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kaldi-gstreamer-server's Issues

issue running threaded nnet2

Using the sample_english_nnet2.yaml as is, and then adding
use-threaded-decoder : True
to the decoder section
I am running this on a WAV file that is continuously being written to storage, and I get this error message:

KALDI_ASSERT: at, failed: NumFramesDecoded() > 0 && "You cannot call BestPathEnd if no frames were decoded."
Stack trace is:
kaldi::KaldiAssertFailure_(char const*, char const*, int, char const*)
kaldi::LatticeFasterOnlineDecoder::BestPathEnd(bool, float*) const
kaldi::LatticeFasterOnlineDecoder::GetBestPath(fst::VectorFst<fst::ArcTpl<fst::LatticeWeightTpl<float> > >*, bool) const
kaldi::SingleUtteranceNnet2DecoderThreaded::GetBestPath(bool, fst::VectorFst<fst::ArcTpl<fst::LatticeWeightTpl<float> > >*, float*) const
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fd78e00fa16]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fd78fb1f2b8]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fd78fb1e925]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fd791d670a5]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fd791a94cfd]

It alternates between this message and
You cannot call FinalizeDecoding() and then call BestPathEnd() with use_final_probs == false (the assertion before it in the file).

Do you have any recommendations on getting this to work?

International Output


Does this speech recognition stream-server support international languages such as arabic text ?

online demon does not work


Online demo does not work on my computer. Microphone does not seem to be detected, and nothing happens.
Please fix the issue :)

Thanks, Samuel

Core dumped while running the nnet example

I received a core dumped termination error while running the sample nnet worker (sample_english_nnet2.yaml) as in the README.

self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
2015-05-18 12:35:05 -    INFO:   decoder2: Setting decoder property: big-lm-const-arpa = test/models/english/tedlium_nnet_ms_sp_online/G.carpa
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
  what():  std::bad_alloc
Aborted (core dumped)

Is it a specific memory issue on my machine?

obtaining final lattices

Hello, I was wondering if there is a way to get the full lattice as output with this program; specifically for the purposes of doing KWS later on. Something like the output that is given by something along the lines of:

online2-wav-nnet3-latgen-faster --online=true --frame-subsampling-factor=3 --config=$CONFIG
$GRAPH_DIR/HCLG.fst "ark:echo utterance-id1 utterance-id1|" "scp:echo utterance-id1 1.wav |"

Thank you for your help!

problem with GST

Could you please help me with this ? I started
python kaldigstserver/ -u ws://localhost:8888/worker/ws/speech -c sample_worker.yaml
and then used to test it. I changed the 50th line in to this:
ws = MyClient('ws://localhost:8888/client/ws/speech?%s' ...

here is the output of worker:

2014-06-09 12:38:11 - INFO: decoder: Setting decoder property: word-syms = test/models/english/voxforge/tri2b_mmi_b0.05/words.txt
2014-06-09 12:38:11 - INFO: decoder: Setting decoder property: model = test/models/english/voxforge/tri2b_mmi_b0.05/final.mdl
2014-06-09 12:38:11 - INFO: decoder: Setting decoder property: lda-mat = test/models/english/voxforge/tri2b_mmi_b0.05/final.mat
2014-06-09 12:38:11 - INFO: decoder: Setting decoder property: fst = test/models/english/voxforge/tri2b_mmi_b0.05/HCLG.fst
2014-06-09 12:38:11 - INFO: decoder: Setting decoder property: silence-phones = 1:2:3:4:5
2014-06-09 12:38:11 - INFO: decoder: Created GStreamer elements
2014-06-09 12:38:11 - INFO: decoder: Linking GStreamer elements
2014-06-09 12:38:11 - INFO: decoder: Setting pipeline to READY
2014-06-09 12:38:15 - INFO: decoder: Set pipeline to READY
2014-06-09 12:38:15 - INFO: main: Opening websocket connection to master server
2014-06-09 12:38:15 - INFO: main: Opened websocket connection to server
2014-06-09 12:38:29 - INFO: main: d9407236-33ad-43b6-8df4-a93fe85b4a9b: Started timeout guard
2014-06-09 12:38:29 - INFO: main: d9407236-33ad-43b6-8df4-a93fe85b4a9b: Initialized request

(python:15676): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_event_new_caps: assertion 'gst_caps_is_fixed (caps)' failed

(python:15676): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_pad_push_event: assertion 'GST_IS_EVENT (event)' failed
2014-06-09 12:38:29 - ERROR: decoder: (GError('Internal data flow error.',), 'gstbasesrc.c(2865): gst_base_src_loop (): /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstAppSrc:appsrc:\nstreaming task paused, reason not-negotiated (-4)')
2014-06-09 12:38:34 - INFO: decoder: d9407236-33ad-43b6-8df4-a93fe85b4a9b: Pushing EOS to pipeline

Thank you very much.

re: issues with new update

HI Alumae,

I have seen a couple of bugs with the new update.
1)the server cannot process more than one decoding process per worker, after one decoding processed the worker is not accepting connection from server.

  1. we are not getting the correct json format for the usage

curl -T 752706.wav "http://localhost:8888/client/dynamic/recognize"

{"status": 0, "hypotheses": [{"utterance": ""}], "id": "6ceaf16d-e754-488f-a2a8-3d9c4e63affa"}


curl -v -T 20141014165818Z.wav -H "Content-Type: audio/x-raw-int; rate=16000" --header "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" --limit-rate 32000 "http://localhost:8888/client/dynamic/recognize"

{"status": 0, "hypotheses": [{"utterance": ""}], "id": "6ceaf16d-e754-488f-a2a8-3d9c4e63affa"}

as seen we are not getting any hypothesis after the new update. But i can see the result on the server.

Worker crashes on second execution with a message

Client is executed twice as follows:
$python kaldigstserver/ -r 32000 test/data/english_test.raw
$ python kaldigstserver/ -r 32000 test/data/english_test.raw

-- second client execution crashes the worker with following message
note - online-feat-input was modified to print Frame, feat_offset_ and feat.NumRows()
Kaldi version: 4441

WARNING (IsValidFrame() Unexpected point reached in code: Frame :624, feat_offest:107, Feature Matrix Rows:30 possibly you are skipping frames?
ERROR (CacheFrame() Request for invalid frame (you need to check IsLastFrame, or, for frame zero, check that the input is valid.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
what(): ERROR (CacheFrame() Request for invalid frame (you need to check IsLastFrame, or, for frame zero, check that the input is valid. could not decode at second time

Thank you for your quick response before, @alumae .

I met another problem. When I run in the example, the first time is very fine. But, if I run same script It cannot decode and the worker doesn't return data.

I started a worker like this:

python kaldigstserver/ -u ws://localhost:8888/worker/ws/speech -c sample_worker.yaml

tested like this:

python kaldigstserver/ -r 32000 test/data/english_test.raw

output was same as you posted.

After I tested same script, It doesn't finish.

master_server log is here:

