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microservice-architecture-by-example's Introduction

cloud native by example


This demo/showcase should show how some cloud natives principles can be applied in java with several PAAS and CAAS solutions. Don't take it to serious, it's just for me to learn.


I expect the following packages installed locally:

  • virtualbox
  • jdk 8
  • vagrant
  • git client

setups for using PCF, kubernetes, mesos, ...

This installations are optional, but if you want to test the things hands-on you can find installations here how to install it. It's mainly based on local virtual machines, means you can delete it afterwards I will try to offer a local installation and a remote one, because depending on you memory and OS i can be difficult to start things locally

local docker swarm cluster

A simple way is to start some virtual machines, install docker on them. Then start on one vm a master container and join with the other vms. You could use for example

$ cd docker-swarm
$ vagrant up swarm-master
$ vagrant up swarm-node-1
$ vagrant up swarm-node-2
$ vagrant up swarm-node-3

local kubernetes (cluster) for Mac or Linux

We can use minikube ( to run kubernetes locally for linux and MacOS check the release you want here :, for 0.15 it would be


curl -Lo minikube && chmod +x minikube && sudo mv minikube /usr/local/bin/
$ minikube start
Starting local Kubernetes cluster...


curl -Lo minikube && chmod +x minikube && sudo mv minikube /usr/local/bin/
$ minikube start
Starting local Kubernetes cluster...

It's a single node installation, for a more realistic (and resource intensive) cluster you can use:

 # wget version
 export KUBERNETES_PROVIDER=vagrant; wget -q -O - | bash

see desciption here:

kubernetes cluster on aws

If you are on windows, I would recommend to create a linux vm and execute the commands in the vm:

$ mkdir kubernetes-test-vm
$ cd kubernetes-test-vm
$ vagrant init hashicorp/precise64
$ vagrant up 
$ vagrant ssh
$ export KUBERNETES_PROVIDER=aws; wget -q -O - | bash
$ cluster/
// you might need to configure your aws credentials 
$ cluster/

see for more details

local pivotal cloud foundry

get a PCF image/appliance:

start it:

cf dev start -s all
cf login -a --skip-ssl-validation

after a very long running process you can enter the systems locally:

local mesos with zookeeper, docker and marathon

option 1 (tested):

a standalone version can be created by:

$ cd mesos
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant reload

URLs are:

option 2 (not tested):

use this scripts for a standalone version:

$ git clone
$ cd vagrant-mesos/standalone
$ vagrant up

URLs are:

a multinode version by:

$ git clone
$ cd vagrant-mesos/multinodes
$ vagrant up    

URLs are:

demo applications

For this demo we have 3 applications:

  • Weather service returns weather data for a town
  • Concert service returns concerts which are available in a town, this service retrieves additional wether data for that town
  • Chat service, This is an authorized service (session) which allows logged in people to send message. Additionally they can ask for wether data or concert data which is then retrieved from the other services


The upper diagram shows the general setup. But we want to follow the principles of cloud native apps, so the real setup will look like the one at the bottom:


Go through the principles to understand the adaptions and advantages of it

some principles of microservice architectures and how they are applied in the several environments

This principles you will find in the 12 factor ( apps, but not all factors are crucial for microservices and for this showcase (even if I agree with all 12 principles). So my list is a subset.

Backing services

Treat backing services as attached resources

This can be applied in Java by good design and by circuit breaker. One easy to use example library is netflix hystrix. An app show try as good as possible to survive even if some dependencies might fail temporarily. Enusure a gracefull degradation as possible. In this example the chat-server will continue to work if services like the concerts-service or the weather service fail. Apart from that yozu should design your app in a way that additional resources (services) can be added and removed on the fly. This can be done by software side loadbalancing in combination with service discovery. In this example i will use eureka and ribbon for it.


Execute the app as one or more stateless processes

Sessions are dangerous, sticky sessions are the result. This makes rolling updates and scaling complex. In this example i will store session in a redis db.


Treat logs as event streams

Since you want the flexibility to scale up and down easily and to moive your services, you can not rely on the existence of files. Handling logs as streams is an easy solution. I will show it with PCF and ELK.

Port binding

Export services via port binding

Having dedicated ports might make sense if you only have a few services, but if you want to be flexible you should automate the handling of ports.

