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planner's Issues

Refactoring config data

We know config data is loaded everytime as singleton and it's cache size (24.08K) is also getting bigger, we need to refactor config data's key names to be shorter yet meaningful (max 4 chars) and remove as many of them as possible

Remove examples

  1. DOMAIN => DOM =>
  2. DOMAIN_SECURE => DOMS => https:// (always use with combination with DOM)
  3. Remove DOMAIN_VAGUE, DOMAIN_NO_PROTOCOL and always use DOM

Name change examples

  1. CONTENTS_BASE => RC => (to abbreviate resources)
  7. MAX_FAVOURITE_LECTURES and likes => MBA (Max bookmarks for audios)
  8. NUMBER_OF_LECTURES_PER_BATCH => BSA (Batch size for audios)
  9. BOOK_NEW_TAG_DAYS and likes => NB (New books)

We would also need a quick wiki for mapping as well so we do not mis use any of these.

Support us page

We can make a lot of changes to support page to provide user some information (especially link to github issues to report errors)

Email v2

As part of next version of emails (part of v5.0 of we would like following

  • Email templates (done in #7)
  • Email queue - for non-blocking emails
  • Add link to emails to view it on the web - URL: /email/<public_identifier>&<encryption>
  • Control number of email requests

Surah Images under Quran section

Since yesterday everything was fine, but today I'm unable to see the quran surah images (svg files). Please make sure they're visible and downloadable

Articles search improvement

We're going to be writing more articles with a different (book-like) style of writing. We need to push articles in to dedicated index to take advantage of ES capabilities for full-text search.

This will come handy when a search like hadith wording is searched for โ€” if we have an article where those ahฤdith are memtion we should show them on search tab

Revision by ayaat

Ability to add revision by ayaat instead of whole surah. Currently workaround is to use notes which cannot be easily used to recommend next set of revision

Wrong Hadees No in Sunan Abudaud Vol 22

Hadees No. 3245 in your database is not the same as in the hadees book. Actually Hadees No. 3251 in the book
I have attached the pic from the book and from your database
wrong hadees no
wrong hadees-1

Add new ScheduledJob state: TimedOut

When job is running for more than an specified duration we need to mark it as timed out so that it may be repicked.

A sample log from such an issue is

[2016-10-03 22:00:01]  Executing [CacheHousekeeper]
[2016-10-03 22:01:14]  Files: 0, Responses: 0, Queries: 7, Short Term: 0
[2016-10-03 22:01:14]  Failed [CacheHousekeeper] - PDOStatement::execute(): send of 68 bytes failed with errno=32 Broken pipe in <core_root>/database/DB.php on line 38
[2016-10-03 22:01:14]  Job died [CacheHousekeeper] - Uncaught exception 'ErrorException' with message 'PDOStatement::execute(): send of 68 bytes failed with errno=32 Broken pipe in <core_root>/database/DB.php on line 38' in <core_root>/jobs/ScheduledJobBase.php:35
Stack trace:
#0 [internal function]: ScheduledJobBase->handleError(8, 'PDOStatement::e...', '/home/muflihun/...', 38, Array)
#1 <core_root>/database/DB.php(38): PDOStatement->execute(Array)
#2 <core_root>/queries/Queries.php(146): DB->query('SELECT * FROM S...', Array)
#3 <core_root>/queries/Queries.php(248): Queries::queryBySql('SELECT * FROM S...', Array)
#4 <core_root>/queries/Queries.php(215): Queries::queryByFields(Array, true)
#5 <core_root>/queries/Queries.php(28): Queries::queryById('2', false)
#6 <core_root>/jobs/ScheduledJobBase.php(70): Queries::persist(Object(ScheduledJob))
#7 <core_root>/jobs/ in <core_root>/jobs/ScheduledJobBase.php on line 35
Failed to connect to the server (Err: 2/QUERY)
Failed to connect to the server (Err: 2/QUERY)
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'ErrorException' with message 'PDOStatement::execute(): send of 68 bytes failed with errno=32 Broken pipe in <core_root>/database/DB.php on line 38' in <core_root>/jobs/ScheduledJobBase.php:35
Stack trace:
#0 [internal function]: ScheduledJobBase->handleError(8, 'PDOStatement::e...', '/...', 38, Array)
#1 <core_root>/database/DB.php(38): PDOStatement->execute(Array)
#2 <core_root>/queries/Queries.php(146): DB->query('SELECT * FROM S...', Array)
#3 <core_root>/queries/Queries.php(248): Queries::queryBySql('SELECT * FROM S...', Array)
#4 <core_root>/queries/Queries.php(215): Queries::queryByFields(Array, true)
#5 <core_root>/queries/Queries.php(28): Queries::queryById('2', false)
#6 <core_root>/jobs/ScheduledJobBase.php(70): Queries::persist(Object(ScheduledJob))
#7 <core_root>/jobs/ in <core_root>/jobs/ScheduledJobBase.php on line 35
Failed to connect to the server (Err: 2/QUERY)
Failed to connect to the server (Err: 2/QUERY)
[2016-10-03 22:05:01]  Job already running [CacheHousekeeper]
[2016-10-03 22:10:01]  Job already running [CacheHousekeeper]
[2016-10-03 22:15:01]  Job already running [CacheHousekeeper]
[2016-10-03 22:20:01]  Job already running [CacheHousekeeper]
[2016-10-03 22:25:01]  Job already running [CacheHousekeeper]

