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q_learning_project's Introduction


Team: Elizabeth Singer, Adam Weider, and Katie Hughes


See SETUP for instructions on setting up and running the project.

Objectives Description

Our goal was to use a Q learning algorithm and reinforcement learning to teach the turtlebot to find the correct placement of dumbbells in front of corresponding numbered blocks. The next set of objectives was to use perception to identify the colored dumbbells and numbered blocks and robot manipulation to execute the strategy learned in the Q learning stage. We also used navigation and proportional control to properly align the robot, pick up the blocks, and place them in the right places. Essentially, the robot used Q learning to learn how to find the right combination of dumbbells and blocks, perception to see which dumbbells and blocks it was looking at, navigation to get to the right blocks, and robot arm manipulation to pick up and put down the dumbbells in the place perceived by perception according to the strategy derived using q learning.

High-level description

We use a q-learning algorithm to determine the correct orientation of the dumbbells. The algorithm progressively fills in a matrix, where the rows represent the possible states (which dumbbell is at which block) and the columns represent possible actions the robot can take (moving a particular dumbbell to a particular block). We created an action matrix to determine which actions are allowed at each state. This limited the possible state transitions so that only moves of a single dumbbell from the origin to an empty block are allowed. In the bulk of our algorithm, we begin from the initial state where every dumbbell is at the origin. Using the action matrix, we chose a random allowed action from this state, transition to that state, and receive a reward from performing that action. A function of the reward, plus any rewards that are obtainable from the new state, is stored in the q-matrix. As the algorithm progresses, and the robot tries out many different random combinations of allowed actions, the actions that lead to future rewards are incremented in the q-matrix. This allows us to “trace out” the optimal path by examining the maximum values of the q-matrix at the robot’s current state. Eventually, the robot learns which actions will be rewarded the most in the future.

The Q-matrix converges, and then TurtleBot3 performs the optimal three actions


Q-learning algorithm

Selecting and executing actions for the robot (or phantom robot) to take

  • We select actions for the phantom robot to take by using the action matrix, which tells which actions are legal given a specific state of the robot. Once we have a list of legal actions, we randomly choose one and publish the desired action. We include some rospy.sleep() calls in order to ensure that the reward is received before proceeding.

  • The action matrix is created in initialize_action_matrix. The selection of a random action given the current state is done at the beginning of the fill_qmatrix function. This is also where we publish the movements to the phantom robot. We use a variety of helper functions to translate between the state and action numbers and the orientations of the dumbbells. These are the functions find_state, locations_from_state, find_action, and inverse_action. We also have helper functions to check if a particular dumbbell configuration is allowed (valid_state), to apply an action to a state and get the resulting state (apply_action), and check if the state is an “end state” where every dumbbell is at a block, and there are no more legal moves (end_state).

Updating the Q-matrix

  • We update the q-matrix via the algorithm described on the project page. Once a particular action has been performed and a reward has been received, we look at the potential rewards from the new robot state (by looking up another appropriate row in the q-matrix) and take the maximum value. We chose to use the parameters alpha = 1 and gamma = 0.5. We increment the value of the current index in the q-matrix by the quantity alpha * (reward + gamma * maximum_value - current_index).

  • Updating the q-matrix also happens in the fill_qmatrix function. We check if the updated value of the q-matrix is the same as it was before, and if it is not, we change it and publish the new q-matrix.

Determining when to stop iterating through the Q-learning algorithm

  • We stop iterating through the q-learning algorithm after a certain threshold of iterations without an update. Through some trial and error we determined that the best threshold value is around 75.

  • The parameters that determine when to stop are threshold and self.count, both used in fill_qmatrix. The count variable increments every time an update is not made and is set to 0 otherwise. The algorithm stops when self.count is equal to the threshold.

Maximizing reward after the Q-Matrix has converged

  • To determine the most optimal path after the q-matrix has converged, we locate the current state of the robot, and look up the possible actions that can be taken from that state (which is a row in the q-matrix). We find which index has the maximum value, which corresponds to which action has the maximum future reward. If there is more than one maximum we randomly choose one of them. Then, we perform that action. This process repeats until the robot ends up in its final state and receives the reward.

