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twitter-api's People


adamwynne avatar bitsai avatar chbrown avatar dotemacs avatar eightysteele avatar jcrossley3 avatar jtoy avatar juxtin avatar matthiasn avatar minleychris avatar mkremins avatar morganastra avatar ortuna avatar paulbowler avatar peat avatar ryane avatar thatsnotright avatar tqsunset avatar wiseman avatar yogsototh avatar


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twitter-api's Issues

More Examples

Currently I am trying to filter a sequence of hashtags. (def response (user-stream :oatuh-creds ...)) does not seem to be the answer. Could you please provide an example where you're filtering on a hashtag and doing something when that hashtag appears in the stream?

Bump up clojure verion

trying to run this in lighttable and i'm getting an error saying that it requires a newer version of clojure.

does this library have code that isn't compatible with newer versions of clojure?

tests don't pass

Ran 48 tests containing 102 assertions.
3 failures, 37 errors.
Tests failed.

a lot of the errors are
actual: java.lang.Exception: Twitter responded to request with error 215: Bad Authentication data

however, i think i put in the correct creds, as the rest of the tests worked. do only 40 tests require creds?

Null pointer exception in trivial use case.

I was just testing this library out, and ran this code (secrets removed):

(def tehgeekmeisters_creds (make-oauth-creds ...))

(def print_my_toots
  "prints tehgeekmeister's toots"
  (pprint (statuses-home-timeline :oauth-creds tehgeekmeisters_creds)))

And then this is interspersed in the output on every run so far. Since there's no filenames in this library mentioned, and I'm new to clojure, I can't be of much more help unfortunately.

    at clojure.lang.Var.invoke(
    at user$eval5$fn__7.invoke(form-init5319499649707338122.clj:1)
    at user$eval5.invoke(form-init5319499649707338122.clj:1)
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.eval(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.eval(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.load(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.loadFile(
    at clojure.main$load_script.invoke(main.clj:294)
    at clojure.main$init_opt.invoke(main.clj:299)
    at clojure.main$initialize.invoke(main.clj:327)
    at clojure.main$null_opt.invoke(main.clj:362)
    at clojure.main$main.doInvoke(main.clj:440)
    at clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke(

Some warnings from kibit

Just thought this might be helpful to you -- I ran kibit through the latest code and got 2 warnings:

At /Users/seymores/work/github/twitter-api/src/twitter/callbacks/handlers.clj:60:
Consider using:
(str baos)
instead of:
(.toString baos)

At /Users/seymores/work/github/twitter-api/src/twitter/utils.clj:43:
Consider using:
(pos? (count result))
instead of:
(> (count result) 0)


how to update-status?


I've been playing around with the twitter-api, and most things seem to work fine, so that is great!

One thing I was not able to figure out so far is how to use 'update-status'. Following your examples, here is what I tried:

... (def ^:dynamic _creds_ (make-oauth-creds app-consumer-key app-consumer-secret user-access-token user-access-token-secret)) ;; => _creds_

(-> (show-user :oauth-creds creds :params {:screen-name "JoachimDeBeule"}) :body :status :text)
;; => "hello world"

(update-status :oauth-creds creds :body [(status-body-part "Hello World from Clojure!")])
;; => exception thrown

The second form returns my current status ("hello world"), so it works, but the last form throws an exception and reports that "Twitter responded to request with error 32: Could not authenticate you"
Could you tell me what I am doing wrong? Both clojure and twitter are new to me, so forgive me if this is a stupid question.


PS: I think I found a small mistake in the RESTful calls example, should it not be "response-throw-error" instead of "response-error-throw"?

Publish current 0.8.0 as 1.8.0 on

Turns out there's a very old 1.0.0 which was published to back on 2011-06-30. Luckily, Clojars only shows the chronologically latest versions on the project page and the very latest in the Leiningen/Boot/Gradle/Maven snippets, but still, this is confusing!

I only noticed when lein ancient told me [twitter-api "1.0.0"] was available; hopefully other people haven't run into the same issue.

Closing an open stream

Hi Adam,

is there any way to close a stream when connected to it? The application I'm using your library in makes use of Stuart Sierras Components and Reloaded libs which, for hot reloads in the dev env, means I need to be able to close an existing stream.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


file descriptors leak

Calling make-oauth-creds with the first supported arity, that is with app-key and app-secret only, will leave open files. The offending function is request-app-only-token, with further calls to execute-request-callbacks and callbacks-sync-single-default. This smells like threads are left waiting for I/O somewhere down the stack instead of being shut down.

