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marketplace-plivo-package's Introduction

Plivo Package

Global SMS & Voice calls for businesses of all sizes

  • Domain:
  • Credentials: authId, authToken

How to get credentials:

  1. Go to Plivo dashboard
  2. Copy and save your AUTH ID and AUTH TOKEN.

Custom datatypes:

Datatype Description Example
Datepicker String which includes date and time 2016-05-28 00:00:00
Map String which includes latitude and longitude coma separated 50.37, 26.56
List Simple array ["123", "sample"]
Select String with predefined values sample
Array Array of objects [{"Second name":"123","Age":"12","Photo":"sdf","Draft":"sdfsdf"},{"name":"adi","Second name":"bla","Age":"4","Photo":"asfserwe","Draft":"sdfsdf"}]


You can call this API to retrieve details like email address, cash credits, postal address, auto recharge settings, etc which is associated with your Plivo account. Returns an object representing your Plivo account.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.


If you would like to modify your account details, you could do so with this API. You can make changes to the name, city and the address fields.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
name String Name of the account holder or business.
city String City of the account holder.
address String Address of the account holder.


A subaccount is an account that is owned by a parent account. Using a subaccount makes it easier to segment, manage, and keep track of the account usages of each user independently.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
name String Required: Name of the subaccount
enabled String Specify if the subaccount should be enabled or not. Takes a value of True or False. Defaults to False


If you would like to modify your subaccount, you could do so with this API. You can make changes to the name of the subaccount and specify whether to enable or disable it.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
subauthId String Required: Valid subauthId
name String Required: Name of the subaccount
enabled String Specify if the subaccount should be enabled or not. Takes a value of True or False. Defaults to False


You can call this API to retrieve details of a subaccount like auth_id, auth_token, etc. Returns an object representing your Plivo subaccount.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
subauthId String Required: Valid subauthId.


You can get details of all subaccounts associated with your main Plivo account. We return a list of all subaccounts.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
offset credentials Denotes the number of value items by which the results should be offset. Eg:- If the result contains a 1000 values and limit is set to 10 and offset is set to 705, then values 706 through 715 are displayed in the results. This parameter is also used for pagination of the results.
limit String Used to display the number of results per page. The maximum number of results that can be fetched is 20.


You can delete a subaccount with this API. This API would delete the subaccount and associate all Number, Endpoints and Applications (which are linked to the subaccount) to the main Plivo account.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
subauthId String Required: Valid subauthId.


Create an application on Plivo by calling this API. Creating an application is usually the first step, after which you would attach this application either to a number or an endpoint.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
answerUrl String Required: The URL Plivo will fetch when a call executes this application.
appName String Required: The name of your application
answerMethod String The method used to call the answer_url. Defaults to POST.
hangupUrl String The URL that will be notified by Plivo when the call hangs up. Defaults to answer_url. More details
hangupMethod String The method used to call the hangup_url. Defaults to POST.
fallbackAnswerUrl String Invoked by Plivo only if answer_url is unavailable or the XML response is invalid. Should contain a XML response.
fallbackMethod String The method used to call the fallback_answer_url. Defaults to POST.
messageUrl String The URL that will be notified by Plivo when an inbound message is received. Defaults not set. More details
messageMethod String The method used to call the message_url. Defaults to POST.
defaultNumberApp String Boolean parameter. If set to true, this parameter ensures that newly created numbers, which don't have an app_id, point to this application.
defaultEndpointApp String Boolean parameter. If set to true, this parameter ensures that newly created endpoints, which don't have an app_id, point to this application.
subaccount String Id of the subaccount, in case only subaccount applications are needed.


Theis API is used to get details of all the application that have been created under your Plivo account.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
subaccount String Id of the subaccount, in case only subaccount applications are needed.
limit String Used to display the number of results per page. The maximum number of results that can be fetched is 20.
offset String Denotes the number of value items by which the results should be offset. Eg:- If the result contains a 1000 values and limit is set to 10 and offset is set to 705, then values 706 through 715 are displayed in the results. This parameter is also used for pagination of the results.


Get details of an particular application by passing the app_id. This API returns all the information linked with the application.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
appId String Required: Valid appId.


