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Comments (15)

ps1337 avatar ps1337 commented on May 29, 2024 1

from pyunifiprotect.

ps1337 avatar ps1337 commented on May 29, 2024 1

from pyunifiprotect.

briis avatar briis commented on May 29, 2024

I am happy with the solution, but could you explain the use case where you need to use localhost? Are you running non UniFi software on the UniFi HW?

from pyunifiprotect.

briis avatar briis commented on May 29, 2024

Got it. I will look in to this, but I will need you to test it, as I don't have that setup.

from pyunifiprotect.

ps1337 avatar ps1337 commented on May 29, 2024

from pyunifiprotect.

briis avatar briis commented on May 29, 2024

Please post here what you did and I can incorporate that.

from pyunifiprotect.

ps1337 avatar ps1337 commented on May 29, 2024

Sure, here's the whole file so you can diff it:

"""Unifi Protect Server Wrapper."""

import asyncio
import datetime
import json as pjson
import logging
import time
from typing import Optional

import aiohttp
from aiohttp import client_exceptions
import jwt

from .const import SERVER_ID, SERVER_NAME
from .unifi_data import (

LIGHT_MODES = ["off", "motion", "always"]
LIGHT_ENABLED = ["dark", "fulltime"]
LIGHT_DURATIONS = [15000, 30000, 60000, 300000, 900000]


class Invalid(Exception):
    """Invalid return from Authorization Request."""

class NotAuthorized(Exception):
    """Wrong username and/or Password."""

class NvrError(Exception):
    """Other error."""

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class UpvServer:  # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods, too-many-instance-attributes
    """Updates device States and Attributes."""

    def __init__(
        session: aiohttp.ClientSession,
        host: str,
        port: int,
        username: str,
        password: str,
        verify_ssl: bool = False,
        minimum_score: int = 0,
        self._host = host
        self._port = port
        self._base_url = f"https://{host}:{port}"
        self._username = username
        self._password = password
        self._verify_ssl = verify_ssl
        self._minimum_score = minimum_score
        self.is_unifi_os = None
        self.is_local = False
        self.api_path = "api"
        self.ws_path = "ws"
        self._is_authenticated = False
        self._last_device_update_time = 0
        self._last_websocket_check = 0
        self.access_key = None
        self._processed_data = {}
        self._event_state_machine = ProtectEventStateMachine()
        self._device_state_machine = ProtectDeviceStateMachine()

        self._motion_start_time = {}
        self.last_update_id = None

        self.req = session
        self.headers = None
        self.ws_session = None
        self.ws_connection = None
        self.ws_task = None
        self._ws_subscriptions = []
        self._is_first_update = True

        if "localhost" in host or "" in host:
            self.is_local = True

    def devices(self):
        """Returns a JSON formatted list of Devices."""
        return self._processed_data

    async def update(self, force_camera_update=False) -> dict:
        """Updates the status of devices."""

        current_time = time.time()
        device_update = False
        if (
            not self.ws_connection
            and force_camera_update
            or (current_time - DEVICE_UPDATE_INTERVAL_SECONDS)
            > self._last_device_update_time
            _LOGGER.debug("Doing device update")
            device_update = True
            await self._get_device_list(not self.ws_connection)
            self._last_device_update_time = current_time
            _LOGGER.debug("Skipping device update")

        if (
            and (current_time - WEBSOCKET_CHECK_INTERVAL_SECONDS)
            > self._last_websocket_check
            _LOGGER.debug("Checking websocket")
            self._last_websocket_check = current_time
            await self.async_connect_ws()

        # If the websocket is connected/connecting
        # we do not need to get events
        if self.ws_connection or self._last_websocket_check == current_time:
            _LOGGER.debug("Skipping update since websocket is active")
            return self._processed_data if device_update else {}

        updates = await self._get_events(lookback=10)

        return self._processed_data if device_update else updates

    async def async_connect_ws(self):
        """Connect the websocket."""
        if self.ws_connection is not None:

        if self.ws_task is not None:
                self.ws_connection = None
            except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
                _LOGGER.exception("Could not cancel ws_task")
        self.ws_task = asyncio.ensure_future(self._setup_websocket())

    async def async_disconnect_ws(self):
        """Disconnect the websocket."""
        if self.ws_connection is None:

        await self.ws_connection.close()
        await self.ws_session.close()

    async def server_information(self):
        """Returns a Server Information for this NVR."""
        return await self._get_server_info()

    async def check_unifi_os(self):
        """Check to see if the device is running unifi os."""
        if self.is_unifi_os is not None:

        response = await self.request("get", url=self._base_url, allow_redirects=False)
        if response.status != 200:

        if <Some other check for UniFi OS>:
            self.is_unifi_os = True
            self.api_path = "proxy/protect/api"
            self.ws_path = "proxy/protect/ws"

            if self.is_local:
                self.headers = {}
                self.headers = {"x-csrf-token": response.headers.get("x-csrf-token")}
            self.is_unifi_os = False
        _LOGGER.debug("Unifi OS: %s", self.is_unifi_os)

    async def ensure_authenticated(self):
        """Ensure we are authenticated."""
        if self.is_authenticated() is False:
            await self.authenticate()

