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Comments (3)

AngellusMortis avatar AngellusMortis commented on May 29, 2024

Not able to reproduce this on my UNVR. I will need someone that has the issue to provide me with their bootstrap (https://{ip}/proxy/protect/api/bootstrap), or at least be able to tell me what field is having the issue (the one that has all of the zeroes).

from pyunifiprotect.

bionic80 avatar bionic80 commented on May 29, 2024

Not able to reproduce this on my UNVR. I will need someone that has the issue to provide me with their bootstrap (https://{ip}/proxy/protect/api/bootstrap), or at least be able to tell me what field is having the issue (the one that has all of the zeroes).

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from pyunifiprotect.

grbray avatar grbray commented on May 29, 2024

As @bionic80's log shows, it's a "guid" field.


from pyunifiprotect.

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