(defn request-app-only-token

The leak can be substantial when calling make-oauth-creds often under that arity.

sudo ls -l /proc/<pid>/fd | wc -l

Stale example on README.markdown

The includes an example that doesn't use authentication. This is no longer supported on Twitter API 1.1, and leads to: error 215: Bad Authentication data

Thanks for the API!

list-friends, list-followers doesn't seems to be working

I'm calling this (list-followers :oauth-creds creds :params {:screen-name username :cursor -1}) and getting
CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: list-followers in this context, compiling:(...)

Same thing for list-followers.

Api 1.8.0 leaves some background thread running.

I have created a very simple piece of code, pretty much following the example

(def my-creds (twauth/make-oauth-creds oauth-consumer

(defn -main
  "I don't do a whole lot ... yet."
  [& args]
  (println "Hello, World!")
  (println (twapi/users-show :oauth-creds my-creds :params {:screen-name "AdamJWynne"}))
  (println "wat")

Sure enough it works until printing the output of users-show. Then emits the expected "wat" ... and then there is silence, the application won't exit. If i comment the users-show out - the application does a clean shutdown. Is there some kind of magic hook that i have to pull? Looks like something is left hanging and jvm figures there is some thread around doing important work still.

org.clojars.adamwynne/clj-oauth vs. clj-oauth

I presume that the org.clojars.adamwynne/clj-oauth dependency is temporary (as opposed to a fork that aims to be maintained over the long haul), based on the org.clojars.* groupId. Are there plans to get its changes merged upstream to mattrepl/clj-oauth?

Background: I'd like to build a Friend workflow using clj-oauth, but be able to use twitter-api within the same application, without the dependency conflict that would arise given the current use of org.clojars.adamwynne/clj-oauth.


JVM crashes after 60 secs with AsyncStreamingCallback

Always exactly after 60 secs.

Method used is statuses-filter but should happen with any method using an AsyncStreamingCallback

Specifying a timeout of more than 60 secs also crashes the JVM
Specifying a timeout of less than 60 secs returns a proper exception and does not crash the jvm

Is there a connection, idleConnection timeout not set ? I tried to edit the default client so that it has longer timeouts but with no luck.

I edited this in core.clj, recompiled and run my code but same JVM crash happened...

(defn default-client 
  "makes a default async client for the http comms"
  (memo-create-client :follow-redirects false :connection-timeout 120000 :idle-in-pool-timeout 120000 :request-timeout -1))

SyncStreamingCallback works well...

"account/update-profile-banner" Throwing Exception

Hi Adam,

I'm trying to use account-update-profile-banner:
(account-update-profile-banner :oauth-creds my-twitter-user-creds :params {:banner base64-banner})
where base64-banner is a base64 encoded JPEG file.

I have the pretty same code running for account-update-profile-image which runs without any difficulties. (Parameter is called differently. "image" instead of "banner".)

The banner image is updated actually on Twitter but above mentioned function call results in following exception:
No matching clause:

In case you want to try out the function for yourself you might want to use following helper function for encoding a JPEG file:

(ns twitter-me.core
          [me.raynes.fs :as fs]
          [ :as b64]
          [ :as io]))

(defn encode-jpeg-file [file-name]
  (with-open [in (io/input-stream (io/file file-name))]
    (let [buf (byte-array (fs/size file-name))
          n (.read in buf)]
      (apply str (map char (b64/encode buf))))))

I assume it has something to do with the callback handling but I couldn't find it in the code. I assume a cond is causing the issue.

Kind regards,

twitter.oauth not found Could not locate twitter/oauth__init.class or twitter/oauth.clj on classpath:

Happens using Clojure 1.4 and 1.3 and while using twitter-api version 0.6.13. Any idea what the problem is

Project deps looks like
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.3.0"]
[compojure "1.1.3"]
[twitter-api "0.6.13"]]
:plugins [[lein-ring "0.7.5"]]
:ring {:handler trend-analyser.handler/app}
{:dev {:dependencies [[ring-mock "0.1.3"]]}})

And the individual namespace's deps looks like
(ns trend-analyser.handler
(:use [compojure.core]
[twitter.oauth :as auth]
(:require [compojure.handler :as handler]
[compojure.route :as route])
(twitter.callbacks.protocols SyncSingleCallback)))

Failed to load class org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinding

When I load the follow namespace into my REPL:

(ns yournamespace.core
  (:use [twitter.oauth]
  (:import [twitter.callbacks.protocols SyncSingleCallback]))

I receive the following output in my console swank session:

$ lein swank
Connection opened on localhost port 4005.
SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See for further details.

test fail: users-suggestions-slug and users-suggestions-slug-members

I found test of users-suggestions-slug and users-suggestions-slug-members failed. Sorry, I don't know how to fix this problem.

