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ceu-r-prod's Introduction

Here you can find the materials for the "Data Engineering 4: Using R in Production" course, part of the MSc in Business Analytics at CEU.

Table of Contents


  • 15:30 - 17:10 Session 1
  • 17:10 - 17:30 Coffee break
  • 17:30 - 19:10 Session 2

Home Assignment

The goal of this assignment is to confirm that the students have a general understanding on how to build data pipelines using Amazon Web Services and R, and can actually implement a stream processing application (either running in almost real-time or batched/scheduled way) in practice.

Tech setup

To minimize the system administration and most of the engineering tasks for the students, the below pre-configured tools are provided as free options, but students can decide to build their own environment (on the top of or independently from these) and feel free to use any other tools:

  • CEU-Binance stream in the Ireland region of the central CEU AWS account with the real-time order data from the Binance cryptocurrency exchange on Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Neo (NEO), Binance Coin (BNB) and Tether (USDT) -- including the the attributes of each transaction as specified at
  • de4-week3 Amazon Machine Image that you can use to spin up an EC2 node with RStudio Server, Shiny Server, Jenkins, Redis and Docker installed & pre-configured (use the “ceu” username and “ceudata” password if asked for all services) along with the most often used R packages (including the ones we used for stream processing, eg botor, AWR.Kinesis and the binancer package)
  • gergely-week2 EC2 IAM role with full access to Kinesis, Dynamodb, Cloudwatch and encrypt/decrypt access to the "all-the-keys" KMS key
  • de4 KMS key that you can use to decrypt the below string to get a Slack access token for the ceu-data-bot user: AQICAHhh7Ku/BWdSbCqos9k49Vnk1+WytvoesgX+1bOvLAlyegHa210D93pgytNnThR9qVVxAAAAmjCBlwYJKoZIhvcNAQcGoIGJMIGGAgEAMIGABgkqhkiG9w0BBwEwHgYJYIZIAWUDBAEuMBEEDKkH9le72xKmMsgjTQIBEIBT/7MbIV2sG6Hh+fb8BJQ9a6VNOZ1rhPAgvSET6IUdiki92fMZ6dDBOpmSSuaa3t8KIF9KtrlbQAYQNtPVHUvFl1GpyM0k8bD7jLSsUPeRjFNoI+Q=
  • lecture and seminar notes at

Required output

Make sure to clean-up your EC2 nodes, security groups, keys etc created in the past weeks, as left-over AWS resources will contribute negative points to your final grade!

  • Minimal project (for grade up to "B"): schedule a Jenkins job that runs every hour and reads 250 messages from the "CEU-Binance" stream. Use this batch of data to

    • Draw a barplot on the overall number of units per symbol in the "#bots-final-project" Slack channel based on the number of transactions returned from the Kinesis stream
    • Get the current symbol prices from the Binance API, and compute the overall price of the 250 transactions in USD and print to the console
  • Suggested project (for grade up to "A"): Create a stream processing application using the AWR.Kinesis R package's daemon + Redis (similar to what we did on the 3rd week) to record the overall amount of coins exchanged on Binance (per symbol) in the most recent micro-batch (in other words, whatever records the Java daemon reports, sum up amount by symbol and store in Redis). No need to clear the cache ... so if a symbol was not included in a batch, don't update those keys in Redis. Create a Jenkins job that reads from this Redis cache and prints the overall value (in USD) of the transactions -- based on the coin prices reported by the Binance API at the time of request. Create at least two more additional charts that display a metric you find meaningful, and report in the "#bots-final-project" Slack channel.

Delivery method

  • Create a PDF document that describes your solution and all the main steps involved with low level details: attach screenshots (includeing the URL nav bar and the date/time widget of your OS, so like full-screen and not area-picked screenshots) of your browser showing what you are doing in RStudio Server or eg Jenkins, make sure that the code you wrote is either visible on the screenshots, or included in the PDF. The minimal amount of screenshots are: EC2 creation, R code shown in your RStudio Server, Jenkins job config page, Jenkins job output, Slack channel notifications.
  • STOP the EC2 Instance you worked on, but don’t terminate it, so we can start it and check how it works. Note that your instance will be terminated by us after the end of the class.
  • Include the instance_id on the first page of the PDF, along with your name or student id.
  • Upload the PDF to Moodle.

Submission deadline

Midnight (CET) on April 19, 2020

Getting help

Contact Mihaly Orsos (TA) on the ceu-bizanalytics Slack or at [email protected]

Week 1: Using R in the Cloud

Goal: learn how to run and schedule R jobs in the cloud.

Background: Example use-cases and why to use R in the cloud?

Welcome to AWS!

  1. Use the central CEU AWS account:

  2. Secure your access key(s), other credentials and any login information ...

    ... because a truly wise person learns from the mistakes of others!

    "When I woke up the next morning, I had four emails and a missed phone call from Amazon AWS - something about 140 servers running on my AWS account, mining Bitcoin" -- Hoffman said

    "Nevertheless, now I know that Bitcoin can be mined with SQL, which is priceless ;-)" -- Uri Shaked

    So set up 2FA (go to IAM / Users / username / Security credentials / Assigned MFA device):

    PS probably you do not really need to store any access keys, but you may rely on roles (and the Key Management Service, and the Secrets Manager and so on)

  3. Let's use the eu-west-1 Ireland region

Getting access to EC2 boxes

Note: we follow the instructions on Windows in the Computer Lab, but please find below how to access the boxes from Mac or Linux as well when working with the instances remotely.

