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khiin's Introduction

Khíín Tâigí Phah Jī Hoat





Khíín consists of separate projects in the following folders:

  • engine: The cross-platform IME engine that plugs in to each app (libkhiin). (c++17)
  • windows: A win32 Text Services Framework TSF application. (c++17)
  • android: A Jetpack Compose based Android Input Method Service application. (kotlin)

Engine (khiin.lib / libkhiin.a)


The following dependencies are included in the source tree (third_party) and do not need to be installed separately:

  • utf8cpp v3.2.1 (BSL-1.0)
  • unilib v3.2.0 (MPL-2.0)
    • Modified to be header only, included in third_party/unilib
    • ufal/unilib
  • simpleini v4.19 (MIT)
  • spdlog v1.9.2 (MIT)

The following dependencies require additional installation:

These packages can be installed with vcpkg:

git clone --depth 1 --branch 2023.02.24
cd vcpkg
bootstrap-vcpkg.bat -disableMetrics
./vcpkg install sqlitecpp protobuf gtest --triplet=x64-windows-static-md

For release you will also need the x86 packages:

./vcpkg install sqlitecpp protobuf gtest --triplet=x86-windows-static-md

For Visual Studio integration:

./vcpkg integrate install

You must also set the environment variable VCPKG_ROOT=/path/to/vcpkg.


Supports protobuf-lite. Full protobuf is not needed.

Generated files are checked in to the proto folder, and do not need to be regenerated unless you make any changes. For building, you only need to link to the libprotobuf-lite[d].lib (d for Debug version).

Protobuf C++ files are not currently automatically generated. This should be fixed in the future. In the meantime, to re-build protobuf generated files after modification, go to the proto folder and run:

/path/to/protoc.exe --cpp_out=proto proto/*.proto

If you are using vcpkg on Windows, you will find this tool at:



The engine folder contains a cmake project. For building in Visual Studio, update CmakeSettings.json::cmakeToolchain to point to your vcpkg.cmake file.

The engine has been built and tested to work on Linux (Ubuntu) with GCC 9, see engine/ for details.

Protobuf is used for all app-to-engine communication, in order to simplify communication across boundaries like JNI or over the internet via gRPC.

At present, the engine only supports one client app at a time, but it should be possible to extend this to multiple clients to make at least the basic features available in an online demo.


The khiin.db SQLite database contains all of the information required for default input conversion and character selection (ordering). This database is generated from the data provided by Tâijī Siā, and may be found in the khiin-data repository.

The database is continually updated with user data during use, to improve candidate prediction based on a simple N-gram model that currently uses 1-gram and 2-gram frequencies. In the future this may be extended to other precition algorithms for better results.

Users may provide an additional custom dictionary file, which is simply a text file listing rows of space-delimited input output options to display as candidates. (Everything after the first space is taken as the output.) These candidates are displayed in addition to the default database.

At present, data is not shared at all, and is strictly used within the application itself. In future we would like to add an option to sync user's data across devices, and an option to allow users to share their (anonymized) data with us for improving our corpus.

Windows IME

The Windows TSF TextInputProcessor DLL application is found in the windows/KhiinWindows.sln Visual Studio solution. Built using Visual Studio Community 2022.

DLL Registration

Prior to deveopment, you must uninstall any previously installed version of the IME from the system. After building both libkhiin and the KhiinWindows.sln solution, you can manually register the DLL file in an elevated PowerShell as follows:

cd windows\out\build\x64-Debug
regsvr32.exe /s KhiinPJH.dll    # /s for silent install

To register the x86 (32-bit) DLL, use an elevated 32-bit cmd.exe prompt (C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe, not PowerShell), then run:

cd windows\out\build\x86-Debug
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\regsvr32.exe /s KhiinPJH.dll

You should unregister these DLLs when you are not actively developing:

regsvr32.exe /s /u KhiinPJH.dll     # /u to unregister

# In a 32-bit cmd.exe
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\regsvr32.exe /u /s KhiinPJH.dll

The registration command will run the DLL using the entry point tip/DllModule.cpp#DllRegisterServer, which delegates all of the registration commands to Registrar.cpp. The main requirement is simply to write the registry entries needed for the IME show up in the Windows taskbar and language settings pages.

TIP (Text Input Processor)

The Windows TSF (Text Services Framework) is an expansive and highly over-engineered tool, at least for our use case. However, we need good TSF integration to ensure that the IME works with as many applications as possible.

The entire application has been written from scratch in modern C++17, using some tools from C++/WinRT( which help make COM programming easier and less error-prone. (In particular com_ptr and implements are very useful.)

