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binar-bie1's Introduction

Project Overview

This project is a Business Intelligence Project that creates dashboard to give monitorization to Marketing and Sales Department upon product sales, region performance, and target achievement periodically. By finishing this project, we hope we can replace project consolidation process that done manually along the time and provide a dashboard that accessible by all of the region manager to monitor and evaluate performance of their region.

Project Objectives

Objective of creation of this dashboard is to give end-to-end visualization to Marketing and Sales Department upon product sales in all region and also to give monitorization privilege about sales in certain period.

Technical Design Diagram



MongoDB and PostgreSQL are activated with this docker-compose file.

Connection & Location

Data Source for this project is located on company's data lake. Company utilize MongoDB, a NoSQL Database, as Data Lake. It can be accessed in company's server (a Virtual Machine), exposed at port 27017. There is 3 databases from the data lake that used in this project, which are db_customers (contains identity of customers), db_products (contains detail of products), and db_orders (contains record of orders).

Server & Storage

To maintain data quality, data source will be copied to data staging. From this data staging, we will do transformation and stored it in Data Warehouse. After that, we will also do further transformation and split data into Data Marts. We will utilize PostgreSQL, a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS), as Data Staging, Data Warehouse, and Data Mart. Data Staging and Data Warehouse will be located in a same PostgreSQL database named as superstore_dwh (but they will be put on different schema), while Data Mart will be located in separate PostgreSQL database named as superstore_dmart. PostgreSQL can be accessed in the same server as MongoDB. Superstore_dwh is exposed at port 5432, while superstore_dmart is exposed at port 5433.

Logical Data Flow


Attachments and Links

No attachment or link need to be embedded.

Technical Specification

Application Server

Server used in this project is utilized Virtual Machine instance provided by Google Compute Engine, with specifications as follow:

  • Image of OS: Debian GNU/Linux 11
  • Machine Type: E2
  • Memory: 4GB
  • CPU: 2 Core
  • Disk: 10 GB
  • Software: MongoDB and PostgreSQL

Database and Server Request

Data from database used as data source for this project. Grant access as viewer to Business Intelligence Engineers is enough to fulfill principle of least privilege.

Data Pipeline


Data Transformation in this project done with Pentaho Data Integration software. We can define all pipeline from extract data from data lake until load data to data marts in a single execution. First, we need to define connection with MongoDB and PostgreSQL. Then, we create step for each process in a Pentaho transformation diagram. Last, we schedule a job to run this transformation pipeline every certain time. We can use Pentaho Server if we want to run Pentaho job from the app UI or we can utilized common scheduler, such as cron or PM2.




