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windows10-privacy's Issues

Can't remove candy crush and other bloatware

I can not remove candy crush, news, netflix and other stuff after new installation of win 10 prof.
You can right click remove but nothing happens, on other ocations the item in menu disapears but another previously removed app reapears instead.

If you play a while with removing items from menu you might succed, but after a while all the previously removed f.... stuff reapears again.

Great feature !?@$

Disable Security and Maintenance in Notification Center Messages

After removing Windows Defender, you can right click the reminder notification or use this code to hide it:

reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Notifications\Settings\Windows.SystemToast.SecurityAndMaintenance" /v "Enabled" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

Microphone stopped working

After i completed all of these my microphone input stopped working, tried many things online and it still doesn't register voice input.

Powershell commands to remove Windows Optional Features

To remove Windows Media Player:
Get-WindowsPackage -Online | Where PackageName -like *MediaPlayer* | Remove-WindowsPackage -Online -NoRestart

To remove Internet Explorer:
Get-WindowsPackage -Online | Where PackageName -like *InternetExplorer* | Remove-WindowsPackage -Online -NoRestart

To remove Quick Assist:
Get-WindowsPackage -Online | Where PackageName -like *QuickAssist* | Remove-WindowsPackage -Online -NoRestart

To remove Hello Face:
Get-WindowsPackage -Online | Where PackageName -like *Hello-Face* | Remove-WindowsPackage -Online -NoRestart

Windows broken

I want you to know that windows 10 will be broken if you apply your scripts.

Mainly I think removing the registry keys DPS, WdiServiceHost and WdiSystemHost will lead into that situation that you can not create new users any more. None of the later added users will be able to open startmenu, settings or info center.

The only way to fix this is to reinstall windows again.

If you want to remain owner of your private data just say good bye to windows and use another system.

Has lusrmgr.msc been tested?

I noticed the page says not to follow it if you need to add more user accounts as it's a bit broken. I'm assuming this means the settings app feature to add user accounts. Would I be correct in assuming the functionality of lusrmgr.msc (Local Users and Groups Management Console) still functions as it should? Perhaps note of this should be added to the guide if that's the case.

Windows Spotlight

Issues with windows spotlight. Stuck with a stupid lockscreen wallpaper.

no RDP after

Hi guys,
i have followed the steps, unfortunately i cannot connect to Windows 10 1809 RDP.
Remote desktop is enabled and firewall is off but no connection.
i can ping the machine i can connect to it share c$ but not remote desktop.
can you please advies how to get to the button of this ?

big thank you

not very easy to use

so many commands, and misc things
If there is a GUI application for this, it'll be perfect.

Windows update broken ... again

it seems that there's once again a problem with Windows update after applying your scripts.
KB4515384 won't install successful (Error code 0x800f0982).
Same problem on 2 machines.

Removing ClipSVC might cause some problems

Apparently if you want to click on taskbar clock, open action center or switch power plan, microsoft needs to check your computer's license.

So if you remove this service ClipSVC

Provides infrastructure support for the Microsoft Store. This service is started on demand and if disabled applications bought using Windows Store will not behave correctly.

You won't be able to use calculator, change power plan, change airplane mode, open taskbar clock/calendar and action center.

You can add this service back by adding a registry entry.

use this

or save this as .reg and run it, restart after.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
; Created by: Shawn Brink
; Created on: July 27th 2016
; Tutorial:












VC Redist 2015 won't install

Since doing this my computer just says install failed, only noticed this when trying to install a program that relies on it and it in itself couldn't download the files from Microsoft, tried to install it separately and it still didn't want to do anything.

Could be unrelated but was wondering if this was happening for anyone else, I have no issue installing any of the others just 2015 which is bizarre.

Breaking things


Is there any possibility that breaks in my system and force me to reinstall after I followed the guide?

Reverse changes to be able to use Store

I know it says "You need to download anything from the Windows Store (including distros for the Linux subsystem if you want to use it" but is there really no way to reverse some of the procedures to be able to use windows store?

Not able to remove or install any Windows Store apps


I followed most of steps and there is a step where the Windows Store stop working. (Get button disappear and I can't deinstall any apps.)

Is there a way to enable again only these features ?

Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

Beware of KB4462927 update.

Hi. I have found a new update with telemetry.

