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algoliasearch-client-ruby's Introduction

Algolia for Ruby

The perfect starting point to integrate Algolia within your Ruby project

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✨ Features

  • Thin & minimal low-level HTTP client to interact with Algolia's API
  • Supports Ruby ^2.4.

💡 Getting Started

First, install Algolia Ruby API Client via the RubyGems package manager:

gem install algolia

Then, create objects on your index:

client = Algolia::Search::Client.create('YourApplicationID', 'YourAPIKey')
index = client.init_index('your_index_name')

index.save_objects([{objectID: 1, name: 'Foo'}])

Finally, you may begin searching a object using the search method:

objects ='Foo')

For full documentation, visit the Algolia Ruby API Client.

❓ Troubleshooting

Encountering an issue? Before reaching out to support, we recommend heading to our FAQ where you will find answers for the most common issues and gotchas with the client.

Upgrade from V1 to V2

If you were using the v1 and wish to update to v2, please follow our Upgrade Guide

📄 License

Algolia Ruby API Client is an open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.

algoliasearch-client-ruby's People


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algoliasearch-client-ruby's Issues

Multithreading issue with multiple hosts

In our application, we make requests to both the search API and the analytics API using this client. Unfortunately, there seems to be a pretty major multithreading issue where the wrong host gets picked for requests. For example, we've had indexing PUT requests go to the analytics API, and analytics GET requests attempt to use the indexing API.

From my light exploration, the problem seems to lie with the fact that hosts are stored in a global per-thread state, even if you manually initialize the client with

We use this library in conjunction with algoliasearch-rails, so we have models that are being indexed with that gem, as well as some controller code for fetching analytics. We initialize the analytics client with:

@algolia ||=
  application_id: ENV['ALGOLIA_APP_ID'],
  api_key: ENV['ALGOLIA_API_KEY'],
  hosts: [""]

Let me know if there's any more info you need, or if you would like me to take a crack at this issue.

Bundle won't update latest version of gem (1.12.7)

I've tried running a bundle install and even a manual gem install algoliasearch-rails and bundler doesn't seem to want to touch this new gem. I have some funky stuff going on with Algolia and I want to see if this is the issue. If anyone can explain why bundler would not update this gem, let me know.

Here is the relevant part of my Gemfile:

# Search
gem 'algoliasearch', '~> 1.6', '>= 1.6.1'
gem "algoliasearch-rails"

index.delete_object() seems to require more authorization than it should

I am trying to delete an object from my Algolia index in ruby.


I get the following error:

Cannot DELETE to {"message":"Method not allowed with this API key","status":403}

My API key has the following ACL:


When I try the same operation from the REST API, it works without a glitch:

curl -X DELETE -H "X-Algolia-API-Key: <sameapikeyasabove>" -H "X-Algolia-Application-Id: MYID" "<objectID>"

after checking the task status, I get:


What is it working with the REST api and not with the ruby wrapper ? Is the ruby wrapper performing another operation than simply delete ?

Unable to call multiple_queries multiple times with the same query

I have this:

irb(main):003:0> query
=> [{"query"=>"", "hitsPerPage"=>40, "facets"=>"*", "facetFilters"=>["centre_id:chatswood", "country:au"], "page"=>0, "maxValuesPerFacet"=>"300"}]

I query Algolia:

irb(main):004:0> Algolia.multiple_queries query

I get a bunch of results. Good.

