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compute-pressure's Introduction

Compute Pressure


  • Olivier Yiptong (Google)
  • Victor Costan (Google)
  • Kenneth Rohde Christiansen (Intel)


Table of Contents


We propose a new API that conveys the utilization of CPU resources on the user's device. This API targets applications that can trade off CPU resources for an improved user experience. For example, many applications can render video effects with varying degrees of sophistication. These applications aim to provide the best user experience, while avoiding driving the user's device in a high CPU utilization regime.

High CPU utilization is undesirable because it strongly degrades the user experience. Many smartphones, tablets and laptops become uncomfortably hot to the touch. The fans in laptops and desktops become so loud that they disrupt conversations or the users’ ability to focus. In many cases, a device under high CPU utilization appears to be unresponsive, as the operating system may fail to schedule the threads advancing the task that the user is waiting for.

Goals / Motivating Use Cases

The primary use case is informing CPU consumption decisions in video conferencing and video games, which are highly popular soft real-time applications. We aim to support the following decisions.

  • Video conferencing
    • Adjust the number of video feeds shown simultaneously during calls with many participants
    • Reduce the quality of video processing (video resolution, frames per second)
    • Skip non-essential video processing, such as some camera filters
    • Disable non-essential audio processing, such as WebRTC noise suppression
    • Turn quality-vs-speed and size-vs-speed knobs towards “speed” in video and audio encoding (in WebRTC, WebCodecs, or software encoding)
  • Video games
    • Use lower-quality assets to compose the game’s video (3D models, textures, shaders) and audio (voices, sound effects)
    • Disable effects that result in less realistic non-essential details (water / cloth / fire animations, skin luminance, glare effects, physical simulations that don’t impact gameplay)
    • Tweak quality-vs-speed knobs in the game’s rendering engine (shadows quality, texture filtering, view distance)

The secondary use case is measuring the CPU resource consumption of a feature. This ultimately supports the main goal of avoiding driving user devices into high CPU utilization. We aim to support the following decision processes.

  • Compare the CPU consumption of alternative implementations of the same feature, for the purpose of determining the most efficient implementation. We aim to support measuring CPU utilization in the field via A/B tests, because an implementation’s CPU utilization depends on the hardware it’s running on, and most developers cannot afford performance measurement labs covering all the devices owned by their users.
  • Estimate the impact of enabling a feature on CPU consumption. This cost estimate feeds into the decisions outlined in the primary use case.


This proposal is focused on exposing CPU utilization and thermal throttling. This limitation leaves out some resource consumption decisions that Web applications could make to avoid the bad user experiences mentioned in the introduction. The following decisions will not be supported by this proposal.

Video conferencing applications and games use the following information to make the unsupported decisions above.

  • GPU utilization
  • CPU capabilities, such as number of cores, core speed, cache size
  • CPU vendor and model

Concept - CPU utilization

The CPU utilization of the user's device is the average of the utilization of all the device's CPU cores.

A CPU core's utilization is the fraction of time that the core has been executing code belonging to a thread, as opposed to being in an idle state.

A CPU utilization close to 1.0 is very likely to lead to a bad user experience. The device is likely overheating, and CPU cooling fans are making loud noises. Applications can help avoid bad user experiences by reducing their compute demands when the CPU utilization is high.

Concept - CPU Clock Speed

Modern CPU cores support a set of clock speeds. The device's firmware or operating system can set the core clock speed, in order to trade off the available CPU computational resources with power consumption.

From a user experience standpoint, the following are the most interesting clock speeds.

  • The minimum clock speed results in the lowest power consumption.
  • The base clock speed results in the power consumption that the CPU is rated for. Marketing materials emphasize this speed.
  • The maximum clock speed (marketed as "Turbo boost" on Intel CPUs) causes unsustainable amounts of heating. It can only be used for short periods of time, to satisfy bursts in demand for CPU compute.

When a device's CPU utilization gets high, the device increases clock speeds across its CPU cores, in an attempt to meet the CPU compute demand. As the speeds exceed the base clock speed, the elevated power consumption increases the CPU's temperature. At some point, the device enters a thermal throttling regime, where the CPU clock speed is reduced, in order to bring the temperature down.