  • We evaluate an optimal set of actions after the q-matrix has converged in the fill_qmatrix function. I calculate the set of 3 actions and publish them to a new topic called q_learning/optimal actions. The published message holds a list of RobotMoveDBToBlock messages, in the order they should be executed. The following scripts subscribe to this topic to receive the actions.

Robot perception

Identifying the locations and identities of each of the colored dumbbells

  • The colored dumbbells are identified using CV2 operations for masking colors in images provided by the robot camera. The center pixel coordinates of the current dumbbell color in the image are computed. If no coordinates are found, the dumbbell is assumed to be out of frame, and the robot rotates to have the dumbbell enter into frame. Once the center of the color is determined, the x-offset from the center of the image is used to compute an error factor for the alignment of the TurtleBot and the dumbbell. Proportional control is applied to this error for finding the appropriate angular velocity at which to face the dumbbell of interest.

  • scripts/perception/

    • locate_color(range, img) - Locate the center of the given HSV color range range in the image img. CV2 operations are used to mask the image, calculate the resulting moments, and compute the pixel center of the color range. If the center cannot be computed, None is returned.
  • scripts/

    • Lines 559-578 of update(msg, model) - Dumbbell alignment error is computed using locate_color applied to the color range for the target dumbbell. If the center of the color range cannot be found (i.e. if no objects with such colors are present in the image), the bot begins turning slowly to allow the dumbbell to enter into view. If the alignment error is under a set threshold close to zero, the bot switches states to begin approaching the dumbbell. Otherwise, proportional control is used to compute an appropriate angular velocity for rotating the bot to face the dumbbell.

Identifying the locations and identities of each of the numbered blocks

  • When TurtleBot has a dumbbell grasped, it rotates around to the general location of the blocks. Two orientations are specified at which to perform OCR, one between the left and center block, and one between the center and right block. Two orientations are used as, from the distance of the dumbbells, the blocks cannot all fit inside the field of view of the camera; having two perspectives guarantees all blocks are subject to an OCR pass. Like when facing toward the dumbbells, the center pixel coordinates of the bounding box on the recognized character are found, and the x-offset from the center of the image is used to compute angular error. Proportional control is used to compute the appropriate angular velocity for facing the target block.

  • scripts/perception/

    • locate_number(pipeline, num, img) - Use the given Keras OCR pipeline to detect the most front-facing instance of the number num in image img. The result with the bounding box of maximum width is selected as the instance of the number oriented most towards the front. If no instance of the number are found in the image, None is returned.
  • scripts/

    • Lines 447-471 of update(msg, model) - Block alignment error is computed using locate_number applied to the number for the target block. If no instance of the number is found, the bot switches states to rotate towards the next vantage point from which to perform OCR. If an instance is found, the direction to the block is computed from the pixel coordinates of the number, and then the bot switches states to begin rotating, aligning its own direction with that to the block.

Robot manipulation and movement

Moving to the right spot in order to pick up a dumbbell

  • The perception code uses color perception to identify the correct color dumbbell to approach using a combination of the camera and the laser scanner and proportional control. Once within half a meter of the appropriate colored dumbbell, the lift method in the Robot node of uses the laser scanner to align the robot to point directly at the center of the dumbbell using proportional angular/rotational control and then uses proportional distance control to approach the dumbbell. Once it’s in the right place it publishes the action to be taken by the movement node. We use ROS subscribers and publishers to coordinate the handoff between getting to the right location in general, and then publishing a lift command for the Robot node (in on /cmd_arm to which this node subscribes. We then process the message, which is “up” indicating to move the arm to prepare to lift the dumbbell and slowly approach forward while maintaining alignment.

  • Functions involved: face_dumbbell is a method within the robot node that uses proportional angular control to orient the robot so that the handle of the dumbbell is exactly centered in front of the robot. Laser scan messages and twist messages are used to update the range data in this method and to update and control the positioning of the robot. process_scan() is used when lidar scans arrive, and if the turning flag is set, then face_dumbbell is called. command_received is used by the (robot) node to monitor the /cmd_arm topic where the movement node will publish requests to lift/grab or set-down the dumbbell. The /res_arm topic is used to signal when the action is complete with a “done” message. command_received() is a method within the robot node that is called when the /cmd_arm topic has a message. If the message is “up” then the pickup_db method is called, and if the message is “down” then the putdown_db method is called. Any other message signals an error.