% lein test
SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See for further details.

lein test twitter.api.test.restful

ERROR in (test-user) (
expected: (clojure.core/= (clojure.core/get-in (users-suggestions-slug :oauth-creds (twitter.test.creds/make-test-creds) :params {:slug "sports"}) [:status :code]) 200)
  actual: java.lang.Exception: Twitter responded to request with error 34: Sorry, that page does not exist
 at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0 (
    sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance (
    sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance (
    java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance (
    clojure.lang.Reflector.invokeConstructor (
    twitter.callbacks.handlers$response_throw_error.invoke (handlers.clj:52)
    twitter.callbacks.handlers$handle_response.doInvoke (handlers.clj:115)
    clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke (
    twitter.request$get_response_transform$fn__1350.invoke (request.clj:29)
    twitter.request$execute_request_callbacks.invoke (request.clj:45)
    twitter.core$http_request.invoke (core.clj:103)
    twitter.api.restful$users_suggestions_slug.doInvoke (restful.clj:76)
    clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke (
    twitter.api.test.restful$fn__2404$fn__2417.invoke (restful.clj:51)
    twitter.api.test.restful/fn (restful.clj:51)
    clojure.test$test_var$fn__6926.invoke (test.clj:701)
    clojure.test$test_var.invoke (test.clj:701)
    clojure.test$test_all_vars$fn__6930$fn__6937.invoke (test.clj:717)
    clojure.test$default_fixture.invoke (test.clj:671)
    clojure.test$test_all_vars$fn__6930.invoke (test.clj:717)
    clojure.test$default_fixture.invoke (test.clj:671)
    clojure.test$test_all_vars.invoke (test.clj:713)
    clojure.test$test_ns.invoke (test.clj:736)
    clojure.core$map$fn__4087.invoke (core.clj:2434)
    clojure.lang.LazySeq.sval (
    clojure.lang.LazySeq.seq ( (
    clojure.lang.RT.boundedLength (
    clojure.lang.RestFn.applyTo (
    clojure.core$apply.invoke (core.clj:603)
    clojure.test$run_tests.doInvoke (test.clj:751)
    clojure.lang.RestFn.applyTo (
    clojure.core$apply.invoke (core.clj:601)
    user$eval3071$fn__3074.invoke (NO_SOURCE_FILE:1)
    user$eval3071.invoke (NO_SOURCE_FILE:1)
    clojure.lang.Compiler.eval (
    clojure.lang.Compiler.eval (
    clojure.lang.Compiler.eval (
    clojure.lang.Compiler.eval (
    clojure.core$eval.invoke (core.clj:2797)
    clojure.main$eval_opt.invoke (main.clj:297)
    clojure.main$initialize.invoke (main.clj:316)
    clojure.main$null_opt.invoke (main.clj:349)
    clojure.main$main.doInvoke (main.clj:427)
    clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke (
    clojure.lang.Var.invoke (
    clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper (
    clojure.lang.Var.applyTo (
    clojure.main.main (

ERROR in (test-user) (
expected: (clojure.core/= (clojure.core/get-in (users-suggestions-slug-members :oauth-creds (twitter.test.creds/make-test-creds) :params {:slug "sports"}) [:status :code]) 200)
  actual: java.lang.Exception: Twitter responded to request with error 34: Sorry, that page does not exist
 at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0 (
    sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance (
    sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance (
    java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance (
    clojure.lang.Reflector.invokeConstructor (
    twitter.callbacks.handlers$response_throw_error.invoke (handlers.clj:52)
    twitter.callbacks.handlers$handle_response.doInvoke (handlers.clj:115)
    clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke (
    twitter.request$get_response_transform$fn__1350.invoke (request.clj:29)
    twitter.request$execute_request_callbacks.invoke (request.clj:45)
    twitter.core$http_request.invoke (core.clj:103)
    twitter.api.restful$users_suggestions_slug_members.doInvoke (restful.clj:77)
    clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke (
    twitter.api.test.restful$fn__2404$fn__2421.invoke (restful.clj:52)
    twitter.api.test.restful/fn (restful.clj:52)
    clojure.test$test_var$fn__6926.invoke (test.clj:701)
    clojure.test$test_var.invoke (test.clj:701)
    clojure.test$test_all_vars$fn__6930$fn__6937.invoke (test.clj:717)
    clojure.test$default_fixture.invoke (test.clj:671)
    clojure.test$test_all_vars$fn__6930.invoke (test.clj:717)
    clojure.test$default_fixture.invoke (test.clj:671)
    clojure.test$test_all_vars.invoke (test.clj:713)
    clojure.test$test_ns.invoke (test.clj:736)
    clojure.core$map$fn__4087.invoke (core.clj:2434)
    clojure.lang.LazySeq.sval (
    clojure.lang.LazySeq.seq ( (
    clojure.lang.RT.boundedLength (
    clojure.lang.RestFn.applyTo (
    clojure.core$apply.invoke (core.clj:603)
    clojure.test$run_tests.doInvoke (test.clj:751)
    clojure.lang.RestFn.applyTo (
    clojure.core$apply.invoke (core.clj:601)
    user$eval3071$fn__3074.invoke (NO_SOURCE_FILE:1)
    user$eval3071.invoke (NO_SOURCE_FILE:1)
    clojure.lang.Compiler.eval (
    clojure.lang.Compiler.eval (
    clojure.lang.Compiler.eval (
    clojure.lang.Compiler.eval (
    clojure.core$eval.invoke (core.clj:2797)
    clojure.main$eval_opt.invoke (main.clj:297)
    clojure.main$initialize.invoke (main.clj:316)
    clojure.main$null_opt.invoke (main.clj:349)
    clojure.main$main.doInvoke (main.clj:427)
    clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke (
    clojure.lang.Var.invoke (
    clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper (
    clojure.lang.Var.applyTo (
    clojure.main.main (

