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Our Research Project

  • [T-IFS 2024] Revisiting and Exploring Efficient Fast Adversarial Training via LAW: Lipschitz Regularization and Auto Weight Averaging [Paper, Code]
  • [ICCV 2023] COCO-O: A Benchmark for Object Detectors under Natural Distribution Shifts [Paper, COCO-O dataset]
  • [INTERSPEECH 2023] Robust Automatic Speech Recognition via WavAugment Guided Phoneme Adversarial Training [Paper, Code]
  • [CVPR 2023] ImageNet-E: Benchmarking Neural Network Robustness via Attribute Editing [Paper, Image editing toolkit, ImageNet-E dataset]
  • [ICLR 2023] Inequality phenomenon in $l_\infty$-adversarial training, and its unrealized threats [Paper, Code]
  • [ICASSP 2023] TransAudio: Towards the Transferable Adversarial Audio Attack via Learning Contextualized Perturbations [Paper, Code]
  • [TIP 2022] Towards Understanding and Boosting Adversarial Transferability from a Distribution Perspective [Paper, Code]
  • [NeurIPS 2022] Boosting Out-of-distribution Detection with Typical Features [Paper, Code]
  • [NeurIPS 2022] Enhance the Visual Representation via Discrete Adversarial Training [Paper, Code]
  • [CVPR 2022] Towards Robust Vision Transformer [Paper, Code]


EasyRobust is an Easy-to-use library for state-of-the-art Robust Computer Vision Research with PyTorch. EasyRobust aims to accelerate research cycle in robust vision, by collecting comprehensive robust training techniques and benchmarking them with various robustness metrics. The key features includes:

Technical Articles

We have a series of technical articles on the functionalities of EasyRobust.


Install from Source:

$ git clone
$ cd easyrobust
$ pip install -e .

Install from PyPI:

$ pip install easyrobust

download the ImageNet dataset and place into /path/to/imagenet. Specify $ImageNetDataDir as ImageNet path by:

$ export ImageNetDataDir=/path/to/imagenet

[Optional]: If you use EasyRobust to evaluate the model robustness, download the benchmark dataset by:

$ sh

[Optional]: If you use analysis tools in tools/, install extra requirements by:

$ pip install -r requirements/optional.txt


We have provided a runnable environment in docker/Dockerfile for users who do not want to install by pip. To use it, please confirm that docker and nvidia-docker have installed. Then run the following command:

docker build -t alibaba/easyrobust:v1 -f docker/Dockerfile . 

Getting Started

EasyRobust focuses on the basic usages of: (1) Evaluate and benchmark the robustness of a pretrained models and (2) Train your own robust models or reproduce the results of previous SOTA methods.

1. How to evaluate and benchmark the robustness of given models?

It only requires a few lines to evaluate the robustness of a model using EasyRobust. We give a minimalist example in benchmarks/

#         Define your model
model = torchvision.models.resnet50(pretrained=True)
model = model.eval()
if torch.cuda.is_available(): model = model.cuda()

#         Start Evaluation

# ood
evaluate_imagenet_val(model, 'benchmarks/data/imagenet-val')
evaluate_imagenet_a(model, 'benchmarks/data/imagenet-a')
evaluate_imagenet_r(model, 'benchmarks/data/imagenet-r')
evaluate_imagenet_sketch(model, 'benchmarks/data/imagenet-sketch')
evaluate_imagenet_v2(model, 'benchmarks/data/imagenetv2')
evaluate_stylized_imagenet(model, 'benchmarks/data/imagenet-style')
evaluate_imagenet_c(model, 'benchmarks/data/imagenet-c')
# objectnet is optional since it spends a lot of disk storage. we skip it here. 
# evaluate_objectnet(model, 'benchmarks/data/ObjectNet/images')

# adversarial
evaluate_imagenet_autoattack(model, 'benchmarks/data/imagenet-val')

You can do evaluation by simply running the command: python benchmarks/ After running is completed, your will get the following output:

Top1 Accuracy on the ImageNet-Val: 76.1%
Top1 Accuracy on the ImageNet-A: 0.0%
Top1 Accuracy on the ImageNet-R: 36.2%
Top1 Accuracy on the ImageNet-Sketch: 24.1%
Top1 Accuracy on the ImageNet-V2: 63.2%
Top1 Accuracy on the Stylized-ImageNet: 7.4%
Top1 accuracy 39.2%, mCE: 76.7 on the ImageNet-C
Top1 Accuracy on the AutoAttack: 0.0%

2. How to use EasyRobust to train my own robust models?

We implement most robust training methods in the folder examples/imageclassification/imagenet/. All of them are based on a basic training script: examples/imageclassification/imagenet/ By comparing the difference, you can clearly see where and which hyperparameters of basic training are modified to create a robust training example. Below we present the tutorials of some classic methods:

Analytical Tools

see tools/

Model Zoo and Baselines

Submit your models

We provide a tool benchmarks/ to help users directly benchmark their models:

    python benchmarks/ [OPTIONS...]

