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javascript-concepts-map's Introduction

JavaScript Concepts Map




  • Programming Fundamentals
    • Fundamental Semantics
      • Values, Literals, and Data Types
      • Identifiers & Keywords
      • Operators & Precedence
      • Boolean Operators & Truthy vs. Falsy
      • Expressions
    • Program Organization: Statements & Control Structures
      • Conditionals
        • if/else
        • switch/case
      • Repetition
        • for Loops
        • while Loops
        • break and continue
      • Functions
      • Exception Handling
    • Program Organization: Objects & Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
      • Object & Array Literals
      • Prototypal Inheritance
      • Classes (ES6)
    • ES6+ Features
  • Native & Host Objects
    • Built-In Global Objects
      • Fundamental
      • Collections & Utilities
    • Web APIs
      • General Utilities
      • DOM Interaction
    • Asynchronous Programming
      • Web APIs
      • Built-In Global Objects
    • Exception Handling
  • Third-Party Libraries: Full-Stack Web Applications
    • Frontend: React
    • Backend: Node.js & Express
    • Utilities
      • Axios
      • Massive
      • bcrypt

Programming Fundamentals


Fundamental Semantics


Values, Literals, and Data Types


Primitive Data Type Representative Literal(s) Description
Number 5, 3.14 , NaN Represents numbers and used in arithmetic operations
String 'Hello World' Represents text information
Boolean true, false Represents true/false values and used in control structures (discussed later)
Null null Semantically represents the deliberate absence/omission of a value
Undefined undefined Semantically represents an unknown/indeterminate value

(N.B. Symbol and BigInt are primitive data types also provided by JavaScript as of ES2020, however, these will not be considered further here. See MDN for further discussion of primitive values.)

Identifiers & Keywords


Category Keywords
Control Structures break, case, continue, default, do, else, for, if, return, switch, while
Classes & Objects delete, extends, get, new, set, static, super, this
Declarations class, const, function, let, var
Miscellaneous Operators in, instanceof, of, typeof, void
Modules (ES6+) as, export, from, import
Exception Handling catch, finally, throw, try
Primitive Literals* false, null, true
Miscellaneous Statements debugger, with
Asynchronous Programming (ES8+) async, await
Generators (ES6+) yield

* N.B. The literals NaN and undefined are not keywords, as they are not identifiers but rather are properties/values of the global Object (see this discussion for more information).

Operators & Precedence


Operation L โ†’ R Associative Operators L โ† R Associative Operators Result of Operation
Miscellaneous f(...) (20), , (1) ++ (18^), -- (18^), ?: (4^^^) (Various)
Object Membership . (20), [...] (20), in (12) delete (17^) Member access and/or modification
Boolean/Logical && (6), || (5) ! (17^) Returns a Boolean value
Arithmetic * (15), / (15), % (15), + (14), - (14) + (17^), - (17^), ** (16) Returns a numeric value
Comparison < (12), <= (12), > (12), >= (12), == (11), != (11), === (11), !== (11) Returns a Boolean value
Variable Assignment = (3), **= (3), *= (3), /= (3), %= (3), += (3), -= (3) Assign and/or update variable's stored value

N.B. In the table above, precedence rank number is indicated in parentheses (where higher number has higher precedence), and furthermore with respect to the operands count, the annotation ^ denotes unary operators, ^^^ denotes the ternary operator, and all others denote/imply binary operators.

!TO-DO: (...) has highest precedence and can increase the precedence of its nested value or expression accordingly

Boolean Operators & Truthy vs. Falsy


op1 op2 !op1 op1 && op2 op1 || op2
true true false true true
true false false false true
false true true false true
false false true false false

N.B. In the table above, op1 and op2 denote arbitrary operands (which in general can be either values or expressions).

Falsy values:

Primitive Data Type Falsy Literals
Number 0, -0, NaN
String "" (empty string)
Boolean false
Null null
Undefined undefined



Program Organization: Statements & Control Structures


Book Analogy Software Counterpart
Book Application Program
Chapters and References Control Structures, Modules
Sentences Statements
Phrases and Clauses Expressions
Grammatical/Function Words Operators
Lexical Words Values









for Loops


while Loops


break and continue




Exception Handling


Program Organization: Objects & Object-Oriented Programmming (OOP)


Feature Primitives Objects
State Values Properties
Actions Operators Methods

Object & Array Literals


Prototypal Inheritance


Classes (ES6)


General syntax:

// Class Definition
class ClassName {
  constructor(val1, val2, ..., valN) {
    // properties
    this.prop1 = val1;
    this.prop2 = val2;
    this.propN = valN;
  // methods
  method1( ... ) { ... } // pre-ES6
  method2 = ( ... ) => { ... } // ES6+ arrow syntax
  methodN = ( ... ) => { ... }

// Object Instantiation from Class
const obj = new ClassName(arg1, arg2, ..., argN); // args initialize obj's state (i.e., properties) via class constructor

N.B. In general, arg1/val1, arg2/val2, etc. can be either primitive values or references to other objects (e.g., array literals [...], object literals {...}, bound function objects, etc.)

