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datatables.aspnet's Introduction


Formely known as DataTables.Mvc, this project startedwith small objectives around 2014, aiming to provide intermediate and experienced developers a tool to avoid the boring process of handling DataTables parameters.
More than a year later and after a full rewrite we are now proud to support MVC, WebApi and Asp.Net Core (full .NET Core support).
Unit-testing is a priority to avoid breaking your app and every stable release should provide better and wider test cases.

Stable 2.0.0 version is here!

`2.0.0` stable release now ships with full support for DotNet Core 1.0.0, along with extensions, tests and all the fun we can get. This is the first stable version for `DataTables.AspNet`. We dropped the full migration path because we made everything clean and simple and included some basic usage samples to guide you.

Standard NuGet packages

IMPORTANT: Deprecated (unlisted) package

This package has been replaced by DataTables.AspNet.AspNetCore due to Microsoft renaming of the new platform.

Write your own code!

DataTables.AspNet ships with a core project called DataTables.AspNet.Core, which contains basic interfaces and core elements just the way DataTables needs.
Feel free to use it and implement your own classes, methods and extend DataTables.AspNet in your very own way.

Helpers and extensions

Those are still alpha1 releases but with nuget packages available. There are no tests yet, they are in a very initial phase and might change a bit in the near future. After they become stable I'll accept pull requests for other extensions (eg: NHibernate, EntityFramework, etc). For now, keep in mind that these two are supposed to set the basic extension standard for DataTables.AspNet.Extensions.


Samples are provided on the `samples` folder.
There is no wiki yet. I will start writing a very gorgeous wiki, just don't know when. Tons of work and no time. Sorry. I am open to contributors :)

Eager for some new code?

If you are, check out [dev]( branch. It has the latest code for DataTables.AspNet, including samples and more.
For every release (even unstable ones) there should be a nuget package.

Stable code?

For production code, I do recommend the `master` branch. It holds the stable version. Every stable version has a stable Nuget release.

Still legacy?

Drop it!
2.0.0 (stable) is faster, better coded and fully tested. DataTables.Mvc is now completely discontinued.

Known issues

- There are some issues while trying to run all tests simultaneously. I'll try to fix that by including some test ordering. - Extension methods do not have tests yet and should not be used on production code.

datatables.aspnet's People


almma avatar andershermansen avatar avaruz avatar dependabot[bot] avatar eitland avatar farajfarook avatar maximejobin avatar phayman avatar


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datatables.aspnet's Issues

"Easy" isn't so easy for a newbie.

My issue isn't with the quality of the code, which I can't assess, but with the documentation. The instructions say, in essence, "piece of cake, see?" But for someone who's entirely new to MVC, there are (potentially) steps missing. Download project, compile, add reference to assembly? Add "using ..." somewhere? I see there's a NuGet package. Once I add it to the project, then what?

Sorry for the n00b questions. I only offer that improving documentation will improve usability.

ModelBinder should not break on name

Model parser fails to parse if either name or data is not set.

// Parses Name value.
var columnName = values.GetValue(String.Format(names.ColumnName, counter));
string _columnName = null;
if (!Parse<string>(columnName, out _columnName)) break;

I think that if name is not set, it should be the same as data.


There are lots of these on NuGet...Would you add this one too?

Could not create a model binder for model object of typeDataTables.AspNet.Core.IDataTablesRequest


is this package compatible with DotNetCore 1.1?
I've made a test project in Visual Studio 2017RC and i'm getting the following error:

An unhandled exception occurred while processing the request.

InvalidOperationException: Could not create a model binder for model object of type 'DataTables.AspNet.Core.IDataTablesRequest'.

Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ModelBinding.ModelBinderFactory.CreateBinder(ModelBinderFactoryContext context)

Thanks. Hayko.

ASP.NET 5 beta 8 / Bug in ModelBinder: Causes default routing to be ignored.

Hi, thanx for this work, it's really good.
Thince the update for the beta8, you introduce a bug,
In ModelBinder.cs line 65, you return "return ModelBindingResult.Failed(bindingContext.ModelName);", it causes the other binding to be ignored (you add the DataTable ModelBinder in first position), if you return "return ModelBindingResult.NoResult;" it's ok.


First of all congratulations for the project (Great work!!!) and sorry for my bad English .

I am a complete newbie in the world of web programming and I cannot understand how to use AditionalParameters to handle custom values ​​to be passed to the request .