    --model [ARCH in timm]
    --data_dir [PATH of the bencmark datasets]
    --ckpt_path [URL or PATH of the model weights]

If you are willing to submit the model to our benchmarks, you can prepare a python script similar to benchmarks/ and weights file xxx.pth, zip all the files. Then open an issue with the "Submit Model" template and provide a json storing submit information. Below is a submission template in adversarial robustness benchmark of image classification:

## Submit Json Information

{"date": "19/06/2017", 
 "extra_data": "no", 
 "model": "<b>Adversarial Training</b>", 
 "institution": "MIT", 
 "paper_link": "", 
 "code_link": "", 
 "architecture": "swin-b", 
 "training framework": "easyrobust (v1)", 
 "ImageNet-val": 75.05, 
 "autoattack": 47.42, 
 "files": "<a href= >download</a>", 
 "advrob_imgcls_leaderboard": true, 
 "oodrob_imgcls_leaderboard": false, 
 "advrob_objdet_leaderboard": false, 
 "oodrob_objdet_leaderboard": false}

We will check the result and present your result into the benchmark if there is no problem. For submission template of other benchmarks, check

Below is the model zoo and benchmark of the EasyRobust. All the results are runned by benchmarks/ and benchmarks/

Adversarial Robust Benchmark (sorted by AutoAttack)

Training Framework Method Model ImageNet-Val AutoAttack Files
EasyRobust (V1) Adversarial Training Swin-B 75.05% 47.42% ckpt
EasyRobust (V1) Adversarial Training Swin-S 73.41% 46.76% ckpt
EasyRobust (V1) Adversarial Training ViT-B/16 70.64% 43.04% ckpt
EasyRobust (V1) Adversarial Training EfficientNet-B3 67.65% 41.72% ckpt
EasyRobust (V1) Adversarial Training ResNet101 69.51% 41.04% ckpt
EasyRobust (V1) Adversarial Training ViT-S/16 66.43% 39.20% ckpt
EasyRobust (V1) Adversarial Training EfficientNet-B2 64.75% 38.54% ckpt
EasyRobust (V1) Adversarial Training ResNeSt50d 70.03% 38.52% ckpt
EasyRobust (V1) Adversarial Training ViT-B/32 65.58% 37.38% ckpt
EasyRobust (V1) Adversarial Training EfficientNet-B1 63.99% 37.20% ckpt
EasyRobust (V1) Adversarial Training SEResNet101 71.11% 37.18% ckpt
EasyRobust (V1) Adversarial Training ResNeXt50_32x4d 67.39% 36.42% ckpt
EasyRobust (V1) Adversarial Training EfficientNet-B0 61.83% 35.06% ckpt
robustness Adversarial Training ResNet50 64.02% 34.96% ckpt
EasyRobust (Ours) Adversarial Training ResNet50 65.1% 34.9% ckpt/args/logs
EasyRobust (V1) Adversarial Training SEResNet50 66.68% 33.56% ckpt
EasyRobust (V1) Adversarial Training DenseNet121 60.90% 29.78% ckpt
Official Free AT ResNet50 59.96% 28.58% ckpt
Official FGSM AT ResNet50 55.62% 26.24% ckpt
EasyRobust (V1) Adversarial Training VGG16 59.96% 25.92% ckpt

Non-Adversarial Robust Benchmark (sorted by ImageNet-C)