We referred to at least half a dozen different open source TSF IMEs throughout development, since Microsoft documentation is imprecise or out of date in many areas.

Hopefully this application will also serve as a good reference point for others who wish to build Windows TSF IMEs.

The main DLL module code is found in the windows/tip folder. The following are important classes to be aware of:

  • TextService: implements the main TSF interface ITfTextInputProcessorEx, among others. Also the main interface used to pass messages between different parts of the program.
  • EngineController: connects to the actual processing Engine from libkhiin.
  • CompositionMgr: manipulates the in-line "pre-edit" text shown at the caret position in an application, including decorations like underlines for different states of input
  • CandidateListUI: prepares data for and controls display of the CandidateWindow
  • KeyEventSink: collect key events from the system, including regular keys and "preserved keys" (a.k.a. keyboard shortcuts registered with TSF)
  • EditSession: obtains the TfEditCookie (session token). A new session token is required for every interaction with the composition. (Namely: setting, clearing, or measuring text, etc.)
  • KhiinClassFactory: creates a TextService when the DLL is initialized by TSF

There are many other classes, most of which provide some minor but required function, some of which don't seem to be required but are found in most example IMEs, including Microsoft's sample IME. In any event, those classes listed above are where most of the actual work happens.

The Windows app is only intended to support Windows 10 and above, and has not been tested on Windows 7 or 8. There are almost definitely some API calls or libraries used which are not available prior to Windows 10. If you want to develop Windows 7/8 support, feel free to work on it but it might be a big project for a small (and shrinking) user base. The Windows app includes a 32-bit DLL only to support 32-bit applications on 64-bit Windows 10.

Settings App

The settings app is a basic property sheet application, with a few dialog boxes and standard Win32 controls.

Most settings are saved in khiin_config.ini, which is then read by the DLL to load the configuration options.

Some settings are saved in the registry, but we will migrate these so that everything is saved in the ini.

WiX Installer

In the KhiinInstaller package, Registry.wxs enables proper Windows installation and uninstallation support. Many other IMEs use the DLL's own self-registration, but this may leave behind unneeded / unwated registry data upon uninstallation.

The recommended solution is to provide all necessary registration information directly in the .msi installation package. In order to obtain this information, you may use the self-registering DLL and take a diff of the registry before and after registration. Export the diff to a .reg file, which can then be consumed by WiX. Below is a step-by-step guide to recreating Registry.wxs:

  1. Prepare builds of both 64-bit and 32-bit DLLs.
  2. Download the RegistryChangesView tool.
  3. Open the tool and take a registry snapshot.
  4. Use both 64- and 32-bit regsvr32.exe to install both DLLs.
  5. Press OK to begin comparison.
  6. Select all keys and values that were added as a result of KhiinPJH::Registrar.cpp (namely, all the related CLSID and CTF/TIP elements).
  7. Export the selection as a .reg file (e.g. khiin-windows.reg)
  8. Use the WiX heat.exe tool to build a .wxs file: heat.exe reg .\khiin-windows.reg -dr INSTALLDIR64 -srd -gg -sfrag -suid -out tmp.wxs
  9. Modify the contents of tmp.wxs according to the existing Registry.wxs formatting, and change any path names (to the DLL file) using the existing variables.

If any registry entries need to be added or changed (see tip/Registrar.[h/cpp]), you must re-do the above steps and update Registry.wxs accordingly.

The installer comes in two language varieties, Taiwanese (HanLo) and English. They install the exact same application binaries, and the application itself supports Taiwanese (HanLo), Taiwanese (Lomaji), and English. The application language is user-configurable from the Settings app.

Android App

The Android IME is currently in progress. It is a modern Jetpack Compose app written in Kotlin, and uses the Android NDK / JNI to load and communicate with libkhiin.

Setting up the NDK toolchain

libkhiin needs to be cross-compiled for the four Android platforms:

  • arm
  • arm64
  • x86
  • x86-64

You may install the platform specific libkhiin dependencies again using vcpkg:

./vcpkg install sqlitecpp:x86-android sqlitecpp:x64-android sqlitecpp:arm-neon-android sqlitecpp:arm64-android
./vcpkg install protobuf:x86-android protobuf:x64-android protobuf:arm-neon-android protobuf:arm64-android

You must also set these environment variables:

  • ANDROID_NDK_HOME=/path/to/Android/Sdk/ndk/25.2.9519653
  • VCPKG_ROOT=/path/to/vcpkg

For build details, refer to android/app/build.gradle.kts sections externalNativeBuild (there are two), and the associated CMakeLists.txt in the same folder.