  1. Create (or import) an SSH key in AWS (EC2 / Key Pairs):

  2. Get an SSH client:

    • Windows -- Download and install PuTTY:

    • Mac -- Install PuTTY for Mac using homebrew or macports

      sudo brew install putty
      sudo port install putty
    • Linux -- probably the OpenSSH client is already installed, but to use the same tools on all operating systems, please install and use PuTTY on Linux too, eg on Ubuntu:

      sudo apt install putty
  3. Convert the generated pem key to PuTTY formatNon need to do this anymore, AWS can provide the key as PPK now.

  4. Make sure the key is readable only by your Windows/Linux/Mac user, eg

    chmod 0400 key.ppk

Create and connect to an EC2 box

  1. Create a tiny EC2 instance

    1. Optional: create an Elastic IP for your box
    2. Go the the Instances overview at
    3. Click "Launch Instance"
    4. Pick the Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS (HVM), SSD Volume Type AMI
    5. Pick t3.micro instance type (see more instance types)
    6. Click "Review and Launch"
    7. Pick a unique name for the security group after clicking "Edit Security Group"
    8. Click "Launch"
    9. Select your AWS key created above and launch
  2. Connect to the box

    1. Specify the hostname or IP address

    1. Specify the key for authentication

    1. Set the username to ubuntu on the Connection/Data tab
    2. Save the Session profile
    3. Click the "Open" button
    4. Accept & cache server's host key

Alternatively, you can connect via a standard SSH client on a Mac or Linux, something like:

chmod 0400 /path/to/your/pem
ssh -i /path/to/your/pem -p 8000 ubuntu@ip-address-of-your-machine

Install RStudio Server on EC2

  1. Look at the docs:

  2. Download Ubuntu apt package list

    sudo apt update
  3. Install dependencies

    sudo apt install r-base gdebi-core
  4. Try R


    For example:

    1 + 4
  5. Install RStudio Server

    sudo gdebi rstudio-server-1.2.5033-amd64.deb
  6. Check process and open ports

    rstudio-server status
    sudo rstudio-server status
    sudo systemctl status rstudio-server
    sudo ps aux| grep rstudio
    sudo netstat -tapen | grep LIST
    sudo netstat -tapen
  7. Look at the docs:

Connect to the RStudio Server

  1. Confirm that the service is up and running and the port is open

    ubuntu@ip-172-31-12-150:~$ sudo netstat -tapen | grep LIST
    tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      0          49065       23587/rserver
    tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      0          15671       1305/sshd
    tcp6       0      0 :::22                   :::*                    LISTEN      0          15673       1305/sshd
  2. Try to connect to the host from a browser on port 8787, eg

  3. Realize it's not working

  4. Open up port 8787 in the security group

  5. Authentication:

  6. Create a new user:

     sudo adduser ceu
  7. Login & quick demo:

  8. Reload webpage (F5), realize we continue where we left the browser :)

  9. Demo the terminal:

    $ whoami
    $ sudo whoami
    ceu is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.
  10. Grant sudo access to the new user by going back to SSH with root access:

    sudo apt install -y mc
    sudo mc
    sudo mcedit /etc/sudoers
    sudo adduser ceu admin
    man adduser
    man deluser

Note 1: might need to relogin / restart RStudio / reload R / reload page Note 2: you might want to add NOPASSWD to the sudoers file:


Although also note (3) the related security risks.

  1. Custom login page:
  2. Custom port:

Play with R for a bit

  1. Installing packages:

    ## don't do this at this point!
    ## install.packages('ggplot2')
  2. Use binary packages instead via apt & Launchpad PPA:

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:marutter/rrutter
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:marutter/c2d4u
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get upgrade
    sudo apt-get install r-cran-ggplot2
  3. Ready to use it from R after restarting the session:

    ggplot(mtcars, aes(hp)) + geom_histogram()
  4. Get some real-time data and visualize it:

    1. Install the devtools R package and a few others (binary distribution) in the RStudio/Terminal:

      sudo apt-get install r-cran-devtools r-cran-data.table r-cran-httr r-cran-jsonlite r-cran-data.table r-cran-stringi r-cran-stringr r-cran-glue
    2. Switch back to the R console and install the binancer R package from GitHub to interact with crypto exchanges (note the extra dependency to be installed from CRAN):

      devtools::install_github('daroczig/binancer', upgrade_dependencies = FALSE)
    3. First steps with live data: load the binancer package and then use the binance_klines function to get the last 3 hours of Bitcoin price changes (in USD) with 1-minute granularity -- resulting in an object like:

      > str(klines)
      Classesdata.tableand 'data.frame':	180 obs. of  12 variables:
       $ open_time                   : POSIXct, format: "2020-03-08 20:09:00" "2020-03-08 20:10:00" "2020-03-08 20:11:00" "2020-03-08 20:12:00" ...
       $ open                        : num  8292 8298 8298 8299 8298 ...
       $ high                        : num  8299 8299 8299 8299 8299 ...
       $ low                         : num  8292 8297 8297 8298 8296 ...
       $ close                       : num  8298 8298 8299 8298 8299 ...
       $ volume                      : num  25.65 9.57 20.21 9.65 24.69 ...
       $ close_time                  : POSIXct, format: "2020-03-08 20:09:59" "2020-03-08 20:10:59" "2020-03-08 20:11:59" "2020-03-08 20:12:59" ...
       $ quote_asset_volume          : num  212759 79431 167677 80099 204883 ...
       $ trades                      : int  371 202 274 186 352 271 374 202 143 306 ...
       $ taker_buy_base_asset_volume : num  13.43 5.84 11.74 7.12 15.24 ...
       $ taker_buy_quote_asset_volume: num  111430 48448 97416 59071 126493 ...
       $ symbol                      : chr  "BTCUSDT" "BTCUSDT" "BTCUSDT" "BTCUSDT" ...
       - attr(*, ".internal.selfref")=<externalptr> 
      Click here for the code generating the above ...
      klines <- binance_klines('BTCUSDT', interval = '1m', limit = 60*3)
    4. Visualize the data, eg on a simple line chart:

      Click here for the code generating the above ...
      ggplot(klines, aes(close_time, close)) + geom_line()
    5. Now create a candle chart, something like:

      Click here for the code generating the above ...
      ggplot(klines, aes(open_time)) +
          geom_linerange(aes(ymin = open, ymax = close, color = close < open), size = 2) +
          geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = low, ymax = high), size = 0.25) +
          theme_bw() + theme('legend.position' = 'none') + xlab('') +
          ggtitle(paste('Last Updated:', Sys.time())) +
          scale_y_continuous(labels = dollar) +
          scale_color_manual(values = c('#1a9850', '#d73027')) # RdYlGn
    6. Compare prices of 4 currencies (eg ETH, ARK, NEO and IOTA) in the past 24 hours on 15 mins intervals:

      Click here for the code generating the above ...
      klines <- rbindlist(lapply(
          c('ETHBTC', 'ARKBTC', 'NEOBTC', 'IOTABTC'),
          interval = '15m', limit = 4*24))
      ggplot(klines, aes(open_time)) +
          geom_linerange(aes(ymin = open, ymax = close, color = close < open), size = 2) +
          geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = low, ymax = high), size = 0.25) +
          theme_bw() + theme('legend.position' = 'none') + xlab('') +
          ggtitle(paste('Last Updated:', Sys.time())) +
          scale_color_manual(values = c('#1a9850', '#d73027')) +
           facet_wrap(~symbol, scales = 'free', nrow = 2)
    7. Some further useful functions:

      • binance_ticker_all_prices()
      • binance_coins_prices()
      • binance_credentials and binance_balances
    8. Create an R script that reports and/or plots on some cryptocurrencies, ideas:

      • compute the (relative) change in prices of cryptocurrencies in the past 24 / 168 hours
      • go back in time 1 / 12 / 24 months and "invest" $1K in BTC and see the value today
      • write a bot buying and selling crypto on a virtual exchange

Prepare to schedule R commands

  1. Install Jenkins from the RStudio/Terminal:

    wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -
    echo "deb binary/" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk-headless jenkins ## installing Java as well
    sudo netstat -tapen | grep java
  2. Open up port 8080 in the related security group

  3. Access Jenkins from your browser and finish installation

    1. Read the initial admin password from RStudio/Terminal via

      sudo cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword
    2. Proceed with installing the suggested plugins

    3. Create your first user (eg ceu)

Schedule R commands

Let's schedule a Jenkins job to check on the Bitcoin prices every hour!

  1. Log in to Jenkins using your instance's public IP address and port 8080

  2. Use the ceu username and ceudata password

  3. Create a "New Item" (job):

    1. Enter the name of the job: get current Bitcoin price

    2. Pick "Freestyle project"

    3. Click "OK"

    4. Add a new "Execute shell" build step

    5. Enter the below command to look up the most recent BTC price

      R -e "library(binancer);binance_coins_prices()[symbol == 'BTC', usd]"
    6. Run the job

  4. Debug & figure out what's the problem ...

  5. Install R packages system wide from RStudio/Terminal (more on this later):

    sudo Rscript -e "library(devtools);with_libpaths(new = '/usr/local/lib/R/site-library', install_github('daroczig/binancer', upgrade_dependencies = FALSE))"
  6. Rerun the job


Read the rOpenSci Docker tutorial -- quiz next week! Think about why we might want to use Docker.

Week 2: Scaling R applications

Hello folks, we'll start at 15:30.

Intro to the online version of this class

  • I highly recommended to get a second screen for your laptop: it can be a monitor attached to your laptop, or the TV in your living room connected via HDMI cable to your laptop, or if you have a spare tablet or laptop that you can use -- all should work fine. The goal is to have a dedicated screen for the video-conferencing, so that you can follow the stream (and ask questions), and have your usual laptop screen to do the exercises etc
  • It's much better to use a headphone (compared to using the laptop speakers and microphone) so that you hear better all the others and also the others can better understand you
  • Please click on the "mute" button on your end when not asking questions to reduce background noise
  • Please DO feel free to ask questions and interact with the course at any time -- doing the class remotely doesn't mean you are just watching a video! Please raise your voice if something is not clear, and follow the exercises to make the most out of this unfortunate situation.

