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2023-06-lukso's Introduction

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LUKSO audit details

  • Total Prize Pool: $100,000 USDC
    • HM awards: $69,712.50 USDC
    • Analysis awards: $4,225 USDC
    • QA awards: $2,112.50 USDC
    • Bot Race awards: $6,337.50 USDC
    • Gas awards: $2,112.50 USDC
    • Judge awards: $9,000 USDC
    • Lookout awards: $6,000 USDC
    • Scout awards: $500 USDC
  • Join C4 Discord to register
  • Submit findings using the C4 form
  • Read our guidelines for more details
  • Starts June 20, 2023 20:00 UTC
  • Ends July 05, 2023 20:00 UTC

Automated Findings / Publicly Known Issues

Automated findings output for the audit can be found here.

Note for C4 wardens: Anything included in the automated findings output is considered a publicly known issue and is ineligible for awards.

Previous audits

The current contracts have gone through multiple audits and formal verification previous to the contest. You can find all the previous audits reports under the ./audits folder.

Any issue mentioned in the report listed under the ./audits folder MUST be considered as a known issue.


  • No constructor in OwnableUnset.sol and LSP14Ownable2Step.sol. We cannot add a constructor at the moment since these 2 contracts are shared currently between the standard and proxy version (with initialize(...)). Once we have the lsp-smart-contract-upgradeable repo, we will add a constructor in the standard version and an initialize(...) function in the Init version.

  • The contracts are using supportsERC165InterfaceUnchecked to check for support of a single interfaceId for gas cost optimisation. It does not conform to the ERC165 standard but we do this out of gas optimisation as our implementations do a lot of external calls to check for interfaces IDs.


  • The effect of using msg.value with operation type DELEGATECALL in execute(…) functions is known. Similar to the issue mentioned in Uniswap V3 Periphery.

  • When the owner of the LSP0 is an EOA, if a caller calls the protected functions:

    1. the LSP20 call for lsp20VerifyCall(...) will pass (because it is a low level call, even if it is calling an EOA owner).
    2. but it will fail because the owner being an EOA cannot return the magic value.
  • A potential collision can happen in the universalReceiver(..) function when 2 bytes32 typeIds start with the same 20 bytes. See Trust audit report finding M2 for more details.

  • The UniversalReceiverDelegate of the receiver can consume a lot of gas, making the caller who initiated the transfer pay a lot in gas fees.

  • You can have delegate call with selfdestruct that will bypass the second lsp20 check (lsp20VerifyCallResult(…)). Mentioned in Trust audit report, see finding M3 for more details.


  • The UniversalReceiverDelegateUP could be used to register spam assets, as currently, there is no whitelisting feature in the contract. It is always possible to spam via the LSP1 universalReceiver(...) function. For instance, by:
    1. faking the typeIDs of LSP7 and LSP8
    2. creating a contract that fakes the balanceOf(…) function for LSP7 or LSP8 assets transfer.

The caller will, however, have to pay for the gas of spamming the account.

  • It is allowed with LSP7 token transfers to transfer 0 as an amount and that it calls the universalReceiver(...) function of the sender and recipient.

The reason is we want to allow to react on the data parameter, for instance.

  • It is possible to spam fake vaults that you own in multiple ways:

Example 1:

  1. Do Vault.execute(…) (from ERC725X)
  2. → the data payload would be the universalReceiver(…) function of the UP user you want to spam, passing the right typeId for VaultTransferRecipient.

Example 2:

On the Vault, under the LSP1Delegate address, put the address of the UP user as a LSP1Delegate you want to spam.


  • The executeBatch(..) function (from ERC725X) is not yet supported in the KeyManager as a path for execution.

  • The relayer can choose the amount of gas provided when interacting with the executeRelayCall(...) functions. For more details, see Trust audit report finding L3.

  • The overlapping issue between the two permissions ADDCONTROLLER / EDITPERMISSIONS is known. For instance:

    • if you have permission ADDCONTROLLER: You can create a new wallet address you control and give it all the permissions via ADDCONTROLLER.
    • if you have permission EDITPERMISSIONS: You can grant yourself all the permissions and take control of the account (you can also grant yourself ADDCONTROLLER, and create a new wallet that you control).

    These two permissions are separated for legal reasons. In some implementations or use cases, applications or protocols might require giving a controller only one of the two permissions, not the other (and vice versa).

  • It is possible to execute some code in the receive/fallback functions of the recipient by only having the permission transferValue/SuperTransferValue.

  • It is not possible to call LSP17 extensions through the KeyManager.

  • Possibility to lock the account by setting the KeyManager address as extension of lsp20VerifyCall selector.

  • Failed relay calls (via executeRelayCall(…) don’t increase the nonce). Therefore if one would pre-sign 3 transactions in one channel and the first one is failing, one would have to re-sign the next 2 transactions with a different nonce in order to execute them. Another solution would be signing all 3 transactions in 3 different channels. See first audit report from Watchpug finding M3 for details.

  • REENTRANCY permission is checked for the contract that reenters the KeyManager or for the signer if the reentrant call happens through executeRelayCall(..) & executeRelayCallBatch(..). Initiator of the call doesn’t need to have REENTRANCY permission.


  • authorizeOperator(..) CAN NOT avoid front-running and Allowance Double-Spend Exploit. This can be avoided by using the increaseAllowance(..) and decreaseAllowance(..) functions.

  • We are aware that the transferBatch(...) function could be optimized for gas. For instance for scenarios where the balance of the sender (if it’s the same from address of every iterations) can be updated once instead of on every iterations (to avoid multiple storage writes). Same for operator allowances.

LSP7CompatibleERC20.sol and LSP7CompatibleERC20InitAbstract.sol

LSP7DigitalAssetCore.sol includes the non-standard functions increaseAllowance and decreaseAllowance to mitigate the issues around double spend exploit. In @openzeppelin/contracts, the ERC20 implementation of these two functions returns a boolean true.