    INFO 2015-02-26 22:00:40,776 New worker available <__main__.WorkerSocketHandler object at 0x7f9178fcc090>
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:27,459 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: OPEN
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:27,459 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Request arguments: content-type="audio/x-raw, layout=(string)interleaved, rate=(int)16000, format=(string)S16LE, channels=(int)1"
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:27,459 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Using worker <__main__.DecoderSocketHandler object at 0x7f9178fcc210>
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:27,459 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Using content type: audio/x-raw, layout=(string)interleaved, rate=(int)16000, format=(string)S16LE, channels=(int)1
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:27,674 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8000 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:27,927 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8000 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:28,180 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8000 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:28,432 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8000 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:28,685 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8000 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:28,937 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8000 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:29,188 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8000 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:29,440 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8000 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:29,691 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8000 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:29,943 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8000 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:30,054 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Sending event {u'status': 0, u'result': {u'hypotheses': [{u'transcript': u'THE.'}], u'final': False}} to client
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:30,055 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Sending event {u'status': 0, u'result': {u'hypotheses': [{u'transcript': u'THE.'}], u'final': True}} to client
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:30,195 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8000 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:30,446 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8000 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:30,698 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8000 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:30,949 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8000 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:31,061 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Sending event {u'status': 0, u'result': {u'hypotheses': [{u'transcript': u'ONE.'}], u'final': False}} to client
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:31,201 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8000 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:31,267 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Sending event {u'status': 0, u'result': {u'hypotheses': [{u'transcript': u'ONE TWO.'}], u'final': False}} to client
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:31,267 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Sending event {u'status': 0, u'result': {u'hypotheses': [{u'transcript': u'ONE TWO THREE.'}], u'final': False}} to client
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:31,453 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8000 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:31,704 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8000 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:31,957 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8000 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:32,209 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8000 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:32,364 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Sending event {u'status': 0, u'result': {u'hypotheses': [{u'transcript': u'ONE TWO THREE FOUR.'}], u'final': Fa... to client
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:32,364 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Sending event {u'status': 0, u'result': {u'hypotheses': [{u'transcript': u'ONE TWO THREE FOUR FIVE.'}], u'final... to client
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:32,365 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Sending event {u'status': 0, u'result': {u'hypotheses': [{u'transcript': u'ONE TWO THREE FOUR FIVE SIX.'}], u'f... to client
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:32,461 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8000 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:32,712 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8000 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:32,964 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8000 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:33,034 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Sending event {u'status': 0, u'result': {u'hypotheses': [{u'transcript': u'ONE TWO THREE FOUR FIVE SIX SEVEN.'}... to client
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:33,035 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Sending event {u'status': 0, u'result': {u'hypotheses': [{u'transcript': u'ONE TWO THREE FOUR FIVE SIX SEVEN EI... to client
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:33,035 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Sending event {u'status': 0, u'result': {u'hypotheses': [{u'transcript': u'ONE TWO THREE FOUR FIVE SIX SEVEN EI... to client
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:33,217 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8000 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:33,469 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8000 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:33,720 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 4608 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:33,720 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Forwarding client message (<type 'unicode'>) of length 3 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:33,783 Worker <__main__.WorkerSocketHandler object at 0x7f9178fcc090> leaving
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:33,784 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Handling on_connection_close()
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:33,784 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Closing worker connection
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:34,786 New worker available <__main__.WorkerSocketHandler object at 0x7f9178fcc290>
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:49,265 0fe2739b-c4f8-4185-9d77-3c2e134cf3c6: OPEN
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:49,266 0fe2739b-c4f8-4185-9d77-3c2e134cf3c6: Request arguments: content-type="audio/x-raw, layout=(string)interleaved, rate=(int)16000, format=(string)S16LE, channels=(int)1"
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:49,266 0fe2739b-c4f8-4185-9d77-3c2e134cf3c6: Using worker <__main__.DecoderSocketHandler object at 0x7f9178fcc610>
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:49,266 0fe2739b-c4f8-4185-9d77-3c2e134cf3c6: Using content type: audio/x-raw, layout=(string)interleaved, rate=(int)16000, format=(string)S16LE, channels=(int)1
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:49,477 0fe2739b-c4f8-4185-9d77-3c2e134cf3c6: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8000 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:49,729 0fe2739b-c4f8-4185-9d77-3c2e134cf3c6: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8000 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:49,982 0fe2739b-c4f8-4185-9d77-3c2e134cf3c6: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8000 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:50,235 0fe2739b-c4f8-4185-9d77-3c2e134cf3c6: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8000 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:50,488 0fe2739b-c4f8-4185-9d77-3c2e134cf3c6: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8000 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:50,739 0fe2739b-c4f8-4185-9d77-3c2e134cf3c6: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8000 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:50,992 0fe2739b-c4f8-4185-9d77-3c2e134cf3c6: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8000 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:51,245 0fe2739b-c4f8-4185-9d77-3c2e134cf3c6: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8000 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:51,498 0fe2739b-c4f8-4185-9d77-3c2e134cf3c6: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8000 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:51,751 0fe2739b-c4f8-4185-9d77-3c2e134cf3c6: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8000 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:52,003 0fe2739b-c4f8-4185-9d77-3c2e134cf3c6: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8000 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:52,256 0fe2739b-c4f8-4185-9d77-3c2e134cf3c6: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8000 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:52,509 0fe2739b-c4f8-4185-9d77-3c2e134cf3c6: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8000 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:52,762 0fe2739b-c4f8-4185-9d77-3c2e134cf3c6: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8000 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:53,015 0fe2739b-c4f8-4185-9d77-3c2e134cf3c6: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8000 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:53,266 0fe2739b-c4f8-4185-9d77-3c2e134cf3c6: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8000 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:53,519 0fe2739b-c4f8-4185-9d77-3c2e134cf3c6: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8000 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:53,772 0fe2739b-c4f8-4185-9d77-3c2e134cf3c6: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8000 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:54,025 0fe2739b-c4f8-4185-9d77-3c2e134cf3c6: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8000 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:54,278 0fe2739b-c4f8-4185-9d77-3c2e134cf3c6: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8000 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:54,531 0fe2739b-c4f8-4185-9d77-3c2e134cf3c6: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8000 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:54,783 0fe2739b-c4f8-4185-9d77-3c2e134cf3c6: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8000 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:55,036 0fe2739b-c4f8-4185-9d77-3c2e134cf3c6: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8000 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:55,288 0fe2739b-c4f8-4185-9d77-3c2e134cf3c6: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8000 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:55,539 0fe2739b-c4f8-4185-9d77-3c2e134cf3c6: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 4608 to worker
    INFO 2015-02-26 22:01:55,539 0fe2739b-c4f8-4185-9d77-3c2e134cf3c6: Forwarding client message (<type 'unicode'>) of length 3 to worker

worker log is here:

2015-02-26 22:00:40 -    INFO:   __main__: Opening websocket connection to master server
2015-02-26 22:00:40 -    INFO:   __main__: Opened websocket connection to server
2015-02-26 22:01:27 -    INFO:    decoder: 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Setting caps to audio/x-raw, layout=(string)interleaved, rate=(int)16000, format=(string)S16LE, channels=(int)1
2015-02-26 22:01:27 -    INFO:    decoder: 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Connecting audio decoder
2015-02-26 22:01:27 -    INFO:   __main__: 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Started timeout guard
2015-02-26 22:01:27 -    INFO:   __main__: 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Initialized request
2015-02-26 22:01:27 -    INFO:    decoder: 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Connected audio decoder
2015-02-26 22:01:30 -    INFO:    decoder: 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Got word: THE
2015-02-26 22:01:30 -    INFO:   __main__: 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Postprocessing partial result..
2015-02-26 22:01:30 -    INFO:   __main__: 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Postprocessing done.
2015-02-26 22:01:30 -    INFO:    decoder: 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Got word: <#s>
2015-02-26 22:01:30 -    INFO:   __main__: 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Postprocessing final result..
2015-02-26 22:01:30 -    INFO:   __main__: 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Postprocessing done.
2015-02-26 22:01:31 -    INFO:    decoder: 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Got word: ONE
2015-02-26 22:01:31 -    INFO:   __main__: 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Postprocessing partial result..
2015-02-26 22:01:31 -    INFO:   __main__: 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Postprocessing done.
2015-02-26 22:01:31 -    INFO:    decoder: 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Got word: TWO
2015-02-26 22:01:31 -    INFO:   __main__: 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Postprocessing partial result..
2015-02-26 22:01:31 -    INFO:   __main__: 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Postprocessing done.
2015-02-26 22:01:31 -    INFO:    decoder: 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Got word: THREE
2015-02-26 22:01:31 -    INFO:   __main__: 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Postprocessing partial result..
2015-02-26 22:01:31 -    INFO:   __main__: 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Postprocessing done.
2015-02-26 22:01:32 -    INFO:    decoder: 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Got word: FOUR
2015-02-26 22:01:32 -    INFO:   __main__: 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Postprocessing partial result..
2015-02-26 22:01:32 -    INFO:   __main__: 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Postprocessing done.
2015-02-26 22:01:32 -    INFO:    decoder: 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Got word: FIVE
2015-02-26 22:01:32 -    INFO:   __main__: 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Postprocessing partial result..
2015-02-26 22:01:32 -    INFO:   __main__: 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Postprocessing done.
2015-02-26 22:01:32 -    INFO:    decoder: 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Got word: SIX
2015-02-26 22:01:32 -    INFO:   __main__: 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Postprocessing partial result..
2015-02-26 22:01:32 -    INFO:   __main__: 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Postprocessing done.
2015-02-26 22:01:33 -    INFO:    decoder: 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Got word: SEVEN
2015-02-26 22:01:33 -    INFO:   __main__: 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Postprocessing partial result..
2015-02-26 22:01:33 -    INFO:   __main__: 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Postprocessing done.
2015-02-26 22:01:33 -    INFO:    decoder: 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Got word: EIGHT
2015-02-26 22:01:33 -    INFO:   __main__: 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Postprocessing partial result..
2015-02-26 22:01:33 -    INFO:   __main__: 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Postprocessing done.
2015-02-26 22:01:33 -    INFO:    decoder: 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Got word: <#s>
2015-02-26 22:01:33 -    INFO:   __main__: 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Postprocessing final result..
2015-02-26 22:01:33 -    INFO:   __main__: 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Postprocessing done.
2015-02-26 22:01:33 -    INFO:    decoder: 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Pushing EOS to pipeline
2015-02-26 22:01:33 -    INFO:    decoder: 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Pipeline received eos signal
2015-02-26 22:01:33 -    INFO:   __main__: 64c34db5-eddc-4972-a587-3cf27c6a166e: Adaptation state not supported by the decoder, not sending it.
2015-02-26 22:01:34 -    INFO:   __main__: Opening websocket connection to master server
2015-02-26 22:01:34 -    INFO:   __main__: Opened websocket connection to server
2015-02-26 22:01:49 -    INFO:    decoder: 0fe2739b-c4f8-4185-9d77-3c2e134cf3c6: Setting caps to audio/x-raw, layout=(string)interleaved, rate=(int)16000, format=(string)S16LE, channels=(int)1
2015-02-26 22:01:49 -    INFO:   __main__: 0fe2739b-c4f8-4185-9d77-3c2e134cf3c6: Started timeout guard
2015-02-26 22:01:49 -    INFO:   __main__: 0fe2739b-c4f8-4185-9d77-3c2e134cf3c6: Initialized request
2015-02-26 22:01:55 -    INFO:    decoder: 0fe2739b-c4f8-4185-9d77-3c2e134cf3c6: Pushing EOS to pipeline