Next, I repeat the same query and get an error:

irb(main):004:0> Algolia.multiple_queries query 
Algolia::AlgoliaProtocolError: 400: Cannot POST to*/queries?strategy=none: {"message":"Null not allowed near line:1 column:30","status":400} 
from /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.2.0/gems/algoliasearch-1.6.1/lib/algolia/client.rb:406:in perform_request' 
from /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.2.0/gems/algoliasearch-1.6.1/lib/algolia/client.rb:340:in block in request' 
from /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.2.0/gems/algoliasearch-1.6.1/lib/algolia/client.rb:333:in times' 
from /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.2.0/gems/algoliasearch-1.6.1/lib/algolia/client.rb:333:in request' 
from /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.2.0/gems/algoliasearch-1.6.1/lib/algolia/client.rb:356:in post' 
from /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.2.0/gems/algoliasearch-1.6.1/lib/algolia/client.rb:106:in multiple_queries' 
from /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.2.0/gems/algoliasearch-1.6.1/lib/algolia/client.rb:488:in multiple_queries' 
from (irb):4 

If I restart my irb session, I can get success again - the first time

Client review

List of things to change (if possible)

  • rename params to searchParameters
  • search_for_facet_value rename parameters
  • Fix browse (and doc snippets)
  • delete_objects pass objectIds list
  • wait_task timeBeforeRetry arg ?
  • get_settings remove options?
  • Algolia.init refactor ENV['xxx'] ?

browse documentation doesn't make any sense

Docs around

# Iterate with a filter over the index
index.browse({:query => "test", :numericFilters => 'i=42'}) do
    # Do something

need work - the block is passed something weird and is not explained

CI is broken

And pretty sure cover-rails is not up-to-date.

Algolia.delete_index raises an error

gem version 1.19.1

Algolia.delete_index and Algolia.delete_index! raise an ArgumentError
ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (given 2, expected 1)

Algolia.client.delete_index(name, request_options)

def delete_index(name)

Algolia.client.delete_index!(name, request_options)

def delete_index!(name)

AlgoliaProtocolError is not reliably switchable

Sometimes our users search for unreasonably large strings and we get back an AlgoliaProtocolError object with a message attribute that looks like this:

"Cannot POST to https://<snip>*/queries: {\"message\":\"query string too long\",\"status\":400}\n (400)"

There's also a status attribute that is just 400. I want to be able to handle this specific error since in our case it is a user error, but I don't want to catch all algolia errors or all algolia errors with a status code of 400. The best I can do right now is

e.message =~ /query string too long/

But I would rather have a more reliable way to access the API response, which I would expect to be more stable (and hopefully one day documented).

algolia/webmock does not correctly register request stubs

Hey folks,

I've mentioned this to @redox in a PR on one of our apps (or rather, a demo app) and have recreated the issue I've been experiencing in this PR

The PR shows 2 commits, one being the initial setup for webmock and webmock/algolia where tests will fail. The second copies all request stubs from the file we required and adds them in the test file itself, making the tests pass.

TL;DR: just using require 'webmock/algolia' doesn't actually appear to register any stubs, and I'm not entirely sure why.

Code from documentation on browse method returning 400

  query: 'test'

A slightly modified version of the code from the README. Getting back a {"message":"Invalid value for page parameter","status":400}.

Here's the URL it's trying to hit:

copy_index! waits forever when copying a non-existent index

Calling copy_index!('foo', 'bar') when foo does not exists will result in the method hanging forever.

What happened?

  • The API will accept the job, even if foo does not exist (this is because the index might exist in the future, when the job will be processed).
  • The API will return a taskID, bound to the foo index.
  • When the job will be executed, the job will do nothing, because foo does not exist. The API will move to the next job.
    Note: It is not entirely true that the job will do nothing. It will still create bar actually

From a user standpoint, it means that we receive a taskID, bound to an index that does not exist. Listening for this taskID will result in an 400 error (index foo does not exist), and copy_index! will just wait forever for this to resolve.

How to solve it

Solution 1: Raising the error from the wait_task to the copy_index!

It seems that copy_index! is swallowing the error returned by the API. Maybe it should abort its processing if the check to the taskID returns an error. This might be tricky because as said above, it might be perfectly fine for this call to return an error if the index does not exist yet, but will exist when the job will be processed.