We do not return a boolean in LSP7 because we want to stay consistent with the other functions from the LSP7 interface (like authorizeOperator(...) and transfer(...)) that do not return anything, as defined in the ILSP7DigitalAsset.sol interface.

In LSP7CompatibleERC20 and LSP7CompatibleERC20InitAbstract, we cannot override the LSP7 function to return a boolean in these two contracts, because we cannot override the function definitions "from returning nothing to returning something" (the Solidity compiler does not allow this).

We are currently aware of this issue being not completely in-line with ERC20 in LSP7CompatibleERC20 and LSP7CompatibleERC20InitAbstract.

One way we are planning to mitigate this issue is by adding an assembly block that returns a true boolean in these two functions in these two contracts. This will not change anything if these function are interacted with the Solidity function call syntax (e.g: LSP7CompatibleERC20.increaseAllowance(operatorAddress, 10 ether)), but if interacted via low level call, it will enable to decode the returned data as a bool and process it, as shown below:

bytes memory increaseAllowanceCalldata = abi.encodeWithSelector(
    10 ether

(bool success, bytes memory result) = address(

// if the external call completed successfully
if (success) {
    // decode the `result` as a boolean and ensure it is `true`
    bool booleanReturned = abi.decode(result, (bool));

    require(booleanReturned == true);


  • We are aware that the transferBatch(...) function could be optimized for gas. For instance for scenarios where the balance of the sender (if it’s the same from address of every iterations) can be updated once instead of on every iterations (to avoid multiple storage writes). Same for operator allowances.


  • When using the function acceptOwnership(...) , if the current owner is a contract that implements LSP1, the current owner can block the new owner from accepting ownership by reverting in its universalReceiver(..) function (the current owner’s UniversalReceiver function).


  • Setting extensions for functions that operate on msg.sender (eg: tokens transfer) is dangerous.


  • Additional data can be returned after the first 32 bytes of the abi encoded magic value from LSP20 standardized functions.

Slither Known Issues

Any known issues from Slither for each contract are listed under the slither/ folder in this repository. We encourage reporting any bugs around them and not just the errors on their own. Slither errors without some proven negative impact will be considered as known issues.



An ERC725 smart contract is composed of two main components:

  • ERC725X: a generic executor contract via an execute(...) and executeBatch() functions.
  • ERC725Y: a generic data key value store interacted via setData(...) and setDataBatch(...).

ERC725 smart contract

The ERC725 smart contracts represent the foundation behind most of the LSP smart contracts, from the LSP0 ERC725 Account to the LSP4 Digital Asset Metadata. You can find the ERC725 smart contracts implementation in Solidity under the submodules/ERC725 folder.

Universal Profile architecture overview


LSP0ERC725Account is an advanced smart contract-based account that offers a comprehensive range of essential features. It is composed of multiple and standards and modules:

  • a generic bytes32 => bytes data key-value store (ERC725Y) as smart contract storage
  • a generic execution medium (ERC725X) to interact with addresses (EOA and contracts) or deploy new contracts (via CREATE or CREATE2)
  • signature validation via ERC1271
  • a universal function (LSP1 universalReceiver(bytes32,bytes)) to be notified about different actions and information, such as token transfers, followers, information, etc...
  • offers extensibility via LSP17 where you can add functions to the account as extensions after deployment to support new standards and functions
  • provides a secure ownership management module (LSP14).
  • finally, it allows executing directly through the contract itself instead of resolving through the owner first using the LSP20 standard.

LSP0 modules diagram


LSP1UniversalReceiver is designed to facilitate a universally standardized way of receiving notifications about various actions, such as token transfers, new followers, or updated information. This standard's core function named universalReceiver(bytes32,bytes) operates as a standard notification gateway. It standardizes the process of emitting data received, creating for the contract implementing LSP1 a standard gateway to be notified about various information, such as which tokens you received and own or which followers accounts started following you.

LSP1UniversalReceiver also standardizes an optional extension (LSP1UniversalReceiverDelegate, see details below) that enables to define complex logic and custom reactivity depending on the bytes32 typeId received by the initial universalReceiver(bytes32,bytes) function.


LSP1UniversalReceiverDelegate standard formalize the procedure of reacting to specific actions. This standard is typically implemented once the universalReceiver(..) function is invoked.

The universalReceiver(..) function is called with a unique bytes32 typeId identifier. Subsequently, the universalReceiver(...) function forwards the call, along with the sender's address and the value sent, to the UniversalReceiverDelegate. The UniversalReceiverDelegate, in its role, identifies the bytes32 as a specific action and performs a designated response. For instance, if a token transfer is recognized (represented by a unique bytes32 typeId like LSP7Tokens_RecipientNotification), the UniversalReceiverDelegate could contain logic that triggers a specific response, for instance reverting the entire transaction if the token received is a spam token known from a public blacklist registry.

The UniversalReceiverDelegate address can be changed in the contract implementing the universalReceiver(..) function. Also there could be the case where multiple UniversalReceiverDelegates exist.


LSP6KeyManager is a smart contract that acts as a controller for another contract it is linked to (a smart contract-based account, a token contract, etc...). It enables the linked contract to be controlled by multiple addresses. Such addresses, called "controllers", can be granted different permissions defined by the LSP6 standard that allow them to perform different types of actions, including setting data on the ERC725Y storage of the linked account or using the linked account to interact with other addresses on the network (transferring LYX, interact with tokens or any other smart contracts, etc...).

LSP6 enables meta transactions in its interface via the executeRelayCall(...) function, where any executor address can dispatch transactions signed by another controller, and pay the gas fees on behalf of this controller. Finally, the LSP6KeyManager also allows batching transactions via executeBatch(...) and executeRelayCallBatch(...)