Revision history

Ability to show revision history for each full revision of a surah

Spelling error

Bukhari 57:60 Abu Bakr's name is spelt incorrectly in last line of Hadith.

Re-design scheduled jobs

Scheduled jobs are very important for various types of background jobs (record cleaing, sitemaps, RSS etc)

  • Add new table ScheduledJobs with their name and cron entry
  • Refactor current code to make use of cli rather than entry via port 80

Use dedicated server to the full of it's ability

When we finish migration (issue #3) we will have a lot of gates open to many new features and I will only list them in few words. We will address all the following issues below, some of them may only be idea for now and will work on them in future but will definitely need some notes about each

  • Use ffmpeg (finally!) to convert audios on the fly whenever allowed (This allowed will be done via new column in Audio table)
  • Clean the code as much as possible -- As part of these changes we will also remove old / unused code and restructure existing code

Next version for search

We have five search managers

  • QuranSearchManager
  • HadithSearchManager
  • AudioSearchManager
  • BookSearchManager
  • ArticlesSearchManager

All of these are children of SearchManager, we need to use lucene indexes to write next version of these search managers for

  • Speed
  • Relevant results
  • Phonetic search
  • Synonym search

User experience changes

Change some essential user experiences

  • Front search bar to be simple. Remove the shadow etc
  • Do not override ::selection color
  • Articles headers highlighted
  • Message Taking too long? Click here to retry should honour theme color

A small typo error in Surah Ambiya- Surah 21

As Salaamu Alaikum
The words Bismillah Hir rahman Nir Raheem has been printed before the first Ayaat. Not as a header as in all surah's but as a part of the ayaat.

The words are repeating. Kindly check.

Hadees Correction

ุงู„ุณู„ุงู… ุนู„ูŠูƒู… ูˆุฑุญู…ุฉ ุงู„ู„ู‡ ูˆุจุฑูƒุงุชู‡

There is a typo in the hadees ๏ทบ on the following link, where it says "n slippers"

From another hadees on the following link

We may conclude that it should say "no slippers".

Kindly make the correction.

ุฌุฒุงูƒ ุงู„ู„ู‡ู ุฎูŠุฑู‹ุง

Static contents server

We had static contents server that was migrated to the main server, we need to move it to it's own server again; keeping the original domain and

It has several benefits

  • We can choose to make it cookie-less domain - this will help speed up page loading even more
  • We can decrease size of our main project's git repo
  • We can make backups more often of our codebase and less often of our static contents

Some important points:

  1. For private videos / audios / books streaming we will use secure cookies to grant / deny the access
  2. We need to always create live thumbnail / image (not just for private contents) - this is because we want to minimize the direct contents access as much as possible
  3. We will need new config_data RC_LOCAL_BASE to refer to file system path of the static resources root directory

RSS Feeds for books

Similar to audios we need RSS feed for books.


  • Update RssGenerator job
  • Do not include private books
  • New URL should be /books/feed and for category e.g., /books/category/aqeedah/feed
  • Add RSS feed buttons on book page and /books

Sahih Bokhari (11:626) translation

Please reconcile the translation of this hadith, there should be a clear mention that the prophet did not order ppl to be burnt, however, please include a referance to the hadith's entro and mention prophet said I would have almost asked for them to be flamed.

