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amazon-efs-tutorial's Introduction

Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS)


Version 1.2.2


© 2020 Amazon Web Services, Inc. and its affiliates. All rights reserved. This sample code is made available under the MIT-0 license. See the LICENSE file.

Errors or corrections? Email us at [email protected].

Table of Contents


1. Create a file system

2. Performance

3. Scale-out

4. Monitoring

5. In-cloud Transfer

6. Data science


These six (6) tutorials are designed to help you better understand the performance characteristics of Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) and how parallelism, I/O size, and Amazon EC2 instance types affects file system IOPS and throughput.

1. Create a file system

This tutorial is a set of AWS Cloudformation templates that will create an Amazon EFS file system and pre-load data to grow the file system to obtain higher levels of IOPS and throughput. Throughput and IOPS on Amazon EFS scales as a file system grows, so larger file systems are able to achieve higher levels of throughput and IOPS. Because file-based workloads are typically spiky—driving high levels of throughput for short periods of time, and low levels of throughput the rest of the time—Amazon EFS is designed to burst to high throughput levels for periods of time. Amazon EFS uses a credit system to determine when file systems can burst. File systems can be monitored using AWS CloudWatch metrics. These Cloudformation templates will also create an AWS CloudWatch dashboard, custom metrics, alarms, scheduled events, AWS Lambda function, SNS notification, and an Auto Scaling group to monitor and dynamically adjust alarm thresholds as the file system grows and shrinks.

Click on the link below to go to the Create a file system tutorial. Once you've finished that tutorial move on to Performance.

Tutorial Link
Create a file system

2. Performance

This tutorial is a set of scripts that will demonstrate:

  • different instance types provide different levels of network performance when accessing a file system
  • different I/O sizes (block sizes) and sync() freqencies (the rate data is persisted to disk) effects file system throughput
  • increasing the number of threads accessing a file system will increase IOPS and throughput

Click on the link below to go to the Performance tutorial. Once you've finished that tutorial move on to Scale-out.

Tutorial Link

3. Scale-out

This tutorial is a Cloudformation template that will create an Amazon EC2 spot fleet and download objects in parallel from an Amazon S3 bucket.

Click on the link below to go to the Scale-out tutorial. Once you've finished that tutorial move on to the Scenarios.

Tutorial Link

4. Monitoring

This tutorial is designed to help you better understand how Amazon EFS is performing by using Amazon CloudWatch and Metric Math to monitor file system performance.

Click on the link below to go to the Monitoring tutorial.

Tutorial Link

5. In-cloud Transfer

The AWS DataSync In-cloud Transfer Quick Start and Scheduler creates a one-time or recurring schedule to transfer files between source and destination Amazon EFS file systems. These file systems could be in the same or different AWS regions.

Click on the link below to go to the In-cloud Transfer Quick Start.

Quick Start Link
In-cloud Transfer

6. Data sciense workshop

This tutorial covers how to use Amazon EFS, a highly available, highly durable and elastic cloud native file storage for Data Science workloads.

Click on the link below to go to the Data science tutorial.

Tutorial Link
Data science


For feedback, suggestions, or corrections, please email me at [email protected].


This sample code is made available under the MIT-0 license. See the LICENSE file.

amazon-efs-tutorial's People


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amazon-efs-tutorial's Issues

Nodejs8.10 not supported

We have an issue with template. Nodejs8.10 is not supported anymore:
The runtime parameter of nodejs8.10 is no longer supported for creating or updating AWS Lambda functions. We recommend you use the new runtime (nodejs12.x) while creating or updating functions. (Service: AWSLambdaInternal; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidParameterValueException; Request ID: 115ba1c6-c130-43ba-9edc-ae40e8f0a8f6)

DestinationEfsFilesystemId constraint outdated

The current template in S3 and linked from has this parameter entry:

    AllowedPattern: ^(fs-)([a-z0-9]{8})$
    Description: Destination EFS filesystem id.
    Type: String

Unfortunately, EFS identifiers have more hex digits than that. (I suspect they fit in 8 digits at the time the template was last updated.) Pasting the ID of a perfectly usable EFS instance thus triggers errors when trying to use the template. :-)

Changing the 8 to 17 (the current number of EFS hex digits) in a local copy of the template was sufficient.

Cloudformation failing to create EFS resource (Solved)

I'm having the following issue during the cloudformation deployment:

Embedded stack arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-2:409536199879:stack/efs-create-file-system-tutorial-ElasticFileSystem-UIN3WSA8YK7G/bb9d6340-f9cc-11ea-91a7-0a7cd1635ec6 was not successfully created: The following resource(s) failed to create: [InstanceRole, ElasticFileSystemDelete].