Solution 2: Forcing the API to reject the job if the source index does not exist

This is breaking the asynchronous paradigm of our API, but could be acceptable in that case maybe? What are the use-cases where you would try to copy a non-existent index, knowing that it will exists when the job will be executed?

Solution 3: Checking for the existence of the index before doing the copy

This is what I do in jekyll-algolia: I first do a get_settings to the index to check if it exists before sending a copy_index! job. If the index is not here, I just don't do it. This might be a check we could add to the Ruby API Client as well (but that would mean adding it to all API Clients as well).

cc @ercolanelli-leo @Nagriar @clement-leprovost @adrienjoly

Issue with hosts session

My shopify app needs to connect to multiple algolia instances. Hence, I'm calling Algolia.init each time I'm dealing with something for a specific client.
When I'm looking at the Algolia.client, the info is OK. However, when trying to call Algolia, I got a "403 APP-ID or API key invalid".
I investigated a bit, and found out that the issue was due to the fact that we have a specific client per thread in Thread.current[:algolia_hosts], and that we always get back the same one, even when the client is changed. I belive it should be set during the initialize instead of in thread_local_hosts if not defined.
My solution to this is to do a Thread.current[:algolia_hosts] = nil, but I believe this should be handled differently.

What do you think?

Error on the delete_by_query method when Distinct > 1

In the case the distinct is enabled on an index (with distinct > 1), a call to the method delete_by_query returns the following error:

  "message": "invalid distinct value, hitsPerPage * distinct should be <= 1000",
  "status": 400

We should probably override distinct=false at query time when the method performs the search call.

Add MCM methods to Algolia singleton

  • Algolia Client Version: 1.20.0
  • Language Version:


The PR #285 introduce multi cluster management (MCM). All methods are correct but they should be added to the singleton Algolia.

Recommended Webmock integration is incorrect


I think the recommended webmock setup in does not work in case of multiple test files because require will only load the code once. I think the stubs needs to be loaded in every test. Here is what I am doing instead:

RSpec.describe Event do

  specify do
    load $LOADED_FEATURES.find{|x| x.include?("algolia/version.rb") }.gsub("version.rb", "webmock.rb")

    # code which triggers algolia integration goes here....

    expect(WebMock).to have_requested(:put, "{}").
      with(body: hash_including({
        "name": "dummy event",
        "category": "music",


The key difference is that I do load instead of require. Unfortunately doing load 'algolia/webmock' did not just work so I had to use $LOADED_FEATURES.find{|x| x.include?("algolia/version.rb") }.gsub("version.rb", "webmock.rb") to find the file and load it.

I need to do it in every affected test.

Cannot reach any host: execution expired

We keep getting this error in our application:

ERROR -- : 0: Cannot reach any host: execution expired, execution expired, execution expired, execution expired
/usr/local/bundle/gems/algoliasearch-1.10.0/lib/algolia/client.rb:351:in `request'
/usr/local/bundle/gems/algoliasearch-1.10.0/lib/algolia/client.rb:359:in `post'
/usr/local/bundle/gems/algoliasearch-1.10.0/lib/algolia/index.rb:548:in `batch'
/usr/local/bundle/gems/algoliasearch-1.10.0/lib/algolia/index.rb:271:in `save_objects'

When this happens, the application will stay in this state forever (e.g. getting this exact error in every 80 seconds). Sometimes this error occurs just a few minutes after the application started, sometimes it takes weeks to occur. Couldn't find any pattern.
Calling Algolia.destroy then Algolia.init does not solve the problem. The only solution we have so far is to restart the application.
Why is this happening and what can we do to avoid this error?
Using Ruby 2.3.1, Ubuntu 14.04, kernel 4.4.0. Thanks.

Error saving synonym with numeric objectID

When trying to save a synonym with a numeric objectID, such as save_synonym(12345, {...}), it throws the following error:

TypeError: no implicit conversion of Fixnum into String

It occurs in protocol.rb in this function:

def Protocol.synonym_uri(index, object_id)

Looks like it just needs to be updated to CGI.escape(object_id.to_s), like how it's done in the ::to_query method.

