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Using MONK you can write tests like you would write unit tests, just that they are able to interact with your embedded system.

Let's look at an example. In the following example we have an embedded system with a serial terminal and a network interface. We want to write a test, which checks whether the network interface receives correct information via dhcp.

The test case written with nosetests:

import as nt

import monk_tf.conn as mc
import as md

def test_dhcp():
    """ check whether dhcp is implemented correctly
    # setup
    device = md.Device(mc.SerialConn('/dev/ttyUSB1','root','sosecure'))
    # exercise
    device.cmd('dhcpc -i eth0')
    # verify
    ifconfig_out = device.cmd('ifconfig eth0')
    nt.ok_('' in ifconfig_out)

Even for non python programmers it should be not hard to guess, that this test will connect to a serial interface on /dev/ttyUSB1, send the shell command dhcpc to get a new IP adress for the eth0 interface, and in the end it checks whether the received IP address that the tester would expect. No need to worry about connection handling, login and session handling.

For more information see the API Docs.

monk's People


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monk's Issues

[doc] Big Pictures On Start Page


The current starting page of the documentation contains 2 pictures that aren't shrinked and it is not clear why.


To Be Developed


None yet

Can ConfigParser be a reasonable solution?


In a mailing list a guy named Tarek Ziadé mentioned that configuration could either be done in or another data structure grammar (XML, YAML, ...) or could be done directly with ConfigParser, which seems to be a good enough decision, especially since ConfigParser is part of the standard library.

Is it enough? What are our requirements?


Find out what ConfigParser can do.


At the moment this is basically a stub, that I don't forget about this possibility.



There is a file in MONK's source folder called which seems to be a nearly exact copy of a file that seems to be part of the Python standard library (on my Xubuntu 12.04 it can be found at /usr/lib/python2.7/ Checking with grep it is used nowhere in the rest of MONK.


Delete the file and see if anything breaks. At the moment it seems reasonable, because it seems quite useless.


changes will be added to branch f-remove-uuid

[doc] describe development environment


The current contributing.rst is merely a list of dos and don'ts. Neither does anybody want to read that nor does it really tell people how to develop for MONK. I feel that this page should mostly be a guide going step by step through installing the system requirements, creating the development environment, running the test suite and making a little change to MONK. Only in the end should be the rules and details for people who want to dive in more deeply or iif the team needs some arguments for decision making. But those cases are rare.


Create tutorial with git, virtualenv, test suite and use this issue as example for making a change to MONK.


  • For reviewers:
    • the spell checking will be done after @toang is back from her holidays

    • to close this task you need to build the docs without warnings and errors with

      # somewhere in your filesystem
      somewhere$ git clone -b f-docs-devenv [email protected]:DFE/MONK
      somewhere$ cd MONK
      MONK$ virtualenv .
      MONK$ . bin/activate
      (MONK)MONK$ pip install sphinx
      (MONK)MONK$ python develop
      (MONK)MONK$ cd doc
      (MONK)doc$ make html
      (MONK)doc$ chromium-browser build/html/contributing.html
      # read if you can understand it in most cases -> ACK
      (MONK)doc$ deactivate
  • changes will be added with f-docs-devenv

Design weakness in serial connection handling


If no cmd is sent to the serial connection for a long time and simultaneously a lot of outputs are written to the console this may result in a freeze of the serial connection.

This typically occurs, if you send the first command to the device only after a few minutes. In this time a lot of kernel output is written from a hipox device.

To reproduce the problem you can use the following short program.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import unittest
import time

from MONK import devicetestcase

class TestSERIALPROBLEM(devicetestcase.DeviceTestCase):

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(TestSERIALPROBLEM, self).__init__("hipox", *args, **kwargs)

    def test_serial_problem(self):"date")

def main():

if __name__ == '__main__':

Start the program, login to the device using SSH (when this is available) and generate heavy output to /dev/console, for instance with

while true; do
    date > /dev/console
    sleep 1


No solution found yet


  • branch f-serial-thread

User Guide For Separate Testsuite and MONK Environment


The current documentation doesn't tell a user well enough how to integrate MONK in it's test cases and how to work on MONK separately while running their own test suite.