    async def authenticate(self):
        """Authenticate and get a token."""
        await self.check_unifi_os()
        if self.is_unifi_os:
            url = f"{self._base_url}/api/auth/login"
            url = f"{self._base_url}/api/auth"

        auth = {
            "username": self._username,
            "password": self._password,
            "remember": True,

        response = await self.request("post", url=url, json=auth)
        if self.is_unifi_os is True:
            if self.is_local:
                self.headers = {"cookie": response.headers.get("set-cookie"),
                self.headers = {"x-csrf-token": response.headers.get("x-csrf-token"), "cookie": response.headers.get("set-cookie"),
            self.headers = {
                "Authorization": f"Bearer {response.headers.get('Authorization')}"
        self._is_authenticated = True
        _LOGGER.debug("Authenticated successfully!")

    def is_authenticated(self) -> bool:
        """Check to see if we are already authenticated."""
        if self._is_authenticated is True and self.is_unifi_os is True:
            # Check if token is expired.
            cookies = self.req.cookie_jar.filter_cookies(self._base_url)
            token_cookie = cookies.get("TOKEN")
            if token_cookie is None:
                return False
                    options={"verify_signature": False, "verify_exp": True},
            except jwt.ExpiredSignatureError:
                _LOGGER.debug("Authentication token has expired.")
                return False
            except Exception as broad_ex:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
                _LOGGER.debug("Authentication token decode error: %s", broad_ex)
                return False

        return self._is_authenticated

    async def _get_api_access_key(self) -> str:
        """get API Access Key."""
        if self.is_unifi_os:
            return ""

        access_key_uri = f"{self._base_url}/{self.api_path}/auth/access-key"
        async with
        ) as response:
            if response.status == 200:
                json_response = await response.json()
                return json_response["accessKey"]
            raise NvrError(
                f"Request failed: {response.status} - Reason: {response.reason}"

    async def _get_unique_id(self) -> None:
        """Get a Unique ID for this NVR."""

        return await self._get_server_info()[SERVER_ID]

    async def _get_server_info(self) -> None:
        """Get Server Information for this NVR."""

        await self.ensure_authenticated()

        bootstrap_uri = f"{self._base_url}/{self.api_path}/bootstrap"
        response = await self.req.get(
        if response.status != 200:
            raise NvrError(
                f"Fetching Unique ID failed: {response.status} - Reason: {response.reason}"
        json_response = await response.json()
        nvr_data = json_response["nvr"]

        return {
            SERVER_NAME: nvr_data["name"],
            "server_version": nvr_data["version"],
            SERVER_ID: nvr_data["mac"],
            "server_model": nvr_data["type"],
            "unifios": self.is_unifi_os,

    async def _get_device_list(self, include_events) -> None:
        """Get a list of devices connected to the NVR."""

        await self.ensure_authenticated()

        bootstrap_uri = f"{self._base_url}/{self.api_path}/bootstrap"
        response = await self.req.get(
        if response.status != 200:
            raise NvrError(
                f"Fetching Camera List failed: {response.status} - Reason: {response.reason}"
        json_response = await response.json()
        server_id = json_response["nvr"]["mac"]
        if not self.ws_connection and "lastUpdateId" in json_response:
            self.last_update_id = json_response["lastUpdateId"]

        self._process_cameras_json(json_response, server_id, include_events)
        self._process_lights_json(json_response, server_id, include_events)
        self._process_sensors_json(json_response, server_id, include_events)
        self._process_viewports_json(json_response, server_id, include_events)

        self._is_first_update = False

    def _process_cameras_json(self, json_response, server_id, include_events):
        for camera in json_response["cameras"]:

            # Ignore cameras adopted by another controller on the same network
            # since they appear in the api on 1.17+
            if "isAdopted" in camera and not camera["isAdopted"]:

            camera_id = camera["id"]

            if self._is_first_update:
                self._update_device(camera_id, PROCESSED_EVENT_EMPTY)
            self._device_state_machine.update(camera_id, camera)
                    include_events or self._is_first_update,

    def _process_lights_json(self, json_response, server_id, include_events):
        for light in json_response["lights"]:

            # Ignore lights adopted by another controller on the same network
            # since they appear in the api on 1.17+
            if "isAdopted" in light and not light["isAdopted"]:

            light_id = light["id"]

            if self._is_first_update:
                self._update_device(light_id, PROCESSED_EVENT_EMPTY)
            self._device_state_machine.update(light_id, light)

                    server_id, light, include_events or self._is_first_update

    def _process_sensors_json(self, json_response, server_id, include_events):
        for sensor in json_response["sensors"]:

            # Ignore lights adopted by another controller on the same network
            # since they appear in the api on 1.17+
            if "isAdopted" in sensor and not sensor["isAdopted"]:

            sensor_id = sensor["id"]

            if self._is_first_update:
                self._update_device(sensor_id, PROCESSED_EVENT_EMPTY)
            self._device_state_machine.update(sensor_id, sensor)

                    server_id, sensor, include_events or self._is_first_update

    def _process_viewports_json(self, json_response, server_id, include_events):
        for viewport in json_response["viewers"]:

            # Ignore viewports adopted by another controller on the same network
            # since they appear in the api on 1.17+
            if "isAdopted" in viewport and not viewport["isAdopted"]:

            viewport_id = viewport["id"]

            if self._is_first_update:
                self._update_device(viewport_id, PROCESSED_EVENT_EMPTY)
            self._device_state_machine.update(viewport_id, viewport)

                    server_id, viewport, include_events or self._is_first_update

    def _reset_device_events(self) -> None:
        """Reset device events between device updates."""
        for device_id in self._processed_data:
            self._update_device(device_id, PROCESSED_EVENT_EMPTY)

    async def _get_events(
        self, lookback: int = 86400, camera=None, start_time=None, end_time=None
    ) -> None:
        """Load the Event Log and loop through items to find motion events."""

        await self.ensure_authenticated()

        now = int(time.time() * 1000)
        if start_time is None:
            start_time = now - (lookback * 1000)
        if end_time is None:
            end_time = now + 10000
        event_ring_check_converted = now - 3000

        event_uri = f"{self._base_url}/{self.api_path}/events"

        params = {
            "end": str(end_time),
            "start": str(start_time),
        if camera:
            params["cameras"] = camera
        response = await self.req.get(
        if response.status != 200:
            raise NvrError(
                f"Fetching Eventlog failed: {response.status} - Reason: {response.reason}"

        updated = {}
        for event in await response.json():
            if event["type"] not in (EVENT_MOTION, EVENT_RING, EVENT_SMART_DETECT_ZONE):

            camera_id = event["camera"]
                process_event(event, self._minimum_score, event_ring_check_converted),
            updated[camera_id] = self._processed_data[camera_id]

        return updated

    async def get_raw_events(self, lookback: int = 86400) -> None:
        """Load the Event Log and return the Raw Data - Used for debugging only."""

        await self.ensure_authenticated()

        event_start = - datetime.timedelta(seconds=lookback)
        event_end = + datetime.timedelta(seconds=10)
        start_time = int(time.mktime(event_start.timetuple())) * 1000
        end_time = int(time.mktime(event_end.timetuple())) * 1000

        event_uri = f"{self._base_url}/{self.api_path}/events"
        params = {
            "end": str(end_time),
            "start": str(start_time),
        async with self.req.get(
        ) as response:
            if response.status != 200:
                raise NvrError(
                    f"Fetching Eventlog failed: {response.status} - Reason: {response.reason}"
            return await response.json()

    async def get_raw_device_info(self) -> None:
        """Return the RAW JSON data from this NVR.
        Used for debugging purposes only.

        await self.ensure_authenticated()

        bootstrap_uri = f"{self._base_url}/{self.api_path}/bootstrap"
        async with self.req.get(
        ) as response:
            if response.status != 200:
                raise NvrError(
                    f"Fetching Raw Device Data failed: {response.status} - Reason: {response.reason}"
            return await response.json()

    async def get_thumbnail(self, camera_id: str, width: int = 640) -> bytes:
        """Returns the last recorded Thumbnail, based on Camera ID."""

        await self.ensure_authenticated()
        await self._get_events(camera=camera_id)

        thumbnail_id = self._processed_data[camera_id]["event_thumbnail"]

        if thumbnail_id is None:
            return None
        height = float(width) / 16 * 9
        img_uri = f"{self._base_url}/{self.api_path}/thumbnails/{thumbnail_id}"
        params = {
            "accessKey": await self._get_api_access_key(),
            "h": str(height),
            "w": str(width),
        async with self.req.get(
        ) as response:
            if response.status != 200:
                raise NvrError(
                    f"Thumbnail Request failed: {response.status} - Reason: {response.reason}"
            return await

    async def get_heatmap(self, camera_id: str) -> bytes:
        """Returns the last recorded Heatmap, based on Camera ID."""

        await self.ensure_authenticated()
        await self._get_events(camera=camera_id)

        heatmap_id = self._processed_data[camera_id]["event_heatmap"]

        if heatmap_id is None:
            return None

        img_uri = f"{self._base_url}/{self.api_path}/heatmaps/{heatmap_id}"
        params = {
            "accessKey": await self._get_api_access_key(),
        async with self.req.get(
        ) as response:
            if response.status != 200:
                raise NvrError(
                    f"Heatmap Request failed: {response.status} - Reason: {response.reason}"
            return await

    async def get_snapshot_image(
        self, camera_id: str, width: Optional[int], height: Optional[int]
    ) -> bytes:
        """Returns a Snapshot image of a recording event."""

