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Add Automation.Schedule explanation to Docs / CSCLSROZ-193

Advanced Configuration

define all attributes
define what PatternType is inside of pattern

side quest:

  • check if fields like typeId and timezoneId can be removed or at least only re-added on deploy via catalyst
  • check if icalRecur can be generated automatically based on pattern and endDate (icalRecur is required on deploy, tested already!)

Describe DevOps flow from Catalyst perspective / CSCLSROZ-211

Case A: Dev/Prod

  • we have 2 BUs: "Dev-BU" and "Prod-BU"
    • ACN development is solely done on "Dev-BU"
    • potential difficulty: the client may make changes directly on "Prod-BU"
    • testing is conducted on "Dev-BU"
  • branches (Uwe Völlger - please review) (ignore upper half)

    • feature/ — changes to "Dev-BU", no automated deployment
    • master — upon commit, deploy diff to "Prod-BU"
  • branch rules (like in the above picture)
    • no direct commits to release + master branch --> only via PR
    • feature -> master
    • feature branches created off of master branch

Comments from Uwe:
That is fine
End comments from Uwe

Case B: Dev/Qa/Prod

  • we have 3 BUs: "Dev-BU", "Qa-BU" and "Prod-BU"
    • ACN development is solely done on "Dev-BU"
    • potential difficulty: the client may make changes directly on "Prod-BU"
    • testing is conducted on "Qa-BU"
  • branches (Uwe Völlger - please review) (ignore lower half)

    • feature/ — changes to "Dev-BU", no automated deployment
    • release/ — upon commit, deploy diff to "Qa-BU"
    • master — upon commit, deploy diff to "Prod-BU"
  • branch rules (like in the above picture)
    • no direct commits to release + master branch --> only via PR
    • feature -> release -> master
    • feature branches created off of release branches
    • release branches created off of master branch

Comments from Uwe:
Here I would do it differentyl. The normal development happens in the "lower half". Release branches are created as late as possible - that means only if there are parallel releases. This typically happens when bugs must be fixed found during a QA phase while development happens already on the next release. This helps to create as less branches as possible, as each branch also means merges, that might result in conflicts and a lot of work.
So branch rules would be

  • no direct commits to release + master branch --> only via PR
  • Outside of QA phase:
    • feature -> master
    • feature branches created off of master branches
    • When QA runs in parallel to development
      • eature -> release -> master
      • feature branches created off of release branches
      • release branches created off of master branch when QA starts
End comments from Uwe

Uwe Völlger: falls mehr envs nötig werden würde ich zu branches übergehen die nach den envs benannt sind.
Comments from Uwe:
I would like to avoid env-specific branches. It would work, but would create much effort. What's about the idea which we have in SF classic: we define a release (basically a range of commits) and deploy the same to QA BU and more BUs. That of course means the BUs must basically the same, and differences must somehow covered.
End comments from Uwe

Der klassische develop branch könnte bei langfristigeren projekten aber genauso zur anwendung kommen? ziel outcome sollte sein, dass die branching strategie möglichst simpel ist, damit auch nicht versierte nutzer schnell die logik dahinter verstehen UND schätzen

Comments from Uwe:
+**+Ja, das würde auch für weniger agile Projekte passen. Im Prinzip ist das dann auch nicht viel anders als ohne den Branch. Details im Umgang stehen in
End comments from Uwe

[BUG] cannot read property Fields of undefined

Describe the bug
during retrieve of dataExtension the dataExtensionField caching can cause total failure.