lein test

lein test twitter.api.test.streaming

lein test twitter.test-utils.core

lein test twitter.test.callbacks

lein test twitter.test.core

lein test twitter.test.creds

lein test twitter.test.request

lein test twitter.test.upload

lein test twitter.test.utils

Ran 48 tests containing 112 assertions.
0 failures, 2 errors.
Tests failed.

Hanging when doing statuses-update-with-media

It seems that when executing the statuses-update-with-media function I get 100% CPU utilisation and the operation doesn't complete. I first noticed this in an app I had, however it seems to also happen in the tests. I'm trying to track down what's happening specifically.

Program doesn't terminate


The following program doesn't terminate, and I'm not sure why.

(ns test_twitter.core
  (:use []))

(defn -main []
  (println (search :params {:q "@andrew_jones"}))
  (println "HERE"))

It does print the results that I'd expect, and I see "HERE", but control isn't returned to the shell. I have to Ctrl-C to terminate the program. If I remove the line with (search :params ...) in it everything is fine.

I'm using Leiningen to build and run the example. I'm using twitter-api 0.6.4 and Clojure 1.3.0.

help with account-update-profile-image

Hey, first of all, thank you so much for taking the time to write this code. It's saved me a lot of work.

I'm having some difficulty calling account-update-profile-image. I'm guessing I'm just doing something wrong, and I'd really appreciate some help.

My credentials do work for status updates, and all of the other calls I've tried so I'm assuming they're ok. Twitter says they have read, write and direct message permissions.

Going off the code I see in twitter/request.clj, and the test-image-upload function test/upload.clj, I think it should be something like:

(account-update-profile-image :oauth-creds *my-creds*
                              :body {:image (File. "profile.jpg")})

I've tried a number of different things with the :body parameter, but I typically get this response from twitter:

Exception Twitter responded to request with error 32: Could not authenticate you sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor31.newInstance (:-1)

After I've tried this call, I can still use my-creds to update my status successfully, so I'm a bit confused.

friendships-show returns error 164

Running examples from the tutorial I've come across a problem:

(users-show :oauth-creds my-creds :params {:screen-name "spbowler"}) as expected.

However, executing with the same credentials:

(friendships-show :oauth-creds my-creds :params {:screen-name "spbowler"})


java.lang.Exception: Twitter responded to request with error 164: Target user not specified.

HeaderMap issue

I upgraded a previous project to 0.7.8 (and Clojure itself to 1.8) to find a problem with HeaderMap

#error {
 :cause IllegalName: compile__stub.clj_http.headers.clj-http.headers/HeaderMap
 [{:type clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException
   :message java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: IllegalName: compile__stub.clj_http.
headers.clj-http.headers/HeaderMap, compiling:(clj_http/headers.clj:105:1)
   :at [clojure.lang.Compiler analyzeSeq 6875]}
  {:type java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
   :message IllegalName: compile__stub.clj_http.headers.clj-http.headers/HeaderM
   :at [java.lang.ClassLoader preDefineClass nil -1]}]

Reverting the change for ordering the header resolved it for me.

statuses mentions timeline always return 0

Before anything else, great job!! Very helpful indeed, Adam.

