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slue-toolkit's Issues

About submission

I sent my submission of the test set evaluation to "[email protected]" , but there was no reply.
I do not know whether I sent the wrong email address or other reasons.

Problems to run ASR baselines


I'm trying to run the ASR baselines you have provided. I have downloaded the datasets with scripts/ in manifest/slue-voxceleb and manifest/slue-voxpopuli.

When running

bash baselines/asr/ manifest/slue-voxceleb save/asr/w2v2-base-vc

I have the following error:

File "/home/brun/fairseq/fairseq_cli/", line 27, in hydra_main
File "/home/brun/fairseq/fairseq_cli/", line 56, in _hydra_main
distributed_utils.call_main(cfg, pre_main, **kwargs)
File "/home/brun/fairseq/fairseq/distributed/", line 369, in call_main
main(cfg, **kwargs)
File "/home/brun/fairseq/fairseq_cli/", line 94, in main
model = task.build_model(cfg.model)
File "/home/brun/fairseq/fairseq/tasks/", line 193, in build_model
model = super().build_model(model_cfg, from_checkpoint)
File "/home/brun/fairseq/fairseq/tasks/", line 197, in build_model
model = super().build_model(model_cfg, from_checkpoint)
File "/home/brun/fairseq/fairseq/tasks/", line 335, in build_model
model = models.build_model(cfg, self, from_checkpoint)
File "/home/brun/fairseq/fairseq/models/", line 106, in build_model
return model.build_model(cfg, task)
File "/home/brun/fairseq/fairseq/models/wav2vec/", line 209, in build_model
w2v_encoder = Wav2VecEncoder(cfg, len(task.target_dictionary))
File "/home/brun/fairseq/fairseq/tasks/", line 170, in target_dictionary
return self.state.target_dictionary
File "/home/brun/fairseq/fairseq/tasks/", line 41, in getattr
self._state[name] = self._factoriesname
File "/home/brun/fairseq/fairseq/tasks/", line 123, in load_target_dictionary
return Dictionary.load(dict_path)
File "/home/brun/fairseq/fairseq/data/", line 226, in load
File "/home/brun/fairseq/fairseq/data/", line 239, in add_from_file
raise fnfe
File "/home/brun/fairseq/fairseq/data/", line 236, in add_from_file
with open(PathManager.get_local_path(f), "r", encoding="utf-8") as fd:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/brun/slue-toolkit/manifest/slue-voxceleb/dict.ltr.txt'

Could you help me to solve this problem.
(Sorry if the issue is naive, I am completely new to speech processing)

Many thanks!

Questions about SLUE challenge 2023

I have two questions about the challenge rule.

  1. What is the difference between pipeline and end2end? In my understanding, the "pipeline" model has two neural network models independently: audio-to-text (ASR) and text-to-entity (NLP). The "E2E" model has one neural network model: audio-to-(entity, word).
    If my model can estimate the whole transcript and entity of each word in only one neural network, is it "E2E"?
    Or, if my model has multiple training steps(pretraining-finetuning-end2end) but has one inference step(end2end), it can be "E2E"?
    I think if there is no "token id to string" stage in the inference step, it can be "E2E", but I'm not sure.

  2. Where can I submit my submissions for participating challenge? Moreover, can we see the leaderboard or test results before the deadline?


Sentiment Analysis baseline


I wanted to reproduce the sentiment analysis baseline through

bash baselines/sentiment/e2e_scripts/ manifest/slue-voxceleb save/sentiment/w2v2-base

Fairseq Config log:

[2022-02-14 01:39:15,687][fairseq_cli.train][INFO] - {'_name': None, 'common': {'_name': None, 'no_progress_bar': False, 'log_interval': 100, 'log_format': 'json', 'log_fil[37/1798]
 'tensorboard_logdir': 'save/sentiment/w2v2-base/tb_logs', 'wandb_project': None, 'azureml_logging': False, 'seed': 1, 'cpu': False, 'tpu': False, 'bf16': False, 'memory_efficient_b
f16': False, 'fp16': True, 'memory_efficient_fp16': False, 'fp16_no_flatten_grads': False, 'fp16_init_scale': 128, 'fp16_scale_window': None, 'fp16_scale_tolerance': 0.0, 'on_cpu_c$
nvert_precision': False, 'min_loss_scale': 0.0001, 'threshold_loss_scale': None, 'amp': False, 'amp_batch_retries': 2, 'amp_init_scale': 128, 'amp_scale_window': None, 'user_dir': $
/root/pushkal/slue-toolkit/slue_toolkit/fairseq_addon', 'empty_cache_freq': 0, 'all_gather_list_size': 16384, 'model_parallel_size': 1, 'quantization_config_path': None, 'profile':
False, 'reset_logging': False, 'suppress_crashes': False, 'use_plasma_view': False, 'plasma_path': '/tmp/plasma'}, 'common_eval': {'_name': None, 'path': None, 'post_process': None$
 'quiet': False, 'model_overrides': '{}', 'results_path': None}, 'distributed_training': {'_name': None, 'distributed_world_size': 1, 'distributed_num_procs': 1, 'distributed_rank'$
 0, 'distributed_backend': 'nccl', 'distributed_init_method': None, 'distributed_port': -1, 'device_id': 0, 'distributed_no_spawn': False, 'ddp_backend': 'c10d', 'ddp_comm_hook': '$
one', 'bucket_cap_mb': 25, 'fix_batches_to_gpus': False, 'find_unused_parameters': True, 'gradient_as_bucket_view': False, 'fast_stat_sync': False, 'heartbeat_timeout': -1, 'broadc$
st_buffers': False, 'slowmo_momentum': None, 'slowmo_base_algorithm': 'localsgd', 'localsgd_frequency': 3, 'nprocs_per_node': 1, 'pipeline_model_parallel': False, 'pipeline_balance$
: None, 'pipeline_devices': None, 'pipeline_chunks': 0, 'pipeline_encoder_balance': None, 'pipeline_encoder_devices': None, 'pipeline_decoder_balance': None, 'pipeline_decoder_devi$
es': None, 'pipeline_checkpoint': 'never', 'zero_sharding': 'none', 'fp16': True, 'memory_efficient_fp16': False, 'tpu': False, 'no_reshard_after_forward': False, 'fp32_reduce_scat$
er': False, 'cpu_offload': False, 'use_sharded_state': False, 'not_fsdp_flatten_parameters': False}, 'dataset': {'_name': None, 'num_workers': 0, 'skip_invalid_size_inputs_valid_te$
t': False, 'max_tokens': 1400000, 'batch_size': None, 'required_batch_size_multiple': 8, 'required_seq_len_multiple': 1, 'dataset_impl': None, 'data_buffer_size': 10, 'train_subset$
: 'fine-tune', 'valid_subset': 'dev', 'combine_valid_subsets': None, 'ignore_unused_valid_subsets': False, 'validate_interval': 1000000, 'validate_interval_updates': 0, 'validate_a$
ter_updates': 2000, 'fixed_validation_seed': None, 'disable_validation': False, 'max_tokens_valid': 1400000, 'batch_size_valid': None, 'max_valid_steps': None, 'curriculum': 0, 'ge$
_subset': 'test', 'num_shards': 1, 'shard_id': 0, 'grouped_shuffling': False, 'update_epoch_batch_itr': False, 'update_ordered_indices_seed': False}, 'optimization': {'_name': None$
 'max_epoch': 0, 'max_update': 50000, 'stop_time_hours': 0.0, 'clip_norm': 0.0, 'sentence_avg': True, 'update_freq': [1], 'lr': [2e-05], 'stop_min_lr': -1.0, 'use_bmuf': False, 'sk$
p_remainder_batch': False}, 'checkpoint': {'_name': None, 'save_dir': 'checkpoints', 'restore_file': '', 'continue_once': None, 'finetune_from_model': None, 'rese$
_dataloader': False, 'reset_lr_scheduler': False, 'reset_meters': False, 'reset_optimizer': False, 'optimizer_overrides': '{}', 'save_interval': 50, 'save_interval_updates': 1000, $
keep_interval_updates': 1, 'keep_interval_updates_pattern': -1, 'keep_last_epochs': -1, 'keep_best_checkpoints': -1, 'no_save': False, 'no_epoch_checkpoints': True, 'no_last_checkp$
ints': False, 'no_save_optimizer_state': False, 'best_checkpoint_metric': 'macro_f1', 'maximize_best_checkpoint_metric': True, 'patience': -1, 'checkpoint_suffix': '', 'checkpoint_$