        await self.ensure_authenticated()

        access_key = await self._get_api_access_key()
        time_since = int(time.mktime( * 1000
        cam = self._processed_data[camera_id]
        image_width = width or cam.get("image_width") or DEFAULT_SNAPSHOT_WIDTH
        image_height = height or cam.get("image_height") or DEFAULT_SNAPSHOT_HEIGHT

        img_uri = f"{self._base_url}/{self.api_path}/cameras/{camera_id}/snapshot"
        params = {
            "accessKey": access_key,
            "h": image_height,
            "ts": str(time_since),
            "force": "true",
            "w": image_width,
        async with self.req.get(
            img_uri, params=params, headers=self.headers, ssl=self._verify_ssl
        ) as response:
            if response.status == 200:
                return await
                "Error Code: %s - Error Status: %s", response.status, response.reason
            return None

    async def get_snapshot_image_direct(self, camera_id: str) -> bytes:
        """Returns a Snapshot image of a recording event.
        This function will only work if Anonymous Snapshots
        are enabled on the Camera.
        ip_address = self._processed_data[camera_id]["ip_address"]

        img_uri = f"http://{ip_address}/snap.jpeg"
        async with self.req.get(img_uri) as response:
            if response.status == 200:
                return await
            raise NvrError(
                f"Direct Snapshot failed: {response.status} - Reason: {response.reason}"

    async def set_camera_recording(self, camera_id: str, mode: str) -> bool:
        """Sets the camera recoding mode to what is supplied with 'mode'.
        Valid inputs for mode: never, motion, always, smartDetect
        if "smart" in mode:
            mode = "smartDetect"

        await self.ensure_authenticated()

        cam_uri = f"{self._base_url}/{self.api_path}/cameras/{camera_id}"

        data = {
            "recordingSettings": {
                "mode": mode,

        async with self.req.patch(
            cam_uri, headers=self.headers, ssl=self._verify_ssl, json=data
        ) as response:
            if response.status == 200:
                self._processed_data[camera_id]["recording_mode"] = mode
                return True
            raise NvrError(
                f"Set Recording Mode failed: {response.status} - Reason: {response.reason}"

    async def set_camera_ir(self, camera_id: str, mode: str) -> bool:
        """Sets the camera infrared settings to what is supplied with 'mode'.
        Valid inputs for mode: auto, on, autoFilterOnly

        await self.ensure_authenticated()

        if mode == "led_off":
            mode = "autoFilterOnly"
        elif mode == "always_on":
            mode = "on"
        elif mode == "always_off":
            mode = "off"

        cam_uri = f"{self._base_url}/{self.api_path}/cameras/{camera_id}"
        data = {"ispSettings": {"irLedMode": mode, "irLedLevel": 255}}

        async with self.req.patch(
            cam_uri, headers=self.headers, ssl=self._verify_ssl, json=data
        ) as response:
            if response.status == 200:
                self._processed_data[camera_id]["ir_mode"] = mode
                return True
            raise NvrError(
                "Set IR Mode failed: %s - Reason: %s"
                % (response.status, response.reason)

    async def set_device_status_light(
        self, device_id: str, mode: bool, device_model: str
    ) -> bool:
        """Sets the device status light settings to what is supplied with 'mode'.
        Valid inputs for mode: False and True

        await self.ensure_authenticated()

        if device_model == DEVICE_MODEL_LIGHT:
            uri = f"{self._base_url}/{self.api_path}/lights/{device_id}"
            data = {"lightDeviceSettings": {"isIndicatorEnabled": mode}}
            uri = f"{self._base_url}/{self.api_path}/cameras/{device_id}"
            data = {"ledSettings": {"isEnabled": mode, "blinkRate": 0}}

        async with self.req.patch(
            uri, headers=self.headers, ssl=self._verify_ssl, json=data
        ) as response:
            if response.status == 200:
                self._processed_data[device_id]["status_light"] = mode
                return True
            raise NvrError(
                "Change Status Light failed: %s - Reason: %s"
                % (response.status, response.reason)

    async def set_camera_hdr_mode(self, camera_id: str, mode: bool) -> bool:
        """Sets the camera HDR mode to what is supplied with 'mode'.
        Valid inputs for mode: False and True

        await self.ensure_authenticated()

        cam_uri = f"{self._base_url}/{self.api_path}/cameras/{camera_id}"
        data = {"hdrMode": mode}

        async with self.req.patch(
            cam_uri, headers=self.headers, ssl=self._verify_ssl, json=data
        ) as response:
            if response.status == 200:
                self._device_state_machine.update(camera_id, data)
                self._processed_data[camera_id]["hdr_mode"] = mode
                return True
            raise NvrError(
                "Change HDR mode failed: %s - Reason: %s"
                % (response.status, response.reason)

    async def set_doorbell_chime_duration(self, camera_id: str, duration: int) -> bool:
        """Sets the Doorbells chime duration.
        Valid inputs for duration: 0 to 10000

        await self.ensure_authenticated()

        if duration < 0:
            chime_duration = 0
        elif duration > 10000:
            chime_duration = 10000
            chime_duration = duration

        cam_uri = f"{self._base_url}/{self.api_path}/cameras/{camera_id}"
        data = {"chimeDuration": chime_duration}

        async with self.req.patch(
            cam_uri, headers=self.headers, ssl=self._verify_ssl, json=data
        ) as response:
            if response.status == 200:
                self._device_state_machine.update(camera_id, data)
                self._processed_data[camera_id]["chime_duration"] = chime_duration
                return True
            raise NvrError(
                "Change Doorbel Chime failed: %s - Reason: %s"
                % (response.status, response.reason)