in the worker's log, printed "Pushing EOS to pipeline" and don't process anymore.


Silence detection


I am using TED dnn model. I tried running a file through the decoder and it worked.
However, the utterances (or segments) are not splitting based on silences. sometime it even breaks in the middle of a spoken sentence. I think it breaks when it reaches to a certain word limit.

do-endpointing is set to True and I tried playing with endpointing-silence-phones (currently 1:2:3:4:5), but no luck

re: worker closed issue

Hi Alumae,

the connection issue is resolved when i start running the server in a local PC from Azure cloud it worked fine for a few days but again it throw this exception

INFO 2015-07-21 11:35:36,189 200 PUT /client/dynamic/recognize ( 29925.95ms
INFO 2015-07-21 11:35:36,189 Everything done
INFO 2015-07-21 11:35:37,208 New worker available <main.WorkerSocketHandler object at 0x7f7dc570c150>
INFO 2015-07-21 12:02:45,748 d591db57-bbc3-43bf-a9b5-2bf4b2d208a8: OPEN: user='none', content='none'
INFO 2015-07-21 12:02:45,748 d591db57-bbc3-43bf-a9b5-2bf4b2d208a8: Using worker <main.HttpChunkedRecognizeHandler object at 0x7f7dc570c650>
INFO 2015-07-21 12:02:45,748 Worker <main.WorkerSocketHandler object at 0x7f7dc61b76d0> leaving
INFO 2015-07-21 12:02:45,748 d591db57-bbc3-43bf-a9b5-2bf4b2d208a8: Receiving 'close' from worker
ERROR 2015-07-21 12:02:46,736 Uncaught exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tornado-4.2-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/tornado/", line 561, in _read_fixed_body
yield gen.maybe_future(delegate.data_received(body))
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tornado-4.2-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/tornado/", line 282, in data_received
return self.delegate.data_received(chunk)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tornado-4.2-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/tornado/", line 1974, in data_received
return self.handler.data_received(data)
File "/home/user/speech/server/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/", line 142, in data_received
self.worker.write_message(chunk, binary=True)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tornado-4.2-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/tornado/", line 213, in write_message
raise WebSocketClosedError()

different results for same input


When using the script repeatedly on the same wavefile, i get different results.

Most of the time the difference is in the likelihood field of the returned hypotheses, they vary a little from one run to the next (on the same decoder)

Occasionally, the likelihood differences effect the sort order, so on subsequent calls the most likely hypothesis changes.

Is this expected? thanks

run 1:
RESPONSE:{u'status': 0, u'segment-start': 0.0, u'segment-length': 4.52, u'total-length': 4.52, u'result': {u'hypotheses': [
{u'likelihood': 145.337, u'transcript': u'minus one twelve point ten minus one eleven point ten'},
{u'likelihood': 143.347, u'transcript': u'hi minus one twelve point ten minus one eleven point ten'},
{u'likelihood': 140.417, u'transcript': u'minus one twelve point ten minus one eleven point eight ten'},
{u'likelihood': 138.427, u'transcript': u'hi minus one twelve point ten minus one eleven point eight ten'}], u'final': True}, u'segment': 0, u'id': u'ceaeba27-d042-4aef-b576-781fc0eeb252'}

run 2:
RESPONSE: {u'status': 0, u'segment-start': 0.0, u'segment-length': 4.52, u'total-length': 4.52, u'result': {u'hypotheses': [
{u'likelihood': 143.316, u'transcript': u'hi minus one twelve point ten minus one eleven point ten'},
{u'likelihood': 140.427, u'transcript': u'minus one twelve point ten minus one eleven point ten'},
{u'likelihood': 138.364, u'transcript': u'hi minus one twelve point ten minus one eleven point eight ten'},
{u'likelihood': 135.475, u'transcript': u'minus one twelve point ten minus one eleven point eight ten'}], u'final': True}, u'segment': 0, u'id': u'8fb2a55e-0d24-4707-8f1f-37e90c038643'}

AttributeError: 'DecoderPipeline' object has no attribute 'get_adaptation_state'

When I ran, the result is no problem.

the result is:


But, after printing result, not finished.
I found that worker has a error.

the error is:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/auc/kaldi-trunk/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/", line 140, in _on_eos
  File "kaldigstserver/", line 194, in _on_eos
  File "kaldigstserver/", line 209, in send_adaptation_state
    adaptation_state = self.decoder_pipeline.get_adaptation_state()
AttributeError: 'DecoderPipeline' object has no attribute 'get_adaptation_state'

could you solve this problem?


starting a worker with the kaldinnet2onlinedecoder fails.

I'm running the master server on Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.13.0-85-generic x86_64). I'm am using Python 2.7.6.

The command and output are below. I looked in the source code of It looks like the GstElement is 'NoneType'.

I did a little experiment in ipython and I noticed that the following calls have different results.

tee = Gst.ElementFactory.make("tee", "tee")
print tee
<main.GstTee object at 0x7f45edcbfb90 (GstTee at 0x235a2d0)>


asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
print asr

I have pygobject==3.12.0


python kaldigstserver/ -u ws://localhost:8888/worker/ws/speech -c sample_english_nnet2.yaml

Output and Error message:

DEBUG 2016-07-22 11:48:56,068 Starting up worker
2016-07-22 11:48:56 - INFO: decoder2: Creating decoder using conf: {'post-processor': "perl -npe 'BEGIN {use IO::Handle; STDOUT->autoflush(1);} s/(.*)/\1./;'", 'logging': {'version': 1, 'root': {'level': 'DEBUG', 'handlers': ['console']}, 'formatters': {'simpleFormater': {'datefmt': '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', 'format': '%(asctime)s - %(levelname)7s: %(name)10s: %(message)s'}}, 'disable_existing_loggers': False, 'handlers': {'console': {'formatter': 'simpleFormater', 'class': 'logging.StreamHandler', 'level': 'DEBUG'}}}, 'use-nnet2': True, 'full-post-processor': './', 'decoder': {'ivector-extraction-config': 'test/models/english/tedlium_nnet_ms_sp_online/conf/ivector_extractor.conf', 'num-nbest': 10, 'lattice-beam': 6.0, 'acoustic-scale': 0.083, 'do-endpointing': True, 'beam': 10.0, 'max-active': 10000, 'fst': 'test/models/english/tedlium_nnet_ms_sp_online/HCLG.fst', 'mfcc-config': 'test/models/english/tedlium_nnet_ms_sp_online/conf/mfcc.conf', 'use-threaded-decoder': True, 'traceback-period-in-secs': 0.25, 'model': 'test/models/english/tedlium_nnet_ms_sp_online/final.mdl', 'word-syms': 'test/models/english/tedlium_nnet_ms_sp_online/words.txt', 'endpoint-silence-phones': '1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8:9:10', 'chunk-length-in-secs': 0.25}, 'silence-timeout': 10, 'out-dir': 'tmp', 'use-vad': False}
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "kaldigstserver/", line 368, in
File "kaldigstserver/", line 348, in main
decoder_pipeline = DecoderPipeline2(conf)
File "/home/sbraden/workspace/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/", line 24, in init
File "/home/sbraden/workspace/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/", line 54, in create_pipeline
self.asr.set_property("use-threaded-decoder", conf["decoder"]["use-threaded-decoder"])
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'set_property'

Final Transcript have segment number missing

Since the creation of JSON for final was moved to the plugin, it is missing the segment number, while the partial transcripts contain the segment number. This is a little confusing, and probably the we would need to keep two separate counters so that both have segment numbers. Maybe move the partial creation also to the plugin.

Output timing information

The recognition results from the server should include start and end times for each word and/or utterance

Gstreamer appsrc


I'm currently using modified librispeech models and I wanted to do some online experiments with kaldinnet2onlinedecoder but when starting the worker, Gstreamer appsrc end up with an error I can't figure out how to fix :

File "kaldigstserver/", line 368, in <module>
  File "kaldigstserver/", line 348, in main
    decoder_pipeline = DecoderPipeline2(conf)
  File "/vol/experiments/fboye/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/", line 24, in __init__
  File "/vol/experiments/fboye/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/", line 60, in create_pipeline
    self.appsrc.set_property("is-live", True)
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'set_property'

I thought it was a problem with Gstreamer plugins or with the online tools from Kaldi but it doesn't seem to be the case. All the tests worked and all decoder properties were set.
Do you have any idea how to fix that?

Thank you in advance.

P.S : post-precessor and full-post-processor properties are only used with the GMM-model decoder, am I right?

How to return word in nnet results?

I have this working with the fisher nnet model and would like to return the word level results as depicted in gst-kaldi-nnet2-online structured results.

I've made the following changes to the config file and the post-processor, see below, but I'm failing to get anything back. I can see in the worker log that the most recent segment is being returned with the expected data but it's not being returned to the client (both python and http just stall).


use-nnet2: True
    # All the properties nested here correspond to the kaldinnet2onlinedecoder GStreamer plugin properties.
    # Use gst-inspect-1.0 ./ kaldinnet2onlinedecoder to discover the available properties
    use-threaded-decoder:  true
    model : test/models/english/fisher_nnet_a_gpu_online/final.mdl
    fst : test/models/english/fisher_nnet_a_gpu_online/HCLG.fst
    word-syms : test/models/english/fisher_nnet_a_gpu_online/words.txt
    feature-type : mfcc
    mfcc-config : test/models/english/fisher_nnet_a_gpu_online/conf/mfcc.conf
    ivector-extraction-config : test/models/english/fisher_nnet_a_gpu_online/conf/ivector_extractor.fixed.conf
    max-active: 10000
    beam: 11.0
    lattice-beam: 5.0
    do-endpointing : true
    endpoint-silence-phones : "1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8:9:10"
    chunk-length-in-secs: 0.2
    #acoustic-scale: 0.083
    #traceback-period-in-secs: 0.2
    #num-nbest: 10
    #Additional functionality that you can play with:
    #lm-fst:  test/models/english/fisher_nnet_a_gpu_online/G.fst
    #big-lm-const-arpa: test/models/english/fisher_nnet_a_gpu_online/G.carpa
    phone-syms: test/models/english/fisher_nnet_a_gpu_online/phones.txt
    word-boundary-file: test/models/english/fisher_nnet_a_gpu_online/
    do-phone-alignment: true
out-dir: tmp

use-vad: False
silence-timeout: 10

# Just a sample post-processor that appends "." to the hypothesis
post-processor: perl -npe 'BEGIN {use IO::Handle; STDOUT->autoflush(1);} s/(.*)/\1./;'

# A sample full post processor that add a confidence score to 1-best hyp and deletes other n-best hyps
full-post-processor: ./

    version : 1
    disable_existing_loggers: False
            format: '%(asctime)s - %(levelname)7s: %(name)10s: %(message)s'
            datefmt: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
            class: logging.StreamHandler
            formatter: simpleFormater
            level: DEBUG
        level: DEBUG
        handlers: [console]

import sys
import json
import logging
from math import exp

def post_process_json(str):
        event = json.loads(str)
        if "result" in event:
            if len(event["result"]["hypotheses"]) > 1:
                likelihood1 = event["result"]["hypotheses"][0]["likelihood"]
                likelihood2 = event["result"]["hypotheses"][1]["likelihood"]
                confidence = likelihood1 - likelihood2
                confidence = 1 - exp(-confidence)
                confidence = 1.0e+10;
            event["result"]["hypotheses"][0]["confidence"] = confidence

            event["result"]["hypotheses"][0]["transcript"] += "."
            del event["result"]["hypotheses"][1:]
        return json.dumps(event)
        exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
        logging.error("Failed to process JSON result: %s : %s " % (exc_type, exc_value))
        return str

if __name__ == "__main__":
    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format="%(levelname)8s %(asctime)s %(message)s ")

    lines = []
    while True:
        l = sys.stdin.readline()
        if not l: break # EOF
        if l.strip() == "":
            if len(lines) > 0:
                result_json = post_process_json("".join(lines))
                print result_json
                lines = []

    if len(lines) > 0:
        result_json = post_process_json("".join(lines))
        print result_json
        lines = []

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'binary_message

Exception in thread Thread-28:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 801, in __bootstrap_inner
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 754, in run
    self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)
  File "/e/ashwinraju/kaldi_asr/asr/py-kaldi/tests/", line 58, in send_data_to_ws
  File "/e/ashwinraju/kaldi_asr/asr/py-kaldi/tests/", line 22, in rate_limited_function
    ret = func(*args,**kargs)
  File "/e/ashwinraju/kaldi_asr/asr/py-kaldi/tests/", line 43, in send_data
    self.send(data, binary=True)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ws4py/", line 257, in send
    message_sender = if binary else
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'binary_message

I am calculating predictions for a list of test samples in a multiprocessing way. I am able to predict the output but still am gettting this AttributeError . Any idea to avoid this error.

re: Confidence scores

HI alumae,

           thank a ton for the project you have created, i have started using it from a couple of weeks. i struck at getting confidence scores,  how can i get confidence scores for every word in the json file.

error occurs on server log when trying to send chunk using java client api

hello, i refer you java client application to send audio file for transcription. on server side log, it print below log file on it..

INFO 2015-07-04 18:16:23,776 New worker available <main.WorkerSocketHandler object at 0x7f67300b8c10>
ERROR 2015-07-04 18:16:27,708 Uncaught exception in /worker/ws/speech
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tornado/", line 415, in _run_callback
callback(_args, *_kwargs)
File "kaldigstserver/", line 260, in on_message
assert self.client_socket is not None
INFO 2015-07-04 18:16:27,709 Worker <main.WorkerSocketHandler object at 0x7f67300b8c10> leaving



I want to know how can I use the segmentation feature?


Concept of kaldi-gstreamer-server

Hi Sirs,

I am the beginner for kaldi.
I am a little confusing on kaldi-gstreamer-server recently.
After I generate models and others...

  1. What is the next step I need to do? Apply to kaldi-gstreamer-server (via yaml file)?
  2. If the server could be created by myself? Or I should use this one?
  3. The relationship between kaldi models and gstreamer-server?
  4. Any information I can reference if I want to know "how to apply kaldi models into server"?

