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vue-bootstrap-typeahead's People


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vue-bootstrap-typeahead's Issues

Suggestion: support array of objects as data source


Project works great! I am not very experience with JS, but what I was trying to do with this code was to use it to select an item within an array of objects, whereas the searched properties might be distinct than property bound to vmodel. As it stands, is my assumption correct that this is only for simple arrays of strings?

Results on top?

Is there a way to make the results appear above the searchfield? I fiddled around and manage to set margin-top: -120px; to the class .vbt-autcomplete-list[data-v-9a21a6f4].

But how do I bind it? I have multiple searchfields on the same page and I would like this to only be set on one autocomplete-list.

v-model does not show the value of the attribute loaded in created() or mounted()

Value of attribute q not load if alter in created() or mounted(), as in my example:


   :serializer="i =>"
   placeholder="Choose your bank"


data() {
   return {
      q: "",
      list: []
mounted() {
   this.q = loadValueDatabase();

The value of attribute q is altered, but not renderized in v-model

Laravel Mix IE error syntax caused by =>

If you use this on plugin on IE 11 and you have error de syntax caused by =>
mix.js('resources/js/app.js', 'public/js') .sass('resources/sass/app.scss', 'public/css') .webpackConfig({ module: { rules: [ { test: /\.js?$/, include: /node_modules(?!\/vue-bootstrap-typeahead)/, use: [ { loader: 'babel-loader', options: Config.babel() } ] } ] } });

Use this solution.


Would it be possible to check the input-field after leaving the focus (like blur)

Error in render when v-model is null


Several errors are showing up when the v-model of the component is equal to null. For now I can avoid this value but I thought you should be aware of.

[Vue warn]: Error in render: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of null" found in <VueBootstrapTypeaheadList> at vue-bootstrap-typeahead/src/components/VueBootstrapTypeaheadList.vue
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of null at VueComponent.matchedItems
[Vue warn]: Error in mounted hook: "TypeError: Failed to execute 'observe' on 'ResizeObserver': parameter 1 is not of type 'Element'." found in <VueBootstrapTypehead> at vue-bootstrap-typeahead/src/components/VueBootstrapTypeahead.vue
TypeError: Failed to execute 'observe' on 'ResizeObserver': parameter 1 is not of type 'Element' at VueComponent.mounted
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'width' of undefined at VueComponent.resizeList

Remove filter based only on search

Currently, the results array is filtered based on the data passed by the serializer function, or in the suggestion slot.

In my user case, I retrieve from the server results that are still relevant, although in the drop-down I don't show why they are relevant.

For example, for query = 'her' I may return from the API:

    "code": "XYZ",

But my serializer function only returns triplet - XYZ.

The matchedItems() function will not show this result because it doesn't pass the RegEx.

It would be useful to have a way of bypassing the regular expression and just show all results from data.

Module parse failed: Unexpected token (1:0)

Sorry to dig up this thread again. I am also facing a similar issue

    ERROR in ./node_modules/vue-bootstrap-typeahead/src/components/VueBootstrapTypeahead.vue 1:0
    Module parse failed: Unexpected token (1:0)
    You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
    > <template>
    |   <div>
    |     <div :class="sizeClasses">
     @ ./ClientApp/views/home.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js& (./node_modules/babel-loader/lib!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib??vue-loader-options!./ClientApp/views/home.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js&) 2:0-97 35:27-48
     @ ./ClientApp/views/home.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js&
     @ ./ClientApp/views/home.vue
     @ ./ClientApp/router/routes.js
     @ ./ClientApp/router/index.js
     @ ./ClientApp/boot-app.js

I tried to provide full import path like @HasnatH 's but it still fails.
I am running
"vue": "2.5.16",
"vue-loader": "15.4.2",
"webpack": "^4.28.2",
"webpack-cli": "3.1.2",
"bootstrap-vue": "^2.0.0-rc.11",
"vue-bootstrap-typeahead": "^0.2.6",
"@babel/core": "7.2.2",
"@babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import": "^7.2.0",
"@babel/plugin-transform-runtime": "7.2.0",
"@babel/preset-env": "7.2.3",
"@babel/runtime": "7.2.0",

similar to #12

Default :data is an empty array

Could you, please, help me to resolve the next situation? I've found out that this typeahead wants data array to be filled with information. In my case, my application cannot guarantee the presents of data in the array. So, could you, please, find out the way to improve the typeahead to make it possible not to throw an error if there is no data in the array.