    async def set_camera_video_mode_highfps(self, camera_id: str, mode: bool) -> bool:
        """Sets the camera High FPS video mode to what is supplied with 'mode'.
        Valid inputs for mode: False and True

        highfps = "highFps" if mode is True else "default"

        await self.ensure_authenticated()

        cam_uri = f"{self._base_url}/{self.api_path}/cameras/{camera_id}"
        data = {"videoMode": highfps}

        async with self.req.patch(
            cam_uri, headers=self.headers, ssl=self._verify_ssl, json=data
        ) as response:
            if response.status == 200:
                self._device_state_machine.update(camera_id, data)
                self._processed_data[camera_id]["video_mode"] = highfps
                return True
            raise NvrError(
                "Change Video mode failed: %s - Reason: %s"
                % (response.status, response.reason)

    async def set_camera_zoom_position(self, camera_id: str, position: int) -> bool:
        """Sets the cameras optical zoom position.
        Valid inputs for position: Integer from 0 to 100
        if position < 0:
            position = 0
        elif position > 100:
            position = 100

        await self.ensure_authenticated()

        cam_uri = f"{self._base_url}/{self.api_path}/cameras/{camera_id}"
        data = {"ispSettings": {"zoomPosition": position}}

        async with self.req.patch(
            cam_uri, headers=self.headers, ssl=self._verify_ssl, json=data
        ) as response:
            if response.status == 200:
                self._processed_data[camera_id]["zoom_position"] = position
                return True
            raise NvrError(
                "Set Zoom Position failed: %s - Reason: %s"
                % (response.status, response.reason)

    async def set_camera_wdr(self, camera_id: str, value: int) -> bool:
        """Sets the cameras Wide Dynamic Range.
        Valid inputs for position: Integer from 0 to 3
        if value < 0:
            value = 0
        elif value > 3:
            value = 3

        await self.ensure_authenticated()

        cam_uri = f"{self._base_url}/{self.api_path}/cameras/{camera_id}"
        data = {"ispSettings": {"wdr": value}}

        async with self.req.patch(
            cam_uri, headers=self.headers, ssl=self._verify_ssl, json=data
        ) as response:
            if response.status == 200:
                self._processed_data[camera_id]["wdr"] = value
                return True
            raise NvrError(
                "Set Wide Dynamic Range failed: %s - Reason: %s"
                % (response.status, response.reason)

    async def set_mic_volume(self, camera_id: str, level: int) -> bool:
        """Sets the camera microphone volume level.
        Valid inputs is an integer between 0 and 100.

        if level < 0:
            level = 0
        elif level > 100:
            level = 100

        await self.ensure_authenticated()

        cam_uri = f"{self._base_url}/{self.api_path}/cameras/{camera_id}"
        data = {"micVolume": level}

        async with self.req.patch(
            cam_uri, headers=self.headers, ssl=self._verify_ssl, json=data
        ) as response:
            if response.status == 200:
                self._device_state_machine.update(camera_id, data)
                self._processed_data[camera_id]["mic_volume"] = level
                return True
            raise NvrError(
                "Change Microphone Level failed: %s - Reason: %s"
                % (response.status, response.reason)

    async def set_light_on_off(
        self, light_id: str, turn_on: bool, led_level=None
    ) -> bool:
        """Sets the light on or off.
        turn_on can be: true or false.
        led_level: must be between 1 and 6 or None

        await self.ensure_authenticated()

        light_uri = f"{self._base_url}/{self.api_path}/lights/{light_id}"
        data = {"lightOnSettings": {"isLedForceOn": turn_on}}
        if led_level is not None:
            data["lightDeviceSettings"] = {"ledLevel": led_level}

        async with self.req.patch(
            light_uri, headers=self.headers, ssl=self._verify_ssl, json=data
        ) as response:
            if response.status == 200:
                self._device_state_machine.update(light_id, data)
                processed_light = self._processed_data[light_id]
                processed_light["is_on"] = turn_on
                if led_level is not None:
                    processed_light["brightness"] = led_level
                return True
            raise NvrError(
                "Turn on/off light failed: %s - Reason: %s"
                % (response.status, response.reason)

    async def light_settings(
        self, light_id: str, mode: str, enable_at=None, duration=None, sensitivity=None
    ) -> bool:
        """Sets PIR settings for a Light Device.
        mode can be: off, motion or always
        enableAt can be: dark, fulltime
        pirDuration: A number between 15000 and 900000 (ms)
        pirSensitivity: A number between 0 and 100
        await self.ensure_authenticated()

        if mode not in LIGHT_MODES:
            mode = "motion"

        light_uri = f"{self._base_url}/{self.api_path}/lights/{light_id}"
        data = {"lightModeSettings": {"mode": mode}}
        if enable_at is not None:
            setting = data["lightModeSettings"]
            setting["enableAt"] = enable_at
        if duration is not None:
            if data.get("lightDeviceSettings"):
                setting = data["lightDeviceSettings"]
                setting["pirDuration"] = duration
                data["lightDeviceSettings"] = {"pirDuration": duration}
        if sensitivity is not None:
            if data.get("lightDeviceSettings"):
                setting = data["lightDeviceSettings"]
                setting["pirSensitivity"] = sensitivity
                data["lightDeviceSettings"] = {"pirSensitivity": sensitivity}