Maybe my concepts about kaldi-gstreamer-server are not correct, please give me some suggestions or information please. Thanks very much.

hi tanel,

Is there anyway that we can write the lattice for every file we passes to the server.

appending result

Hi alumae,

is there any where that we can pause and continue recognition but having same UUID

When would we expect multiple "final" events?


In, the send_event function, there's a check for if len(event["result"]["hypotheses"]) > 0 and event["result"]["final"]: and if so, append the first hypothesis's transcript to the eventual final_hyp. Why is this append necessary - if the result is marked as final, why wouldn't that just be used as the final hyp?

The real motive for the question is because I'm trying to return more than just the top transcript (e.g. n-best, or confidence scores) so I was thinking of having final_hyp just be event["result"]["hypotheses"] directly, and then build the response from that data. But if there's an underlying reason for the transcript appending functionality, then maybe that indicates my thinking is not right.


Decoder (worker) gets into an endless loop

If the connection is opened for a dictation, and is used for a few minutes, the worker gets into an endless loop with the message: "Waiting for decoder EOS"

It appears that the fault is intermittent, and therefore I don't have an exact recipe to replicate this issue. If you have ideas on how to simulate the scenario, I am all ears.

It appears that a new connection is allowed in the time when client closes connection, but worker has not received EOS from decoder

It appears that the worker is make available and a new connection from a client is allowed when a previous client session has closed connection, but the worker is still waiting for the Final results and EOS from the decoder.

This new connection will generally not lead to a good decode session. Worker should probably stay unavailable until it sends out the final results / adaptation state and then closes the connection.

Adding New LM to TEDLIUM nnet2

I'd like to create a new LM to use with the TEDLIUM nnet2 AM, but don't think I can do so without the following:

  • phones dir
  • lexicon.txt
  • tree
  • L.fst
  • L_disambig.fst

Any chance you'd be able to release those?

No such file or directory when running

I ran into a small snag when running Apparently the readme file could not be found. I fixed the issue by getting the absolute path to the readme based on the path to the current directory.

I am not sure if anyone else has run into this. I would gladly send a pull request if you are interested.

 class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
     def get(self):
+        current_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+        parent_directory = os.path.join(current_directory, os.pardir)
+        readme = os.path.join(parent_directory, "")
+        self.render(readme)
-        self.render("../")


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tornado/", line 1443, in _execute
    result = method(*self.path_args, **self.path_kwargs)
  File "kaldigstserver/", line 76, in get
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tornado/", line 699, in render
    html = self.render_string(template_name, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tornado/", line 803, in render_string
    t = loader.load(template_name)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tornado/", line 424, in load
    self.templates[name] = self._create_template(name)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tornado/", line 451, in _create_template
    with open(path, "rb") as f:
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/gcox/GitHub/kaldi-gstreamer-server/templates/../'

adding extra parameters

Hi Tanel,

Is there anyway that we can send some extra parameters using curl
ex: using a particular language model for some specific speakers etc based on some speaker ID and language model name sent to server.

Start/end times for utterances

Thanks for this great project. When sending an audio file to ".../client/dynamic/recognize", the response json contains an id field. Is it possible to get the start and end times of the utterance using the id or any other way?

I've noticed that the server logs contain segment-start and segment-length, can they be sent to the client somehow?

INFO 2016-08-14 13:53:28,938 30a81637-769f-4fe0-9be2-2bb7cfb25062: Receiving event {u'status': 0, u'segment-start': 42.68000030517578, u'segment-length': 15.819999694824219, u'tota... from worker

Online dictation with Microphone

I work with kaldo-gstreamer-server and system transcribes correctly with different input file.

Now I could try to transcribe in online mode.
Is it possible active the streaming audio with microphone in script.
For example like the script in voxforge/gst_demo
Thanks in Advance


Getting word alignments

I'm able to get phone alignments, but how do I get word alignments? Is there a variable similar to do-phone-alignment?

ImportError: No module named repository

I get the following error when i try to start the sample worker

moshe@cloud-server-04:/kaldi-gstreamer-server/trunk$ uname -a
Linux cloud-server-04 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt9-3
deb8u1 (2015-04-24) x86_64 GNU/Linux
moshe@cloud-server-04:~/kaldi-gstreamer-server/trunk$ python kaldigstserver/ -u ws://localhost:8888/worker/ws/speech -c sample_worker.yaml
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "kaldigstserver/", line 9, in
from gi.repository import GObject
ImportError: No module named repository


implementing "continuous" decoder client

I am implementing a continuous decoder client in IOS.

It takes microphone input and uses the websocket protocol to send it to the gstreamer decoder.

a few questions:

  1. I notice i get many "final:false" responses that have the same hypothesis. Is there an option to have the server not send out identical responses? Do you recommend that this be implemented?

  2. Will the server break up utterances based on silence? If so how do you set the appropriate parameters?

  3. Related, will the server send a final result even if I do not send the EOS string?

Support client side VAD

To support client side VAD, the server should send FINAL hyp after a specified timeout, even if it's not been recieving any audio (so not much silence is detected)

Worker websocket closes prematurely after silence timeout reached

I have a 10 second silence timeout configured, which kicks in as expected, however when the worker is sending the final status message to the client the web socket seems to already be closed. It looks a lot like the websocket is being closed in the middle of the worker running finish_request, meaning guard_timeout is unable to send a STATUS_NO_SPEECH event ( and neither the client nor master server are receiving it. The last event received by the client (browser) is the adaptation state success message (


