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dynamiccivilwar's Issues

Addons dependencies

Please note that this scenario couldn't load until had installed the 3CB Factions addon. Without it, shows a message "You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted. UK3CB_Factions_Equipment_Vests".

Please remove the dependency or update the description to show all required addons.

Civ limit prevents spawning of civs? ( empty villages)

It seems in a lot of cases the civ limit (MAX_POPULATION?) prevents spawning of new civilians when you travel through a few villages. ( I think because the max limit is reached?!)

You reach new villages and they are empty. And nobody is spawning. So often theres no civs for intel and no village chief to expand your territory.

For this case there should be a kind of "fallback code" that removes other civilians (maybe those that are the furthest away?) to spawn new ones around you.

UGW not controllable

(unmodded, listenserver) Requested a UGV Stomper, but couldnt connect to the UGV. Only worked when i entered it, but then stilll couldnt control/ or select it.

Suggestion: Skip intro

Please add an option to skip the intro.
When e.g. doing tests on the mission it wastes too much time to have to go through the long intro over and over again.
thx! =)

Respawn delay bug?

After about one minute, respawn is triggered, all unit alive. Issue or wanted?

MP respawn, action and JIP issues

Theres a couple of issues surfacing when I did some testruns on a client-hosted server:

Relog/JIP issue:

  • started the mission with a pal. he had to rejoin. I was waiting at our heli drop-off point.
  • my pals char stayed ingame as unusable AI toon
  • when he rejoined i was suddenly teleported 5m into the air and dropped dead.
  • he was not respawned into his previous AI toon and didnt spawn at the drop-off point where he left (and where i was waiting for him)

Group command and addactions:

  • when i die in MP group command switches to an AI.
  • after respawning the command is messed up: i dont get the request/camp actions added back to me, my squad doesnt show up at the bottom and i can no longer command my squad (but im adressed as actual commander)

Seems this needs some failsafe code so your command and actions are properly restored after death/respawn/heal.

Restricted arsenal problem

@bidass hey, this mod had loads of potential but our squad weren't able to unrestrict our arsenal despite having unrestricted arsenal set globally and turning off the restricted arsenal setting when we load into your mod (on the weather selection screen). Is this a bug that you're aware of? Any ideas please? Thanks in advance mate.

Suggestion: Params, params, params

I poked the mission and the mission poked back...
Playing with just 4 stupid Arma AIs is really tough, so I checked values and adjusted them to suit my, "skill level", hehe!

Stuff that would be very helpful to have as mission params:
MAX_RANDOM_PATROL (20 was pretty brutal in SP, especially when you run into...)
NUMBER_TANKS (holy, this caused a couple of wipes and other unsolvable situations)

Being able to adjust those values is a good, helpful way to modify mission difficulty.

Especially the random patrols caused a severe problem for me. They nail you and your stupid AI buddies down, a tank shows up... game over... (or respawn in MP)

Too many civilians/Units simultaneously causing FPS issues and delayed enemy spawning.

I love the realistic way the Civilians behave but there are some performance issues because of the many scritps/addactions on them.

I believe because of that, that 25 civilians for most settlements is too much and the mission Lags because of that.

I suggest reducing the Civilians amounts to:
Big Cities: 12 Civilians, Max 3 running cars and 3 parked cars.
Small Cities: 8 Civilians, Max 2 running cars and 2 parked cars.
Towns: 5 Civilians, Max 1 running cars and 1 parked cars.
Smaller Settlements: 3 Civilians, 0 running cars and 1 parked vehicle.

Also I had some instances of getting into a enemy position and having enemies spawn right in front of me because of the delay on their spawning checks is too long or the area distance the player has to get for them to spawn is too small.

Transport costs wrong

Requesting transport says it costs 100.
When I take that option 150 are deducted.

IsFlatEmpty - Immersion breaking - Suggestion

Whatever the value entered in the first box of IsFlatEmpty (Distance Check) it seems impossible to place the camp in a forest area whatever the place. Placing the camp in open fields breaks the immersion. Is it possible to consider taking the risk of a deformed camp, in favour of forest areas or covered with nearby buildings/ruins? With a -1 value in the first box

Feedback and Suggestions:

First and foremost, thank you antoinebidault for your amazing work on Dynamic Civil War!
It is one of the most fun and promising missions I've ever played (played on Malden so my feedback is on that version).

Now to the suggestions:

1. Please make a thread here about your mission here:
That way the whole community can help you with your project! I am willing to join your team and I have many cool scripts and ideas that will help the mission A LOT.

2. Please consider changing the Score and Reputation mechanics (Score sounds very gamey and Reputation is hard to understand as a global stat, it would be better to have reputation as a per location/town stat) and use these as your global stats instead:
-Support: It is basically Score renamed but there are more things that help you gain Support and also loose Support. Another difference to Score is that if your Support is low then the civilians start defecting to the enemy side and won't give you as much intel when interrogating them.
-Intel: This is your mission progress meter. The more Intel you have the closer you are to finding the enemy leader. You need at least an XXX amount of Intel before you start getting possible enemy leaders locations missions.
- Reputation: This should be the location based stat. Any civilian town/city etc should have its own Reputation towards you. If your Reputation to a particular location is high you will be able to gather more Intel there and perhaps give you Support points on a regular basis.