By the time thermal throttling kicks in, the user is having a bad experience. Applications can help avoid thermal throttling by reducing their demands for CPU compute right as the CPU clock speeds approaches / exceeds the base speed.

Compute Pressure Observer

We propose a design similar to Intersection Observer to let applications be notified when the system's CPU utilization and clock speed change.

const observer = new ComputePressureObserver(
      // Thresholds divide the interval [0.0 .. 1.0] into ranges.
      cpuUtilizationThresholds: [0.75, 0.9, 0.5],
      // The minimum clock speed is 0, and the maximum speed is 1. 0.5 maps to
      // the base clock speed.
      cpuSpeedThresholds: [0.5],


function computePressureCallback(update) {
  // The CPU base clock speed is represented as 0.5.
  if (update.cpuSpeed >= 0.5 && update.cpuUtilization >= 0.9) {
    // Dramatically cut down compute requirements to avoid overheating.

  // Options applied are returned with every update.
  // The options applied may be different than those requested.
  // e.g. the user agent may have reduced the number of thresholds observed.
     "Effective CPU utilization thresholds: " +
     "Effective CPU speed thresholds: " +

Key scenarios

Adjusting the number of video feeds based on CPU usage

const observer = new ComputePressureObserver(
      // Thresholds divide the interval [0.0 .. 1.0] into ranges.
      cpuUtilizationThresholds: [0.75, 0.9, 0.5],
      // The minimum clock speed is 0, and the maximum speed is 1. 0.5 maps to
      // the base clock speed.
      cpuSpeedThresholds: [0.5],


function computePressureCallback(update) {
  // The CPU base clock speed is represented as 0.5.
  if (update.cpuSpeed >= 0.5) {
    // Dramatically cut down compute requirements to avoid overheating.

  if (update.cpuUtilization >= 0.9) {
  } else if (update.cpuUtilization >= 0.75) {
  } else if (update.cpuUtilization >= 0.5) {
  } else {
    // The system is in great shape. Show all meeting participants.

  // Options applied are returned with every update.
  // The options applied may be different than those requested.
  // e.g. the user agent may have reduced the number of thresholds observed.
     "Effective CPU utilization thresholds: " +
     "Effective CPU speed thresholds: " +

Detailed design discussion

Prevent instead of mitigating bad user experiences

A key goal for our proposal is preventing, rather than mitigating, bad user experience. On mobile devices such as laptops, smartphones and tablets, pushing the user’s device into high CPU or GPU utilization causes the device to become uncomfortably hot, causes the device’s fans to get disturbingly loud, and drains the battery at an unacceptable rate.

The key goal above disqualifies solutions such as requestAnimationFrame(), which lead towards a feedback system where bad user experience is mitigated, but not completely avoided. Feedback systems have been successful on desktop computers, where the user is insulated from the device's temperature changes, the fan noise variation is not as significant, and there is no battery.

Minimizing information exposure

This proposal exposes information about the user's device, which increases the risk of harming the user's privacy. To minimize this risk, this proposal aims to only expose the absolute minimal amount of information needed to make the decisions we set out to support.

The subsections below describe the processing model. At a high level, the information exposed is reduced by the following steps.

  1. Normalization - Per-core information reported by the operating system is normalized to a number between 0.0 and 1.0. This removes variability across CPU models and operating systems.

  2. Aggregation - Normalized per-core information is aggregated into one overall number.

  3. Quantization (a.k.a. bucketing) - Each application (origin) must declare a small number of value ranges (buckets) where it wants to behave differently. The application doesn't receive the exact aggregation results, and instead only gets to learn the range (bucket) that each aggregated number falls within to.

  4. Rate-limiting - The user agent notifies the application of changes in the information it can learn (buckets that each aggregated number). Change notifications are rate-limited.

Normalizing CPU utilization

The user agent will normalize CPU core utilization information reported by the operating system to a number between 0.0 and 1.0.

0.0 maps to 0% utilization, meaning the CPU core was always idle during the observed time window. 1.0 maps to 100% utilization, meaning the CPU core was never idle during the observed time window.

