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sonic-weave's Introduction


SonicWeave is a Domain Specific Language for manipulating musical frequencies, ratios and equal temperaments.

Not to be confused with the Sweave flexible framework for mixing text and R code for automatic document generation.

Type system

SonicWeave comes with some basic types.

Type Example Notes
None niente Niente is used in music notation and means nothing in Italian.
String 'hello' Both single and double quoted strings are supported. Used for note labels.
Color #ff00ff CSS colors, short hexadecimal, and long hexadecimal colors supported. Used for note colors.
Interval 7/5 There are many types of intervals with their own operator semantics.
Scale [5/4, P5, 9\9] Musical scales are represented using arrays of intervals.
Function riff plusOne x {x+1} Riff is a music term for a short repeated phrase.

Basic interval types

You can read more about domains and echelons below.

Type Examples Domain Echelon Notes
Boolean true or false Linear Relative Basically the same as 1 or 0.
Integer 2, 5 Linear Relative Same as 2/1 or 5/1.
Decimal 1,2, 1.4e0 Linear Relative Decimal commas only work in isolation.
Fraction 4/3, 10/7 Linear Relative
N-of-EDO 1\5, 7\12 Logarithmic Relative n\m means n steps of m equal divisions of the octave 2/1.
N-of-EDJI 9\13<3>, 2\5<3/2> Logarithmic Relative n\m<p/q> means n steps of m equal divisions of the ratio p/q.
Step 7\, 13\ Logarithmic Relative Correspond to edo-steps after tempering is applied.
Cents 701.955, 100c Logarithmic Relative One centisemitone 1.0 is equal to 1\1200.
Monzo [-4 4 -1>, [1,-1/2> Logarithmic Relative Also known as prime count vectors. Each component is an exponent of a prime number factor.
FJS P5, M3^5 Logarithmic Relative Functional Just System
Frequency 440 Hz, 2.2 kHz Linear Absolute Absolute frequency of oscillation.
Absolute FJS C4, Eb_5 Logarithmic Absolute Absolute version of FJS.
S-expression S8, S5..8 Logarithmic Relative Additive spelling of square superparticulars.
Val <12, 19, 28] Cologarithmic Relative Used to temper scales.
Warts 12@, [email protected]/5 Cologarithmic Relative Shorthand for vals.

Numeric separators

It is possible to separate numbers into groups using underscores for readability e.g. 1_000_000 is one million as an integer and 123_201/123_200 is the chalmerisia as a fraction.

Basic operation

SonicWeave is intended for designing musical scales so a fundamental concept is the current scale (accessible through $).


The current scale starts empty ($ = []) and the basic action is to push intervals onto the scale.

Statements can be separated with semicolons ; or newlines. After these instructions ...


...the scale consists of $ = [5/4, 3/2, 2/1].


Sub-scales are automatically unrolled onto the current scale.

[7\12, 12\12]

Results in the scale $ = [4\12, 7\12, 12\12].


If an expression evaluates to a color it is attached to the last interval in the scale.


Results in a scale equivalent to $ = [3/2 #008000, 2/1 #FF0000].

It is up to a user interface to interprete colors. The original intent is to color notes in an on-screen keyboard.


If an expression evaluates to a string it is attached to the last interval in the scale.

"My P4"
'Unison / octave'

Results in the scale $ = [(4/3 "My P4"), (2/1 "Unison / octave")].

Labels are included in the .scl export.

It is up to a user interface to interprete labels. The original intent is to label notes in an on-screen keyboard.

Scales are intended to repeat from the last interval in the scale (a.k.a. equave), so a user interface would use the label of 2/1 for 1/1 or 4/1 too.


SonicWeave comes with some operators.


Name Linear Result Logarithmic Result
Identity +2 2 +P8 P8
Negation -2 -2 N/A
Inversion %2 1/2 -P8 P-8
Inversion ÷3/2 2/3 -P5 P-5
Geom. inverse N/A %P8 v<1]
Logical NOT not 2 false not P8 false
Up-shimmer* ^2 2*1.0006r ^P8 P8 + 1\
Down-shimmer* v{2} 2*0.9994r vP8 P8 - 1\
Lift-shimmer* /2 2*1.0029r /P8 P8 + 5\
Drop-shimmer* \2 2*0.9971r \P8 P8 - 5\
Increment ++i 3 N/A
Increment i++ 2 N/A
Decrement --i 1 N/A
Decrement i-- 2 N/A

*) Shimmer is meant to be used with tempering and corresponds to edo-steps unless otherwise declared.

