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command-line-usage's Issues

Hide option is ignored

Hi, great library. I enjoy using it so far. However, the hide option as explained and demonstrated here does not work for me. Could it be because I reference optionList from a variable?

Small excerpt of my code:

const optionDefinitions = [
    // other options
        name: 'debug',
        type: Boolean,
        hide: true // just tried it out of curiosity but doesn't work either; could perhaps be an alternative way of handling options that should be hidden

const usageSections = [
    // other sections
        header: 'Options',
        hide: [ 'debug ' ],
        optionList: optionDefinitions

const commandLineArgs = require( 'command-line-args' )
const options = commandLineArgs( optionDefinitions, { camelCase: true } )

const commandLineUsage = require( 'command-line-usage' )
const usage = commandLineUsage( usageSections )
console.log( usage )

But as described, in the usage output in the Options section there appears a --debug entry.
Do I misuse the library?

Edit: Right after I posted this issue I found the added whitespace in hide: [ 'debug ' ]. Issue can be closed, sorry.

Feature to print \n \r

I can do:
console.log(JSON.stringify("output with printed \n and no line break"))
and get:
output with printed \n and no line break

I tried:

    optionList: [
        name: 'preload',
        type: Boolean, 
        description: JSON.stringify("initex.js '\n<fmt>' to dump core by with with format fmt"), 
        alias: 'p'

and I get a linebreak which I don't want.

I get chaos if do
because all line breaks are removed.

Is there another way to do this?

Markdown formatting for documentation


Thank you for the very helpful library. I see her new use case. Well, I'm going to develop documentation using the Markdown format for our extensive CLI.

To this end, support for Markdown formatting would be useful.

I am asking for information in this regard, as well as in the scope of possible incorporation of changes to this library. I prefer to be sure about work on the topic before I start developing my own solution.

Kind regards,

How to handle options/commands?

I'm misunderstand the handling of these package.

How i can step into registred commands like these:

    header:		'Available Commands',
    content: [
      { name: 'check', summary: 'Check a given nickname' },
      { name: 'register', summary: 'Register a nickname with given informations' },
      { name: 'help', summary: 'Display help informations.' },
      { name: 'version', summary: 'Print the version.' },

When i try to use node main.js check, on argv, each time help is present.

permit header-only sections

Currently, a section with a header but no content will not render. Fix it so the following will render, printing the header only.

  header: 'My title',
  content: ''

chalk is not working

const cliUsage = require('command-line-usage')
const sections = [
    header: 'web2js: compile.js, initex.js, tex.js',
    content: '{underline Generate WebAssembly {bold JSTEs} {italic (JavaScript Typesetting Engines)} and core.dump}'


  • underline => OK
  • bold => OK
  • italic is not working


Windows 10 1803 64 bit node v11.10.1, comand-line-usage and chalk just installed.

typeLabel should default to string

In command-line-args, if you omit the type on an OptionDefinition, it defaults to String.

Currently, if a definition does not have a type, in the usage optionList the typeLabel is empty. It should default to string, e.g. --name string or --name string[].

unwanted deletion of leading blanks

const sections = [
    header: 'web2js: compile.js, initex.js, tex.js',
    content: 'Generate WebAssembly {bold JSTEs} (JavaScript Typesetting Engines) and core.dump'

    header:  'Untitled Arguments, Example',
    content: 'JSTE, fmt         node.exe JS/web2js/compile.js eTeX 01`' + 
           '\n-                 => JSTE = eTeX' +
           '\n-                 => fmt  = 01' +      
           '\n-                 node.exe ../JS/web2js/compile.js 01`' + 
           '\n-                 => JSTE:  derived from directory name' +
           '\n-                 => fmt  = 01' +                
           '\n-                 node.exe ../../JS/web2js/compile.js`' + 
           '\n-                 => JSTE:  derived from directory name' +
           '\n-                 => fmt:   derived from directory name'                  

I want to code '\n...' without the minus sign but then everything moves to the left.

How can I get a layout as follows?

  JSTE, fmt         node.exe JS/web2js/compile.js eTeX 01`
                    => JSTE = eTeX
                    => fmt  = 01
                    node.exe ../JS/web2js/compile.js 01`
                    => JSTE:  derived from directory name
                    => fmt  = 01
                    node.exe ../../JS/web2js/compile.js`
                    => JSTE:  derived from directory name
                    => fmt:   derived from directory name

Groups Broken?