Modify an application using this API.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
appId credentials Required: Valid appId.
answerUrl String The URL Plivo will fetch when a call executes this application.
answerMethod String The method used to call the answer_url. Defaults to POST.
hangupUrl String The URL that will be notified by Plivo when the call hangs up. Defaults to answer_url. More details
hangupMethod String The method used to call the hangup_url. Defaults to POST.
fallbackAnswerUrl String Invoked by Plivo only if answer_url is unavailable or the XML response is invalid. Should contain a XML response.
fallbackMethod String The method used to call the fallback_answer_url. Defaults to POST.
messageUrl String The URL that will be notified by Plivo when an inbound message is received. Defaults not set. More details
messageMethod String The method used to call the message_url. Defaults to POST.
defaultNumberApp String Boolean parameter. If set to true, this parameter ensures that newly created numbers, which don't have an app_id, point to this application.
defaultEndpointApp String Boolean parameter. If set to true, this parameter ensures that newly created endpoints, which don't have an app_id, point to this application.
subaccount String Id of the subaccount, in case only subaccount applications are needed.


This API would delete the Plivo application. Use this API wisely, once an application is deleted, it cannot be retrived.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
appId String Required: Valid appId.


The following API enables you to make a single call or bulk outbound calls to real phone(s) or SIP endpoint(s).

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
callFrom String Required: The phone number to be used as the caller id (with the country code).For e.g, a USA caller id number could be, 15677654321, with '1' for the country code.
callTo String Required: The regular number(s) or sip endpoint(s) to call. Regular number must be prefixed with country code but without the + sign). For e.g, to dial a number in the USA, the number could be, 15677654321, with '1' for the country code. Multiple numbers can be sent by using a delimiter. For e.g. 15677654321<12077657621<12047657621. Sip endpoints must be prefixed with sip: E.g., sip:[email protected]. To make bulk calls, the delimiter < is used. For example, 15677654321<15673464321<sip:[email protected] Yes, you can mix regular numbers and sip endpoints.
answerUrl String Required: The URL invoked by Plivo when the outbound call is answered.
answerMethod String The method used to call the answer_url. Defaults to POST.
ringUrl String The URL that is notified by Plivo when the call is ringing. Defaults not set.
ringMethod String The method used to call the ring_url. Defaults to POST.
hangupUrl String The URL that is notified by Plivo when the call hangs up. Defaults to answer_url.
hangupMethod String The method used to call the hangup_url. Defaults to POST.
fallbackUrl String Invoked by Plivo only if answer_url is unavailable or the XML response is invalid. Should contain a XML response.
fallbackMethod String The method used to call the fallback_url. Defaults to POST.
callerName String Caller name to use with the call.
sendDigits String Plivo plays DTMF tones when the call is answered. This is useful when dialing a phone number and an extension. Plivo will dial the number, and when the automated system picks up, sends the DTMF tones to connect to the extension. E.g. If you want to dial the 2410 extension after the call is connected, and you want to wait for a few seconds before sending the extension, add a few leading 'w' characters. Each 'w' character waits 0.5 second before sending a digit. Each 'W' character waits 1 second before sending a digit. You can also add the tone duration in ms by appending @duration after the string (default duration is 2000 ms). For example, 1w2w3@1000 See the DTMF API for additional information.
sendOnPreanswer String If set to true and send_digits is also set, digits are sent when the call is in preanswer state. Defaults to false.
timeLimit String Schedules the call for hangup at a specified time after the call is answered. Value should be an integer > 0(in seconds).
hangupOnRing String Schedules the call for hangup at a specified time after the call starts ringing. Value should be an integer >= 0 (in seconds).
machineDetection String Used to detect if the call has been answered by a machine. The valid values are true and hangup. Default time to analyze is 5000 milliseconds (or 5 seconds). You can change it with the machine_detection_time parameter. Note that no XML is processed during the analysis phase. If a machine is detected during the call and machine_detection is set to true, the Machine parameter will be set to true and will be sent to the answer_url, hangup_url, or any other URL that is invoked by the call. If a machine is detected during the call and machine_detection is set to hangup, the call hangs up immediately and a request is made to the hangup_url with the Machine parameter set to true
machineDetectionTime String Time allotted to analyze if the call has been answered by a machine. It should be an integer >= 2000 and <= 10000 and the unit is ms. The default value is 5000 ms.
machineDetectionUrl String A URL where machine detection parameters will be sent by Plivo. This parameter should be used to make machine detection asynchronous
machineDetectionMethod String The HTTP method which will be used by Plivo to request the machine_detection_url. Defaults to POST.
sipHeaders String List of SIP headers in the form of 'key=value' pairs, separated by commas. E.g. head1=val1,head2=val2,head3=val3,...,headN=valN. The SIP headers are always prefixed with X-PH-. The SIP headers are present for every HTTP request made by the outbound call. Only [A-Z], [a-z] and [0-9] characters are allowed for the SIP headers key and value. Additionally, the '%' character is also allowed for the SIP headers value so that you can encode this value in the URL.
ringTimeout String Determines the time in seconds the call should ring. If the call is not answered within the ring_timeout value or the default value of 120s, it is canceled.
parentCallUuid String The call_uuid of the first leg in an ongoing conference call. It is recommended to use this parameter in scenarios where a member who is already present in the conference intends to add new members by initiating outbound API calls. This minimizes the delay in adding a new memeber to the conference.
errorIfParentNotFound String if set to true and the parent_call_uuid cannot be found, the API request would return an error. If set to false, the outbound call API request will be executed even if the parent_call_uuid is not found. Defaults to false.