Well, I have tried it with several users and no matter what always return 0 statuses (I have tried users which have mentions for sure)

Response-throw-error has an error

Exception Twitter responded to request with error 34: Sorry, that page does not exist
sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0 (
sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance (
sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance (
java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance (
clojure.lang.Reflector.invokeConstructor (
twitter.callbacks.handlers/response-throw-error (handlers.clj:52)

Connection time out with Search API

Hey Guys,

We're seeing some unexpected behavior when using the search API. Basically we're getting:

ConnectException connection timed out$Boss.processConnectTimeout 

Sometimes it works, but mostly there's just a long delay and then it fails. To reproduce in the REPL:

(use `
(search :params {:q "#knitting"})
ConnectException connection timed out$Boss.processConnectTimeou

We're riding on Clojure 1.4 with twitter-api 0.7.0.


App only auth


I don't understand what should I put in my creds map to make it auth with the bearer token for an app_only auth.


streaming api example stops working after a minute or so ..

not sure how to debug this,
but reproducing the issue seems easy:
create new project with the same example code as in the docs (streaming async) ...
when you run it starts receiving tweets but then it stop, the exception handler does not seem to be called at all ....

the code looks like this

(def ^:dynamic
     (AsyncStreamingCallback. (comp println #(str %2))
                      (comp println response-return-everything)

(defn -main
  (statuses-filter :params {:track "Borat"}
         :oauth-creds *creds*
         :callbacks *custom-streaming-callback*)

if i use the 0.6.10 version it seems to keep working, but i had issue reconnecting after the network connection gets interrupted (but that's probably error in my code)....

im testing with clojure 1.4 and the only dependencies specified are clojure and twitter-api

How to collect tweets from a stream into a lazy seq for further processing?

Hi, me again.

I've made some progress, but I am stuck again and I am also not sure if I am on the right track.

I wrote some clojure code for launching and shutting down a twitter statusses-filter with given credentials, track-string and handler function as follows:

(defn bodypart-text
[response baos](:text %28json/read-json %28.toString baos%29 true%29))

(def statusses-filter (atom nil))

(defn lounch-statusses-filter
"Launches a twitter statusses-filter and pipes the body-part :text
fields to a handler function."
[credentials track-string handler](if @statusses-filter
(reset! statusses-filter
:params {:track track-string}
:oauth-creds credentials
:callbacks (AsyncStreamingCallback.
(comp handler bodypart-text)
(comp println response-return-everything)

(defn shutdown-statusses-filter [](%28:cancel %28meta @statusses-filter%29%29)
(reset! statusses-filter nil))

Here are my questions:

  1. The reason why I define the atom statusses-filter is because I presume that I need the return value of the statusses-filter for shutting it down, is that correct?

  2. With appropriately initialized creds, I can now print out all tweets about, say, Obama as follows:

(twitter/lounch-statusses-filter +creds+ "Obama" println)

This works fine, but it is not clear to me how to provide another handlers besides println. For instance, I would like to have a handler that packs the incoming tweets in a (lazy) sequence for further handling, so that I can map over them as they come in, e.g. (I'm improvising here):

(defn mappin-handler [fn]
#(map fn (to-seq %)))

(twitter/lounch-statusses-filter +creds+ "Obama" (mapping-handler println))

Does this make sense at all?

Thanks in advance!

Cannot update to clojure alpha11

In order to upgrate to alpha11, given the noteworthy new specs on ns, def, etc... there is a necessary commit to include in http.async.client (1.2.0).
Unfortunately this introduces some new stuff (I see the version supported here is kind of dated) and I receive an error (long):

             clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.ning.http.client.Cookie, compiling:(twitter/request.clj:1:1)
    data: {:file "/tmp/boot.user6040893150050337721.clj", :line 93}
clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.ning.http.client.Cookie, compiling:(twitter/request.clj:1:1)
       java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.ning.http.client.Cookie
              twitter.request/eval53254/loading--auto--        request.clj:    1
                 twitter.request/eval53254/invokeStatic        request.clj:    1
                              twitter.request/eval53254        request.clj:    1
                                   clojure.core/load/fn           core.clj: 6008
                         clojure.core/load/invokeStatic           core.clj: 6007
                                      clojure.core/load           core.clj: 5991
                     clojure.core/load-one/invokeStatic           core.clj: 5812
                                  clojure.core/load-one           core.clj: 5807
                               clojure.core/load-lib/fn           core.clj: 5852
                     clojure.core/load-lib/invokeStatic           core.clj: 5851
                                  clojure.core/load-lib           core.clj: 5832
                        clojure.core/apply/invokeStatic           core.clj:  659
                    clojure.core/load-libs/invokeStatic           core.clj: 5889
                                 clojure.core/load-libs           core.clj: 5873
                        clojure.core/apply/invokeStatic           core.clj:  659
                      clojure.core/require/invokeStatic           core.clj: 5911
                                   clojure.core/require           core.clj: 5911
                twitter.oauth/eval53003/loading--auto--          oauth.clj:    1
                   twitter.oauth/eval53003/invokeStatic          oauth.clj:    1
                                twitter.oauth/eval53003          oauth.clj:    1
                                   clojure.core/load/fn           core.clj: 6008
                         clojure.core/load/invokeStatic           core.clj: 6007
                                      clojure.core/load           core.clj: 5991
                     clojure.core/load-one/invokeStatic           core.clj: 5812
                                  clojure.core/load-one           core.clj: 5807
                               clojure.core/load-lib/fn           core.clj: 5852
                     clojure.core/load-lib/invokeStatic           core.clj: 5851
                                  clojure.core/load-lib           core.clj: 5832
                        clojure.core/apply/invokeStatic           core.clj:  659
                    clojure.core/load-libs/invokeStatic           core.clj: 5889
                                 clojure.core/load-libs           core.clj: 5873
                        clojure.core/apply/invokeStatic           core.clj:  659
                      clojure.core/require/invokeStatic           core.clj: 5911
                                   clojure.core/require           core.clj: 5911
twitter-streaming-client.impl/eval52118/loading--auto--           impl.clj:    1
   twitter-streaming-client.impl/eval52118/invokeStatic           impl.clj:    1
                twitter-streaming-client.impl/eval52118           impl.clj:    1
                                   clojure.core/load/fn           core.clj: 6008
                         clojure.core/load/invokeStatic           core.clj: 6007
                                      clojure.core/load           core.clj: 5991
                     clojure.core/load-one/invokeStatic           core.clj: 5812
                                  clojure.core/load-one           core.clj: 5807
                               clojure.core/load-lib/fn           core.clj: 5852
                     clojure.core/load-lib/invokeStatic           core.clj: 5851
                                  clojure.core/load-lib           core.clj: 5832
                        clojure.core/apply/invokeStatic           core.clj:  659
                    clojure.core/load-libs/invokeStatic           core.clj: 5889
                                 clojure.core/load-libs           core.clj: 5873
                        clojure.core/apply/invokeStatic           core.clj:  661
                          clojure.core/use/invokeStatic           core.clj: 5975
                                       clojure.core/use           core.clj: 5975
twitter-streaming-client.core/eval52110/loading--auto--           core.clj:    1
   twitter-streaming-client.core/eval52110/invokeStatic           core.clj:    1
                twitter-streaming-client.core/eval52110           core.clj:    1
                                   clojure.core/load/fn           core.clj: 6008
                         clojure.core/load/invokeStatic           core.clj: 6007
                                      clojure.core/load           core.clj: 5991
                     clojure.core/load-one/invokeStatic           core.clj: 5812
                                  clojure.core/load-one           core.clj: 5807
                               clojure.core/load-lib/fn           core.clj: 5852
                     clojure.core/load-lib/invokeStatic           core.clj: 5851
                                  clojure.core/load-lib           core.clj: 5832
                        clojure.core/apply/invokeStatic           core.clj:  659
                    clojure.core/load-libs/invokeStatic           core.clj: 5889
                                 clojure.core/load-libs           core.clj: 5873
                        clojure.core/apply/invokeStatic           core.clj:  659
                      clojure.core/require/invokeStatic           core.clj: 5911
                                   clojure.core/require           core.clj: 5911
    booma.integration.twitter/eval52102/loading--auto--        twitter.clj:    1
       booma.integration.twitter/eval52102/invokeStatic        twitter.clj:    1
                    booma.integration.twitter/eval52102        twitter.clj:    1