KB4462927 - Preview of Monthly Rollup

This non-security update includes improvements and fixes that were a part of KB4462923 (released October 9, 2018) and also includes these new quality improvements as a preview of the next Monthly Rollup update:
Addresses the redenomination of local currency that the Central Bank of Venezuela implemented to enter the Bolivar Soberano into circulation.
Addresses an issue that makes it impossible to disable TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 when the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) mode is enabled.
Addresses an issue that causes navigation across eras to stop working in the Japanese Calendar view. For more information, see KB4469068.
Addresses an issue r elated to the date format for the Japanese era calendar. For more information, see KB4469068.
Addresses an issue that causes the GetCalendarInfo function to return a wrong value for the Japanese era. For more information, see KB4469068.

As you see, the description looks benign, so does KB4469068's one. But there is telemetry in the update.

Edge and Flash

The command "install_wim_tweak /o /c Adobe-Flash /r" doesn't work in 1809.

Removing reference to wscsvc causes issues if you still have Windows Defender

I like to keep Windows Defender on my system, but tweak the individual settings as required.
However if I follow all in Removing Telemetry and other unnecessary services this particular line seems to stop me accessing Windows Defender.

%I in ('reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services" /k /f "wscsvc" ^| find /i "wscsvc"') do (reg delete %I /f)

Should this really be grouped with the window defender stuff? Or is there some reporting or similar this service does?

Not an issue, but something I created for myself using your Windows10-Privacy guide which makes this process semi-automatic.

I like to dabble in AutoHotKey which is a simple scripting language but gets the job done. I have created this script that:

  • Installs the Install_Wim_Tweak.exe to the correct location.
  • Executes the cmd and powershell scripts.
  • Reboots when you require a reboot and continues upon startup.
  • Cleans up after itself, Deleting the Install_Wim_Tweak.exe, Startup Shortcut and Log Files.

I will upload the code and hopefully, this could help someone.

Minor issue, but...

Since following the guide, I've noticed that there's a slight difference in how my Start Menu looks. What I mean is this. (

There usually wouldn't be a gap between the edge of the display and the start menu. Any ideas what could've happened? I followed it as close as I can.

Windows update broken again

Apparently this time the problem is caused by Edge, it can no longer be fully removed without breaking updates.
I'll see if I can find some other way to deal with it

Firewall suggestion [Enhancement]

Thank you so much for this excellent and very exhaustive guide !

I would like to point out a free and open source alternative for the "Optional: use a firewall!" section called simplewall :
I have been using it for a couple of months and it is very powerful yet very light and updated very often !

Have a great day !

Far cleaner way to disable Compatibility telemetry

Instead of messing with CompatTelRunner.exe file you can disable it in a more cleaner way using Image File Execution Options Debugger Value:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\CompatTelRunner.exe]

Setting this value to an executable designed to kill processes disables it. Being far cleaner, Windows won't re-enable it with almost each update.

Ethernet broke

Followed it from start to finish, but my ethernet wouldn't work after. No yellow warning but tried to reinstall the driver and it came up after that. Now it constantly says 'identifying...'. I set a restore point first but not sure what the cause is for this, thought id let you know.


Hello everyone,
I've been maintaining this guide since 2015 when the first version of Windows 10 came out. To be fair, it was already clear back then that Microsoft had decided to drive power users away from Windows, but I liked the OS so I persevered, and tried my best to make it as usable as possible using this guide.
With the release of the 1903 update a few weeks ago, which broke a lot of things on my computer, I just couldn't take it anymore; I'm sorry to let you down but Windows nowadays is as unstable as a crappy arch linux distro, I cannot be productive if the OS keeps breaking with every update.

So that's it, I have decided to quit Windows, and I'm now using Linux (Kubuntu, to be specific) as my main OS for everything except games (for which I'll keep a machine with Windows 10 LTSC, offline). As a result, 1903 will be the last update for this guide unless some good soul wants to take up the task of maintaining this project.

I know there are some skilled users out there who can do it, if you're interested, write me at [email protected] or leave a comment under this issue.

Install adobeXd problems

After running most of the commands in your tutorial i encountered a problem while trying to install adobeXd. Could you please tell me what commands i should not run to avoid this issue?

Exit Code: 191
-------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------

  • 2 fatal error(s), 2 error(s), 0 warnings(s)

FATAL: Error (Code = 191) executing in command 'AddUWPAppxCommand' for package: 'UWPAssets', version:
FATAL: Error occurred in install of package (Name: UWPAssets Version: Error code: '191'
ERROR: hdhelper exe at C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Adobe Desktop Common\HDBox\HDHelper.exe failed to install UWP app with xml
CN=Adobe Systems Incorporated, OU=Adobe Systems, O=Adobe Systems Incorporated, L=San Jose, S=California, C=US, SERIALNUMBER=2748129, OID. Organization, OID., OID.

