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Backbase CLI tools

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Command line tools for working with Backbase CXP.

Scaffold new components, navigate through archetypes and work with REST API helpers using clean, automated workflow.

Table of contents


npm install --global bb-cli



Each command has its own help section xbb COMMAND -h, containing information about arguments, default values and examples.

Global help is also available:

xbb -h


Scaffold new widgets, containers and other Backbase CXP components.

The tool generates the starting template for the chosen item in the directory where you run the command.

In order to start generating you must first install the generators you wish to use.

npm install @backbase/generator-widget @backbase/generator-widget-lp @backbase/generator-container @backbase/generator-container-template -g 

The command will search for installed packages starting with @bb-cli/generator-<name> and make them available. Once installed you can generate using xbb generate <name> command.

xbb generate widget
xbb generate container
xbb generate container templates

To see the list of available templates, simply run:

xbb generate

Some generators (like the widget and continaer generator) may have mutliple template. You can specify the template to use as the 2nd paramter. Eg:

xbb generate widget ng


xbb export [OPTIONS]

Exports portal. The chunk option exports to separate xml files grouped by item type. It will also pretty print xml files and sort items and properties alphabetically on name. xbb rest options for defining host, port, context, username and password also work. You can define those properties inside the .bbrc file.

  -s,  --save <string>			    portal-name.ext	 File or dir to save the export to.
  -t,  --type <string>			    model		     What to export: model(portal without content), portal, widget, container
  -n,  --name <string>					             Name of the widget or container to export.
  -C,  --item-context <string>		[BBHOST]	     Context of the widget or container that is to be exported.
       --pretty <boolean>			true		     Prettify the output.
       --sanitize <boolean>			true		     Sanitize the output.
  -k,  --chunk <boolean>			false		     Parse output and chunk it into multiple files.
  -f,  --force <boolean>			false		     Force overwrite.

Outputs prettified, sorted xml file:

xbb export

Saves export to myPortal.xml:

xbb export --save myPortal.xml

Chunks export to myPortal dir:

xbb export --portal my-portal --save myPortal -k

Saves export, including content, to

xbb export --type portal --save

Chunks full export into retail dir:

xbb export --type portal --portal retail-banking --save retail -k

Chunks widget-accounts export to accounts dir:

xbb export -s accounts --type widget --name widget-accounts -k


xbb import [OPTIONS]

Imports portal exported by export tool. It supports importing of chunked exports.

-t,  --target <string>			       File or dir to import.

Imports portal from myPortal.xml:

xbb import --target myPortal.xml

Imports a portal exported with xbb export and the chunk option from the dir chunked:

xbb import --target chunked

Import Collection

xbb import-collection [OPTIONS]

Imports a collection of items into the portal. This tool gets information from the bower and zip for every component, then uploads it via REST API (import package) to the server.

All components should contain model.xml files. Any component without a model.xml file is ignored, unless the --auto option is set, in which case the component will be installed to the portal as a feature.

The version property is automatically added to each item.

xbb rest options for defining host, port, context, username and password also work. Or you can define those properties inside a .bbrc file.


Backbase CXP v5.6 Bower

  -t,  --target <string>                  Dir where bower.json is.
  -a,  --auto <boolean>                    Auto generate model.xml when it is missing.

  -H,  --host <string>		localhost	  The host name of the server.
  -P,  --port <number>		7777		  The port of the server.
  -c,  --context <string>	portalserver  The application context of the portal.
  -u,  --username <string>	admin		  Username.
  -w,  --password <string>	admin		  Password.
  -p,  --portal <string>                  Name of the portal to target.
  -A,  --auth-path <string>               Authorization path.

Imports a collection from the current directory. Every component without a model.xml file will be installed as a feature.

bower install
xbb import-collection --auto

Import Item

xbb import-item [OPTIONS]

Imports item to the portal. This tool zips the targeted directory, then uploads it to the server via REST API(import package).

