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Comments (7)

sewkokot avatar sewkokot commented on May 26, 2024

@ccaprani I don't know what is the issue with your built, but I confirm that, at my local built, both getEleClassTags() and getEleLoadClassTags() work correctly. @mhscott wrote elsewhere that the new official openseespy module will come soon.

Anyway I'm polishing an update of ops_vis, which among others, add a new plotting function (which uses getEleLoadClassTags() and getEleLoadData()): plot_supports_and_loads_2d() and the result would be:
And the output from the opensees functions are for example:

ele_load_tags_all_patterns: [1]
ele_load_types_all_patterns: [12]
ele_load_data_all_patterns: [-0.5, -1.0, 0.5, 1.0, 0.2, 0.8]

I still need to figure out the method to do the proper scaling of arrows for beams.

from openseespy.

ccaprani avatar ccaprani commented on May 26, 2024

@sewkokot I love the teaser - those images look great indeed! I look forward to adding and supporting your development more in future.

I suspect that from the normal installation was still somehow cached (even though i restarted the kernel etc). Do you mind sharing how you build the OpenSeesPy package - do you just initiate the script fully (which I didn't do)?


Found why the build with the new functions wasn't getting picked up: the Anaconda base environment was still active. Once switching to a new venv without openseespy installed it picks up the 'correct' module.

Unfortunately it seems the build wasn't successful with a strange import error:

ImportError: ../openseespylinux/ undefined symbol: _ZN11LognormalRVC1EiRK6Vector

which using c++filt is from LognormalRV::LognormalRV(int, Vector const&): presumably this is a linker issue, but the make succeeded with no linker errors or warnings.

from openseespy.

sewkokot avatar sewkokot commented on May 26, 2024

@ccaprani, I wish I had more time to work on the ops_vis library :)

Under Debian Sid linux, I use the following Makefile to build module, which works and I don't get this _ZN11LognormalRVC1EiRK6Vector error with the latest OpenSees sources. I use only Debian python packages (no Anaconda), so I have no idea how to help more.

my Makefile.def

OPS_PYLIB_DIR = $(HOME)/opensees_pylib

CP = cp
MV = mv


OPT_FLAG = -O3 -march=native


OpenSees_PROGRAM = $(HOME)/bin/OpenSeesSP
OpenSees_PROGRAM = $(HOME)/bin/OpenSeesMP

# reliability configuration


RELIABILITY_LIBRARY = $(HOME)/lib/libReliability.a
OPTIMIZATION_LIBRARY = $(HOME)/lib/libOptimization.a

TRIANGLE_LIBRARY = $(HOME)/lib/libTriangle.a
TETGEN_LIBRARY = $(HOME)/lib/libTetgen.a

# %---------------------------------%
# |  SECTION 2: PATHS               |
# %---------------------------------%
# Note: if vendor supplied BLAS and LAPACK libraries or if you have
# any of the libraries already leave the directory location blank AND
# remove the directory from DIRS.

BASE		= /usr/local
FE		= $(HOME)/git/OpenSees/SRC

TRIANGLEdir  = $(HOME)/git/OpenSees/OTHER/Triangle
TETGENdir    = $(HOME)/git/OpenSees/OTHER/tetgen1.4.3
AMDdir       = $(HOME)/git/OpenSees/OTHER/AMD
BLASdir      = $(HOME)/git/OpenSees/OTHER/BLAS
CBLASdir     = $(HOME)/git/OpenSees/OTHER/CBLAS
LAPACKdir    = $(HOME)/git/OpenSees/OTHER/LAPACK
SUPERLUdir   = $(HOME)/git/OpenSees/OTHER/SuperLU_5.1.1/SRC
ARPACKdir    = $(HOME)/git/OpenSees/OTHER/ARPACK
METISdir       = $(HOME)/git/OpenSees/OTHER/METIS
CSPARSEdir       = $(HOME)/git/OpenSees/OTHER/CSPARSE
SRCdir       = $(HOME)/git/OpenSees/SRC

DIRS = $(SUPERLUdir) \
	   $(SUPERLU_DISTdir) \
	   $(ARPACKdir) \
	   $(CBLASdir) \
	   $(UMFPACKdir) \
	   $(AMDdir) \
	   $(METISdir) \
	   $(CSPARSEdir) \
	   $(TRIANGLEdir) \
	   $(TETGENdir) \