Down-shimmer sometimes requires curly brackets due to v colliding with the Latin alphabet.

Increment/decrement assumes that you've declared let i = 2 originally.


Name Example Result
Logical AND 2 and 0 0
Logical OR 0 or 2 2
Nullish coalescing niente ?? 2 2


Name Operator
Strict equality ===
Strict inequality !==
Equality ==
Inequality !=
Greater than >
Greater than or equal >=
Less than <
Less than or equal <=


Name Operator
Strict inclusion of
Strict exclusion not of
Inclusion ~of
Exclusion not ~of
Outer product tns
Outer product

Inclusion is similar to Python's in operator e.g. 2 of [1, 2, 3] evaluates to true.

Outer product a.k.a. tensoring expands all possible products in two arrays into an array of arrays e.g. [2, 3, 5] tns [7, 11] evaluates to

  [14, 22],
  [21, 33],
  [35, 55]


Name Linear Result Logarithmic Result
Addition 3 + 5 8 N/A
Subtraction 5 - 3 2 N/A
Modulo 5 mod 3 2 N/A
Ceiling modulo 0 modc 3 3 N/A
Round (to multiple of) 5 to 3 6 N/A
Minimum 2 min 1 1 P8 min P1 P1
Maximum 2 max 1 2 P8 max P1 P8
Multiplication 2 * 3 6 P8 + P12 P19
Multiplication 110 Hz × 5 550 Hz A♮2 + M17^5 C♯5^5
Division 6 % 2 3 P19 - P8 P12
Division 220 hz ÷ 2 110 Hz A=3 - P8 A=2
Reduction 5 rd 2 5/4 M17^5 mod P8 M3^5
Ceiling reduction 2 rdc 2 2 P8 modc P8 P8
Exponentiation 3 ^ 2 9 P12 * 2 M23
Recipropower 9 /^ 2 3 M23 % 2 P12
Root taking 9 ^/ 2 3 M23 % 2 P12
Logarithm (in base of) 9 /_ 3 2 M23 % P12 2
Round (to power of) 5 by 2 4 M17^5 to P8 P15
N of EDO (5+2)\12 7\12 N/A
NEDJI Projection sqrt(2)<3> 1\2<3> N/A
Val product 12@ · 3/2 7 <12 19] dot P5 7

Universal operators and preference

To ignore the domain and always operate as if the operands were linear you can use universal wings around the operator e.g. P8 ~+~ P12 evaluates to M17^5.

To prefer one format over the other you can indicate the preferred domain with a single wing e.g. P8 +~ 3 evaluates to 5 while P8 ~+ 3 evaluates to M17^5.



Array literals are formed by enclosing expressions inside square brackets e.g. [1, 2, 1+2] evaluates to [1, 2, 3].


Ranges of integers are generated by giving the start and end points e.g. [1..5] evaluates to [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].

To skip over values you can specify the second element [1,3..10] evaluates to [1, 3, 5, 7, 9] (the iteration stops and rejects after reaching 11).

Harmonic segments

Segments of the (musical) harmonic series can be obtained by specifying the root and the harmonic of equivalence e.g. 4::8 evaluates to [5/4, 6/4, 7/4, 8/4].

Subharmonic segments

Segments of the subharmonic series can be obtained by prefixing the segment with /, specifying the root and the subharmonic of equivalence e.g. /8::4 evaluates to (frequency ratios) [8/7, 8/6, 8/5, 8/4]. Recall that larger subharmonics sound lower so the largest/lowest root pitch should come first if you wish the resulting scale to sound upwards.

Enumerated chords

Chord enumerations take the first interval and use it as the implied root in a scale e.g. 2:3:5 evaluates to [3/2, 5/2].

Reflected enumerations

By default enumeration assumes that we're dealing with frequency ratios. If you wish to specify ratios of wavelengths, prefix the enumeration with / e.g. /6:5:4:3 evaluates to (frequency ratios) [6/5, 6/4, 6/3].

In effect /a:b:c is shorthand for 1/a:1/b:1/c. The stdlib u() is also an alternative e.g. u(6:5:4:3). The undertonal u() riff pairs nicely with the overtonal o() riff e.g. o(3:4:5:6).

Array access

Use square brackets to access array elements. Indexing starts from zero. Negative indices count back from the end. $[-1] is a handy shorthand for the last element in the current scale.