Target directory should contain model.xml file. If --watch option is set, component will be installed to the portal as feature. Directories .git, .gitignore, bower_components and node_modules are ignored by watch process.

xbb rest options for defining host, port, contaxt, username and password also work. Or you can define those properties inside .bbrc file.


Backbase CXP v5.6

  -t,  --target <string>        Current directory   Dir to import.
  -W,  --watch <boolean>                             Watch for file changes and autosubmit.
  -l,  --collection <boolean>                        Watch collection directory tree for changes.
  -i,  --init-import <boolean>                       Import whole collection on init.
  -a,  --auto <boolean>                              Auto create model.xml if doesn't exist.
  -n,  --name <boolean>                              Name of the feature to auto create before reading bower.json
  -v,  --version <boolean>                           Version of the feature to auto create before reading bower.json
       --verbose <boolean>                           Enables detailed output.

  -H,  --host <string>          localhost           The host name of the server.
  -P,  --port <number>          7777                The port of the server.
  -c,  --context <string>       portalserver        The application context of the portal.
  -u,  --username <string>      admin               Username.
  -w,  --password <string>      admin               Password.
  -p,  --portal <string>                            Name of the portal to target.
  -A,  --auth-path <string>                         Authorization path.

Imports current directory as item to the portal. Then it watches for file changes and re-imports whenever a file is changed.

xbb import-item --watch

Export Item

xbb export-item [OPTIONS]

Exports item from the portal.

xbb rest options for defining host, port, contaxt, username and password also work. Or you can define those properties inside .bbrc file.


Backbase CXP v5.6

  -t,  --target <string>                            Item to export.
  -s,  --save <string>                              File to save.
       --verbose <boolean>                           Enables detailed output.

  -H,  --host <string>          localhost           The host name of the server.
  -P,  --port <number>          7777                The port of the server.
  -c,  --context <string>       portalserver        The application context of the portal.
  -u,  --username <string>      admin               Username.
  -w,  --password <string>      admin               Password.
  -p,  --portal <string>                            Name of the portal to target.
  -A,  --auth-path <string>                         Authorization path.

Exports item page-my-page from the portal and saves it as

xbb export-item --target page-my-page

Theme Build

Builds a theme. Requires a bower.json file in the directory with a "main" array pointing to the base and core less files

xbb theme-build
-short, --name                 default      description

-t,  --target <string>                 .            Path to directory to build.
-e,  --edition <string>                             Pass edition var to less.
-b,  --base-path <string>                           Pass base-path var to less.
-s   --sourcemaps                                   Whether to generate source maps.
-W   --watch                                        Watch less files and rebuild on change.
     --disable-compress                             Don't compress CSS into .min files.
     --disable-ie                                   Don't create reworked .ie files for IE8.
     --disable-assets                               Don't collect font/image assets.
-i   --import                                       Run xbb import-item after building.


Syncs local XML model with remote. Run it in the component folder to sync with CXP. It parses the first *.xml file or the one defined with the --file argument. If that xml file does not exist, one is created by saving the response from the REST API call. This call is made on server catalog for the item defined by the --save parameter. If --save is undefined, it will search for the bower.json file and use the name of the package as item name (handy for LP widgets).

xbb sync
-short, --name (type)          default              description

-f,  --file (string)	    first xml file		 A file to target.
-c,  --context (string)	portalserver		 Portal server context (for other options use `.bbrc`).
-s,  --save (string)	            			 Name of the server item for which the model is to be exported to a file.
-y,  --yes (boolean)	            			 Disables dialogs.
-v,  --verbose		    false   			 Prints detailed output.