Quick intro to Google Hangouts / Meet:

  • mute/unmute
  • enable/disable camera (save bandwith and CPU cycles)
  • share your screen or a window
  • chat sidebar
  • alternative way of reaching me: email, slack, moodle


What we convered last week:

  1. 2FA/MFA in AWS
  2. Creating EC2 nodes
  3. Connecting to EC2 nodes via SSH/Putty (note the difference between the PPK and PEM key formats)
  4. Updating security groups
  5. Installing RStudio Server
  6. The difference between R Console and Shell
  7. Adding new Linux users
  8. Granting sudo access to Linux users
  9. Installing R packages system-wide VS in the user's home folder
  10. Installing and setting up Jenkins
  11. Debugging issues, eg small instance with limited memory for compiling packages from source and user permissions

Note the above detailed steps for the above!

Also, in the below steps, you can skip running all the instructions prefixed with 💪 -- as the Amazon AMI has already configured so for your convenience, and these steps are just here as an FYI if you want to reproduce the same environment later (eg for a hobby project or work).


Please fill in the form at


  1. Log in to the central CEU AWS account:
  2. Did you use 2FA / MFA?!
  3. Use the Ireland regiuon
  4. Go to the EC2 console at
  5. Realize the mess we left there from last week! 😱 Fix it. Kill your old security groups as well. Remove unneded keys.
  6. 💪 Check on the wasted money in the AWS Cost Explorer
  7. Create a new t3.micro instance using the de4-week3 AMI and t3.small instance size using a new security group with a unique name and opening up the 22 (ssh), 8000 (alternate ssh), 8787 (rstudio) and 8080 (jenkins) ports
  8. Log in to RStudio using the new instance's public IP address and 8787 port, then the ceu username and ceudata password
  9. Check if the price of a Bitcoin is more than $4,000 (feel free to scroll up to get some hints from last week's R scripts)

💪 Set up an easy to remember IP address

Optionally you can associate a fixed IP address to your box:

  1. Allocate a new Elastic IP address at
  2. Name this resource by assigning a "Name" tag
  3. Associate this Elastic IP with your stopped box, then start it

💪 Set up an easy to remember domain name

Optionally you can associate a subdomain with your node, using the above created Elastic IP address:

  1. Go to Route 53:

  2. Go to Hosted Zones and click on

  3. Create a new Record, where

    • fill in the desired Name (subdomain)
    • paste the public IP address or hostname of your server in the Value field
    • click Create
  4. Now you will be able to access your box using this custon (sub)domain, no need to remember IP addresses.

💪 ScheduleR improvements

  1. Learn about little R:

  2. Set up e-mail notifications via eg

    1. Sign up, confirm your e-mail address and domain

    2. Take a note on the SMTP settings, eg

      • SMTP server:
      • Port: 465
      • SSL: Yes
      • Username: ***
      • Password: ***
    3. Configure Jenkins at

      1. Set up the default FROM e-mail address: [email protected]

      2. Search for "Extended E-mail Notification" and configure

        • SMTP Server
        • Click "Advanced"
        • Check "Use SMTP Authentication"
        • Enter User Name from the above steps from SNS
        • Enter Password from the above steps from SNS
        • Check "Use SSL"
        • SMTP port: 465
    4. Set up "Post-build Actions" in Jenkins: Editable Email Notification - read the manual and info popups, configure to get an e-mail on job failures and fixes

    5. Configure the job to send the whole e-mail body as the deault body template for all outgoing emails

    ${BUILD_LOG, maxLines=1000}
  3. Look at other Jenkins plugins, eg the Slack Notifier:

Schedule R scripts

  1. Create an R script with the below content and save on the server, eg as /home/ceu/bitcoin-price.R:

    prices <- binance_coins_prices()
    sprintf('The current Bitcoin price is: %s', prices[symbol == 'BTC', usd])
  2. Follow the steps from the Schedule R commands section to create a new Jenkins job, but instead of calling R -e "..." in shell step, reference the above R script using Rscript instead

Rscript /home/ceu/de4.R

Intro to redis

We need a persistent storage for our Jenkins jobs ... let's give a try to a key-value database:

  1. 💪 Install server

    sudo apt install redis-server
    netstat -tapen | grep LIST
  2. 💪 Install client

    sudo Rscript -e "withr::with_libpaths(new = '/usr/local/lib/R/site-library', install.packages('rredis', repos=''))"
  3. Interact from R

    ## set up and initialize the connection to the local redis server
    ## set/get values
    redisSet('foo', 'bar')
    ## increment and decrease counters
    ## get multiple values at once
    redisMGet(c('counter', 'counter2'))

For more examples and ideas, see the rredis package vignette or try the interactive, genaral (not R-specific) redis tutorial.