The new token standards on LUKSO share the following similarities:

  • flexible data key-value store via LSP4
  • similar interface for the transfer(...) function (only difference is the 3rd parameter where LSP7 takes a uint256 amount while LSP8 takes a bytes32 tokenId).
  • notify the receiver of the token via LSP1, using the 4th parameter bool allowNonLSP1Recipient in the transfer(...) function.

LSP4, LSP7 and LSP8 Diagram


LSP4DigitalAssetMetadata is a metadata standard that defines metadata keys to store information related to a digital asset inside its ERC725Y storage, including the token name (LSP4TokenName) and its symbol (LSP4TokenSymbol). It also defines a standard JSON structure that can contain information describing the asset. Such information can be anything like the description of the asset, an icon for the digital asset, links to find out more (e.g: website, ...), or any additional custom attributes related to the asset or the NFT. Finally, it defines a metadata key that can contain the list of creator addresses for this asset (LSP4Creators[]).


LSP7DigitalAsset is a standard that defines a fungible token, meaning tokens that are mutually interchangeable (one token has the same value as another token). Like ERC20, tokens can be transferred in quantities. The token holder can transfer multiple tokens by specifying an uint256 amount when using the transfer(...) function. By default, LSP7 Digital Assets are divisible like fiat currencies, meaning 1 token can be divided into smaller units (e.g: 1/10th of a token), with their decimals() set to 18 by default. However, LSP7 includes a feature that enables to specify the token as "non divisible" via the isNonDivisible parameter on deployment.


LSP8IdentifiableDigitalAsset is a standard that defines a non-fungible token, meaning tokens that are unique and distinguishable from each other (one token cannot be replaced by another token). Each token is uniquely represented by its bytes32 tokenId, and can be transferred via the transfer(...) function, where the tokenId is given as the 3rd parameter of the transfer(...) function.

LSP8 includes a feature to define the type of token ID through the LSP8TokenIdType metadata key. Token ID type varies from simple to complex, for instance:

  • the token Ids can be represented by an address that represent an ERC725Y smart contract that can holds metadata in its storage for this specific NFT (LSP8TokenIdType == 1).
  • the token Ids can be represented by a number that increment on each newly minted NFT (LSP8TokenIdType == 2).
  • the token Ids can be represented as string for unique NFT names (LSP8TokenIdType == 5).


LSP14Ownable2Step is an advanced ownership module designed to give a more precise and safer way to manage contract ownership. It introduces a crucial feature of two-step processes for ownership transfer and renouncement, significantly reducing the likelihood of accidental or unauthorized changes to the contract's ownership (e.g: transferring ownership to an address to an address where the new owner has shortly before the process lost access to its private key). This enhanced security mechanism ensures that ownership actions require deliberate and careful confirmation, minimizing the risk of unintended transfers or renouncements. Using a two-step process where the new owner has to accept ownership ensures that the contract is always owned by an address that has control over it since the new owner explicitly accepts ownership, proving that it has control over its address.


LSP17ContractExtension is designed to extend a contract's functionality post-deployment. Once a contract with a set of functions is deployed on the blockchain, it becomes immutable, meaning no additional functions can be added after deployment.

The LSP17ContractExtension standard provides a solution to this limitation. It does this by forwarding the call to an extension contract through the fallback function instead of leading to a revert due to the invocation of an undefined function. This forwarding mechanism allows the contract to be extended and to add functionality after it has been deployed. The standard could be beneficial for contracts that should support standards and functions that get standardized and discussed in the future.


LSP20CallVerification is an innovative module that simplifies access control rules verification within smart contracts. By implementing a standardized approach, this module enables seamless validation of whether an address possesses the necessary permissions to initiate a specific call.

LSP20 aims to reduce this complexity for application and protocol developers, who need to resolve the contract owner first and then have to interact through the owner in order to call any function on the actual targeted contract. This module embedded in a contract through inheritance enables to abstract away this complexity. Applications and other contracts can now interact directly with the targeted contract, and LSP20 will forward in the background any ownership verification logic in the background, by forwarding the call to the owner and returning the verification result in the form of a magicValue.

LSP20 Diagram


📹 Watch the following video for an overview of the LSP Smart Contracts repository.

Watch the video

Here are some examples of issues that we are primarily concerned about:

  • Bypassing ownership.
  • Bypassing required permissions (executing a calldata / payload that requires a specific permission X, but the caller / signer does not actually have this permission X).
  • Permissions overlap (if a controller have permission X and added permission Y, it can execute an action only allowed by permission Z).
  • Locking the account due to a certain chain of actions, or making the contract state in a state that leads to a "deadlock".
  • Reentrancy without the right permissions. (bypassing permissions)
  • LSP1UniversalReceiverDelegateUP will be set as a default UniversalReceiverDelegate for the UniversalProfiles deployed by the LUKSO foundation, if there is a potential risk to deploy just 1 UniversalReceiverDelegate contract and grant it SUPER_SETDATA and REENTRANCY permission on all of these UniversalProfiles?


Scope lines of code 📄 Standard Specifications 📚 Documentation
ERC725 503 ERC-725 ERC725
LSP0ERC725Account 532 LSP-0-ERC725Account LSP0ERC725Account
UniversalProfile 47 LSP-3-UniversalProfile-Metadata UniversalProfile
LSP1UniversalReceiverDelegate 252 LSP-1-UniversalReceiver LSP1UniversalReceiver & LSP1UniversalReceiverDelegate
LSP4DigitalAssetMetadata 116 LSP-4-DigitalAsset-Metadata LSP4DigitalAssetMetadata
LSP6KeyManager 1439 LSP-6-KeyManager LSP6KeyManager
LSP7DigitalAsset 860 LSP-7-DigitalAsset LSP7DigitalAsset
LSP8IdentifiableDigitalAsset 1233 LSP-8-IdentifiableDigitalAsset LSP8IdentifiableDigitalAsset
LSP14Ownable2Step 119 LSP-14-Ownable2Step LSP14Ownable2Step
LSP17ContractExtension 103 LSP-17-ContractExtension LSP17ContractExtension
LSP20CallVerification 81 LSP-20-CallVerification LSP20CallVerification
LSP2Utils 51 LSP-2-ERC725YJSONSchema LSP2ERC725YJSONSchema
LSP5Utils 126 LSP-4-DigitalAsset-Metadata LSP5ReceivedVaults
LSP10Utils 116 LSP-10-ReceivedVaults LSP10ReceivedVaults
SUM 5578

Contracts in scope

Below is the complete list of the contracts in scope for this contest.