Command line version of Backbase Rest API library for low-level and precise tasks.

xbb rest [OPTIONS]
-short, --name <type>               default         description

-H,  --host <string>		    localhost	    The host name of the server running portal foundation.
-P,  --port <number>		    7777		    The port of the server running portal foundation.
-c,  --context <string>		    portalserver	The application context of the portal foundation.
-u,  --username <string>		admin   		Username.
-w,  --password <string>		admin	    	Password.
-p,  --portal <string>				        Name of the portal on the server to target.
-A,  --auth-path <string>               Authorization path.
-t,  --target <string>		    server		    Context target: server, portal, catalog, portalCatalog, page, container, widget, link, template, user, group, audit or cache.
-T,  --target-arg <string/json>			        Target arguments. When there are more arguments, pass JSON array.
-m,  --method <string>		    get		        HTTP method to use: get, post, put or delete.
-f,  --file <string/json>				        Path of the file to send. Or JSON string when using mosaic-xml-js.
-r,  --rights					                Targets context rights.
-g,  --tags					                    Targets context tags.
-q,  --query <json>				                Sets query string.
-x,  --empty-cache				                Shortcut to empty all server caches.
-v,  --verbose					                Prints detailed output.
-s,  --save <string>				            Saves response into file.

Ln (Symlink)

Symlinks source directory to defined target.

Use this command to symlink a clone of your widget/module working repo to the working portal.

xbb ln --source /component/path --target /path/to/portalserver/static/dir/

This command also supports conventions used in Launchpad and ES. For example:

If --lp-trunk path is set, target will be:

{lp path}/launchpad-bundles/static/launchpad/{bundle}/widgets/{package name}

If --lp-portal path is set, target will be:

{cxp portal path}/src/main/webapp/static/launchpad/{bundle}/widgets/{package name}

Following the LP convention, if the package name starts with widget- it will be stripped out when creating a symlink.

If --portal path is set, target will be:

{cxp portal path}/src/main/webapp/static/widgets/{package name}

where package_name will be the name of the package read from bower.json or package.json.

-short, --name <type>          default               description

    -s, --source <string>      current directory     Path to source directory.
    -t, --target <string>                            Path to directory in which to (un)link a source.
        --lp-trunk <string>                          Path to `launchpad-trunk`.
        --lp-portal <string>                         Path to portalserver containing lp.
        --portal <string>                            Path to portalserver.
    -f, --force                                      Force removal of the target.
    -u, --unlink                                     Remove symlink.


Wraps a bower install and applies additional options like RequireJS conf generation and server catalog update.


-short, --name <type>               default             description

     C, --catalog <boolean>		    false			    Upload single component to CXP via REST after install.
    -A, --catalog-all <boolean>	    false			    Upload all installed components to CXP via REST after install.
    -n, --nested <boolean>		    false			    Run secondary `xbb install` in installed component.
    -v, --verbose <boolean>		    false			    Enable verbose logging mode.
        --base-url <string>		    path/to/bower_comp	Web path to bower components directory (also configurable from .bbrc).
        --require-confs <string>				        Coma seperated list of relative paths to existing require configuration (also configurable from .bbrc).

Available options in .bbrc:

  "install": {
    "excludes": ["jquery"],
    "includes" ["jquery"],
    "requirejsConfigs": ["./portal/target/portal/static/launchpad/modules/config/requirejs.conf.js"],
    "requirejsBaseUrl": "bower_components"
xbb install [OPTIONS]
xbb install <bower-endpoint> [<bower-endpoint> ..] [OPTIONS]

Also accepts bower install arguments such as --save, -save-dev, --production, check bower install -h.

xbb install jquery --save
xbb install todo-widget -C --save
  • excludes - define paths to exclude from generated RequireJS conf
  • includes - define paths to include to generated RequireJS conf, ignoring existing configurations merge
  • requirejsConfigs - list of paths to existing RequireJS confs, to automatically get excludes list
  • requirejsBaseUrl - base url for paths in RequireJS conf


All REST-based commands support a .bbrc configuration file. The .bbrc file is looked for first in the current directory, and then recursively in parent directories. The first .bbrc file encountered is used. This allows the default configuration to be overridden.