hard_count': 1, 'load_checkpoint_on_all_dp_ranks': False, 'write_checkpoints_asynchronously': False, 'model_parallel_size': 1}, 'bmuf': {'_name': None, 'block_lr': 1.0, 'block_mome$
tum': 0.875, 'global_sync_iter': 50, 'warmup_iterations': 500, 'use_nbm': False, 'average_sync': False, 'distributed_world_size': 1}, 'generation': {'_name': None, 'beam': 5, 'nbes$
': 1, 'max_len_a': 0.0, 'max_len_b': 200, 'min_len': 1, 'match_source_len': False, 'unnormalized': False, 'no_early_stop': False, 'no_beamable_mm': False, 'lenpen': 1.0, 'unkpen': $
.0, 'replace_unk': None, 'sacrebleu': False, 'score_reference': False, 'prefix_size': 0, 'no_repeat_ngram_size': 0, 'sampling': False, 'sampling_topk': -1, 'sampling_topp': -1.0, '$
onstraints': None, 'temperature': 1.0, 'diverse_beam_groups': -1, 'diverse_beam_strength': 0.5, 'diversity_rate': -1.0, 'print_alignment': None, 'print_step': False, 'lm_path': Non$
, 'lm_weight': 0.0, 'iter_decode_eos_penalty': 0.0, 'iter_decode_max_iter': 10, 'iter_decode_force_max_iter': False, 'iter_decode_with_beam': 1, 'iter_decode_with_external_reranker$
: False, 'retain_iter_history': False, 'retain_dropout': False, 'retain_dropout_modules': None, 'decoding_format': None, 'no_seed_provided': False}, 'eval_lm': {'_name': None, 'out$
ut_word_probs': False, 'output_word_stats': False, 'context_window': 0, 'softmax_batch': 9223372036854775807}, 'interactive': {'_name': None, 'buffer_size': 0, 'input': '-'}, 'mode$
': {'_name': 'wav2vec2_seq_cls', 'w2v_path': '/root/pushkal/slue-toolkit/save/pretrained/', 'no_pretrained_weights': False, 'dropout_input': 0.0, 'final_dropout': 0$
0, 'dropout': 0.0, 'attention_dropout': 0.0, 'activation_dropout': 0.1, 'conv_feature_layers': '[(512, 10, 5)] + [(512, 3, 2)] * 4 + [(512,2,2)] + [(512,2,2)]', 'encoder_embed_dim'$
 768, 'apply_mask': True, 'mask_length': 10, 'mask_prob': 0.65, 'mask_selection': static, 'mask_other': 0.0, 'no_mask_overlap': False, 'mask_min_space': 1, 'mask_channel_length': 6$
, 'mask_channel_prob': 0.5, 'mask_channel_selection': static, 'mask_channel_other': 0.0, 'no_mask_channel_overlap': False, 'freeze_finetune_updates': 2000, 'feature_grad_mult': 0.0$
 'layerdrop': 0.1, 'mask_channel_min_space': 1, 'mask_channel_before': False, 'normalize': '${task.normalize}', 'data': '${}', 'w2v_args': None, 'pool_method': 'self_attn'$
 'classifier_dropout': 0.2}, 'task': {'_name': 'slue_audio_classification', 'data': '/root/pushkal/slue-toolkit/manifest/slue-voxceleb', 'labels': 'sent', 'binarized_dataset': Fals$
, 'sample_rate': 16000, 'normalize': False, 'enable_padding': False, 'max_sample_size': None, 'min_sample_size': None, 'num_batch_buckets': 0, 'precompute_mask_indices': False, 'in$
erred_w2v_config': None, 'tpu': '${common.tpu}', 'text_compression_level': none, 'label_dir': '???'}, 'criterion': {'_name': 'slue_sequence_classification'}, 'optimizer': {'_name':
'adam', 'adam_betas': '(0.9,0.98)', 'adam_eps': 1e-08, 'weight_decay': 0.0, 'use_old_adam': False, 'fp16_adam_stats': False, 'tpu': False, 'lr': [2e-05]}, 'lr_scheduler': {'_name':
'tri_stage', 'warmup_steps': 0, 'hold_steps': 0, 'decay_steps': 0, 'phase_ratio': [0.1, 0.0, 0.9], 'init_lr_scale': 0.01, 'final_lr_scale': 0.05, 'max_update': 50000.0, 'lr': [2e-05
]}, 'scoring': None, 'bpe': None, 'tokenizer': None, 'ema': {'_name': None, 'store_ema': False, 'ema_decay': 0.9999, 'ema_start_update': 0, 'ema_seed_model': None, 'ema_update_freq'
: 1, 'ema_fp32': False}, 'job_logging_cfg': {'version': 1, 'formatters': {'simple': {'format': '[%(asctime)s][%(name)s][%(levelname)s] - %(message)s'}}, 'handlers': {'console': {'cl
ass': 'logging.StreamHandler', 'formatter': 'simple', 'stream': 'ext://sys.stdout'}, 'file': {'class': 'logging.FileHandler', 'formatter': 'simple', 'filename': 'hydra_train.log'}},
 'root': {'level': 'INFO', 'handlers': ['console', 'file']}, 'disable_existing_loggers': False}}