A tutorial comparable to #36, but for the user.


  • Experiences already made by @DMSPeterWinkler and @infeix
  • Changes in Branch f-userenv-tutorial

What exactly is "serial?"


In monk we use the pyserial framework for serial connections. Yet serial itself is not a standard like USB.


Investigate what a serial connection is, how the standard works, which options exist and which errors might be possible.

[doc] README


The doc/README was written in markdown, but is not recognized as one, because it has no file ending .md or the likes.


Move the README to and create a unix link to the latter.


Changes are tracked in f-doc-readme-md

System resets at test start and exit should be optional (just for development purposes)

I suggest to develop a configuration(-file) to be used by the software engineer during testcase code development. The configuration should make it easier for the programmer to activate or deactivate special parameters in the code. For example : reseting of a device at the beginning or the end of a testcase.
This would save valuable time, cause the programmer hasn't got to wait for 2 minutes until the device is rebooted each time he wants to debug his test.


1. Using an external configuration file

Using an external configuration file, which is read and evaluated by the devicetestcase and their methods. If a flag is set in the configuration file, it won't be used by the devicetestcase-class and instead the class uses "normal" parameters

  • Advantages:
    • only one source has to be changed one time, one additional configuration file
    • central source
  • Disadvantages:
    • errors in configuration file could create strange behaviour during code execution

2. Manually manipulating the code

Manually manipulating the code, if it is needed ( on the fly)

  • Advantages:
    • fast method
  • Disadvantages:
    • you have to know, where the function is placed in the code
    • you have to understand the code completly
    • maybe you will forget, what you have done... searching an error would cost valuable time
    • "pushing code" is more risky

3. Divide and Conquer (added by @erikb85)

Abstracting complicated code outside the TestCases.

  • a TestCase itself should be so easy to understand, that in most cases there shouldn't be any need for debugging
  • The complicated code can be written seperately and also tested seperately
  • This is exactly what the Gordon-FW is written for!
  • Advantages:
    • following community best practices
    • applying a general design pattern divide and conquer
    • using the framework as it was meant to be
    • having tested execution steps and simple TestCases
  • Disadvantages:
    • Testdesign and -development time increases
    • doing it incorrectly or overdoing it will hide important details about a TestCase which makes it actually more bug prone and less readable.

4. Use environment variables (inspired by @infeix, see comment below)

Use specific environment variables

  • Advantages:
    • fast and easy method
    • configuration is not centralized
  • Disadvantages:
    • configuration is not centralized

My opinion

I would use Option 1.Feel free to comment and make own suggestions.

Storing Jenkins Job Config


For running the test suite and building the docs there should be a Jenkins Job file, which can be simply integrated.


Configure and test a Jenkins job, then export the configuration to a file in this repository.


  • feature branch f-jenkins-config

`logging.conf` not always referenced correctly


Logging with a logging.conf file either makes the code more error prone or requires the user to always have the file in the local path, where he starts to use MONK. Thus another logging solution must be found.


One suggested and already implemented solution is to configure the logger in the code. As long as the configuration doesn't get too complicated it is actually easier to maintain, because everything is written in Python directly.


This issue mainly serves the purpose to add documentation to a change made some weeks ago.

This commit was denied at first for the following reasons:

  • The information delivered by the commit was too dense. It was never really clear to anybody, what problem was actually solved.
  • The changes weren't protected by unit tests.

After discussing with @sledz and @marioecht, we decided that it would be better to check in the changes separately and comment the changes more clearly. That's what this issue is about.

Further notes:

Adding Travis-CI support


Travis-CI is a public, free-to-use, open source CI server, which intergrates automatically quite well with github.
The only CI we are using right now is our local Jenkins.


It would make sense to make use of the free CI server in the cloud, if one is available. At least a minimal integration should be approached.


