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arvideokit's Introduction

Use swift_4_2 branch for projects written in Swift 4.2

Use master branch for projects written in Swift 4.0


Chemical Wedding

Chemical Wedding


intro image

An iOS Framework that enables developers to capture videos πŸ“Ή, photos πŸŒ„, Live Photos πŸŽ‡, and GIFs πŸŽ† with ARKit content.

In other words, you NO LONGER have to screen record/screenshot to capture videos πŸ“Ή and photos πŸŒ„ of your awesome ARKit apps!

Table of Contents Description
Documentation Describes the configuration options ARVideoKit offers
Preview Displays 2 GIF images captured using the supported gif method in ARVideoKit
Key Features Lists the key features ARVideoKit offers
Compatibility Describes the ARVideoKit device and iOS compatibality
Example Projects Explains how to run the example project provided in this repository
Installation Describes the Cocoapods, Carthage & Manual options to install ARVideoKit
Implementation Lists the steps needed for Objective-C & Swift, notes, and reference for more options
Publishing to the App Store Describes the steps required before submitting an application using ARVideoKit to the App Store.
Donate Donations will support me to keep maintaining ARVideoKit ❀️
Sponsors Featuring the sponsors of this project
Contributions Describes how you can contribute to this project
Apps using ARVideoKit A list of published applications using ARVideoKit
License Describes ARVideoKit license
AppCoda Tutorial Check out a detailed tutorial about implementing ARVideoKit with SpriteKit ☺️


πŸ‘Ύ Initialized with SpriteKitπŸ‘‡ πŸš€ Initialized with SceneKit πŸ‘‡
SpriteKit Preview SceneKit Preview

Key Features

βœ… Capture Photos from ARSCNView, ARSKView, and SCNView

βœ… Capture Live Photos & GIFs from ARSCNView, ARSKView, and SCNView

βœ… Record Videos from ARSCNView, ARSKView, and SCNView

βœ… Pause/Resume video

βœ… Allow device's Music playing in the background while recording a video

βœ… Returns rendered and raw buffers in a protocol method for additional Image & Video processing


ARVideoKit is compatible on iOS devices that support both ARKit and Metal. Check Apple's iOS Device Compatibility Reference for more information.

ARVideoKit requires:

  • iOS 11
  • Swift 3.2 or higher

Example Projects

To try the example project, simply clone this repository and open the Examples folder to choose between the Objective-C and Swift project files.



  1. Add this line to your project's Podfile (for Swift 5.0)
pod 'ARVideoKit', '~> 1.5.51'

  1. Install the pod
$ pod install


  1. Add this line to your project's Cartfile
github "AFathi/ARVideoKit" ~> 1.31
  1. Update your Carthage directory
$ carthage update

Swift Package Manager (available Xcode 11.2 and forward)

  1. In Xcode, select File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency.
  2. Follow the prompts using the URL for this repository.


Drag ARVideoKit.xcodeproj into your project and click the + button in the embedded binaries section of your project's target. example embed framework



Click here to check the Swift implementation steps.


Click here to check the Objective-C implementation steps.


Make sure you add the usage description of the camera, microphone, and photo library in the app's Info.plist.

<string>AR Camera</string>
<string>Export AR Media</string>
<string>Export AR Media</string>
<string>Audiovisual Recording</string>

Info Plist Screenshot

You're all set. πŸ€“

Check RecordAR documentation for more options!

Publishing to the App Store

Before publishing to the App Store make sure to add the ARVideoKit License to your app licences list.

  1. Build ARVideoKit for release

Open ARVideoKit.xcodeproj

Select ARVideoKitRelease scheme with Generic iOS Device

Build the project (cmd + B)

Right click on Products/ARVideoKit.framework -> Show in finder

Copy and replace ARVideoKit.framework in your project

Additionally, if you are using the binary build from Framework Build or the latest release, you MUST strip out the simulator architectures from the framework before pushing an application to the App Store.