I have installed 5.0.5 via npm. Whenever I add a group to ANY definition, the library produces and empty string when called. Commenting out the group property for the definition and rerunning causes all the content to be generated again.

Make individual sections easier to override

At the moment sections is an array. Say we have three sections:

const sections = [
    header: 'A typical app',
    content: 'Something.'
    header: 'Examples',
    content: [ ... ]
    content: 'Project home: [underline]{}'

If we want to override the Examples section we would access sections[1]. This would fail if the Examples section later moved to a different position. It would be more reliable to retrieve a named section from a Map.

Define the sections:

const sections = new Map()
sections.set('header', { header: 'A typical app', content: 'Something.' })
sections.set('examples', { header: 'Examples', content: '...' })
sections.set('footer', { content: 'Project home: [underline]{}' })

Retrieve and override the examples:

sections.get('examples', { content: 'something different' })

However, Arrays are ordered and Maps are not. It's easier to insert new sections at specific index positions within an Array than it is within a Map. To get the best of both worlds (named sections of Maps with the ordered nature of Arrays) we could keep the existing Array-based structure with an id or name property on each individual section, to make them addressable by name.

[request] automatic --help defaults?


Great package!

Let's say you have some default args setup via commandLineArgs().

Why can't a rudimentary --help be automatically generated from that?

Or am I missing something?

Support for coloured text

Would be nice to have support for simple inline text color. Something like this:

[color=red]{This is some red coloured text.}\n
This is some normal coloured text.\n
[color=cyan]{Some cyan coloured words.}

Why/how does "chalk-format.js" work?

Hello, I've been trying to understand how you implemented the {red text} api, but i'm struggling to figure it out, since I can't find any reference to raw in chalk.

This is the source:

function chalkFormat (str) {
  if (str) {
    str = str.replace(/`/g, '\\`')
    const chalk = require('chalk')
    return chalk(Object.assign([], {raw: [str]}))
  } else {
    return ''

Which you can use like this

chalkFormat('hello {red friend}')

and outputs this:

which is a simpler equivalent of using chalk:

`hello ${'friend')}`

Just for the sake of learning, could you please explain?
Thanks ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Generate Markdown

I think it'd be handy if you could provide an out-of-the-box solution for converting the usage options into Markdown, e.g., for inclusion in a README. I know it should not be too hard to parse it oneself, but it could be handy, e.g,. for italicizing, if this were all done for us... :)

v7.0.0: Cannot find module "*/dist/index.cjs"

Seems like CommonJS imports broke with the v7.0.0 release; there's no ./dist/index.cjs included with the published package.

      throw e;

Error: Cannot find module '/abbreviated/node_modules/command-line-usage/dist/index.cjs'
    at createEsmNotFoundErr (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1022:15)
    at finalizeEsmResolution (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1015:15)
    at resolveExports (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:529:14)
    at Function.Module._findPath (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:569:31)
    at Function.Module._resolveFilename (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:981:27)
    at Function.Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:841:27)
    at Module.require (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1067:19)
    at require (node:internal/modules/cjs/helpers:103:18)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/<masked>/index.js:20:46)
    at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1165:14) {
  path: '/abbreviated/node_modules/command-line-usage/package.json'

request: allow for "boolean", "number" and "string"

Hi, changing this line:

let type = definition.type ? : 'string'

only allows usage of:


but changing it to:

let type = typeof definition.type === "string" ? definition.type.toLowerCase() : definition.type ? : 'string'

would allow the usage of all of these:



The first three resolves to the second three anyway so it should not break anything.

This would make this library play perfectly with the meow library without any redundant code.


Awkward underline wrapping

The underlining of indented text does not wrap cleanly across lines, see attached screenshot
This was produced with the following

const commandLineHelp=[
		header: 'DVB Central Service Registry',
		content: 'An implementaion of a DVB-I Service List Registry'
		header: 'Synopsis',
		content: '$ node csr <options>'
		header: 'Options',
		optionList: optionDefinitions
		header: 'Client Query',
		content: '{underline <host>}:{underline <port>}/query[?{underline arg}={underline value}(&{underline arg}={underline value})*]',
		content: [
			{header:'{underline arg}'},
			{name:'regulatorListFlag', summary:'Select only service lists that have the @regulatorListFlag set as specified (true|false)'},
			{name:'Delivery[]', summary:'Select only service lists that use the specified delivery system (dvb-t|dvb-dash|dvb-c|dvb-s|dvb-iptv)'},
			{name:'TargetCountry[]', summary:'Select only service lists that apply to the specified countries (form: {underline ISO3166 3-digit code})' },		
			{name:'Language[]', summary:'Select only service lists that use the specified language (form: {underline IANA 2 digit language code})'},		
			{name:'Genre[]', summary:'Select only service lists that match one of the given Genres'},		
			{name:'Provider[]', summary:'Select only service lists that match one of the specified Provider names'}
	{	content:'note that all query values except Provider are checked against constraints. An HTTP 400 response is returned with errors in the response body.'},
		header: 'About',
		content: 'Project home: {underline}'