Changes are tracked in branch f-add-travis-support

Using SSH Connection takes quite long

This is a forward from the mailing list:


Currently MONKs SSH connection class opens a new SSH connection every time a
command is called, just to close it again after usage. Although the opened session is stored internally in self.__session the code itself, doesn't validate, whether a formally created session is still valid to be reused again (see the code).


For perfomance optimization it would be nice to add such a reuse of created SSH sessions.


Until now I won't take responsibility for solving this issue and just posted it here for documenting reasons.

[serial] Add Error Handling For Typical Cases


As described in a comment to the research Issue #53 the following possible error sources in serial connections where found.

Typical Problems


The SerialConn must respond to each of those problem sources, probably at least in one of the following ways:

  • recognize when such an error happens
  • inform the user about this problem (Logging and/or Exceptions)
  • react with a default handling
  • enable configuration and modification of the error handling


  • this Issue requires #60 to be closed first.
  • branch f-serial-errors
  • because there are a lot of different points, it is likely that this Issue will be solved in steps with other Issues

[doc] remove errors/warnings


current Sphinx builds contain 10 warnings, which shouldn't be there and the source files are not always referenced correctly (which is told by some of the warnings as well).


From already finished experiments I can say that:

  • The warnings are probably coming from Sphinx issues with the restructured and renamed project. So a solution that seems to work is recreating the project and adding the .rst files to that instead of reconfiguring the current Sphinx project.


  • commits will be added to f-recreate-docs

[serial] Review Terminal Emulation Over Serial


The current implementation of SerialConn already offers a simple interface:

>>> import monk_tf.serial_conn as msc
>>> serialconn_obj = msc.SerialConn([details])
>>> serialconn_obj.cmd("ls")
bin coding Desktop Documents Downloads [...]

It is very likely that the functionality can be improved, now that we have more experience with the interface and the pyserial framework.


Look into the serial_conn module and review the implementation of the cmd() interface and fundamental functionality. An implementation that only considers the best case is fine, because error handling will be added in another step.


[doc] Rewrite Mainpage


The documentation still talks about Hidav's integration layer.


Rewrite the layer to tell readers about what MONK should help them with and a small example/tutorial, as well as a TOC.


  • changes are tracked in f-docs-overhaul

Sphinx in virtualenv


Sphinx is not configured for virtualenvs. Every sphinx-* tool starts with the following line:


That's why it is not possible to use sphinx correctly in a virtualenv to build the documentation.


Don't install Sphinx globally into your system. Instead enable installing Sphinx inside a virtualenv.
For more details look into the commit message.


  • changes in f-sphinx-virtualenv

[docs] maintainer process


Maintainer Process is not yet explained in the documentation, only in the wiki.


  • add maintainer processs to the documentation


Tests should run on an installed version


MONK's unittests currently run the sourcecode on system.path modifications, which is kind of hacky. Now that MONK can be installed in different ways, the unittests should also run such an install and simply import monk_tf withouth anything else.


  • deleting the system.path line
  • correcting the import to import monk_tf as monk
  • changing the test code accordingly


  • see branch f-unittests-virtualenv

Compare Open Source Licenses


MONK has no real open source license yet.


Find out, what the keywords in licensing are, which are the most important open source licenses and on which basis they can be compared. Detail the information about the resources used for the research as well as the differences between those licenses, so that based on this issue a decision can be made, which license is to be applied to MONK.


This issue contains only the texts linked here and a presentation in the Google Driver folders of DResearch Fahrzeugelektronik GmbH. A review of the presentation should be sufficient to close this Issue.

  1. Overview Investigation
  2. Licenses / Details
  3. Decision Making Helpers
  4. Presentation - Exists in DFE-GoogleDrive, public link possible?

"Configuration Test Environment" in index of documentation


There is no documentation about configuring the test environment yet.


I would like to add a paragraph "Configuration Test Environment" in the index of the documentation. That would help to start working with a new environment.


  • changes are added to the branch docs-update-testenvironment-v4 has no requirements


The should know on which projects MONK relies, that pip can install everything necessary automatically.