To do so, follow those steps:

  1. Install Carthage

Download Carthage.pkg from here

Or install with Homebrew using this command brew install carthage

  1. Go to your project target's Build Phase

screen shot 2017-11-14 at 8 21 44 pm

  1. Add a new Run Script Phase

screen shot 2017-11-14 at 8 22 14 pm

  1. Add the following command to the Run Script Phase
/usr/local/bin/carthage copy-frameworks

screen shot 2017-11-14 at 8 30 12 pm

  1. Finally, add ARVideoKit.framework file path as an Input File. In my case, I have it in a folder named Frameworks inside my project folder

screen shot 2017-11-14 at 8 41 06 pm


Donations will support me to keep maintining ARVideoKit Framework ❀️



If you have an idea for a new ARVideoKit feature/functionality and want to add it to this repository, feel free to fork the project and create a pull request!

Also, feel free to create an issue if you have any suggestions or need any help ☺️

Apps using ARVideoKit

App Description
Pathica The first proof of the theory of "six degrees of separation" which is the idea that any two people on the planet can be connected through five or fewer individuals.
Our SolAR An app that allows you to see our Solar System anywhere at all!
In The Walls Uses real time face tracking and AR to put your face in any real world wall!
ScribScrab ScribScrab is a tool for creativity. You’re only limited to your imagination and your battery life.

Feel free to add your application to this list!


ARVideoKit Framework

Copyright 2018 Ahmed Fathi Bekhit,, [email protected]

ARVideoKit is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

ARVideoKit Logo & Header

Designed by Gabriel Garcia and licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License DERECHOS.jpg

arvideokit's People


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arvideokit's Issues

Failed to verify bitcode

I use ARVideoKit.framework of version 1.12
My Xcode enable bitcode is false
Fastlane failed :
error: exportArchive: Failed to verify bitcode in ARVideoKit.framework/ARVideoKit:
error: Cannot extract bundle from /var/folders/45/sr50c3y14sxcsdgn_q1gr9200000gn/T/XcodeDistPipeline.Xzl/Root/Payload/ (i386)

Not supported for an iPad application

Hi team,

The video and photo capture are supporting only for iPhone application. It doesn't support for iPad application. The video looks very stretched.

Kindly fix this and update it for iPad too.

Feature request: include other UIView content in the recording, on top of ARSCNView

First, great work with this library - really really useful!

In the app that I am building I am overlaying 2d content (UIViews) on top of the AR content.

When recording, I would love to be able to record photo/video with everything that's in this other view that's overlaying the ARSCNView, not just the ARSCNView content.

Any thoughts on whether / how / when that would be possible?


Any plans to support Objective-C?


Thanks for the awesome work. Recently I started using ARKit and ARVideoKit and because of the usage of Swift, my app got bloated up in size. So I'd like to implement ARKit on Objective-C, and would like to know if you have any plans on supporting ARVideoKit in it?


App crashes when user tries to start record when using Skype (or other mic related app)

The crash:

Fatal Exception: NSInvalidArgumentException
*** -[AVAssetWriterInput initWithMediaType:outputSettings:sourceFormatHint:] 4 is not a valid channel count for Format ID 'aac '. Use kAudioFormatProperty_AvailableEncodeNumberChannels (<AudioToolbox/AudioFormat.h>) to enumerate available channel counts for a given format.

Fatal Exception: NSInvalidArgumentException
0  CoreFoundation                 0x186d31d04 __exceptionPreprocess
1  libobjc.A.dylib                0x185f80528 objc_exception_throw
2  AVFoundation                   0x18c5c5a04 -[AVAssetWriterInput dealloc]
3  ARVideoKit                     0x101bac6bc (Missing)
4  ARVideoKit                     0x101bacd8c (Missing)
5  ARVideoKit                     0x101bb41b4 (Missing)
6  AudioToolbox                   0x18a94be60 AudioSessionRequestRecordPermission
7  AVFAudio                       0x18c4e5d18 -[AVAudioSession requestRecordPermission:]

Support exporting media to other locations

The exporting methods section outlines how to export media to a user’s Photos library. However, there are use cases where persisting media to other locations is preferred. For example, if a user wants to share a recently exported media, but does not want the media persisted to Photos, the device's temporary directory might be more suitable.