        async with self.req.patch(
            light_uri, headers=self.headers, ssl=self._verify_ssl, json=data
        ) as response:
            if response.status == 200:
                self._device_state_machine.update(light_id, data)
                processed_light = self._processed_data[light_id]
                processed_light["motion_mode"] = mode
                if enable_at is not None:
                    processed_light["motion_mode_enabled_at"] = enable_at
                if duration is not None:
                    processed_light["pir_duration"] = duration
                if sensitivity is not None:
                    processed_light["pir_sensitivity"] = sensitivity
                return True
            raise NvrError(
                "Changing light motion failed: %s - Reason: %s"
                % (response.status, response.reason)

    async def set_privacy_mode(
        self, camera_id: str, mode: bool, mic_level=-1, recording_mode="notset"
    ) -> bool:
        """Sets the camera privacy mode.
        When True, creates a privacy zone that fills the camera
        When False, removes the Privacy Zone
        Valid inputs for mode: False and True

        # Set Microphone Level if needed
        if mic_level >= 0:
            await self.set_mic_volume(camera_id, mic_level)

        # Set recording mode if needed
        if recording_mode != "notset":
            await self.set_camera_recording(camera_id, recording_mode)

        # Set Privacy Mask
        if mode:
            privacy_value = PRIVACY_ON
            privacy_value = PRIVACY_OFF

        # We need the current camera setup
        caminfo = await self._get_camera_detail(camera_id)
        privdata = caminfo["privacyZones"]
        zone_exist = False
        items = []

        # Update Zone Information
        for row in privdata:
            if row["name"] == ZONE_NAME:
                row["points"] = privacy_value
                zone_exist = True
        if len(items) == 0 or not zone_exist:
                {"name": "hass zone", "color": "#85BCEC", "points": privacy_value}

        # Update the Privacy Mode
        await self.ensure_authenticated()

        cam_uri = f"{self._base_url}/{self.api_path}/cameras/{camera_id}"
        data = {"privacyZones": items}
        async with self.req.patch(
            cam_uri, headers=self.headers, ssl=self._verify_ssl, json=data
        ) as response:
            if response.status == 200:
                return True
            raise NvrError(
                "Change Privacy Zone failed: %s - Reason: %s"
                % (response.status, response.reason)

    async def _get_camera_detail(self, camera_id: str) -> None:
        """Return the RAW JSON data for Camera.
        Used for debugging only.

        await self.ensure_authenticated()

        bootstrap_uri = f"{self._base_url}/{self.api_path}/cameras/{camera_id}"
        async with self.req.get(
        ) as response:
            if response.status != 200:
                raise NvrError(
                    f"Fetching Camera Details failed: {response.status} - Reason: {response.reason}"
            return await response.json()

    async def _get_viewport_detail(self, viewport_id: str) -> None:
        """Return the RAW JSON data for a Viewport.
        Used for debugging only.

        await self.ensure_authenticated()

        bootstrap_uri = f"{self._base_url}/{self.api_path}/viewers/{viewport_id}"
        async with self.req.get(
        ) as response:
            if response.status != 200:
                raise NvrError(
                    f"Fetching Viewport Details failed: {response.status} - Reason: {response.reason}"
            return await response.json()

    async def set_doorbell_custom_text(
        self, camera_id: str, custom_text: str, duration=None
    ) -> bool:
        """Sets a Custom Text string for the Doorbell LCD'."""

        await self.ensure_authenticated()

        message_type = "CUSTOM_MESSAGE"

        # Truncate text to max 30 characters, as this is what is supported
        custom_text = custom_text[:30]

        # Calculate ResetAt time
        if duration is not None:
            now =
            now_plus_duration = now + datetime.timedelta(minutes=int(duration))
            duration = int(now_plus_duration.timestamp() * 1000)

        # resetAt is Unix timestam in the future
        cam_uri = f"{self._base_url}/{self.api_path}/cameras/{camera_id}"
        data = {
            "lcdMessage": {
                "type": message_type,
                "text": custom_text,
                "resetAt": duration,

        async with self.req.patch(
            cam_uri, headers=self.headers, ssl=self._verify_ssl, json=data
        ) as response:
            if response.status == 200:
                return True
            raise NvrError(
                "Setting Doorbell Custom Text failed: %s - Reason: %s"
                % (response.status, response.reason)

    async def set_doorbell_standard_text(self, custom_text: str) -> bool:
        """Sets a Standard Text string for the Doorbell LCD. *** DOES NOT WORK ***"""

        await self.ensure_authenticated()

        message_type = "LEAVE_PACKAGE_AT_DOOR"