  1. Exercises

    • Create a Jenkins job running every minute to cache the most recent Bitcoin and Ethereum prices in Redis
    • Write an R script in RStudio that can read the Bitcoin and Ethereum prices from the Redis cache
Example solution ...

redisSet('price:BTC', binance_klines('BTCUSDT', interval = '1m', limit = 1)$close)
redisSet('price:ETH', binance_klines('ETHUSDT', interval = '1m', limit = 1)$close)


redisMGet(c('price:BTC', 'price:ETH'))
Example solution using a helper function doing some logging ...
store <- function(symbol) {
  print(paste('Looking up and storing', symbol))
  redisSet(paste('price', symbol, sep = ':'), 
           binance_klines(paste0(symbol, 'USDT'), interval = '1m', limit = 1)$close)


## list all keys with the "price" prefix and lookup the actual values

More on databases at the "Mastering R" class in the Spring semester ;)

Interacting with Slack

  1. Join the #ba-de4-2019-bots channel in the ceu-bizanalytics Slack
  2. 💪 A custom Slack app is already created at, but feel free to create a new one and use the related app in the following steps
  3. Look up the app's bots in the sidebar
  4. Look up the Access Token

Using Slack from Jenkins

  1. Get familiar with the Slack Notifier Jenkins plugin:
  2. Configure global Slack options (what about storing the token?)
  3. Set up post-hook actions to alert in Slack if a Jenkins job is failing

Talk: Productionizing R in the Cloud

Slides at

Note on storing the Slack token

  1. Do not store the token in plain-text!

  2. Let's use Amazon's Key Management Service: (slides 73-75)

  3. 💪 Instead of using the Java SDK, let's install boto3 Python module and use via reticulate:

    sudo apt install python4-pip
    sudo pip3 install boto3
    sudo Rscript -e "withr::with_libpaths(new = '/usr/local/lib/R/site-library', install.packages('reticulate', repos=''))"
    sudo Rscript -e "library(devtools);withr::with_libpaths(new = '/usr/local/lib/R/site-library', install_github('daroczig/botor', upgrade_dependencies = FALSE))"
  4. 💪 Create a KMS key in IAM: alias/de4

  5. Grant access to that KMS key by creating an EC2 IAM role at with the AWSKeyManagementServicePowerUser policy and explicit grant access to the key in the KMS console

  6. Attach the newly created IAM role

  7. Use this KMS key to encrypt the Slack token:

    botor(region = 'eu-west-1')
    kms_encrypt('token', key = 'alias/de4')
  8. Store the ciphertext and use kms_decrypt to decrypt later, see eg


Using Slack from R

  1. 💪 Install the Slack R client

    sudo apt install r-cran-rlang r-cran-purrr r-cran-tibble r-cran-dplyr
    sudo R -e "withr::with_libpaths(new = '/usr/local/lib/R/site-library', install.packages('slackr', repos=''))"
  2. Init and send our first messages with slackr

    token <- kms_decrypt("AQICAHhh7Ku/BWdSbCqos9k49Vnk1+WytvoesgX+1bOvLAlyegHa210D93pgytNnThR9qVVxAAAAmjCBlwYJKoZIhvcNAQcGoIGJMIGGAgEAMIGABgkqhkiG9w0BBwEwHgYJYIZIAWUDBAEuMBEEDKkH9le72xKmMsgjTQIBEIBT/7MbIV2sG6Hh+fb8BJQ9a6VNOZ1rhPAgvSET6IUdiki92fMZ6dDBOpmSSuaa3t8KIF9KtrlbQAYQNtPVHUvFl1GpyM0k8bD7jLSsUPeRjFNoI+Q=")
    slackr_setup(username = 'jenkins', api_token = token, icon_emoji = ':jenkins-rage:')
    text_slackr(text = 'Hi there!', channel = '#ba-de4-2019-bots')
  3. A more complex message

    prices <- binance_coins_prices()
    msg <- sprintf(':money_with_wings: The current Bitcoin price is: $%s', prices[symbol == 'BTC', usd])
    text_slackr(text = msg, preformatted = FALSE, channel = '#ba-de4-2019-bots')
  4. Or plot

    klines <- binance_klines('BTCUSDT', interval = '1m', limit = 60*3)
    p <- ggplot(klines, aes(close_time, close)) + geom_line()
    ggslackr(plot = p, channels = '#ba-de4-2019-bots', width = 12)

Better handling of secrets and credentials

Besides KMS, there are a few other great options as well, see eg the System Manager's Parameter Store at (which will need you to grant access to SSM for the related IAM role, eg via attaching the AmazonSSMReadOnlyAccess policy):


We will also cover this in more details in the Mastering R class in the Spring semester.