Name Step Title Detail Notes
Extract_Orders MongoDB input Extract orders data from MongoDB Connect to db_orders in superstore_db
Staging_Orders Table output Load orders data to PostgreSQL Connect to staging.orders in superstore_dwh
Sort_cust_id_from_orders Sort rows Sort orders table based on customer_id Preparation to join with customers table
Extract_Customers MongoDB input Extract customers data from MongoDB Connect to db_customers in superstore_db
Staging_Customers Table output Load orders data to PostgreSQL Connect to staging.customers in superstore_dwh
Sort_cust_id_from_customers Sort rows Sort customers table based on customer_id Preparation to join with orders table
First_Join Merge join Inner join orders table with customers table based on customer_id Redundant columns deleted
Sort_prod_id_from_first_join Sort rows Sort table from join process based on product_id Preparation to join with products table
Extract_Products MongoDB input Extract products data from MongoDB Connect to db_products in superstore_db
Staging_Products Table output Load products data to PostgreSQL Connect to staging.products in superstore_dwh
Sort_prod_id_from_products Sort rows Sort products table based on product_id Preparation to join with table from previous join process
Last_Join Merge join Inner join the table from previous join process with products table Redundant columns deleted
Sort_Rows Sort rows Sort result table based on order_date, row_id, order_id, customer_id, and product_id So fact table looks good visually
Load_Fact Table output Load fact table to PostgreSQL Connect to production.fact_table in superstore_dwh
Extract_for_daily_report Table input Extract data for daily report from fact_table with SQL query SELECT
  order_date AS record_date,
  COUNT(sales) AS total_sales,
  SUM(sales - discount * sales) AS net_sales
FROM superstore_dwh.production.fact_table
GROUP BY record_date
ORDER BY record_date;
Load_daily_report Table output Load daily report data to PostgreSQL Connect to mart.daily_report in superstore_dmart
Extract_for_monthly_report Table input Extract data for monthly report from fact_table with SQL query SELECT
  CAST(EXTRACT(YEAR FROM order_date) AS integer) AS record_year,
  CAST(EXTRACT(MONTH FROM order_date) AS integer) AS record_month,
  COUNT(sales) AS total_sales,
  SUM(sales - discount * sales) AS net_sales
FROM superstore_dwh.production.fact_table
GROUP BY record_year, record_month
ORDER BY record_year, record_month;
Load_monthly_report Table output Load montly report data to PostgreSQL Connect to mart.monthly_report in superstore_dmart
Extract_for_quarterly_report Table input Extract data for quarterly report from fact_table with SQL query SELECT
  CAST(EXTRACT(YEAR FROM order_date) AS integer) AS record_year,
  CAST(EXTRACT(QUARTER FROM order_date) AS integer) AS record_quarter,
  COUNT(sales) AS total_sales,
  SUM(sales - discount * sales) AS net_sales
FROM superstore_dwh.production.fact_table
GROUP BY record_year, record_quarter
ORDER BY record_year, record_quarter;
Load_quarterly_report Table output Load quarterly report data to PostgreSQL Connect to mart.quarterly_report in superstore_dmart
Extract_for_yearly_report Table input Extract data for yearly report from fact_table with SQL query SELECT
  CAST(EXTRACT(YEAR FROM order_date) AS integer) AS record_year,
  COUNT(sales) AS total_sales,
  SUM(sales - discount * sales) AS net_sales
FROM superstore_dwh.production.fact_table
GROUP BY record_year
ORDER BY record_year;
Load_yearly_report Table output Load yearly report data to PostgreSQL Connect to mart.yearly_report in superstore_dmart
Extract_for_actual_vs_budget Table input Extract data for actual and budget comparison SELECT
  SUM(actual_value) AS total_actual_value,
  SUM(budget_value) AS total_budget_value,
  ((SUM(actual_value)/SUM(budget_value)) * 100) AS percentage
   net_sales AS actual_value,
   (LAG(net_sales) OVER (ORDER BY record_year) * 1.1) AS budget_value
  FROM (
    CAST(EXTRACT(YEAR FROM order_date) AS integer) AS record_year,
    COUNT(sales) AS total_sales,
    SUM(sales - discount * sales) AS net_sales
   FROM superstore_dwh.production.fact_table
   GROUP BY record_year
   ORDER BY record_year
  ) AS subsubquery
) AS subquery;
Load_actual_vs_budget Table output Load actual and budget comparison report to PostgreSQL Connect to mart.actual_vs_budget in superstore_dmart
Extract_for_monthly_growth Table input Extract data for monthly growth from fact_table with SQL query SELECT