        # resetAt is Unix timestam in the future
        cam_uri = f"{self._base_url}/{self.api_path}/nvr"
        data = {
            "doorbellSettings": {
                "allMessages": {"type": message_type, "text": custom_text}

        async with self.req.patch(
            cam_uri, headers=self.headers, ssl=self._verify_ssl, json=data
        ) as response:
            if response.status == 200:
                return True
            raise NvrError(
                "Setting Doorbell Custom Text failed: %s - Reason: %s"
                % (response.status, response.reason)

    async def set_viewport_view(self, viewport_id: str, view_id: str) -> bool:
        """Sets the Viewport current View to what is supplied in view_id.
        Valid input for view_id is a pre-defined view in Protect.
        await self.ensure_authenticated()

        cam_uri = f"{self._base_url}/{self.api_path}/viewers/{viewport_id}"

        data = {"liveview": view_id}

        async with self.req.patch(
            cam_uri, headers=self.headers, ssl=self._verify_ssl, json=data
        ) as response:
            if response.status == 200:
                self._device_state_machine.update(viewport_id, data)
                processed_viewport = self._processed_data[viewport_id]
                processed_viewport["liveview"] = view_id
                return True
            raise NvrError(
                f"Set LivieView failed: {response.status} - Reason: {response.reason}"

    async def get_live_views(self) -> dict:
        """Returns a list of all defined Live Views."""

        await self.ensure_authenticated()

        bootstrap_uri = f"{self._base_url}/{self.api_path}/liveviews"
        async with self.req.get(
        ) as response:
            if response.status != 200:
                raise NvrError(
                    f"Fetching Livieview Details failed: {response.status} - Reason: {response.reason}"

            json_response = await response.json()
            views = []
            for view in json_response:
                item = {
                    "name": view.get("name"),
                    "id": view.get("id"),
            return views

    async def request(self, method, url, json=None, **kwargs):
        """Make a request to the API."""

        _LOGGER.debug("Request url: %s", url)

            async with self.req.request(
            ) as res:
                _LOGGER.debug("%s %s %s", res.status, res.content_type, res)

                if res.status in (401, 403):
                    raise NotAuthorized(
                        f"Unifi Protect reported authorization failure on request: {url} received {res.status}"

                if res.status == 404:
                    raise NvrError(f"Call {url} received 404 Not Found")

                return res

        except client_exceptions.ClientError as err:
            raise NvrError(f"Error requesting data from {self._host}: {err}") from None

    async def _setup_websocket(self):
        await self.ensure_authenticated()
        ip_address = self._base_url.split("://")
        url = f"wss://{ip_address[1]}/{self.ws_path}/updates"
        if self.last_update_id:
            url += f"?lastUpdateId={self.last_update_id}"
        if not self.ws_session:
            self.ws_session = aiohttp.ClientSession()
        _LOGGER.debug("WS connecting to: %s", url)

        self.ws_connection = await self.ws_session.ws_connect(
            url, ssl=self._verify_ssl, headers=self.headers
            async for msg in self.ws_connection:
                if msg.type == aiohttp.WSMsgType.BINARY:
                    except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
                        _LOGGER.exception("Error processing websocket message")
                elif msg.type == aiohttp.WSMsgType.ERROR:
            _LOGGER.debug("websocket disconnected")
            self.ws_connection = None

    def subscribe_websocket(self, ws_callback):
        """Subscribe to websocket events.

        Returns a callback that will unsubscribe.

        def _unsub_ws_callback():

        _LOGGER.debug("Adding subscription: %s", ws_callback)
        return _unsub_ws_callback

    def _process_ws_message(self, msg):
        """Process websocket messages."""
        action_frame, action_frame_payload_format, position = decode_ws_frame(
  , 0

        if action_frame_payload_format != ProtectWSPayloadFormat.JSON:

        action_json = pjson.loads(action_frame)

        if action_json.get("action") not in (

        model_key = action_json.get("modelKey")

        if model_key not in ("event", "camera", "light"):

        _LOGGER.debug("Action Frame: %s", action_json)

        data_frame, data_frame_payload_format, _ = decode_ws_frame(, position)

        if data_frame_payload_format != ProtectWSPayloadFormat.JSON:

        data_json = pjson.loads(data_frame)
        _LOGGER.debug("Data Frame: %s", data_json)

        if model_key == "event":
            self._process_event_ws_message(action_json, data_json)

        if model_key == "camera":
            self._process_camera_ws_message(action_json, data_json)

        if model_key == "light":
            self._process_light_ws_message(action_json, data_json)

        raise ValueError(f"Unexpected model key: {model_key}")

    def _process_camera_ws_message(self, action_json, data_json):
        """Process a decoded camera websocket message."""
        camera_id, processed_camera = camera_update_from_ws_frames(
            self._device_state_machine, self._host, action_json, data_json

        if camera_id is None:
        _LOGGER.debug("Processed camera: %s", processed_camera)

        if processed_camera["recording_mode"] == TYPE_RECORD_NEVER:
            processed_event = camera_event_from_ws_frames(
                self._device_state_machine, action_json, data_json
            if processed_event is not None:
                _LOGGER.debug("Processed camera event: %s", processed_event)

        self.fire_event(camera_id, processed_camera)

    def _process_light_ws_message(self, action_json, data_json):
        """Process a decoded light websocket message."""
        light_id, processed_light = light_update_from_ws_frames(
            self._device_state_machine, action_json, data_json

        if light_id is None:
            "Processed light: %s %s", processed_light["motion_mode"], processed_light