There are 3 types of contracts per LSP standard:

  • Core contracts: contain the core implementation logic of the LSP standard.

Example: LSP7DigitalAssetCore.sol contains the core logic of the LSP7 standard.

  • Standard contracts: standard version of the LSP standard, deployable via constructor(...). They are written with the same name as the standard.

Example: LSP0ERC725Account.sol.

  • Init contracts: proxy version of the LSP standard, to be used as base contracts behind proxies. Should be initialized via the public initialize(...) function.

Example: LSP0ERC725AccountInit.sol

  • InitAbstract contracts: same as Init but without a public initialize(...) function. To be inherited for customization.

Example: LSP6KeyManagerInitAbstract.sol

Note: the separation between Core, Init and InitAbstract does not apply to LSP14, LSP17 and LSP20.

Contract SLOC Purpose Libraries used
ERC725 These set of contracts are available as a submodules under the submodules/ERC725/implementations folder.
ERC725XCore.sol 194 Core implementation logic of the ERC725X sub-standard, a generic executor contract. @openzeppelin/contracts: [Create2.sol, Address.sol], solidity-bytes-utils: BytesLib.sol
ERC725YCore.sol 71 Core implementation logic of the ERC725Y sub-standard, a generic data key-value store that uses a mapping of bytes32 data keys mapped to their bytes value.
OwnableUnset.sol 35 Modified version of Ownable contract with an internal _setOwner(address) function that prevents setting the owner twice when both ERC725X and ERC725Y are inherited (e.g: in ERC725.sol)
ERC725InitAbstract.sol 30 Abstract proxy version without a public initialize(...) function, that bundles ERC725X and ERC725Y together into one smart contract.
IERC725X.sol 28 Interface that describe the standard functions and events defined in the ERC725X sub-standard.
ERC725.sol 23 Standard version that bundles ERC725X and ERC725Y together into one smart contract.
IERC725Y.sol 16 Interface that describe the standard functions and events defined in the ERC725Y sub-standard.
ERC725XInitAbstract.sol 15 Abstract Proxy version of the ERC725X sub-standard without a public initialize(...) function.
ERC725YInitAbstract.sol 15 Abstract Proxy version of the ERC725Y sub-standard without a public initialize(...) function.
ERC725Y.sol 13 Standard version of the ERC725Y sub-standard.
errors.sol 13 List of custom errors related to the internal logic of ERC725XCore.sol and ERC725YCore.sol.
ERC725X.sol 12 Standard version of the ERC725X sub-standard.
ERC725Init.sol 10 Proxy version that bundles ERC725X and ERC725Y together into one smart contract.
ERC725XInit.sol 10 Proxy version of the ERC725X sub-standard.
ERC725YInit.sol 10 Proxy version of the ERC725Y sub-standard.
constants.sol 8 ERC165 interface IDs for ERC725X and ERC725Y + list of operation types defined in the ERC725X sub-standard.
LSP0ERC725AccountCore.sol 434 Core implementation of the LSP0 standard, a smart contract based account. @openzeppelin/contracts: [ECDSA.sol, ERC165Checker.sol, Address.sol] submodules/ERC725/implementations/contracts/: [ERC725YCore.sol, ERC725XCore.sol, [custom/OwnableUnset.sol], constants.sol]
LSP0Utils.sol 23 Utility functions to query metadata keys from the ERC725Y storage of an LSP0ERC725Account.
LSP0ERC725AccountInitAbstract.sol 21 Abstract Proxy version of the LSP0 standard without a public initialize(...) function. @openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable: Initializable.sol
ILSP0ERC725Account.sol 19 Interface that describes the standard functions and events defined in the LSP0 standard.
LSP0ERC725Account.sol 13 Standard version of the LSP0 standard.
LSP0ERC725AccountInit.sol 14 Proxy version of the LSP0 standard.
LSP0Constants.sol 8 Contains the standard ERC725Y metadata keys and LSP1 type IDs defined in the LSP0 Standard as well as bytes4 ERC165 interface ID.
UniversalProfile These 3 x contracts are implementations of LSP0 + set the metadata keys defined in the LSP3 standard on deployment/initialization.
UniversalProfileInitAbstract.sol 21 Abstract Proxy version without a public initialize(...) function.
UniversalProfile.sol 14 Standard version.
UniversalProfileInit.sol 12 Proxy version.
LSP1UniversalReceiverDelegateUP.sol 131 Core implementation of the optional extension of LSP1 Universal Receiver Delegate to be used for a Universal Profile. @openzeppelin/contracts/: [ERC165.sol, ERC165Checker.sol]
LSP1Utils.sol 99 Library of utility functions to interact with contracts that implement the LSP1 interface. @openzeppelin/contracts/: [Address.sol, ERC165Checker.sol]
ILSP1UniversalReceiver.sol 14 Interface that describe the standard function defined in the LSP1 standard.
LSP1Constants.sol 4 Contains the standard ERC725Y metadata keys defined in the LSP1 Universal Receiver standard, as well as its ERC165 interface ID.
LSP1Errors.sol 4 Custom errors related to the internal logic of LSP1UniversalReceiverDelegateUP.sol.
LSP4DigitalAssetMetadataInitAbstract.sol 43 Abstract Proxy version of the LSP4 standard, without a public initialize(...) function.