                                   clojure.core/load/fn           core.clj: 6008
                         clojure.core/load/invokeStatic           core.clj: 6007
                                      clojure.core/load           core.clj: 5991
                     clojure.core/load-one/invokeStatic           core.clj: 5812
                                  clojure.core/load-one           core.clj: 5807
                               clojure.core/load-lib/fn           core.clj: 5852
                     clojure.core/load-lib/invokeStatic           core.clj: 5851
                                  clojure.core/load-lib           core.clj: 5832
                        clojure.core/apply/invokeStatic           core.clj:  659
                    clojure.core/load-libs/invokeStatic           core.clj: 5889
                                 clojure.core/load-libs           core.clj: 5873
                        clojure.core/apply/invokeStatic           core.clj:  659
                      clojure.core/require/invokeStatic           core.clj: 5911
                                   clojure.core/require           core.clj: 5911
               booma.provider/eval52096/loading--auto--       provider.clj:    1
                  booma.provider/eval52096/invokeStatic       provider.clj:    1
                               booma.provider/eval52096       provider.clj:    1
                                   clojure.core/load/fn           core.clj: 6008
                         clojure.core/load/invokeStatic           core.clj: 6007
                                      clojure.core/load           core.clj: 5991
                     clojure.core/load-one/invokeStatic           core.clj: 5812
                                  clojure.core/load-one           core.clj: 5807
                               clojure.core/load-lib/fn           core.clj: 5852
                     clojure.core/load-lib/invokeStatic           core.clj: 5851
                                  clojure.core/load-lib           core.clj: 5832
                        clojure.core/apply/invokeStatic           core.clj:  659
                    clojure.core/load-libs/invokeStatic           core.clj: 5889
                                 clojure.core/load-libs           core.clj: 5873
                        clojure.core/apply/invokeStatic           core.clj:  659
                      clojure.core/require/invokeStatic           core.clj: 5911
                                   clojure.core/require           core.clj: 5911
          booma.real-time-api/eval51250/loading--auto--  real_time_api.clj:    1
             booma.real-time-api/eval51250/invokeStatic  real_time_api.clj:    1
                          booma.real-time-api/eval51250  real_time_api.clj:    1
                                   clojure.core/load/fn           core.clj: 6008
                         clojure.core/load/invokeStatic           core.clj: 6007
                                      clojure.core/load           core.clj: 5991
                     clojure.core/load-one/invokeStatic           core.clj: 5812
                                  clojure.core/load-one           core.clj: 5807
                               clojure.core/load-lib/fn           core.clj: 5852
                     clojure.core/load-lib/invokeStatic           core.clj: 5851
                                  clojure.core/load-lib           core.clj: 5832
                        clojure.core/apply/invokeStatic           core.clj:  659
                    clojure.core/load-libs/invokeStatic           core.clj: 5889
                                 clojure.core/load-libs           core.clj: 5873
                        clojure.core/apply/invokeStatic           core.clj:  659
                      clojure.core/require/invokeStatic           core.clj: 5911
                                   clojure.core/require           core.clj: 5911
                          dev/eval23372/loading--auto--            dev.clj:    1
                             dev/eval23372/invokeStatic            dev.clj:    1
                                          dev/eval23372            dev.clj:    1
                                   clojure.core/load/fn           core.clj: 6008
                         clojure.core/load/invokeStatic           core.clj: 6007
                                      clojure.core/load           core.clj: 5991
                     clojure.core/load-one/invokeStatic           core.clj: 5812
                                  clojure.core/load-one           core.clj: 5807
                               clojure.core/load-lib/fn           core.clj: 5852
                     clojure.core/load-lib/invokeStatic           core.clj: 5851
                                  clojure.core/load-lib           core.clj: 5832
                        clojure.core/apply/invokeStatic           core.clj:  659
                    clojure.core/load-libs/invokeStatic           core.clj: 5889
                                 clojure.core/load-libs           core.clj: 5873
                        clojure.core/apply/invokeStatic           core.clj:  659
                      clojure.core/require/invokeStatic           core.clj: 5911
                                   clojure.core/require           core.clj: 5911
                             pod$eval23368.invokeStatic     NO_SOURCE_FILE      
                                   pod$eval23368.invoke     NO_SOURCE_FILE      
                         clojure.core/eval/invokeStatic           core.clj: 3187
                                      clojure.core/eval           core.clj: 3183
                                      boot.pod/eval-in*            pod.clj:  437
                                      boot.pod/eval-in*            pod.clj:  440
                                 boot/dev-backend/fn/fn           boot.clj:  185
                                 boot/dev-backend/fn/fn           boot.clj:  181
                                    boot.core/run-tasks           core.clj:  938
                                      boot.core/boot/fn           core.clj:  948
                    clojure.core/binding-conveyor-fn/fn           core.clj: 2019