The idea is simple...

You gain Support by:

  • Doing humanitarian missions,
  • Disarming mines,
  • Killing hostiles,
  • Talking to civilians using the "gain support" option.
  • Releasing civilian prisoners/hostages.
  • Doing missions.
  • ETC.

You loose Support by:

  • Killing civilians,
  • Killing friendly forces,
  • Using force on civilians (interrogation to gain more intel, arresting innocents etc),
  • Stealing Civilian Vehicles,
  • Failing Missions.
  • Using the support menu: Calling Extracts, Vehicles, MED EVACs etc.
  • Hiring civilians/team members.
  • KIA Team members and also when you die (Huge Support Penalty).

You gain Intel by:

  • Talking to civilians. You should have basically two options, regular interrogations or forced interrogations. Regular Interrogation takes longer and gives less Intel. Forced Interrogation is faster and gives more Intel but you loose some Reputation.
  • Doing Recon Missions.
  • Searching Enemy Bodies.
  • Searching Enemy Locations (outposts, bases etc).
  • Capturing Alive Enemies (Huge Intel gain).
  • Arresting Enemy supporting Civilians.

You loose some Intel by:

  • Dying/Re spawning.

You gain Reputation on a local settlement by:

  • Killing hostiles inside the settlement/freeing the settlement.
  • Disarming Mines/Explosives on the settlement.
  • Removing enemy roadblocks/installations there.
  • Doing humanitarian missions for the Town Leader.

You Loose Reputation on a local settlement by:

  • Killing/Arresting civilians there.
  • Doing hard interrogations to the civilians there.
  • Failing humanitarian/aid missions to the town.

Suggestion: Refactoring the main game loop

So, had a few playthroughs and its an amazing mission with some rough edges.

What I would refactor is the way you find your prime target. It feels just wrong, that your overwatch overlord constantly spoils the positions of the enemy officers. And right from the beginning.

What game loop I would prefer to to see:

  1. find the info about who the actual officers are (so name and pics)
  2. give overwatch a rough area to do drone scouting (instead of the whole island)
  3. a chance that drones get shot down (leading to a delay until a new one can be dispatched)
  4. reveal the actual positions of those officers
  5. take them down for interrogation about the info about the real supreme leader (spoiler: its not Snoke...)
  6. take down the insurgency leader AND all his officers (cut all heads of the hydra)
  7. celebrate victory.

The result is a mission that you can dig your teeths in much deeper for a higher satisfaction (instead of overwatch spoiling the plot by revealing officers).

Keep up the great work! This is an unpolished gem at your hands!

No more points from food supplies

Supplying a settlement with food supplies no longer grants score points. (tested in SP and client host)
Is that intentional or a bug?

Feedback/question on Medvac

Firstly, I really enjoy this scene so thank you for your efforts!!

On medvac it says, mark the position on the map, but I don't know how to do that. Please could you let me know what the process is? Sorry for noob question.

I've read cubox's comments and I agree with his first point, liberabing a hostile results in being instantly shot. I also unloaded a whole 20 rounds of 5.56 into his head and he didn't this something I'm doing wrong?

Couple bugs from a Multiplayer Playthrough

Hi I've been playing DCW for about a week, it's an excellent scenario and I'm hoping this can help you make it even better. I just want to note that I've ported the scenario (in it's latest iteration) to the Kujari terrain and it works incredibly well aside from a couple small bugs:

  1. we were assigned objectives to destroy both a mortar and a weapons cache. Upon destroying both objects the tasks were returned as "Failed". The weapons cache was also located at the feet of a village chief, fortunately I was able to carry it to a safe area using an ACE interaction, those who aren't using ACE may not get so lucky.

  2. We had a Defend Civilian objective which never registered as "Completed" even though I'm fairly certain we repelled the enemy attack on the area.

  3. It seems I am unable to assign military advisers to village chiefs when the area is fully liberated/green, the dialog keeps returning that it needs to be in a "Neutral state". Perhaps something in the scripting needs to be added for when a village is in a Liberated state?

  4. I have yet to test in the most recent version, but I was never able to interact with/disarm IEDs no matter what I tried. I made sure I had a toolkit, mine detector, and I edited my character's abilities to have maximum ACE & BIS engineer abilities and I would still get blown up. I'll give it another shot this afternoon, I'm assuming there should be a pop-up "Hold Space to Disarm" interaction like there have been with most things in your campaign.

I've notice that in changing the supporting factions at the beginning, my character's load out / unit changes, could it be that in switching my character's unit is disabling or removing the engineer abilities? Is there any way in that the playable characters could be unaffected by the faction switch?