View all audios by category

We can view audios for category by author, e.g., /audio/muhammad-tim-humble/category/aqeedah but we need high level one by category that will include all the audios in selected category


  • URL should look like /audio/category/aqeedah
  • This enhancement will also include RSS feed by category where URL will look like /audio/category/aqeedah/feed
  • Update category by author page (/audio/muhammad-tim-humble/category/aqeedah) to link to this new URL next to View All (see other pages for consistency)


Assalamu'alaykum, there's a mistake around the chapter 9 of shamail tirmizi. It's supposed to be 'chapter of the khuf of the prophet (pbuh)' instead of the 'the standard living...'

Email templates

Email is going to be more important for us as we will soon be introducing 'Updates' email for our subscribed users. We need to beautify our emails

Typo in bukhari/18/154

in, there seems to be a typo:

Currently it reads:

The sun and the moon are two signs against the signs of Allah

Should be something like:

The sun and the moon are two signs amongst the signs of Allah

Or something like:

The sun and the moon are two signs from among the signs of Allah

Wrong wording for a hadith

Assalamu Alaikum, ---> There is an error in the Arabic text.

This is written "ูˆูŽูˆูŽุณู‘ูุนู’ ู„ููŠ ูููŠ ุฑูุฒู’ู‚ููŠ" on the site whereas it should be "ูˆูŽูˆูŽุณู‘ูุนู’ ู„ููŠ ูููŠ ุฏูŽุงุฑููŠ" as there is no mention of "Rizq" in this part in the original Arabic script & the translation also indicates that the current one is wrong.

Migrate to the dedicated servers

We have growing number of users since we first launched (Sep, 2014) and more resources and GoDaddy is not a reliable when it comes to shared hosting. We need to migrate our website to dedicated servers.

We need to take care of following things

  • SSH and FTP access via alias only
  • Control email spams

Sitemap generation - handle empty urlset

We need to add a check if there is no url (for any reason - e.g., private books/audios etc) we ignore the whole file and do not create it or ping it (on search engines)

Sample errors:

screen shot 2016-10-10 at 11 33 04

One of the files listed in google webmaster tools is

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="" 
xsi:schemaLocation="" >

Missed word in Arabic
ู…ูŽู†ู ุงุณู’ุชูŽุทูŽุงุนูŽ ุงู„ู’ุจูŽุงุกูŽุฉูŽ ููŽู„ู’ูŠูŽุชูŽุฒูŽูˆู‘ูŽุฌู’

ู…ูŽู†ู ุงุณู’ุชูŽุทูŽุงุนูŽ ู…ูู†ู’ูƒูู…ู ุงู„ู’ุจูŽุงุกูŽุฉูŽ ููŽู„ู’ูŠูŽุชูŽุฒูŽูˆูŽู‘ุฌู’

Upgrade Quran text to 1.11

There are some changes in text from tanzil (also update link to their FAQ page). We need to upgrade the text and subsequently update about page to reflect current version in effect.

Add extra cache layer currently works behind 3 layers of cache (browser, cloudflare, and muflihun home-grown cache (mCache))

We need to add another layer between cloudflare and mCache

Badges on search results

At the moment search results (hadith) do not have associated badges (trending/popular) etc. We should add it.

NOTE: We would only care about badge here, not the weekly trend graph.

Fix google index favico

Also some titles are ending with old words from early migration including "โ€” Muflihun โ€”

Public API docs and key

Provide way for other devs to use our data (especially hadith) and secure it / limit it via API key. This way our ever improving data can be used by apps and bots and potentially other sites.

Lots of user requests for this

Blatant Fabrication of Hadith Translation

This Hadith:

Has this sentence in the English translation:

'And for those who have no courses (i.e. they are still immature). (65.4) And the 'Iddat for the girl before puberty is three months (in the above Verse).


This security breach does not exist in

Requests: I suspect that this is the tip of the iceberg.

  1. Kindly re-validate all your Hadith translations against trusty sources as I suspect that this bug is possibly with more Hadith.
  2. Kindly help in correcting the 400 other pages that are infected with this bug.
  3. I'd appreciate a warning in your site's header to warn readers about the breach.

Note: This security breach is being used by various websites to unjustly attack Islam, and to claim that Islam preaches pedophilia.

Error on no results

Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.

On searching for any query which (probably) has no results does not update the results section. Rather old results are displayed. Also console shows error.
The API shows a 'not found' page for same query.

This happens in Vivaldi on Ubuntu. Does not happen on Android though.

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