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mdtranslator's Issues

sbJson 2.0 identifier

Mapping of sbJson identifier to mdTranslator internal data structure:

  • reader complete
  • writer complete


  • type: The type of identifier, for example an API Number, DOI, or Project Number
    Map to resource citation identifiers description:
    view mdTools
  • schema: The identification scheme is used to identify unique records in a set (Wikipedia article). Typically this is a URL to the scheme that describes the tag type.
    Map to resource citation identifiers namespace:
    view mdTools
  • key: The identifier for this item.
    Map to resource citation identifiers identifier:
    view mdTools

Mapping to mdTranslator

   def newBase
      intObj = {
         metadata: {
            resourceInfo: {
               citation: {
                  identifiers: [
                        identifier: 'Key',
                        namespace: 'Scheme',
                        version: nil,
                        description: 'Type',
                        citation: {}
                        identifier: 'Key2',
                        namespace: 'Scheme2',
                        version: nil,
                        description: 'Type2',
                        citation: {}

Translation to mdJson

   "metadata": {
      "resourceInfo": {
         "citation": {
            "identifier": [
                  "identifier": "Key",
                  "namespace": "Scheme",
                  "description": "Type"
                  "identifier": "Key2",
                  "namespace": "Scheme2",
                  "description": "Type2"

Is CLI reader option required?

In the dev branch, a default is no longer being supplied. This causes a problem when calling the CLI - you get a non-specific error message.

Refactor GeoJSON support in mdJSON reader

The way the mdJSON reader converts GeoJSON to the internal format is too ISO-specific. This makes creating other writers more difficult, including mdJSON. AS it stands now, it's not possible to accurately re-create the mdJSON passed in to the reader.

Some issues I'm seeing:

  • The original GeoJSON type is not retained, e.g. 'FeatureCollection' becomes 'MultiGeometry', and there's no reliable way to derive that from the internal object
  • Additional separate geographic elements are created for any GeoJSON objects with bbox properties. This should probably be responsibility of the writer. There's currently no way to re-attach the 'bbox' to the GeoJSON element. I suggest we only generate bbox elements in ISO for Features with bboxes where geometry = null.

I'll probably just patch in enough functionality to support the mdJSON writer for now. We'll need to re-factor the other writers if we make breaking changes.

sbJson 2.0 provenance

Mapping of sbJson provenance to mdTranslator internal data structure:

  • reader complete
  • writer complete
    "dataSouce":"Input directly",
    "lastUpdatedBy":"[email protected]",
    "createdBy":"[email protected]",
    "fileProcess": "???",
    "linkProcess": "???"


  • dataSource: Who/what created the metadata record

Set to 'generated using ADIwg mdTranslator 2.0.0'

  • dateCreated: The date and time the item was created.

Map to metadata metadataInfo metadataDate:
view mdTools
view mdTools

  • lastUpdated: The date and time the item was last updated.
    Map to metadata metadataInfo metadataDate:
    view mdTools
    view mdTools

  • createdBy: The person or organization who created the item.
    Reading sbJson: ignore
    Writing sbJson:
    [schema][metadata][metadataInfo][metadatacontact][n].role when in list
    [ originator author resourceProvider coAuthor ]. All [party][contactId] > [contact][n][name] will be concatenated.
    view mdTools

  • lastUpdatedBy: The last person or organization to update the item.
    Reading sbJson: ignore
    Writing sbJson:
    [schema][metadata][metadataInfo][metadatacontact][n].role when in list
    [ custodian ]. All [party][contactId] > [contact][n][name] will be concatenated.
    view mdTools

  • Not Mapped:

    • annotation
    • fileProcess
    • linkProcess

Mapping to mdTranslator from sbJson

def newBase
      metadata: {
         metadataInfo: {
            metadataIdentifier: {},
            parentMetadata: {},
            defaultMetadataLocale: {},
            otherMetadataLocales: [],
            metadataContacts: [],
            metadataDates: [
                  date: '2015-11-09T19:02:45Z',
                  dateResolution: 'YMDhmsZ',
                  dateType: 'creation',
                  description: nil
                  date: '2015-11-09T19:02:45Z',
                  dateResolution: 'YMDhmsZ',
                  dateType: 'lastUpdate',
                  description: nil
            metadataLinkages: [],
            metadataMaintenance: {},
            alternateMetadataReferences: [],
            metadataStatus: nil,
            extensions: []

Tests failing with some seeds

The tests are failing with some seed patterns.

Try running: rake TESTOPTS="--seed=10387"

TestTranslation_v1_0#test_minimum_success is failing. I suspect there is some sort of caching issue??