Nullish access

Accessing an array out of bounds raises an exception. Javascript-like behavior is available using ~[] e.g. arr~[777] evaluates to niente if the array doesn't have at least 778 elements.


Range syntax inside array access gets a copy of a subset the array e.g. [1, 2, 3, 4][2..3] evaluates to [3, 4].

In slice syntax the end points are optional e.g. [1, 2, 3][..] evaluates to [1, 2, 3] (a new copy).

Metric prefixes

Frequency literals support metric prefixes e.g. 1.2 kHz is the same as 1200 Hz.

Numeric frequency flavor

The space is mandatory in frequency literals like 123 hz but there is a numeric flavor 'z' for quick input i.e. 123z.

Truth values

Unlike Javascript the empty array [] is falsy similar to Python.


Everything after two slashes (//) is ignored until the end of the line.

Everything after a slash and an asterisk (/*) is ignored until an asterisk and a slash (*/) is encountered.

Pythagorean notation

The octave 2/1 is divided into 7 degrees, some of which have two basic qualities.

Name(s) Literal(s) Value(s) Size(s) in cents
(Perfect) unison P1 1/1 0.000
Minor/major second m2, M2 256/243, 9/8 90.225, 203.910
Minor/major third m3, M3 32/27, 81/64 294.135, 407.820
Perfect fourth P4 4/3 498.045
Perfect fifth P5 3/2 701.955
Minor/major sixth m6, M6 128/81, 27/16 792.180, 905.865
Minor/major seventh m7, M7 16/9, 243/128 996.090, 1109.775

The cycle repeats at the perfect octave P8 (exactly 1200.000 in size) e.g. 9/4 is a major ninth M9 (or 1403.910).

Augmented intervals are 2187/2048 (or 113.685) higher than their perfect/major counterparts e.g. A4 is 729/512 (or 611.730). Diminished intervals are correspondingly lower than their perfect/minor counterparts e.g. d3 is 65536/59049 (or 180.450).

Absolute notation

Absolute notation is rooted on (relative) C4 = 1/1 by default, but it is recommended that you set an absolute frequency like C4 = mtof(60) or C4 = 261.6 Hz.

The Pythagorean nominals from unison to the first octave are.

Nominal Meaning
C4 C4 + P1
D4 C4 + M2
E4 C4 + M3
F4 C4 + P4
G4 C4 + P5
a4 C4 + M6
B4 C4 + M7
C5 C4 + P8

The a nominal must be in lowercase or combined with a neutral sign (= or ) to distinguish it from the augmented inflection.

The sharp signs (# and ) correspond to the augmented unison e.g. F#4 is F4 + A1 or 729/512 relative to C4.

The flat signs (b and ) correspond to the diminished unison e.g. Eb4 is E4 + d1 or 32/27 relative to C4.

Accidental Monzo Size in cents
=, [0 0> 0.000
#, [-11 7> +113.685
x, 𝄪 [-22 14> +227.370
b, [11 -7> -113.685
𝄫 [22 -14> -227.370

Functional Just System

FJS uses Pythagorean notation for powers of 2 and 3.

Each higher prime number is associated with a comma which is chosen based on simplicity and otonality (the prime being in the numerator) rather than direction. The comma for 5 is 80/81 so M6^5 is lower in pitch than plain M6. The (logarithmic) M6^5 is the same as (linear) 27/16 * 80/81 or 5/3. To go in the opposite direction use a subscript (underscore) e.g. m3_5 corresponds to 6/5.

In absolute notation FJS accidentals come after the octave number e.g. the fifth harmonic relative to C4 is E6^5.

The first few commas are:

Prime p P1^p Monzo Size in cents
5 80/81 [4 -4 1> -21.506
7 63/64 [-6 2 0 1> -27.264
11 33/32 [-5 1 0 0 1> +53.273
13 1053/1024 [-10 4 0 0 0 1> +48.348
17 4131/4096 [-12 5 0 0 0 0 1> +14.73
19 513/512 [-9 3 0 0 0 0 0 1> +3.378
23 736/729 [5 -6 0 0 0 0 0 0 1> +16.544

The first few prime harmonics in FJS are:

Reduced harmonic FJS Absolute FJS
5/4 M3^5 E♮4^5
7/4 m7^7 B♭4^7
11/8 P4^11 F♮4^11
13/8 m6^13 A♭4^13
17/16 m2^17 D♭4^17
19/16 m3^19 E♭4^19
23/16 A4^23 F♯4^23


SonicWeave uses the logarithmic domain for S-expressions in order to make them compatible with FJS.