		CN=Microsoft Corporation, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US


with error code 1
ERROR: Failed to install UWP Appx Package

Getting Error

#My OS

[โœ“] Offline account + disabling features + Selecting Basic
[โœ“] Updates checked; WindowsOS + Windows Store.
[โœ“] Uninstalled all APPs related to windows(+store)
[โœ“] Removing Windows Defender ; successfully executed (in CMD)
[โœ“] Windows Defender Security Center successfully removed from start menu.
[โœ“] At this moment I did not get Windows reminding. As its being said, it might happen after a while
[โœ“] Removing features:

  • [โœ“] Windows Store
  • [โœ“] Music, TV, ...
  • [โœ“] Xbox and Game DVR
  • [โœ“] Sticky Notes
  • [โœ“] Maps
  • [โœ“] Alarms and Clock
  • [โœ“] Mail, Calendar, ...
  • [โœ“] OneNote
  • [โœ“] Photos
  • [โœ“] Camera
  • [โœ“] Weather, News, ...
  • [โœ“] Calculator
  • [โœ“] Sound Recorder
  • [โœ“] Paint 3D and VR features
    • [โœ“] Rebooted
    • [โœ“] Entered commands into PowerShell
    • [โœ“] Entered commands into command prompt
  • [โœ“] Microsoft Edge
    • [โœ“] Entered commands into command prompt
    • [โœ“] Removed IE11 in Start > Settings > Apps > Manage optional features, and remove Internet Explorer 11.
  • [โœ“] Contact Support, Get Help
    • [โœ“] Entered commands into PowerShell
    • [โœ“] Entered commands into command prompt
    • [โœ“] Removed in Start > Settings > Apps > Manage optional features, and remove Contact Support (was presented).
  • [โœ“] Removed Microsoft Quick Assist in Start > Settings > Apps > Manage optional features, and remove Microsoft Quick Assist
  • [โœ“] Connect
  • [โœ“] Rebooted!

[โœ“] Disabling Cortana
[โœ“] Rebooted again and Cortana was gone
[โœ“] More tweaking:

  • [โœ“] Turn off Windows Error reporting
  • [โœ“] No more forced updates
  • [โœ“] No license checking
  • [โœ“] Disable sync
  • [โœ“] No Windows Tips
  • [โœ“] Removing OneDrive
    • [โœ“] Entered commands into command prompt
    • [โœ“] Rebooted
    • [โœ“] Entered commands into command prompt
    • [โœ“] Rebooted

[โœ“] Removing Telemetry and other unnecessary services:

  • [โœ“] Entered commands into command prompt
  • [โœ“] Followed video guide and fixed DPS,WdiServiceHost and WdiSystemHost
  • [โœ“] Scheduled tasks

[โœ“] Last touches
[โœ“] Installed TinyWall

Successfully completed

First Post is below


icacls Microsoft.Windows.SecHealthUI_cw5n1h2txyewy /grant Everyone:(F) /t /c /q

Broken Task View & Data Usage

I've followed everything in the guide and it's greatly appreciated, how ever I've noticed that the "Task View" feature doesn't work and just crashes when pressing the Task View icon on the Taskbar, I like the feature and I'm asking if it's possible to resolve it so it works again? If so what do I need to do exactly to re-enable it if possible please (with or without re-installing).

(Event viewer report:
The shell stopped unexpectedly and explorer.exe was restarted.)

I also noticed that clicking on Data Usage in Network & Internet freezes/crashes the Settings app.
Anyway to resolve this too?

(Event viewer report:
Faulting application name: SystemSettings.exe, version: 10.0.17133.1, time stamp: 0x2a3c4e62
Faulting module name: msvcrt.dll, version: 7.0.17133.1, time stamp: 0x5cbba6fd
Exception code: 0x40000015
Fault offset: 0x000000000000add2
Faulting process id: 0x17c0
Faulting application start time: 0x01d3ca47e26d0908
Faulting application path: C:\Windows\ImmersiveControlPanel\SystemSettings.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Windows\System32\msvcrt.dll
Report Id: b5248ac6-166b-4ca7-b177-8ffa455597af
Faulting package full name: windows.immersivecontrolpanel_10.0.2.1000_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy
Faulting package-relative application ID:

(I'm fresh installed from a bootable USB 3.0 and ran the guide again to verify it is indeed something in the guide breaking these and not drivers/other software installed after the guide).


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