11:54:53.241 info: Caching dependent Metadata: dataExtensionTemplate
11:54:53.474 info: Retrieving: dataExtension
11:55:12.684 debug: SOAP.retrieve Error: read ECONNRESET
11:55:12.685 info: - Caching dependent Metadata: dataExtensionField
11:55:13.451 error: Cannot read property 'Fields' of undefined
11:55:13.451 debug: TypeError: Cannot read property 'Fields' of undefined
at C:\Users\joern.berkefeld\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\mcdev\lib\metadataTypes\DataExtension.js:306:59
at Array.forEach ()
at Function.retrieve (C:\Users\joern.berkefeld\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\mcdev\lib\metadataTypes\DataExtension.js:304:23)
at async C:\Users\joern.berkefeld\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\mcdev\lib\Retriever.js:102:34
at async Object.retryOnError (C:\Users\joern.berkefeld\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\mcdev\lib\util\util.js:682:13)
at async Retriever.retrieve (C:\Users\joern.berkefeld\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\mcdev\lib\Retriever.js:101:21)
at async _retrieveBU (C:\Users\joern.berkefeld\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\mcdev\lib\index.js:683:13)
at async retrieve (C:\Users\joern.berkefeld\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\mcdev\lib\index.js:616:17)
11:55:13.452 error: Retriever.retrieve:: Retrieving dataExtension failed
11:55:13.452 debug: Error: Cannot read property 'Fields' of undefined
at Object.retryOnError (C:\Users\joern.berkefeld\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\mcdev\lib\util\util.js:717:23)
at async Retriever.retrieve (C:\Users\joern.berkefeld\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\mcdev\lib\Retriever.js:101:21)
at async _retrieveBU (C:\Users\joern.berkefeld\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\mcdev\lib\index.js:683:13)
at async retrieve (C:\Users\joern.berkefeld\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\mcdev\lib\index.js:616:17)

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
have network issues during dataExtension retrieve

Expected behavior
auto retries



  • mcdev (mcdev --version): 3.0.1

Initial GUI / CSCLSROZ-15

Create basic Electron UI to display how a UI could look.
Functionally should retrieve and document. Deploy is future story

Add "recover" command for hidden dataExtensions / CSCLSROZ-112


  1. Add new command "restore [name]"
  2. Command should work on one type at a time and on one BU
  3. Command should list metadata that is hidden with a selectable list, showing name and folder id, like the one we use in select types
  4. The user then opts in to every entry that shall be reset to main folder
  5. System then creates / clears the deploy folder for that particular BU
  6. System copies the selected meta data into the right deploy subfolders
  7. System asks if it may deploy now (yes/no question like the one used on 2nd execution of "init")
  8. System deploys (or not)

The default folder for each type should be set in our definition.jsons. If none was set there, the "restore" command will assume the type is not supported. This can then be used to output a list to the user to pick from when running the command without parameters.

Side-note: The same definitions-based "pick-type"/"supported-type" approach can then be established for "delete", "document", "retrieveAsTemplate" and "buildDefinition", making it easier to use them all. --> the method for type selection could for instance take an attribute on the type-definition to understand if it supports a type (supports: { "retrieve": true, "restore": false, "delete":true, ... }

We currently see 3 types of errors pop up on most projects with "lost" parent folders being one of these. This has proven to be irritating to users and how to deal with errors happens to be one of the most asked questions i have received so far.

add fixKeys command / CSCLSROZ-29

add fixKeys command that re-uses the --changeKeyField logic together with this.definition.nameField

this is a basic wrapper around --changeKeyField that searches for metadata of the given type with name/key mismatches.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • types that cannot be used with this method are identified by:
    • use id as key (this.definition.keyField === this.definition.idField)
    • use the same field for name and key (this.definition.keyField === this.definition.nameField)
  • this command should search offline --> do a full retrieve of the BU first before executing the actual find logic.
  • after the key-change we need to then iterate over the definition/*.definition.js files to check for types that are dependent on the type you just fixed the keys for

out of scope:

  • rewriting assets / scripts based on new key values (handled in #1001)

basic steps:

  1. retrieve selected type
  2. find items with key != name (metadata[(this.definition.keyField] !== metadata[(this.definition.nameField])
  3. run deploy cred/bu type --fromRetrieve --changeKeyField=${this.definition.nameField} on found keys for selected type
  4. iterate over elements in lib\MetadataTypeDefinitions.js to check array in x.definition.dependencies for matches with the selected type
    • do notice that there are sometimes subtypes defined here as well, eg. "asset-message" --> if you applied fixKeys to "asset" then this would be a match
    • run full retrieve on types that have our selected type as a dependency to ensure that we have keys properly updated in our local folder

... the user then has to git add / commit & push on their own.