Data Dictionary

I noticed looking through the Schema Viewer that under domain>member we have three elements: name, value and definition. I'm not sure what is meant by name and value. But the elements needed are code and name. Code being the coded value in the data resource, and name the English value associated with the code.

Add the ContentInformation class to mdTranslator

Add the ContentInformation class to mdTranslator to document the connection between the resource metadata record and accompanying feature catalog metadata records (FC_FeatureCatalogue - iso 19110) describing data dictionaries. There is a one to many relationship between the resource and feature catalog.

sbJson 2.0 citation

Mapping of sbJson citation to mdTranslator internal data structure:

  • reader complete
  • writer complete
   "citation": "Jay Diffendorfer, Roger Compton, Louisa Kramer, Zach Ancona, and Donna Norton, 2015-05, Onshore Industrial Wind Turbine Locations for the United States to March 2014: United States Geological Survey (USGS): Denver, CO,,,"

Definition: The citation that can be used to reference the item.

  • Map to resource citation otherCitationDetails: [schema][metadata][resourceInfo][citation][otherCitationDetails][n]
    view mdTools

Mapping to mdTranslator

   def newBase
      intObj = {
         metadata: {
            resourceInfo: {
               citation: {
                  title: nil,
                  alternateTitles: [],
                  dates: [],
                  edition: nil,
                  responsibleParties: [],
                  presentationForms: [],
                  identifiers: [],
                  series: {},
                  otherDetails: [
                     'Jay Diffendorfer, Roger Compton, Louisa Kramer, Zach Ancona, and Donna Norton, 2015-05, Onshore Industrial Wind Turbine Locations for the United States to March 2014: United States Geological Survey (USGS): Denver, CO,,,'
                  onlineResources: [],
                  browseGraphics: []

Translation to mdJson

   "metadata": {
      "resourceInfo": {
         "citation": {
            "otherCitationDetails": [
               "Jay Diffendorfer, Roger Compton, Louisa Kramer, Zach Ancona, and Donna Norton, 2015-05, Onshore Industrial Wind Turbine Locations for the United States to March 2014: United States Geological Survey (USGS): Denver, CO,,,"

sbJson 2.0 link

Mapping of sbJson link to mdTranslator internal data structure:

  • reader complete
  • writer complete
    "url":"<full url of item or search>",
        "url":"<url of next result>"
        "url":"<url of previous result>"
        "url":"<url of related items list>"


  • rel: "rel" tells you what you are looking at. For items this will always be "self".
    Map to resource citation onlineResources description:
    view mdTools
  • url: (none)
    Map to resource citation onlineResources uri:
    view mdTools
  • nextLink: (not mapped)
  • prevLink: (not mapped)
  • set onlineResources function = 'navigation'
    view mdTools

Mapping to mdTranslator

   def newBase
      intObj = {
         metadata: {
            resourceInfo: {
               citation: {
                  onlineResources: [
                        olResURI: '<full url of item or search>',
                        olResProtocol: nil,
                        olResName: nil,
                        olResDesc: 'self',
                        olResFunction: 'navigation'

Translation to mdJson

   "metadata": {
      "resourceInfo": {
         "citation": {
            "onlineResource": [
                  "uri": "<full url of item or search>",
                  "protocol": "",
                  "name": "",
                  "description": "self",
                  "function": "navigation"

Add alternateTitle to Citation

Add the alternateTitle element to Citation ...

            "citation": {
                "title": "",
                "alternateTitle": "",
                "date": [
                        "date": "0000-00-00",
                        "dateType": ""

Add HTML writer

The SRS section says Well-Know-Test. Should be Well-Known-Text. ๐Ÿ˜†

De-Normalize contacts in internal data store

Writing the HTML writer I have run into a problem of sorts that got me thinking about the structure of the internal data store. We normalized contacts in mdJson and that works well. I kept that normalization in the internal data store and now find it inconvenient when writing liquid templates since liquid does not allow any code imbedded within a template. I can likely find a way to work through this but raised a bigger question.

If we normalize contacts in the internal data store then every reader will either need to have a normalized contact section or figure out how to collect the scattered contacts and build the normalized contact block in the data store. Is this a restriction we want to place on all future readers? If not work needs to be done to the mdTranslator.

De-normalizing the contacts in the internal data store will not be too much work. It should also be relatively easy to change in the two ISO writers. The bulk of the work will be in the mdJson reader which will need to distribute the contacts to each responsibleParty. Also most all the unit test cases will need to be rewritten - the examples should be fine - since this is the content we wrote test cases for first.