        # Lights behave differently than Cameras so no check for recording state
        processed_event = light_event_from_ws_frames(
            self._device_state_machine, action_json, data_json
        if processed_event is not None:
            _LOGGER.debug("Processed light event: %s", processed_event)

        self.fire_event(light_id, processed_light)

    def _process_sensor_ws_message(self, action_json, data_json):
        """Process a decoded sensor websocket message."""
        sensor_id, processed_sensor = sensor_update_from_ws_frames(
            self._device_state_machine, action_json, data_json

        if sensor_id is None:
            "Processed sensor: %s %s",

        # Sensors behave differently than Cameras so no check for recording state
        processed_event = sensor_event_from_ws_frames(
            self._device_state_machine, action_json, data_json
        if processed_event is not None:
            _LOGGER.debug("Processed sensor event: %s", processed_event)

        self.fire_event(sensor_id, processed_sensor)

    def _process_event_ws_message(self, action_json, data_json):
        """Process a decoded event websocket message."""
        device_id, processed_event = event_from_ws_frames(
            self._event_state_machine, self._minimum_score, action_json, data_json

        if device_id is None:

        _LOGGER.debug("Procesed event: %s", processed_event)

        self.fire_event(device_id, processed_event)

        if processed_event["event_ring_on"]:
            # The websocket will not send any more events since
            # doorbell rings do not have a length. We fire an
            # additional event to turn off the ring.
            processed_event["event_ring_on"] = False
            self.fire_event(device_id, processed_event)

    def fire_event(self, device_id, processed_event):
        """Callback and event to the subscribers and update data."""
        self._update_device(device_id, processed_event)

        for subscriber in self._ws_subscriptions:
            subscriber({device_id: self._processed_data[device_id]})

    def _update_device(self, device_id, processed_update):
        """Update internal state of a device."""
        self._processed_data.setdefault(device_id, {}).update(processed_update)

Note line 191: We would need another check to determine if it's UniFi OS or not, since the check for the x-csrf-token header does not work in case of localhost. Is there something else we can use here?

from pyunifiprotect.

briis avatar briis commented on May 29, 2024

I will look at it tomorrow morning. And also the check for UniFi OS

from pyunifiprotect.

briis avatar briis commented on May 29, 2024

You already checked for IP Address, and set the var is_local. Why not just use that, set the headers to empty and is_unifi_os to false, and we are done. Seems to me as the most simple approach. Or am I missing something?

Another thing: I have seens many people ask about running UniFi Protect outside the UniFi HW, and you have done that. How do you do that? Where did you get the Protect SW?

from pyunifiprotect.

ps1337 avatar ps1337 commented on May 29, 2024

good point but I think authenticate() will then try to execute response.headers.get("x-csrf-token") again and we have a crash again. so there are two methods that try to use this non-existing header: authenticate() and check_unifi_os().

This gist contains directions to extract the required deb files form the UNVR firmware image using binwalk. The same person also made images for arm64 available on github and that works pretty well

from pyunifiprotect.

briis avatar briis commented on May 29, 2024

but I think authenticate() will then try to execute response.headers.get("x-csrf-token")

It seems you solved that by executing this:

        if self.is_unifi_os is True:
            if self.is_local:
                self.headers = {"cookie": response.headers.get("set-cookie"),
                self.headers = {"x-csrf-token": response.headers.get("x-csrf-token"), "cookie": response.headers.get("set-cookie"),
            self.headers = {
                "Authorization": f"Bearer {response.headers.get('Authorization')}"
        self._is_authenticated = True

Does this do the trick for you?

And thinks for the pointer to the Gist - Damn people get creative 😁

from pyunifiprotect.

ps1337 avatar ps1337 commented on May 29, 2024

Why not just use that, set the headers to empty and is_unifi_os to false, and we are done

setting is_unifi_os to False would then cause the Bearer token to be used in authenticate() instead of the cookie header, right? I can test what happens in this case tomorrow morning but from my understanding we need to use the cookieat this point

haha that's right, it's a shame though - I'm still a fan of the old Unifi Video that just worked without cloud integration out of the box. Too bad there are no arm64 binaries available for that.

from pyunifiprotect.

briis avatar briis commented on May 29, 2024

I honestly don't know how it works with your setup, the only way to find out is by trying it out. I just need to make sure that whatever we do here, does not break it for other users, as I do believe your scenario will be used by very few people.

from pyunifiprotect.

AngellusMortis avatar AngellusMortis commented on May 29, 2024

@ps1337 This should be resolved in the latest pyunifiprotect version as is_unifi_os has been removed. There may still be issues though as it just assumes there is a CSRF token now (so the header will be x-csrf: None now), but if it does not enforce CSRF for localhost, it should not be an issue.

You need 0.10-beta3 or newer from HACS to get the version of pyunifiprotect that has the removal. You may need to wait until 0.10 of the Integration and 1.20 of Protect comes to stable unless you want to update to betas.

from pyunifiprotect.

ps1337 avatar ps1337 commented on May 29, 2024

from pyunifiprotect.

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