DIRS = $(BLASdir) \
	   $(CBLASdir) \
	   $(LAPACKdir) \
	   $(AMDdir) \
	   $(CSPARSEdir) \
	   $(SUPERLUdir) \
	   $(ARPACKdir) \
	   $(UMFPACKdir) \
	   $(SRCdir) \
	   $(METISdir) \
	   $(TRIANGLEdir) \


# %-------------------------------------------------------%
# | SECTION 3: LIBRARIES                                  |
# |                                                       |
# | The following section defines the libraries that will |
# | be created and/or linked with when the libraries are  |
# | being created or linked with.                         |
# %-------------------------------------------------------%
# Note: if vendor supplied BLAS and LAPACK libraries leave the
# libraries blank. You have to get your own copy of the tcl/tk
# library!!
# Note: For libraries that will be created (any in DIRS above)
# make sure the directory exsists where you want the library to go!

FE_LIBRARY      = $(HOME)/lib/libOpenSees.a
LAPACK_LIBRARY  = $(HOME)/lib/libLapack.a
BLAS_LIBRARY    = $(HOME)/lib/libBlas.a
SUPERLU_LIBRARY = $(HOME)/lib/libSuperLU.a
CBLAS_LIBRARY   = $(HOME)/lib/libCBlas.a
ARPACK_LIBRARY  = $(HOME)/lib/libArpack.a
AMD_LIBRARY  = $(HOME)/lib/libAMD.a
UMFPACK_LIBRARY = $(HOME)/lib/libUmfpack.a
METIS_LIBRARY   = $(HOME)/lib/libMetis.a
TCL_LIBRARY = -ltcl8.6
BLITZ_LIBRARY = $(HOME)/blitz/lib/libblitz.a
CSPARSE_LIBRARY   = $(HOME)/lib/libCSparse.a

# WATCH OUT .. These libraries are removed when 'make wipe' is invoked.

# %---------------------------------------------------------%
# | SECTION 4: COMPILERS                                    |
# |                                                         |
# | The following macros specify compilers, linker/loaders, |
# | the archiver, and their options.  You need to make sure |
# | these are correct for your system.                      |
# %---------------------------------------------------------%

# Compilers
# CC++	= /usr/bin/g++-4.7
# CC      = /usr/bin/gcc-4.7
# FC	= /usr/bin/gfortran-4.7
CC++	= /usr/bin/g++
CC      = /usr/bin/gcc
FC	= /usr/bin/gfortran

AR		= ar
ARFLAGS		= cqls
RANLIB		= ranlib

# Compiler Flags
#    C++ FLAGS TAKE need _UNIX or _WIN32 for preprocessor dircetives
#         - the _WIN32 for the Windows95/98 or NT operating system.
#    C FLAGS used -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS (needed in SuperLU) if UNIX in C++ FLAGS

# modified as optimizaton currently causing problems with Steeln01 code
C++FLAGS         = -Wall -D_LINUX -D_UNIX  -D_TCL85 \
	$(PROGRAMMING_FLAG) $(OPT_FLAG) -fbuiltin -ffloat-store -fPIC
CFLAGS          = ${C++FLAGS}
FFLAGS          = -Wall $(OPT_FLAG) -fPIC -fallow-argument-mismatch

# Linker
LINKER          = $(CC++)
LINKFLAGS       = -rdynamic -Wl,-v

# Misc
MAKE		= make
CD              = cd
ECHO            = echo
RM              = rm
RMFLAGS         = -f
SHELL           = /bin/sh

# %---------------------------------------------------------%
# | SECTION 5: COMPILATION                                  |
# |                                                         |
# | The following macros specify the macros used in         |
# | to compile the source code into object code.            |
# %---------------------------------------------------------%

.SUFFIXES:	.C .c .f .f90 .cpp .o .cpp

# %------------------%
# | Default command. |
# %------------------%
	@$(ECHO) "Unknown target $@, try:  make help"
# %-------------------------------------------%
# |  Command to build .o files from .f files. |
# %-------------------------------------------%

	@$(ECHO) Making $@ from $<
	$(CC++) $(C++FLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -c $< -o $@