The following API enables you to get information about all completed calls. The maximum number of results that can be fetched with a single API call is 20.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
callDirection String Filter the results by call direction. The valid inputs are inbound and outbound.
fromNumber String Filter the results by the number from where the call originated.
toNumber String Filter the results by the number to which the call was made.
billDuration String Filter the results according to billed duration.
endTime String Filter out calls according to the time of completion.
limit String Used to display the number of results per page. The maximum number of results that can be fetched is 20.
offset String Denotes the number of value items by which the results should be offset. E.g., If the result contains a 1000 values and limit is set to 10 and offset is set to 705, then values 706 through 715 are displayed in the results. This parameter is also used for pagination of the results.


The following API enables you to get information about all completed calls. The maximum number of results that can be fetched with a single API call is 20.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
callUuid String Required: Valid callUuid.


Get all current active calls made from an account.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.


Get information on an active call.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
callUuid String Required: Valid callUuid.


Hangup an incoming or outgoing call.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
callUuid String Required: Valid callUuid.


Hangup all incoming or outgoing calls.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.


This API enables an in-progress or active call to a different URL and fetch and execute XML from a new URL. If the call (the A leg) is in a Dial, you can also transfer the other party (the B leg) at the same time or only transfer the B leg to an URL. This is useful for many applications where you want to asynchronously change the behavior of a live call. For example, you can play music while the call is on hold, queue calls, transfer calls etc.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
callUuid String Required: Valid callUuid.
legs String aleg, bleg or both Defaults to aleg. aleg will transfer call_uuid ; bleg will transfer the bridged leg (if found) of call_uuid ; both will transfer call_uuid and bridged leg of call_uuid
alegUrl String URL to transfer for aleg, if legs is aleg or both, then aleg_url has to be specified.
alegMethod String HTTP method to invoke aleg_url. Defaults to POST.
blegUrl String URL to transfer for bridged leg, if legs is bleg or both, then bleg_url has to be specified.
blegMethod String HTTP method to invoke bleg_url. Defaults to POST.


Record a Call

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
callUuid String Required: Valid callUuid.
timeLimit String Max recording duration in seconds. Defaults to 60.
fileFormat String The format of the recording. The valid formats are mp3 and wav formats. Defaults to mp3.
transcriptionType String The type of transcription required. The following values are allowed: auto - This is the default value. Transcription is completely automated; turnaround time is about 5 minutes. hybrid - Transcription is a combination of automated and human verification processes; turnaround time is about 10-15 minutes.
transcriptionUrl String The URL where the transcription is available.
transcriptionMethod String The method used to invoke the transcription_url. Defaults to POST.
callbackUrl String The URL invoked by the API when the recording ends. The following parameters are sent to the callback_url: api_id - the same API ID returned by the call record API. record_url - the URL to access the recorded file. call_uuid - the call uuid of the recorded call. recordingId - the recording ID of the recorded call. recordingDuration - duration in seconds of the recording. recordingDurationMs - duration in milliseconds of the recording. recordingStartMs - when the recording started (epoch time UTC) in milliseconds. recordingEndMs - when the recording ended (epoch time UTC) in milliseconds.
callbackMethod String The method which is used to invoke the callback_url URL. Defaults to POST.


