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atc-coding-rules's Issues

Strategy for assign rules "none", "info", "warn", "error" status

Unless a rule is very unambiguous what it should be set to, I tend to think that it should be set to "info" rather than "warn" or "error". In many of the rule sets there are good suggestions for how to write code, but I fear our code will be littered with suppressions. The types of rules that typically fall into this section is correctness rules and performance rules, that are not always relevant in the context.

StyleCop rules on the other hand, which are all about consistency, and not about e.g. correctness or performance, them we should agree on and try to follow as much as possible.

Update Meziantou.Analyzer version >= 1.0.645

We want to update Meziantou.Analyzer to v. 1.0.645.

In order to do this, we need all downstream Github/AzureDevOps pipelines to implement dotnet restore steps differently, otherwise these pipelines will fail.

Rule: CA1707 Identifiers should not contain underscores

Rule summary

Key Value
Title CA1707 Identifiers should not contain underscores
CheckId CA1707
Category Microsoft.Naming

What is the problem

I completely agree with this rule for code projects!

However, for test projects, it makes very good sense to use underscores in method names to express the purpose of a unit test.

  • Should_Return_Subscription_From_Repository
  • Should_Return_NotFoundResponse_When_Subscription_Does_Not_Exist

This provides a better readable context understanding.


disable this rule in test / .editorconfig with dotnet_diagnostic.CA1707.severity = none

Rule: MA0003 Add argument name to improve readability

Rule summary

Title MA0003 Add argument name to improve readability
CheckId MA0003
Category Style

What is the problem

The first time I saw this rule I did not like it and would suggest it should be disables, but after reading up on the rule, I will now say it is very relevant with the arguments for readability.

Therefor: Just follow the rule - see 'How to fix violations'


enable this rule in root .editorconfig with dotnet_diagnostic.MS0003.severity = error

Rule: SA1602 Enumeration Items Must Be Documented

Rule summary

Key Value
Title SA1602EnumerationItemsMustBeDocumented
CheckId SA1602
Category Documentation Rules
Link [

What is the problem

This rule is related to the main rule SA1600 with issue #5


disable this rule in root .editorconfig with dotnet_diagnostic.SA1602.severity = none

Rule: SA1122 UseStringEmptyForEmptyStrings

Rule summary

Title [SA1122 UseStringEmptyForEmptyStrings]
CheckId [SA1122]
Category [Readability Rules]

What is the problem

As a "Readability" rule, I would claim that exchanging "" with String.Empty actually decreases readability in many places.
Once upon a time, in ancient .Net 1.x days, there were optimisation reasons for using String.Empty as "" would instantiate a new String constant for every use, but to my knowledge this has long passed.

Also, there are quite a few places in CSharp where String.Empty is actually not a legal replacement for "" AFAIK. (like switch/case statements), so forcing people to learn this habit that can then not even be universally enforces seems plain wrong.

The only real downside of "" that I can think of, is the off chance that it can hide zero-width characters, but a) who has ever had that happen in the wild? , and b) if this is a problem, there should probably be a rule specifically for this case, forcing devs to write a very explicit local rule override if they ever needed to out a "<zero-width>xN" string in the code on purpose.


Suppress this rule in the standard ATC rule set.

Rule: SA1200 Using Directives Must Be Placed Correctly

Rule summary

Key Value
Title SA1200UsingDirectivesMustBePlacedCorrectly
CheckId SA1200
Category Ordering Rules

What is the problem

This rule have a conflict This rule have a conflict with root .editorconfig csharp_using_directive_placement = outside_namespace

And there is strong opinions on the internet about this rule - but also a fact about assembly loading issues which should be taken into consideration which should be taken into consideration
Read Scott Hanselman post

And default create new class in Visual Studio have alway used outside_namespace which means much written code over time has been followed the outside_namespace rule.


disable this rule in root .editorconfig with dotnet_diagnostic.SA1200.severity = none

Rule: SA1629 Documentation Text Must End With A Period

Rule summary

Title SA1629DocumentationTextMustEndWithAPeriod
CheckId SA1629
Category Documentation Rules

What is the problem

No. It must not always end with a period. Sometimes you end with a code snippet, or other text where a period doesnt make sense.

A better alternative is to install a plugin like that helps with spelling in code and VS.



Rule: MA0025, MA0025, S1135 Implement the functionality instead of throwing NotImplementedException

Rule summary

Title MA0025 Implement the functionality instead of throwing NotImplementedException
CheckId MA0025
Category ?

What is the problem

This rule sounds very nice as a starting point.
But in practice, we offen need // TODO: and NotImplementedExecption when we scaffold method-body's, and will do the actual implementation later of just handover to a co-worker.