LSP4DigitalAssetMetadata.sol 40 Standard version of LSP4 standard. submodules/ERC725/implementations/contracts/: ERC725Y.sol, solidity-bytes-utils: BytesLib.sol
LSP4Compatibility.sol 14 Contains backward compatible getters from ERC721Metadata that query the LSP4 metadata keys from the ERC725Y storage. submodules/ERC725/implementations/contracts/: ERC725YCore.sol
LSP4Constants.sol 8 Contains the standard ERC725Y metadata keys defined in the LSP4 Digital Asset Metadata standard.
ILSP4Compatibility.sol 8 Interface for name() and symbol().
LSP4Errors.sol 3 Custom errors related to the internal logic of LSP4DigitalAssetMetadata.sol and LSP4DigitalAssetMetadataInitAbstract.sol.
LSP6SetDataModule.sol 447 Logic used for verifying ERC725Y.setData() & ERC725Y.setDataBatch() permissions. submodules/ERC725/implementations/contracts/: ERC725Y.sol
LSP6KeyManagerCore.sol 401 Core implementation of the LSP6 standard, a smart contract that acts as a controller for an an ERC725 account. @openzeppelin/contracts: [ERC165.sol, ECDSA.sol, Address.sol]
LSP6ExecuteModule.sol 273 Logic used for verifying ERC725X.execute() & ERC725X.executeBatch() permissions. submodules/ERC725/implementations/contracts/: ERC725Y.sol, solidity-bytes-utils: BytesLib.sol, @openzeppelin/contracts/: ERC165Checker.sol
LSP6Utils.sol 160 Library of utility functions to read, write and handle permissions for controllers.
LSP6Constants.sol 36 Contains the standard ERC725Y metadata keys and permissions defined in the LSP6 Key Manager standard, as well as its ERC165 interface ID.
ILSP6KeyManager.sol 36 Interface that describes the standard functions and events defined in the LSP6 Key Manager standard.
LSP6Errors.sol 28 Custom errors related to the internal logic of LSP6KeyManagerCore and the modules in the contracts/LSP6KeyManager/LSP6Modules/*.sol folder`.
LSP6OwnershipModule.sol 22 Logic used for verifying ERC725.acceptOwnership() & ERC725.transferOwnership() permissions.
LSP6KeyManagerInitAbstract.sol 16 Abstract Proxy version of the LSP6 standard, without a public initialize(...) function. @openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable: Initializable.sol
LSP6KeyManager.sol 10 Standard version of LSP6 standard. Same as LSP6KeyManagerCore.sol
LSP6KeyManagerInit.sol 10 Proxy version of the LSP6 standard. Same as LSP6KeyManagerCore.sol + LSP6KeyManagerInitAbstract.sol
LSP7DigitalAssetCore.sol 277 Core implementation of the LSP7 standard, a smart contract that represents a fungible token. @openzeppelin/contracts: ERC165Checker.sol
LSP7CompatibleERC20InitAbstract.sol 113 Extension (Abstract Proxy version without a public initialize(...) function) - of the ILSP7CompatibleERC20 interface.
LSP7CompatibleERC20.sol 102 Extension (Standard version) - of the ILSP7CompatibleERC20 interface.
ILSP7DigitalAsset.sol 44 Interface that describes the standard functions and events defined in the LSP7 Digital Asset standard.
LSP7DigitalAssetInitAbstract.sol 33 Abstract Proxy version of the LSP7 standard, without a public initialize(...) function. submodules/ERC725/implementations/contracts/: ERC725YCore.sol
LSP7CappedSupply.sol 27 Extension (Standard version) - to define a maximum total supply of tokens.
LSP7CappedSupplyInitAbstract.sol 31 Extension (Abstract proxy version) - to define a maximum total supply of tokens.
LSP7DigitalAsset.sol 28 Standard version of the LSP7 standard. submodules/ERC725/implementations/contracts/: ERC725YCore.sol
LSP7MintableInitAbstract.sol 31 Preset deployable contract (Abstract proxy version without a public initialize(...) function) - same as LSP7Mintable.sol.
LSP7CompatibleERC20MintableInitAbstract.sol 23 Preset deployable contract (Abstract Proxy version without a public initialize(...) function) - same as LSP7Mintable.sol.
LSP7Mintable.sol 19 Preset deployable contract (Standard version) - contains a public mint(...) only callable by the owner.
LSP7CompatibleERC20Mintable.sol 17 Preset deployable contract (Standard version) - same as LSP7CompatibleERC20.sol with a public mint(...) function only callable by the owner.
LSP7Errors.sol 22 Custom errors related to the internal logic of LSP7DigitalAssetCore.sol.
LSP7CompatibleERC20MintableInit.sol 16 Preset deployable contract (Abstract Proxy version without a public initialize(...) function) - same as LSP7CompatibleERC20Mintable.sol
LSP7MintableInit.sol 20 Preset deployable contract (Proxy version) - same as LSP7Mintable.sol
ILSP7CompatibleERC20.sol 21 Interface to enable backward compatibility between LSP7 and the functions from the ERC20 standard.
ILSP7Mintable.sol 10 Interface for a public mint(...) function for a LSP7 fungible token.
LSP7Burnable.sol 7 Standard extension that implements a public burn(...) function to burn a specified amount of tokens.
LSP7BurnableInitAbstract.sol 9 Abstract Proxy extension that implements a public burn(...) function to burn a specified amount of tokens.
LSP7Constants.sol 4 Contains the standard LSP1 type IDs defined in the LSP7 Digital Asset standard, as well as its ERC165 interface ID.
LSP8IdentifiableDigitalAssetCore.sol 295 Core implementation of the LSP8 standard, a smart contract that represents a non-fungible token. @openzeppelin/contracts: [EnumerableSet.sol, ERC165Checker.sol]