Job Scheduler exercises

  • Create a Jenkins job to alert if Bitcoin price is below $3.8K or higher than $4K
  • Create a Jenkins job to alert if Bitcoin price changed more than $200 in the past hour
  • Create a Jenkins job to alert if Bitcoin price changed more than 5% in the past day
  • Create a Jenkins job running hourly to generate a candlestick chart on the price of BTC and ETH
Example solution for the first exercise ...
## get data right from the Binance API
btc <- binance_klines('BTCUSDT', interval = '1m', limit = 1)$close

## or from the local cache (updated every minute from Jenkins as per above)
btc <- redisGet('price:BTC')

## log whatever was retreived
log_info('The current price of a Bitcoin is ${btc}')

## send alert
if (btc < 3800 | btc > 4000) {
  token <- ssm_get_parameter('slack')
  slackr_setup(username = 'jenkins', api_token = token, icon_emoji = ':jenkins-rage:')
    text = paste('uh ... oh... BTC price:', btc), 
    channel = '#ba-de4-2019-bots')

Week 3: Stream processing with R


What we convered last week:

  1. AWS resurce cleanup
  2. New EC2 node using a custom AMI
  3. Concept of Elastic IP
  4. Using domain names
  5. Scheduling Jenkins jobs
  6. Introduction to Redis
  7. Interacting with Slack from R and Jenkins jobs
  8. Securely handle credentials in R

You can skip running all the below instructions prefixed with 💪 -- as the Amazon AMI has already configured so for your convenience, and these steps are just here as an FYI if you want to reproduce the same environment later (eg for a hobby project or work).


Instead of doing a quiz this week ... you get all the 10% for rather providing some (anonymous) feedback on this course at the end of the class today.

Background: Example use-case and why to use R to do stream processing? (presented at the Big Data Day Los Angeles 2016, EARL 2016 London and useR! 2017 Brussels)


  1. Log in to the central CEU AWS account:
  2. Did you use 2FA / MFA?!
  3. Use the Ireland regiuon
  4. Go to the EC2 console
  5. Realize the mess we left there from last week! 😱 Fix it. Kill your old security groups as well. Remove unneded keys. Left over AWS resources (created before March 24) will contribute negative points to the final grade of the student starting the AWS instance etc!
  6. Create a new t3.small instance using the de4-week3 AMI, the gergely-week2 IAM role, and a new security group with a unique name and opening up the 22 (ssh), 8000 (alternate ssh), 8787 (rstudio) and 8080 (jenkins) ports
  7. Log in to RStudio using the new instance's public IP address and 8787 port (or skip using the port and go with the /rstudio path as per below), then the ceu username and ceudata password
  8. Create and run once an R script in RStudio Server that reports in the #ba-de4-2019-bots channel that you are ready

💪 Configuring for standard ports

To avoid using ports like 8787 and 8080, let's configure our services to listen on the standard 80 (HTTP) and potentially on the 443 (HTTPS) port as well, and serve RStudio on the /rstudio, and Jenkins on the /jenkins path.

For this end, we will use Nginx as a reverse-proxy, so let's install it first:

sudo apt install -y nginx

Then we need to edit the main site's configuration at /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default to act as a proxy, which also do some transformations, eg rewriting the URL (removing the /rstudio path) before hitting RStudio Server:

server {
    listen 80;
    rewrite ^/rstudio$ $scheme://$http_host/rstudio/ permanent;
    location ^~ /rstudio {
        rewrite ^/rstudio/(.*)$ /$1 break;
        proxy_redirect $scheme://$http_host/rstudio/;
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP  $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header Host $host;

And restart Nginx:

sudo systemctl restart nginx

Let's see if the port is open on the machine:

sudo netstat -tapen|grep LIST

Let's see if we can access RStudio Server on the new path:

curl localhost/rstudio

Now let's see from the outside world ... and realize that we need to open up port 80!

Now we need to tweak the config to support Jenkins as well, but the above Nginx rewrite hack will not work, so we will just make it a standard reverse-proxy, eg:

server {
    listen 80;
    rewrite ^/rstudio$ $scheme://$http_host/rstudio/ permanent;
    location ^~ /rstudio {
        rewrite ^/rstudio/(.*)$ /$1 break;
        proxy_redirect $scheme://$http_host/rstudio/;
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP  $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
    location ^~ /jenkins/ {
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP  $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header Host $host;

And we also need to let Jenkins also know about the custom path, so edit the JENKINS_ARGS config in /etc/default/jenkins by adding:


Then restart Jenkins, and good to go!

This way you can access the above services via the below URLs:

RStudio Server:


If you cannot access RStudio Server on port 80, you might need to restart nginx as per above.

💪 Setting up a demo stream

This section describes how to set up a Kinesis stream with 5 shards on the live Binance transactions read from its websocket -- running in a Docker container, then feeding the JSON lines to Kinesis via the Amazon Kinesis Agent.

  1. Start a t2.micro instance running "Amazon Linux AMI 2018.03.0" (where it's easier to install the Kinesis Agent compared to using eg Ubuntu) with a known key. Make sure to set a name and enable termination protection (in the instance details)! Use SSH, Putty or eg the browser-based SSH connection.