Example of .bbrc (must contain valid JSON) content:

"context": "/",
"port": "7778",
"username": "me",
"password": "it's me"


If a CXP-based project has a custom configuration for context or admin credentials, put a custom .bbrc in the root folder, so CLI can use custom defaults.


Where the .bbrc file contains this conf:

  "scheme": "http",
  "host": "localhost",
  "port": "7777",
  "context": "portalserver",
  "username": "me",
  "password": "it's me",
  "portal": "myportal",
  "path": "/path/to/the/portalserver"

When running xbb import from /project/config dir, CLI will use the defined REST configuration with overriden context and user credentials.

API docs

Programmatic API.

Copyright ยฉ 2016 Backbase B.V.

bb-cli's People


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bb-cli's Issues

Command line YAPI

We need to port current YAPI functionality to CLI, moving existing code to CommonJS format and refactoring REST API calls integrating

Current bb rest will focus on small targeted API calls, using hand-crafted configuration with command line --flags.

bb yapi will analyze defined XML files, prepare the right submit order and send everything to portalserver.

Merge bb archetype on to bb generate

bb archetype will no longer exist. Instead, developers will use bb generate project.


  • LP together with ES is releasing one archetype and this is gonna be the only archetype we should use (bb way of working ;)
  • 6.0 there will be no archetypes, but we probably will still have to generate some initial code


  • project will be just a template on bb generate which will leverage some functionality from the bb archetype code
  • in the future, project will be a normal template

Add new widgets to link map

bb link needs to be updated for new banking widgets:

Lazy load dependencies on ronin

Apparently the performance is not good. We need to check wether ronin is loading the modules properly based on the command.

On first install of bb-cli `bb generate lp12-widget` doesn't work

I've just installed bb-cli and tried to run bb generate lp12-widget as first command, but it was stuck for a while and didn't generate anything or ask any questions like "Widget title".

After I ran another command, in this case bb generate widget, the previous command did work.

Add bb link wrapping bower link

bower link (same as npm link) allows to easily install local hosted dependencies instead of remote endpoints. This is very usefull for new component development process, or for testing forked components changes.

Differenct between bb link and bb deploy is that first one will be only creating symlink, insted of copying all the files to deploy target. But this will work only with right Jetty server configuration, as it by default ignores symlink folders.

-H and -P not working

while using the command import-item if i specify the host through the -H it takes by default localhost so i have to always use --host!

Tool for editing component configuration

Following previous request #5, we break down our ideas to separate tools and tasks.

We want to have a separate command available in bb-cli, that will allow to easily edit any preferences and configuration of component.

This command will expose next actions:

model add property (we are deprecating preferences)
model add tag
model add section-tag
model add feature

Subjects for discussion:

  • name of the command
  • default targets for editing files
  • additional actions

(note that configuration sync command is a separate tool #14)

Watch entire collection

I would like to recursively watch a directory structure to kick off import-item -w on each of the sub directories with a cumulative log file with log lines identifying which item was changed and imported

Add configuration mechanism

As we discussed before, we need to have a flexible configuration system, especially for defining CXP portal data (server, portal, context).

Here's a draft of config priority list (starting from less important):

  • Defaults
  • Global config in ~/.bacbase/config.json
  • Config file in CXP project - all commands from nested folders will seek the root of CXP project and check prohect level settings
  • Config file in process working directory (component folder, CXP project and etc)
  • Command line --flag params

Topic for duscussion: name of the config file and folder name in home dir for system wide settings.

Add bb deploy watch

Add a watch task, for continious copy of forked component to target project. Vital task for development process of new components and testing forked component improvements.

Right XML not well formatted

If I try to use the command
bb export --structured
i get an xml where the right file its wrong


and it should be something like ๐Ÿ‘

<itemRight name="link_1434108783198" inherited="true">

Remove add to portal from the generate command

The generate command should just take care of bootstrapping. Add to the portal should be a separated command. So even if the add to the portal fails, or the user haven't bootstrapped a particular widget, the user can still get the benefit of the cli to add a component to cxp.