Let's run it locally

I recommend to use 5 shells.

shell 1 - let's start a eureka instance

$ cd local-example
$ cd eureka
$ gradlew bootRun
// check the ui on http://localhost:8761/

shell 2 - let's start the weather service

$ cd local-example
$ cd weather-server
$ gradlew bootRun
// you should now see the instance in eureka
// you can now curl weather data by curl http://localhost:8090/weather?place=springfield

shell 3 - let's start the concert service

$ cd local-example
$ cd concert-server
$ gradlew bootRun
// you should now see the instance in eureka
// and the concert server will find the weather service by the service discovery
// you can now curl concert data by curl http://localhost:8100/concerts?place=springfield

shell 4 - let' start a redis server for the chat server:

$ cd redis
$ vagrant up

shell 5 - let' start one instance of the chat server:

$ cd local-example
$ cd chat-server
$ gradlew bootRun
// you should now see the instance in eureka
// and the chat server will find the weather service and the concert service
// by the service discovery (eureka)
// you can now login by http://localhost:8080 with the credentials
// (user/password) homer/beer, march/blue, bart/eatmyshorts

Let's play


the first thing to realize is that the sessions of the chat server are stored in a redis database, all we needed for this was a single small class HttpSessionConfig:

public class HttpSessionConfig {

and a dependency:

compile	"org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-redis:1.4.3.RELEASE"

by default it expects a redis to reach at localhost. This can be adapted of course, but we will see later (PCF example or kubernetes how a redis database can be linked. Storing sessions in a database makes webservices stateless. For rest services which need authorisation I recommend oauth2 with JWT. For the local example that's fine. The messages are store in redis as well.

circuit breaker:

Let's now login in to http://localhost:8080 with user homer and password beer. Let's now retrieve concert information by submitting "/concerts springfield" in the message box. This information is retrieved from the concert service, who retireves it from the weather server. In case the weather server is not reachbale, hystrix will get to a fallback method. The same is true if the response is not valied (not a 200 http code). So stop the weather server and see what happens if you enter "/concerts springfield" The circuit breaker in the concert service looks like this:

@HystrixCommand(fallbackMethod = "responseWithoutWeather")
public ConcertInfo weather(@RequestParam(value="place", defaultValue="") String place) {

        String weatherData = "";
        if(!place.isEmpty()) {
            Weather weather = restTemplate.getForObject("http://weather-service/weather?place=" + place, Weather.class);
            weatherData = " - Weather:" + weather.getContent();
        return new ConcertInfo(fakeConcertData(place) + weatherData);

public ConcertInfo responseWithoutWeather(@RequestParam(value="place", defaultValue="") String place) {
    return new ConcertInfo(fakeConcertData(place) + " - Weather: no data at the moment");

after starting the weather service again, the weather data is available again.

service discovery:

Instead of defining the urls directly, we use eureka as service discovery. The services have a name, and an embedded loadbalancing (ribbon) balances between all instances of the given type.

public class IndexController {

    private DiscoveryClient discoveryClient;

    RestTemplate restTemplate(){
	    return new RestTemplate();

    RestTemplate restTemplate;
    private void retrieveWeatherData(@ModelAttribute Message message) {

	    //not http://localhost:8090/weather?place=... instead
	    Weather weather = restTemplate.getForObject("http://weather-service/weather?place=" + message.getContent().split(" ")[1], Weather.class);
	    message.setContent(message.getContent() + " - Weather:" + weather.getContent());

For the local test, we will stop here, if you want to see examples of scaling the chat-service, or logging as stream, let's do it with PCF because it's just simpler

Let's run it in PCF

I assume that you run PCF locally, adapt the login command if you want to do it in a remote PCF installation. We use the apps in the pcf-example folder, which are more or less identical. I've just added manifest files, and in some cases a property.

$ cf login -a --skip-ssl-validation
// credentials: user/pass
$ cd pcf-example

Let's start eureka and offer it to apps as service

$ cd eureka
$ gradlew build
$ cf push
// now reachable under
$ cf cups eureka-service -p '{"uri":"http://eureka:[email protected]"}'
// on windows it can be that you have to use strange parameter escaping, do it interactive if needed
// $ cf cups eureka-service -p uri
// you can see erros by cf logs weather-service --recent
// env by cf env weather-service

// $ cf cups eureka-service -p {"uri":"http://eureka:[email protected]\"}

Let's start the weather service and the concert service and bind it to eureka

$ cd..
$ cd weather-server
$ gradlew build
$ cf push
$ cf bind-service weather-service eureka-service
$ cf restage weather-service
$ cd..
$ cd concert-server
$ gradlew build
$ cf push
$ cf bind-service concerts-service eureka-service
$ cf restage concerts-service

now the weather service runs in PCF and the concerts service as well. You can call it (see url in PCF UI PCF organizes the port binding, means everything is reachable on default http ports. Same for concerts-service. It find the weather service as well


Lets scale the weather service

$ cf apps
$ cf scale weather-service -i 2

PCF is doing loadbalancing if the url is used.