So a linear fact like S9 = S6/S8 is expressed as S9 === S6-S8 in SonicWeave.

Sums of consecutive S-expressions use the range syntax. E.g. logarithmic(10/9) is equivalent to S5..8 i.e. logarithmic(25/24 * 36/35 * 49/48 * 64/63)

In combination with FJS we can now spell 10/7 as A4+S8-S9 or 12/11 as M2-S9..11.

Interval type system

The interval type system is fairly complex in order to accomodate all types of quantities that can refer to musical pitch or frequency.

There are three domains, multiple tiers and two echelons which can combine to a plethora of distinct types.


Quantities can be linear or logarithmic. Linear quantities denote multiplication using * or × while logarithmic quantities achieve the same effect using +. This is a reflection of how the logarithm converts multiplication into addition.

In mathematics the linear domain is called arithmetic, while the logarithmic domain is referred to as geometric. Some builtin riffs use the geo- prefix to draw analogies between the domains. E.g. geodiff is diff for logarithmic quantities.

In just intonation you might denote 16/9 as 4/3 * 4/3 if you wish to work in the linear domain or indicate the same frequency ratio as m7 and split it into P4 + P4 if logarithmic thinking suits you better.

The cologarithmic domain mostly comes up in tempering. An expression like 12@ · P4 evaluating to 5 indicates that the perfect fourth is tempered to 5 steps of 12-tone equal temperament. In cologarithmic vector form (a.k.a. val) 12@ corresponds to <12 19] while P4 corresponds to the prime exponents [2 -1> (a.k.a. monzo) so the expression 12@ · P4 reads <12 19] · [2 -1> = 12 * 2 + 19 * (-1) = 5.


  • boolean (true or false)
  • natural (1, -3, 7, P8, etc.)
  • decimal (1,2, 3.14e0, 5/4, etc.)
  • rational (5/3, P4, M2_7, etc.)
  • radical (sqrt(2), 9\13<3>, n3, etc.)
  • real (2.718281828459045r, 3.141592653589793r, etc.)

The r at the end of real literals just means that they're not cents or associated with the octave in any way.


Quantities can be absolute such as 440 Hz and C♮4, or relative like M2 and 7/5.

Multiplication of absolute quantities is interpreted as their geometric average: 361 Hz * 529 Hz corresponds to 437 Hz in the scale.

Same goes for logarithmic absolute quantities: C♮4 + E♮4 corresponds to D♮4 in the scale if you've declared C♮4 as absolute quantity.

Variable declaration

Variables can be declared using the keyword let or const and a single equals sign e.g. const k = logarithmic(5120/5103) defines a handy inflection such that 7/5 can be spelled d5-k while A4+k now corresponds to 10/7.

Only variables declared using let can be re-assigned later.


Variables can be reassigned for example after let i = 2 declaring i += 3 sets i to 5.

Pitch declaration

Pitch declaration can be relative e.g. C0 = 1/1 or absolute e.g. a4 = 440 Hz.

Using a middle value determines the nature of absolute notation e.g. a4 = 440 Hz = 27/16 sets a4 to logarithmic(440 Hz) while a4 = 27/16 = 440 Hz sets a4 to M6 (i.e. logarithmic(27/16)).

The unison frequency is set implicitly when declaring pitch, but can be set explicitly too e.g. 1/1 = 420 Hz.


Blocks start with a curly bracket {, have their own instance of a current scale $ and end with }. The current scale is unrolled onto the parent scale at the end of the block.

Parent scale

The current scale of the parent block can be accessed using $$.


"While" loops repeat a statement until the test becames falsy e.g.

let i = 5
while (--i) {

results in $ = [4, 3, 2, 1].


"For" loops iterate over array contents e.g.

for (const i of [1..5]) {
  2 ^ (i % 5)

results in $ = [2^1/5, 2^2/5, 2^3/5, 2^4/5, 2].

Array comprehensions

"For" loops have an inline counterpart in array comprehensions e.g.

[2 ^ i /^7 for i of [1..7]]

results in $ = [2^1/7, 2^2/7, 2^3/7, 2^4/7, 2^5/7, 2^6/7, 2].

Vector operations

Operators operate componentwise on arrays e.g.