It's possible to have clarification on this argument?

Failing to work with application/business layer

I am developing an application that uses ASP.NET Boilerplate framework. By default, there is an application layer that maps my appservices as controllers in the Web layer.

In the web layer, I have added services.RegisterDataTables();.

In the application layer, I am trying to get as input IDataTablesRequest, but I get input is null error.

Thanks in advance

Provide sample projects

Provide samples using:

  • LinqToEntities (Entity Framework)
  • DynamicLinq (in-memory collections)

How to do individual column Searching?

I am trying to get individual column searching working.

I have implemented the server side and works perfectly with the global search. Order etc.

I have added the search bars to the table footer as so:

        // Apply the search
        exRowTable.columns().eq(0).each(function (colIdx) {
            $('input', exRowTable.column(colIdx).footer()).on('keyup change', function () {

However when I break on my server side controller. public async Task AjaxHandler([ModelBinder(typeof(DataTablesBinder))] IDataTablesRequest param)

All the coloumns search values are "" ?

What am I missing here?

NuGet Dependencies

The NuGet package depends on client side JavaScript libraries. While the client side libraries are required for a complete working solution, it is not necessary to depend on these for a successful compile. You should not assume that users want to import the javascript files into the same solution as the service component! Users may also choose to use the CDN.

Proposed solution: create two NuGet packages. One with the core .Net solution you have created and one with the extra "convenience" dependencies and the pdf doc that depends on the core package

I don't mean to sound unappreciative, thanks for your effort! I am now downloading the source project and will use that rather than the NuGet version.

WebApi2 Model Binder?

First thing first: Great Work :)

I've just wanted to ask, if you'll implement WebApi2 Model Binder (It has to be System.Web.Http.ModelBinding.IModelBinder instead of System.Web.Mvc.IModelBinder). I think it's quite quick as i'm lokoing into the code. Anyway, thx for this.


for me, it was enough to implement the System.Web.Http.ModelBinding with your methods, updating just the ResolveNameValueCollection to this:

protected virtual NameValueCollection ResolveNameValueCollection(HttpRequestMessage request)
            if (request.Method == HttpMethod.Get) return HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(request.RequestUri.Query);
            else if (request.Method == HttpMethod.Post)
                var data = request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
                return HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(data);
            else throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("The provided HTTP method ({0}) is not a valid method to use with DataTablesBinder. Please, use HTTP GET or POST methods only.", request.Method), "method");

Multiple Copyrights

The DefaultDataTablesRequest file has a different copyright than the other files. Everything else is included under the MIT License, but DefaultDataTablesRequest is listed under NACIONAL SOFT LTDA. Is that intentional? You should probably notate the and LICENSE file if it is.

Add support for as an object to use different data for the different data types requested by DataTables

Currently there doesn't seem to be support for the following DataTables feature:


Use different data for the different data types requested by DataTables (filter, display, type or sort). The property names of the object is the data type the property refers to and the value can defined using an integer, string or function using the same rules as normally does.

Note that an _ option must be specified. This is the default value to use if you haven't specified a value for the data type requested by DataTables.

As an example you might use:

$('#example').dataTable( {
serverSide: true,
ajax: "/home/pagedata",
"columns": [
 { data : "id" },
 { data : { "_": "phone", "filter": "phone_filter", "display": "phone_display", "sort" : "phone_sort" } }

An unhandled exception occurred while processing the request.

When open the page, I got this:
InvalidOperationException: Could not create an instance of type 'DataTables.AspNet.Core.IDataTablesRequest'. Model bound complex types must not be abstract or value types and must have a parameterless constructor.

Please help me out.


Not sure if this is a problem with NuGet or datatables.aspnet.
One project in our solution of 101 projects uses DataTables.AspNet.Core and .Mvc5. When using NuGet package manager in VS2015 for available upgrades, the pre-release version of DataTables shows up as an upgrade for all of them.
The filter is 'upgrade available'. 'include prerelease' is not checked.
This doesn't happen for any other nuget package. Core RC2 support


First thanks for the great project and your efforts. Do you have plans to support RC2? I've already got mine working. The only issue was ModelBinder.cs that I have to modify to accommodate RC2 changes.

Support for NETCore.App

Experimenting with your package and a NETCore.App POC. Getting the exception "The type 'DataColumn' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced" For reasons having to do with deployment to Cloud Foundry I have to reference NETCore.App rather than the full framework. Is possible and I'm not implementing your package correctly or am I blocked? Thanks.