I am not familiar with the code base, but maybe with some hint I can have a look at this.

Streaming API incomplete tweet

Hi Adam,

Great library, thank you very much!

I am having an issue where the received tweet stream is incomplete. In some cases, the stream is properly JSON parsed though. Here is the code that I use

(defn parse-tweet
  [resp tweet]
    (let [tw-obj (parse-string tweet true)]
      (when (:text tw-obj)
        (log/info (select-keys tw-obj [:id :text]))))
    (catch Throwable t 
      (log/error (.getMessage t) (format "Can't parse tweet\n%s" tweet)))))

(defn vacuum-twttr [tracking]
  (statuses-filter :params {:track tracking}
             :oauth-creds my-creds
             :callbacks (AsyncStreamingCallback. 
                            (fn [resp tweet]
                                (parse-tweet resp (str tweet)))
                          (comp println response-return-everything)

My assumption is that somehow using str over ByteArrayOutputStream creates the problem. Do you have any suggestions ?

Thanks a lot,

Response chunks don't map to streaming responses

I don't think this is only confined to high-volume streams. Seeing the same issue with an extremely low-volume user stream :(

When following a high-volume stream, I'm seeing a lot of responses being chunked incorrectly. Here's a reproduction case:

(defn bodypart-print-2
  [response baos]
  (println (str "#### (" (.size baos) ") " (.toString baos))))

(def ^:dynamic
     (SyncStreamingCallback. bodypart-print-2
                    (comp println response-return-everything)

  (statuses-filter :params {:track "bieber", :delimited "length"}
         :oauth-creds my-creds
         :callbacks *custom-streaming-callback*)

I turned on the delimited param to compare the length of the returned chunk to the expected length of the response. That seems like a route to fixing it but I'm reallll new to Clojure so I'm not totally sure where to start. JSON error

I'm using code straight from the streaming examples, except I'm filtering on a particular user (oath code not shown):

(def ^:dynamic *custom-streaming-callback* 
  (AsyncStreamingCallback. (comp println #(:text %) json/read-json #(str %2)) 
                           (comp println response-return-everything)

(defn start-filtering []
  (statuses-filter :params {:follow 12345}
                            :oauth-creds *creds*
                            :callbacks *custom-streaming-callback*))

When I call the start-filtering method all goes well initially, but if the stream is inactive for a bit (around 30 seconds), i.e. no tweets about this particular user are coming down the pike, the following error occurs:

#<EOFException JSON error (end-of-file)>

I assumed that twitter would keep the stream open indefinitely. I'm looking through the twitter-api code to see what I'm missing, but I thought I'd post here to see if anyone else has seen this exception before.

Error 215: Bad auth data on "statuses-user-timeline" call

I'm attempt to call (statuses-user-timeline ...)

(statuses-user-timeline :oath-creds <result of make-oath-creds> :params {:screen-name <username>}))

Which yields

Exception Twitter responded to request with error 215: Bad Authentication data  sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0 (
java.lang.Exception: Twitter responded to request with error 215: Bad Authentication data
                                 (Unknown Source) sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0
   sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance
                                  handlers.clj:52 twitter.callbacks.handlers/response-throw-error
                                 handlers.clj:130 twitter.callbacks.handlers/handle-response
                                   request.clj:29 twitter.request/get-response-transform[fn]
                                   request.clj:45 twitter.request/execute-request-callbacks
                                     core.clj:105 twitter.core/http-request
                                   restful.clj:48 twitter.api.restful/statuses-user-timeline

I was wondering if you were able to succeed with such a call?

Request token returns 404

Calling restful/oauth-request-token returns:
Exception Twitter responded to request with error 34: Sorry, that page does not exist sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0 (

I believe that appending .json to the URL is breaking it.

Authentication suddenly not working

I've been streaming APIs with twitter-api 0.7.4 for the last few months and up until 2 days ago, it has been working fine.

Since then, all I get is HTTP 401 unauthorised for all my accounts even though I haven't changed anything. Here is some sample output


Problem accessing '/1.1/statuses/filter.json'. Reason:




Problem accessing '/2/user.json'. Reason:


I'm using oauth authentication, similar to the example code in the Readme. I'm still using the same keys as before, and they're the same keys listed when I check

Follow a user with streaming API


I'm trying to fetch all the mentions of a single user and print them as they come in.

I tried changing the example on the front page, but I don't seem to get in any tweets in while i did tweet to/from that account. Can you help me out with this?

Thank you.

(statuses-filter :params {:screen-name "my screen name"}
:oauth-creds creds
:callbacks custom-streaming-callback)

(statuses-filter :params {:follow "myid"}
:oauth-creds creds
:callbacks custom-streaming-callback)

upgrade to data.json 0.2.1

We have a project that depends on both twitter-api and congomongo. The latest congomongo relies on data.json 0.2.0, which introduced breaking changes to the API. Because of this, right now we can't upgrade both twitter-api and congomongo.

Could you please update twitter-api to use data.json 0.2.1? That version includes compatibility shims for 0.1.x functions, and should work as a drop-in replacement for 0.1.3.

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