Thanks again for the work you've done on this mission so far, the replay-ability and potential is way way up there.

Fix spawning azimut

Make a coherent spawning azimut. Sometimes, enemies are coming from sectors probably secured.

Dynamic Civil War Malden Bugs/Issues

Listing here all the bugs that I encountered while playing:

  • When changing friendly factions, a helicopter will sometimes spawn in us.(

  • When I ordered MRAP from RHSUSAF it was not delivered to me, only the helicopter itself arrives.(

  • Every time I go to this lighthouse, nobody will spawn there, nor civilians or enemies.(

  • When I loaded my save I could not talk to civilians anymore and this message was showing me.(

  • After some time of playing the game I noticed that in my area civilians magically began to disappear. After a long while, no one was in the cities anymore so I could not talk to the chief to get these cities. The only civilians I met after an hour of riding BRDM-2 is one allied man with akm. I think that the civilian system should be completely reworked in terms of that civilians should not go too far from their place of residence and the chief should be in this one building and never move anywhere.(

  • After I asked one of the civilians where the chief is located, a marker appeared where he was found but when I got there, there was no one there and after talking to the civilian again, the marker did not move and stayed in a place where nothing was. The same was done after asking a civilian from another village about the location of the chief, but the marker was not updated and stayed in the place of the chief from another village.

  • After disarming the IDE The task was considered to be fail. The same was with the task of killing the sniper where, after killing him the task ended in failure.(

  • When I went to one of the populated cities, no one spawned there.(

  • The friendly units in the cities are not permanent, when I moved away from the city and return to it, the units stationed there will become a random one. One time Ural fuel and BTR-88a turned into BRDM-2 and Gaz.(

  • When I went a little farther, my teammate with number 2 (AI) disappeared.(

  • I do not know why, but Ai likes this road very often, the vehicles always spawn on it and even on your eyes and then there are 4 damaged vehicles that stand without a cause and steal fps. I also noticed that the units from this ural which is in the picture do not disappear after I brought these bodies out of the vehicle until the end of my game they were there.(

  • In addition, at the very beginning of the game when choosing equipment in the arsenal for the team, Ai often screams that he sees the enemy, and once I was even shot by someone.

Thank you for a great mission I had a good time with her and I hope that you will fix all these problems quickly because I am so eager to play again but unfortunately not in such a malicious version.
Regards MatrikSky

Feedback on the mod

I wanted to post this in the Steam comments for the mod, but the characters limit stopped me.
Here is my feedback:

I tried the mod a bit as singleplayer, and this has a very high potential if some issues are fixed. Here is the list of issues/wishes, most important first.

1) Enemies surrendered will rebel
I love the fact that enemies will surrender, but I have some issues with that.
When you release a surrendered unit, they will become hostile again, and shoot you instantly, killing you. I'm assuming this is a bug, but I would assume that liberating them would make them harmless, maybe turn them into civilian without their combat gear and have they run away.
Also, the 15m delay, animation and cut scene when interrogating them is more of a bother than a cool feature. I usually just shoot in the head (because I can't liberate him) the guy while the animation is continuing, which makes him finish the animation, then die instantly.

2) Medical system / player revive / friendly AI revive.
Most scenarios have a "revive" system, where you are downed and the AI can get you back up, if they can reach you. Not having one makes combat really suck at times.
One of the best revive systems I have seen is the one implemented in Antistatis. The AI will get back to you, and even drag you to cover before healing you. They do this for anyone in the squad, automatically. Having this system here would be so great!

I also dislike the medvac system. It's long, not fun and currently broken. The heli will land, the unit will be replaced, but the wounded guy will never be dragged to the heli.
I would simply replace the system by doing this:
When an AI dies, (or bleedout with the revive system), let it die. Add as a reinforcement to be called for points, calling the heli, which will land and deliver "new" units, which are here to replace the dead.

Also, I would not move the AI back to the player base, but leave them in the firefight. Add an option to spawn missing AI back in the base (without the long landing of the heli).

3) ACE Integration
I only saw two problems with ACE, no earplugs and unable to disable mines. (Wither vanilla option or ACE)

4) Reputation
The only times I really noticed reputation was when I got it changed. But I never understood why.
You should add reputation to the bottom information, so you can track it. Also show the reason why modification is added or removed.

Those issues (especially the first two), made me stop playing the scenario. But if they are fixed, I think this would be the greatest mod ever made, with a fun and re playable (if other maps are available) mission.
Combat feels good, enemies surrendering is really good. Mines is a good touch.

I was able to use ace perfectly

Hello, first of all I would like to thank you for the gameplay that is getting wonderful.
I took the liberty of creating a version on the Takistan map where I started with some basic changes to the Ace mod's work.
Well for this deed I needed to deactivate some scripts like MEDEVAC (in their revive and related scripts) and some Respawn lines where I am analyzing the use of respawn via ACE.

Well I do not use Github much but I can make my version available in some way if you want to see it.

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