The value of the search cannot be null. If there's no search performed, provide an empty string

When I load data, I get error 500 with: "The value of the search cannot be null. If there's no search performed, provide an empty string."

But I do not use search. My javascript is like this:
'serverSide': true,
'processing': true,
'filter': false,
'ajax': '/webserviceurl',
'columns': [
{ 'data': 'id' },
{ 'data': 'name' }

I can see there is a validation in the constructor of Search class but have no idea from where it is called and why the passed value is null.

Setting filer: true/false have no effect, throws error everytime.

AditionalParameters Mispelled

The IDataTablesRequest interface supports an IDictionary parameter named AditionalParameters . The AditionalParameters parameter is misspelled. It should be AdditionalParameters.

Unable to override SerializeData in DataTablesResponse


I would like to change the serialization settings in DataTablesResponse. You even have a comment on SerializeData method that: " Can be overriten when needed.". But actually it can't because all the constructors are private so DataTablesResponse can't be inherited. It's probably something to fix :)


Announcing the rebirth of DataTables.Mvc (version 2.0.0-alpha-1)

Hello all.

When I first wrote DataTables.Mvc code, it was meant to be a toolkit to help users on their existing projects, not a full out-of-the-box solution for DataTables to work with Asp.Net MVC.

In fact, it was more of an abstraction to prevent your code to directly access DataTables parameters and all, not only helping you avoid parameter handling but also prevent external code (my code) into your all, leaving all logic (filter, sort, etc) to you.

After released, we all started using DataTables.Mvc and it has grown a bit. Problem is that when this project was made, it came from an internal project from my company and because of that, code evolution was a bit tied up to that cycle.

As of june/2015, we decided to review our projects and more even more use of DataTables into our projects, to avoid external (paid) grid components.

Since our projects are now Asp.Net 5, DataGrid.Mvc has to be fully rewritten to not only provide all necessary features (as requested by many users) but also to include tests, samples and to become a full out-of-the-box framework to work with DataTables within Asp.Net MVC and WebAPI.

Not only that: we will release official NuGet packages for DataTables.Mvc core and ORM modules, starting with Dapper (each module will have it's helpers to deal with sorting, filtering and more).

First release (2.0.0-alpha-1) is planned by the end of june.

If you have any comments and suggestions, please, share them here so I can plan a better DataTables.Mvc for us all


Doesn't work with MVC 5

[MissingMethodException: Cannot create an instance of an interface.]
   System.RuntimeTypeHandle.CreateInstance(RuntimeType type, Boolean publicOnly, Boolean noCheck, Boolean& canBeCached, RuntimeMethodHandleInternal& ctor, Boolean& bNeedSecurityCheck) +0
   System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceSlow(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean skipCheckThis, Boolean fillCache, StackCrawlMark& stackMark) +113
   System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceDefaultCtor(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean skipCheckThis, Boolean fillCache, StackCrawlMark& stackMark) +206
   System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type, Boolean nonPublic) +83
   System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type) +11
   System.Web.Mvc.DefaultModelBinder.CreateModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext, Type modelType) +197

Also why is everything via the Url, seems very poor.

MissingMethodException: Cannot create an instance of an interface


I apologise if this is a simple fix, but I'm quite new to this kind of MVC workflow, and I'm completely stumped on what to do next.

I'm trying to set up a datatable that will allow POSTing, and this library seemed the best method, along with performing filtering of a large amount of data server-side. I've more or less replicated the MVC5 example, but I keep getting the exception in title when doing the AJAX query to get the table data. Do you have any pointers on what I might be able to do to resolve this? My PageData ActionResult, and javascript code for initialising the table are the same as the example, it's just my data that's different, which is via Entity Framework.

Thanks in advance for the help, and I really do hope this isn't a dumb question...

How to pass string array in AdditionalParameters response?


I want to return additional parameters from my controllers.
I enabled the response parameters according to what you said in other thread.
My question is about the parser function.
How can I write my parser function if I want to return a string array?

Sorry for my bad english.
Thanks !

Sample hitting an error

Example documentation - best practices to extract column for server side sorting?

Hello, fantastic library, just had a question on best practices in sorting via LINQ based on the IDataTablesRequest request

For example, I know I can extract the given column for which the sort has been applied on the client side by:

var sortColumn = request.Columns.Where(c => c.Sort != null).FirstOrDefault();

From there, I have access to the field name as a string and can check the string to conditionally create a where clause, but is there a better way?