Create document command inside of Deployer.js / CSCLSROZ-276

thinking of the same output as for CSCLSROZ-229:


  • metadata type
  • location = file path & name (starting after "retrieve/" in the filepath)
  • external key
  • name
  • Action: add, update, delete, error
  • Error Message

at the same time, remove those custom per-type logs currently generated

save DEs in subfolders according to type (shared, salesforce/synced, normal) / CSCLSROZ-66

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...]

Describe the solution you'd like
A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.

Describe alternatives you've considered
A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

Additional context
Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

Describe what missing folder means per metadata type / CSCLSROZ-226

idea is to give add warning codes into the "missing folder" errors for some types and link to the docs for a detailed description

  • dataExtension --> table still exists, data still exists, but not visible in UI.
    > how to fix: re-deploy the dataextensions with base path OR use catalyst delete
  • automation --> still exists but only visible via "all automations" instead of in subfolders
    > automation activities (e.g. query) --> like automation
    > how to fix: select resources in UI and move to existing folder OR move via change of folder path in jsons and re-deploy

[BUG] ECONNRESET during retrieving campaign not handled

Describe the bug
ECONNRESET during retrieving campaign not handled:

11:58:26 info: Retrieving: campaign
(node:27896) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Error: read ECONNRESET
at C:\Users\joern.berkefeld\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\mcdev\lib\metadataTypes\Campaign.js:25:27
at Campaign. (C:\Users\joern.berkefeld\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\mcdev\node_modules\sfmc-fuelsdk-node\lib\objects\Campaign.js:53:4)
at runMicrotasks ()
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5)

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. start retrieving campaigns
  2. cut your network connection in between
  3. See error

Expected behavior
It should keep retrying



  • mcdev (mcdev --version): 3.1.0
  • npm (npm --version): 7.8.0
  • node (node --version): 14.16.0
  • Operating system (Windows/Mac): win10

catalyst upgrade must check if .catalyst-auth.json is present / CSCLSROZ-427

if you run catalyst upgrade on a project-folder after cloning the repo it will fail on upgrading .catalystrc (the config file) but continue doing other things.

either silently ignore this part or error out completely.

--> could be a general error if the auth file is missing. should fail and ask to run catalyst init

Clean preDeployTasks() from redundant "delete" statements / CSCLSROZ-342

Jörn Berkefeld:
i dont think we can remove those after all. if we use explicit definitions they either get removed or (in case of SOAP api) requested.
both outcomes would be undesirable.

--> concluding that for now we need to keep the deletes in there.

other thoughts, Douglas Midgley?

Add Delete support for all metadata types / CSCLSROZ-356



  • Delete DataExtension
  • Delete DataExtensionField
  • Delete EmailSendDefinition
  • Delete List
  • Delete TriggeredSend


  • Delete Asset
  • Delete DataExtract
  • Delete FileTransfer
  • Delete ImportFile
  • Delete Query
  • Delete Script

[BUG] Cannot retrieve type automation

Describe the bug
Retrieving automations fails and stops all imports after automation.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. CLI: mcdev retrieve X/Y automation
  2. Output:
    13:54:53 info: Retrieving: automation
    13:55:09 error: Connection error. Retrying automation
    13:55:25 error: Connection error. Retrying automation
    13:55:42 error: Connection error. Retrying automation
    13:55:57 error: Connection error. Retrying automation
    13:56:12 error: Connection error. Retrying automation