LSP8CompatibleERC721InitAbstract.sol 241 Extension (Abstract Proxy version) - of the ILSP8CompatibleERC721 interface, without a public initialize(...) function. @openzeppelin/contracts: EnumerableSet.sol, solidity-bytes-utils: BytesLib.sol
LSP8CompatibleERC721.sol 231 Extension (Standard version) - of the ILSP8CompatibleERC721 interface. @openzeppelin/contracts: EnumerableSet.sol, solidity-bytes-utils: BytesLib.sol
ILSP8IdentifiableDigitalAsset.sol 54 Interface that describes the standard functions and events defined in the LSP8 Identifiable Digital Asset standard.
LSP8EnumerableInitAbstract.sol 34 Extension (Abstract proxy version) - to enable enumerating over the list of tokenIds.
LSP8Enumerable.sol 36 Extension (Standard version) - to enable enumerating over the list of tokenIds.
LSP8CappedSupplyInitAbstract.sol 33 Extension (Abstract proxy version without a public initialize(...) function) - to define a maximum total supply of tokens.
LSP8CappedSupply.sol 29 Extension (Standard version) - to define a maximum total supply of tokens.
LSP8IdentifiableDigitalAssetInitAbstract.sol 33 Abstract Proxy version of the LSP8 standard without a public initialize(...) function. submodules/ERC725/implementations/contracts/: ERC725YCore.sol
LSP8MintableInitAbstract.sol 29 Preset deployable contract (Abstract proxy version without a public initialize(...) function) - same as LSP8Mintable.sol
ILSP8CompatibleERC721.sol 23 Interface to enable backward compatibility between LSP8 and functions from the ERC721 standard.
LSP8IdentifiableDigitalAsset.sol 27 Standard version of the LSP8 standard. erc725/smart-contracts: ERC725YCore.sol
LSP8CompatibleERC721MintableInitAbstract.sol 23 Preset deployable contract (Abstract Proxy version without a public initialize(...) function) - same as LSP8Mintable.sol.
LSP8Mintable.sol 20 Preset deployable contract (Standard version) - contains a public mint(...) only callable by the owner.
LSP8CompatibleERC721Mintable.sol 17 Preset deployable contract (Standard version) - same as LSP8CompatibleERC721.sol with a public mint(...) function only callable by the owner.
LSP8CompatibleERC721MintableInit.sol 22 Preset deployable contract (Abstract Proxy version without a public initialize(...) function) - same as LSP8CompatibleERC721Mintable.sol
LSP8Errors.sol 16 Custom errors related to the internal logic of LSP8IdentifiableDigitalAssetCore.sol.
LSP8MintableInit.sol 14 Preset deployable contract (Proxy version) - same as LSP8Mintable.sol
LSP8Burnable.sol 13 Extension that implements a public burn(...) function for LSP8 to burn a specific tokenId.
ILSP8Mintable.sol 12 Interface for a public mint(...) function for a LSP8 non-fungible token.
LSP8Constants.sol 6 Contains the standard ERC725Y metadata keys, LSP1 type IDs defined in the LSP8 standard, as well as its ERC165 interface ID.
LSP14Ownable2Step.sol 95 Core implementation of the LSP14 standard. submodules/ERC725/implementations/contracts/: [custom/OwnableUnset.sol]
ILSP14Ownable2Step.sol 13 Interface that describes the standard functions and events defined in the LSP14 Ownable 2 Step standard.
LSP14Constants.sol 5 Contains the LSP1 type IDs defined in the LSP14 standard, as well as its ERC165 interface ID.
LSP14Errors.sol 6 Custom errors related to the internal logic of LSP14Ownable2Step.sol.
LSP17Extendable.sol 59 Core implementation of the LSP17 standard. Extendable contract fallback logic. @openzeppelin/contracts/: [ERC165.sol, ERC165Checker.sol]
LSP17Extension.sol 29 Core implementation of the LSP17 standard. Extension logic. @openzeppelin/contracts/: ERC165.sol
LSP17Constants.sol 4 Contains the standard ERC725Y metadata keys & ERC165 interface ID defined in the LSP17 standard.
LSP17Errors.sol 2 Custom errors related to the internal logic of LSP17Extendable.sol.
LSP17Utils.sol 9 Library of utility functions used to help handling LSP17 Contract Extensins
LSP20CallVerification.sol 60 Core implementation of the LSP20 Standard.
ILSP20CallVerifier.sol 12 Interface that describes the standard functions and events defined in the LSP20 standard.
LSP20Constants.sol 6 Contains the ERC165 interface ID and return values defined in the LSP20 standard.
LSP20Errors.sol 3 Custom errors related to the internal logic of LSP20CallVerification.sol.
Other Libraries & Constants
LSP2Utils.sol (only 4 functions in scope) Library of functions to construct ERC725Y Data Keys based on their key type defined by a LSP2 JSON Schema. solidity-bytes-utils: BytesLib.sol
- generateArrayElementKeyAtIndex(bytes32,uint128) 10
- generateMappingKey(bytes10,bytes20) 11
- generateMappingWithGroupingKey(bytes10,bytes20) 11
- isCompactBytesArray(bytes) 19
LSP5Utils.sol 123 Library of functions to register and manage assets stored in an ERC725Y smart contract storage. solidity-bytes-utils: BytesLib.sol
LSP5Constants.sol 3 Contains the standard ERC725Y metadata keys, defined in the LSP5 standard.
LSP10Utils.sol 113 Library of functions to register and manage vaults stored in an ERC725Y smart contract storage. solidity-bytes-utils: BytesLib.sol
LSP10Constants.sol 3 Contains the standard ERC725Y metadata keys, defined in the LSP10 standard.