Add the requirements parameter to the setup() call in the with the required modules from requirements.txt:

  • pylibssh2 (in v1.0.1 if possible)
  • pyserial (in v2.5 if possible)


  • changes will be tracked in f-setup-with-requirements

Debug-Interface via serial_conn freezes sometimes

Observation: If a unittest.testcase using the serial_conn class finish in error state, then the serial connection will freeze and block the communication between the host and device. It seems as if one side cancels the connection, while the other one does not. It is unclear which one, though.

There need to be done some real research effort here in finding what exactly causes the problem, what exactly is the problem and how to remove it.

I also found a workaround with switching hardware- and software-flowcountrol, which seems to remove the error state and lets you continue to work normally. Thus this error shouldn't be considered all too critical.

Improve diagrams


The diagrams look somewhat prototypical.


Find someone with the skills to improve the diagrams.


Changes are added to the branch f-mengqiaos-diagrams

[doc] explain the user process


There is no discussion of the user process yet available.



  • how to install MONK (right now possible)
  • how to configure MONK (future plan)
  • how to modify MONK locally (right now possible)
  • how to hack MONK and why it is not recommended and supported (right now possible)


SshConn: wrong call in function main() corrected


In the function main() of the File monk_tf/ the class itself is called with a wrong number of arguments. One of the arguments is a logger. This logger is not expected anymore and is removed.



  • changes added with f-change-ssh-call

SshConn.cmd(command) failes if command takes more than ~ 300 seconds


If the command to be executed, does not return within an unknown timeout the ssh connection failes with:

/usr/lib/python2.7/ RuntimeWarning: tp_compare didn't
return -1 or -2 for exception
return _active[_get_ident()]


None yet.


None yet.

[doc] explain the developer process


The explanation about how to develop for MONK is in the Wiki, but not in the documentation yet.


  • add developer process to the documentation (extra page code-of-conduct)
  • explain patch rewriting workflow
  • reference the hacking MONK description in the user process documentation


make TestCases executable again


  • The automated testsuite contains empty files
  • The existing testcases aren't executable by themselves
  • Some imports, namings and comments are incorrect, at least from the point of view of renaming project
  • important this needs to be done to generally make the tests executable. Making the testsuite succeed can only come afterwards. So executing it and getting a fail is a good result for this task.

The reason for this state was an experiment with a test-coverage framework. But the results are rather inconvinient, i.e. imports that require yor git repository to be written in a specific way as well as the problems described above.


  • change the global testuite and place it in the right spot with the often used name, which will likely become coding standard for MONK anyway
  • make testcases executable by themselves and in the context of the global testsuite
  • add a hull to empty testcases, that they also fulfill the requirements for self-executability and add them to the testsuite, so that someone filling these testcases can't forget to add them to the suite afterwards.


Working correctly in virtualenv


While working with Travis-CI I found that calling our Python scripts as Python scripts doesn't work everywhere as expected.

A lot of Python projects, like public build servers or a web services, don't run their system's Python binaries, but create a small virtual environment around their code, with their own binaries and python modules. One reason for this is that you can easily create the same environment on another machine. Another reason is security. It is a lot like a small virtual machine for Python projects.

Because it is used so often, our scripts should be able to also run in such an environment. Maybe one day we want to decide to also run our tests in a virtual environment or don't want to use the Python binary under /usr/bin.


Instead of writing in the first line


We could also write

#!/usr/bin/env python

env is a tool that automatically looks into the PATH before choosing which Python binary to use.


Changes are checked into f-better-binary-call-v2

change the `tests` folder to `test`


The issue with the current folder naming is, that it is not compliant with general ideas about the future development in the Python community. The changes are also minimal.


  1. $ git mv tests test
  2. edit the test command in the .travis.yml file.


  • changes won't be testable, because the distutils don't support this feature yet, as far as we know.
  • changes will be added to branch f-rename-test-dir

Readme should tell people about Travis-CI


In the Stammtisch we decided, that the Readme (dev version) should tell MONK users, that MONK will be build in Travis-CI and that the current system state can be reviewed there.