ES6+ Features


Native & Host Objects


Notation Note: In general, an instance object will be denoted with camelCase (e.g., arr.length, nodeList.item(), etc.), whereas a static object will be denoted by the object's class name in PascalCase (e.g., Math.PI, Promise.all(), etc.). The principal exception to the latter is the Console API, which by convention/specification uses lowercase to refer to the static console object (e.g., console.log()).

Built-In Global Objects



TO-DO - Object, Function

Fundamental Object Description Representative Properties Representative Methods MDN Reference
Object The base object from which all object/reference types inherit (via prototypal inheritance), and provides a key/value storage collection obj.constructor Object.assign(), Object.create(), Object.entries(),, Object.keys(), obj.toString(), Object.values() Object
Function Routes inputs and outputs, and modularizes code fn.length, fn.apply(), fn.bind(), Function

Collections & Utilities

TO-DO - Array, Math, String, Set, RegExp

Collection/Utility Object Description Representative Properties Representative Methods MDN Reference
Array An indexed ordered-list collection arr.length arr.concat(), arr.every(), arr.filter(), arr.find(), arr.findIndex(), arr.forEach(), arr.includes(), arr.indexOf(), arr.join(), arr.keys(),, arr.pop(), arr.push(), arr.reduce(), arr.reduceRight(), arr.reverse(), arr.shift(), arr.slice(), arr.some(), arr.sort(), arr.splice(), arr.unshift() Array
JSON A utility object for parsing JSON data (no properties) JSON.parse(), JSON.stringify() JSON
Map Collection of key-value pairs which remembers original insertion order of the keys map.size map.clear(), map.delete(), map.forEach(), map.get(), map.has(), map.keys(), map.set(), map.values() Map
Math Mathematical constants and functions Math.E, Math.LN2, Math.LN10, Math.LOG2E, Math.LOG10E, Math.PI, Math.SQRT1_2, Math.SQRT2 Math.abs(), Math.ceil(), Math.cos(), Math.exp(), Math.floor(), Math.log(), Math.max(), Math.min(), Math.pow(), Math.random(), Math.round(), Math.sin(), Math.sqrt(), Math.tan(), Math.trunc() Math
Number A wrapper around the primitive number which provides additional numerical features Number.EPSILON, Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MIN_VALUE, Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY Number.isNaN(), Number.isFinite(), Number.isInteger(), Number.isSafeInteger(), num.toExponential(), num.toFixed(), num.toPrecision(), num.toString() Number
Set Collection of unique values which are iterable by insertion order set.size set.add(), set.clear(), set.delete(), set.entries(), set.forEach(), set.has(), set.keys(), set.values() Set
String A wrapper around the primitive string which represents text information that can be modified str.length str.charAt(), str.concat(), str.includes(), str.endsWith(), str.indexOf(), str.lastIndexOf(), str.match(), str.matchAll(), str.padEnd(), str.padStart(), str.repeat(), str.replace(), str.replaceAll(),, str.slice(), str.split(), str.startsWith(), str.substr(), str.substring(), str.toLowerCase(), str.toUpperCase(), str.trim(), str.trimStart(), str.trimEnd() String
RegExp Text processing using regular expressions re.flags, re.dotAll,, re.ignoreCase, re.multiline, re.source, re.sticky re.compile(), re.exec(), re.test() RegExp

Web APIs


General Utilities

TO-DO - Console

Utility Object Description Representative Properties Representative Methods MDN Reference
Console Display information to the Web console (No properties) console.clear(), console.debug(), console.dir(), console.error(),, console.log(), console.table(), console.time(), console.timeEnd(), console.trace() console

DOM Interaction

TO-DO - Window, Document, Element, Event, EventTarget, HTMLCollection, HTMLElement, Node, NodeList