Out of scope

Out of Scope Details
contracts/LSP9Vault We decided to incude them in this repository in order for the wardens to get familiar with LSP9Vault, because it's used and mentioned in the LSP1UniversalReceiverDelegateUP to register the addresses of the received vaults to an LSP0ERC725Account.
contracts/Mocks Those contracts are only used for testing.

Additional Context

  • The LSP1UniversalReceiverDelegateUP contract will be used as the primary UniversalReceiverDelegate (not a UniversalReceiverDelegate mapped to a specific typeId via the LSP1UniversalReceiverDelegate:<typeId> data key) for the majority of UniversalProfiles deployed on the network. Instead of deploying a UniversalReceiverDelegate for each individual UniversalProfile, this contract operates based on global variables and parameters. A single instance of this contract will be deployed and assigned to all UniversalProfiles.

    Additionally, this contract will be granted the SUPER_SETDATA and REENTRANCY permissions across all UniversalProfiles, according to LSP6KeyManager. Given this design and architecture, it's essential to investigate and identify potential bugs or vulnerabilities thoroughly. Particular attention should be given to any possible loopholes that could allow for unintended write access to the storage of contracts beyond the msg.sender (the UniversalProfile initiating the call), bypassing of permissions, among other security concerns.

  • The architecture implemented in this repository comprises a core contract that encapsulates the main logic and two other contracts that inherit from this core contract. One is designed for the standard constructor version, and the other is designed as an initializable version. The initializable version is intentionally created for MinimalProxies (EIP1167), not for upgradeable proxies (as of the current state). Consequently, no gaps have been introduced or need to respect the use of a separate package.

    Meanwhile, the LUKSO team is developing a transpiler to streamline this process. This transpiler will eliminate the need for the core contract, allowing for constructor contracts in a repository. Then, the transpiler will convert all the code into an initializable version compatible with both upgradeable and minimal proxies in a separate repository.

  • In the execute(uint256,address,uint256,bytes) function of ERC725X, no additional checks have been introduced to verify that the owner has not changed following a delegatecall. This is a design choice, as introducing such checks might give a false sense of security. It is possible that a malicious actor could momentarily alter the owner variable during the delegatecall, and do malicious action and reset it afterwards, thereby bypassing the check. Additionally, the importance of the owner variable may vary between different contracts and implementations. For instance, a delegatecall could modify the ERC725Y storage, which might serve as the principal access point to the account in certain cases. This is particularly relevant when the account is owned by an LSP6KeyManager, where permissions are stored in the ERC725Y storage rather than being tied to the owner variable.

LSP7CompatibleERC20 and LSP8CompatibleERC721

LSP7 and LSP8 are different in terms of their interface and the way to interact with them compared to the traditional ERC20 and ERC721 token standards. We have also included two contracts that can be used and interacted with the same way as you would interact with ERC20 / ERC721 tokens while leveraging the core functionalities of the LSP7/8 standards.

  • LSP7CompatibleERC20, which contains all the LSP7 public functions + the following ERC20 public functions: allowance(...), approve(...), transfer(...) and transferFrom(...)
  • LSP8CompatibleERC721, which contains the LSP8 public functions + the following ERC721 public functions: tokenURI(...), ownerOf(...), getApproved(...), isApprovedForAll(...), approve(...), setApprovalForAll(...), transferFrom(...), safeTransferFrom(...) and authorizeOperator(...).

This means that all the logic of the native LSP7/LSP8 functions for token transfers and operator approvals are wrapped inside the ERC20/ERC721 related functions.

In details, in LSP7CompatibleERC20, for any of these transfer and approval functions.

  • LSP7.transfer(address,address,uint256,bool,bytes)
  • LSP7.authorizeOperator(address,address,uint256)
  • ERC20.transfer(address,uint256)
  • ERC20.transferFrom(address,address,uint256)
  • ERC20.approve(address,uint256)

The behavior specific to this contract is as follow:

  • the LSP1.universalReceiver(...) function on the from and to address is made when calling any of the transfer functions listed above (whether from LSP7 or ERC20).
  • the ERC20 Transfer event is emitted for any of the transfer functions listed above (whether from LSP7 or ERC20).
  • the ERC20 Approval event is emitted in both the LSP7.authorizeOperator(...) and the ERC20.approve(...) function.

In details, in LSP8CompatibleERC721, for any of these transfer and approval functions.

  • LSP8.transfer(address,address,bytes32,bool,bytes)
  • LSP8.authorizeOperator(address,address,bytes32)
  • ERC721.transferFrom(address,address,uint256)
  • ERC721.safeTransferFrom(address,address,uint256)
  • ERC721.safeTransferFrom(address,address,uint256,bytes)
  • ERC721.approve(address,uint256)

The behavior specific to this contract is as follow:

  • the LSP1.universalReceiver(...) function on the from and to address is made when calling any of the transfer functions listed above (whether from LSP8 or ERC721).
  • the ERC721 Transfer event is emitted for any of the transfer functions listed above (whether from LSP8 or ERC721).
  • the ERC721 Approval event is emitted in both the LSP8.authorizeOperator(...) and the ERC721.approve(...) function.