I have some problems with frame rate. Default in ARKit is 60fps, when i turn on recording the whole scene goes 2 times faster, all physics and animations work 2 times faster in record mode than in non record mode. In debug i see that scenekit fps is turned to 120fps while in recording. Is there any workaround ? I tried setting recorder fps to 60, but still same behaviour happens.

Image Stabilization is off?

When comparing video taken with the stock iOS camera vs taken with ARVideoKit, it looks like the ARVideoKit video has no image stabilization. I think AVCaptureVideoStabilizationMode needs to be set to auto or cinematic or perhaps just be made user configurable.
I'm not an expert on this, just got the solution idea from this SO question:

Swift 4.1 can't use

I had updated the Xcode to 9.3 beta. It shows me the message "Module compiled with Swift 4.0.3 cannot be imported in Swift 4.1".

Potential Memory Leak

First of all, thank you for sharing this framework!

I've been getting errors when the app goes into background:
Execution of the command buffer was aborted due to an error during execution. Insufficient Permission (to submit GPU work from background) (IOAF code 6)

I suspect the RecordAR is never been dealloc, maybe because RecordAR holds a strong reference to ARSceneKit which might potentially create a retain cycle in certain cases?

Thank you

Can't change video file save name

func exportMessage(success: Bool, status:PHAuthorizationStatus, url:URL) {
       if success {
           let alert = UIAlertController(title: "Exported", message: "Media exported to camera roll successfully!", preferredStyle: .alert)
           alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "Awesome", style: .cancel, handler: nil))
           self.present(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)
       }else if status == .denied || status == .restricted || status == .notDetermined {
           let errorView = UIAlertController(title: "πŸ˜…", message: "Please allow access to the photo library in order to save this media file.", preferredStyle: .alert)
           let settingsBtn = UIAlertAction(title: "Open Settings", style: .cancel) { (_) -> Void in
               guard let settingsUrl = URL(string: UIApplicationOpenSettingsURLString) else {
               if UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(settingsUrl) {
                   if #available(iOS 10.0, *) {
             , completionHandler: { (success) in
                   } else {
           errorView.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "Later", style: UIAlertActionStyle.default, handler: {
           self.present(errorView, animated: true, completion: nil)
           let alert = UIAlertController(title: "Exporting Failed", message: "There was an error while exporting your media file.", preferredStyle: .alert)
           alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: .cancel, handler: nil))
           self.present(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)

Application drops into else state when you try to modify export url. Changing the file save name is not allowed?

Code Signing failed

on validating the archive - codesign fails because of missing password for key "access"

Stretching on iPhone X

The underlying image and the SceneKit content are misaligned on the iPhone X (I presume because of the different aspect ratio of the display). It looks like the SceneKit content is rendered too wide relative to the camera image.

Here's an example. First is a screenshot of what it looks like in the app. Second is an image exported from ARVideoKit (videos have the same issue; was just easier to demonstrate with a photo):


Failed to verify bitcode in ARVideoKit.framework/ARVideoKit

Failed to verify bitcode in ARVideoKit.framework/ARVideoKit:
error: Cannot extract bundle from /var/folders/2v/_0rv13nn7911fdl1dt16wmjc0000gn/T/XcodeDistPipeline.JDt/Root/Payload/ (x86_64)

Playing audio in node - crash

Hi, when I want to play an audio via runAction the sound is not played. When recording the app crashes. If I remove recorder, sound is working.