Training Framework Method Model Files ImageNet-Val V2 C (mCE↓) R A Sketch Stylized ObjectNet
EasyRobust (Ours) DAT ViT-B/16 ckpt/args/logs 81.38% 69.99% 45.59 49.64% 24.61% 36.46% 24.84% 20.12%
EasyRobust (Ours) - RVT-S* ckpt/args/logs 82.10% 71.40% 48.22 47.84% 26.93% 35.34% 20.71% 23.24%
Official - RVT-S* ckpt 81.82% 71.05% 49.42 47.33% 26.53% 34.22% 20.48% 23.11%
EasyRobust (Ours) - DrViT-S ckpt/args/logs 80.66% 69.62% 49.96 43.68% 20.79% 31.13% 17.89% 20.50%
- - DrViT-S - 77.03% 64.49% 56.89 39.02% 11.85% 28.78% 14.22% 26.49%
Official PRIME ResNet50 ckpt 76.91% 65.42% 57.49 42.20% 2.21% 29.82% 13.94% 16.59%
EasyRobust (Ours) PRIME ResNet50 ckpt/args/logs 76.64% 64.37% 57.62 41.95% 2.07% 29.63% 13.56% 16.28%
EasyRobust (Ours) DeepAugment ResNet50 ckpt/args/logs 76.58% 64.77% 60.27 42.80% 3.62% 29.65% 14.88% 16.88%
Official DeepAugment ResNet50 ckpt 76.66% 65.24% 60.37 42.17% 3.46% 29.50% 14.68% 17.13%
EasyRobust (Ours) Augmix ResNet50 ckpt/args/logs 77.81% 65.60% 64.14 43.34% 4.04% 29.81% 12.33% 17.21%
EasyRobust (Ours) APR ResNet50 ckpt/args/logs 76.28% 64.78% 64.89 42.17% 4.18% 28.90% 13.03% 16.78%
Official Augmix ResNet50 ckpt 77.54% 65.42% 65.27 41.04% 3.78% 28.48% 11.24% 17.54%
Official APR ResNet50 ckpt 75.61% 64.24% 65.56 41.35% 3.20% 28.37% 13.01% 16.61%
Official S&T Debiased ResNet50 ckpt 76.91% 65.04% 67.55 40.81% 3.50% 28.41% 17.40% 17.38%
EasyRobust (Ours) SIN+IN ResNet50 ckpt/args/logs 75.46% 63.50% 67.73 42.34% 2.47% 31.39% 59.37% 16.17%
Official SIN+IN ResNet50 ckpt 74.59% 62.43% 69.32 41.45% 1.95% 29.69% 57.38% 15.93%
Non-Official AdvProp ResNet50 ckpt 77.04% 65.27% 70.81 40.13% 3.45% 25.95% 10.01% 18.23%
EasyRobust (Ours) S&T Debiased ResNet50 ckpt/args/logs 77.21% 65.10% 70.98 38.59% 3.28% 26.09% 14.59% 16.99%
EasyRobust (Ours) AdvProp ResNet50 ckpt/args/logs 76.64% 64.35% 77.64 37.43% 2.83% 24.71% 7.33% 16.82%


EasyRobust concretizes previous excellent works by many different authors. We'd like to thank, in particular, the following implementations which have helped us in our development:

  • timm @rwightman and the training script.
  • robustness @MadryLab and autoattack @fra31 for attack implementation.
  • modelvshuman @bethgelab for model analysis.
  • AdaIN @naoto0804 for style trnsfer and VQGAN @CompVis for image discretization.
  • All the authors and implementations of the robustness research work we refer in this library.

Citing EasyRobust

We provide a BibTeX entry for users who apply EasyRobust to help their research:

  author =       {Xiaofeng Mao and Yuefeng Chen and Xiaodan Li and Gege Qi and Ranjie Duan and Rong Zhang and Hui Xue},
  title =        {EasyRobust: A Comprehensive and Easy-to-use Toolkit for Robust Computer Vision},
  howpublished = {\url{}},
  year =         {2022}

easyrobust's People


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easyrobust's Issues

Some questions!

Hi, what are SIN and DebiasedCNN? Is there a link to the paper? Does the project implement these two methods? Looking forward to your reply, thanks.

Problem of calculating regional gini index in easyrobust/examples/attacks/inequality/ line 110

The shape of natural_gs_np is [c, w, h], because it's a pytorch input. However, you didn't transpose it to [w, h, c] before calling get_average_saliency_map(), which assumes input tensor should have shape [w, h, c]. This may result in higher regional gini value.

After changing it, calculated regional gini value should be lower than global ones, because the sum operator will makes the pixels within the region equal, which looks like bluring a image with a average filter(multiply whole image with a scalar won't change it's gini value).

Where are the codes of dra fine-tuning of the model ?

In the paper Towards Understanding and Boosting Adversarial Transferability from a Distribution Perspective,fine-tuning the model for the DCG loss in order to simulate data distribution. But I cannot find the codes of the fine-tuning, please could you release it or tell me where it is?

object det with DAT

In the papaer,
DAT regards the two sub-tasks as a whole, and attacks the overall detection loss to produce adversarial images.

Does it mean that the total loss is directly used to calculate the gradient?
In addition, in the adversarial training of the object detection task, are the relevant parameters of the adversarial training the same as those of the classification task?