   DEBUG 2015-10-11 05:40:18,230 Starting up worker 
2015-10-11 05:40:18 -    INFO:   decoder2: Creating decoder using conf: {'post-processor': "perl -npe 'BEGIN {use IO::Handle; STDOUT->autoflush(1);} s/(.*)/\\1./;'", 'logging': {'version': 1, 'root': {'level': 'DEBUG', 'handlers': ['console']}, 'formatters': {'simpleFormater': {'datefmt': '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', 'format': '%(asctime)s - %(levelname)7s: %(name)10s: %(message)s'}}, 'disable_existing_loggers': False, 'handlers': {'console': {'formatter': 'simpleFormater', 'class': 'logging.StreamHandler', 'level': 'DEBUG'}}}, 'use-nnet2': True, 'full-post-processor': './', 'decoder': {'ivector-extraction-config': 'test/models/english/tedlium_nnet_ms_sp_online/conf/ivector_extractor.conf', 'num-nbest': 10, 'lattice-beam': 6.0, 'acoustic-scale': 0.083, 'do-endpointing': True, 'beam': 10.0, 'max-active': 10000, 'fst': 'test/models/english/tedlium_nnet_ms_sp_online/HCLG.fst', 'mfcc-config': 'test/models/english/tedlium_nnet_ms_sp_online/conf/mfcc.conf', 'use-threaded-decoder': True, 'traceback-period-in-secs': 0.25, 'model': 'test/models/english/tedlium_nnet_ms_sp_online/final.mdl', 'word-syms': 'test/models/english/tedlium_nnet_ms_sp_online/words.txt', 'endpoint-silence-phones': '1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8:9:10', 'chunk-length-in-secs': 0.25}, 'silence-timeout': 10, 'out-dir': 'tmp', 'use-vad': False}
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::endpoint-silence-phones after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::endpoint-rule1-must-contain-nonsilence after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::endpoint-rule1-min-trailing-silence after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::endpoint-rule1-max-relative-cost after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::endpoint-rule1-min-utterance-length after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::endpoint-rule2-must-contain-nonsilence after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::endpoint-rule2-min-trailing-silence after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::endpoint-rule2-max-relative-cost after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::endpoint-rule2-min-utterance-length after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::endpoint-rule3-must-contain-nonsilence after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::endpoint-rule3-min-trailing-silence after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::endpoint-rule3-max-relative-cost after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::endpoint-rule3-min-utterance-length after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::endpoint-rule4-must-contain-nonsilence after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::endpoint-rule4-min-trailing-silence after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::endpoint-rule4-max-relative-cost after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::endpoint-rule4-min-utterance-length after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::endpoint-rule5-must-contain-nonsilence after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::endpoint-rule5-min-trailing-silence after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::endpoint-rule5-max-relative-cost after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::endpoint-rule5-min-utterance-length after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::feature-type after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::mfcc-config after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::plp-config after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::fbank-config after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::add-pitch after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::online-pitch-config after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::ivector-extraction-config after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::ivector-silence-weighting-silence-phones after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::ivector-silence-weighting-silence-weight after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::ivector-silence-weighting-max-state-duration after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::delta after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::max-mem after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::phone-determinize after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::word-determinize after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::minimize after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::beam after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::max-active after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::min-active after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::lattice-beam after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::prune-interval after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::determinize-lattice after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::beam-delta after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::hash-ratio after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::acoustic-scale after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::max-buffered-features after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::feature-batch-size after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::nnet-batch-size after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::max-loglikes-copy after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::decode-batch-sie after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: When installing property: type 'Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder' already has a property named 'delta'
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: When installing property: type 'Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder' already has a property named 'max-mem'
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: When installing property: type 'Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder' already has a property named 'phone-determinize'
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: When installing property: type 'Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder' already has a property named 'word-determinize'
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: When installing property: type 'Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder' already has a property named 'minimize'
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: When installing property: type 'Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder' already has a property named 'beam'
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: When installing property: type 'Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder' already has a property named 'max-active'
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: When installing property: type 'Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder' already has a property named 'min-active'
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: When installing property: type 'Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder' already has a property named 'lattice-beam'
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: When installing property: type 'Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder' already has a property named 'prune-interval'
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: When installing property: type 'Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder' already has a property named 'determinize-lattice'
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: When installing property: type 'Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder' already has a property named 'beam-delta'
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: When installing property: type 'Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder' already has a property named 'hash-ratio'
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: When installing property: type 'Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder' already has a property named 'acoustic-scale'
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::pad-input after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/ Warning: Attempt to add property Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder::max-nnet-batch-size after class was initialised
  self.asr = Gst.ElementFactory.make("kaldinnet2onlinedecoder", "asr")
2015-10-11 05:40:18 -    INFO:   decoder2: Setting decoder property: ivector-extraction-config = test/models/english/tedlium_nnet_ms_sp_online/conf/ivector_extractor.conf
2015-10-11 05:40:18 -    INFO:   decoder2: Setting decoder property: num-nbest = 10
2015-10-11 05:40:18 -    INFO:   decoder2: Setting decoder property: lattice-beam = 6.0
2015-10-11 05:40:18 -    INFO:   decoder2: Setting decoder property: acoustic-scale = 0.083
2015-10-11 05:40:18 -    INFO:   decoder2: Setting decoder property: do-endpointing = True
2015-10-11 05:40:18 -    INFO:   decoder2: Setting decoder property: beam = 10.0
2015-10-11 05:40:18 -    INFO:   decoder2: Setting decoder property: max-active = 10000
2015-10-11 05:40:18 -    INFO:   decoder2: Setting decoder property: fst = test/models/english/tedlium_nnet_ms_sp_online/HCLG.fst
2015-10-11 05:40:31 -    INFO:   decoder2: Setting decoder property: mfcc-config = test/models/english/tedlium_nnet_ms_sp_online/conf/mfcc.conf
2015-10-11 05:40:31 -    INFO:   decoder2: Setting decoder property: traceback-period-in-secs = 0.25
2015-10-11 05:40:31 -    INFO:   decoder2: Setting decoder property: model = test/models/english/tedlium_nnet_ms_sp_online/final.mdl
2015-10-11 05:40:31 -    INFO:   decoder2: Setting decoder property: word-syms = test/models/english/tedlium_nnet_ms_sp_online/words.txt
2015-10-11 05:40:32 -    INFO:   decoder2: Setting decoder property: endpoint-silence-phones = 1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8:9:10
2015-10-11 05:40:32 -    INFO:   decoder2: Setting decoder property: chunk-length-in-secs = 0.25
2015-10-11 05:40:32 -    INFO:   decoder2: Created GStreamer elements
2015-10-11 05:40:32 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: Adding <__main__.GstAppSrc object at 0x7fe68e966230 (GstAppSrc at 0x16609a0)> to the pipeline
2015-10-11 05:40:32 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: Adding <__main__.GstDecodeBin object at 0x7fe68e966410 (GstDecodeBin at 0x16580b0)> to the pipeline
2015-10-11 05:40:32 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: Adding <__main__.GstAudioConvert object at 0x7fe68e966320 (GstAudioConvert at 0x167bcb0)> to the pipeline
2015-10-11 05:40:32 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: Adding <__main__.GstAudioResample object at 0x7fe68e9662d0 (GstAudioResample at 0x1688f10)> to the pipeline
2015-10-11 05:40:32 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: Adding <__main__.GstTee object at 0x7fe68e9663c0 (GstTee at 0x1638170)> to the pipeline
2015-10-11 05:40:32 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: Adding <__main__.GstQueue object at 0x7fe68e966280 (GstQueue at 0x168e1d0)> to the pipeline
2015-10-11 05:40:32 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: Adding <__main__.GstFileSink object at 0x7fe68e966370 (GstFileSink at 0x1692830)> to the pipeline
2015-10-11 05:40:32 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: Adding <__main__.GstQueue object at 0x7fe68e966460 (GstQueue at 0x168e4c0)> to the pipeline
2015-10-11 05:40:32 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: Adding <__main__.Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder object at 0x7fe68e919370 (Gstkaldinnet2onlinedecoder at 0x16bc030)> to the pipeline
2015-10-11 05:40:32 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: Adding <__main__.GstFakeSink object at 0x7fe68e9193c0 (GstFakeSink at 0x16cb200)> to the pipeline
2015-10-11 05:40:32 -    INFO:   decoder2: Linking GStreamer elements
LOG (ComputeDerivedVars() Computing derived variables for iVector extractor
LOG (ComputeDerivedVars() Done.
2015-10-11 05:40:32 -    INFO:   decoder2: Setting pipeline to READY
2015-10-11 05:40:32 -    INFO:   decoder2: Set pipeline to READY
2015-10-11 05:40:32 -    INFO:   __main__: Opening websocket connection to master server
2015-10-11 05:40:32 -    INFO:   __main__: Opened websocket connection to server
2015-10-11 05:40:49 -   DEBUG:   __main__: <undefined>: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.TextMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:40:49 -    INFO:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Initializing request
2015-10-11 05:40:49 -    INFO:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Setting caps to audio/x-raw, layout=(string)interleaved, rate=(int)16000, format=(string)S16LE, channels=(int)1
2015-10-11 05:40:49 -    INFO:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Connecting audio decoder
2015-10-11 05:40:49 -    INFO:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Started timeout guard
2015-10-11 05:40:49 -    INFO:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Initialized request
2015-10-11 05:40:49 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Checking that decoder hasn't been silent for more than 10 seconds
2015-10-11 05:40:49 -    INFO:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Connected audio decoder
2015-10-11 05:40:50 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:40:50 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8916 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:40:50 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:40:50 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:40:50 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8916 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:40:50 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:40:50 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:40:50 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8916 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:40:50 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:40:50 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Checking that decoder hasn't been silent for more than 10 seconds
2015-10-11 05:40:50 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:40:50 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 5944 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:40:50 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:40:50 -    INFO:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got partial result: the
2015-10-11 05:40:50 -    INFO:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Postprocessing (final=False) result..
2015-10-11 05:40:50 -    INFO:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Postprocessing done.
2015-10-11 05:40:51 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:40:51 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8918 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:40:51 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:40:51 -    INFO:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got partial result: the
2015-10-11 05:40:51 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:40:51 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8916 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:40:51 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:40:51 -    INFO:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got partial result: the
2015-10-11 05:40:51 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:40:51 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8916 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:40:51 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:40:51 -    INFO:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got partial result: the
2015-10-11 05:40:51 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Checking that decoder hasn't been silent for more than 10 seconds
2015-10-11 05:40:51 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:40:51 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 5944 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:40:51 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:40:51 -    INFO:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got partial result: the test
2015-10-11 05:40:51 -    INFO:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Postprocessing (final=False) result..
2015-10-11 05:40:51 -    INFO:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Postprocessing done.
2015-10-11 05:40:52 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:40:52 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8916 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:40:52 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:40:52 -    INFO:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got partial result: the test
2015-10-11 05:40:52 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:40:52 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8918 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:40:52 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:40:52 -    INFO:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got partial result: the test
2015-10-11 05:40:52 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:40:52 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 5944 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:40:52 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:40:52 -    INFO:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got partial result: the test
2015-10-11 05:40:52 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Checking that decoder hasn't been silent for more than 10 seconds
2015-10-11 05:40:52 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:40:52 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8916 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:40:52 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:40:52 -    INFO:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got partial result: the test
2015-10-11 05:40:53 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:40:53 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8916 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:40:53 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:40:53 -    INFO:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got final result: the test
2015-10-11 05:40:53 -    INFO:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got full final result: {"status": 0, "total-length": 2.86, "result": {"final": true, "hypotheses": [{"transcript": "the test", "likelihood": 69.3736}, {"transcript": "a test", "likelihood": 67.7495}, {"transcript": "to test", "likelihood": 66.6572}, {"transcript": "test", "likelihood": 65.2246}, {"transcript": "but test", "likelihood": 64.5778}, {"transcript": "i test", "likelihood": 64.3957}, {"transcript": "one test", "likelihood": 64.1008}, {"transcript": "and test", "likelihood": 63.7347}, {"transcript": "that test", "likelihood": 63.4901}, {"transcript": "we test", "likelihood": 63.4253}]}, "segment-start": 0.0, "segment-length": 2.86}
2015-10-11 05:40:53 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Before postprocessing: {u'status': 0, u'total-length': 2.86, u'result': {u'hypotheses': [{u'likelihood': 69.3736, u'transcript': u'the test'}, {u'likelihood': 67.7495, u'transcript': u'a test'}, {u'likelihood': 66.6572, u'transcript': u'to test'}, {u'likelihood': 65.2246, u'transcript': u'test'}, {u'likelihood': 64.5778, u'transcript': u'but test'}, {u'likelihood': 64.3957, u'transcript': u'i test'}, {u'likelihood': 64.1008, u'transcript': u'one test'}, {u'likelihood': 63.7347, u'transcript': u'and test'}, {u'likelihood': 63.4901, u'transcript': u'that test'}, {u'likelihood': 63.4253, u'transcript': u'we test'}], u'final': True}, u'segment-length': 2.86, u'segment-start': 0.0}
2015-10-11 05:40:53 -    INFO:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Postprocessing done.
2015-10-11 05:40:53 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: After postprocessing: {u'status': 0, u'total-length': 2.86, u'result': {u'hypotheses': [{u'likelihood': 69.3736, u'confidence': 1.6240999999999985, u'transcript': u'the test.'}], u'final': True}, u'segment-length': 2.86, u'segment-start': 0.0}
2015-10-11 05:40:53 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:40:53 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8918 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:40:53 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:40:53 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:40:53 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 5944 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:40:53 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:40:53 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Checking that decoder hasn't been silent for more than 10 seconds