	@$(ECHO) Making $@ from $<
	$(CC++) $(C++FLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -c $< -o $@
	@$(ECHO) Making $@ from $<
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
	@$(ECHO) Making $@ from $<
	$(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c $< -o $@

# %---------------------------------------------------------%
# | SECTION 6: OTHER LIBRARIES                              |
# |                                                         |
# | The following macros specify other libraries that must  |
# | be linked with when creating executables. These are     |
# | platform specific and typically order does matter!!     |
# %---------------------------------------------------------%

        $(RELIABILITY_LIBRARY) -lm \
		-ldl -lgfortran


# %---------------------------------------------------------%
# | SECTION 7: INCLUDE FILES                                |
# |                                                         |
# | The following macros specify include files needed for   |
# | compilation.                                            |
# %---------------------------------------------------------%

MACHINE_INCLUDES        = -I/usr/include -I$(BASE)/include

# this file contains all the OpenSees/SRC includes
include $(FE)/Makefile.incl

TCL_INCLUDES = -I/usr/include/tcl8.6

PY_INCLUDES = -I/usr/include/python3.9


from openseespy.

ccaprani avatar ccaprani commented on May 26, 2024

@sewkokot Thanks so much for sharing this - it gave me a lot to try but I'm still getting this undefined symbol.

At this point I think there is a bug in the python interpreter make system, at least for the version of the toolchain I am running, so I'll take it over to the OpenSees repo where there is an older issue on this I just found OpenSees/OpenSees#203.

In any case, it might help solving it if you could let me know the following:

What version is your ld --version? (mine is 2.36.1)

Would you kindly also let me know what dependencies your compilation has by running:

ldd ~/path/to/OpenSees/SRC/interpreter/

And would you mind letting me know if the same symbol appears in your library by checking:

readelf -Ws ~/path/to/OpenSees/SRC/interpreter/ | grep _ZN11LognormalRVC1EiRK6Vector

You use linker flag -rdynamic but it seems this is only relevant for executables? It doesn't seem to matter though.


from openseespy.

sewkokot avatar sewkokot commented on May 26, 2024

@ccaprani Below are the data you requested :) Indeed it could the Ubuntu toolchain because on Debian Unstable I don't have any issues.

ldd ./opensees_pylib/ (0x00007ffdcbdf5000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f2950469000) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f29501bf000) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f294ffb3000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f294fe6e000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f294fe42000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f294fe28000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f294fc61000)
	/lib64/ (0x00007f2952563000) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f294fc18000)
ld --version
GNU ld (GNU Binutils for Debian) 2.37
readelf -Ws ./opensees_pylib/ | grep _ZN11LognormalRVC1EiRK6Vector
 28849: 0000000001207240   254 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   12 _ZN11LognormalRVC1EiRK6Vector
 19076: 0000000001207240   254 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   12 _ZN11LognormalRVC1EiRK6Vector

Thanks for the remark on -rdynamic. It a remainder when I was converting tcl Makefile (executable) to python, at least it doesn't harm ;)

from openseespy.

ccaprani avatar ccaprani commented on May 26, 2024

Thanks so much @sewkokot ; our toolchains are very similar:

ldd ./OpenSees/SRC/interpreter/ (0x00007ffd3c5b4000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fd59653b000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fd59627f000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fd596066000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fd595f18000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fd595efd000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fd595d0f000)
	/lib64/ (0x00007fd598bca000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fd595cc5000)

Interesting that mine isn't using - I'll dig further.

ld --version
GNU ld (GNU Binutils) 2.35.1
readelf -Ws ./OpenSees/SRC/interpreter/ | grep _ZN11LognormalRVC1EiRK6Vector
     4: 0000000000000000     0 NOTYPE  GLOBAL DEFAULT  UND _ZN11LognormalRVC1EiRK6Vector
 14820: 0000000000000000     0 NOTYPE  GLOBAL DEFAULT  UND _ZN11LognormalRVC1EiRK6Vector

Thanks again!

from openseespy.

ccaprani avatar ccaprani commented on May 26, 2024

I still need to figure out the method to do the proper scaling of arrows for beams.

@sewkokot you might get some ideas from anastruct?

from openseespy.

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