S1135 is about TODO's


disable this rule in root .editorconfig with dotnet_diagnostic.MS0025.severity = suggestion

Test rule: CS4014 Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues before the call is completed

Rule summary

Title Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues before the call is completed
CheckId CS4014
Category Compiler

What is the problem

When writing tests and using e.g. NSubsitute to verify that a call has happened, you often have to fake calling it to create the assertion. If the method we are asserting was called/not called is an Async method, this rule will complain that the call was not awaited.


dotnet_diagnostic.CS4014.severity = suggestion      # CS4014: Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues before the call is completed

Test rule: IDE0058 Expression value is never used

Rule summary

Title Remove unnecessary expression value (IDE0058)
CheckId IDE0058
Category Style

What is the problem

When writing tests and using e.g. NSubsitute to verify that a call has happened, you often have to fake calling it to create the assertion. If the method we are asserting was called/not called returns a value, this rule will complain that we have a returned value that needs to be assigned to either a variable or a discard (_).


dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0058.severity = silent         # IDE0058: Expression value is never used

Rule: SA1600 Elements Must Be Documented

Rule summary

Key Value
Title SA1600ElementsMustBeDocumented
CheckId SA1600
Category Documentation Rules

What is the problem

This rule only seems relevant if you want to expose a documentation page / system generated by a tool.
But for readable code and no needs for code documentation, this rule provides no value but only noise.
If it was necessary for a project to have code documentation, it would be better to only enable it for the specific project need in the SRC/[project folder]/.editorconfig.


disable this rule in root .editorconfig with dotnet_diagnostic.SA1600.severity = none

How we name our tests

The name of our tests is one of the most important parts of writing tests, thus, I think it would be good to have a general convention for how we write the names of our tests.

My own preference is to be as wordy as needed, but no more than needed, and follow the given - when - then pattern, mostly without using those words, e.g. for a test of a simple add method on a calculator: add called with a and b results in a plus b (this would perhaps be a theory).

Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.NetAnalyzers should only be included when using older SDKs

According to the docs at, the NetAnalyzers is not needed when we use the .NET5 SDK or later in our projects. As far as my understanding goes, these analyzers will be included just by having .NET5 SDK installed and using that to build with, even if the project we are building has TargetFramework < NET5.

You do not need to manually install this NuGet package to your project if you are using .NET5 SDK or later. These analyzers are enabled by default for projects targeting .NET5 or later. -

CA1812: Avoid uninstantiated internal classes

Rule summary

Title CA1812: Avoid uninstantiated internal classes
CheckId CA1812
Category Performance

What is the problem

This rule flags classes that are not instantiated in a library and are internal as not being used. In the docs for the rule, it says it is safe to suppress the rule if the classes is instantiated through other means, e.g. an IOC container.

One example is when we have an public interface (IMyEndpoint) and an internal implementation (MyEndpoint) that is registered in an IServiceCollection through an extension method. In this case, the rule still gives a warning, even though the class is actually used.



Rule: SA1101 Prefix Local Calls With This

Rule summary

Key Value
Title SA1101PrefixLocalCallsWithThis
CheckId SA1101
Category Readability Rules

What is the problem

This is a rule that is more about religion.
But as a starting point, it does not provide real value or increase the readability of the code.
However, it provides more clarity when inheriting / overwriting where this and base should be used, and only when needed.
Furthermore, it has not always been the standard that Microsoft has used or is doing now.

Note: By default, StyleCop disallows the use of underscores or m_ to mark local class fields, but that doesn't means this should be used instead.


disable this rule in root .editorconfig with dotnet_diagnostic.SA1101.severity = none

dotnet pack fails with SymbolPackageFormat property

If we include the following property <SymbolPackageFormat>snupkg</SymbolPackageFormat> , the dotnet pack fails with the following error:

C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\5.0.102\Sdks\NuGet.Build.Tasks.Pack\build\NuGet.Build.Tasks.Pack.targets(207,5): error NU5017: Cannot create a package that has no dependencies nor content. [C:\Code\atc-net\atc-coding-rules-updater\src\Atc.CodingRules.Updater.CLI\Atc.CodingRules.Updater.CLI.csproj]

This seems to work in a class library, but apparently not in a CLI tool.

Reference issue

Rule: MA0028 Optimize StringBuilder usage

Rule summary

Title MA0028 Optimize StringBuilder usage
CheckId MA0028
Category Performance

What is the problem

I don't like this rule... because the use of string interpolation often provides better readability, and the performance problem here is in the compiler - and the compiler needs to be corrected instead.
Until the compiler is fixed, it is not a issue in real world scenarios.


disable this rule in root .editorconfig with dotnet_diagnostic.MA0028.severity = none

Rule: SA1413 Use Trailing Commas In Multi Line Initializers

Rule summary

Key Value
Title SA1413UseTrailingCommasInMultiLineInitializers
CheckId SA1413
Category Maintainability Rules

What is the problem

Trailing comma or not?