Aggregating CPU utilization

CPU utilization is averaged over all enabled CPU cores.

Under normal circumstances, all of a system's cores are enabled. However, mitigating some recent micro-architectural attacks on some devices may require completely disabling some CPU cores. For example, some Intel systems require disabling hyperthreading.

We recommend that user agents aggregate CPU utilization over a time window of 1 second. Smaller windows increase the risk of facilitating a side-channel attack. Larger windows reduce the application's ability to make timely decisions that avoid bad user experiences.

Normalizing CPU clock speed

This API normalizes each CPU core's clock speed to a number between 0.0 and 1.0. The proposal intends to enable the decisions we set out to support, without exposing the clock speeds.

We propose the following principles for normalizing a CPU core's clock speed.

  1. The minimum clock speed is always reported as 0.0.
  2. The base clock speed is always reported as 0.5.
  3. The maximum clock speed is always reported as 1.0.
  4. Speeds outside these values are clamped (to 0.0 or 1.0).
  5. Speeds between these values are linearly interpolated.

Aggregating CPU clock speed

TODO: Aggregating is an average of the current speed across all cores. No aggregation over a time window.

TODO: Proposal for aggregating clock speeds across systems with heterogeneous CPU cores, such as big.LITTLE.

Quantizing values (a.k.a. Bucketing)

Quantizing the aggregated CPU utilization and clock speed reduces the amount of information exposed by the API.

Having applications designate the quantization ranges (buckets) reduces the quantization resolution that user agents must support in order to enable the decisions used in a multitude of applications.

Applications communicate their desired quantization scheme by passing in a list of thresholds. For example, the thresholds list [0.5, 0.75, 0.9] defines a 4-bucket scheme, where the buckets cover the value ranges 0-0.5, 0.5-0.75, 0.75-0.9, and 0.9-1.0. We propose representing a bucket using the middle value in its range.

For example, suppose an application used the threshold list above, and the user agent measured a CPU utilization of 0.87. This would fall under the 0.75-0.9 bucket, and would be reported as 0.825 (the average of 0.75 and 0.9).

We will recommend that user agents allow at most 5 buckets (4 thresholds) for CPU utilization, and 2 buckets (1 threshold) for CPU speed.

Rate-limiting change notifications

We propose exposing the quantized CPU utilization and clock speed via rate-limited change notifications. This aims to remove the ability to observe the precise time when a value transitions between two buckets.

More precisely, once the compute pressure observer is installed, it will be called once with initial quantized values, and then be called when the quantized values change. The subsequent calls will be rate-limited. When the callback is called, the most recent quantized value is reported.

The specification will recommend a rate limit of at most one call per second for the active window, and one call per 10 seconds for all other windows. We will also recommend that the call timings are jittered across origins.

These measures benefit the user's privacy, by reducing the risk of identifying a device across multiple origins. The rate-limiting also benefits the user's security, by making it difficult to use this API for timing attacks. Last, rate-limiting change callbacks places an upper bound on the performance overhead of this API.

Third-party contexts

This API will only be available in frames served from the same origin as the top-level frame. This requirement is necessary for preserving the privacy benefits of the API's quantizing scheme.

The same-origin requirement above implies that the API is only available in first-party contexts.

Considered alternatives

Fixed quantization scheme

Instead of having applications specify the thresholds they are interested in, we considered proposing a fixed quantization scheme. For example, we could round reported values to the closest 0.10 (10% of the range), which defines a 10-bucket scheme.

This alternative would result in a simpler mental model that may reduce the burden of using and implementing the API. However, a fixed quantization scheme would require more buckets to power the same decisions, resulting in higher risks to the user's privacy. Therefore, the priority of constituents requires that we discard this alternative, as it would favor authors and implementers over users.

As a concrete example, let's assume two popular video conferencing applications that use different CPU clock speed thresholds (50% and 75%) to reduce the number of video feeds they display. A fixed bucketing scheme requires at least 3 buckets (0 - 50%, 50% - 75%, 75% - 100%) to optimally support both applications. By comparison, the current proposal supports both applications with two buckets.