Not a huge deal since I can call to_s on the ID beforehand, just wanted to log this!

Implement number of records count for an index

My first try was to use index.browse['nbHits']. But it gets 1000 records.
Currently, I am using'', { hitsPerPage: 0 })['nbHits'].

It would be nice to add a method index.number_of_records or index.records_count in this gem.

Missing stubbed requests

When requiring algolia/webmock, it will only stub algolia.(net|io) requests. (Source)

However, the client sometimes makes requests to Are those intentionally not stubbed ? If it is a mistake, happy to do a PR.

cc @Nagriar

Multiple algolia apps

Algolia.init(application_id: 'YourApplicationID', api_key:        'YourAPIKey')

This implies that only one application can be managed at the same time.
What should i do if i need to manage multiple apps?

Performance issues with PUT/POST

The Algolia::Client post, put, and delete requests all make a network call to Algolia. Recently, we have started noticing performance issues where put calls are taking ~300ms apiece. It seems like an easy solution (that we are currently monkey patching successfully) is to make post requests async (which HTTPClient supports) and optimistically assume the update will succeed. Is this a feature you could add so we can stop monkey patching our gem?

VCR and request uri

Hello. I am trying to record requests and responses using vcr for my testing purposes.
When there is no request/response for a given test it would pass. But on the second run test will fail.

I've noticed the difference in URI when I am trying to get an object from algolia index.
On the firs run it would look like:
On the second:

I think the problem is in the changing part -dsn. Is it possible to use the same URI?

Custom user agent is displayed in wrong position

  • Algolia Client Version: 1.23.0
  • Language Version: all


Fix for issue on Dashboard where the wrong User agent was being displayed (Rails should be listed first instead of Ruby)


Cannot apply a delete request on a replica index

Hey there, I'm trying to remove dynamically some replicas, but it seems I can't do that, without manually disassociate it from the main index. I couldn't find anything in here, rails client, and algolia api docs that tell me how to do it... is not supported?


Requests on different timeouts have no guaranteed order

This is mostly an issue for batch vs send.
Both types of requests use a different connection pool, which means they can end up on different machines (no keep-alive guarantee here).

So if we send a batch immediately followed by a move_index or a delete_index, if they share the same timestamp, the consensus might reorder them.

I don't know how we should fix it. It might be by documenting the fact the move or delete should wait on the previous indexing task.

It might also simply be by adding a sleep 1 to ensure the timestamps are different.

Should there be a `delete_by_query!` method?

The delete_object and delete_objects methods both have a ! version that will actually wait until the delete has taken place before returning. It appears that the delete_by_query method goes against this and waits by default. Is there any reason that this operation would need to wait?

Missing doc for `set_extra_header`

The method is mentioned in the Geosearch guide to pass X-Forwarded-For to the engine when doing a backend implementation, but the method is not documented at the API client level so it's hard to know it actually exists :)

Wrong parameter name causing loop to break on export_synonyms

  • Algolia Client Version: 1.23.2
  • Language Version: ruby 2.5.0p0 (2017-12-25 revision 61468)


The hits_per_page argument informed on the export_synonyms differ from hitsPerPage expected on search_synonyns causing an issue.

curr = search_synonyms('', { :hits_per_page => hits_per_page, :page => page }, request_options)['hits']

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Add index
  2. Create 21 synonyms (used 20 here because search_synonyms default hitsPerPage is 20)
  3. run the export_synonyms
  4. will retrieve only 20 records of the first page (because 20 is < 100)


  1. run the export_synonyms(20)
  2. will retrieve all 21 synonyms (once 20 is not < 20)

Get tasks status without waiting for a task to finish

Hey guys, I have need of a method that will return the status of a task given the task id. I have created a pull request that makes this change here #198 but in the case that this isn't how you guys would want to go about it I decided to post an issue here. That way if you guys want to go about it a different way there will still be a record of it.