  ((gross_sales - LAG(gross_sales) OVER (ORDER BY record_year, record_month))/LAG(gross_sales) OVER (ORDER BY record_year, record_month)) * 100 AS growth_percentage
   CAST(EXTRACT(YEAR FROM order_date) AS integer) AS record_year,
   CAST(EXTRACT(MONTH FROM order_date) AS integer) AS record_month,
   SUM(sales) AS gross_sales
  FROM superstore_dwh.production.fact_table
  GROUP BY record_year, record_month
) AS subquery
ORDER BY record_year, record_month;
Load_monthly_growth Table output Load monthly growth data to PostgreSQL Connect to mart.monthly_growth in superstore_dmart
Extract_for_quarterly_growth Table input Extract data for quarterly growth from fact_table with SQL query SELECT
  ((gross_sales - LAG(gross_sales) OVER (ORDER BY record_year, record_quarter))/LAG(gross_sales) OVER (ORDER BY record_year, record_quarter)) * 100 AS growth_percentage
   CAST(EXTRACT(YEAR FROM order_date) AS integer) AS record_year,
   CAST(EXTRACT(QUARTER FROM order_date) AS integer) AS record_quarter,
   SUM(sales) AS gross_sales
  FROM superstore_dwh.production.fact_table
  GROUP BY record_year, record_quarter
) AS subquery
ORDER BY record_year, record_quarter;
Load_quarterly_growth Table output Load quarterly growth data to PostgreSQL Connect to mart.quarterly_growth in superstore_dmart
Extract_for_yearly_growth Table input Extract data for yearly growth from fact_table with SQL query SELECT
  ((gross_sales - LAG(gross_sales) OVER (ORDER BY record_year))/LAG(gross_sales) OVER (ORDER BY record_year)) * 100 AS growth_percentage
   CAST(EXTRACT(YEAR FROM order_date) AS integer) AS record_year,
   SUM(sales) AS gross_sales
  FROM superstore_dwh.production.fact_table
  GROUP BY record_year
) AS subquery
ORDER BY record_year;
Load_yearly_growth Table output Load yearly growth data to PostgreSQL Connect to mart.yearly_growth in superstore_dmart
Extract_for_loss_report Table input Extract data for loss report from fact_table with SQL query SELECT
  order_date AS record_date,
  SUM(profit) AS loss
FROM superstore_dwh.production.fact_table
WHERE profit < 0
GROUP BY record_date, city, region, product_id, product_category, product_subcategory, product_name
ORDER BY record_date;
Load_loss_report Table output Load loss report data to PostgreSQL Connect to mart.loss_report in superstore_dmart
Extract_for_cust_segmentation Table input Extract data for customer segmentation from fact_table with SQL query SELECT
  CAST(EXTRACT(YEAR FROM order_date) AS integer) AS record_year,
  CAST(EXTRACT(QUARTER FROM order_date) AS integer) AS record_quarter,
   WHEN SUM(sales) < 200 THEN 'Bronze'
   WHEN (SUM(sales) > 200) AND (SUM(sales) < 500) THEN 'Silver'
   ELSE 'Gold'
  END) AS shopping_segment
FROM superstore_dwh.production.fact_table
GROUP BY record_year, record_quarter, customer_id, customer_name, customer_segment
ORDER BY record_year, record_quarter;
Load_cust_segmentation Table output Load customer segmentation data to PostgreSQL Connect to mart.customer_segmentation in superstore_dmart
Extract_for_prod_segmentation Table input Extract data for product segmentation from fact_table with SQL query SELECT
  CAST(EXTRACT(YEAR FROM order_date) AS integer) AS record_year,
  CAST(EXTRACT(MONTH FROM order_date) AS integer) AS record_month,
   WHEN SUM(quantity) < 5 THEN '3rd Product'
   WHEN (SUM(quantity) > 5) AND (SUM(quantity) < 10) THEN '2nd Product'
   ELSE '1st Product'
  END) AS product_segment
FROM superstore_dwh.production.fact_table
GROUP BY record_year, record_month, city, region, product_id, product_category, product_subcategory, product_name
ORDER BY record_year, record_month;
Load_prod_segmentation Table output Load product segmentation data to PostgreSQL Connect to mart.product_segmentation in superstore_dmart
Extract_for_reg_segmentation Table input Extract data for region segmentation from fact_table with SQL query SELECT
  CAST(EXTRACT(YEAR FROM order_date) AS integer) AS record_year,
  CAST(EXTRACT(MONTH FROM order_date) AS integer) AS record_month,
   WHEN SUM(sales) < 1000 THEN 'Kategori I'
   WHEN (SUM(sales) > 1000) AND (SUM(sales) < 2000) THEN 'Kategori II'
   ELSE 'Kategori III'
  END) AS region_segment
FROM superstore_dwh.production.fact_table
GROUP BY record_year, record_month, city, region
ORDER BY record_year, record_month;
Load_reg_segmentation Table output Load region segmentation data to PostgreSQL Connect to mart.region_segmentation in superstore_dmart