I've tried multiple ways how to play the sound until I found that the recorder has caused the issue.

    0x1990e776c <+0>:   stp    x22, x21, [sp, #-0x30]!
    0x1990e7770 <+4>:   stp    x20, x19, [sp, #0x10]
    0x1990e7774 <+8>:   stp    x29, x30, [sp, #0x20]
    0x1990e7778 <+12>:  add    x29, sp, #0x20            ; =0x20 
    0x1990e777c <+16>:  mov    x20, x0
->  0x1990e7780 <+20>:  ldrb   w8, [x20, #0xde]
    0x1990e7784 <+24>:  tbz    w8, #0x4, 0x1990e77e4     ; <+120>
    0x1990e7788 <+28>:  adrp   x8, 101960
    0x1990e778c <+32>:  add    x8, x8, #0x7c8            ; =0x7c8 
    0x1990e7790 <+36>:  ldr    x1, [x8]
    0x1990e7794 <+40>:  mov    x0, x20
    0x1990e7798 <+44>:  bl     0x1991f24cc               ; C3DEntityGetAttribute
    0x1990e779c <+48>:  mov    x19, x0
    0x1990e77a0 <+52>:  mov    x0, x20
    0x1990e77a4 <+56>:  bl     0x1990e46c0               ; C3DNodeGetWorldMatrix
    0x1990e77a8 <+60>:  mov    x20, x0
    0x1990e77ac <+64>:  mov    x0, x19
    0x1990e77b0 <+68>:  bl     0x1940cd95c
    0x1990e77b4 <+72>:  mov    x21, x0
    0x1990e77b8 <+76>:  cmp    x21, #0x1                 ; =0x1 
    0x1990e77bc <+80>:   0x1990e77e4               ; <+120>
    0x1990e77c0 <+84>:  mov    x22, #0x0
    0x1990e77c4 <+88>:  mov    x0, x19
    0x1990e77c8 <+92>:  mov    x1, x22
    0x1990e77cc <+96>:  bl     0x1940cd960
    0x1990e77d0 <+100>: mov    x1, x20
    0x1990e77d4 <+104>: bl     0x199223aac               ; C3DAudioPlayerSetTransform
    0x1990e77d8 <+108>: add    x22, x22, #0x1            ; =0x1 
    0x1990e77dc <+112>: cmp    x21, x22
    0x1990e77e0 <+116>:   0x1990e77c4               ; <+88>
    0x1990e77e4 <+120>: ldp    x29, x30, [sp, #0x20]
    0x1990e77e8 <+124>: ldp    x20, x19, [sp, #0x10]
    0x1990e77ec <+128>: ldp    x22, x21, [sp], #0x30
    0x1990e77f0 <+132>: ret    

memory isssue cause crash (Terminated due to memory issue)


func frame(didRender buffer: CVPixelBuffer, with time: CMTime, using rawBuffer: CVPixelBuffer) {
if capture != nil {
capture?.didCaptureCVPixelBufferRef(buffer, time: time, usingRowBuffer: rawBuffer)
I use WebRTC capture and send CVPixelBuffer.
I update ARVideoKit.framework yesterday afternoon , and memory isssue cause crash .
It seems to be in Function: CVPixelBufferCreate , CVPixelBufferBacking::initWithPixelBufferDescription,CVPixelBufferStandardMemoryLayout

Is it possible to record video without using ARSCNView?

Thanks for the great work of this repo.
I think the performance could be improved when we only render the scene only once.

Normally, ARSCNView do the world tracking and apply the camera transform to the scene. If we only use ARSession, not ARSCNView, and update the scene camera manually. renderer the scene to a fbo with SCNRenderer. After that,display the fbo with metal or opengles and send the fbo buffer to video recorder.

Record always show black video only

I have used ARVideoKit for recording in my AR applications. but when I start recording and I have recorded video for 10 sec but it only show me black screen only. also show black screen in photo too.