2015-10-11 05:40:54 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:40:54 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8916 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:40:54 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:40:54 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:40:54 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8916 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:40:54 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:40:54 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:40:54 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 5944 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:40:54 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:40:54 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:40:54 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8918 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:40:54 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:40:54 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Checking that decoder hasn't been silent for more than 10 seconds
2015-10-11 05:40:55 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:40:55 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8916 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:40:55 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:40:55 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:40:55 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8916 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:40:55 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:40:55 -    INFO:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got partial result: the
2015-10-11 05:40:55 -    INFO:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Postprocessing (final=False) result..
2015-10-11 05:40:55 -    INFO:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Postprocessing done.
2015-10-11 05:40:55 -    INFO:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got partial result: the
2015-10-11 05:40:55 -    INFO:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got partial result: the
2015-10-11 05:40:55 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:40:55 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 5944 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:40:55 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:40:55 -    INFO:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got partial result: the
2015-10-11 05:40:55 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:40:55 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8916 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:40:55 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:40:55 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Checking that decoder hasn't been silent for more than 10 seconds
2015-10-11 05:40:55 -    INFO:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got partial result: the
2015-10-11 05:40:56 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:40:56 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8918 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:40:56 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:40:56 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:40:56 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 5944 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:40:56 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:40:56 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:40:56 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8916 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:40:56 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:40:56 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:40:56 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8916 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:40:56 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:40:56 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Checking that decoder hasn't been silent for more than 10 seconds
2015-10-11 05:40:57 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:40:57 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8916 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:40:57 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:40:57 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:40:57 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 5946 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:40:57 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:40:57 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:40:57 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8916 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:40:57 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:40:57 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:40:57 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8916 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:40:57 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:40:57 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Checking that decoder hasn't been silent for more than 10 seconds
2015-10-11 05:40:57 -    INFO:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got final result: the act
2015-10-11 05:40:57 -    INFO:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got full final result: {"status": 0, "total-length": 5.63, "result": {"final": true, "hypotheses": [{"transcript": "the act", "likelihood": 42.8241}, {"transcript": "the", "likelihood": 42.7886}, {"transcript": "the and", "likelihood": 42.7387}, {"transcript": "a", "likelihood": 42.1951}, {"transcript": "the eye", "likelihood": 41.987}, {"transcript": "the that", "likelihood": 41.8408}, {"transcript": "a i", "likelihood": 41.573}, {"transcript": "the past", "likelihood": 41.3998}, {"transcript": "the <unk>", "likelihood": 41.0507}, {"transcript": "a and", "likelihood": 40.9692}]}, "segment-start": 2.86, "segment-length": 2.77}
2015-10-11 05:40:57 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Before postprocessing: {u'status': 0, u'total-length': 5.63, u'result': {u'hypotheses': [{u'likelihood': 42.8241, u'transcript': u'the act'}, {u'likelihood': 42.7886, u'transcript': u'the'}, {u'likelihood': 42.7387, u'transcript': u'the and'}, {u'likelihood': 42.1951, u'transcript': u'a'}, {u'likelihood': 41.987, u'transcript': u'the eye'}, {u'likelihood': 41.8408, u'transcript': u'the that'}, {u'likelihood': 41.573, u'transcript': u'a i'}, {u'likelihood': 41.3998, u'transcript': u'the past'}, {u'likelihood': 41.0507, u'transcript': u'the <unk>'}, {u'likelihood': 40.9692, u'transcript': u'a and'}], u'final': True}, u'segment-length': 2.77, u'segment-start': 2.86}
2015-10-11 05:40:57 -    INFO:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Postprocessing done.
2015-10-11 05:40:57 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: After postprocessing: {u'status': 0, u'total-length': 5.63, u'result': {u'hypotheses': [{u'likelihood': 42.8241, u'confidence': 0.03549999999999898, u'transcript': u'the act.'}], u'final': True}, u'segment-length': 2.77, u'segment-start': 2.86}
2015-10-11 05:40:57 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:40:57 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 5944 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:40:57 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:40:58 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:40:58 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8916 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:40:58 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:40:58 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:40:58 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8918 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:40:58 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:40:58 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:40:58 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8916 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:40:58 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:40:58 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Checking that decoder hasn't been silent for more than 10 seconds
2015-10-11 05:40:58 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:40:58 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 5944 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:40:58 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:40:59 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:40:59 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8916 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:40:59 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:40:59 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:40:59 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8918 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:40:59 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:40:59 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:40:59 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 5944 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:40:59 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:40:59 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Checking that decoder hasn't been silent for more than 10 seconds
2015-10-11 05:41:00 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:41:00 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8916 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:41:00 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:41:00 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:41:00 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8916 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:41:00 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:41:00 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:41:00 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8916 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:41:00 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:41:00 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Checking that decoder hasn't been silent for more than 10 seconds
2015-10-11 05:41:00 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:41:00 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 5946 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:41:00 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:41:01 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:41:01 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8916 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:41:01 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:41:01 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:41:01 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8916 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:41:01 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:41:01 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:41:01 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8916 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:41:01 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:41:01 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Checking that decoder hasn't been silent for more than 10 seconds
2015-10-11 05:41:01 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:41:01 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 5944 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:41:01 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:41:02 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:41:02 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8918 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:41:02 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:41:02 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:41:02 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8916 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:41:02 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:41:02 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:41:02 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 5944 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:41:02 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:41:02 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Checking that decoder hasn't been silent for more than 10 seconds
2015-10-11 05:41:02 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:41:02 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8916 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:41:02 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:41:03 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:41:03 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8916 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:41:03 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:41:03 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:41:03 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8918 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:41:03 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:41:03 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:41:03 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 5944 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:41:03 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:41:03 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Checking that decoder hasn't been silent for more than 10 seconds
2015-10-11 05:41:03 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:41:03 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8916 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:41:03 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:41:04 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:41:04 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8916 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:41:04 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:41:04 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:41:04 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 5944 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:41:04 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:41:04 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:41:04 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8918 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:41:04 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:41:04 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:41:04 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8916 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:41:04 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:41:04 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Checking that decoder hasn't been silent for more than 10 seconds
2015-10-11 05:41:05 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:41:05 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8916 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:41:05 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:41:05 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:41:05 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 5944 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:41:05 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:41:05 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:41:05 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8918 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:41:05 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:41:05 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:41:05 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8916 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:41:05 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:41:05 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Checking that decoder hasn't been silent for more than 10 seconds
2015-10-11 05:41:06 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:41:06 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 5944 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:41:06 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:41:06 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:41:06 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8916 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:41:06 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:41:06 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:41:06 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8916 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:41:06 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:41:06 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:41:06 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8918 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:41:06 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:41:06 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Checking that decoder hasn't been silent for more than 10 seconds
2015-10-11 05:41:07 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:41:07 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 5944 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:41:07 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:41:07 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:41:07 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8916 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:41:07 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:41:07 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:41:07 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8916 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:41:07 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:41:07 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:41:07 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 5944 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:41:07 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:41:07 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Checking that decoder hasn't been silent for more than 10 seconds
2015-10-11 05:41:08 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:41:08 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8918 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:41:08 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:41:08 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:41:08 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8916 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:41:08 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:41:08 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:41:08 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 8916 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:41:08 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:41:08 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Got message from server of type <class 'ws4py.messaging.BinaryMessage'>
2015-10-11 05:41:08 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer of size 5944 to pipeline
2015-10-11 05:41:08 -   DEBUG:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pushing buffer done
2015-10-11 05:41:08 - WARNING:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: More than 10 seconds from last decoder hypothesis update, cancelling
2015-10-11 05:41:08 -    INFO:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Master disconnected before decoder reached EOS?
2015-10-11 05:41:08 -    INFO:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Sending EOS to pipeline in order to cancel processing
2015-10-11 05:41:08 -    INFO:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Cancelled pipeline
2015-10-11 05:41:08 -    INFO:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Waiting for EOS from decoder
2015-10-11 05:41:09 -    INFO:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Pipeline received eos signal
2015-10-11 05:41:09 -    INFO:   decoder2: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Resetting decoder state
2015-10-11 05:41:09 -    INFO:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Sending adaptation state to client...
2015-10-11 05:41:09 -   DEBUG:      ws4py: Closing message received (1000) ''
2015-10-11 05:41:09 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Websocket closed() called
2015-10-11 05:41:09 -   DEBUG:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Websocket closed() finished
2015-10-11 05:41:09 -    INFO:   decoder2: <undefined>: Resetting decoder state
2015-10-11 05:41:09 -    INFO:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Finished waiting for EOS
2015-10-11 05:41:09 - WARNING:   __main__: c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Failed to send error event to master
2015-10-11 05:41:10 -    INFO:   __main__: Opening websocket connection to master server
2015-10-11 05:41:10 -    INFO:   __main__: Opened websocket connection to server