Scoped API Keys

Wanting to generate public search keys scoped by account_id.

Doing this:

generated_public_key = Algolia.generate_secured_api_key("YourSearchOnlyApiKey, "numericFilters=account_id%3D{{account_id}})

And calling it in JS:

var client = algoliasearch('my_application_id', '<%= generated_public_key %>');

And when I get a search the response in the web console is:

{name: "n", message: "Invalid Application-ID or API key"}

I don't get it.

Timeout setting don't work

  • Algolia Client Version: 1.23.2
  • Language Version: 5.1.6


Timeout settings don't work. The gem doesn't throw a timeout exception.

Steps To Reproduce

Configure your client with:

batch_timeout: 120,
connect_timeout: 2,
receive_timeout: 10,
search_timeout: 5,
send_timeout: 10

Unable to reindex locally

Hi there

I'm using Algolia for the first time and trying to get reindexing to work locally but it's throwing the error below:

Algolia::AlgoliaError: API not initialized

2016-09-30T06:18:00.071Z 50262 TID-oxqk9ev1w WARN: {"class":"Search::SomeWorker","args":[2,false],"retry":5,"queue":"default","jid":"1519b78812e13d6df5fdb6a9","created_at":1475216280.067702,"enqueued_at":1475216280.067759,**"error_message":"API not initialized","error_class":"Algolia::AlgoliaError"**,"failed_at":1475216280.0707068,"retry_count":0}
**2016-09-30T06:18:00.071Z 50262 TID-oxqk9ev1w WARN: Algolia::AlgoliaError: API not initialized**
2016-09-30T06:18:00.071Z 50262 TID-oxqk9ev1w WARN: /Users/xxx/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1@foro/gems/algoliasearch-1.11.0/lib/algolia/client.rb:657:in `client'
/Users/xxx/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1@foro/gems/algoliasearch-1.11.0/lib/algolia/index.rb:11:in `initialize'
/Users/xxx/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1@foro/gems/algoliasearch-rails-1.15.0/lib/algoliasearch-rails.rb:229:in `new'
/Users/xxx/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1@foro/gems/algoliasearch-rails-1.15.0/lib/algoliasearch-rails.rb:229:in `initialize'
/Users/xxx/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1@foro/gems/algoliasearch-rails-1.15.0/lib/algoliasearch-rails.rb:647:in `new'
/Users/xxx/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1@foro/gems/algoliasearch-rails-1.15.0/lib/algoliasearch-rails.rb:647:in `algolia_ensure_init'
/Users/xxx/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1@foro/gems/algoliasearch-rails-1.15.0/lib/algoliasearch-rails.rb:492:in `block in algolia_index!'
/Users/xxx/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1@foro/gems/algoliasearch-rails-1.15.0/lib/algoliasearch-rails.rb:489:in `each'
/Users/xxx/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1@foro/gems/algoliasearch-rails-1.15.0/lib/algoliasearch-rails.rb:489:in `algolia_index!'
/Users/xxx/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1@foro/gems/algoliasearch-rails-1.15.0/lib/algoliasearch-rails.rb:792:in `algolia_index!'

I had no trouble connecting to the Algolia client as shown below:

[1] pry(main)> xxx, api_key: xxx)
=> #<Algolia::Client:0x007fe100329f40
   "Content-Type"=>"application/json; charset=utf-8",
   "User-Agent"=>"Algolia for Ruby 1.11.0"},
 @hosts=["", "", "", ""],
 @search_hosts=["", "", "", ""],

Any help would be great.

Let me know if required more details.



filters have strange behavior

Hi! I use Algolia search for my application.
There are several filters on my search page. When I try to use parameter filter: 'attribute:name' for
my request, I get a very strange response. It returns empty array in most cases, but sometimes search results are correct.
Please, look at screenshot:

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