[1, 2, 3] + [10, 20, 300]

results in $ = [11, 22, 303].

Array broadcasting

Non-array operands operate on each component of an array e.g.

[2, 4, 7, 9, 12] \ 12

results in $ = [2\12, 4\12, 7\12, 9\12, 12\12].


Conditional statements are evaluated if the test expression evaluates to true otherwise the else branch is taken.

if (3/2 > 700.) {
  print("The Pythagorean fifth is larger than the perfect fifth of 12-TET")
} else {
  print("This won't print")

Ternary expressions

Conditional expressions look similar but work inline e.g. 3 if true else 5 evaluates to 3 while 3 if false else 5 evaluates to 5.

Function declaration

Functions are declared using the riff keyword followed by the name of the function followed by the parameters of the function.

riff subharmonics start end {
  return retroverted(start::end)

Above the return statement is suprefluous. We could've left it out and let the result unroll out of the block.

Due to popular demand there's also the fn alias for function declaration.

fn pythagoras up down {
  down ??= 0
  sorted([3^i rdc 2 for i of [-down..up]])

Calling functions

Once declared, functions can be called: subharmonics(4, 8) evaluates to [8/7, 8/6, 8/5, 8/4],

while pythagoras(4) evaluates to [9/8, 81/64, 3/2, 27/16, 2]. The missing down argument defaulted to niente and was coalesced to 0.

Lambda expressions

Functions can be defined inline using the arrow (=>). e.g. subharmonics = (start end => retroverted(start::end)).


To interupt execution you can throw string messages.

if (2 < 1) {
  print("This won't print")
} else {
  throw "This will be thrown"

Implicit mapping

The default action when encountering a function is to remap the current scale using it.

primes(3, 17)
prime => prime rd 2

First results in $ = [3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17] which gets reduced to $ = [3/2, 5/4, 7/4, 11/8, 13/8, 17/16]. Adding the octave and sorting gives the final result $ = [17/16, 5/4, 11/8, 3/2, 13/8, 7/4, 2].

Or the same with a oneliner sorted(map(prime => prime rdc 2, primes(17))) demonstrating the utility of ceiling reduction in a context where the unison is implicit and coincides with repeated octaves.


In SonicWeave tempering refers to measuring the prime counts of intervals and replacing the primes with close (or at least consistent) approximations.

Let's say we have this major chord as our scale $ = [5/4, 3/2, 2] and we wish to convert it to 12-tone equal temperament.

First we'll measure out the primes:

2^-2 * 3^0 * 5^1
2^-1 * 3^1 * 5^0
2^+1 * 3^0 * 5^0

Then we replace each prime with their closest approximation:

const st = 2^1/12 // One semitone

(2 by st)^-2 * (3 by st)^0 * (5 by st)^1
(2 by st)^-1 * (3 by st)^1 * (5 by st)^0
(2 by st)^+1 * (3 by st)^0 * (5 by st)^0

Which results in $ = [2^4/12, 2^7/12, 2^12/12].

Implicit tempering

The above could've been achieved by

[5/4, 3/2, 2]
i => 12@ dot i \ 12

The only difference is the logarithmic format $ = [4\12, 7\12, 12\12].

The default action when encountering a val such as 12@ is to temper the current scale with it.

The above reduces to

[5/4, 3/2, 2]

Using ups and downs

By default the up inflection (^) corresponds to one step upwards irregardless of the equal temperament while the down inflection (v) corresponds to one step downwards.

This can make notation shorter. The 5-limit major scale in 22-tone equal temperament is:


Using downs the direction of inflection is more clear:


Tweaking ups and downs

To control what ups and downs correspond to, you can use an up declaration:

^ = 81/80



In this case we could've also set lifts equal to six steps of 311edo to preserve ^ and v for small adjustments.

/ = 6\



Issues with the decimal separator

To be backwards compatible with Scale Workshop versions 1 and 2, SonicWeave preserves the syntax for "dot cents" and "comma decimals".

Both of these are problematic for the language grammar.

Dot cents

Compare the expressions 100.0 and 100.0 Hz. The first one indicates one hundred cents and the second one is interpreted as one hundred hertz due to a special grammar rule.

To force the cents interpretation we can use parenthesis (100.0) Hz and produce an error because the domains and echelons are incompatible. This is just to say that the special grammar rule doesn't hide anything sensible.