  2. Install Docker (note that we are not on Ubuntu today, but using Red Hat's yum package manager):

    sudo yum install docker
    sudo service docker start
    sudo service docker status
  3. Let's use a small Python app relying on the Binance API to fetch live transactions and store in a local file:


    screen -RRd streamer
    sudo docker run -ti --rm  daroczig/ceu-de3-docker-binance-streamer > /tmp/transactions.json
    ## "C-a c" to create a new screen, then you can switch with C-a "
    ls -latr /tmp
    tail -f /tmp/transactions.json
  4. Install the Kinesis Agent:

    As per

    sudo yum install -y aws-kinesis-agent
  5. Create a new Kinesis Stream (called crypto) at

  6. Configure the Kinesis Agent:

    sudo yum install mc
    sudo mcedit /etc/aws-kinesis/agent.json

    Running the above commands, edit the config file to update the Kinesis endpoint, the name of the stream on the local file path:

      "cloudwatch.emitMetrics": true,
      "kinesis.endpoint": "",
      "firehose.endpoint": "",
      "flows": [
          "filePattern": "/tmp/transactions.json",
          "kinesisStream": "crypto",
          "partitionKeyOption": "RANDOM"
  7. Restart the Agent:

    sudo service aws-kinesis-agent start
  8. Check the status and logs:

    sudo service aws-kinesis-agent status
    sudo journalctl -xe
    ls -latr /var/log/aws-kinesis-agent/aws-kinesis-agent.log
    tail -f /var/log/aws-kinesis-agent/aws-kinesis-agent.log
  9. Make sure that the IAM role can write to Kinesis and Cloudwatch, eg by attaching the AmazonKinesisFullAccess policy, then restart the agent

    sudo service aws-kinesis-agent restart
  10. Check the AWS console's monitor if all looks good there as well

  11. Note for the need of permissions to cloudwatch:PutMetricData

A simple stream consumer app in R

As the botor package was already installed, we can rely on the power of boto3 to interact with the Kinesis stream. The IAM role attached to the node already has the AmazonKinesisFullAccess policy attached, so we have permissions to read from the stream.

First we need to create a shard iterator, then using that, we can read the actual records from the shard:

botor(region = 'eu-west-1')
shard_iterator <- kinesis_get_shard_iterator('crypto', '0')
records <- kinesis_get_records(shard_iterator$ShardIterator)

Let's parse these records:



Parsing and structuring records read from the stream


  • parse the loaded 25 records into a data.table object with proper column types. Get some help on the data format from the Binance API docs!
  • count the overall number of coins exchanged
  • count the overall value of transactions in USD (hint: binance_ticker_all_prices() and binance_coins_prices())
  • visualize the distribution of symbol pairs
A potential solution that you should not look at before thinking ...
dt <- rbindlist(lapply(records$Records, function(record) {

setnames(dt, 'a', 'seller_id')
setnames(dt, 'b', 'buyer_id')
setnames(dt, 'E', 'event_timestamp')
## Unix timestamp / Epoch (number of seconds since Jan 1, 1970):
dt[, event_timestamp := as.POSIXct(event_timestamp / 1000, origin = '1970-01-01')]
setnames(dt, 'q', 'quantity')
setnames(dt, 'p', 'price')
setnames(dt, 's', 'symbol')
setnames(dt, 't', 'trade_id')
setnames(dt, 'T', 'trade_timestamp')
dt[, trade_timestamp := as.POSIXct(trade_timestamp / 1000, origin = '1970-01-01')]

for (id in grep('_id', names(dt), value = TRUE)) {
  dt[, (id) := as.character(get(id))]  


dt[, .N, by = symbol]
dt[, from := substr(symbol, 1, 3)]
dt <- merge(dt, binance_coins_prices(), by.x = 'from', by.y = 'symbol', all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE)
dt[, value := as.numeric(quantity) * usd]
dt[, sum(value)]

Actual stream processing instead of analyzing batch data

Let's write an R function to increment counters on the number of transactions per symbols:

  1. Get sample raw data as per above (you might need to get a new shard iterator if expired):

    records <- kinesis_get_records(shard_iterator$ShardIterator)$Record
  2. Function to parse and process it

    txprocessor <- function(record) {
      symbol <- fromJSON(as.character(record$Data))$s
      log_info(paste('Found 1 transaction on', symbol))
      redisIncr(paste('symbol', symbol, sep = ':'))
  3. Iterate on all records

    for (record in records) {
  4. Check counters

    symbols <- redisMGet(redisKeys('symbol:*'))
    symbols <- data.frame(
      symbol = sub('^symbol:', '', names(symbols)),
      N = as.numeric(symbols))
  5. Visualize

    ggplot(symbols, aes(symbol, N)) + geom_bar(stat = 'identity')
  6. Rerun step (1) and (3) to do the data processing, then (4) and (5) for the updated data visualization.

  7. 🤦‍♂️

  8. Let's make use of the next shard iterator:

    ## reset counters
    ## get the first shard iterator
    shard_iterator <- kinesis_get_shard_iterator('crypt', '0')$ShardIterator
    while (TRUE) {
      response <- kinesis_get_records(shard_iterator)
      ## get the next iterator
      shard_iterator <- response$NextShardIterator
      ## extract records
      records <- response$Record
      for (record in records) {
      ## summarize
      symbols <- redisMGet(redisKeys('symbol:*'))
      symbols <- data.frame(
        symbol = sub('^symbol:', '', names(symbols)),
        N = as.numeric(symbols))
      ## visualize
      print(ggplot(symbols, aes(symbol, N)) + geom_bar(stat = 'identity') + ggtitle(sum(symbols$N)))

Stream processor daemon

  1. So far, we used the boto3 Python module from R via botor to interact with AWS, but this time we will integrate Java -- by calling the AWS Java SDK to interact with our Kinesis stream, then later on to run a Java daemon to manage our stream processing application.