Pre-formatted text in HTML writer

How about wrapping elements that typically have pre-formatted text blocks, i.e. paragraphs, in <pre> tags. Otherwise my new lines are ignored(along with any other white space) when rendered as HTML. Would be especially useful for abstract.

Formatting messages

Josh - I started looking into where and when messages are formatted by mdTranslator and see the following...

  • :readerStructureMessages are loaded into the message object in the adiwgJson_validation module. These are errors reported from failure to parse, improper version block, or invalid version name or number. The message text is provided by me and pushed into the :readerStructureMessages array.
  • :readerValidationMessages are loaded into the message object in the adiwgJson_validation module. These are the messages returned from JSON::Validator using errors_as_objects and set directly into the :readerValidationMessages array.
  • :writerMessages comes from the mdtranslator.rb base module and since there is no validation currently done by the writer, are always empty.

Error formatting done by the CLI depends on the chosen options.

  • if --returnObject (-o); the entire return object is sent back in a JSON object. No formatted text messages should be in this object.
  • if --messages='json' (-m) and reader errors were found; return same as -o.
  • if --messages='text' and reader errors were found; all errors are formatted into a single text string and returned. The same would be true for writer error messages, except none are being reported right now

Were you experiencing something different than what is stated above that I need to fix?
Or did you need something to work differently from the above?

Trap responsibleParty with no contact

HTML writer fails when responsibleParty contactId does not have a matching contactId in the contact array. The ISO writer does not fail but also does not report the error. This condition should be trapped in the mdJson reader, set readerPass to false, and prevent execution of the writer.

sbJSON 2.0 reader

Notes on implementation

sbJSON Docs

SB Core Model

Need to support the following "facets":

  • Budget (mdJSON funding)
  • Citation (resourceType="publication")
  • Project (resourceType="project")
  • Product (TBD)

Notes from meetings with SB team(login required):

Implementation issues

Link to Crosswalk

See also v1.0 Implementation

  • sbJSON doesn't support "contextual" contacts, i.e. roles. All contacts with roles appear in a single contacts array. Unfortunately, this means that to capture all the contacts from mdJSON, each unique contact/role combination will need to be listed in the sbJSON. Yes, that means there may be multiple occurrences of a given contacts in the sbJSON block, each with a different role.
  • Will need to translate mdJSON metadataDistribution/DataGov(or whatever the equivalent is) to "dataGov": true (property is located at the root of the sbJSON element)
  • Funding dates should be translated to federal Fiscal Year(10/01-09/30). The latest available date (begin/end) should be used for the FY calculation.
  • spatial/bbox can be translated. However, obtaining full geometry objects would require a call to the SB "footprint" web service.

Add readme files for readers and writers

Add a readme file in kramdown format for each reader and writer. Provide access to these files from mdtranslator-rails to provide the content for the API web pages describing the particular reader or writer.

Modify parameter order on translate

The current parameter order for translate is (file, reader, writer, validation level, show empty).

The issue is validation applies to the reader, but the writer parameter is in between. That makes it awkward to specify a validation level when no writer is needed. Ruby does not allow the following syntax translator(file, reader,, validation level) even when a default value for the missing parameter is defined.

If I move the parameters around to translate(file, reader, validation level, writer, show empty) I think translate(file, reader, validation level) will pass for polymorphism.

This should not effect the CLI or API as these are both named parameter driven.

What you think?

Add computed bounding box

Add a computed bounding box to each geometryCollection, feature, featureCollection, and geographicExtent placed into the internal object. The native GeoJSON will not be modified. The computed bounding box is in addition to bbox(s) provided in the GeoJSON and will not replace or modify them.

Failure if non-semantic version is supplied

A non-semantic version, e.g. 1 causes a failure:

TypeError: no implicit conversion of nil into String
 .../Projects/ADIwg/adiwgTranslator/mdTranslator/lib/adiwg/mdtranslator/readers/mdJson/mdJson_validator.rb:72:in `+' 

.../Projects/ADIwg/adiwgTranslator/mdTranslator/lib/adiwg/mdtranslator/readers/mdJson/mdJson_validator.rb:72:in `validate'

sbJson 2.0 body

Mapping of sbJson body to mdTranslator internal data structure:

  • reader complete
  • writer complete
    "body": "The main goal of this item is to show you how to create an item"

Definition: The ScienceBase Body is an open descriptive field for an item that may contain rich formatting (accessible by clicking the arrow button at the top right of the form field). The Body should provide users with a clear understanding of an item with as much formatting as necessary to give the user a clear reading experience.