Comma decimals

The expression 1,2 for 6/5 is problematic when you consider the rest of the grammar. Would [1,2,3,4] be the same as [6/5, 17/5] or [1, 2, 3, 4]? SonicWeave takes the latter interpretation and bans comma decimals from most of the syntax.


To avoid ambiguity use explicit cents i.e. 100.0c or explicit scientific notation i.e. 1.2e0 or just 1.2e.


SonicWeave comes with batteries included.


Name Value Meaning
E 2.718281828459045r Base of natural logarithm
PI 3.141592653589793r Ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter
TAU 6.283185307179586r The superior circle constant

Built-in functions


Prelude functions


Odds and ends

Most of these features were implemented for their own sake.

Fractional Just Intonation Subgroups

By default monzos are vectors of prime exponents and vals are maps of primes, but sometimes you may wish to use other rational numbers as the basis.

Let's take a look at Barbados temperament. We can treat 13/5 like a prime alongside 2 and 3 and map it to 7\5. The syntax is [email protected]/5 or <5 8 7]@2.3.13/5. Now 15/13 dot <5 8 7]@2.3.13/5 evaluates to 1 step, exactly half of the 2 steps that an approximate 4/3 spans, as desired.

An explicit subgroup may be given with monzos as well e.g. [0 1 -1>@2.3.13/5 for logarithmic(15/13).

Extended Pythagorean notation

The Pythagorean notation can be extended in many ways.

Neutral Pythagorean

Ordinal notation* hides the fact that the perfect fifth spans four steps. This means that it can be divided into two thirds without issue. Usually these are the minor and major thirds but we can introduce a neutral third between them that divides the fifth exactly: n3 is exactly P5 % 2 or sqrt(3/2) if expressed linearly.

*) P1 + P1 evaluates to P1 while 1 + 1 evaluates to 2.

Notable neutral intervals include:

Name Logarithmic Linear Size in cents
Neutral third n3, P5 % 2 sqrt(3/2) 350.978
Neutral sixth n6, P11 % 2 sqrt(8/3) 849.022
Neutral seventh n7, P5 * 3/2 sqrt(27/8) 1052.933

The major intervals are one semiaugmented unison (or 56.843) above from their neutral center e.g. M3 is n3 + sA1 while minor intervals are semidiminished w.r.t. neutral e.g. m3 is n3 + sd1. A semiaugmented non-perfectable interval is semiaugmented w.r.t to major e.g. sA6 is M6 + sA1 while semidiminished starts from minor e.g. sd7 is m7 + sd1.

Perfect intervals are already at the center of their augmented and diminished variants so e.g. sA4 is simply P4 + sA1 or 32/27^3/2 if expressed linearly.

Semisharps and semiflats

The accidental associated with sA1 is the semisharp (s#, ½♯, 𝄲, or plain ASCII t) while the accidental corresponding to sd1 is the semiflat (sb, ½♭, 𝄳 or plain ASCII d). (The unicode 𝄲 tries to be clever by combining 4 with the sharp sign to say "one quarter-tone sharp".)

For example the neutral third above C4 is Ed4.

Accidental Monzo Size in cents
s#, ½#, s♯, ½♯, 𝄲, , t [-11/2 7/2> +56.843
sb, ½b s♭, ½♭, 𝄳, d [11/2 -7/2> -56.843

Neutral FJS

NFJS notation for just intonation originally applied to neutral sounding primes such as 11, 13, 29, 31 etc. In SonicWeave you must be explicit about the comma set you wish to use in order to spell 11/9 as n3^11n or 27/22 as n3_11n.

The first few NFJS commas are. To bridge from irrational to rational the commas must be irrational themselves.

Prime Comma Monzo Size in cents
11n sqrt(242/243) [1/2 -5/2 0 0 1> -3.570
13n sqrt(507/512) [-9/2 1/2 0 0 0 1> -8.495
29n sqrt(864/841) [-5/2 -3/2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1> -23.355
31n sqrt(2101707/2097152) [-21/2 7/2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1> +1.878
37n sqrt(175232/177147) [7/2 -11/2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1> -9.408

In addition to NFJS commas SonicWeave has a neutral bridging comma associated with every prime.