Captured image is actually a screenshot, not a photo from camera

Hi! Today my colleagues and I experimented with the framework and took a photo using photo() method of recorder object. However, the resulting image had dimensions equal to screen ones, which means it was simply a screenshot, not a photo taken by phone camera, which has much higher resolution. Is that an expected behavior?

Get video stream in real time

Thank you for sharing this framework which is really usefull !

I have seen that your func record() starts or resumes recording a video but we can access to the video only when we stop recording. In my case, I need to get the video stream from ARkit continuously and in real time (streaming app). How to get the stream please ?


Landscape mode

How to use this libs for recording video in landscape and portrait application. If ARVideoKit always set device orientation in portrait mode?

Audio configuration has wrong setup

I want to disable audio for AR in my project. (Apple declined an app because I don't use a microphone at all for my application, but do require a permit)

When I set requestMicPermission or enableAudio after RecordAR initialization, it does setup() in viewDidLoad(). That's too early because it would request mic permission even if I don't want to use it.

We can add read-only configuration object and pass it into RecordAR object on initialization step like @objc override public init?(ARSceneKit: ARSCNView, configuration: RecordARConfiguration). the setup would respect the configuration object and won't use default values every time on initialization.

What do you think? I wanted to make it as a struct with let prop, but that way I would disable @objc compatibility.

struct RecordARConfiguration {
    let enableAudio: Bool = true

Currently, I did open RecordAR for subclassing and did override enableAudio and requestMicPermission properties. Then I used my subclass as a RecordAR view.

class DefaultRecordAR: RecordAR {
    private var isEnableAudio: Bool = false
    override var enableAudio: Bool {
        get {
            return isEnableAudio
        set {
            isEnableAudio = newValue

Quick hotfix: make RecordAR open for subclassing, make configuration variables open for subclassing too
Proper fix: add configuration object to inject into RecordAR and setup it properly.

Capture Displays Nodes in Different Placement


Thank you for the framework! Super useful

I'm wondering if you (or anyone else) have gotten the following error:

When capturing photo or video with ARVideoKit, in some specific instances the photos/videos don't match the placement of nodes in the scene.

(see attached images--the one with a circular camera button at bottom of image is a screenshot of how ARSCNView is displaying the image on my device, and the other image is the image captured by ARVideoKit and saved to camera roll).

This is only happening for me when nodes are populated by fetching the user's current position from currentFrame with When I populate nodes in the scene with positions relative to the rootNode, ARVideoKit works perfectly and captures look exactly like what is displayed on the device.

I'm wondering if this is something having to do with how ARVideoKit interacts with currentFrame, and if getting the location in this way is somehow adjusting the position that the nodes appear to be in the scene when it's passed to ARVideoKit to render and export? Any help would be very much appreciated!



Logo proposal for ARVideoKit

Hello, I'm a graphic designer and I like to collaborate with open source projects. I would like to design a logo for your Project I will be happy to collaborate with you :)

Cannot record custom video sizes

I wish to record videos with custom sizes, but under the current implementation, the only options appear to landscape and portrait

Significantly lower framerate during recording

My ARKit app using SceneKit runs at 60 fps, however, when I start recording it drops significantly, to around 20fps. The recorded video is smooth and seems to retain the higher fps, though.
I'm using an iPhone X with iOS 11.4 beta.
bildschirmfoto 2018-05-02 um 14 20 38-annotated

How can i improve the quality of video or photo captured by ARVideoKit

Hi, ARVideoKit is very useful to me.
I discover that the quality of photo/video i captured by using ARVideoKit is not the same what i see in the screen (downgraded in resolution i guess).
So i want to know
How can i improve the quality of video or photo captured by ARVideoKit?
Is there any ways to change the resolution?
Thanks a lot.