Scoping Details

- If you have a public code repo, please share it here:
- How many contracts are in scope?:   53
- Total SLoC for these contracts?:  3469
- How many external imports are there?: 3
- How many separate interfaces and struct definitions are there for the contracts within scope?:  14
- Does most of your code generally use composition or inheritance?:   Inheritance
- How many external calls?:   0
- What is the overall line coverage percentage provided by your tests?:  90
- Is there a need to understand a separate part of the codebase / get context in order to audit this part of the protocol?:   True
- Please describe required context:   Understanding of ERC725 + the LSP standards
- Does it use an oracle?:  No
- Does the token conform to the ERC20 standard?:  True
- Are there any novel or unique curve logic or mathematical models?: The ERC725Account is a blockchain account, that can do several stuff execution, setting data, validating signatures, receiving and reacting on universalReceiver calls, extend the account with extensions.  The owner can execute certain functions, as well as addresses allowed by the logic of the owner. (If the caller is not the owner, verification is forwarded to the owner)  The LSP6KeyManager is a smart contract that can own the ERC725Account and allow certain calls to the account linked (ERC725Account) based on the permissions of the caller which are stored in the ERC725Account. Also this contract allows relay execution.  LSP1UniversalReceiverDelegate is a contract design to be set as a UniversalReceiverDelegate of the account to react on certain universalReceiver calls, to register the asset of the tokens and vaults received. LSP7 and LSP8 are new token standards based on LSP4 that allow adding metadata to the tokens contracts themselves. Their interface is built in a unified way, using the same functions for transferring tokens and approving operators, including the same number of parameters (and their types) for these functions. They also include features via LSP1 to notify the sender and the recipient on transfer of receiving tokens.
- Does it use a timelock function?:
- Is it an NFT?: True
- Does it have an AMM?: No
- Is it a fork of a popular project?: False
- Does it use rollups?: No
- Is it multi-chain?: LUKSO itself is not a multi-chain. The lsp-smart-contracts are initially intended to be used on the LUKSO network. However, the Universal Profile of a user could be deployed at the same address across multiple chains (using for instance Nick's method), to enable the user to use the same UP across multiple networks / chains and offer a different user experience.
- Does it use a side-chain?: No



git clone \
&& cd 2023-06-lukso \
&& git submodule update --init --recursive \
&& npm install \
&& cd ./submodules/ERC725/implementations && npm install && cd ../../../


  1. Clone the repository and change the working directory.
git clone
cd 2023-06-lukso
  1. Install the submodules (forge-std for the Foundry tests + the ERC725 smart contracts)
git submodule update --init --recursive
  1. Install the dependencies (of both the lsp-smart-contracts and the ERC725 submodule)
npm install
cd ./submodules/ERC725/implementations && npm install
cd ../../../


To compile the contracts

npm run build

Hardhat Tests

Note: some hardhat tests related to setting the Allowed Calls of a controller under the AddressPermissions:AllowedCalls:<address> data key in the LSP6 Key Manager are currently skipped (via .skip). They come from an older version of the Key Manager that has been refactored, where the behaviour and custom errors used have changed. These tests have not been updated, do not test for the correct behaviour anymore and are marked as skipped for this reason.

To run the mocha unit tests:

npm run test

While it take time to run the full tests using the command above, it is recommended to run the tests seperatly for each contract with the following commands:

npm run test:lsp1

## OR

npm run test:up

## OR

npm run test:lsp7

You can find the full list of tests commands in package.json

Gas benchmark

The test benchmark is for the standard version of the contract and not the proxy version.

To run the gas benchmark tests:

npm run test:benchmark

The foundry tests will also output a gas report.

Foundry Tests

To run foundry tests (with gas report)


git submodule update --init --recursive --remote
curl -L | bash


forge install

forge test

Code Coverage

Additionally, you can run the coverage:

Coverage might fail if the contract size exceeds the limit (coverage run without optimization)

npm run test:coverage

To view the report, open coverage/index.html in your browser.

Contract Size

Get the contract size by running

npx hardhat size-contracts


Before deployment, add a private key to .env file in the root of the project in this variable DEPLOYER_PRIVATE_KEY= ".." and make sure the EOA has enough LYXt to fund the deployment of the contracts on LUKSO's Testnet (Faucet link:

It is possible to run the following commands to deploy few contracts according to the scripts in ./deploy folder:

npx hardhat deploy --network luksoTestnet --tags UniversalProfile

npx hardhat deploy --network luksoTestnet --tags LSP6KeyManager

npx hardhat deploy --network luksoTestnet --tags LSP1UniversalReceiverDelegateUP

// The Mintable preset of LSP7
npx hardhat deploy --network luksoTestnet --tags LSP7Mintable

// The Mintable preset of LSP8
npx hardhat deploy --network luksoTestnet --tags LSP8Mintable

npx hardhat deploy --network luksoTestnet --tags LSP9Vault

It is also possible to verify the contracts deployed:

npx hardhat verify --network luksoTestnet --contract contracts/UniversalProfile.sol:UniversalProfile <address of the UniversalProfile deployed> <address of the deployer>

npx hardhat verify --network luksoTestnet --contract contracts/LSP6KeyManager/LSP6KeyManager.sol:LSP6KeyManager <address of the KeyManager deployed> <address of the target controlled (UP)>

npx hardhat verify --network luksoTestnet --contract contracts/LSP6KeyManager/LSP6KeyManager.sol:LSP6KeyManager <address of the KeyManager deployed> <address of the target controlled (UP)>

npx hardhat verify --network luksoTestnet --contract contracts/LSP1UniversalReceiver/LSP1UniversalReceiverDelegateUP/LSP1UniversalReceiverDelegateUP.sol:LSP1UniversalReceiverDelegateUP <address of the LSP1UniversalReceiverDelegateUP deployed>

npx hardhat verify --network luksoTestnet --contract contracts/LSP1UniversalReceiver/LSP1UniversalReceiverDelegateUP/LSP1UniversalReceiverDelegateUP.sol:LSP1UniversalReceiverDelegateUP <address of the LSP1UniversalReceiverDelegateUP deployed>

npx hardhat verify --network luksoTestnet --contract contracts/LSP7DigitalAsset/presets/LSP7Mintable.sol:LSP7Mintable <address of the LSP7 deployed> 'LSP7 Mintable' 'LSP7M' <address of the deployer> false

npx hardhat verify --network luksoTestnet --contract contracts/LSP8IdentifiableDigitalAsset/presets/LSP8Mintable.sol:LSP8Mintable <address of the LSP8 deployed> 'LSP8 Mintable' 'LSP8M' <address of the deployer>

npx hardhat verify --network luksoTestnet --contract contracts/LSP9Vault/LSP9Vault.sol:LSP9Vault <address of the LSP9 deployed> <address of the deployer>

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