Add zip upload support to `bb sync`

As in CXP 5.6 it's possible to store widgets in content services, we need a nice automated way of syncing changes of local widget to remote portal.

We should add some configuration flag, that instead of uploading just model, will zip widget into package and submit it into proper CXP API.

This should also be available with watch.

bb generate lp12-module is not creating model.xml

I am using bb-cli#0.2.2, i tried to generate a module and i succeed it. But i couldn't find model.xml. So when i try to import-item, it says no model.xml found. Should i need to create model.xml manually ? bb-cli will not do it for me as like it did for widget generation ?

`get` method is not working properly in `bb rest`

Current behaviour:

  • On get call like bb rest -t portalCatalog -p dashboard, stdout is only the status code


  • If -s flag set, the XML output is broken
&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>&lt;catalog totalSize="0"/>

Expected behaviour:

  • On get, it should output the contents of the request
  • Saving response to file, escaped XML

Tool for syncing component configuration with remote model

Apart from standalone tool, for editing component configuration #13, we need sync command, that will send all the updates of local developed component to remote model.

During execution, command will do following actions:


  1. get properties of the widget from the portal
  2. check index.html(if it exists) for g:preference tag its and modification date
  3. check config file(if it exists) where properties are stored and its modification date
  4. compare values and optionally dates
  5. submit changes to the portal

Subjects for discussion:

  • name of the command
  • default targets for editing files
  • should we have watch task for it, or not

Command help should display option default

On the -h (help) option for every command it should display what the default value is of each option. Not all options are mandatory, but the mandatory ones have a default value. It would help to indicate what the default value of each option would be.

Example from command jekyll --help:

$ jekyll --help
jekyll 2.5.3 -- Jekyll is a blog-aware, static site generator in Ruby


  jekyll <subcommand> [options]

        -s, --source [DIR]  Source directory (defaults to ./)
        -d, --destination [DIR]  Destination directory (defaults to ./_site)
            --safe         Safe mode (defaults to false)
        -p, --plugins PLUGINS_DIR1[,PLUGINS_DIR2[,...]]  Plugins directory (defaults to ./_plugins)
            --layouts DIR  Layouts directory (defaults to ./_layouts)
        -h, --help         Show this message
        -v, --version      Print the name and version
        -t, --trace        Show the full backtrace when an error occurs

Handle Bower PR

Starting from 0.1.8, we're using local forked bower with added HTTP auth. We need this feature to be able installing artifacts as Bower dependencies through bb install.

Here's the PR I made to Bower, to get changes back into original repo bower/bower#1855.

Name for widget configuration sync command

Igor previously finished new command for syncing widget local model changes with remote storage on CXP #14, and now it's called bb auto.

I want to discuss if there's a better name for it, as I think auto is too abstract. I could name all bb cli command as automation tasks.

Vote for your option

  1. Leave bb auto name
  2. Rename to bb sync
  3. bb model
  4. Your option

Add preferences to widget index.html based on anotations

Managing preferences trough the CLI is also required.
The CLI should allow the users to quickly add/remove preferences to the index.html, as well as making the request do modify on CXP.

We can do something like this:

And then we can add the preferences to this widget.
We are able to parse this preferences and make sure those match with CXP.

Add support for generating templates from remote url

Until we will introduce some mechanism for creating template bundles (or just switch to yeoman), it will be useful to add remote templates support for current bb generate.