Prime Comma Monzo Size in cents
5n sqrt(25/24) [-3/2 -1/2 1> +35.336
7n sqrt(54/49) [-1/2 -3/2 0 1> -84.107
17n sqrt(8192/7803) [-13/2 3/2 0 0 0 0 1> -42.112
19n sqrt(384/361) [-7/2 -1/2 0 0 0 0 0 1> -53.464
23n sqrt(529/486) [-1/2 -5/2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1> 73.387

Some of these can be handy for using neutral intervals as the center of just major and minor intervals e.g. n3^5n corresponds to 5/4 while n3_5n corresponds to 6/5. See to learn more.

Quarter-augmented Pythagorean notation

As mentioned above the fifth spans 4 degrees so we can split it again without breaking the ordinal notation.

It does require an intermediary quality between major and neutral called semimajor and correspondingly between neutral and minor called semiminor.

The quarter fifth P5 % 4 is a semimajor second sM2 (or ½M2).

The new augmented qualities are quarter-augmented (qA, ¼A) and quarter-diminished (qd, ¼d). Quarter-augmented plus semiaugmented is sesqui-semiaugmented (QA, ¾A) and correspondingly sesqui-semidiminished (Qd, ¾d).

Accidental Monzo Size in cents
q#, ¼#, q♯, ¼♯ [-11/4 7/4> +28.421
qb, ¼b, q♭, ¼♭ [11/4 -7/4> -28.421
Q#, ¾#, Q♯, ¾♯ [-33/4 21/4> +85.264
Qb, ¾b, Q♭, ¾♭ [33/4 -21/4> -85.264


Ups and downs notation comes with a mid (~) quality that doesn't always fall in between augmented and diminished. These exceptions are as follows:

Name Literal Recommended name Literal Monzo Size in cents
Neutral fourth n4 Semiaugmented fourth sA4 [-7/2 5/2> 554.888
Neutral fifth n5 Semidiminished fifth sd5 [9/2 -5/2> 645.112

They are octave complements of each other: n4 is P8 - n5.

True tone-splitters

Technically the term semitone is a misnomer because the diatonic semitone m2 doesn't split the tone M2 in half with mathematical precission (and neither does the chromatic semitone A1). The true semiwholetone M2 % 2 is notated using interordinals as n1.5 (or n1½).

The difference n1.5 - m2 is only 11.730c so true tone-splitters are not very useful in their untempered form, but they do provide the notation n4.5 for the semioctave P8 % 2 which is stable in all even equal divisions of the octave.

The basic tone-splitters are as follows:

Name Logarithmic Linear Size in cents
Neutral sesquith n1.5, M2 % 2 sqrt(9/8) 101.955
Neutral second-and-a-halfth n2.5, M2 * 3/2 sqrt(729/512) 305.865
Neutral third-and-a-halfth n3.5, M2 * 5/2 9/8 ^ 5/2 509.775
Neutral fourth-and-a-halfth n4.5, P8 % 2 sqrt(2) 600.000
Neutral fifth-and-a-halfth n5.5, M10 % 2 sqrt(81/32) 803.910
Neutral sixth-and-a-halfth n6.5, A12 % 2 sqrt(6561/2048) 1007.82
Neutral seventh-and-a-halfth n7.5, m14 % 2 sqrt(32/9) 1098.045

Absolute semioctave dodecanominal notation

When stacked against the semioctave the fifth spans a dodecatonal scale inside the octave (10L 2s "soft-jaric" a.k.a. "jaramechromic").

The scale is nominated such that the Greek nominals form the Ionian mode starting from the semioctave.

Nominal ASCII Meaning
C4 C4 + P1
γ4 gamma4 C4 + n1½
D4 C4 + M2
δ4 delta4 C4 + n2½
E4 C4 + M3
F4 C4 + P4
ζ4 zeta4 C4 + n4½
G4 C4 + P5
η4 eta4 C4 + n5½
a4 C4 + M6
α4 alpha4 C4 + n6½
β4 beta4 C4 + n7½
C5 C4 + P8

Notice how the notation is half-way antisymmteric w.r.t. Latin and Greek nominals and how B4 is missing. The final Greek nominal ε4 (epsilon4) equal to C4 + n3½ is also left out, but defined to complete the Ionian mode. Some temperaments stretch the scale to make room for both so e.g. 14-tone equal temperament can be fully notated with alternating Latin and Greek nominals.

The accidentals associated with this bihexatonic scale are r and p.

Accidental Monzo Size in cents Mnemonics
r [-19/2 6> +11.730 raise, pajara
p [19/2 -6> -11.730 (flipped b), pajara

The interordinal semifourth

When combined with neutral inflections the true tone-splitters induce the notation m2.5 for the semifourth P4 % 2 basically for free.