I (Egil) wonder why we force a trailing comma after the last property when using object initializers, for example:

new Pagination<ContractRecipe>
    PageSize = 50,


new Pagination<ContractRecipe>
    PageSize = 50

or for larger initializsers:

new QueryOptions
    PageSize = parameters.Request.PageSize,
    OnlyExactTagMatch = parameters.Request.OnlyExactTagMatch,
    OnlyMasterRecipes = parameters.Request.OnlyMasterRecipes,
    ContinuationToken = parameters.Request.ContinuationToken,
    Tags = parameters.Request.Tags.ToDomainType(),


new QueryOptions
    PageSize = parameters.Request.PageSize,
    OnlyExactTagMatch = parameters.Request.OnlyExactTagMatch,
    OnlyMasterRecipes = parameters.Request.OnlyMasterRecipes,
    ContinuationToken = parameters.Request.ContinuationToken,
    Tags = parameters.Request.Tags.ToDomainType()

It seems unnatural to me. It seems inconsistent with e.g. how method and constructor calls work, where a trailing comma is not allowed.

Microsofts reasoning relates to being able to blame others in git history:

Rule: SA1009 Closing Parenthesis Must Be Spaced Correctly

Rule summary

Title SA1009ClosingParenthesisMustBeSpacedCorrectly
CheckId SA1009
Category Spacing Rules

What is the problem

This rule sounds very nice as a starting point.
But in practice, there are many situations where it can not be done due to nested method call or general formatting for space optimization. Furthermore, after C # 8 with the nullable suppression operator !, this rule creates a lot of noise.

Example 1:

var myData = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<TEntity>(data!.ToString()!);

Then the rule says .ToString()! need a space like this .ToString() !. And this space is removed by the default Visual Studio's document formatter. And the use of the nullable suppression operator need to stick close to the type.

Example 2:


Then the rule says .ReturnsForAnyArgs((Entities.User?)null) need a space like this .ReturnsForAnyArgs((Entities.User?) null).

Furthermore, a solution with SuppressMessage attribute is overkill, therefore I recommend to suppress this rule since is obsolete in relation to C # 8 with nullable check activated.


disable this rule in root .editorconfig with dotnet_diagnostic.SA1009.severity = none

Rule: MA0016 Prefer return collection abstraction instead of implementation

Rule summary

Title MA0016 Prefer return collection abstraction instead of implementation
CheckId MA0016
Category ?

What is the problem

List<T> or IList<T>

In a theoretical world, it sounds good to always use interfaces over concrete implementation. But this rule does not seem very good in practice and with reference to this post
with answers to the same questions by Arec Barrwin, I will suggest the general rule should be just use List<T> and if you want to over-engineering then feel free to use IList<T>.


disable this rule in root .editorconfig with dotnet_diagnostic.MS0016.severity = none

Rule: CA1002 replaces MA0016

The two rules are the same. This I think we should prefer the one from Microsoft and simply disable MA0016, and replace the doc/decision file (#12) for it with one for CA1002.

Rule: VSTHRD200 Use Async suffix for async methods

Rule summary

Title VSTHRD200 Use Async suffix for async methods
CheckId VSTHRD200
Category Naming Rules

What is the problem

The .NET Guidelines for async methods includes that such methods should have names that include an "Async" suffix.

Methods that return awaitable types such as Task or ValueTask should have an Async suffix. Methods that do not return awaitable types should not use the Async suffix.

This should not be necessary for test projects - since a test methods name is describing the intended functionality and not async structure.


disable this rule in test / .editorconfig with dotnet_diagnostic.VSTHRD200.severity = none

Directory.Build.props streamline

Remove PackageReference to Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.NetAnalyzers since we are already enforced to use NET 5 as build SDK and have EnableNETAnalyzers set to true

Rule: csharp_style_prefer_index_operator and csharp_style_prefer_range_operator

Rule summary

csharp_style_prefer_index_operator and csharp_style_prefer_index_operator is set today as 'true'

What is the problem

The suggestion is not improving the readability, in some cases make it worse.

IDE0056 example:

// csharp_style_prefer_index_operator = true
string[] names = { "Archimedes", "Pythagoras", "Euclid" };
var index = names[^1];

// csharp_style_prefer_index_operator = false
string[] names = { "Archimedes", "Pythagoras", "Euclid" };
var index = names[names.Length - 1];

IDE0057 example:

// csharp_style_prefer_range_operator = true
string sentence = "the quick brown fox";
var sub = sentence[0..^4];

// csharp_style_prefer_range_operator = false
string sentence = "the quick brown fox";
var sub = sentence.Substring(0, sentence.Length - 4);


csharp_style_prefer_index_operator = true => false # IDE0056
csharp_style_prefer_range_operator = true => false # IDE0057

Semantic versioning of the ATC Rules

I think it would make sense to at least start a conversation about potential sematic versioning of these rules.
The main purpose would be to convey information to users of the rules about the "severity" of running an update.