But facing this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/root/miniconda3/envs/slue/bin/fairseq-hydra-train", line 33, in <module>
    sys.exit(load_entry_point('fairseq', 'console_scripts', 'fairseq-hydra-train')())
  File "/root/pushkal/slue-toolkit/deps/fairseq/fairseq_cli/", line 87, in cli_main
  File "/root/miniconda3/envs/slue/lib/python3.8/site-packages/hydra/", line 32, in decorated_main
  File "/root/miniconda3/envs/slue/lib/python3.8/site-packages/hydra/_internal/", line 346, in _run_hydra
  File "/root/miniconda3/envs/slue/lib/python3.8/site-packages/hydra/_internal/", line 201, in run_and_report
    raise ex
  File "/root/miniconda3/envs/slue/lib/python3.8/site-packages/hydra/_internal/", line 198, in run_and_report
    return func()
  File "/root/miniconda3/envs/slue/lib/python3.8/site-packages/hydra/_internal/", line 347, in <lambda>
  File "/root/miniconda3/envs/slue/lib/python3.8/site-packages/hydra/_internal/", line 107, in run
    return run_job(
  File "/root/miniconda3/envs/slue/lib/python3.8/site-packages/hydra/core/", line 129, in run_job
    ret.return_value = task_function(task_cfg)
  File "/root/pushkal/slue-toolkit/deps/fairseq/fairseq_cli/", line 27, in hydra_main
  File "/root/pushkal/slue-toolkit/deps/fairseq/fairseq_cli/", line 56, in _hydra_main
    distributed_utils.call_main(cfg, pre_main, **kwargs)
  File "/root/pushkal/slue-toolkit/deps/fairseq/fairseq/distributed/", line 369, in call_main
    main(cfg, **kwargs)
  File "/root/pushkal/slue-toolkit/deps/fairseq/fairseq_cli/", line 97, in main
    criterion = task.build_criterion(cfg.criterion)
  File "/root/pushkal/slue-toolkit/deps/fairseq/fairseq/tasks/", line 352, in build_criterion
    return criterions.build_criterion(cfg, self)
  File "/root/pushkal/slue-toolkit/deps/fairseq/fairseq/criterions/", line 29, in build_criterion
    return build_criterion_(cfg, task)
  File "/root/pushkal/slue-toolkit/deps/fairseq/fairseq/", line 55, in build_x
    cls = REGISTRY[choice]
KeyError: 'slue_sequence_classification'