    1. 💪 First, let's install Java and the rJava R package:
    sudo apt install r-cran-rjava
    1. 💪 Then the R package wrapping the AWS Java SDK and the Kinesis client, then update to the most recent dev version right away:
    sudo R -e "withr::with_libpaths(new = '/usr/local/lib/R/site-library', install.packages('AWR.Kinesis', repos=''))"
    sudo R -e "library(devtools);with_libpaths(new = '/usr/local/lib/R/site-library', install_github('daroczig/AWR.Kinesis'))"
    1. 💪 Note, after installing Java, you might need to run sudo R CMD javareconf and/or restart R or the RStudio Server via sudo rstudio-server restart :/
    Error : .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'rJava', details:
      call: dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...)
      error: unable to load shared object '/usr/lib/R/site-library/rJava/libs/': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    1. And after all, a couple lines of R code to get some data from the stream via the Java SDK (just like we did above with the Python backend):
    records <- kinesis_get_records('crypto', 'eu-west-1')
  2. Create a new folder for the Kinesis consumer files: streamer

  3. Create an file within that subfolder

executableName = ./app.R
regionName = eu-west-1
streamName = crypto
applicationName = my_demo_app_sadsadsa
AWSCredentialsProvider = DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain
  1. Create the app.R file:


    initialize = function() {
        redisConnect(nodelay = FALSE)
        log_info('Connected to Redis')

    processRecords = function(records) {
        log_info(paste('Received', nrow(records), 'records from Kinesis'))
        for (record in records$data) {
            symbol <- fromJSON(record)$s
            log_info(paste('Found 1 transaction on', symbol))
            redisIncr(paste('symbol', symbol, sep = ':'))

    updater = list(
        list(1/6, function() {
            log_info('Checking overall counters')
            symbols <- redisMGet(redisKeys('symbol:*'))
            log_info(paste(sum(as.numeric(symbols)), 'records processed so far'))

    shutdown = function()

    checkpointing = 1,
    logfile = 'app.log')
  1. 💪 Allow writing checkpointing data to DynamoDB and CloudWatch in IAM

  2. Convert the above R script into an executable using the Terminal:

cd streamer
chmod +x app.R
  1. Run the app in the Terminal:
/usr/bin/java -cp /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/AWR/java/*:/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/AWR.Kinesis/java/*:./ \ \
  1. Check on app.log

Shiny app showing the progress

  1. Reset counters

    keys <- redisKeys('symbol*')
  2. 💪 Install the treemap package

    sudo apt install r-cran-httpuv r-cran-shiny r-cran-xtable r-cran-htmltools r-cran-igraph r-cran-lubridate r-cran-tidyr r-cran-quantmod r-cran-broom r-cran-zoo r-cran-htmlwidgets r-cran-tidyselect r-cran-rlist r-cran-rlang r-cran-xml
    sudo R -e "devtools::with_libpaths(new = '/usr/local/lib/R/site-library', install.packages(c('treemap', 'highcharter'), repos=''))"
  3. Run the below Shiny app

    ## packages for plotting
    ## connect to Redis
    ui     <- shinyUI(highchartOutput('treemap', height = '800px'))
    server <- shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
        symbols <- reactive({
            ## auto-update every 2 seconds
            ## get frequencies
            symbols <- redisMGet(redisKeys('symbol:*'))
            symbols <- data.table(
                symbol = sub('^symbol:', '', names(symbols)),
                N = as.numeric(symbols))
            ## color top 3
            symbols[, color := 1]
            symbols[symbol %in% symbols[order(-N)][1:3, symbol], color := 2]
            ## return
        output$treemap <- renderHighchart({
            tm <- treemap(symbols(), index = c('symbol'),
                          vSize = 'N', vColor = 'color',
                          type = 'value', draw = FALSE)
            N <- sum(symbols()$N)
            hc_title(hctreemap(tm, animation = FALSE),
            text = sprintf('Transactions (N=%s)', N))
    shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server, options = list(port = 3838))

Dockerizing R scripts

Exercise: create a new GitHub repository with a Dockerfile installing botor (and its dependencies), binancer and slackr to be able to run the above jobs in a Docker container. Set up a DockerHub registry for the Docker image and start using in the Jenkins jobs.


  • create a new GitHub repo

  • create a new RStudio project using the git repo

  • set the default git user on the EC2 box

    git config --global "[email protected]"
    git config --global "Your Name"
  • create a Personal Access Token set up on GitHub for HTTPS auth on your EC2 box

  • example GitHub repo:

  • example DockerHub repo:

  • install Docker on EC2:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install -y apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common
    curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
    sudo add-apt-repository \
      "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install docker-ce
  • example run:

    docker run --rm -ti daroczig/ceu-de3-week5-prep R -e "binancer::binance_klines('BTCUSDT', interval = '1m', limit = 1)[1, close]"


We are continuously trying to improve the content of this class and looking forward to any feedback and suggestions:


File a GitHub ticket.

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