Add a line to the README with a short explanation and a link to the Travis Job


Changes will be tracked in branch f-add-travis-to-readme.

[Jenkins] Removing Workspace After Build Results In Rebuilding Every 5 Mins


The current Jenkins configuration includes a post-build-step to delete the workspace. The idea of that decision was, that the workspace itself is not needed and test results are more meaningful, if the job is built from a fresh workspace. However, removing the workspace after the build results in Jenkins thinking, that it finds an unbuilt state in the GitHub repo and therefore starts a new build, every 5 minutes.


Delete the workspace before the build instead of after it.


  • branch b-jenkins-delete-ws-before
  • that configuration now is already used in our Jenkins
  • reviewers make sure, that Jenkins now doesn't build every 5 minutes. Build 941 is the one that I tested the new config with.

Comparing License Types


There are a lot of Open Source lincenses out there and MONK has none.


  • Finding and comparing the most important existing licenses and their requirements
  • Presenting and discussing them at a Stammtisch


  • Will be discussed in a doc/... page
  • changes added to f-compare-licenses

'timeout' parameter in serial_conn is not in use


The parameter timeout of the function read_until is not correctly in use. That is the reason for not terminating tests, waiting without an end.

def read_until (self, target, trigger_write="\n", timeout=None):
:param timeout: custom timeout for :py:obj:`trigger_write`

I found the Problem cause of this Log printings:

2013-03-21 17:11:02,824 DEBUG Triggering with [%0A] target [%0A]


There is a loop in the function witch is not terminating:

while not target in buf:
        ret =
        if ret == "":
            self._logger.debug("Triggering with [%s] target [%s]" 
                                    % (urllib.quote(trigger_write), urllib.quote(target)))
            self.write( trigger_write )
            buf += ret
            if ret == '\n':
                self._logger.debug("[%s]"  % log_line.strip())
                log_line = ""
                log_line += ret

An Idea of mine is to create a timer for the loop and to decrease it about 0.25 after sleeping 0.25 seconds.

Troubleshooting Advice For Install Requirements


To install monk_tf with pip you need to install some system packages that can't be mapped in the, because they are not relevant to Python. You will eventually see an error message like that:

Processing pylibssh2-1.0.1.tar.gz
Running pylibssh2-1.0.1/ -q bdist_egg --dist-dir /tmp/easy_install-xJQdCq/pylibssh2-1.0.1/egg-dist-tmp-yyhmejsrc/pylibssh2.c:21:20: fatal error: Python.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
error: Setup script exited with error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1

The reason for this is that the required pylibssh2 package will need to build itself before it can be used. And for building it you will need:

  • python-dev
  • libssh2-1-dev


Python itself has no solution for handing non-python requirements, yet. Creating one ourselves might also be rather complicated and work intensive. At least at the moment this amount of work is not justified.

So the only reasonable solution seems to be to add that information to the README and the documentation.


Changes are added to the branch f-troubleshooting-install-requirements.

Change Readmes and inline comments


There are some Readmes and Inline Comments, which need to be fixed to correctly finish the renaming.


Rewriting the READMEs and Inline comments.


  • this Issue is not about changing the Sphinx documentation for the Framework.
  • changes were tracked in a branch named f-change-readmes

Style Guide


At the moment everybody formats his code as he pleases himself. If many people should work together on this project, then there needs to be a common style guide.


I'd suggest to use PEP-8 and/or the HidaV style guide as foundation for it.

We should also provide related configuration files for pylint and/or other useful tools to make automated validation possible.


Changes are in branch f-codingstyle.

[doc] Update Future Vision


The vision reflects my personal ideas from maybe half a year ago. Now the number of people interested in MONK grew and even my ideas have changed since. It's time for an update.


The part needs to be rewritten and discussed with the other MONKers.