   DEBUG 2015-10-11 05:40:18,221 Starting up server 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:32,545 New worker available <__main__.WorkerSocketHandler object at 0x7f5681ab8150> 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:32,570 New worker available <__main__.WorkerSocketHandler object at 0x7f5681ab8090> 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:49,802 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: OPEN 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:49,802 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Request arguments: content-type="audio/x-raw, layout=(string)interleaved, rate=(int)16000, format=(string)S16LE, channels=(int)1" 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:49,803 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Using worker <__main__.DecoderSocketHandler object at 0x7f5681ab8650> 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:49,803 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Using content type: audio/x-raw, layout=(string)interleaved, rate=(int)16000, format=(string)S16LE, channels=(int)1 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:50,374 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8916 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:50,457 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8916 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:50,666 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8916 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:50,892 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 5944 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:50,895 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Sending event {u'status': 0, u'segment': 0, u'result': {u'hypotheses': [{u'transcript': u'the.'}], u'final': Fa... to client 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:51,172 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8918 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:51,428 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8916 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:51,678 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8916 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:51,908 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 5944 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:51,910 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Sending event {u'status': 0, u'segment': 0, u'result': {u'hypotheses': [{u'transcript': u'the test.'}], u'final... to client 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:52,185 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8916 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:52,461 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8918 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:52,660 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 5944 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:52,985 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8916 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:53,193 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8916 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:53,353 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Sending event {u'status': 0, u'segment-start': 0.0, u'segment-length': 2.86, u'total-length': 2.86, u'result': ... to client 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:53,509 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8918 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:53,670 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 5944 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:54,034 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8916 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:54,203 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8916 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:54,530 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 5944 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:54,708 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8918 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:55,082 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8916 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:55,209 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8916 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:55,254 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Sending event {u'status': 0, u'segment': 1, u'result': {u'hypotheses': [{u'transcript': u'the.'}], u'final': Fa... to client 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:55,579 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 5944 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:55,718 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8916 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:56,131 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8918 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:56,193 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 5944 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:56,655 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8916 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:56,738 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8916 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:57,179 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8916 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:57,239 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 5946 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:57,479 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8916 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:57,733 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8916 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:57,887 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Sending event {u'status': 0, u'segment-start': 2.86, u'segment-length': 2.77, u'total-length': 5.63, u'result':... to client 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:57,955 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 5944 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:58,235 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8916 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:58,488 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8918 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:58,753 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8916 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:58,965 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 5944 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:59,276 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8916 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:59,499 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8918 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:40:59,774 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 5944 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:41:00,002 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8916 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:41:00,324 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8916 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:41:00,507 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8916 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:41:00,822 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 5946 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:41:01,012 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8916 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:41:01,373 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8916 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:41:01,517 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8916 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:41:01,871 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 5944 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:41:02,018 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8918 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:41:02,421 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8916 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:41:02,496 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 5944 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:41:02,946 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8916 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:41:03,033 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8916 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:41:03,470 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8918 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:41:03,526 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 5944 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:41:03,995 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8916 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:41:04,078 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8916 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:41:04,267 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 5944 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:41:04,547 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8918 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:41:04,799 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8916 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:41:05,050 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8916 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:41:05,277 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 5944 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:41:05,567 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8918 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:41:05,807 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8916 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:41:06,064 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 5944 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:41:06,312 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8916 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:41:06,616 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8916 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:41:06,815 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8918 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:41:07,113 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 5944 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:41:07,323 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8916 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:41:07,665 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8916 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:41:07,801 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 5944 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:41:08,189 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8918 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:41:08,336 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8916 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:41:08,714 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8916 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:41:08,814 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 5944 to worker 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:41:09,102 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Sending event {u'status': 0, u'adaptation_state': {u'type': u'string+gzip+base64', u'id': u'c0b969e3-7035-40a8-... to client 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:41:09,103 Worker <__main__.WorkerSocketHandler object at 0x7f5681ab8090> leaving 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:41:09,237 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Forwarding client message (<type 'str'>) of length 8916 to worker 
   ERROR 2015-10-11 05:41:09,238 Uncaught exception in /client/ws/speech 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tornado/", line 415, in _run_callback
    callback(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/speakeasy/lib/kaldi-gstreamer-server/kaldigstserver/", line 323, in on_message
    self.worker.write_message(message, binary=True)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tornado/", line 213, in write_message
    raise WebSocketClosedError()
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:41:09,238 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Handling on_connection_close() 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:41:09,238 c0b969e3-7035-40a8-97e6-c5b0ed1b01b4: Closing worker connection 
    INFO 2015-10-11 05:41:10,106 New worker available <__main__.WorkerSocketHandler object at 0x7f56818664d0> 

warning while generating word alignments


i'm getting an error when i try to get the word alignments, it is not happening always, it throws a warning and it doesn't provide the word alignment for that particular segment and for the other segments it works fine,

here is the warning

Lattice has input epsiilons and/or non-deterministic (in mohri's sense) --i.e., lattice is not deterministic. Word alignment may be slow and/or blow up ,memory

when i decode the same file with sgmm based models (offline approach) it dint throw any error and provide all word-alignments perfectly.
what is the possible cause for the error and how to solve it?

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