261
Shift in token: <  2,{>, switch to state: 273
Shift in token: < 37,ID>, switch to state: 104
Shift in token: < 29,=>, switch to state: 116
Shift in token: < 37,ID>, switch to state: 40
Reduction with expression: <-25,value> -> < 37,ID>
Goto state:37
Reduction with expression: <-24,fact> -> <-25,value>
Goto state:35
Reduction with expression: <-23,term> -> <-24,fact>
Goto state:34
Shift in token: < 14,+>, switch to state: 47
Shift in token: < 37,ID>, switch to state: 40
Reduction with expression: <-25,value> -> < 37,ID>
Goto state:37
Reduction with expression: <-24,fact> -> <-25,value>
Goto state:35
Reduction with expression: <-23,term> -> <-24,fact>
Goto state:34
Reduction with expression: <-12,expr> -> <-23,term>
Goto state:65
Reduction with expression: <-12,expr> -> <-23,term> < 14,+> <-12,expr>
Goto state:124
Reduction with expression: <-16,asgn> -> < 37,ID> < 29,=> <-12,expr>
Goto state:98
Shift in token: < 55,;>, switch to state: 114
Reduction with expression: <-15,stmt> -> <-16,asgn> < 55,;>
Goto state:96
Reduction with expression: <-14,stmts> -> <  0,EPSILON>
Goto state:113
Reduction with expression: <-14,stmts> -> <-15,stmt> <-14,stmts>
Goto state:276
Shift in token: <  3,}>, switch to state: 278
Reduction with expression: <-22,sele> -> <  2,{> <-14,stmts> <  3,}>
Goto state:271
Reduction with expression: <-19,seli> -> < 46,IF> <  6,(> <-21,judge> <  7,)> <  2,{> <-14,stmts> <  3,}> < 44,ELSE> <-22,sele>
Goto state:101
Reduction with expression: <-15,stmt> -> <-19,seli>
Goto state:96
Reduction with expression: <-14,stmts> -> <  0,EPSILON>
Goto state:113
Reduction with expression: <-14,stmts> -> <-15,stmt> <-14,stmts>
Goto state:113
Reduction with expression: <-14,stmts> -> <-15,stmt> <-14,stmts>
Goto state:274
Shift in token: <  3,}>, switch to state: 277
Reduction with expression: <-17,loopf> -> < 45,FOR> <  6,(> <-16,asgn> < 55,;> <-21,judge> < 55,;> <-16,asgn> <  7,)> <  2,{> <-14,stmts> <  3,}>
Goto state:99
Reduction with expression: <-15,stmt> -> <-17,loopf>
Goto state:96
Shift in token: < 50,RETURN>, switch to state: 108
Shift in token: < 35,INTEGER>, switch to state: 38
Reduction with expression: <-25,value> -> < 35,INTEGER>
Goto state:37
Reduction with expression: <-24,fact> -> <-25,value>
Goto state:35
Reduction with expression: <-23,term> -> <-24,fact>
Goto state:34
Reduction with expression: <-12,expr> -> <-23,term>
Goto state:120
Shift in token: < 55,;>, switch to state: 140
Reduction with expression: <-20,ret> -> < 50,RETURN> <-12,expr> < 55,;>
Goto state:102
Reduction with expression: <-15,stmt> -> <-20,ret>
Goto state:96
Reduction with expression: <-14,stmts> -> <  0,EPSILON>
Goto state:113
Reduction with expression: <-14,stmts> -> <-15,stmt> <-14,stmts>
Goto state:113
Reduction with expression: <-14,stmts> -> <-15,stmt> <-14,stmts>
Goto state:113
Reduction with expression: <-14,stmts> -> <-15,stmt> <-14,stmts>
Goto state:95
Shift in token: <  3,}>, switch to state: 112
Reduction with expression: < -5,main> -> < -8,type> < 49,MAIN> <  6,(> <  7,)> <  2,{> <-14,stmts> <  3,}>
Goto state:16
Parse success!







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