Picking up the dumbbell

  • Once properly aligned and at a sufficient distance from the dumbbell, the manipulator arm is placed into a position where it can grab the center of the dumbbell. Using proportional control and forward motion the robot approaches until the gripper is properly around the handle of the dumbbell. Angular and distance control are used for this precise movement. The gripper is closed and the manipulator raises the dumbbell to a position where it can be carried without falling, however the dumbbell is not well-suited to carry and travel with this gripper.

  • Functions involved: pickup_db runs lift_dumbbell (get it out of the way), open_gripper (prepare for grab), face_dumbbell (turn to orient facing the dumbbell), reach_dumbbell (extend arm to grab position), approach_dumbbell (slowly get gripper around handle), close_gripper (grab dumbbell), and lift_dumbbell (Raise overhead). Proccess_scan is run every time a scan is received from the lidar and approach dumbbell and face_dumbbell are called from process scan if the appropriate flags are set requesting these actions. These flags are set within pickup_db so they in effect, call face_dumbbell and approach_dumbbell via the process scan function and the associated flags.

    • open_gripper sets a gripper joint goal and uses the move_group to achieve that goal.

    • close_gripper sets a gripper joint goal and uses the move_group to achieve that goal.

    • reach_dumbbell sets an arm joint goal to position the arm joint to reach out and be ready to grab the dumbbell and uses the move_group to achieve that goal.

    • lift_dumbbell sets an arm joint goal to raise the dumbbell into the air and uses a move_group to affect that motion.

    • face_dumbbell is called by proccess_scan when laser scan data is received if the self.turning flag is true.

    • approach _dumbbell is called in proccess_scan if the self.moving flag is set to true. Approach_dumbbell continues to move forward until the gripper is at the right distance to be able to grab the dumbbell and it publishes twist messages onto cmd_vel to control movement.

    • For Proccess_scan, everytime a Lidar scan is received, if self.turning (the turning flag) is set to true, then face_dumbbell(data) is called to orient towards the dumbbell. If self.moving (the moving flag) is set to true, then approach underscore dumbbell(data) is called. These two functions set the appropriate parameters in self.twist and the twist message is published.

Moving to the desired destination (numbered block) with the dumbbell

  • Unfortunately OCR passes require a significant amount of time, on the order of seconds, while image data is received on the order of hundreds of milliseconds. Thus, angular error cannot be computed at a sufficient speed to adjust the alignment of the bot in real time as it approaches the target block. To compensate for this, we have the bot stop when about halfway to the general location of the block. The bot repeats the OCR pass and alignment step performed previously, thus mitigating angular error which may have developed when moving toward the block. Finally, the bot continues to approach the block, adjusting only linear velocity via error calculated with closest obstacle distance from LiDAR range data.

  • scripts/

    • Lines 496-526 of update(msg, model) - A distance at which to perform re-alignment with the block is computed according to the number of remaining alignments for the trajectory toward the block (we use a starting value of 1, so re-alignment only happens once, though the value could be customized for different behaviors). If the bot is under the alignment distance to the block, then it switches states to run an OCR pass, compute the rotation to the number on the block, and re-align with the block. Otherwise, if the bot is within a set stopping distance to the block, the bot switches states to stop movement and begin placing the dumbbell down. Otherwise, error is calculated using the LiDAR scan ranges, and proportional control is applied to this error to compute an appropriate linear velocity for approaching the block.

Putting the dumbbell back down at the desired destination

  • Once oriented in front of the correct block a calculated sequence of motions are used to lower the dumbbell to the ground, open the manipulator arm, and then move back slowly to leave the dumbbell in an upright position in front of the appropriate block. This action is signaled by the movement node over the /cmd_arm topic with the message “down”.

  • Functions involved: putdown_db is a method that calls set_dumbbell and open_gripper. Set_dumbbell ses an arm joint goal to properly lower the dumbbell to the ground using move_group to affect that goal. It then calls open_gripper to release the dumbbell and then it publishes a twist message to slowly back away from the dumbbell, leaving it in place. Command_received is the method that monitors the topic /cmd_arm and makes hte call to putdown_db when the message is “down”. Once the action is complete, the /res_arm topic is published with the message “done” signaling that the action is completed.