This is not to say that it is an urgent priority at all. I just had the thought today and a few minutes to type this out, so I figured it was better to document it here and open the discussion, or at least save it for later :-)

From a high level perspective, I see the following levels of changes/impact, and we should maybe discuss if a) I missed something important, and b) how it makes most sense to map these to a versioning scheme (preferably SemVer).

  1. Minor functional changes that don't impact number of rule sets or severity of any rules at all.
  2. Rule changes that only make the rules more lenient, i.e. disable previously existing rules. I.e. changes that should not catch anything on existing code that builds ๐ŸŸข, but would potentially mean that you might have to/want to remove no longer needed exclusions in your custom section(s).
  3. Rule changes that increase severity on one or more rules, e.g. a change where I as a project maintainer must expect to either do some cleanup work now or add new custom overrides until we have the time to fix.
  4. Dependency updates to existing rule sets. These might potentially have either less or more "impact" than changing the default ATC rule settings. An update could be adding a bunch of new rules, or it just be a bugfix to an existing rule.
  5. Adding a whole new rule set. I.e. expect a lot of work or at least a lot of new custom excludes.
  6. Breaking changes that change e.g. the directory layout or other things (like the recent case-changing of props files. Breaking changes like this more or less require the "user" to read some sort of migration guide (or have access to internal knowledge).

Rule: SA1604 Element Documentation Must Have Summary

Rule summary

Key Value
Title SA1604ElementDocumentationMustHaveSummary
CheckId SA1604
Category Documentation Rules
Link [

What is the problem

This rule is related to the main rule SA1600 with issue #5


disable this rule in root .editorconfig with dotnet_diagnostic.SA1604.severity = none

Rule: SA1133 Do Not Combine Attributes

Rule summary

Title SA1133DoNotCombineAttributes
CheckId SA1133
Category Readability Rules

What is the problem

Two or more attributes appeared within the same set of square brackets.

For test projects, its nice to have the two attribute next to each other- the two attributes "belong" to each other.

[Theory, AutoNSubstituteData]


disable this rule in test / .editorconfig with dotnet_diagnostic.SA1133.severity = none

Rule: CA2007 & MA0004 Do not directly await a Task

Rule summary

Title CA2007 Do not directly await a Task
CheckId CA2007
Category Microsoft.Reliability

What is the problem

I work primarily with projects that do not have a SynchronizationContext, therefore this rule is not usable I think.
And very annoying to have to type .ConfigureAwait(false) everywhere if not needed.
But am not quite sure after reading these 2 blog post:

But most certainly, this rule does not make sense at all in test projects.

Note: this rule is the same same as MA0004


I am not sure, but think it should be removed/suppressed from test projects at least.

Rule: SA1633 File Must Have Header

Rule summary

Key Value
Title SA1633FileMustHaveHeader
CheckId SA1633
Category Documentation Rules

What is the problem

This rule only seems relevant if you want to apply copyright or the like to all your code files.
But in a world with more open source or the desire for more readable code that is not muted with commentary as copyright.
Then this rule is seen as something that gives no value but only noise.


disable this rule in root .editorconfig with dotnet_diagnostic.SA1633.severity = none

Rule: SA1623 Property Summary Documentation Must Match Accessors

Rule summary

Title SA1623PropertySummaryDocumentationMustMatchAccessors
CheckId [SA1623
Category [Example: Maintainability Rules]
Link [Example:]

What is the problem

Rule should dictate how we document code.


disable this rule in root .editorconfig with dotnet_diagnostic.SA1623.severity = none

Rule: SA1611 Element Parameters Must Be Documented

Rule summary

Title SA1611ElementParametersMustBeDocumented
CheckId SA1611
Category Documentation Rules

What is the problem

Sometimes the parameter makes enough sense based on the context they are used in, making a <summary> tag enough to document a public API. Forcing always to have parameter documentation added is a waste of time.


Set it to none or info.

Rule: MA0038 Make method static - Same as CA1822

Rule summary

Title Make method static
CheckId MA0038
Category Design

What is the problem

MA0038 is a duplicate of MS CA1822

And CA1822 should be set as info since it is a Performance


enable this rule in root .editorconfig with dotnet_diagnostic.CA1822.severity = info
disable this rule in root .editorconfig with dotnet_diagnostic.MA0038.severity = none

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