Let's use the Redis Database from the PCF marketplace and start 2 instances of the chat service against it and against eureka

$ cd..
$ cd chat-server
$ gradlew build
$ cf push
$ cf marketplace
$ cf create-service p-redis shared-vm redis
$ cf bind-service chat-service redis
$ cf bind-service chat-service eureka-service
$ cf set-env chat-service JBP_CONFIG_OPEN_JDK_JRE "[memory_calculator: {memory_sizes: {metaspace: '128m'}}]"
$ cf restage chat-service

Let's do an update without downtime (this plugin might not work on windows)

$ cf add-plugin-repo CF-Community
$ cf install-plugin blue-green-deploy -r CF-Community
$ cf blue-green-deploy chat-server
$ cf delete chat-server-old

lets now stream the logs out of PCF

$ cd..
$ cd..
$ cd ELK
$ vagrant up
$ cf cups logstash-drain -l syslog://
$ cf bind-service weather-service logstash-drain
$ cf restage weather-service   
//logs from weather service should now be reachable at 


Let's run it on kubernetes

TODO not implemented yet

Let's start setting up a redis cluster, see I assume you start in you kubernetes-test-vm.

Let's create an isnatnce of a redis db and a sentinel for master selection

$ wget
$ wget
$ wget
$ wget
$ wget
$ kubectl create -f redis-master.yaml
$ kubectl create -f redis-sentinel-service.yaml

let's scale the pods

$ kubectl create -f redis-controller.yaml
$ kubectl create -f redis-sentinel-controller.yaml
$ kubectl scale rc redis --replicas=3
$ kubectl scale rc redis-sentinel --replicas=3

let's delete the inital manual created instances, redis will recreate them automatically

$ kubectl delete pods redis-master

Pods can be used to host vertically integrated application stacks (e.g. LAMP). All components of one pod on the same host. Service can reach services in the same pod, but containers outside of pos can only be reached if they are exported by a service. Kubernetes Pods are mortal. They are born and when they die, they are not resurrected. ReplicationControllers in particular create and destroy Pods dynamically. Each Pod gets its own IP address, even those IP addresses cannot be relied upon to be stable over time. A Kubernetes Service is an abstraction which defines a logical set of Pods and a policy by which to access them - sometimes called a micro-service

So let's now create services and replication sets for the weather service, the concerts-service and the chat service. Then we have the full flexibility to scale. In order to make it easy I uploaded the software packages already as docker container.

TODO not yet implemented


apiVersion: v1
kind: ReplicationController
  name: weather-rc
  replicas: 2
    name: weather-rc
        name: weather-rc
      - name: weather-container
        - containerPort: 6379
            cpu: "0.5"


apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
    name: weather-service
    role: service
  name: weather-rc
    - port: 80
      targetPort: 8090
    weather-rc: "true"


apiVersion: v1
kind: ReplicationController
  name: concerts-rc
  replicas: 2
    name: concerts-rc
        name: concerts-rc
      - name: concerts-container
        - containerPort: 6379
            cpu: "0.5"


apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
    name: concerts-service
    role: service
  name: concerts-rc
    - port: 80
      targetPort: 8100
    concerts-rc: "true"


apiVersion: v1
kind: ReplicationController
  name: chat-rc
  replicas: 2
    name: chat-rc
        name: chat-rc
      - name: chat-container
        - containerPort: 6379
            cpu: "0.5"


apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
    name: chat-service
    role: service
  name: chat-rc
    - port: 80
      targetPort: 8080
    chat-rc: "true"

let's go

$ kubectl create -f weather-controller.yaml
$ kubectl create -f weather-service.yaml
$ kubectl create -f concerts-controller.yaml
$ kubectl create -f concerts-service.yaml
$ kubectl create -f chat-controller.yaml
$ kubectl create -f chat-service.yaml
// let's scale the weather server
$ kubectl scale rc weather --replicas=3

Let's run it on docker swarm

TODO not implemented yet

Let's run it on mesos

TODO not implemented yet

microservice-architecture-by-example's People


michaelgruczel avatar

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