Entitity Relationship Diagram

Data Warehouse in this project is modelled in Star Schema. Star Schema is a modelling for data warehouse which consists of a fact table built from two dimension tables or more. This schema often used for analysis that specific on a subject only. star_schema drawio

Access Request

There are few roles that should be given access to the visualization:

  • Head of Marketing and Sales Department -> access to all city and region
  • All of Branch Manager -> access to specific city only
  • All of Region Manager -> access to specific region only

Resources Requirement

Department & Staff

People that involved in building this project:

  • Head of Marketing and Sales Department
  • Business Intelligence Engineer
  • Business Intelligence Analyst

Technical Dependencies

  • Pentaho job to process data from Data Lake to Data Marts will start to be executed at 8 AM GMT+7 in each day.
  • Customers' identity are all valid and complete.
  • Products' detail are complete, but there are 32 invalid data. These data said to be invalid because they have same product_id with 32 other items (a product_id refers to two different products). After further confirmation to Head of Marketing and Sales Department, for each product_id, the valid one is the newer product. So, we can delete old product for each product_id. This elimination stage is not included in Pentaho job.

Non-Technical Dependencies

Anomaly on data has being communicated with user, which is Head of Marketing and Sales Department).


All data marts are visualized in 4 different dashboards (based on timeframe) using Tableau Desktop. It can be shared to other stakeholders if we deployed the dashboard to Tableau Server. File for workbook and dashboard layout is here.

Daily Dashboard

Initial (no filter)

Screenshot (70)

Apply filter "Date"

Screenshot (71) On November 24th, 2014, there are 19 sales that produce net sales equal to 4206.97 US dollars.

Apply filter "City" and "Region"

Screenshot (73) On November 24th, 2014, there is a region in Columbus city which located in East Columbus. This region has 2 products that produce loss.

Monthly Dashboard

Initial (no filter)

Screenshot (75)

Apply filter "Year", "Month", and "Date Range"

Screenshot (79) On September 2015, there are 293 sales that produce net sales equal to 56915.14 US dollars. Compared to August 2015 (the previous month), this month has growth percentage equal to 75.06%.

Apply filter "City"

Screenshot (80) On September 2015, there are 2 region (67%) in Columbus city that belong to "Kategori I" and 1 region (33%) belongs to "Kategori II".

Apply filter "Region"

Screenshot (81) On September 2015, East Columbus region which belongs to "Kategori I" has 5 different products with their categories. 1 product belongs to "1st Product" and "2nd Product", respectively and the other 3 products belong to "3rd Product" (20%:20%:60%).

Quarterly Dashboard

Initial (no filter)

Screenshot (85)

Apply filter "Year", "Quarter", and "Month Range"

Screenshot (86) On 3rd Quarter of 2015, there are 592 sales that produce net sales equal to 113725.88 US dollars. Compared to 2nd Quarter of 2015 (the previous quarter), this quarter has growth percentage equal to 46.16%.

Apply filter "Customer Segment"

Screenshot (87) On 3rd Quarter of 2015, there are many customers that belong to "Gold" category. We should consider to give them bonus to maintain their loyalty to the company.

Yearly Dashboard

Initial (no filter)

Screenshot (90) In total (not based on the year), this company has growth percentage from 2014 to 2017 equal to 133.77%. Its actual sales value equal to 1.972 million US dollars with budget (target) sales value equal to 1.474 million US dollars.

Apply filter "Year"

Screenshot (91) On 2015, there are 2102 sales that produce net sales equal to 407671.32 US dollars. Compared to 2014 (the previous year), this year has growth percentage equal to 53.88%.

binar-bie1's People


ahmdxrzky avatar



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