Stop Recording a Call

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
callUuid String Required: Valid callUuid.


Play a Music File

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
callUuid String Required: Valid callUuid.
urls String A single URL or a list of comma separated URLs linking to an mp3 or wav file.
length String Maximum length in seconds that the audio should be played.
legs String The leg on which the music will be played, can be aleg (i.e., A-leg is the first leg of the call or current call), bleg (i.e., B-leg is the second leg of the call),or both (i.e., both legs of the call).
loop String If set to true, the audio file will play indefinitely.
mix String If set to true, sounds are mixed with current audio flow.


Stop Playing a Music File

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
callUuid String Required: Valid callUuid


The Speak API lets you play text asynchronously on a live call. These notifications can be useful when played during a live call, for example: ‘Please hold, while we transfer your call’ or ‘Your balance is running low…’, etc.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
callUuid String Required: Valid callUuid.
text String Required: The text to be played.
voice Select The voice to be used, can be MAN, WOMAN.
language String The language to be used, see Supported voices and languages below.
legs String The leg on which the text has to be played, can be aleg (i.e., A-leg is the first leg of the call or current call), bleg (i.e., B-leg is the second leg of the call),or both (i.e., both legs of the call).
loop String If set to true, the text will play indefinitely.
mix String If set to true, the text audio will be mixed in with current call audio.


You can asynchronously stop the text which is being played by the Speak API.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
callUuid String Required: Valid callUuid.


Send digits on a call

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
callUuid String Required: Valid callUuid.
digits String Required: Digits to be sent.
leg String The leg to be used, can be aleg (the current call) or bleg (the other party in a Dial). Defaults to aleg.


Hangup a Call Request

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
requestUuid String Required: valid requestUuid.


Retrieves a list of all conferences which are active on your account. This API returns the names of all the ongoing conferences.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.


Retrieves the details of a particular conference.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
conferenceName String Required: Valid conferenceName.


This API lets you hangup all ongoing conferences running on your account.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.


This API lets you hangup a particular conference by using the conference name.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
conferenceName String Required: Valid conferenceName.


This API lets you start recording a live conference.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
conferenceName String Required: Valid conferenceName.
fileFormat String The file format of the record can be of mp3 or wav format. Defaults to mp3 format.
transcriptionType String The type of transcription required. The following values are allowed: auto - This is the default value. Transcription is completely automated; turnaround time is about 5 minutes. hybrid - Transcription is a combination of automated and human verification processes; turnaround time is about 10-15 minutes.
transcriptionUrl String The URL where the transcription is available.
transcriptionMethod String The method used to invoke the transcription_url. Defaults to POST.
callbackUrl String The URL invoked by the API when the recording ends. The following parameters are sent to the callback_url: api_id - the same API ID returned by the conference record API. recordUrl - the URL to access the recorded file. recordingId - recording ID of the recorded file. conferenceName - the conference name recorded. recordingDuration - duration in seconds of the recording. recordingDurationMs - duration in milliseconds of the recording. recordingStartMs - when the recording started (epoch time UTC) in milliseconds. recordingEndMs - when the recording ended (epoch time UTC) in milliseconds.
callbackMethod String The method which is used to invoke the callback_url URL. Defaults to POST.


If the recording was initiated by the above Record API call, you could use this API call to stop recording the conference. This is useful when you don’t want to record certain parts of a conference which involves critical details being exchanged on the call.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
conferenceName String Required: Valid conferenceName.


This API lets you kick a member out of a conference.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
conferenceName String Required: Valid conferenceName.
memberId String Required: Valid memberId.


This API lets you kick a member out of a conference.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
conferenceName String Required: Valid conferenceName.
memberId String Required: Valid memberId.