13:54:53.880 info: Retrieving: automation
13:55:09.585 error: Connection error. Retrying automation
13:55:09.586 debug: Error: read ECONNRESET
at TLSWrap.onStreamRead (internal/stream_base_commons.js:209:20)
13:55:25.514 error: Connection error. Retrying automation
13:55:25.516 debug: Error: read ECONNRESET
at TLSWrap.onStreamRead (internal/stream_base_commons.js:209:20)
13:55:42.779 error: Connection error. Retrying automation
13:55:42.779 debug: Error: read ECONNRESET
at TLSWrap.onStreamRead (internal/stream_base_commons.js:209:20)
13:55:57.985 error: Connection error. Retrying automation
13:55:57.985 debug: Error: read ECONNRESET
at TLSWrap.onStreamRead (internal/stream_base_commons.js:209:20)

Expected behavior
Retrieving automation works.



  • mcdev (mcdev --version): 3.0.1
  • npm (npm --version): 6.14.13
  • node (node --version): v14.17.1
  • Operating system (Windows/Mac): Mac

CreateDeltaPackage fails when retrieving DataExtensions

When running createDeltaPackage it sometimes causes to crash when it retrieves DataExtensions with fuel-soap.


info: Retrieving as Template: dataExtension
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event

Error: Error: Invalid argument for the equals operator. Filter[0] cannot be null or empty.
at /node_modules/mcdev/lib/metadataTypes/MetadataType.js:532:35
at FuelSoap. (/node_modules/fuel-soap/lib/fuel-soap.js:131:6)
at FuelSoap. (/node_modules/fuel-soap/lib/fuel-soap.js:603:5)
at Parser. (/node_modules/xml2js/lib/parser.js:304:18)
at Parser.emit (events.js:315:20)
. . . . . . .

Resolve journey details / CSCLSROZ-450


list of types:


  • Remove filter for jb-created automations from automation.definition / CSCLSROZ-535 #1288
  • #1287
    • Add JB Decision Split / CSCLSROZ-465
    • Add JB Einstein Frequency Split / CSCLSROZ-468
    • Add JB Einstein Scoring Split / CSCLSROZ-467
    • Add JB Engagement Split / CSCLSROZ-464
    • Add JB Random Split / CSCLSROZ-466
  • Add JB Content Builder In-App Activity / CSCLSROZ-474
  • Add JB Content Builder LINE Carousel Activity / CSCLSROZ-472
  • Add JB Content Builder LINE Multi-Content Activity / CSCLSROZ-477
  • Add JB Content Builder Push Notification Activity / CSCLSROZ-479
  • Add JB Content Builder SMS Activity / CSCLSROZ-481
  • Add JB Email Activity / CSCLSROZ-457 #62
  • Add JB Google Analytics SMS Metrics / CSCLSROZ-483
  • Add JB In-App Push Activity / CSCLSROZ-473
  • Add JB Inbox Push Activity / CSCLSROZ-475
  • Add JB Join Activity / CSCLSROZ-469
  • Add JB LINE Carousel Activity / CSCLSROZ-471
  • Add JB LINE Multi-Content Activity / CSCLSROZ-476
  • Add JB Mobile Activity Tracking / CSCLSROZ-484
  • Add JB Push Notification Activity / CSCLSROZ-478
  • Add JB SMS Activity / CSCLSROZ-480
  • Add JB SMS Analytics / CSCLSROZ-482
  • Add JB Wait-Until-Date Activity / CSCLSROZ-462
  • Add JB Wait-by-Attriubte Activity / CSCLSROZ-463
  • Add JB Wait-by-Duration Activity / CSCLSROZ-461

MCC specific subtasks:

  • Add JB Campaign Member Activity / CSCLSROZ-486
  • Add JB Case Activity / CSCLSROZ-491
  • Add JB Contact Activity / CSCLSROZ-490
  • Add JB Update-a-Contact Activity / CSCLSROZ-470
  • Add JB Account Activity / CSCLSROZ-489
  • Add JB Convert Lead Activity / CSCLSROZ-487
  • Add JB Lead Activity / CSCLSROZ-492
  • Add JB Opportunity Activity / CSCLSROZ-493
  • Add JB Task Activity / CSCLSROZ-488
  • Add JB Object Activity / CSCLSROZ-485