This will be very handy for training and syncing with other teams:

bb generate ssh://[email protected]:7999/lp/widget-ng-template.git

installing bb-cli nightly fails on windows


below is the error we get in Windows when we try to run 'mvn clean install' in the statics folder:

[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Statics :: Launchpad 1.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ launchpad-collection ---
[INFO] --- frontend-maven-plugin:0.0.24:install-node-and-npm (install node and npm) @ launchpad-collection ---
[INFO] Node v0.10.33 is already installed.
[INFO] Found NPM version 2.1.6
[INFO] --- frontend-maven-plugin:0.0.24:npm (npm install) @ launchpad-collection ---
[INFO] Running 'npm install --color=false' in C:\bb-training\lpwith56\statics\collection-launchpad
[ERROR] npm WARN package.json [email protected] No repository field.
[ERROR] npm ERR! git clone undefined
[ERROR] npm ERR! git clone undefined
[ERROR] npm ERR! Windows_NT 6.1.7601
[ERROR] npm ERR! argv "C:\\bb-training\\lpwith56\\statics\\collection-launchpad\\node\\node.exe" "C:\\bb-training\\lpwith56\\statics\\collection-launchpad\\node\\npm\\bin\\npm-cli.js" "install" "--col
[ERROR] npm ERR! node v0.10.33
[ERROR] npm ERR! npm  v2.1.6
[ERROR] npm ERR! code ENOGIT
[ERROR] npm ERR! not found: git
[ERROR] npm ERR!
[ERROR] npm ERR! Failed using git.
[ERROR] npm ERR! This is most likely not a problem with npm itself.
[ERROR] npm ERR! Please check if you have git installed and in your PATH.
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 10.525 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2015-08-18T10:48:05+02:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 9M/122M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal com.github.eirslett:frontend-maven-plugin:0.0.24:npm (npm install) on project launchpad-collection: Failed to run task: 'npm install --color=false' failed. (error code 1
) -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]

`bb import` doesn't handle unsigned SSL Certificates over HTTPS

When trying to push some XML files created by bb export to a remote server using HTTPS connection, the command bb import doesn't handle unsigned certificates.

The current host connection is setup like:

    "scheme": "https",
    "host": "",
    "port": "8545",
    "context": "cxp-manager/",
    "username": "admin",
    "password": "admin",
    "portal": "knd"

The certificate of the host is a self-signed one which usually needs to be verified and accepted when accessing the portal in the browser.
I should be able to point to a certificate in the .bbrc file that should bypass the SSL certificate handshake.

Add functionality to generate archetypes from single command

As I presented before I have this shell script to generate archetypes from a single command.
I'd like to see bb-cli being extended with this function to poll for the current available backbase archetypes and their version numbers and to generate a mvn archetype from that.

Search for .bbrc config in parent folders

This configuration file should be working the same as .bowerrc (we could re-use their code), so it would be possible to define one .bbrc conf file for whole the project and it's nested folders.

Currently .bbrc conf is taken only from current working dir.

Add support for .bbrc in export command

Currently it's not possible to redefine some important options for exporting tools, like port, user and etc.

bb export should read common options file .bbrc to get configuration from there.

Create generate templates for major types of components

I want to create one template per type of widget (the major ones). By doing so, we have a few advantages:

  • On boarding is gonna be easier. New front-end developers can look at all types of widgets in one place
  • Best practices by default. You don't even need to follow the best practices, if you keep writing in the same style
  • Minimize errors
  • Sample generated widget (explained below).

I think using the CLI should be the main way of creating a component to Backbase CXP. Like on Ruby on Rails. However, if someone don't want to use the CLI, we can provide a sample of all the widgets on the templates repository. The user can easily download and extract on his/her project and keep taking advantages of the best practices/styleguide/whatever.

Generating a new widget has `lp-` class prefix

When I'm using bb generate lp12-widget to generate a new widget I enter kn as bundle prefix. In the rendered result I'm seeing a class with double prefix as a result:

<body g:onload="requireWidget(__WIDGET__, 'scripts/main')" ng-controller="MainCtrl as mainCtrl" class="lp-kn-main-navigation">

I would expect the result to only render the class here as kn-main-navigation.

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    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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  • Facebook photo Facebook

    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google โค๏ธ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.