<typeahead :data="dataArray" />  

data: () => ({  
    dataArray: []  

Hope, this will make sense for you.

SyntaxError: Unexpected token <

I have added vue-bootstrap-typeahead to my project as follows:

npm i vue-bootstrap-typeahead --save

I have other components I am importing such as vue-bootstrap-datetimepicker like this:

import DatePicker from 'vue-bootstrap-datetimepicker'

However, when I try to import the vue-bootstrap-typeahead like this:

import VueBootstrapTypeahead from 'vue-bootstrap-typeahead'

I get the following error:

SyntaxError: Unexpected token <

I have also tried to use require but face the same error:

var VueBootstrapTypeahead = require('vue-bootstrap-typeahead')

I haven't even added it to my components or to my template

Please advise why I might be having this issue.


How it will work with typescript?

Not working with typescript, I'm getting error Error: Cannot find module 'vue-bootstrap-typeahead'. It's asking for dev dependency '@types/vue-bootstrap-typeahead'.

Arrow keys

Would be good to navigate through option with arrow keys. Currently to choose item, use has to use mouse...

Is it possible to do that? Any workarounds?

More input events: submit, focus, blur

There is already an input event, triggered on input on the <input> (:thinking:...).

It might be useful to have other events :

  • submit: currently when a user hits enter, nothing happens. I think a significant proportion of the users type a city and hit enter instead of using their mouse. Currently we can't handle it.
  • focus/blur: they are already used in the internal mechanism of the component to toggle the list display. In my case, I would like to use them to empty the input content on focus, and set back the previous selection on blur.

There might be other events interesting to customize, but these are the one for which I have a use case.

I don't know if it's possible to have a generic code that will "pass up" all events from the input to the parent component.

Also, since the component includes an input and a list, it's probably smarter to name these events input-* (input-submit, input-focus, input-blur).

Autocomplete doesn't normalize accent marks, diacriticals, and special characters

Hello, and thanks for this awesome plugin!

In French language (and many other languages), we use accents, diacriticals etc...
So the user input need to be normalized to match words with or without special chars.
For example, États-unis should match with "états" and "etats", but it's currently not.

Maybe the normalize() method is the solution:

Thanks for your help!

Initial selected value

Might be stupid, but I really can't figure out how to set the initial selected value.
Can I get some help?

Cannot control the order of the results

Currently I use a watcher method which does some complicated search and provides array of results in a beautiful order (based on my custom priority). But when results are displayed in the popup - they are ordered in some internal order, which is weird.
It would be great to be able to just provide array of objects with my ordering and be able to see them in the same order in popup.

maxMatches not being respected?

I am using version 0.26 and using the component as such:

placeholder="SKU number"

However, only 10 results are being displayed.

API called after item selected

Thanks for this easy to use and implement plugin.

When implementing the plugin with an API, it fires the debounce method after an item on the autocomplete list is selected. I think this call is not necessary since the user already finds the item in the list. This can further reduce the call to the API at least by 1, which can be helpful for a very busy page.
Screenshot 2019-04-27 at 7 16 03 PM

Is this project actively maintained?

I see lots of pull requests and issues like keyboard navigation, setting initial value etc. Will there be any progress on integrating these contributions?

Suggestion: All input="text" properties to be available

The current build does not allow all input properties to be used.
For example maxlength="2" does not restrict the input text box.

Below is my example code:

     :serializer='item => item.ActivityCode'
     placeholder='Activity Code'

How to clear the typehead after some sort of action

Hello all.
I tried to clear the text inside the typeahead control after selecting from the list and making some action like inserting in another tabular bootstrap , but this doesn't reset the control itself it only affected the associated modeled variable.Please let me know how to handle this

  v-model="selEmployee"  class="b-form-group typehead"  size="sm" @hit="addToTable();" style="width:100%"
  :data="empEmails"/> </td><td>   <b-button size="sm" variant="success"  @click="addToTable()">

addToTable: function() {
      let that = this;
      that.selEmployee = "";

Fuzzy search

This one is tricky...