Currently, the libkhiin and android cmake workflows are not very well structured. They should probably be improved to use find_package in the future (or a different build system altogether, like Bazel).

khiin's People


aiongg avatar bingyanglin avatar


cathaylab avatar Tiatlêng avatar Yohei Yukawa avatar Ngô͘ Hê-bí avatar


Ngô͘ Hê-bí avatar  avatar

khiin's Issues

Regression: automatic mode not showing possible candidates

This was working prior at 54ce721 prior to the big DB refactor. Right now a simple input of lisi in automatic mode, which should produce 汝是 as the top candidate, does not show either. It looks like it has something to do with the tones not being typed out. I did change some things in the search process / CandidateFinder to do with the TaiToken::input_size property, which might affect this.

It could also be that because the key_sequences are now generated ahead of time in Python (see aiong/khiin-data), we are tagging the input_size property incorrectly. Maybe it should be the size of the original input, before any tones were stripped. (e.g. "li" should have an input size of 3 when it represents "li2".) I'm not sure if this has anything to do with it or not, but it might.

Needs more research.

Engine can be instantiated in C++ and commands sent through JNI

The khiin::engine::Engine is created as a std::unique_ptr. It should be released and delivered back to Kotlin as a regular Long to keep the Engine instance available throughout the app lifecycle. Engine methods should pass this pointer back through JNI, together with the protobuf command to send to the engine. Engine instance must be deleted when the app/service shuts down.

Khiin Mac and Khiin iOS

For the eventual Mac & iOS apps, the engine will need to be buildable for these targets. I'm not sure what the latest status on this topic is, since I haven't had an Apple machine for a while. It should be possible to either use the C++ directly, or wrap it in Objective-C. See this question on SO.

See also the UIKit docs for a custom keyboard and InputMethodKit.

Feature breakdown:

  • Building khiin engine for iOS & Mac
  • Loading and calling khiin engine methods from iOS / Mac code
  • Passing protobuf data back and forth between engine & client app
  • Keyboard UI (keys & candidate display)
  • Additional UI (settings, etc.)

Handle additional key combinations

Currently for many key combinations, we collect them but do not handle them. We need to decide which combinations we will handle and for what purposes, and otherwise allow them to be passed back to Windows. For example, Shift + Arrow keys normally allows the user to select text in the input field. We probably want to keep this behavior, so we should not collect Shift + Arrow.

These checks and pass/reject should happen somewhere in KeyEventSink.

Make engine processing asynchronous

Communication between the Windows client app and the engine is currently synchronous. This is particularly problematic for longer database operations like initialization, which causes a very short hiccup that blocks the UI thread (it used to be half a second and is now <100ms). The client/engine communication should happen asynchronously to prevent any UI blocking.

This is the method in the Windows client application that calls the engine library and needs to be revised:

Fix unknown crashes

There is at least one or potentially a few different crashes that I believe are the result of null pointers. (Edit: or not, see below.) I have not been able to locate the source of them yet. Debugging is a hassle because you need to attach to an app like Notepad, but the IME DLL will then be loaded into whatever application you are using for debugging (e.g. Visual Studio) and subsequently cause another crash.

I've tried to use iterators as much as possible to limit the possibility of going beyond array bounds, but apparently I missed some that have still not been resolved. I believe the problem areas are around BufferMgr.cpp#L561 or potentially in BufferElement.cpp.

Create keyboard viewmodel

The keyboard viewmodel should handle communication with the EngineManager and provide UI state for the on screen keyboard.

Move raw input generation to khiin-data

Currently, the database contains entries in Lômájī, and we generate the raw input sequences (e.g. Lo5ma2ji7) here. This logic should be moved out of the engine and into khiin-data so that it is available statically within the engine and does not need to be generated dynamically. The original idea was to allow users to select their own keys for certain items like tones, and regenerate these input sequence maps on demand. However, this generation is too slow and making it happen in a background thread was more difficult than expected. Moving it into khiin-data (in Python) would be much easier at this point.

Manual input mode

Manual input mode is stubbed but not yet implemented.

Manual input mode should be fairly straightforward: we do not show any candidate window by default as the user is typing. Tone keys and spaces are consumed as their usual functions (vs. Hanji modes where space begins candidate selection). Manual input mode should work with tone number keys or our Tai Telex schema:

2 > s
3 > f
5 > l
7,8 > j (depending on the final consonant being h)

User should still have the option to bring up the candidate window by pressing tab to select a Hanji, but it is otherwise not shown.

Design keyboard UI

  • UI should be themeable. User can select colors and whether the keys are flat or colored in.
  • Follow standard Google keyboard design patterns for best user experience.
  • Keys should popup briefly on tap, and more options should pop up on long press (select by dragging).

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