This API lets you mute members in a conference. When a member is muted, audio from their device will be muted and other members in the conference will not be able to hear the caller.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
conferenceName String Required: Valid conferenceName.
memberId String Required: Valid memberId.


This API lets you unmute members which have been muted by the Mute Member API.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
conferenceName String Required: Valid conferenceName.
memberId String Required: Valid memberId.


This API lets you play a mp3 or a wav file to a member in the conference.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
conferenceName String Required: Valid conferenceName.
memberId String Required: Valid memberId.
url String Required: URL of the sound file to be played.


This API will stop the file which is being played to a member initiated by the Play API

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
conferenceName String Required: Valid conferenceName.
memberId String Required: Valid memberId.


This API will play text to a member in a conference.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
conferenceName String Required: Valid conferenceName.
memberId String Required: Valid memberId.
text String Required: The text that the member must hear.
voice Select The voice to be used. Can be MAN or WOMAN. Defaults to WOMAN.
language String The language to be used, see Supported voices and languages below. Defaults to en-US.


This API will stop playing text to a member in a conference which was initiated by the Play Text API

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
conferenceName String Required: Valid conferenceName.
memberId String Required: Valid memberId.


This API lets you deaf a particular member. When this operation is made on a conference member, the member will not be able to hear any audio from the conference.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
conferenceName String Required: Valid conferenceName.
memberId String Required: Valid memberId.


This API lets you un-deaf a member in a conference.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
conferenceName String Required: Valid conferenceName.
memberId String Required: Valid memberId.


This API lets you create a new endpoint on Plivo.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
username String Required: The username for the endpoint to be created.
password String Required: The password for your endpoint username.
alias String Required: Alias for this endpoint.
appId String The app_id of the application that is to be attached to this endpoint.


This API lets you get details of a single endpoint on your account using the endpointId.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
endpointId String Required: Valid endpointId.


This API lets you get details of all endpoints. This is pretty useful in use-cases where you want statuses of your endpoints and whether they have been registered using a SIP client.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.


This API lets you modify an endpoint’s password, alias or the application attached to it.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
endpointId credentials Required: Valid endpointId.
password String Required: The password for your endpoint username.
alias String Required: Alias for this endpoint.
appId String The app_id of the application that is to be attached to this endpoint.


This API lets you delete an endpoint. This operation cannot be undone.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
endpointId credentials Required: Valid endpointId.


This API enables you to send messages via Plivo’s SMS service. The API supports Unicode UTF-8 encoded texts, so you can send messages in any language. The API also handles long SMS automatically by splitting it into standard SMS sized chunks and sending them. Delivery reports are automatically supported in networks where they are provided by the operator.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
src String Required: The phone number that will be shown as the sender ID. Be sure that all phone numbers include country code, area code, and phone number without spaces or dashes (e.g., 14153336666). Note that a Plivo phone number is required for sending messages to the U.S. or Canada. You can buya Plivo number from the Buy Numbers tab on your Plivo account dashboard.
destination String The number to which the message will be sent. Be sure that all phone numbers include country code, area code, and phone number withoutspaces or dashes (e.g., 14153336666). To send messages to multiple numbers, separate your destination phone numbers with the delimiter '<' (e.g., 14156667777<14157778888<14158889999).
text String Required: The text message that will be sent. The API will encode the text in Unicode UTF-8 and accepts up to 1000 bytes of UTF-8 encoded text in a single API request. The text will be automatically split into multiple messages and sent separately if the message exceeds the size limit. See notes below for more details.
type String The type of message. Should be sms for a text message. Defaults to sms.
url String The URL to which with the status of the message is sent.
The following parameters are sent to the URL:
To - Phone number of the recipient
From - Phone number of the sender
Status - Status of the message including 'queued', 'sent', 'failed', 'delivered',
'undelivered' or 'rejected'
MessageUUID - The unique ID for the message
ParentMessageUUID - ID of the parent message (see notes about long SMS below)
PartInfo - Specifies the sequence of the message (useful for long messages split into
multiple text messages; see notes about long SMS below)
TotalRate - Total rate per sms
TotalAmount - Total cost of sending the sms (TotalRate * Units)
Units - Number of units into which a long SMS was split
MCC - Mobile Country Code (see here for more details)
MNC - Mobile Network Code (see here for more details)
ErrorCode - Delivery Response code returned by the carrier attempting the delivery.
See Supported error codes below.
method String The method used to call the url. Defaults nodeto POST.
log String If set to false, the content of this message will not be logged on the Plivoinfrastructure and the dst value will be masked (e.g., 141XXXXX528). Default is set to true.