Issues with baseline scripts


I am running into an error when trying to run the baseline script for voxpopuli:

Traceback (most recent call last):                                                                                                                                                                    
  File "~/bin/anaconda3/envs/fairseq/bin/fairseq-hydra-train", line 33, in <module>                                                                                       
    sys.exit(load_entry_point('fairseq', 'console_scripts', 'fairseq-hydra-train')())                                                                                                                 
  File "~/repos/fairseq/fairseq_cli/", line 87, in cli_main                                                                                                 
  File "~/bin/anaconda3/envs/fairseq/lib/python3.8/site-packages/hydra/", line 32, in decorated_main                                                               
  File "~/bin/anaconda3/envs/fairseq/lib/python3.8/site-packages/hydra/_internal/", line 346, in _run_hydra                                                       
  File "~/bin/anaconda3/envs/fairseq/lib/python3.8/site-packages/hydra/_internal/", line 201, in run_and_report                                                   
    raise ex                                                                                                                                                                                          
  File "~/bin/anaconda3/envs/fairseq/lib/python3.8/site-packages/hydra/_internal/", line 198, in run_and_report                                                   
    return func()                                                                                                                                                                                     
  File "~/bin/anaconda3/envs/fairseq/lib/python3.8/site-packages/hydra/_internal/", line 347, in <lambda>                                                         
  File "~/bin/anaconda3/envs/fairseq/lib/python3.8/site-packages/hydra/_internal/", line 107, in run                                                              
    return run_job(                                                                                                                                                                                   
  File "~/bin/anaconda3/envs/fairseq/lib/python3.8/site-packages/hydra/core/", line 129, in run_job                                                               
    ret.return_value = task_function(task_cfg)                                                                                                                                                        
  File "~/repos/fairseq/fairseq_cli/", line 27, in hydra_main                                                                                               
  File "~/repos/fairseq/fairseq_cli/", line 56, in _hydra_main                                                                                              
    distributed_utils.call_main(cfg, pre_main, **kwargs)                                                                                                                                              
  File "~/repos/fairseq/fairseq/distributed/", line 369, in call_main                                                                                             
    main(cfg, **kwargs)                                                                                                                                                                               
  File "~/repos/fairseq/fairseq_cli/", line 164, in main                                                                                                          
    extra_state, epoch_itr = checkpoint_utils.load_checkpoint(                                                                                                                                        
  File "~/repos/fairseq/fairseq/", line 272, in load_checkpoint                                                                                        
    epoch_itr = trainer.get_train_iterator(                                                                                                                                                           
  File "~/repos/fairseq/fairseq/", line 718, in get_train_iterator                                                                                              
  File "~/repos/fairseq/fairseq/data/", line 334, in first_batch                                                                                              
    return self.collate_fn([self.dataset[i] for i in self.frozen_batches[0]])                                                                                                                         
  File "~/repos/fairseq/fairseq/data/", line 68, in collater                                                                                         
KeyError: 'prev_output_tokens'

I have installed fairseq as recommended on the github page. Here is the installed version:

fairseq                   1.0.0a0+0f078de           dev_0    <develop>                                                                                                                                

Any pointers to solve this error?

Thank you

Inconsistent use of tabs and spaces


I think there is inconsistent use of tabs and spaces among the files in this toolkit like -
text_ner/ uses spaces and text_ner/ uses tabs.

Would it be possible to apply black - , to bring consistent formatting of files.


Text NER Evaluation Pipeline doesn't seem to work

I am trying to run baselines/ner/nlp_scripts/ but it seems to be broken quite a bit.

I have fixed some of the bugs, in the PR (#7) but there seems to be some more, which I am unable to fix comfortably and would require someone with expertise of this code to have a look -

  1. eval_obj.get_scores in def eval( of slue_toolkit/text_ner/ seems to be passing asr_val_dataset which is set to None when eval_asr is set to False.
  2. This then causes an issue in def get_scores function in slue_toolkit/text_ner/ As the run_inference invoked by get_scores uses asr_val_dataset in their Dataloader.
  3. The self.get_entity_tags( call in the run_inference function when eval_asr is set to False is also broken as this calls self.get_tag_map(indices=True) which seems to be calling an undefined variable tag in tag2id_raw[pfx + tag]

Could you please review that PR and also suggest the changes for the above errors. I have kept the PR as [WIP] you can make edits to them as you feel fit.


problem with


Thanks for all your work. This toolkit is a great contribution to the community.

I am trying to reproduce some of your results, and when running bash scripts/, the script crashes in slue_toolkit/prepare/ because at some point label_str in get_label_lst() get the value of nan. I leave the full error below.