Notable semiquartal intervals include:

Name Logarithmic Linear Size in cents
Minor second-and-a-halfth m2½, P4 % 2 sqrt(4/3) 249.022
Minor third-and-a-halfth m3½, M6 % 2 sqrt(27/16) 452.933
Minor fifth-and-a-halfth m5½, P4 * 3/2 sqrt(64/27) 747.067
Minor sixth-and-a-halfth m6½, P12 % 2 sqrt(3) 950.978
Major seventh-and-a-halfth M7½, M14 % 2 sqrt(243/64) 1154.888

Absolute semifourth pentanominal notation

The split fourth spans a pentatonic (4L 1s "manual") scale:

C4 = mtof(60)

As with semioctave nominals φ can be spelled in ASCII as phi and ψ as psi. Phi was chosen due to similarity to F and psi comes from the full enneatonic (5L 4s "semiquartal") scale:

C4 = mtof(60)
Nominal ASCII Meaning
φ4 phi4 C4 + m2.5
χ4 chi4 C4 + m3.5
ψ4 psi4 C4 + m6.5
ω4 omega4 C4 + M7.5

The accidentals are associated with the 4L 1s scale: em (&) denotes the difference between a semifourth and a whole tone: C&4 is C4 + (P4%2 - M2). The accidental at (@) is the opposite.

χ is equal to F@ while ω is equal to C@ of the next octave.

Accidental Monzo Size in cents
& [4 -5/2> +45.112
@ [-4 5/2> -45.112

Extra comma flavors

Extra commas include extended Helmholtz-Ellis inflections and additional bridges from above irrationals to just intonation.


Non-standard pitch declaration

Pitch can be declared as a period of oscillation, but it's coearced to Hz to preserve the meaning of relative notation as ratios of frequencies.

E.g. C4 = 10ms has the same effect as C4 = 100 Hz.

Obscure types

Type Literal Meaning
Second 1s Inverse of 1Hz i.e. 1s * 1Hz evaluates to 1
Jorp Geometric inverse of c i.e. is equal to <1200]

Obscure operations

Name Linear Result Logarithmic Result
Harmonic/lens addition 3 /+ 5 15/8 N/A
Harmonic/lens addition 3 ⊕ 5 15/8 N/A
Harmonic/lens subtraction 3 /- 5 15/2 N/A
Harmonic/lens subtraction 3 ⊖ 5 15/2 N/A
N/A N/A N/A P8 /+ P12 1\2<6>
N/A N/A N/A P12 /- P8 1\2<3/2>

The thin lens equation f⁻¹ = u⁻¹ + v⁻¹ motivates the definition of lens addition f = u ⊕ v and the corresponding lens subtraction u = f ⊖ v.

Although the real raison d'être is to complete the Triangle of Power:

Equation Name
x ^ y = z Exponentiation
z /^ y = x Recipropower
z /_ x = y Logdivision
a ^ x * a ^ y = a ^ (x + y) Distribution of exponents
(x * y) /_ a = x /_ a + y /_ a Distribution of logdividends
x ^ a * y ^ a = (x * y) ^ a Factoring of bases I
x /^ a * y /^ a = (x * y) /^ a Factoring of bases II
a /_ (x * y) = a /_ x /+ a /_ y Lensing of logarithmands
a /^ x * a /^ y = a /^ (x /+ y) Lensing of roots

Future work

The syntax could be extended to cover movement in time i.e. to become a full textual music notation vis-à-vis Xenpaper.

Additional resources

Acknowledgments / inspiration

SonicWeave looks like Javascript with Python semantics, has Haskell ranges and operates similar to xen-calc.

  • ECMAScript - Brendan Eich et. al.
  • Python - Guido van Rossum et. al.
  • Haskell - Lennart Augustsson et. al.
  • Scala - Manuel Op de Coul
  • Scale Workshop 1 - Sean Archibald et. al.
  • FJS - "misotanni"
  • NFJS - Matthew Yacavone
  • Xen-calc - Matthew Yacavone
  • Xenpaper - Damien Clarke
  • Ups and downs notation - Kite Giedraitis
  • Peg.js - David Majda et. al.
  • Peggy - Joe Hildebrand et. al.
  • Xenharmonic Wiki - (community project)
  • Xenharmonic Alliance - (community Discord / Facebook)

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