Self-referencing objects and JSON serialization

Objects that self-reference are triggering an exception when being serialized:

JsonSerializationException: Self referencing loop detected with type 'Project.Object'. Path '[0].property1.property2'.


I'd imagine that ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore would be a suitable default for this use case, but if there's concern around that it'd be great if the option was exposed in some way.

Setting "searching" to false in Javascript throws exception

When setting the "searching" option to "false", an exception is thrown because the search value provided is null.


    "searching": false

Removing the "if" validation solves the problem.

It should be the developer's responsibility to check if the search value is null or has a value.

Enable unbound column sorting

Currently, DataTables.MVC support only bound columns to be sorted. This works fine in most cases but sometimes it's possible to solve unbound-column on server-side, and DataTables.MVC should be able to provide access to client-side sort definitions on these columns.

Get model type from BindingContext

Remove override for both BindModel and Bind (and remove this last one) by detecting model type from BindingContext.

This should be treated as a bug because forces wrong coding.

Happens from version 1.1 whenever you override DataTablesBinder to add custom properties to your model.

How best to pass AdditionalParameters in request?

Great library guys.

I didn't know where else to ask this, hopefully this is semi-appropriate...
I'm trying to send column level custom filter data (date ranges, lookups, etc) back to the server.

I see that IDataTablesRequest can take an AdditionalParameters dictionary, but I'm not sure exactly how to structure my object on the client or where to pass it in. perhaps? I'd love to see an example.

Thanks in advance for the help

Breaks on ASP.Net Core RC2

Used on ASP.Net RC1, worked great. On ASP.Net RC2 it doesn't work, it tries to pull in RC1 which causes problems in the project. Probably simple to fix, wasn't too hard to upgrade my project from RC1 to RC2.

Broken in beta7


6>C:\git\Fanatics\Fanatics.Website\Controllers\LocationsController.cs(174,13,174,61): DNX Core 5.0 error CS7069: Reference to type 'IActionResult' claims it is defined in 'Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.Core', but it could not be found
6>C:\git\Fanatics\Fanatics.Website\Controllers\LocationsController.cs(174,20,174,60): DNX Core 5.0 error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'DataTables.AspNet.AspNet5.DataTablesJsonResult' to 'Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.IActionResult'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?)


"dependencies": {
    "EntityFramework.Commands": "7.0.0-beta7",
    "EntityFramework.SqlServer": "7.0.0-beta7",
    "Fanatics.Data": "1.0.0-*",
    "Microsoft.AspNet.Authentication.Cookies": "1.0.0-beta7",
    "Microsoft.AspNet.Authentication.Facebook": "1.0.0-beta7",
    "Microsoft.AspNet.Authentication.Google": "1.0.0-beta7",
    "Microsoft.AspNet.Authentication.MicrosoftAccount": "1.0.0-beta7",
    "Microsoft.AspNet.Authentication.Twitter": "1.0.0-beta7",
    "Microsoft.AspNet.Diagnostics": "1.0.0-beta7",
    "Microsoft.AspNet.Diagnostics.Entity": "7.0.0-beta7",
    "Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework": "3.0.0-beta7",
    "Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc": "6.0.0-beta7",
    "Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.TagHelpers": "6.0.0-beta7",
    "Microsoft.AspNet.Server.IIS": "1.0.0-beta7",
    "Microsoft.AspNet.Server.Kestrel": "1.0.0-beta7",
    "Microsoft.AspNet.Server.WebListener": "1.0.0-beta7",
    "Microsoft.AspNet.StaticFiles": "1.0.0-beta7",
    "Microsoft.AspNet.Tooling.Razor": "1.0.0-beta7",
    "Microsoft.Framework.ApplicationHost": "1.0.0-beta7-12275",
    "Microsoft.Framework.Configuration.Abstractions": "1.0.0-beta7",
    "Microsoft.Framework.Configuration.Json": "1.0.0-beta7",
    "Microsoft.Framework.Configuration.UserSecrets": "1.0.0-beta7",
    "Microsoft.Framework.Logging": "1.0.0-beta7",
    "Microsoft.Framework.Logging.Console": "1.0.0-beta7",
    "Microsoft.Framework.Logging.Debug": "1.0.0-beta7",
    "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.BrowserLink.Loader": "14.0.0-beta7",
    "microsoft.framework.secretmanager": "1.0.0-beta8-15574",
    "AutoMapper": "4.0.4",
    "Fanatics.Common": "1.0.0-*",
    "Fanatics.Persistence": "1.0.0-*",
    "DataTables.AspNet.AspNet5": "2.0.0-alpha2-070602",
    "System.Net.Http": "4.0.1-beta-23302"
"frameworks": {
    "dnxcore50": {}