  • Map to resource abstract: [schema][metadata][resourceInfo].abstract
    view mdTools

  "summary": "The main goal of this item is to show ..."

Definition: A concatenated version of the body auto generated by ScienceBase.

  • Map to resource shortAbstract: [schema][metadata][resourceInfo].shortAbstract
    view mdTools

Mapping to mdTranslator

   def newBase
      intObj = {
         metadata: {
            resourceInfo: {
               abstract: 'The main goal of this item is to show you how to create an item',
               shortAbstract: 'The main goal of this item is to show ...'

Translation to mdJson

   "metadata": {
      "resourceInfo": {
         "abstract": "The main goal of this item is to show you how to create an item",
         "shortAbstract": "The main goal of this item is to show ..."

Test the limits of a minimal adiwgJson input

All our testing to date has been with a 'full_test_example.json' input file. We need to find the effects of a minimal input file. How will the schema validator and mdTranslator react to the lack of data.

Add version numbers to readers and writers

Assuming semantic versioning as ...
X. -> major release (not backwards compatible)
X.Y. -> minor release (backwards compatible, might also add "new" functionality)
X.Y.Z -> patch (backwards compatible)

Here are the things bugging me about versioning mdTranslator:

  1. I don't like the names of 2 of the response object variables
    • readerFound should be dropped - if someone asks for a reader we do not support we are not going to substitute another
    • readerVersionFound - change to readerVersionUsed
  2. The only version we currently track is for the overall mdTranslator, no version numbers for individual readers and writers.
  3. mdJson reader module folder is named to X.Y but minor releases are backwards compatible therefore separate modules for minor releases are not necessary. Folder should be to X. Care should be taken when testing for missing values in writers since minor schema releases may include a bunch of new properties between major versions.
  4. mdJson object {version: {version: x.y.z}} syntax is to patch level. May not be a need to check this beyond major release.
  5. If we maintained reader version numbers we could better report back in response blocks. May be important when mdJson files get passed to different instances of mdTranslator. Although maybe less important, same as 5 goes for the writers.
  6. It would not be too difficult to track reader and writer versions. They could be self contained in the reader and writer.

mdTranslator API

It's time to code the RESTful API for our hosted mdTranslator. Here's a first pass at defining our API. Please contribute your thoughts.

http://...someplace.../api/v1 # returns documentation on version 1 API

format ...
supported endpoints ...
options ...

  • jsonValidation = [none, json, strict]
  • showEmpty = [true, false]

I placed the reader and writer as segments, which may not be strictly RESTful, but because the options list may vary with type of reader and writer. E,g, jsonValidation only applies if input is JSON and showEmpty only applies if write returns XML.

sbJson 2.0 titles

Mapping of sbJson titles to mdTranslator internal data structure:

  • reader complete
  • writer complete
    "title":"Item Title"

Definition: (none)

  • Map to resource citation title: [schema][metadata][resourceInfo][citation].title
    view mdTools

   "subTitle":"Item Subtitle"

Definition: A subtitle may be an explanatory or alternate title that provides additional information about the item. The subtitle may clarify the theme of the item, enhancing the title.

  • Map to resource citation title: [schema][metadata][resourceInfo][citation][alternateTitle][0]
    view mdTools

   "alternateTitles": [
      "Alternate Titles",
      "Alternate Titles 2",
      "Alternate Titles 3"

Definition: (none)

  • Map to resource citation title: [schema][metadata][resourceInfo][citation][alternateTitle][n]
    view MdTools

Mapping to mdTranslator

   def newBase
      intObj = {
         metadata: {
            resourceInfo: {
               citation: {
                  title: 'Item Title',
                  alternateTitles: [
                     'Item Subtitle',
                     'Alternate Titles',
                     'Alternate Titles 2',
                     'Alternate Titles 3'

Translation to mdJson

   "metadata": {
      "resourceInfo": {
         "citation": {
            "title": "Item Title",
            "alternateTitle": [
               "Item Subtitle",
               "Alternate Titles",
               "Alternate Titles 2",
               "Alternate Titles 3"

sbJson 2.0 purpose

Mapping of sbJson purpose to mdTranslator internal data structure:

  • reader complete
  • writer complete

Definition: The Purpose field in ScienceBase is an open text field that may contain a statement about the intended purpose of a given item.