How can i run the fpart + cpio + GNU Parallel command with SSH

The command under your point (5.9)
time parallel --will-cite -j ${threads} --pipepart --round-robin --delay .1 --block 1M -a /home/ec2-user/fpart-files-to-transfer.0 sudo "cpio -dpmL /mnt/efs/01/tutorial/parallelcpio/${instance_id}" &

How can I run it from an on premise server ? I am syncing data between a virtual machine and en ec2 that has EFS mounted. I do need to ssh here.

something like this:
time parallel --will-cite -j ${threads} --pipepart --round-robin --delay .1 --block 1M -a /home/ec2-user/fpart-files-to-transfer.0 "cpio -dpmL ec2-user@ec2-ip-address:/docker-efs/docker/parallelcpio"

Use of ASG in efs-dashboard-with-size-monitor-and-burst-credit-balance-alarms.yml

I don't understand why is an ASG (and corresponding EC2 instances) created in ?

It seems the only purpose is to be able to run the shell script (below) which seems to gather some info about the EFS instance, create a CLW alarm and then set the ASG to zero.

If above is a true statement, why can't this become a Lambda?

#!/bin/bash -x



# get region
availability_zone=$(curl -s

# get instance id
instance_id=$(curl -s

# get autoscaling group name
asg_name=$(aws autoscaling describe-auto-scaling-instances --instance-ids ${instance_id} --region ${region} --output text --query 'AutoScalingInstances[0].AutoScalingGroupName')

# get autoscaling policy arn
asg_policy_arn=$(aws autoscaling describe-policies --auto-scaling-group-name ${asg_name} --region ${region} --output text --query 'ScalingPolicies[0].PolicyARN')

# validate FILE_SYSTEM_ID send notification and exit if doesn't exist
aws efs describe-file-systems --file-system-id ${FILE_SYSTEM_ID} --region ${region} --output text --query 'FileSystems[0].[FileSystemId]'
if [ $result -ne 0 ]; then
   aws sns publish --topic-arn ${SNS_ARN} --region ${region} --message 'Amazon EFS burst credit balance CloudWatch alarm error. File system '${FILE_SYSTEM_ID}' does not exist.'

# get current permitted throughput
while [ -z ${permitted_throughput} ] || [ ${permitted_throughput} == null ] && [ ${count} -lt 60 ]; do
   permitted_throughput=$(aws cloudwatch get-metric-statistics --namespace AWS/EFS --metric-name PermittedThroughput --dimensions Name=FileSystemId,Value=${FILE_SYSTEM_ID} --start-time $(date --utc +%FT%TZ -d '-60 seconds') --end-time $(date --utc +%FT%TZ) --period 60 --statistics Maximum --region ${region} --output json --query 'Datapoints[0].Maximum')
   sleep 2
   count=$(expr ${count} + 1)

# get current burst credit balance
while [ -z ${burst_credit_balance} ] || [ ${burst_credit_balance} == null ] && [ ${count} -lt 60 ]; do
   burst_credit_balance=$(aws cloudwatch get-metric-statistics --namespace AWS/EFS --metric-name BurstCreditBalance --dimensions Name=FileSystemId,Value=${FILE_SYSTEM_ID} --start-time $(date --utc +%FT%TZ -d '-60 seconds') --end-time $(date --utc +%FT%TZ) --period 60 --statistics Maximum --region ${region} --output json --query 'Datapoints[0].Maximum')
   sleep 2
   count=$(expr ${count} + 1)

# calculate new burst credit balance warning threshold
burst_credit_balance_threshold_warning=$(( ${burst_credit_balance:0:-2} - ( ( ( ${burst_credit_balance:0:-2} / ( ${permitted_throughput:0:-2} * 60 ) ) - $WARNING_THRESHOLD_MINUTES ) * ( ${permitted_throughput:0:-2} * 60 ) ) ))

# calculate new burst credit balance critical threshold
burst_credit_balance_threshold_critical=$(( ${burst_credit_balance:0:-2} - ( ( ( ${burst_credit_balance:0:-2} / ( ${permitted_throughput:0:-2} * 60 ) ) - $CRITICAL_THRESHOLD_MINUTES ) * ( ${permitted_throughput:0:-2} * 60 ) ) ))

# update warning alarm with new burst credit balance warning threshold
aws cloudwatch put-metric-alarm --alarm-name ''${FILE_SYSTEM_ID}' burst credit balance - Warning - '", !Ref 'AWS::StackName', " --alarm-description ''${FILE_SYSTEM_ID}' burst credit balance - Warning - '", !Ref 'AWS::StackName', " --actions-enabled --alarm-actions ${SNS_ARN} --metric-name BurstCreditBalance --namespace AWS/EFS --statistic Maximum --dimensions Name=FileSystemId,Value=${FILE_SYSTEM_ID} --period 60 --evaluation-periods 5 --threshold ${burst_credit_balance_threshold_warning} --comparison-operator LessThanThreshold --treat-missing-data missing --region ${region}
if [ $result -ne 0 ]; then
   aws sns publish --topic-arn ${SNS_ARN} --region ${region} --message 'Amazon EFS burst credit balance CloudWatch alarm error. Check CloudWatch alarms for file system '${FILE_SYSTEM_ID}'.'
   error=$(expr ${error} + 1)