An issue about the official code for DMMIA in "easyrobust/examples/attacks/dmmia_inversion"

Recently, I have tried to reproduce the results presented in the paper "Model Inversion Attack via Dynamic Memory Learning" with the official code in the path "easyrobust/examples/attacks/dmmia_inversion". However, I found that much of the code is conflicted with the paper's description and instead kept the baseline settings of "Plug & Play Attacks: Towards Robust and Flexible Model Inversion Attacks".

I wonder if there is an up-to-date version of the code for DMMIA, whicn may not be uploaded to the repository? I would appreciate it if you could help us with it.

ImageNet Datasets

To execute for any algorithms in the example/imageclassification/imagenet/ directory, it seems that the ImageNet dataset is required. However, the accompanying bash file does not include instructions for downloading the ImageNet datasets or their variants. Could you please provide guidance on obtaining these datasets?

Getting error while loading checkpoints

I tried to reproduce the results of DAT with the code present in the However, when I try to load checkpoints, I always get this error:
PytorchStreamReader failed reading zip archive: failed finding central directory

I tried different torch versions to understand if it is related to torch versions, however, the problem still persists.

Can you share more detail about your environment?

Questions on reproducing BATS

Could you please provide the features_mean and features_std for ResNet50 and MobileNet on ImageNet? I fail to reproduce the reported ood results in your paper.

I follow the code piece in #9 to generate features_mean and features_std on the features right before the linear layer and set lamb=1.25 for ResNet50 following the Appendix E.2.2 in the paper, but only to attain terrible performance. Did I still miss something?

Looking forward to your reply

Re-produce COCO-O results

Hey there,

I try to re-produce some of the results in the COCO-O paper in order to use the dataset myself. Are the reported COCO mAP scores for val2017 or test-dev2017? I see that you have used mmdet and since I get slightly different results with pre-trained models from torchvision, I was wondering if this is due to different id-test set or due to small differences in the trained models.

Example: For Faster R-CNN ResNet-50 FPN I get:

coco mAP sketch weather cartoon painting tattoo handmake avg. ER
paper 37.4 9.8 25.1 13.9 23.3 10.1 16.3 16.4 -0.41
torchvision 37.0 (val2017) 8.4 27.3 13.4 22.2 11.5 15.9 16.44 -0.21

Thanks and keep up the great work!

Inference of DAT model

Hi, thank you for your work of 'Discrete Adversarial Training'

I was trying to use the pre-tained model for inference. The [ViT-B/16] works pretty well. However, the [MAE-ViT-H] doesn't work.
Could you tell the difference between this two model when testing them on the custom images?

For the [MAE-ViT-H], I used vit_huge_patch14_224 instead of mae_vit_huge_patch14 to initialize the model in timm. (the later can not be found in timm model zoo.)

I normalize the input image with T.Normalize((0.485, 0.456, 0.406), (0.229, 0.224, 0.225))

Thank you !

About the information of BN layer.

It seems that the method doesn't use the information of BN layer in the code of BATS. Maybe I miss something. In addition, I'm curious about the selection of hyperparameter, such as lam = 1.05 for ImageNet.

I could provide some pretrained model

您好,我最近因为批量的训练一批robust model,选择你们的仓库作为训练框架,在imagenet-net训练了 convnext_small(40.78@AA), convnext_large(在训练中) , swin_large(在训练中) ,mvitv2_base(在训练中) 。但很耗时.... 所以,环保起见,我觉得可能我把它po出来让别人再利用可能更好点,如果您觉得这个合适的话,请联系我 [email protected]

[Submit Model] <convnext_L>

{"date": "24/11/2022",
"extra_data": "yes imagenet_v2",
"model": "Adversarial Training",
"institution": "MIT",
"paper_link": "",
"code_link": "",
"architecture": "convnext_L",
"training framework": "easyrobust (v1)",
"ImageNet-val": TODO,
"autoattack": TODO,
"files": "download",
"advrob_imgcls_leaderboard": true,
"oodrob_imgcls_leaderboard": false,
"advrob_objdet_leaderboard": false,
"oodrob_objdet_leaderboard": false}

About the source model (ResNet50) in DRA attack.

Hi, I'm having a problem reproducing the DRA code and would appreciate your help!

In the DRA codes, you provided the ResNet code in the ’./models‘ folder. When using the resnet50 model that you provided, I can very successfully reproduce the attack, the attack performance on resnet101 can achieve 99.5%. But when using the resnet50 model from 'torchvision.models', the attack performance on resnet101 only can achieve 68%. Is there any difference between the resnet50 model you provide and the model in torchvision?

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