Thanks again!

entity_pair_str = data_utils.prep_text_ner_tsv( File "/disk/scratch1/ramons/myapps/t2s-xling/myapps/slue-toolkit/slue_toolkit/prepare/", line 146, in prep_text_ner_tsv ner_labels_lst = get_label_lst(ner_labels_str, label_type) File "/disk/scratch1/ramons/myapps/t2s-xling/myapps/slue-toolkit/slue_toolkit/prepare/", line 33, in get_label_lst ner_labels_lst = label_str.strip("[[").strip("]]").split("], [") AttributeError: 'float' object has no attribute 'strip

Text NER baseline issues

Hi @ankitapasad @fwu-asapp @sshon-asapp,

I really apologize for my many issue creation. I thought of running the baselines again but I think there are still some issues in the slue_toolkit/text_ner/ file.

For example -

  1. - Is trying to run regex on a list. But I think they can run only on string or bytes.
  2. - Is trying to read a wrong file format. It should be f"{split_name}.{label_type}.tsv" instead.

Would it be possible to run a new bare slue-toolkit and see what all bugs pops up?

The command that I am trying to run is -
bash baselines/ner/nlp_scripts/ deberta-base combined

Please ignore if you have already caught these issues.

Key 'label_dir' not in 'AudioClassificationConfig'


When trying to run

bash baselines/sentiment/e2e_scripts/ manifest/slue-voxceleb save/sentiment/w2v2-base

I am getting the error below. Did you find this before?


omegaconf.errors.ConfigKeyError: Key 'label_dir' not in 'AudioClassificationConfig' full_key: label_dir reference_type=Optional[AudioClassificationConfig] object_type=AudioClassificationConfig

Reproduce e2e NER experiments

I attempted to replicate a Named Entity Recognition (NER) experiment but encountered several issues during the process.

Firstly, when executing the command python slue_toolkit/prepare/ create_manifest to generate manifest files, I noticed that the dev.tsv, fine-tune.tsv, and test.tsv files were merely symbolic links. They were unusable for running the end-to-end NER model. To resolve this, I had to manually copy dev.tsv and fine-tune.tsv from slue-toolkit/manifest/slue-voxpopuli into the e2e_ner directory.

Additionally, I faced a problem while performing evaluations with the command bash baselines/ner/e2e_scripts/ w2v2-base test combined nolm. It appears that the processed test files are missing. Could you provide guidance on how to properly prepare these files for evaluation?

preprocessed manifest files not on "assumed" location

README points to fine-tuning command lines and add comments stating that "Assuming that the preprocessed manifest files are in manifest/slue-voxceleb for SLUE-VoxPopuli" the command should work.

But, following the installation process described in the same README, no manifest folder or pre-processed files are created.

It feels like I am missing a really obvious step.

What is it that I'm missing?

thanks in advance!

sentiment classes mismatch in fine-tune and dev tsvs

in slue-voxceleb_fine-tune.tsv, we have the following sentiment classes:

48 <mixed>
227 Negative
4223 Neutral
1279 Positive

and in slue-voxceleb_dev.tsv, we have

14 Disagreement
3 <mixed>
51 Negative
1124 Neutral
262 Positive

I have two questions:

  1. Should we train the model to output only Neg., Neutral, and Positive?
  2. What is this class "DIsagreement"? How do we handle this? Just ignore examples with this class label during validation?

Voxceleb evaluation

Hi, I have some doubts regarding which data can be used for pretraining the models. I plan to do a mixture of self-supervised and supervised pretraining and I wanted to know:

  • Can I use Voxceleb1 audios for pretraining? I would only use the speaker id and nationality labels as supervision, and some self-supervision (without labels), so my model would be agnostic about the sentiment annotations, but maybe could have some advantage to differentiate the Voxceleb1 speakers during finetuning, specially if there is an imbalance in the sentiments by speaker.
  • Did you follow the same original dev/test splits from Voxceleb1? I am pretraining only with the dev split, so if the sentiment analysis task is evaluated only on the test split, it would not be a problem. Am I right?

wav2letter installation error!