Catalyst UI: Manage dataextension offline / CSCLSROZ-26

Creating tables often takes more time than necessary due to an insufficient interface. Also, when you are not online, you cannot work on it. Also, double-checking if certain tables exist on a BU takes minutes just for switching to that BU and loading Email-Studio / Contact Builder.
On top, some features work only in one interface, while others only in the other (e.g. update External Key only works in Email Studio, similar for adding a new field with isNullable = false)


  • Based on a previous retrieve we show the folder-dataextension structure for all BUs + shared on an instance.
  • Users can:
  1. Search for DE names, DE external keys, field names
  2. Create new DEs in a selected BU & folder
  3. Update existing DEs
  4. Delete new (not uploaded) DEs again.
  5. Revert to previous versions

Roadmap prioritization
Essentially this user story rebuilds the SFMC interface – however, the main gain here is the offline capability.
Also, being able to search the entire instance for information within 1 second should be considered a transparency boost.

We might want to split this into multiple user stories as the effort is high.
Highly depends on first UI to be published.
Can be worked on by multiple team members after initial search-interface was created.

Developer documentation links in readme not working

First of all, thanks for this great work, it will be some time before I get to hopefully use it, but this is really a great step forward in SFMC development.

I was just curious to read more in the developer documentation you mention at the end of the readme, but the documents the links seem to be referring to are missing (there is also no docs folder in the repo). Are these docs not ready yet or are they accidentally missing and can they be added?

Create "Deployment Manager" snapshot / CSCLSROZ-153

idea ist to use our deploy folder to create a package that can then be deployed via SF's deployment manager UI.

makes it easier to deploy components from our library to new clients without the need for CLI operations

Add new installed packaged rights to min-required checklist / CSCLSROZ-217

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...]

Describe the solution you'd like
A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.

Describe alternatives you've considered
A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

Additional context
Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

git commit shows "unsupported format" warnings

happens when running mcdev init

unfortunatley this not only happens for our config files but also for ALL files initially downloaded from BUs... means one gets a LONG list of stupid errors

with git version 2.28.0 on windows:


[BUG] retrieve asset-<subtype> runs in caching mode

Describe the bug
it does not actually save any files

To Reproduce

Expected behavior
Files are stored successfully


  • mcdev (mcdev --version): 3.0.1
  • npm (npm --version):
  • node (node --version):
  • Operating system (Windows/Mac):

rewrite inquirer logic to purge unneeded promise wrappers / CSCLSROZ-126

from docs -> var inquirer = require('inquirer');
/* Pass your questions in here */
.then(answers => {
// Use user feedback for... whatever!!
.catch(error => {
if(error.isTtyError) {
// Prompt couldn't be rendered in the current environment
} else {
// Something else when wrong

so the following does the same thing.
const responses = await inquirer.prompt(questions);

update notification seems to not work on "initial" run / CSCLSROZ-445

it seems the way the "last checked" time is compared it currently fails on "first check".
lets make sure we also run this on whatever first run we execute to ensure old but never used installs produce immediate update notifications

likely requires an update of the dependency itself rather than one inside of catalyst

[BUG] ECONNRESET on one asset subtype can cause retrying ALL asset subtypes

Describe the bug
imagine SFMC's api server is not available or your are throttled or your personal internet connection keeps dropping out. Currently that can cause a seemingly endless download loop.

Expected behavior
only the subtype that caused the issue is restart, or better yet: only the particular item inside of the subtype is retried.



  • mcdev (mcdev --version): 3.0.1

[BUG] connection errors lead to endless retries

It seems Marketing Cloud's API servers have become... less usable. I've seen "ECONNRESET" errors across the board and independent of the metadata type during retrieve operations. We need to build in more handlers for that situation deeper in the code. Right now, it's mostly handled on a type-by-type basis which does not help much when you try to download hundreds of entries and it always fails at the very end, causing a complete restart.


  • mcdev (mcdev --version): 3.0.1

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