!TO-DO: Window MDN Window

DOM Object Description Representative Properties Representative Methods MDN Reference
Document Represents the DOM tree of the Web page document.body, document.documentElement, document.head, document.links, node.childElementCount, node.children, node.firstElementChild, node.lastElementChild, document.onselectionchange, document.onvisibilitychange document.addEventListener(), document.adoptNode(), document.createAttribute(), document.createElement(), document.createEvent(), document.getElementsbyClassName(), document.getElementsByTagName(), document.importNode(), document.getElementById(), document.querySelector(), document.querySelectorAll() Document
Element The base class for elements in the Document object (e.g., HTMLElement and SVGElement) element.attributes, element.classList, element.className,, element.innerHTML, element.outerHTML, element.tagName, element.onfullscreenchange element.addEventListener(), element.dispatchEvent(), element.getAttribute(), element.getAttributeName(), element.getElementsByClassName(), element.getelementsByTagName(), element.hasAttribute(), element.hasAttributes(), element.hasPointerCapture(), element.insertAdjacentElement(), element.insertAdjacentHTML(), element.matches(), element.querySelector(), element.querySelectorAll(), element.removeAttribute(), element.removeEventListener(), element.setAttribute(), element.toggleAttribute() Element
Event An interaction (e.g., by user) with the DOM event.bubbles, event.cancelable, event.currentTarget, event.defaultPrevented, event.eventPhase,, event.type, event.isTrusted event.preventDefault(), event.stopImmediatePropagation(), event.stopPropagation() Event
EventTarget An object which can receive events and listeners (e.g., Element, Document, and Window) (no properties) target.addEventListener(), target.removeEventListener(), target.dispatchEvent() EventTarget
HTMLCollection An array-like collection of HTML elements in document order c.length c.item(), c.namedItem() HTMLCollection
HTMLElement An object representing any HTML element element.contentEditable, elementisContentEditable, element.dir, element.hidden, element.innerText, element.itemId, element.itemRef, element.itemValue,, element.title element.addEventListener(), element.blur(),, element.focus() HTMLElement
Node A key base class for other DOM API objects representing a generic node in the DOM tree (which can be, for example, an Element) node.baseURI, node.childNodes, node.firstChild, node.lastChild, node.nextSibling, node.nodeName, node.nodeType, node.nodeValue, node.parentNode, node.parentElement, node.previousSibling, node.textContent node.appendChild(), node.cloneNode(), node.contains(), node.getRootNode(), node.hasChildNodes(), node.inserBefore(), node.isEqualNode(), node.isSameNode(), node.removeChild(), node.replaceChild() Node
NodeList A collection of nodes nodeList.length nodeList.item(), nodeList.entries(), nodeList.forEach(), nodeList.keys(), nodeList.values() NodeList

Asynchronous Programming


Web APIs

TO-DO - XMLHttpRequest, Fetch

Async HTTP Request Object Description Representative Properties Representative Methods MDN Reference
XMLHttpRequest Object to interact with Web servers asynchronously, used extensively in AJAX programming xhr.onreadystatechange, xhr.readyState, xhr.response, xhr.responseText, xhr.status, xhr.statusText, xhr.timeout xhr.abort(), xhr.getAllResponseHeaders(), xhr.getResponseHeader(),, xhr.send(), xhr.setRequestHeader() XMLHttpRequest

!TO-DO: Fetch API - e.g.,

 .then(response => { ... return ...; })
 // (optional) chained .then(...)'s
 .catch(error => { ... return ...; };
Fetch API Object Description Representative Properties Representative Methods MDN Reference
Body Represents the body of the Request and Response object response.body, response.bodyUsed response.blob(), response.formData(), response.json(), response.text() Body
Headers Performs various action on HTTP request and response headers (no properties) headers.append(), headers.delete(), headers.entries(), headers.forEach(), headers.forEach(), headers.get(), headers.has(), headers.keys(), headers.set(), headers.values() Headers
Request Represents an HTTP resource request request.body, request.bodyUsed, request.cache, request.destination, request.headers, request.method, request.mode, request.url request.clone(), request.blob(), request.formData(), request.json(), request.text() Request
Response Represents the response to an HTTP request response.body, response.bodyUsed, response.headers, response.ok, response.status, response.statusText, response.type, response.url response.blob(), response.clone(), response.error(), response.formData(), response.json(), response.redirect(), response.text() Response

!TO-DO: global (async) functions setTimeout, clearTimeout, setInterval, clearInterval

Built-In Global Objects

TO-DO - Promise, async/await

Async Promise Object Description Representative Properties Representative Methods MDN Reference
Promise An object representing the evantual completion/failure of an asynchronous operation, and its resulting value (i.e., pending, fulfilled, or rejected) (no properties) Promise.all(), Promise.allSettled(), Promise.any(), p.catch(), p.finally(), Promise.race(), Promise.reject(), Promise.resolve(), p.then() Promise

!TO-DO: async/await functions (ES8+)

Exception Handling

TO-DO - Error (and related ...Error objects)

Third-Party Libraries: Full-Stack Web Applications


Frontend: React


Backend: Node.js & Express










javascript-concepts-map's People


awpala avatar



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