TurtleBot3 picks up and sets down dumbbells

Note: The GIFs are much slower than real time, for some reason. The robot does not actually go this slow. (It may depend on the computer you are viewing on)

MoveLiftSet (1)



  • One thing we struggled with in the q-learning algorithm was receiving the appropriate reward for the action performed. With the first attempt, the entire algorithm ran to completion before a single reward was read in. WIth a second attempt, a rospy.sleep() statement was added between the movement publication and the update of the q-matrix. This read in rewards, but this still sometimes read in the wrong reward for the action. The current working implementation sleeps before the movement publication, after the movement publication, within the callback function to receive the reward, and after receiving a nonzero reward. This makes the algorithm slower, but appears to eliminate the problem of rewards not matching up.

  • The arm manipulation functions had a number of challenges. First, the dumbbells barely seem to fit within the gripper, and finding a set of goal positions for which the dumbbells could be reliably grabbed, lifted, and carried was difficult. One of the challenges was getting the alignment perfect, so that the grabber would fit around the handle without knocking the dumbbell over, and this required precision alignment and a slow approach under proportional alignment and distance control. We think that the dumbbell in future projects could be better fit to be grabbed, as it took a lot of time to get a method for grabbing and raising the dumbbell without it dropping. These were overcome by carefully observing the way the dumbbell would fall, and improving the goal positions. Also, the manipulator is placed in four different positions for orienting toward, approaching, grabbing/raising, and then setting down the dumbbell. This helped to make the operation repeatable. It was difficult to reliably orient precisely in front of the dumbbell. To do this, we had to look at the scan data and not focus on the closest angle in the scan, but on all angles that returned distances less than .5m, and then use the average of these angles as the center of the dumbbell, which was then used in proportional control to reorient and face the dumbbell. To keep this from being too slow, once the orientation was within 2 degrees, the movement could continue. To coordinate control between nodes, we used ROS topics for /cmd_arm and /rsp_arm so that the nodes could be self-contained and not need to access internal operations or methods.

Future work

  • The q-learning algorithm currently takes on the order of 5-10 minutes to converge (~300 total iterations). This is because of the sleep statements, which were added to ensure the correct reward was read in. Reducing the sleep times from 1 to 0.5 seconds created additional problems with getting the correct reward. If we had more time, maybe we could figure out a better way to read in the correct reward so that the algorithm does not take so long.

  • The dumbbell seems too difficult to control with the current method, if it were possible to find a more stable orientation for lifting and carrying the weights, this may help repeatability. However, it is likely that a different dumbbell design would help here. It’s possible that moving the robot forward, while lifting the dumbbell might make this more stable, and given more time, we would explore how robot motion along with arm motion during the lift would help. It was clear that backing away from the dumbbell after depositing it was necessary to enable it to stay vertical.


  • We would tell a future group working on a similar project that by clearly defining the individual roles of the nodes that each partner would primarily design, progress can be made in parallel. This was key for us getting this project done because there are a lot of moving parts and it is a long project! Additionally, Creating customized ROS topics for communication between projects makes compartmentalizing the code easier. Though we had to figure out how to create customized messages, doing so was rewarding but you have to remember to do a catkin make!

  • In terms of tips for tools that are helpful, we would tell a future group working on a similar project that becoming good with git and branches would be helpful, because it added some extra struggles for our group to try to all get on the same page without a lot of experience with github. Additionally, We would tell them that using the GUI was very helpful for identifying the target positions. It saves a lot of time, because it gave a good initial guess to start with.

  • We would also tell a future group working on a similar project that Q learning can take a long time to converge and there are quirks about the messaging between the phantom robot and the rewards that made it difficult to have a fast and efficient algorithm. Despite some of the challenges, we learned that Q learning is great for learning tasks when there is a clearly defined reward and the number of possible states of the system is relatively small so that the robot can learn by trial and error. If the dimension of the problem is much larger, then a different kind of reinforcement learning would be needed. But this form was relatively simple and straightforward to implement. The phantom manipulator definitely sped up the learning process.

TurtleBot3 executes optimal actions following convergence of the Q-matrix

Video here

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