Additionally, the dev branch does not build;

8>------ Build started: Project: DataTables.AspNet.AspNet5.Tests, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------
8>C:\git\datatables.aspnet\src\DataTables.AspNet.AspNet5.Tests\ConfigurationTests.cs(50,40,50,115): DNX 4.5.1 error CS0121: The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: 'Microsoft.Framework.DependencyInjection.ServiceProviderExtensions.GetRequiredServices<T>(System.IServiceProvider)' and 'Microsoft.Framework.DependencyInjection.ServiceProviderExtensions.GetRequiredServices<T>(System.IServiceProvider)'
8>C:\git\datatables.aspnet\src\DataTables.AspNet.AspNet5.Tests\ConfigurationTests.cs(85,40,85,115): DNX 4.5.1 error CS0121: The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: 'Microsoft.Framework.DependencyInjection.ServiceProviderExtensions.GetRequiredServices<T>(System.IServiceProvider)' and 'Microsoft.Framework.DependencyInjection.ServiceProviderExtensions.GetRequiredServices<T>(System.IServiceProvider)'
8>C:\git\datatables.aspnet\src\DataTables.AspNet.AspNet5.Tests\ConfigurationTests.cs(102,40,102,115): DNX 4.5.1 error CS0121: The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: 'Microsoft.Framework.DependencyInjection.ServiceProviderExtensions.GetRequiredServices<T>(System.IServiceProvider)' and 'Microsoft.Framework.DependencyInjection.ServiceProviderExtensions.GetRequiredServices<T>(System.IServiceProvider)'

Global search doesn't work !

When global search will throw "The value of the search cannot be null. If there's no search performed, provide an empty string."
I don't know why.But when I modify GetFilteredColumns(),that will ok.
The change is:
public IEnumerable GetFilteredColumns()
return Data.Where(_column => !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_column.Data) && _column.Searchable);

AdditionalParameters ignored


I'm trying to pass some additional filter values to the server side processing. But what ever I try the AdditionalParameters property is always null. I've seen issue #19 and #20 but enable and register this in Global.asax. I'm using the latest DataTables.AspNet.WebApi2 v 2.0.0 NuGet.

This is my global.asax registration:

        protected void Application_Start()
            Func<System.Web.Http.Controllers.HttpActionContext, System.Web.Http.ModelBinding.ModelBindingContext, IDictionary<string, object>> parser = (httpContext, modelContext) =>
               // never gets called
                return new Dictionary<string, object>();
            var options = new DataTables.AspNet.WebApi2.Options();
           // should this be enough?
            // desperate
                        DataTables.AspNet.WebApi2.Configuration.RegisterDataTables(GlobalConfiguration.Configuration, options, new DataTables.AspNet.WebApi2.ModelBinder() { ParseAdditionalParameters = parser });

             // ... all other register calls afterwards

On the client side I'm adding my values:

data: function(data) { data.ExtraFilter = { Customer: true, Projects: true }; }

The values are transmitted (Chrome Network tab) and with my custom model they also get deserialized/bound. But I really would like to use the interface from the nuget instead rebuilding everything.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong as the examples are rather simple and don't address the AdditionalParameters property. As my parser never gets called even tough the option is enabled something else must be missing?!


Additional Parameter Binding


I'm hoping this is not an issue and more an error on my part, but the numerous ways I've tried to resolve this makes me think something might be wrong.

Within the IDataTablesRequest I can see that there is an ability to post up a set of additional data parameters. I am hoping to achieve this by using the data option within the DataTables AJAX options.

data: function(d) {
                        var builtInParam = parseQueryString("routeValues");
                        if (builtInParam)
                            d.AditionalParameters = {"builtin": builtInParam};

I have also tried just passing it up as a standard value without the use of a function, but still on the server side, I am getting null on the AdditionalParameters.

Any advice or is this an actual issue?

Thanks for a great library all the same, has been fantastic so far!

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