  • Map to resource purpose: [schema][metadata][resourceInfo].purpose
    view mdTools

Mapping to mdTranslator

   def newBase
      intObj = {
         metadata: {
            resourceInfo: {
               purpose: 'Purpose'

Translation to mdJson

   "metadata": {
      "resourceInfo": {
         "purpose": "Purpose"

Maps don't refresh bounds when using "open" button

The open button doesn't trigger the click event on the summary header, so invalidateSize() is never run on the Leaflet maps (to force a redraw). Possible solution is to add an additional listener for the open button click event:

            L.DomEvent.addListener(L.DomUtil.get('openAllDetails'), 'click', function() {
                var me = this;
                var i = 0;

                setTimeout(function() {
                    check(i, me, bnds);
                }, 100);

            }, map);

sbJson 2.0 id

Mapping of sbJson id to mdTranslator internal data structure:

  • reader complete
  • writer complete
   "id":"<unique id>"

Definition: The unique ScienceBase id of the item. ScienceBase assigns its own universally unique identifier to every item and uses it consistently throughout the architecture for all references. The UUID may be expressed as an HTTP URI (universal resource identifier) in some circumstances, but the basic ID is listed as a UUID string in the core model.

  • Map to [schema][metadata][metadataInfo][metadataIdentifier].identifier
    view mdTools
  • Map to [schema][metadata][resourceInfo][citation][identifier[0].identifier
    view mdTools

Mapping to mdTranslator

   def newBase
      intObj = {
         metadata: {
            metadataInfo: {
               metadataIdentifier: {
                  identifier: '<unique id>',
                  namespace: 'gov.sciencebase.catalog',
                  description: 'US Geological Survey ScienceBase identifier',
                  version: nil,
                  citation: {}

            resourceInfo: {
               citation: {
                  identifier: [
                        identifier: '<unique id>',
                        namespace: 'gov.sciencebase.catalog',
                        description: 'US Geological Survey ScienceBase identifier',
                        version: nil,
                        citation: {}

Translation to mdJson:

   "metadata": {
      "metadataInfo": {
         "metadataIdentifier": {
            "identifier": "<unique id>",
            "nameSpace": "gov.sciencebase.catalog",
            "description": "US Geological Survey ScienceBase identifier"
      "resourceInfo": {
         "citation": {
            "identifier": [
                  "identifier": "<unique id>",
                  "nameSpace": "gov.sciencebase.catalog",
                  "description": "US Geological Survey ScienceBase identifier"

HTML Writer should output only relevant sections

Currently the HTML outputs empty sections, i.e. no data supplied to reader. I think it would be better(less confusing) to only output sections for which data is provided. The TOC would also need to reflect this.

sbJson 2.0 rights

Mapping of sbJson rights to mdTranslator internal data structure:

  • reader complete
  • writer complete

Definition: Rights for cataloged information items refer to intellectual property restrictions. Permissions from data provider may be required for using information. Manuscript access may require fees.

  • Map to resource constraints legalConstraint otherConstraints: [schema][metadata][resourceInfo][constraints][n][legalConstraint][otherCons][n]
    view mdTools

Mapping to mdTranslator

   def newBase
      intObj = {
         metadata: {
            resourceInfo: {
               constraints: [
                     type: 'legal',
                     useLimitation: [],
                     scope: {},
                     graphic: [],
                     reference: [],
                     releasability: {},
                     responsibleParty: [],
                     legalConstraint: {
                        accessCodes: ['MD_RestrictionCode'],
                        useCodes: ['MD_RestrictionCode'],
                        otherCons: [
                     securityConstraint: {}

Translation to mdJson

   "metadata": {
      "resourceInfo": {
         "constraint": [
               "type": "legal",
               "legal": {
                  "otherConstraint": [

Provide available reader & writers through CLI

"I was just thinking that it would handy for the mdTranslator command line tool be able to print out what the valid options are for the various flags, or even just pointed them at a url." - Suggested by Will Fisher.

Allow mutiple taxonomic definitions

I just discovered it is possible (and desirable) to have multiple taxonomic definitions in the taxononic section of ISO metadata. The taxonomy hierarchy can repetitively branch at any level with each branch able to continue toward species or branch again within itself. Applying this patch will require changes to mdJson, the internal object, mdTranslator readers and writers, and json-schema-viewer. What a mess!

Translator crashes when supplied reader doesn't exist.

Is this expected behavior, or should we provide a more useful error message?

The error output is:

TypeError: no implicit conversion of nil into String
    .../Projects/ADIwg/adiwgTranslator/mdTranslator/lib/adiwg/mdtranslator.rb:93:in `+'
    .../Projects/ADIwg/adiwgTranslator/mdTranslator/lib/adiwg/mdtranslator.rb:93:in `reader_module'

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