Fine-grained quantization gated on permissions

We considered adding an option to switch to a more fine-grained quantization schemes, such as 0.01 precision (100 equally-sized buckets) or 0.001 precision (1,000 equally-sized buckets). We considered gating the quantization switch on a user permission.

We separately considered automatically switching to a finer-grained quantization scheme for applications that can access a device camera that is turned on. The privacy argument would have been that the user shared a very high amount of entropy with the application, so the privacy risks are much smaller in this case.

This option would be very helpful for use cases such as benchmarking and A/B testing. As a concrete example, we have been made aware that A/B tests for optimizations in a popular video conferencing application sometimes rely on 0.001 precision in CPU utilization values.

We discarded this option in the interest of keeping the proposal more focused. The fine-grained quantization schemes discussed here can be added to the currently proposed API shape in a backwards-compatible manner.

Expose a thermal throttling indicator

On some operating systems and devices, applications can detect when thermal throttling occurs. Thermal throttling is a strong indicator of a bad user experience (high temperature, CPU cooling fans maxed out).

This option was discarded because of concerns that the need to mitigate some recent attacks may lead to significant changes in the APIs that this proposal was envisioning using.

Theoretically, Chrome can detect thermal throttling on Android, Chrome OS, and macOS. However, developer experience suggests that the macOS API is not reliable.

Combine CPU utilization and clock speed

We considered reporting one number that accounts for both CPU utilization and CPU clock speed.

A somewhat common practice is to multiply utilization by the ratio of the current and maximum CPU clock speed. For example, a CPU core that is 50% idle and runs at 50% of its maximum CPU speed (1.6 Ghz out of 3.2 Ghz) would be considered to be 25% utilized. This metric is not always intuitive.

We discarded this option because we got developer feedback that mitigating bad user experiences requires being able to react differently to high CPU utilization and high CPU clock speeds. The latter needs to be addressed more urgently than the former.

Report quantization ranges instead of values

We considered removing the quantization step that reduces a range to its middle value. So, given a CPU utilization value of 0.87 and a quantization scheme of [0.2, 0.5, 0.8], instead of reporting a quantized value of 0.9 (the middle of the range 0.8-1.0), the API would report an object {low: 0.8, high: 1.0}.

The main benefit of this approach is that the user agent has a clear way to communicate adjustments to the quantization scheme. Expanding on the example above, suppose a user agent considers that the CPU utilization quantization scheme [0.2, 0.5, 0.8] reveals too much information, and cuts it down to [0.5]. The 0.87 CPU utilization value would be reported as {low: 0.5, high: 1.0}. This is clearer than the value 0.75, which would be reported by the current design.

The main drawback of this approach is added complexity in the application code that processes updates, as suggested below.

function computePressureCallback(update) {
  // Cut down compute requirements only when we're pretty sure that the device
  // is overloaded.
  if (update.cpuSpeed.low >= 0.5 && update.cpuUtilization.low >= 0.8) {
    // Dramatically cut down compute requirements to avoid overheating.

  // Eliminate unnecessary visual effects when there's a good chance that the
  // device is overloaded.
  if ((update.cpuSpeed.low >= 0.25 && update.cpuUtilization.high >= 0.5) ||
      (update.cpuUtilization.low >= 0.5 && update.cpuUtilization.high >= 0.8)) {
    // Remove transitions and non-essential animations.

We did not pursue this option based on the mental models of the developers we partnered with while designing this API. We welcome feedback around how the API reports quantized values.

Named buckets for CPU utilization

Stakeholder Feedback / Opposition

  • Chrome : Positive, authoring this explainer
  • Gecko : TODO
  • WebKit : TODO
  • Web developers : TODO

References & acknowledgements

Many thanks for valuable feedback and advice from:

  • Chen Xing
  • Evan Shrubsole
  • Jesse Barnes
  • Kamila Hasanbega
  • Jan Gora
  • Joshua Bell
  • Matt Menke
  • Nicolás Peña Moreno
  • Opal Voravootivat
  • Paul Jensen
  • Peter Djeu
  • Reilly Grant
  • Ulan Degenbaev
  • Victor Miura
  • Zhenyao Mo

Exposing CPU utilization information has been explored in the following places.

This explainer is based on the W3C TAG's template.

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