Get Details of All Messages

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
subaccount String The id of the subaccount, if message details of the subaccount is needed.
messageDirection String Filter the results by message direction. The valid inputs are inbound and outbound.
messageTime String Filter out messages according to the time of completion. The filter can be used in the following five forms: messageState (optional),
limit String Used to display the number of results per page. The maximum number of results that can be fetched is 20.
offset String Denotes the number of value items by which the results should be offset. Eg:- If the result contains a 1000 values and limit is set to 10 and offset is set to 705, then values 706 through 715 are displayed in the results. This parameter is also used for pagination of the results.
errorCode String Delivery Response code returned by the carrier attempting the delivery. See Supported error codes below.


Get Details of a Single Message

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
messageUuid String Required: Valid messageUuid.


This API lets you list of numbers rented on Plivo and numbers added to your account.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
type String The type of number you are filtering. You can filter by local and tollfree numbers. Defaults to a local number.
numberStartsWith String Used to specify the beginning of the number. For example, if the number '24' is specified, the API will fetch only those numbers beginning with '24'.
subaccount String Requires the auth_id of the subaccount as input. If this parameter is included in the request, all numbers of the particular subaccount are displayed.
alias String This is a name given to the number. The API will fetch only those numbers with the alias specified.
services String Filters out phone numbers according to the services you want from that number. The following values are valid: voice - Returns a list of numbers that provide 'voice' services. Additionally, if the numbers offer both 'voice' and 'sms', they are also listed. Note - This option does not exclusively list those services that provide both voice and sms . voice,sms - Returns a list of numbers that provide both 'voice' and 'sms' services. sms - Returns a list of numbers that provide only 'sms' services.
limit String Used to display the number of results per page. The maximum number of results that can be fetched is 20.
offset String Denotes the number of value items by which the results should be offset. Eg:- If the result contains a 1000 values and limit is set to 10 and offset is set to 705, then values 706 through 715 are displayed in the results. This parameter is also used for pagination of the results.


This API lets you get details of a single number on your Plivo account.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
number String Required: number.


This API enables you to add a number of your own carrier.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
numbers String Required: A comma separated list of numbers that need to be added for the carrier. Make sure that you configure the numbers to point to the sip server Eg: If the number you own from your carrier is 18554675486 then the sip address it needs to point to is [email protected]
carrier String Required: The carrier_id of the IncomingCarrier that the number is associated with. For more information, check our IncomingCarrier API
region String Required: This is the region that is associated with the Number. You can use it to organize numbers based on the area they are from.
numberType String This field does not impact the way Plivo uses this number. It is primarily adding more information about your number. You may use this field tocategorize between local and tollfree numbers. Default is local.
appId String The application id of the application that is to be linked.
subaccount String The auth_id of the subaccount to which this number should be added. This can only be performed by a main account holder.


This API enables you to change the application and subaccount associated with a number you rented.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
number String Required: Valid number.
appId String The application id of the application that is to be linked. If this is set to null, then any existing application is unlinked from the number.
subaccount String The auth_id of the subaccount to which this number should be added. This can only be performed by a main account holder.
alias String The textual name given to the number.


This API lets you unrent a number on Plivo. This operation cannot be undone.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
number String Required: Valid number.