Screenshot 2021-06-27 081131

make optionList width configurable

Currently, the width of a content section is configurable. Here's an example of a content section with a maxWidth of 40:

const usage = commandLineUsage([
    header: 'A typical app',
    content: {
      options: { maxWidth: 40 },
      data: [
        { col: 'Generates something [italic]{very} important. This is a rather long, but ultimately inconsequential description intended solely to demonstrate description appearance. ' }


A typical app

  Generates something very important.
  This is a rather long, but ultimately
  inconsequential description intended
  solely to demonstrate description

However, an optionList section currently has a fixed width of 80 columns which is an issue for some users.

Resolve this issue by making the maxWidth of an optionList section configurable, the same way as it is for a content section.

Deno runtime not supported

Due to denoland/deno#13321, the library fails with

error: Uncaught TypeError: chalk.underline.bold is not a function
    at ContentSection.header (file:///Users/ulken/Library/Caches/deno/npm/

The version of chalk used is really old. Please consider upgrading to at least 4.X, where the issue above is fixed. If you want to take the step to ESM, you might want to take it to 5.X+ even.

If you're up for it, let me know if you want me to help out in any way.

PS. Even if you have no intention of supporting Deno, I think it would still be worth to upgrade Chalk to a more modern (and safer) version.

Files missing from npm package

The lib/section/ folder is missing from the npm package in v6.0.0, which causes runtime errors such as below:

Error: Cannot find module './lib/section/option-list'
    at Function.Module._resolveFilename (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:582:15)
    at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:508:25)
    at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:637:17)
    at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:22:18)
    at commandLineUsage (/Users/xxx/workspace/proj/node_modules/command-line-usage/index.js:15:24)

Verified the files are missing by downloading/unzipping from npm directly:

curl -O

chalk template strings


Consider running stuff through the chalk template function like this:

const chalk = require('chalk');
const chalkTemplate = require("chalk/templates");

const myString = "{red RED}";

console.log(chalkTemplate(chalk, myString));

Which is slightly less ugly, but still hacky.

Also see chalk/chalk#258

Issue with "\" in content

I've wanted to display my own logo (banner) in my project usage, yet it couldn't handle the "\"-characters properly.

Now I took the banner example from your Wiki and changed the previous logo with mine.

just removed const chalk = require('chalk') and replaced ... ) with header


Screenshot 2023-05-07 at 15 33 12

The problem is - when I execute it:

green is a normal console.log() and normal is the one generated.


Screenshot 2023-05-07 at 15 42 18

The banner is made with String.raw, so every "\" is replaced with "\\", that means it is written by eg. console.log(). Yet the libary does skip them anyway.
I brute forced a little bit and found out it takes 4 or in String.raw 2 (2*2) "\" to write one into the usage.
Maybe the formater refactors between strings and deletes some "\" or delets them by some replace functions?


Quick fix for users:
use Straing.raw methode as explained above and append .replaceAll("\\","\\\\") at the End.


Hope I could help,

Updates to typescript definitions @types/command-line-args

Could you please update the typescript definitions to add description to OptionDefinition and have the commandLineArgs function accept a Readonly array of options? The function definition could then look something like this:

declare function commandLineArgs(
	optionDefinitions: ReadonlyArray<commandLineArgs.OptionDefinition>,
	options?: commandLineArgs.ParseOptions
): commandLineArgs.CommandLineOptions;

Missing `name` in README example

Trying to run the example throws with:
NAME_MISSING: Invalid option definitions: the name property is required on each definition

Need a way to have only short optionList names

Currently name property in optionList is required and it is rendered with -- prefix in the usage help text.

I'm trying to create a usage help in which some of the switches doesn't accept long forms and I want to render them like below:

  -l value              List all                     
  -f                    force description 
  -a, --append value    Appending some value

npm @types/command-line-usage

command-line-commands and command-line-args have support for @types/ in NPM: can this get type definition files added as well?

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