.filter(i => i.text.match(re) !== null)

Currently the results from the backend are filtered using a regexp based on the query. It would be nice to be able to make it fuzzy. Here are a few examples from Google Autocomplete :


The - is matched with the space char


The c is matched with a k

Not sure if this should be included in the default component, or be allowed as an extra (this will probably require a dependency to a js fuzzy search library).

This issue has low priority 😄

How I can change hover color on vbt-autcomplete-list ?

I have a problem with hover color in autocomplete list, it's blue with the same font color, it's look ugly.

How I change this style ?

.vbt-autcomplete-list { color: red !important; padding-top: 5px; position: absolute; max-height: 350px; overflow-y: auto; z-index: 999; }
`.vbt-autcomplete-list:hover {

    color: red !important;

.list-group-item-action{ color: red !important; }

I try implement that style, but still doesn't work fine.

inputClass prop issues

  • Has extra brace (typo)
  • No default set, which results in "undefined" added to the list of classes for the input

Suggest list is hover, after swipe the list


I have problem with suggest list, which is hidden, after when i want swipe suggest list, it's only available in tabs likein code
<b-tabs> <b-tab title="Autosuggest"> <vue-bootstrap-typeahead v-model="query" :data="['Canada','Canada','Canada','Canada','Canada','Canada','Canada','Canada','Canada','Canada','Canada','Canada','Canada','Canada','Canada','Canada','Canada', 'USA', 'Mexico']" /> </b-tab> </b-tabs>

Zrzut ekranu (89)
Zrzut ekranu (90)

Working with API - no results

There should be a way to give the user some feedback when there is no match from the API.

Currently we only see the shadow of the result list.

Migration from vue-strap

I was using vue-strap with typeahead. We have the following code:

<typeahead v-model="searchQuery[field]"
getTypeaheadURL: function(param) {
    return '/' + this.collection + '/params/' + param + '?' + param + '=';

I can't seem to understand how do I convert this piece of code to use vue-boostrap-typeahead. What should be data?

Sort Suggestions

Even if I sort the data source, the suggestions are not displayed in alphabetical order.

Example Array
['Another Organization', 'Cool Organization']

Typing "Org" will display Cool Organization first. Is there any way to force the suggestions to display in alphabetical order? In this scenario, you would want to view the list alphabetically rather than relying on a higher fuzzy search score.

How to clear the typehead (still not working model change)

        :serializer="item => item.login"

and this.username='' still not working, but this.$refs.usersAutocomplete.inputValue = '' is working. But this is not best solution

Suggestion hover: remove `active` class ; allow `list-group-item-{variant}` for background variants ?

When we hover a suggestion, the class active is added to the list item.

However, the class active renders very aggressively (bg-primary) and should be applied only once the option is selected. Hovering should only make a light emphasis the suggestion.

The current other classes of the suggestions do the job: with .list-group-item-action, there is already a light hover effect, which is less aggressive and a better hover feedback. (see, 2nd example (there is no direct anchor for this example...))

Let me know what you think about this.

Also, the background-variant property is not a good idea. For example, if you try to use bg-light, when hovering, the text will still be white because of the active class, but with the light background. If you remove the active class, the text will have the color set by the bg class and it will work.

Also, bootstrap was thought to use list-group-item-* classes to set colors on list items (example list-group-item-primary) and not bg-*. But these colors are lighter and I understand that you may want the real primary blue on hover.

To make everyone happy we could replace the bg-${backgroundVariant} class by a custom class + a custom hover class. This way you could have the default + bg-primary on hover, or use list-group-item-* classes.

If you agree on this, I can work on a PR when I have time.


Slot for suggestion formatting

First of all, thanks for this plugin. I tried pretty much every other "vue-autocomplete" plugin and didn't find any as clean and customizable as this one. 👍

I'm trying to replace "seamlessly" google maps autocomplete with this plugin, therefore I need to achieve this UI:


As you can see the template is something like:

<font-awesome-icon icon="map-marker-alt" /> {{ }} <small>{{ suggestion.countryName }}</small>

However formatting is only customisable by the serializer property which requires a function.

It would be nice to be able to use a scoped slot (see vue scoped slots).

I will try to submit a PR when I have time.

List gets under other components

Hi, would it be possible to attach the list to the body so when the list is displayed won't be under other components?

It seems to be a bootstrap problem relative to the z-index, I've to do it with other components created by myself, the component vue2-datepicker has it and save me a lot of time fix in it.

Thanks in advance.

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