Does anyone know how to fix the below error when installing wav2letter python bindings

Obtaining file:///gpfsssd/scratch/rech/iqh/upp27cx/wav2letter/bindings/python
  Preparing metadata ( ... done
Installing collected packages: wav2letter
  Running develop for wav2letter
    error: subprocess-exited-with-error

    × python develop did not run successfully.
    │ exit code: 1
    ╰─> [48 lines of output]
        running develop
        running egg_info
        writing wav2letter.egg-info/PKG-INFO
        writing dependency_links to wav2letter.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
        writing top-level names to wav2letter.egg-info/top_level.txt
        reading manifest file 'wav2letter.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
        writing manifest file 'wav2letter.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
        running build_ext
        gmake: Makefile: No such file or directory
        gmake: *** No rule to make target 'Makefile'.  Stop.
        /gpfswork/rech/iqh/upp27cx/conda-envs/fairseq_a100_clone_jan9/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/command/ EasyInstallDeprecationWarning: easy_install command is deprecated.
 Use build and pip and other standards-based tools.
        /gpfswork/rech/iqh/upp27cx/conda-envs/fairseq_a100_clone_jan9/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/command/ SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning: install is deprecated. Use build
and pip and other standards-based tools.
        Traceback (most recent call last):
          File "<string>", line 2, in <module>
          File "<pip-setuptools-caller>", line 34, in <module>
          File "/gpfsssd/scratch/rech/iqh/upp27cx/wav2letter/bindings/python/", line 95, in <module>
          File "/gpfswork/rech/iqh/upp27cx/conda-envs/fairseq_a100_clone_jan9/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/", line 87, in setup
            return distutils.core.setup(**attrs)
          File "/gpfswork/rech/iqh/upp27cx/conda-envs/fairseq_a100_clone_jan9/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/", line 177, in setup
            return run_commands(dist)
          File "/gpfswork/rech/iqh/upp27cx/conda-envs/fairseq_a100_clone_jan9/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/", line 193, in run_commands
          File "/gpfswork/rech/iqh/upp27cx/conda-envs/fairseq_a100_clone_jan9/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/", line 968, in run_commands
          File "/gpfswork/rech/iqh/upp27cx/conda-envs/fairseq_a100_clone_jan9/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/", line 1217, in run_command
          File "/gpfswork/rech/iqh/upp27cx/conda-envs/fairseq_a100_clone_jan9/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/", line 987, in run_command
File "/gpfswork/rech/iqh/upp27cx/conda-envs/fairseq_a100_clone_jan9/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/command/", line 34, in run
          File "/gpfswork/rech/iqh/upp27cx/conda-envs/fairseq_a100_clone_jan9/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/command/", line 114, in install_for_development
          File "/gpfswork/rech/iqh/upp27cx/conda-envs/fairseq_a100_clone_jan9/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/", line 317, in run_command
          File "/gpfswork/rech/iqh/upp27cx/conda-envs/fairseq_a100_clone_jan9/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/", line 1217, in run_command
          File "/gpfswork/rech/iqh/upp27cx/conda-envs/fairseq_a100_clone_jan9/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/", line 987, in run_command
          File "/gpfsssd/scratch/rech/iqh/upp27cx/wav2letter/bindings/python/", line 48, in run
          File "/gpfsssd/scratch/rech/iqh/upp27cx/wav2letter/bindings/python/", line 90, in build_extensions
          File "/gpfswork/rech/iqh/upp27cx/conda-envs/fairseq_a100_clone_jan9/lib/python3.8/", line 364, in check_call
            raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
        subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['cmake', '--build', '.', '--config', 'Release', '--', '-j4']' returned non-zero exit status 2.
        [end of output]

    note: This error originates from a subprocess, and is likely not a problem with pip.

Dataset Indexing Issue

In the data collator of AddLabelDataset

def collater(self, samples):
collated = self.dataset.collater(samples)
if len(collated) == 0:
return collated
indices = set(collated["id"].tolist())
target = torch.LongTensor([s["label"] for s in samples if s["id"] in indices])

If self.dataset.collater sort the collated data, target and collated will become mismatched.

Plans to release ASR finetuned-models


Thanks for the toolkit! I was wondering if there are plans to release the ASR finetuned models (or it is already there but I missed it). If not, are you accepting PRs on the ASR finetuned models by the community? Thanks in advance!

Jeff Hsu

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