Not recording complete ARSceneview

Recorder only records a part of the scene view not all of it. This is the actual scene view:

you can see both eyes here but the recorder only records this much area:
skype_picture 1

Recorder is configured like this:
`lazy var recorder:RecordAR = {
let recorder = RecordAR(ARSceneKit: self.sceneView)
recorder?.videoOrientation = .auto
recorder?.fps =
recorder?.contentMode = .auto
recorder?.enableAdjsutEnvironmentLighting = false

    return recorder!

And sceneview and camera is configured like this:

` override func viewDidLoad() {

    self.deleteButton.isHidden = true
    self.replayButton.isHidden = true
    self.sceneView.scene = SCNScene()
    sceneView.rendersContinuously = true
    sceneView.backgroundColor = UIColor.white
    sceneView.automaticallyUpdatesLighting = true
    sceneView.scene.background.contents = UIColor.white

override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {

override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
    session.delegate = nil

override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
    // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.

func createFaceGeometry() {
    sceneView.isHidden = false
    self.faceNode = SCNNode()

func configureCameraNode(){
    let camera = SCNCamera()
    camera.usesOrthographicProjection = true
    camera.orthographicScale = 25
    let cameraNode = SCNNode()
    cameraNode.position = SCNVector3Make(0, 0, 50) = camera
    sceneView.pointOfView = cameraNode

how can i make recorder to record whatever is there in sceneview?

Unable to Archive due to Bitcode

I have been getting this error over the last week and am unable to resolve it. Apologies if this is incorrect usage of the "issues" tab.

Auto-Linking bitcode bundle could not be generated because '/Users/allenwixted/Desktop/iOS : OS X/NoPlaceLike/Frameworks/ARVideoKit.framework/ARVideoKit' was built without full bitcode. All frameworks and dylibs for bitcode must be generated from Xcode Archive or Install build

I've tried this article and it worked for a day or so. Then I realised I was working on Xcode beta and needed to build it for iOS 11.3 and am unable to resolve the issue this time around. Any help is much appreciated.

Square Video Recording

Are you able to make the video a square? So the output of the recording is a movie file with a 1x1 aspect ratio?

Crash when record and stop video immediately

This is my first time in managing a video in a SCNView. I started using your library, and I solved a lot of problems, but I am still having an issue when starting and immediately stopping the video: I also noticed that your swift example project is having the same crash, with this log :

2018-02-07 14:25:23.808628+0100 ARVideoKit-Example[3957:1450433] [MC] System group container for path is /private/var/containers/Shared/SystemGroup/

2018-02-07 14:25:23.808945+0100 ARVideoKit-Example[3957:1450433] [MC] Reading from public effective user settings.

2018-02-07 14:25:25.226704+0100 ARVideoKit-Example[3957:1450312] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: '*** -[AVAssetWriter finishWritingWithCompletionHandler:] Cannot call method when status is 0'

*** First throw call stack:

(0x18131b164 0x180564528 0x186c2ad68 0x104df119c 0x104e0f3f0 0x104de4934 0x105a852cc 0x105a8528c 0x105a89ea0 0x1812c3344 0x1812c0f20 0x1811e0c58 0x18308cf84 0x18a9395c4 0x1045a1100 0x180d0056c)

libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException

It seems like there is an unknown status (value 0) on the assetsWriter.status.rawValue: I can avoid the error, using a check, when this value is 0, but next time you will run the record; the application won't do it.

Module file's minimum deployment target is ios11.0


I need to have an optional feature which uses ARKit and ARVideoKit in my app, but don't want it to prevent users with iOS version less than 11.0 from downloading & using the rest of the app. Is there some way similar to weak link the ARVideoKit framework and put "@ available" checks as we do for every iOS framework?

The error I get when trying to import in a project with deployment target 9.0 is

Module file's minimum deployment target is ios11.0 v11.0: <PROJECT_ROOT>/ARVideoKit.framework/Modules/ARVideoKit.swiftmodule/arm64.swiftmodule


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