# update critical alarm with new burst credit balance critical threshold
aws cloudwatch put-metric-alarm --alarm-name ''${FILE_SYSTEM_ID}' burst credit balance - Critical - '", !Ref 'AWS::StackName', " --alarm-description ''${FILE_SYSTEM_ID}' burst credit balance - Critical - '", !Ref 'AWS::StackName', " --actions-enabled --alarm-actions ${SNS_ARN} --metric-name BurstCreditBalance --namespace AWS/EFS --statistic Maximum --dimensions Name=FileSystemId,Value=${FILE_SYSTEM_ID} --period 60 --evaluation-periods 5 --threshold ${burst_credit_balance_threshold_critical} --comparison-operator LessThanThreshold --treat-missing-data missing --region ${region}
if [ $result -ne 0 ]; then
   aws sns publish --topic-arn ${SNS_ARN} --region ${region} --message 'Amazon EFS burst credit balance CloudWatch alarm error. Check CloudWatch alarms for file system '${FILE_SYSTEM_ID}'.'
   error=$(expr ${error} + 1)

# update burst credit balance increase threshold based
aws cloudwatch put-metric-alarm --alarm-name 'Set '${FILE_SYSTEM_ID}' burst credit balance increase threshold - '", !Ref 'AWS::StackName', " --alarm-description 'Set '${FILE_SYSTEM_ID}' burst credit balance increase threshold - '", !Ref 'AWS::StackName', " --actions-enabled --alarm-actions ${SNS_ARN} ${asg_policy_arn} --metric-name PermittedThroughput --namespace AWS/EFS --statistic Maximum --dimensions Name=FileSystemId,Value=${FILE_SYSTEM_ID} --period 60 --evaluation-periods 5 --threshold ${permitted_throughput:0:-2} --comparison-operator GreaterThanThreshold --treat-missing-data missing --region ${region}
if [ $result -ne 0 ]; then
   aws sns publish --topic-arn ${SNS_ARN} --region ${region} --message 'Amazon EFS burst credit balance CloudWatch alarm error. Check CloudWatch alarms for file system '${FILE_SYSTEM_ID}'.'
   error=$(expr ${error} + 1)

# update burst credit balance decrease threshold based
aws cloudwatch put-metric-alarm --alarm-name 'Set '${FILE_SYSTEM_ID}' burst credit balance decrease threshold - '", !Ref 'AWS::StackName', " --alarm-description 'Set '${FILE_SYSTEM_ID}' burst credit balance decrease threshold - '", !Ref 'AWS::StackName', " --actions-enabled --alarm-actions ${SNS_ARN} ${asg_policy_arn} --metric-name PermittedThroughput --namespace AWS/EFS --statistic Maximum --dimensions Name=FileSystemId,Value=${FILE_SYSTEM_ID} --period 60 --evaluation-periods 5 --threshold ${permitted_throughput:0:-2} --comparison-operator LessThanThreshold --treat-missing-data missing --region ${region}
if [ $result -ne 0 ]; then
   aws sns publish --topic-arn ${SNS_ARN} --region ${region} --message 'Amazon EFS burst credit balance CloudWatch alarm error. Check CloudWatch alarms for file system '${FILE_SYSTEM_ID}'.'
   error=$(expr ${error} + 1)

# auto terminate instance - setting auto scaling group desired capacity 0
if [ $error -eq 0 ]; then
   aws autoscaling update-auto-scaling-group --auto-scaling-group-name ${asg_name} --desired-capacity 0 --region ${region}
   aws sns publish --topic-arn ${SNS_ARN} --region ${region} --message 'Amazon EFS burst credit balance CloudWatch alarm error. Check CloudWatch alarms for file system '${FILE_SYSTEM_ID}'.'

nodejs12.x is no longer a supported runtime

In the same vein as #11 the template got a little long in the tooth :-)

Fortunately for those of us who don't use Lambda or NodeJS very often, the error message suggested a solution: specifying nodejs18.x was enough.

    Type: AWS::Lambda::Function
        S3Bucket: !Sub solution-references-${AWS::Region}
        S3Key: datasync/
      Handler: amilookup-datasync-agent.handler
      Runtime: nodejs18.x
      Timeout: 30
      Role: !GetAtt LambdaExecutionRole.Arn

[question label] Provisioned Throughput Mode

This doesn't include the provisioned throughput mode. So, when ThroughputMode property is set to "provisioned", the "ProvisionedThroughPutInMibps" value will also be needed to be set. If these values were to be taken as parameters.
How to handle this dynamic behavior?

If these are provided as parameters, and the user chooses "bursting: as the mode. This leaves "ProvisionedThroughPutInMibps" pointless. But, if the value is not set, stack can't be deployed.

Can "Rules" be of any use here?


This solution is not helping us to create the datasync with private endpoint, we are getting public ip assigned to the agent using this template .can you share one to create in private ip for agents ?

Incorrect 'fpart' option in performance tutorial

In section 5.9 uses below fpart command to create file list,

time /usr/local/bin/fpart -Z -n 1 -o /home/ec2-user/fpart-files-to-transfer .

Option -Z is not valid option of fpart, the correct one should be -z.

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