This API lets you search for fixed, mobile and tollfree numbers available on Plivo. Searches can be performed based on the country ISO, pattern, number type and region. We return a list of numbers which can then be bought.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
countryIso String Required: The ISO code A2 of the country ( BE for Belgium, DE for Germany, GB for United Kingdom, US for United States etc ). See the Wikipedia site for a list of ISOs for different countries.
type String The type of number you are looking for. The possible number types arefixed, mobile and tollfree. Defaults to any if this field is not specified. type also accepts the value any, which will search for all 3 number types.
pattern String Represents the pattern of the number to be searched. Adding a pattern will search for numbers which start with the country code + pattern. For eg. a pattern of 415 and a country_iso: US will search for numbers starting with 1415.
region String This filter is only applicable when the type is fixed. If the type is not provided, it is assumed to be fixed. Region based filtering can be performed with the following terms: Exact names of the region: You could use region=Frankfurt if you were looking for a number in Frankfurt. Performed if the search term is three or more characters in length.
services String Filters out phone numbers according to the services you want from that number. The following values are valid: voice - If this option is selected, it ensures that the results have voice enabled numbers. These numbers may or may not be SMS enabled. voice,sms - If this option is selected, it ensures that the results have both voice and sms enabled on the same number. sms - If this option is selected, it ensures that the results have sms enabled numbers. These numbers may or may not be voice enabled. By default, numbers that have either voice or sms or both enabled are returned.
lata String Numbers can be searched using Local Access and Transport Area. This filter is applicable only for country_iso US and CA.
rateCenter String Numbers can be searched using Rate Center. This filter is application only for country_iso US and CA.
limit String Used to display the number of results per page. The maximum number of results that can be fetched is 20.
offset String Denotes the number of value items by which the results should be offset. Eg:- If the result contains a 1000 values and limit is set to 10 and offset is set to 705, then values 706 through 715 are displayed in the results. This parameter is also used for pagination of the results.


The number retrieved from the search above should be used as an input to buy the number.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
number String Required: Valid number.
appId String The ID of the application that you want assigned to the Number. If not specified, then it is assigned to the default application of the Account.


The pricing API lets you retrieve a rates for a country for both inbound and outbound calls.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
countryIso String Required: The 2 digit country ISO code. eg. US, GB, QA.


List All Recordings

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
addTime String Used to filter out recordings according to the time they were added
subaccount String Auth id of the subaccount. Lists only those recordings of the main accounts which are tied to the specified subaccount.
callUuid String Used to filter recordings for a specific call.
limit String Used to display the number of results per page. The maximum number of results that can be fetched is 20.
offset String Denotes the number of value items by which the results should be offset. Eg:- If the result contains a 1000 values and limit is set to 10 and offset is set to 705, then values 706 through 715 are displayed in the results. This parameter is also used for pagination of the results.


The following API is used to retrieve a specific recording based on the recordingId.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
recordingId String Required: Valid recordingId.


This API lets you delete a recording from your Plivo account using the recording ID.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
recordingId String Required: Valid recordingId.


This API will list all incoming carrier registered with you account on Plivo.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
name String Allows filtering by name. The filter term can be one of the following:The exact name of the Carrier Phrase contained within the name the carrier (includes the 'starts with' filter).
limit String Used to display the number of results per page. The maximum number of results that can be fetched is 20.
offset String Denotes the number of value items by which the results should be offset. Eg:- If the result contains a 1000 values and limit is set to 10 and offset is set to 705, then values 706 through 715 are displayed in the results. This parameter is also used for pagination of the results.


This API returns the details of an incoming carrier.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
carrierId String Required: Valid carrierId.


This API lets you add a new incoming carrier to your Plivo account.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
name String Required: The name of the carrier being added. It is just a representation and the name can be chosen at will.
ipSet String Required: Comma separated list of ip addresses from which calls belonging to the carrier will reach Plivo. This list will be used by Plivo to allow incoming call traffic into Plivo's servers. If calls come from an IP outside of this list, Plivo will not accept the call.


This API lets you modify an existing incoming carrier set up on your account.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
carrierId String Required: Valid carrierId.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
name String The name of the carrier being added. It is just a representation and the name can be chosen at will.
ipSet String Comma separated list of ip addresses from which calls belonging to the carrier will reach Plivo. This list will be used by Plivo to allow incoming call traffic into Plivo's servers. If calls come from an IP outside of this list, Plivo will not accept the call.


This API lets you remove an incoming carrier added to your account. Please note that removing a carrier will result in all numbers associated with the carrier to be deleted.

Field Type Description
authToken credentials Required: Valid authToken.
authId credentials Required: Valid authId.
carrierId String Required: Valid carrierId.

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