Allowing a Device to configure it's serial connection interfaces


At the time of this writing it is not possible to create a second device.Device object with MONK, because while creating a serial connection, the Device currently assumes that it's serial connection will always only use it's default parameters, which then call the environment variable. Because the first serial connection from the DeviceTestcase already uses that connection it can't be created a second time.


There are many solutions to this problem. Some options:

  1. Add a serial configuration variable to the device types and device.Device.__init__() processing.
  2. Add a meaningful way to Device to call alternative connections, which will be created up front.



Prepare release 0.1.1


I guess that I am able to finish the coding guidelines in the next few days. After that it should be possible to release 0.1.1.


To solve this Issue, the following things need to be done:

  • check all TODO's and Issues for 0.1.1 if they are completed
  • complete all open issues
  • create and tag a release candidate
  • make sure all version strings are up to date
  • update the requirements-*.txt files
  • present the RC at a Stammtisch to recieve the ACK to proceed
  • merge the accepted release candidate to the master branch
  • check and update RTD and Travis
  • push newest version to PyPI


  • branch v-0.1.1-rc

Hardware Abstraction Layer


A lot of hardware dependent context is inside the MONK classes. It should be separated and extracted from MONK to allow users without DFE Hardware to make use of MONK.


To be discussed.

[doc] Images don't scale on RTD


There are some differences between our development environment and the ReadTheDocs environment, which lead to the pictures not being scaled correctly. That in turn makes the start page of our documentation rather ugly.


Resize the pictures themselves to match the website borders. Then no scaling is needed.


Sphinx doesn't build with changed structure


Sphinx does look for MONK at MONK/src/monk_tf instead of MONK/monk_tf. This change was introduced by #34. Sphinx was simply forgotten


Change the reference in the doc/Makefile and doc/source/ If it changed correctly, then building the documentation should work without errors or warnings.


  • to review this issue, look if the docs build correctly:

       # somewhere in your filesystem
       somewhere$ git clone -b b-tell-sphinx-no-src [email protected]:DFE/MONK
       somewhere$ cd MONK
       MONK$ virtualenv .
       MONK$ . bin/activate
       (MONK)MONK$ pip install -r
       (MONK)MONK$ python develop
       (MONK)MONK$ cd doc
       (MONK)doc$ make html
       # no errors or warnings? -> ACK
       # optional, not really necessary:
       (MONK)doc$ chromium-browser build/html/index.html
       (MONK)doc$ deactivate
  • @binschek found an error you might look for here:

    (MONK)[binschek@cd-400-548 doc]$ make html
    rm -rf build/html/*
    rm -rf source/monk_tf.rst
    rm -rf source/modules.rst
    sphinx-apidoc -o source ../src/monk_tf
    ../src/monk_tf is not a directory.
    make: *** [apidoc] Error 1
    (MONK)[binschek@cd-400-548 doc]$ 
    • branch b-tell-sphinx-no-src

SshConn.put raises exception


Using this simple example code (e.g. in main() of with an existing myfile

host = "myhost"
login = ("myuser", "mypassword")
ssh = SshConn(host, login)
myfile = open("myfile")
ssh.put(myfile, "/tmp/myfile")
del ssh

leads to an exception

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 154, in <module>
  File "", line 150, in main
    ssh.put(myfile, "/tmp/myfile")
  File "", line 139, in put
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/libssh2/", line 53, in close
    return self._channel.close()
_libssh2.Error: Unable to close the channel.

It seems that the implementation of SshConn.put() is not functional.



SSH dies when closed


@DmsPeterWinkler found that a TestCase using MONK died with

Error: Unable to close channel

in line 85 from


instead of a simple close() use error handling:



  • branch b-ssh-dies
  • for reviewers:
    • you can run the test suite with all tests like that:

      # preparations
      $ git clone -b b-ssh-dies [email protected]:DFE/MONK
      $ cd MONK
      $ virtualenv .
      $ . bin/activate
      $ pip install -r requirements-test.txt
      $ python develop
      # the actual test suite:
      $ python nosetests
      # no test should fail
      # also have a look inside test/

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